EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE rUKEB CENTS VOL. U L, NO. 226. BfANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, DENY REPORTS Mitehell Smiles After Jury Acquits Him ESCAPED PRISON MARCH OF UME Of Tax Giaixe ■in IS DRAMATIZED ROOSEVELT TO i *m >• ' NINE YEARS AGO; / • ■ A T G R ^ A I I O N GOTOIDNDON JUST*• • ARRESTED '■ '4 High Sdiool Sodors Get U. S. Cntiser Merdy to Take Uved for Y ean Widnn 20 Ptresideiit o( Worid EcononF the PresideBt B a d to Hilet of Now.Haven Jai^ 5 OS Wireless Messdfge Diploniu Today Anudst 'y V - * ■'V k Conference Declares ft Modern Siting — Bad W ad^on After He '"'•'""'’y/'y,. Anonymons Phone CaD May Concern Mattetn Wffl Net Adjonm M d y/f Z, V '< . ^ <' •< X-: . -r-y //■y. ■■ ■' . ■.’/ /'liry r ‘ // Notifies tte Police. I Completes ffiaVacatioiL 'fy. Keep Conrage by Speaker. A. Progress Is Being Made-4- 'A A 'w A - y - Seattle, June 28,— (AP)—^Power-.^wlth whom, he said, the sender was } A.y'i'.VV ful wlrdess stations of the' NorthTtiying to communicate. Station New Haven, June 28.— (AP)— Padfio “listened, in!’ today for an i RMAZ la at Vladorska. 1& a drastic .sad Improved de Portland, Ma, June 28.—(AP) — . tttrrency Uncertainties Joseph Masserelli,-81, known for explanation ot a mysterious call in! The Naval operator, however, parture from the programs of othe^ Stephen T. Early, secretary to Presi­ which the signals' of “SOS and who heard the message on his home nine years as Joseph Morrow of yearSi the class o t- 1988 of Maa- dent Roosevelt denied today the “Aeroplane” were leard yesterday I set, said it sounded as though it Are Net Going to D eb ; Waterbury, today was back in the afternoon. With Jimmie Mattem, came from RMAZ or RMAP, an- chester High School held the for> chief executive would go to London. Rumors that the President would New Haven ooimty jail from which miiMrfng round-the-world flier,' other Siberian station farther north tleth arniiiai graduating exerdses at dwf^ across the Atlantic on the police say be eac&ped in 1924. sought off the Siberian coast, the al- up the coast, Work, He Asserts. the State Theater this morning, most unintelUgahla message, sent In, Both agreed the signals were so cruiser Indianapolis in a bold at­ An anonymous telephone call to presenting a most modem pan­ tempt to swing the world economic Russian, lent him that it might j faint and the static so bad they orama of worid wide events that de­ Waterbury police yesterday resulted bring word about him. could not decipher the Russian conference into line with his views, '/A '.y yyAy.’Y v// in his urrest after he had lived for London, June 23.— (AP)— Prime picted a-pageant of progress In the have been current and have as often It was beard here by Ed Stevens,' message. They both distinguished fields of architecture, sport, inter- years within twenty miles of th4 Minister Ramsay MacDonald as been denied. amateur operator, and by a Naval the words “Aeroplane” and “SOS.” /, / i / /v ' ' < / rlson from which he is said to radio operator at Bremerton, who, Mattem is now missing the ninth president of the world economic coh- The latest rumor came from :■ / y . v y z Eave fled. was otf ^ ty. i day since be took off from Khaba- Provincetown, Mass., where the In­ ' ' V, , ference declared in a statement to , Police assert be had served taro dianapolis, on her way to pick up ''A' 'y ,„ , A / i'U StaVens mid It apparmtiy was raovsk, Siberia, a week ago last the press this afternoon that tfte months of a sentence for theft, and sent from some Russian ship. He Wednesday from Nome, Alaska, the President at Eastport, Me., after burglary and that now he must fib- distinguished the call letters RMAZ, 2fiOO miles away. conference was not going to ad« he completes his cruise up the ish serving his okl seatsDcs snd-in joum bnt was continuing its woric Maine coast, laid over last night addition must stand trial on a *T am entering the third weA The announced plans call for the 'iA 0 ’ '>'4y,£ charge of jafi-brei|lciiig. with a very buoyant and hopeful cruiser to take Mr. Roosevelt back Admits tbe Esciqye. heart,” he added. to Washington. HUnON TO QUIT COMMODITY PRICES Despite jresterday’s Franco-Amer- The Presidential schooner, the Smiling his relief, Charles E. Mitchell (right), former chairman of the The authorities said Masserelli ad­ National City Bank of New York, is pictured with his attorney. Max ican rapproachmeht, which at least Amberjack n ., still lay at anchor In mitted fleeing to Pennsylvania and temporarily ended the currency sta­ Steuer, after a Federal court jury in New York acquitted