
Welcome Message from the President of the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers Neil Battison 3

Programme of Events 4

Aims & Objectives of the Safety Seminar 5

Organising Committee 6

Biographies of President, Vice President and Honorary Secretary 7

About the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers 8


HSE Keith Williams 17

Compass Minerals Clare Ratcliffe 27

Canopius Andrew Fynn 33

Risk-Tec Solutions Ltd Andy Lidstone 45

The Coal Authority Stuart Walker 57

The Coal Authority Simon Leeming 57

IOM3 Sarah Boad 65

British Gypsum Paul Holmes 69

Mines Rescue Service Ltd Stuart Hoult 69

Komatsu Russ Turner 85

ICL Boulby Mine Andrew Fulton

1 Welcome Message

On behalf of the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, I would like to welcome you to this, our 14th Annual Safety Seminar entitled “Safely Managing the Challenge of Change”.

Since the last Seminar held on the 20 April 2018 the Midland Institute has undergone a major change in that we are now an Incorporated Charitable Organisation (ICO) registered with the Charity Commission Reg No 1177100 with appointed trustees in governance. Its objects being “the advancement in the public interest of the engineering, science and the practice of the extraction and processing of natural resources, and the education of those involved in such activities and of the public.”

In compiling today’s programme, we have sought to bring together a range of topical and relevant subjects which will appeal to all stakeholders in the extractives sector, irrespective of the nature of the mineral being mined.

The day will be split into two sessions with a variety of presentations. Time has been allotted at the end of each presentation for questions and I would encourage you all to take advantage of this opportunity.

As mining engineers, we are highly aware of the challenges confronting us in all aspects of mining, extraction, and processing of natural resources, especially to improve on our existing high safety standards. As one of the founding objectives of the Viewers’ Association was the spreading of best practice, especially in relation to mine safety, I feel that events like this continue to meet this objective which is just as relevant today as it was over 160 years ago.

Your presence here today shows the determination to consider the safety aspects and implications of necessary changes and shows continued determination to succeed in a constantly changing and challenging environment we all face.

The Midland Institute of Mining Engineers encourages membership of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) to enhance professional status within the mining and minerals industry. Many events, including this held today, count towards an individual’s Continual Professional Development (CPD) as well as giving an excellent opportunity for networking amongst colleagues within similar spheres of activity.

I encourage you to visit the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and other trade stands during the break periods.

I would like to thank our supporters for their continued involvement in this important event in our calendar. As President, I would also like to thank the speakers for the presentations you will see today, members of the organising committee for their contributions and of course, you the audience for making this Safety Seminar a success.

Neil Battison, President 2018/2019

2 3

Aims & Objectives

TIMETIME TITLETITLE NAMENAME ORGANISATIONORGANISATION 8.158.15 AMAM RegistrationRegistration andand CoffeeCoffee The Midland Institute of Mining Engineers (MIMinE) was formed toward the end of 1868 and amalgamated MorningMorning SessionSession ChairmanChairman DuncanDuncan KilbrideKilbride ViceVice PresidentPresident MIMinEMIMinE with the South Yorkshire Viewers Association (1857) during 1869. The inaugural address of the President, Programme Programme of of Events Events Mr T W Embleton of Methley, was reported to have dealt almost entirely with the problems of safety in the Yorkshire Coalfield and he was quoted as saying; 9.00am9.00am WelcomeWelcome introductionintroduction NeilNeil BattisonBattison PresidentPresident MIMinEMIMinE

9.05am9.05am MajorMajor hazardhazard controlcontrol inin minesmines –– KeithKeith WilliamsWilliams HHealthealth && SafetySafety ExecutiveExecutive “We must try to decide calmly and deliberately under what conditions will it be possible to work the aa regulator’sregulator’s viewview Barnsley coal – the great staple of this district, and on which the prosperity of the neighbourhood mainly depends – with safety and comfort of the men.” 9.9.4545amam CompetencyCompetency BasedBased TrainingTraining ClareClare RatcliffeRatcliffe CompassCompass MineralsMinerals UKUK In this simple phrase Embleton identifies two issues, namely, the economic advantages of working the 10.10.0055amam MiningMining insuranceinsurance andand riskrisk AndrewAndrew FynnFynn CanopiusCanopius Barnsley coal, together with the need to consider the health and safety of the workforce whilst doing so. managementmanagement –– anan insurer’sinsurer’s He appears not to view these as two separate issues, but to regard them as being mutually desirable viewpointviewpoint objectives for long term commercial viability. 10.10.3355amam TheThe useuse ofof bowbow tiesties toto aidaid thethe AndyAndy LidstoneLidstone RiskRiskttecec SolutionsSolutions LtdLtd managementmanagement ofof riskrisk Organisations and individuals may or may not recognise a connection between business efficiency 111.01.055amam CoffeeCoffee BreakBreak and health and safety, but there appears to be difficulty in integrating these issues in a meaningful and constructive manner. Health and safety issues appear to be reliant on annual initiatives, do not generally 111.1.3300pmpm KeepingKeeping infrastructureinfrastructure SStuarttuart WalkerWalker && CoalCoal AuthorityAuthority appear to be self-sustaining, and focus on outcomes not procedures (i.e.: what is done not how it is developmentdevelopment onon tracktrack SimonSimon LeemingLeeming done). 12.12.0000pmpm MajorMajor hazardhazard managementmanagement –– AndrewAndrew FultonFulton ICLICL BoulbyBoulby securingsecuring controlcontrol atat ICLICL BoulbyBoulby The purpose of this Safety Seminar is to consider the synergy between health and safety management 112.2.330pm0pm BenefitsBenefits ofof ProfessionalProfessional SarahSarah BoadBoad IOM3IOM3 and business efficiency. Root cause investigation of health and safety incidents invariably highlight membersmembershiphip ofof thethe InstituteInstitute ofof deficiencies which are impacting, usually more frequently, upon an organisation’s ability to deliver its Materials,Materials, MineralsMinerals andand MiningMining outputs in a predictable manner. It is therefore the intention of this seminar to consider those matters 1122..4400pmpm LunchLunch that link health and safety management and the challenge of changes that are necessary to maintain business efficiency. AfternoonAfternoon SessionSession ChairmanChairman CharlesCharles RhodesRhodes PastPast PresidentPresident MIMinEMIMinE 11..440pm0pm PPresentationresentation ofof JohnJohn TunnicliffeTunnicliffe NeilNeil BattisonBattison PresidentPresident MIMinEMIMinE The opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this publication are those of the individual ShieldShield andand winnerswinners ofof YoungYoung presenters and may not necessarily be those held by the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers. PersonsPersons LectureLecture CompetitionCompetition 1.51.500pmpm MutualMutual supportsupport inin managingmanaging thethe PaulPaul HolmesHolmes MiningMining AssociationAssociation ofof UKUK challengechallenge ofof changechange StuartStuart HoultHoult MinesMines RescueRescue ServiceService LtdLtd 2.2.3300pmpm ThamesThames TidewayTideway centralcentral && westwest RussRuss TurnerTurner KomatsuKomatsu MiningMining Corp.Corp. tunnelstunnels materialsmaterials handlinghandling fromfrom GroupGroup TBMTBM toto bargebarge 3.3.0000pmpm ClosingClosing rremarksemarks NeilNeil BattisonBattison PresidentPresident MIMIMinEMinE

4 5 77 Organising Committee Biographies of President, Vice President and Honorary Secretary

Bob Leeming HM Chief Inspector of Mines, and Neil Battison - President (Chairman) Past President, MIMinE Neil stared his career with the National Coal Board as an electrical Neil Battison President, MIMinE apprentice in 1981.

