
Research Organisation Actual Grant Value 16/17 32,996.62 Institute 27,452.92 44,688.00 Birkbeck College 11,003.07 Brunel University 143,246.60 318,418.12 227,406.00 Heriot-Watt University 126,327.11 Institute for Fiscal Studies 60,242.98 John Innes Centre 79,208.59 30,767.52 King's College London 257,617.00 53,144.00 Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 7,751.00 London Sch of Hygiene and Trop Medicine 117,766.31 London School of Economics & Pol Sci 50,067.27 192,476.20 Manchester Metropolitan University 7,836.00 NERC British Antarctic Survey 51,314.85 NERC British Geological Survey 29,058.00 NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 61,186.00 NERC National Oceanography Centre 49,087.39 452,319.14 University 22,652.83 20,125.92 Queen's University of Belfast 186,247.32 Rothamsted Research 50,506.35 47,873.26 Scottish Association For Marine Science 23,303.96 STFC - Laboratories 37,605.35 75,093.72 The Pirbright Institute 42,285.35 The 1,076,607.11 University College London 1,634,291.00 University of 198,189.12 243,356.36 University of 430,023.06 University of 22,497.09 9,483.00 475,323.00 University of 1,269,318.59 University of Cranfield 47,951.00 108,725.00 University of East Anglia 96,749.22 University of 879,339.00 328,036.16 University of 613,860.31 University of Huddersfield 8,983.00 12,115.89 17,733.94 484,172.00 University of 36,833.00 9,431.00 16,486.54 100,000.00 909,569.00 28,268.00 164,672.10 615,071.82 94,740.64 36,780.15 University of Strathclyde 204,055.17 2,385.14 University of the West of 10,800.20 495,180.00 242,074.15 Sanger Institute 23,022.13 Institute of Food Research 8,419.00 10,315.00 8,638.00 Glasgow Caledonian University 25,938.00 of 16,537.00 8,870.00 SRUC 19,049.00 The Earlham Institute (formerly The Genome Analysis Centre) 26,421.00 The Francis Crick Institute 11,759.00 8,207.00 9,892.00 14,037,242.64