him on charges Chandlers Cove, off Chebeague New York to avoid 'capture after bilization crisis that threatened lo he scaled thh the j^ with ANGELUS TEMPLE island in Casco Itoy, at mld-mom- of Income tax evasion. r o o t o t ARE ON INCREASE wreck the conference, the questioo in g today. Robert Guareno, a follow prisoner. of adjoiumment was again raised US Early was contacted aboard one Guareno was captiured and sentenc­ the steering conunittee this mom? ed to Wethersfield state prison for of the two naval destroyers guard­ tw o years. ing. ‘.5 ing the leisurely vacation sail of the Aimee McPherson’ s Hnsband Six Basic UnRs Jampod Six­ The British prime minister reves]^ Since going to Waterbury, Mas­ ed this in Ms talk with the presA P resid en t CHANCELLOR CRITICIZED serelli under the name of Morrow, He said Mr. Roosevelt “has no With a sweep of his hand he addid married and became the parent of Hans to Try His Hand at ty Per Cent Smee Fobm- dramatically: "But it was laug^xeo plans” nor Intention to go to Lon­ two children. He was employed by don. o ff.” IN HOUSE OF COMMONS a Waterbury uompany whose offi­ Air Is Oleored. cials say he had the reputation of tto Monos. ary, Board R ^ rts. PHILADELPHIA BEFOBBT <S- Mr. MacDonald said in substaaos being an industrious worker. that yesterday’s developihents had Philadelphia, June 28— (AP) — The hearing on the charge of jail Officers at the Philadelphia Navy cleardd the air and paved the breaking lodged against Masserelli Washington, June 23— (AP) — Yard, where the IndiaimpoUa was Laborite Says Ritish People Los Angeles, June 28.— (AP) for further progrees. He SPANISH AVIATORS In New Haven City (^urt was con­ The ample-glrthed husband o f American commodity prices have that success of the conference conditioned for her present cruise tinued until June 80. The bond said today they had no infipaation Aimee Semple McPherson, evan­ outstripped the fall of the dollar and pended on the stablization of cur? was set at |1,500. rencies,/but pointed out that Ameri­ an— Lncy Loolae Barrera. .that the cruiser will take President Wonid Batter Have gelist, is forsaking activities in her are pointing for President Ropse- Valedleteriaa can difficulties in stabilizing the doR* Roosevelt across the Atlantic. ARE S m Mi^lN^ Four Square Gospel /ngelus Tem^ 'velt’s goSJ of a level high enough to Captain 8. C Loomis, acting c .«m- bring the country some prosperity. lar are very reaL nationaT relationships, science and Roosevelt Than NeviOe pie, his new busineBS manager an- In any event currency uneertall^ mandant said the Indlani^lis left For the first ticis since tte stock literature. _ I. noimced today, for ' motion pifr ties are not going to be allowed ^ with stores aboard for several ARMS SUPERVISION inarkets and the commodity.^chcea The program was entitled *The ture eareer merely as David Hut- block the conference, the months, but that is In accordance Chantteriain. Not a Single dn e Fonnd S k o tim, J r. started their climb, an .gffldal Senior Year Passes,” and was pre­ with a Navy regulation. minister made clear, and “all t| ii| pared and presented by the honor “He is severing .aU ties with An- ^inalysia has now Indlcatea ‘ the work thatjean gs on is going ot£ ?f Captain Gordon W. Haid^, ehfet PEACEMAKERS'AIM gelua Temple,” saU H. (X Brandon, spread bikween. the triw price rise pupils of tile class, which numbered of staff, said the bruiser Is under It.MMkSfiW MacD^ald ‘ who 214 students. It began praaiptiy at London, J hqb Slrf(AP)—J< J^lpqptihg Iboea ^ d ix * him. to. i^JUML%ttWilU4Bpx»cmtim, as ordm to, retnol.to.. Philadeiphia coasequen^^^'gold stypiardrabour ________ ______ r - T - — - - htti| 10 o’clock, apd wwHXfver shortiv C .‘ W edgew ood, a L abor rnemi been'‘ilg b ti^ ^ S«i^ tfte confeoreaoc S v ly ^ for fntther rApslrs,*particH- :^,.iOentiatied On^Page^iaeven) donment. The F^ei^ Reserve .-f Aucet* 11:30 ireibclc,* bC i^ climaxed lafty aUeratkms to tfie sailer room. stirred the House a t C ^ m o n if t<^ toV en ce. .{romt^coilapae^ahsr atablUaaties^' by the presentation of m^dtAas hy boardh-monthly -siltw m dut today Amue. Ain o f his Jm adM if brin glsg Chiplatir Haines said t^ repair day telling NeyiUe Chamberlain U. S.£n?oy O tfis on ffis Re^ with the statement that by the end Superintendmt of Schobls 7 . A. ^ r k 'Would consume about fifteen waixlptg men together hsd bees es- Verplanck. that ‘ibe people df Britain would of May—just bdbre t&e latest de^ ertsA and when the aolntbn. was days and then the ship is scheduled MexlOd, O.
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