Duncan Kilbride Vice President Following a 34-year career as an Electrical Engineer holding senior managerial positions working in both the private and public sector, he Charles Rhodes Past President joined the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the UK’s Independent Regulator in 2015 as HM Principal Inspector of Electrical Engineering Mr Peter Scott Trustee in the hazardous industries sector. His responsibilities are for regulating mines on shore drilling activities and funicular railways. Norman E Riley Honorary Treasurer, MIMinE Neil has been a member of the Midlands Institute of Mining Engineers in Steve Straw Honorary Secretary, MIMinE its various guises since 1984 being active, serving as a Council Member then a Trustee of the Incorporated Charitable Organisation. Andrew Fulton ICL Boulby

Gordon Dunn Compass Minerals UK Duncan Kilbride FIMMM – Vice President

Paul Holmes Mining Association of UK Duncan is an experienced professional Mechanical Mining Engineer and Project Manager. He has been involved with mining projects for over 40 Claire Stapleton Administrator, MIMinE years and has operated at senior levels at coal mines within the UK and internationally. Jane Isaacs ABMEC Being awarded Fellowship of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Duncan was appointed Vice President of the MIMinE in 2018.

As a Trustee he is actively involved with the re-organisation and smooth running of the MIMinE.

Steve Straw – Honorary Secretary

Steve began his career 1977 with the National Coal Board in South Yorkshire as a mechanical apprentice, working at several collieries in the area and progressing from fitter to mechanical shift charge engineer.

He gained HND qualification in Mining and Mechanical Engineering and was appointed Deputy Mechanical Engineer at Welbeck Colliery. He worked the last six months as Mechanical Engineer before closure in 2009. In 2010 Steve took up the position of Deputy Mechanical Engineering at Thoresby Colliery looking after production and salvage coal faces with responsibility for coal face mechanisation projects.

In July 2015, after 38 years and closure of the industry he finally hung up his boots. He spends his time actively involved with the MIMinE and local Labour Party of which he is chairman.

Steve is currently the Honorary Secretary of the MIMinE and Fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining.

6 7 About the Midland Institute of Development of individuals and scholarship funding Fundamental to the ethos of MIMinE has been the development of young persons and we are fortunate to have at our disposal three charitable trusts which are governed by the trustees. Access to this funding Mining Engineers is restricted to members of MIMinE and funds are made available in accordance with the trust deeds.

With a history dating back to 1857, this association of engineers in the extractive energy industry was These funds are intended to provide some additional financial support allowing individual members to prompted by a desire to disseminate information and to encourage the development of young persons in gain a broader knowledge and understanding of their field of activity. engineering. These two primary aims, in tandem with others, are still very much the focus of the MIMinE activities today. Amco Bursary Fund This fund provides enhancement of education in the science and practice of mining, in particular work Historically MIMinE has been part of a federation of other mining societies and was then federated to related training for students who may have difficulties in obtaining practical instruction and work place and a branch of the Institute of Mining Engineers with various changes of title over the years. On the participation. formation of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3) in 2002, the MIMinE became affiliated to IOM3 as a local society mainly operating in the regions of , North Derbyshire, and Peake Travelling Scholarship Yorkshire. The Peake fund is open to members who have attained the age of 21 years and is aimed at assisting The title of Local Society does not fully express the importance of MIMinE, and other similar bodies, in meeting the cost of travelling and subsistence, either in the UK or internationally, where the aim because it is through their efforts that members are able to maintain and develop their professional is to enhance the value of a suggested field of study related to their overall education, training and competence. MIMinE assists in the provision of Continual Professional Development (CPD) necessary, experience in the science and practice of mining engineering. in most professions, for the retention of professional accreditation. With specific regard to the MIMinE this is achieved through a programme of lectures, papers, and this annual seminar, all of which lead to Noel Webster Travelling Scholarship peer group discussion. The Webster travelling prize is open to members under 35 years of age and is also aimed at assisting in meeting the cost of ravelling and subsistence, either UK or internationally, where the aim is to enhance the value of a suggested field of study related to their overall education, training and experience in the Professional accreditation science and practice of mining engineering.

MIMinE members face many challenges in their employment and from time to time their competences may MIMinE also assists with financial assistance to become student members of IOM3 with the proviso that be questioned. MIMinE has encouraged members to be in a position to demonstrate their competence they also become student members of MIMinE. MIMinE has a Younger Member/Student Section which and as previously stated is affiliated to IOM3, who holds the licence from the Engineering Council for the benefits from limited direct funding thus inviting young members to become active. awards of professional accreditation such as EngTec, IEng and CEng. .

Members of MIMinE are from a broad engineering background and some are regularly co- opted to undertake professional reviews for the purpose of awarding Engineering Council accreditation. It is vital that these reviews are competently undertaken because the award provides for an international recognition of an individual’s level of competence. Join the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers . Dissemination of information An individual can become a member of MIMinE in one of two ways: Although articles and journals are available through IOM3, an important facet of maintaining knowledge 1. Directly become a member of MIMinE, or and skill is via peer group discussion. To this end MIMinE engages in the following activities: 2. A member of IOM3 can identify MIMinE as their preferred Local Society. This route provides for access to both MIMinE benefits and to professional accreditation. MIMinE hosts, monthly from October to May, a programme of speakers who present information on current industrial/engineering activities. Further details can be obtained by visiting the stand at one of the breaks or by contacting the Honorary Secretary, Charles Rhodes or by visiting the web site The Presidential address, by the incoming President, is normally held during October and is timed to coincide with the Annual General Meeting. . Annually organises a one-day seminar “Safely Managing the Challenge of Change” with attendance from a broad spectrum of industry, historically ranging from students/apprentices through to CEOs and Owners.

The J F Tunnicliffe and C S Littlewood paper competitions are held annually and are open to younger members of MIMinE.

MIMinE supports the IOM3 “Young Persons Paper Competition”, which has an international perspective, and has provided a member to participate on the judging panel of the national final.

8 8 Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers . . Stuart Walker Keith Williams Principal Development Manager HM Principal Inspector of Health & Safety Coal Authority Health & Safety Executive

A highly qualified engineering professional who has held senior roles in both the mining and manufacturing sectors. Originally a graduate in Mining Engineering from the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Stuart is currently Principal Development Manager - Permitting and Licensing at the Coal Authority, attaining a Master of Business Administration and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Sheffield. managing a team who serves the coal and development industries. This is done through the licensing of coal mining operations and the issue of permits to treat coalfield development sites. Before this, his Keith is registered by the European Federation of National Engineering Associations as a European background was in the coal and steel industries as well as working in education. Stuart is a Chartered Engineer, the Engineering Council as a Chartered Engineer, is a Fellow of the Institution of Materials, Engineer and has been a member of MIMinE for several years. Minerals & Mining and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and served as a UK representative on the European Commission DG15 for several years. Simon Leeming He joined the then NCB Management Training Scheme after graduation obtained a First-Class Principal Mining Consultant & Information Manager Certificate of Competency, Mines and Quarries Act 1954 and subsequently held several management Coal Authority posts working in the Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Warwickshire coalfields working in both the nationalised and privatised industries. He has over 35 years’ of experience in mining

with 25 years in the coal industry; over 10 of those as a Colliery Manager at Bilsthorpe, Daw Mill, Welbeck and Gascoigne Wood Mines.

On leaving UK Coal Ltd and a brief period as a management consultant he joined a global plastics manufacturer as Director of Operations serving in two separate divisions: Linpac Allibert Ltd based in Paris and Linpac Packaging Ltd, before joining the Health and Safety Executive as a Principal Inspector of Health and Safety. Simon is a Chartered Minerals Surveyor working as the Coal Authority’s Principal Mining Consultant & Information Manager at its headquarters in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. His role is to lead a 12 strong- team who provides solutions to manage and interpret the hidden dangers posed from mining legacy risk Russell Turner to the conveyancing, infrastructure and developer sectors – to plan for the unexpected. Technical Support Manager Komatsu Mining Corp Group Simon began his career as a surveyor at various coalmines before joining the CA. His initial role involved mapping the old mine plan data against modern surface plans for mining reports. He has held various roles all centred on managing mining risk. He held a Senior Mining Engineer role with Network Rail before returning to the CA. He now leads the team he first joined at the Authority after helping to establish its commercial arm.

