Kenneth (KC) Slade


6494 West Scott Rd, Homer NY



What skills, experiences, talents you bring to the Homer CSD BOE? I bring the passion of being a proud Homer graduate of 1994, as well as a lifelong resident. I am also a father of two children in the school district. I offer various leadership skills, including communication with others and a broad understanding of our community.

Business and/or Professional Background I am currently employed at Farm Credit East, located in Homer, working as a Northeast Marketing Agent for Crop Growers, LLP specializing in Farm Risk Management. Prior to Farm Credit, I was a long-time employee of Telmark, LLC/Wells Fargo Financial (agricultural lending).

Organizations, Business Affiliations, Clubs, Community Activities, etc. I have served as board member of the Cornell Cooperative Extension and local Cortland County Farm Bureau Chapter. I also served as president of the Homer Lady Lax Club and Cortland County Holstein Club. I was a member of the Cortland County Junior Fair Board for several years. I coached Homer Rec youth sports for several years, including football, wrestling, and both girls’ and boys’ lacrosse. I have also been a local 4-H club leader.

Hobbies and/or Avocations I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, and spending time with . I also raise cattle with my brother. I love to support my children’s interests in sports, music, and theater, as well as showing dairy cattle at local and state shows.

Anything else you wish to share about yourself I am very proud to have been born and raised on a local dairy farm in Homer. Agriculture is a strong passion of mine. I was a 1998 graduate from Shenandoah University in Winchester VA. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Arts and Science and was a 4-year member of the men’s lacrosse team.