Inside a Catholic Among Mennonites 11 GAMEO Milestone 16 Paraguay Preview 18 2 Canadian Mennonite March 30, 2009

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Inside a Catholic Among Mennonites 11 GAMEO Milestone 16 Paraguay Preview 18 2 Canadian Mennonite March 30, 2009 March 30, 2009 Volume 13 Number 7 In triumphal procession pg. 4 inside A Catholic among Mennonites 11 GAMEO milestone 16 Paraguay preview 18 2 Canadian Mennonite March 30, 2009 Editorial these issues, the tone of the conversation sometimes takes on a sharp edge, a lack of charity for the other’s point of view; A lesson from Abraham not a “reasoning together” approach, but more of a “my way or the highway.” Dick Benner While not closing the door to any of these Editor/Publisher issues, I would suggest a couple of rules of engagement if we are to find our way hen the patriarch Abraham every corner of the country. And my, oh through some of the thorns: passed off his wife Sar’ai as his my, the penetration of this bi-weekly • First, I ask that when expressing a Wsister to save his skin, he got would be the envy of most denomina- deeply held view on the matter at hand, a lecture from the locals about truthful- tional publications—nearly one in every you hold it lightly, with the acknowledge- ness. Yes, this holy man who followed Mennonite home. No wonder it is so ment that none of us knows all there is God’s call to an unknown place, this age- welcomed and liked! A tip of the hat to to know about the subject. Our informa- less model of faith, was less than my predecessor, Tim Miller Dyck, tion is often limited, our interpretations forthcoming when thinking his life who not only evidenced strong sometimes driven by personal agendas. was in danger. journalistic skills but a kind of pas- We “see through a glass darkly.” Learning from the sin of my toral public relations that endeared • Second, adopt Paul’s mantra in great biblical father, I will not the magazine to its readers. I Corinthians 13, that love is far more try to feign knowledge of this Undergirding all of this is a sup- important than faith and hope; it is the Egypt (Canada) as I cross the U.S. portive board of directors led by supreme spiritual quality. Accordingly, border to take on the awesome duty of the present chair, Larry Cornies, himself we ask that even in a lively discourse you representing the events and issues of this a professor of journalism and knowledge- show, above all, love and respect for the country in my role as the new editor/ able in the business. The board’s rep- sister or brother with whom you disagree. publisher of Canadian Mennonite. While resentation from all area churches and If we model the example of Jesus, who I have a lifetime of experience in the from MC Canada gives not only a sound is the truth, we can arrive there in one publishing field, both inside and outside structure to our operations, but keeps it piece, rather than in pieces! the church, I will rely heavily on you, my close to the grassroots, as they say, while The baseline for all of our conversa- Canadian sisters and brothers, to bring also maintaining an independent voice. tion should be, as MC Canada general me up to speed on all things religious, The regular feeds from our national and secretary Robert J. Suderman so wisely cultural and national here. regional correspondents keep our news suggests in God’s People Now, to “main- You have already given me a warm stories local and fresh. Our columnists, tain the unity” as instructed in Ephe- welcome while taking in the delegate we hope, will continue to bring us to the sians 4:3. “Our congregations exemplify sessions of MC Manitoba and the MC edge of our seats, stirring us from our an amazing capacity to live with differ- Canada quarterly board meeting. Many lethargy. ence,” he observes after his extensive of you extended a gracious hand of And, of course, one of the reasons for a visit of 230 of them. “Unity is a gift of fellowship and greeting. As I listened to denominational publication—so pas- God’s grace,” he reminds us. “Our task your vision and goals, and interacted with sionately envisioned by its founder, Frank is to accept this gift and to work at its you around small tables, I was struck H. Epp—is to provide a forum of broad maintenance.” with the openness with which you are ad- conversation about the controversial I can think of no better counsel than dressing the important issues of witness, issues that accompany a dynamic faith. Suderman’s, when he calls “on everyone, support for your pastors and the financial Currently, according to the number of let- especially those who wish to participate soundness of your infrastructure. ters in the past year, those issues encom- in important discerning processes, to And at Canadian Mennonite, I am im- pass the varying views on human sexuality ensure that our diverse passions and pro- pressed with a dedicated and competent and