Simon holds a BSc (Hons) in Surveying for Resource Development from Glamorgan and an MBA from Nottingham Business School. Russ Turner is an engineer with over 40 years of successful experience in materials handling. Russ is currently a technical support manger with Komatsu Mining Corp Group, providing first contact technical design and specification for all tunnelling opportunities and other materials handling challenges when required, plus providing continued support during system design. Russ enjoys walking, photography, graphic design and star gazing accompanied of course by a good glass of wine all whilst living on an archipelago whose climate is subtropical and desertic, moderated by the sea and in summer by the trade winds.

10 11 Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers . Paul Holmes Clare Ratcliffe President Training & CIP Officer Mining Association of UK Compass Minerals UK

Chief Mining Engineer for British Gypsum for the last 27 years. He previously held mine management roles in British Gypsum. Clare Ratcliffe is the Training and CIP Officer at Compass Minerals UK. She has a BSc (Hons) in Paul has been a member of the MAUK Council for 22 years and President for the last 10 years. He is Geography from the University of Central Lancashire and an MSc in Surveying and Land/ Environmental also a board member of Mineral Products Qualification Council (MPQC). Management from Camborne School of Mines, Exeter University. Since being with Compass Minerals she has completed her NEBOSH general certificate, Trainer, Assessor and Mentor Training and Mental Stuart Hoult Health Awareness Training. Chief Executive Claire lives in Stoke on Trent with her husband and two-year-old daughter. She is a Unit Leader at MRS Training & Rescue Ltd Rainbows (youngest members of Girlguiding UK) and is the Trentham District Commissioner for Girlguiding UK where she has responsibility for over 100 girls and 20 adults in her District.

Andrew Fynn Mining Engineer Canopius

In 1985 Stuart joined the National Coal Board as an apprentice electrician. He continued progression through the engineering function holding senior colliery and group positions. In 2004 he returned to where he had started as an apprentice, Thoresby Colliery as Mine Manager, a position that he held for five years.

In 2009, Stuart became the Director of Safety for UK Coal, continuing in that role until 2013 when he was appointed Technical and Operations Director. He remained with UK Coal as Chief Operating Officer until 2016 when he joined MRS Training & Rescue Ltd as its Chief Executive. Andy started his career in 1983 at Woolley Colliery as a Mining Craft Apprentice, progressing from miner Andrew Fulton through to non-statutory undermanager at Whitemoor Mine in Selby, followed by a period at Group HQ Vice President & General Manager in Internal Audit. Andy left the coal industry in 1999 and after a brief stint as a food factory Operations ICL Boulby Manager in 2001 joined British Gypsum as Assistant Manager at Birkshead Mine in Cumbria. In 2004 he took a position as Regional Engineer with the Coal Authority covering the Northeast and Cumbria. In 2009 he moved to Australia in a Regulatory role as Mines Inspector for the Queensland Government before becoming a Risk Engineer working for an International Consultancy focused on the mining insurance industry.

For the past seven years Andy has been carrying out insurance risk surveys across mining operations Andrew is a certified Mining Engineer with 25 years’ experience in the Global Mining Industry. both open cut and underground, across various commodities globally and for the past two years this has This includes 16 years with Anglo American, including three as General Manager of the largest been directly for Canopius, a London based Lloyds insurance syndicate. Andy is a Chartered Mining underground coal operation in the Southern Hemisphere (by tonnage). Engineer and now lives in Cumbria with his family.

This period in South Africa has been followed by three years as Director of Deep Mines with UK Coal and three years at ICL Boulby. 12 13 Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers Safety Seminar 2019 Speakers

Andrew Lidstone She ran the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition, and administration of grants and local society lecture Principal Consultant programmes and activity. In the autumn of 2010, she became Membership Development Manager, Risktec Solutions Ltd working with Universities, companies and individuals promoting professional membership of IOM3 and other professional bodies. She was Vice President of the South Wales Materials Association in the 1980s and is currently a member of the Coventry and Warwickshire Materials Society Committee.

Andy has over 30 years’ experience in the field of safety and risk assessment and has worked in several industries, including oil and gas, renewables, nuclear and defence, transport, mining, manufacturing and chemical sectors. Over the past 25 years, Andy’s work has been predominately in the oil and gas and renewables industries, managing projects for facilities including refineries, gas plants, drilling rigs, offshore wind and logistics operations.

His expertise includes techniques such as bowties, fault and event tree analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, consequence modelling, QRA, ALARP demonstration, hazard identification, preparation and roll-out of HSE cases and qualitative and quantitative risk assessments.

Andy has been involved with the use and development of bowties since their early appearance and has assisted clients across many industries in using bowties to manage their risks and in the development of two bowtie analysis software codes.

In 2010 Andy developed a Good Practice Guide for performing ALARP assessments for the Generator’s Safety Improvement Program representing the UK’s conventional power generation industry.

Sarah Boad Membership Development Manager IOM3

Sarah Boad has a degree in Metallurgy from University College of Swansea. She started her working life at Morganite Electrical Carbon Ltd in Morriston, Swansea working on carbon brushes for electrical machines, she then moved to Dunlop Aviation in Coventry where her focus was on carbon-carbon composites for aircraft breaks.

Sarah started working with the Institute in the early 1990s as the Regional Consultant for the Midlands Region, working on membership and supporting local societies. In 2004, she took on the new role of ‘National Co-ordinator – Regions’ liaising with all the local societies across the UK and Ireland. 14 15 Notes: Major hazard control in mines – . a regulator’s view

Keith Williams HM Principal Inspector of Health & Safety Health & Safety Executive

1 Introduction

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is a UK government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare, and for research into occupational risks in Great Britain.

As a regulator, the HSE aims to prevent workplace death, injury or ill health. To achieve this, a variety of methods are used to influence change and help people manage risks at work.These include:

• Providing advice, information and guidance • Raising awareness in workplaces by influencing and engaging • Operating permissioning and licensing activities in major hazard industries • Carrying out targeted inspections and investigations • Taking enforcement action to prevent harm and hold those who break the law to account

The fundamental principle of health and safety law is that those who create risks are best placed to control them. HSE consider the impact on the economy, by ensuring any action taken is proportionate, targeted, consistent, transparent and accountable. The HSE appoints inspectors for carrying into effect the relevant statutory provisions within its field of responsibility.

An inspector of mines was first appointed in 1843 under an Act of 1842 (The Mines and Collieries Bill). The inspector however had no powers to inspect the construction or safety of mines until the passage of the Coal Mines Inspection Act 1850. Their duties were to ensure observance of the acts and regulations relating to safety, health and welfare in mines and quarries, to inquire into mine disasters and accidents, and to provide information on matters affecting safety, health and training. The mines inspectorate of today now works collaboratively with others in government to ensure that the most appropriate organisation intervenes to ensure compliance with health and safety laws.

Responsibility for managing industry risk rests with the duty holder and not with HSE. Duty holders are responsible for identifying, profiling and managing the major hazard risks they create in a systematic way and for compliance with their legal duties in respect of those risks. Major hazard duty holders are subject to a level of regulatory scrutiny that is proportionate to their risks and performance.

