Chancellor Criticized in House of Commons
EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE rUKEB CENTS VOL. U L, NO. 226. BfANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, DENY REPORTS Mitehell Smiles After Jury Acquits Him ESCAPED PRISON MARCH OF UME Of Tax Giaixe ■in IS DRAMATIZED ROOSEVELT TO i *m >• ' NINE YEARS AGO; / • ■ A T G R ^ A I I O N GOTOIDNDON JUST*• • ARRESTED '■ '4 High Sdiool Sodors Get U. S. Cntiser Merdy to Take Uved for Y ean Widnn 20 Ptresideiit o( Worid EcononF the PresideBt B a d to Hilet of Now.Haven Jai^ 5 OS Wireless Messdfge Diploniu Today Anudst 'y V - * ■'V k Conference Declares ft Modern Siting — Bad W ad^on After He '"'•'""'’y/'y,. Anonymons Phone CaD May Concern Mattetn Wffl Net Adjonm M d y/f Z, V '< . ^ <' •< X-: . -r-y //■y. ■■ ■' . ■.’/ /'liry r ‘ // Notifies tte Police. I Completes ffiaVacatioiL 'fy. Keep Conrage by Speaker. A. Progress Is Being Made-4- 'A A 'w A - y - Seattle, June 28,— (AP)—^Power-.^wlth whom, he said, the sender was } A.y'i'.VV ful wlrdess stations of the' NorthTtiying to communicate. Station New Haven, June 28.— (AP)— Padfio “listened, in!’ today for an i RMAZ la at Vladorska. 1& a drastic .sad Improved de Portland, Ma, June 28.—(AP) — . tttrrency Uncertainties Joseph Masserelli,-81, known for explanation ot a mysterious call in! The Naval operator, however, parture from the programs of othe^ Stephen T. Early, secretary to Presi which the signals' of “SOS and who heard the message on his home nine years as Joseph Morrow of yearSi the class o t- 1988 of Maa- dent Roosevelt denied today the “Aeroplane” were leard yesterday I set, said it sounded as though it Are Net Going to D eb ; Waterbury, today was back in the afternoon.
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