on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. nouncements are predicated on ground staff, and a distribution system reaching Because readers feel deeply about that is common among us.” About the cover: Circulation: Please contact Lisa Jacky toll-free at “L’entrée de Jésus à Jérusalem” (“Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem”), by Swiss artist 1-800-378-2524 ext. 221 or by e-mail at office@ Corinne Vonaesch, is a fitting piece of art to illustrate Maurice Martin’s Easter- for subscriptions and ad- themed feature, “In triumphal procession,” that begins on page 4. (Her work dress changes. Subscriptions can also be ordered at first graced the cover ofCanadian Mennonite on April 2, 2007, with a painting our web site. We acknowledge the financial support of based on the story of Jesus healing the woman with a hemorrhage in Mark 5.) the Government of Canada through the Publications ARTIST: CORINNE VONAESCH ( Assistance Program towards our mailing costs. ISSN 1480-042X PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40063104 REGISTRATION NO. 09613 In triumphal procession 4 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO CANADIAN MENNONITE contentsMaurice Martin, MC Eastern Canada’s western regional 490 DUTTON DRIVE, UNIT C5 director, asks us “what is wrong with this picture” of Jesus’ WATERLOO ON N2L 6H7 triumphal procession. Nothing, he answers, as long as we Phone: 519-884-3810 Toll-free: 1-800-378-2524 Fax: 519-884-3331 don’t forget that Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday Web site: led straight to his crucifixion just days later and then to his Please send all material to be considered for publication to: ultimate triumph—his resurrection and ascension. General submission address: Readers Write: Budget shortfall 14 Milestones announcements: Mennonite Church Canada intends to cover a $139,000 shortfall with a Obituaries: Karen Suderman, transfer from reserves, while planning for a ‘balanced budget’ in 2009-10 Calendar announcements: that includes a spending deferral of $150,000. Material can also be sent “Attn: Submissions/Readers Write/Milestones/ Obituaries/Calendar” by postal mail or fax to our head office. Church opens doors to homeless 24 Reprint requests: B.C. correspondent Amy Dueckman reports on Emmanuel Mennonite Church’s efforts to help Abbotsford’s homeless this winter, providing a Mission statement: Canadian Mennonite (CM) is a bi-weekly Anabaptist/ place to stay and such services as a hairdresser. Mennonite-oriented periodical which seeks to promote covenantal relation- ships within the church (Hebrews 10:23-25). It provides channels for sharing Called to do good things in the world 29 accurate and fair information, faith profiles, inspirational/educational materials, The legacy ofS t. Jacobs, Ont., entrepreneur Milo Shantz will be long and news and analyses of issues facing the church. In fulfilling its mission, the remembered in both the community and the wider Mennonite world. primary constituency of CM is the people and churches of Mennonite Church Canada and its five related area churches. CM also welcomes readers from the Focus on Summer 30 broader inter-Mennonite and inter-church scene. Editorial freedom is expressed Summer programs between Mennonite church groups and through seeking and speaking the truth in love and by providing a balance of aboriginal communities build relationships across cultures perspectives in news and commentary. CM will be a vehicle through which and races. Plus, MC Canada continues to “green” its sum- mutual accountability can be exercised within the community of believers; the mer assembly. paper also encourages its readers to have open hearts and minds in the process of discerning God’s will. Sharing what God has given 32 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has Music is the theme of this issue’s Artbeat section, beginning with a fea- promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and ture on Nichelle Bauman of Floradale Mennonite Church, Ont., who good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging has released her first CD. Plus, stories of Mennofolk in Manitoba and one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:23-25, Songfest in Saskatchewan, and other musical happenings. NRSV). Board of Directors (by appointing body): Regular features: MC Canada: Ed Janzen, John Goossen; MC B.C.: Linda Matties; MC Alberta: For discussion 7 Readers write 8 Milestones 12 Doris Daley Haysom; MC Saskatchewan: Joe Neufeld; MC Manitoba: Al Pontius’ Puddle 12 Yellow Pages 35 Calendar 37 Classifieds 38 Friesen; MC Eastern Canada: Larry Cornies; Elected by CMPS: Margaret Ewen Peters, Joanna Reesor-McDowell, Tobi Thiessen A lesson from Abraham 2 Board Chair: Larry Cornies,, 519-854-9204 Dick Benner Head Office Staff: Churches are what they remember 8 Dick Benner, Editor/Publisher, Andrew Reesor-McDowell Ross W.
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