HSE statistics show that each year, over a million workers are injured or made ill by their work in Great Britain. This can have serious effects on these individuals and their families, as well as employers, government and wider society. The impacts can be measured in terms of ‘human’ costs (the impact on the individual’s quality of life and, for fatal injuries, loss of life), and ‘financial’ costs, such as loss of production and healthcare costs. HSE’s estimate of the total costs of workplace injuries and ill health shown below includes both financial costs and a valuation of human costs. 16 17 Key figures for Great Britain (2017/18): Great Britain has many highly specialised, strategically important industries which are essential to the country’s economy and social infrastructure, but can potentially cause great harm to their workers, the • 1.4 million working people suffering from a work-related illness environment and the public if not properly managed. • 2,595 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2016) • 144 workers killed at work One of these sectors is mining where a single incident could have catastrophic consequences with • 555,000 injuries occurred at work according to the Labour Force Survey the potential to undermine the whole sector by eroding the public’s trust and acceptance of complex, • 71,062 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR 2013 high-hazard activities being undertaken, especially those near to communities (e.g. Aberfan tip disaster, • 30.7 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury which was a tragic example of what can happen, 28 adults and 116 children lost their lives on 21 October • £15 billion estimated cost of injuries (35% of total costs £5.2 billion) and ill health (65% of total 1966). costs £9.7 billion), from current working conditions (2016/17) Effective leadership is therefore essential to ensure risks are adequately controlled in all existing • 493 cases prosecuted by HSE and £72.6million in fines resulting and new mine prospects. Major hazard duty holders are subject to a level of regulatory scrutiny • 11,522 Notices issued by all enforcing bodies that is proportionate to their risks and performance, including scrutiny of safety leadership within the organisation. The cost estimates include only new cases of work-related ill health and self-reported injuries, and exclude HSE continue to adapt to effectively regulate the mining sector, through a combination of assessment pre-existing cases, to represent the costs arising from current working conditions. of specific higher risk activities and planned inspections and investigations. These interventions are designed to provide assurance that the risks associated with major mining hazards are being properly Ill health contributes to a greater proportion of total costs, despite injuries accounting for a greater proportion managed. of cases, as ill health cases result in more time off work on average, which drives higher costs.

Most costs fall on individuals, driven by human costs, while employers and government/taxpayers bear 3 The Mines Inspectorate a similar proportion of the remaining costs of workplace injury and ill health. The Mines Inspectorate has responsibility for a wide portfolio of operational activity including:

2 Agenda for Health and Safety at Work • Coal Mines • Gypsum Mines HSE has been subject to several reviews evaluating its stock of legislation, approach to enforcement, • Stone Mines perceptions of health and safety and impact upon business. This work has been undertaken against a • Miscellaneous Mines background of wider initiatives by Government to reduce the burden of regulation on business and aid • Storage Mines economic growth. The quality of engagement and response to this work has been recognised across • Tourist Mines Government, including by the Better Regulation Executive, Cabinet Office, the Red Tape Challenge • Cableways team and the Regulatory Policy Committee. • Mines Rescue (BA) • Onshore Wells / CH4 Lord Young’s Review, “Common Sense, Common Safety” report in October 2010, gave a commitment • Pumping Stations to encouraging growth and entrepreneurship, stop senseless bureaucracy and the burdens of regulation with a lighter touch approach concentrating on higher risk and serious breaches of the law. There is major change and challenge underway in the UK mining sector with the mining industry in a state of flux. The sector currently comprises around 100 mines distributed across Great Britain. The Government’s “Good Health & Safety, Good for Everyone” initiative in March 2011, introduced significant further reforms. A new health and safety framework emerged with fewer inspections of low Coal production has reduced over recent years, but the mining sector still contributes to the economy risk premises and making those who create the risk or who flout the law pay for regulation. e.g. producing rock salt for winter road treatment, potash for fertiliser production, gypsum for cement and plaster production and other specialist minerals. This was followed by Professor Ragnar Löfstedt’s review in November 2012, focusing on simplifying health and safety law by looking at all existing health and safety legislation and ACOPs by identifying Work has commenced to establish several new mine prospects together with the reopening of several scope for consolidating, simplifying or abolishing regulation and the removal of gold-plating of existing previously mothballed uneconomical mines as the price of world commodities continues to fluctuate. EU requirements. Tourist and adventure activities continue to increase at specific mine sites in the sector with the increased potential for substantial public hazard. The number of leisure mines and mines used for storage and Finally, the Government published the Red Tape Challenge report in November 2014, which built on controlled waste disposal are also slowly increasing. Professor Löfstedt’s report to see whether the measures being taken forward could go further or faster. As a result, around 85% of health and safety regulations were scrapped or improved. Mining technologies and techniques are generally driven by technological change and obsolescence with the need to be competitive in the future. The health and safety hazards and the control measures Going forward the Government stated that the overall approach to Regulation must: necessary for safe mining are thought to be reasonably well known, although reduced exposure limits are being introduced for various gases, etc. commonly found underground. • Consider non-Regulatory approaches rather than legislation – a ‘nudge’ • Include sun setting – all domestic legislation must have built in reviews Working conditions in the sector have improved over the years, but workers can still be exposed to • Provide exemptions for micro-businesses and start-ups (<10 employees) a range of hazards, together with the complexity of a loss of core skills and an ageing workforce due • Simplify and reduce bureaucracy – one-in-one-out measured on cost to industry rather than to an extended period of industry stagnation with low levels of recruitment and succession planning, balance of cost/benefit particularly over the last 30 years. • Have no ‘gold-plating’ . 18 19 The potential for catastrophic incidents remains high. Controlling major accident hazards is the focus of • Golbourne Colliery, Lancashire, 1979 – 10 fatalities – explosion (electrical arcing). The cause HSE activities, alongside tackling the main causes of ill health, particularly occupational lung disease. was an incendive spark produced at two exposed live connector pins in an ancillary plug The prevention of major accidents is given priority i.e. those low frequency events that have the potential igniting firedamp. A damaged auxiliary ventilation fan had been found in the mine and the to cause significant harm and potential catastrophe. Mines can be hazardous environments and the ventilation system was subsequently switched off, resulting in a build-up of firedamp which possibility of fire, flood, explosion and collapse has the potential to simultaneously affect many people. was ignited whilst a team of eleven were working to restore the system, only one person, the Continued work between HSE and Stakeholders is aimed at controlling these risks. apprentice electrician, survived • Cardowan Colliery, Strathclyde, 1982 – 3 fatalities – explosion (shotfiring). Ignition of firedamp 4 Major Hazard Control following shotfiring. The explosion injured 42 men and led to changes in national ventilation regulations and the automatic isolation of electricity to face lines when methane levels rose Major hazard safety is a priority for HSE. The Mines Regulations 2014 require a mining operation to above 1.25% by volume develop a health and safety management system (SMS) and a competence management system • Bilsthorpe Colliery, Nottinghamshire, 1993 - 3 fatalities - fall of ground. Initially roof-bolting (CMS). This requires the development and use of a process to identify hazards (risk appraisal) and the techniques were suspected but a preliminary report ruled the rockbolted roadway support controls necessary for management of the hazards (risk assessment). system was not at fault. A dividing wall between the face and a new roadway collapsed and led to restrictions on ‘’skin to skin’’ mining techniques Mine operators should focus principally on the major hazards at their mines. These may include fire, • Gleision Mine, Wales, 2011 - 4 fatalities – inrush. Approximately 3,000 tonnes of water and explosion, toxic gases, ground movement, inrushes, mass transport, shafts and winding, tips and the use material flowed in to the working stall at the mine when a barrier was breached, which is a of explosives. In addition, there should be suitable electrical supply and control systems and effective reminder of the major hazard potential of uncontrolled inflows to mine workings escape and rescue arrangements. A review of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) The first step for emergency preparedness and maintaining a safe workplace is defining and analysing incidents reported by the sector to HSE over the last 7 years demonstrates that major hazard events hazards. Although all hazards should be addressed, resource limitations usually do not allow this to are still prevailing in the sector however the frequency and severity of these has been reduced. This in happen at one time. Hazard identification and risk assessment can be used to establish priorities to be part is due to the introduction of the Mines Regulations 2014 and the increased focus by duty holders addressed first. on major hazard control. Other contributory factors are improved regulatory compliance coupled with a greater understanding of the competency requirements needed for effective major hazard control It is not enough to simply have designed and implemented a mine SMS. Mine operators need to collect measure delivery. These benefits have been further enhanced by mine operators adopting integrated and act on information that shows the SMS system is working and delivering effective control, not competence management systems and clear major hazard roles and responsibilities being put in place. operating blind, hoping and believing that everything is fine but without knowing. Reality has a habit of catching up on companies often with catastrophic consequences. No successful company could stay HSE have several initiatives underway in the sector to reduce the likelihood of low-frequency, high- in business for long without accurate information on its financial performance, so each mine operator impact catastrophic incidents by delivering a programme of targeted industry interventions. Currently needs essential SMS information when it comes to controlling their mining major hazards. there are a suite of 16 major hazard and occupational health intervention guides shared by HSE with industry to enable engagement at an early stage in the design, construction and development of new An effective SMS will include the use of appropriate Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) that monitor mining projects. the continuing effectiveness of safety critical control measures. For every significant major hazard, control measures should be applied to both prevent adverse events and to mitigate harm should an HSE also lead and engage with existing mine operators to improve workplace health and safety by: event occur. • Encouraging and enabling leaders, trade unions and others to address key problems, Information collated from major accident case studies and research papers has shown that the underlying particularly the decline in core skills and an ageing workforce causes of accidents are similar across all major hazard industries. In most major accidents there is a • Delivering improved leadership by supporting developments in competence management and complex chain of events, including organisational policies and decisions, individual behaviours and improving control of contractors mechanical or technological failures that, when combined, resulted in the incident. While the individual • Designing a range of targeted interventions focused on work-related health issues, especially behaviours that resulted in the accidents are wide and varied, they all relate to human and organisational occupational lung disease and noise and vibration factors and many are symptomatic of a poor safety culture. • Supporting the sector to achieve compliance with a range of new indicative occupational exposure limit values affecting underground mining activities Incident analysis back to 1970 indicates that, despite attempts to learn lessons, major incidents continue • Ensuring risks to members of the public are being properly controlled at tourist and leisure sites to be a threat to the mining sector and that there is consistency in the dominant failings. History shows that over just the last fifty years catastrophe occurs when major hazard risks are not properly evaluated Major hazard risk control must be systematic, with clear effective preventative measures, supported or controlled. Some key examples over this period are given below: by robust mitigation and emergency arrangements to limit the impact of a serious event. The mine operator must ensure that suitable arrangements are in place so that persons below ground at the mine • Markham Colliery, Derbyshire, 1973 – 18 fatalities – shaft overwind. The disaster was caused can reach a safe place promptly in the event of any emergency. To determine what constitutes suitable by the complete failure of the winding engine mechanical brake when the spring nest centre arrangements mine operators must consider the situations that could arise where people may need to rod which was a “single line” component, broke evacuate the mine, or part of a mine, safely and promptly to the surface or to a place of safety below • Houghton Main Colliery, Yorkshire, 1975 – 5 fatalities – explosion (mechanical defect). Caused ground. by frictional sparking from a defective ventilation fan this was known to be defective and to have produced open sparking nine days previously As part of this key regulatory requirement HSE has developed an intervention guide specifically to • Bentley Colliery, Yorkshire, 1978 – 7 fatalities – mass transport. A diesel hauled man riding assess mine contingency arrangements in the event of an emergency. In the 21st century failure to train, in which 65 persons were travelling, ran out of control for 244m on an incline dipping prevent a major hazard incident is viewed as unacceptable by society but the failure to provide effective at 1 in 16. The train failed to negotiate a curve at the foot of the incline, became derailed contingency arrangements in the event of a major hazard incident may be viewed as unforgivable if it and crashed into the steel arched roadway supports compounds risk, injury and further threatens life by poor design and implementation. 20 21 5 HSE Major Hazard Regulatory Model Inspectors assess the relative importance of the control measures in place and their vulnerability to deterioration and failure when inspection sampling at major hazard establishments. Safety systems, HSE expects duty holders to understand that major hazard risks must be managed in a multi-layered management arrangements and the supporting organisational safety culture cannot be sustained way and that the layers of protection or control measures in place need to address and link the technical, without effective leadership. The potentially complex systems and arrangements needed to manage managerial and procedural arrangements at the mine. major hazard risks need to be delivered and maintained by mine operators with vision and determination.

To ensure that major hazard risks are properly understood and managed by industry, HSE have provided Duty holders must routinely monitor and review their arrangements and act on the findings. As well a Major Hazard Regulatory Model (MHRM) guidance document which describes the core elements of as reactive monitoring through incident investigation duty holders should have programmes in place the HSE approach to regulation and outlines the expected control of risk in high hazard industries. The to audit their SMS and use SPI leading and lagging safety performance indicators to provide routine MHRM gives an overview of a major hazard management system and the organisational arrangements information on performance and barrier integrity. necessary for managing major hazard risks with focus on the need to link technical, organisational and management aspects of risk control. 6 Management and Organisational failures

Two barrier risk control models are explained in the MHRM guidance document, each encompassing Major hazard risk assessment utilising the bow-tie process is a key enabler to help prevent major hazard both strengths and weaknesses as outlined below, therefore care is needed by duty holders when using failure, e.g. fire, explosion, toxic gases, ground movement, inrushes, mass transport, shafts and winding, either approach: tips and the use of explosives from injuring personnel. The structured process associated with the MHRM bow-tie formulation helps to characterise the major hazards and evaluate the engineering, procedural • Simple layers of protection model. This approach of presenting safety barriers as serial, linear and behavioural factors that impact how a mine mitigates its highest risks. The basic ingredient for layers is simplistic in approach. It may even be causal in poor estimates (underestimates) of risk, poor successful MHRM bow-tie development is the desire to become proactive in dealing with the risks risk awareness and risk detection if used in the wrong circumstances. It may contribute to the view that associated with events that can cause catastrophe and multiple fatalities. the risks from low probability major hazard risks are very much lower than a proper understanding of operational systems would support and hence support the commonly applied view that defects in one or The MHRM bow-tie process is most effective when a mining organisation possesses: more barriers may have little significant effect on the overall risks to the SMS • Full understanding of its major hazards • Experience with structured, formal risk assessment techniques • Bow-tie layers of protection model. This approach of presenting safety barriers as non-linear, • Compatible facilities, machinery and equipment multiple layers of protection can be depicted as a ‘bow-tie’ to emphasise the way barriers link • Suitable systems and procedures that represent industry Best Practice in sequence in relation to each major hazard scenario. The bow-tie model of barriers attempts • Appropriate organisational support with adequate staff, communications, training and a to account for the complex interactions between management systems, in particular: thorough plan for emergency response - Hazard events which may effectively bypass some or all barriers. • A safety risk management approach that is promoted and supported at all levels of the - There may be gaps between barriers. organisation - They may not all line up. - The underlying causes of failure in one barrier may well be producing failures in other barriers, To achieve effective risk control, it is crucial that high-level organisational root causes are sought essentially, common mode barrier failure. because effective change is driven from the top. For change to be effective it must be comprehensive and beneficial in its effects and achievable in the eyes of the whole organisation. Four key areas of This model allows a hazard event to be presented on the bow-tie with more options to reach a major accident control barrier weaknesses which are common to organisations have been identified over the years consequence than a linear model arrangement might indicate if only the simple layers of protection model were and summarise front-line failings. These can be regarded as super barriers as most or all other barrier used failures at that level of the organisation are normally contained within them. The four key areas are:

The bow-tie layers of protection model view of barriers better facilitate learning from incidents by helping to • Risk - poor awareness and assessment; failure to recognise human limitations avoid the view that simple fixes to barriers will prevent repetition of incidents – there are many routes to major • Learning - poor from incidents, investigation, defect reporting or system review accident consequences, not just the one picked out in an accident investigation. It encourages a more realistic • Audit and Monitoring - missing weak signals of system degradation or failure sense of organisational vulnerability and the search for and reaction to weak signals of failure because it does • Contractors - gaps in capability and training; poor supervision and monitoring not provide the comfort of generating or supporting unrealistically low major accident hazard frequencies. Additionally, inherent organisational characteristics which often present as root cause failures through It also elevates the importance of SPI leading indicators as measures of safety performance because it shows the investigation of incidents or which have been identified as strong influences on major hazard control that the effects of barrier failure are difficult to predict or analyse which requires a greater attention to barrier barrier weaknesses following incidents are: integrity. For similar reasons it also drives decisions on out of standard operating conditions towards prescriptive solutions rather than difficult or impossible risk assessments. • Limitations of the risk barrier model used • Failure to identify/react to weak signals from the control barrier SPIs It is important to note that one simple model cannot capture the complexity of a safety management system • Organisational blindness manifested in a view that the management system is basically sound and there are other simple models that in many cases may better represent the actual journey from hazard to and that failures are local application failures or aberrations a major accident consequence (as seen in incidents). • The audit and monitoring arrangements are not fundamentally sound and cultural resistance to this view is supported in the organisation The duty holder needs to be able to show a logical and rational flow of analysis leading from hazard identification • Learning from incidents is not fundamentally sound and starts each time from a blank sheet of through to effective risk control, expressed as a set of appropriate ‘barriers’ (or risk control systems). There is paper approach not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to determining the appropriate control measures. Duty holders should be able to • Managers praise the OMS while simultaneously missing IN-level non-conformances in its show that they have properly profiled their major hazard risks and safety critical tasks. application and delivery

22 23 Contractual philosophy and arrangements have also been identified as an organisational blind spot. sector priorities. This agenda could then be used to engage with all stakeholders to identify what major Several companies now recognise that they cannot get the right quality of personnel via normal hazard improvements and interventions are required for each organisation to optimally improve as each contractual processes and are seeking to bring more jobs in house. Cultural silo working arrangements mine evolves through their corporate lifecycle. must also change in many organisations going forward in order to make necessary progress. In the interim, supervisory oversight and monitoring must be improved. .

Focus needs to be on major hazard risk and interpreting and acting on weak signals of potential control barrier failure. Barriers will always have some weaknesses somewhere no matter how much improved as there are always likely to be possible gaps. The ability to detect and react appropriately to weak signals of failure (preoccupation with failure/mindfulness) is a general characteristic that normally fills in or covers for these limitations and helps maintain the integrity of the control barriers most of the time.

Creating a safety culture is about changing behaviour, and changing behaviour requires leadership at all levels. Leaders create the culture of safety in their organisation by clearly defining what their vision of it is. They must recognise the complexity of culture, and both lead and support the changes needed to transform their organisation to a culture of safety. Mine operators need to tailor their communication and engagement to achieve this through dynamic communication strategies. They need to be open and honest with themselves and others about the challenges involved in changing culture, and what is required to address these challenges.

Risk control systems tend to deteriorate over time. This can go unnoticed, particularly in the case of a mine SMS where deterioration may not have an obvious impact on day-to day site operations. It is therefore good practice to use SPIs to proactively detect weaknesses or failures within the safety critical systems of the SMS. This enables remedial action to be taken before, rather than in the wake of, a major accident or catastrophe. Without detailed SPI information mine operators cannot demonstrate that their SMS is either effective or working.

7 Conclusions

Major hazard risks must be managed in a multi-layered way and the layers of protection or control measures identified through robust risk assessment methodologies need to address the technical, managerial and procedural arrangements in order to maintain the SMS and ensure effective safe control of the mining operation.

Duty holders need to not only draw on the merits of their safety management systems but also identify failure points or potential failure points and implement timely actions to remedy weaknesses within the organisation and system. If the latter is filtered out for any reason, then failure and catastrophe may result.

There is no “magic bullet” (no single element) that will deliver good health and safety performance. Integrating health and safety, as well as people, processes, systems and technology, is needed to build on synergies, simplify approaches and maximise the benefit from co-ordinated efforts to ensure enough major hazard control barriers are in place to prevent catastrophe. The sector needs to encompass that:

• Health and safety are about the well-being of the employees • Health and safety paradigms need to be shifted with cultural initiatives • Leadership is the primary enabler of good health and safety performance • Industry collaboration and learning through sharing experience will expedite and drive improvement • Systematic review and testing of organisational awareness and robustness of major hazard control barriers via targeted interventions is crucial to maintaining effective control

HSE inspectors (or other specialists) act as agents of change for industry by facilitating the progression of initiatives by encouraging the sector to implement, follow through and evaluate internal major hazard interventions with much increased likelihood of success.

A proven approach is to carry out safety culture audits because, while the available audit tools may be less than optimal, they can indicate an agenda for future development on a range of criteria relating to 24 25 Notes: Competency Based Training


Clare Ratcliffe BSc (Hons), MSC, MCSM Compass Minerals UK

Competency based training is an established way of carrying out training in the workplace. So, what is competency, why is it important, and what are the benefits from carrying out competency-based training? This paper will review all of this as well as explain how we do competency-based training in our mining environment.

Competency is a big word now. It is all around the place and in the law. ‘Competence is the ability to undertake responsibilities and perform activities to a recognised standard on a regular basis’ (HSE, 2019). It combines practical and thinking skills, knowledge and experience (HSE, 2019). The regulations definition of competent is ‘a person with sufficient training and experience, or knowledge andother qualities, to enable that person properly to undertake the duties assigned to them’ (MR, 2014). The New Oxford Dictionary defines competency as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently and competent as having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully (Tolley, 2017). The UK National Vocational Standards define competence as “the ability to perform tothe standards required in employment across a range of circumstances and to meet changing demands (Tolley, 2017). A competency can be defined in terms of what a person is required to do (performance), under what conditions it is to be done (conditions) and how well it is to be done (standards) (Dobson, 2003). There are many ways to define competency, but the main points are knowledge, ability, standards and to perform in the correct environment. Just because someone is a qualified electrician with 20 years’ experience in warehouses, doesn’t mean they are competent to be an electrician in an underground environment. Competence is the development of enough knowledge, skills and experience to perform a task (Tolley, 2017). There are several stages of competence and these are:

• Unconscious incompetence, where a person is unaware of the knowledge and skills, they do not have • Conscious incompetence, where the person has started their training and realises how much they do not know • Conscious competence, where the person has completed their training and is deemed as competent. They can carry out the role competently, and they know that they can • Unconscious competence, where the person can now perform the role competently that they have become unaware of it as it is natural behaviour to them. (Tolley, 2017)

The law refers to competency in its different regulations; two important regulations in the mining industry are The Mines Regulations 2014 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

Regulation 11 of The Mines Regulations 2014 is Competency. That’s it. ‘The mine operator must ensure that no person undertakes any work at the mine unless the person either is competent to do that work or does so under the instruction and supervision of some other person who is competent to give instruction in, and to supervise, the doing of that work; and no work is undertaken at the mine unless a sufficient number of persons are present who have the request competence to perform the tasks assigned to them’ (MR, 2014). The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 7 require an employer to appoint one or more competent people to help them implement the measures they need to take to comply with the legal requirements (HSE, 2019). That could be a member of the workforce, the owner/ manager, or an external consultant (HSE, 2019). The competent person should focus on the significant risks and those with serious consequences (HSE, 2019). 26 27 So how do you know someone is competent, or how do you make someone competent? One way is them to understand what is needed and required from them, having removed any academic jargon. to carry out competency-based training. This means that at the end of the training the person has the From these documents we know what needs to be taught for knowledge, potentially in a classroom and required knowledge, skills, ability and can do it in the necessary environment to be deemed competent. what needs to be shown, on-the-job, on the equipment. This training therefore must be more than just a classroom teaching. Part of the training might be in the classroom to make sure that the knowledge side is fully covered, but a lot of the training will be Depending on the skill or role being achieved and, on the trainee’s, current level of skill, this will dictate on-the-job, in the environment they will need to perform in. This sort of training can result in a National how the training is developed and carried out. A conversation, or professional discussion, between Vocational Qualifications (NVQ), if one exists; otherwise it is good practice to deliver this type of training the trainer and trainee will establish what the trainee already knows and understands and what their for in-house training programs. learning style is. The trainer can then accommodate this, to ensure that the training is suitable for that trainee. This will be when the trainee moves from being unconsciously incompetent to consciously Competency based training is a structured approach to training and assessment that is directed toward incompetent. For example, if you were going to test their knowledge you could give them a written test. achieving specific outcomes (Dobson, 2003). It is about assisting individuals to acquire skills and For some people that would be perfect, they have the time to read and understand the questions and knowledge, so they can perform a task to a specified standard under certain conditions (Dobson, 2003). then answer it, a Reflector or Theorist learning preference would like this. For others a written test would The emphasis is competency-based training is on “performing” rather than just “knowing” (Dobson, be a nightmare, an Activist or Pragmatist learning style would not like this. This is when the test would 2003). have to be changed to suit the trainee’s learning style, to either a verbal test where the questions are read out and the answers written down by the trainer; or the questions are asked in an informal setting, Competency based training puts the emphasis on the learner to demonstrate they are competent in in a non-test like way, potentially in the work area to make the trainee more relaxed. This type of testing a variety of ways over a period (Dobson, 2003). It involves a range of activities to cover the role, or a could be done without the trainee realising they are being tested. range of scenarios for an activity, that they are training to do to deem them competent. For example, a Front-End Loader Driver can’t be deemed competent if they have only been trained/assessed on one From here the training will begin, sometimes this will be direct training, teaching the trainee either hands aspect of the job, e.g. moving rock from stockpile to stockpile, if there are other aspects of the job they on or knowledge based. Sometimes this will involve assessments of the trainee to fully understand how are required to do, e.g. cleaning around conveyors or loading into a hopper. much they know/what they can already do; and start signing off parts of the training document. This will highlight what the trainee doesn’t know, so formal training can take place to give them the required Different learners will take different time scales to complete and all learners have different styles in knowledge and ability to do the activity/ role in their work place. which they learn best. The learner’s style needs to be established in order to get the best results out of them. There is no point giving someone lots of reading to do, if they are more a practical hand on person When carrying out training or assessments, evidence needs to be gathered to prove the activity took or if they cannot read. A key principle of adult learning is how people prefer to gather, organise and think place and the competence gained. Evidence can be many things from written reports from the trainer/ about information (Dobson, 2003). assessor to a video or photos of the training/assessment taking place. This evidence along with the training documentation will be what is required to prove competence. The need for learning needs to be grounded in experience and the importance of a person being active in learning (Dobson, 2003). Honey and Mumford came up with four different learning preferences, Once this training/assessment has been completed, the person is deemed as competent, the person these being Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist (Dobson, 2003). Learning by engaging (Activist) is now consciously competent in the role, but that is not the end of the story. That person will not is learning from specific experiences, and relating to people (Dobson, 2003). Learning by reflecting stay competent in that role/activity for the rest of their lives. The person will become unconsciously (Reflector) is carefully observing before making judgments, viewing issues from different perspectives competent as they develop in the role but needs to be observed to check that they do not become and looking for the meaning of things (Dobson, 2003). Learning by thinking (Theorist) is logically unconsciously incompetent. Any level of competence is timebound. Skills and knowledge become out- analysing ideas, planning systematically and acting on an intellectual understanding of a situation dated very quickly in the light of new technologies and practices (Tolley, 2017). There can be several (Dobson, 2003). Learning by doing (Pragmatist) is showing ability to get things done, taking risks, and triggers that can identify the need for a refresher or further training (Tolley, 2017). It’s not necessarily a influencing people and events through action (Dobson, 2003). Most people have a preference to one or lapse of time; it could be the introduction of new equipment, changes to the methods or use, change of two styles (Dobson, 2003). location for the equipment, or change of people (Tolley, 2017). This is when Time Scaled Assessments and Management of Change come into play. Adults learn in different ways to children, so work place learning needs to focus on how adults learn. For a start, the learner must want to learn, you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. If Management of Change should capture the need to re-train/re-assess when equipment changes or they have no interest in learning, it will make the whole process slow and difficult for all involved, with procedures change. The Management of Change is to ensure all risks associated with a proposed the potential of nothing being achieved at the end. To want to learn, they must feel that they need to change have been identified and controlled. This includes people becoming incompetent due to the learn. As adults generally have past experiences, they will compare their new experience to their past changes, as they would pose a major risk that would need to be rectified before the change took place, experiences to check how it fits in or see how it is different then what they already know. (Dobson, 2003). or as soon after the change if before was not possible. This would help to mitigate any risks posed by Competency based training needs to focus on what outcome is trying to be achieved and how best to incompetent people and to ensure everyone’s competency stays intact. As people may not be aware of get there with the people involved. the change and use the machine as normal, not realising that they are now incompetent. Communication is key in Management of Change, so everyone is aware of new situations. What do we do? Being in the mining sector, there are few NVQs we can do; therefore, most of our training is in-house. There should also be a time scale set for when assessments are carried out to re-confirm competence. To keep the standards up, and in line with the industry, we use the National Occupational Standards The time scales set will greatly depend on the role/activity and the environment in which they are working. (NOSs) that were created for the qualifications that no longer exist. These along with our company Work in a high-risk area may require re-assessments more frequently in order to help mitigate the risk. procedures and policies are our standards that we measure people against. Low risk roles/activities may require a less frequent re-assessment. For example, our LOTO (Lock Out/ Tag Out) training happens yearly as it is a high-risk activity that people need to be aware of. Whereas We create training documents to easily measure people against rather than using the NOS units FSV (Free Steered Vehicles) e.g. flatbeds are re-assessed every 5 years. From the assessment it can themselves; as filling in the units would be too much for some people especially if a full qualification be determined whether the person is still competent to carry out the role/activity or whether they require cannot be achieved. The units can be very long and very academically worded which can cause confusion re-training. If re-training is required, the person should be taken off the job/activity, or supervised, until on the simplest of things. The documents created are more suitable and relevant to the people using they have passed the relevant training and assessments to deem them competent again. 28 29 The need to deem the workforce competent is ever increasing, the law requires it. In the mining sector, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have taken an interest in competency recently with potential prosecutions on the way.

Competency based training makes sure the person has the necessary knowledge, skill and ability in the correct environment to the required standard. It is no longer enough to just have the necessary knowledge, if the job/activity involves skill and ability, this needs to be proved as well, to deem the person competent.

Competency based training is an established way of carrying out training in the workplace. It may not be suitable for all activities/roles in all workplaces, but the majority of training, especially those with risk factors involved, should use some form of competency-based training in order to deem their workforce competent. The competence of individuals is vital, whether they are employers, managers, supervisors, employees or contractors, especially those with safety-critical roles (HSE, 2019). No matter what the role, competency needs to be proven.

References: Dobson, 2003: Dobson, G; 2003. A Guide to Writing Competency Based Training Materials. Published by National Volunteer Skills Centre. HSE, 2019: MR, 2014: The Mines Regulations 2014. HSE. Tolley, 2017: Tolley’s Health and Safety at Work Handbook 2017, 29th Edition.


30 31 Notes: Mining insurance and risk managementMining – an insurer’s insurance viewpoint and risk Andrew Fynn Mining Engineer Canopius management Andrew Fynn – an insurer’s Mining Engineer Canopius viewpoin t

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44 Notes: The use of bowties to aid the . management of risk

Andrew Lidstone Principal Consultant Risktec Solutions Ltd AThe ndrew Lidstone use of bowties to aid the Principal Consultant Risktec Solutions management of risk

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54 Notes: Keeping infrastructure . development on track

Simon Leeming Principal Mining Consultant and Information Manager and Stuart Walker Principal Permitting and Licensing Manager The Coal Authority Keeping Simon Leeming infrastructure Introduction Principal Mining Consultant and Information Manager and Stuart Hoult development Principal Permitting and Licensing Manager on track “Hello, I’m from theThe Coal Coal Authority”Authority I would say as I meet people for the first time and introduce myself. They usually respond with “what the Coal Board? I thought all the pits had shut?” I have had people come up to me inIntroduction the street, after spotting my branded polo shirt, and start asking me about their

industry claims and“Hello, pensions. I’m from theWe Coal are Authority” not the I wouldNational say as Coal I meet Board, people forBritish the first Coal time orand even introduce as one said, “National British Coal”?myself. They usually respond with “what the Coal Board? I thought all the pits had shut?” I This paper explainshave our had roots, people our come current up to me work in the and street, where after spottingwe are my heading branded (pardonpolo shirt, theand startpun). asking me about their industry claims and pensions. We are not the National Coal Board, British Coal or even as one said, “National British Coal”? Brief history of theThis coal paper industry explains our and roots, the our Coal current Authority work and where we are heading (pardon the pun).

Over 1,000 lives wereBrief historystill being of the lost coal in industry UK coal and mines the Coal towards Authority the end of the 19th Century. The Mines

and Collieries BillOver 1842 1,000 had lives already were still prohibited being lost in UKwomen coal mines and towards boys (underthe end of 10 the years 19th Century. old) fromThe working underground. MineMines plans and Collieriesshowing Bill the 1842 underground had already prohibited workings women were and boyskept (under sporadically 10 years old) from the mid- 1850’s – often beingfrom disposed working underground. of when theMine mine plans closed.showing the underground workings were kept sporadically from the mid-1850’s – often being disposed of when the mine closed.

Figure 1 - Coal production up to Privatisation in 1994

The Coal Mines Regulation Act of 1872 required the mine to be under the control and daily Figure 1 - Coal productionsupervision upof a to m anagerPrivatisation who was inregistered 1994 and certified under the Act. This Act also The Coal Mines Regulationrequired a plan Act to of be 1872 deposited required with the the Secretary mine to of beState under when the the controlmine close andd. The daily Coal supervision of Authority now looks after over 300,000 abandonment plans and associated records. a manager who wasInterestingly, registered over and 100 certifiedmillion tonnes under of coal the was Act. mined This in theAct UK also that required year, yet lessa plan than to10% be deposited with the Secretaryof ofour Stateplans pre when date this.the Peoplemine oftenclosed. say thereThe isCoal likely Authorityto be the same now number looks of after over 300,000 abandonment plans and associated records. Interestingly, over 100 million tonnes of coal was mined in the UK that year, yet less than 10% of our plans pre date this. People often say there is likely to be the same number of unrecorded mine entries as the 173,00056 we do have knowledge of. We only knew of 165,000 mine entries when I joined in 2003. 56 57 unrecorded mine entries as the 173,000 we do have knowledge of. We only knew of 165,000 mine entries when I joined in 2003.

We are the mine owner for most coal mine workings pre-1994, even though we have never mined a cobble of coal. As such, any damage caused by those mines fall under our responsibility. We also have duties under the Mines and Quarries Act 1954 section 151 to prevent entry into the mines. Open mine entries are also a statutory nuisance. We now regulate a much smaller industry – the coal mining industry peaked in 1913 when over 3,000 mines produced in excess of 287 million tonnes of coal. There are only six active underground and 11 surface extraction licences in place. , the last major deep UK coal mine, closed in December 2015, ending the nation’s major deep mine coal industry.

Licensing our mining estate

We regulate the coal industry under powers in the Coal Industry Act 1994. We are also a statutory consultee in the planning process. Operations with a primary function to mine coal or to create a product from coal require a formal licence from the Coal Authority. These include:

• surface coal mining • underground coal mining • underground coal gasification Figure 2 - Rationalising paper records into a digital environment

FigureThe standard 2 - Rationalising and accuracy of paperthese plans records differ ininto size, a scaledigital and environment accuracy. These plans The following operations require the Authority agreement to enter its underground property – this includes Thecome standardin all shapes and and accuracysizes from plans of these the size plans of your differ hand toin thosesize, larger scale than and tapestries accuracy. These plans come in all both worked and unworked coal. It also includes the extraction of coal incidental to other operations shapeshanging in and stately sizes homes. from The plansaccuracy the and size complexity of your of thehand workings to those shown larger, also differed than tapestries hanging in stately such as surface development, mining activities where minerals other than coal are the primary product a similar The scale. accuracy The abandonment and complexity plans were ‘rationalised’of the workings (above figure) shown, by British also Coal. differed by a similar scale. The e.g. brick clay and for new infrastructure projects. These include: This brought the plans together into 1/2500 scale, OS National Grid and Mean Sea Level. abandonment plans were ‘rationalised’ (above figure) by British Coal. This brought the plans together intoEach 1/2500seam had scale, its own OS 2 km National x 1 km ‘rationalised Grid and plan’. Mean Therefore, Sea Level. we can have multiple plans • coal methane by drilling into for the same location. These plans were then captured digitally into a Geographical Information a) unworked coal for coal bed methane System (GIS) system. It is still our job to correlate the original plans to the modern surface and Eachwe employ seam a team had of itsexperts own to 2 interpret km x 1this km information. ‘rationalised plan’. Therefore, we can have multiple plans for the b) abandoned mine workings for abandoned mine methane same location. These plans were then captured digitally into a Geographical Information System (GIS) • exploration for coal system.The Coal Act It is1938 still set our out job to n ationaliseto correlate the coal the industry original in theplans UK. Privateto the miningmodern companies surface and we employ a team of • deep energy boreholes sunk, owned and worked these collieries before this date – many of those the reader may have expertsworked at. to The interpret Act outlined this how information. claims were made, and how the Commission would • mine water heat recovery compensate the private mineral owners for losing their mineral rights. Coal, and at times other Theminerals Coal, were Act then 1938 transferred set out into to s tatenationalise ownership andthe recordedcoal industry in to the inCoal the Holdings UK. Private mining companies sunk, A Coal Authority permit is required to enter our ‘property’. We ensure the proposed methods of Register. We still refer to this register when assessing our liability for subsidence and safety ownedincidents. and worked these collieries before this date – many of those the reader may have worked at. The investigating and remediating coal mining legacy does not increase the risk to the public, or liability to Act outlined how claims were made, and how the Commission would compensate the private mineral the Coal Authority. We have had an instance in the past where inappropriate drilling techniques have ownersThe Second for World losing War their delayed mineral the nationalisation rights. Coal, process and ofat thetimes industry. other However, minerals, the were then transferred into state led to spontaneous combustion of shallow coal seams resulting in two fatalities from carbon monoxide ownershipNational Coal andBoard recorded (NCB), later in renamed to the Coalthe British Holdings Coal Corporation Register. (BCC) We instill 1987, refer was to this register when assessing poisoning. This resulted in amendments to HSE’s and our guidance when drilling into shallow coal born under the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1947 as the body responsible for mining the ournations liability coal. The for industrysubsidence was re -andprivatised safety under incidents. the Coal Industry Act 1994 – even though seams. We have also seen drill rigs disappear down mine shafts due to ineffective platform spanning the the decision was made in 1988. Mining operations went into private ownership with BCC’s potential void of collapse. We will not issue a permit if we deem the proposal to be unsafe. Theliabilities Second being transferred World War to the delayed newly established the nationalisation Coal Authority. process This legacy of theis valued industry. at However, the National Coal The Coal Authority owns (on behalf of the state) all the coal and abandoned coal-mine workings (including Boardover £3 b(NCB),illion. later renamed the British Coal Corporation (BCC) in 1987, was born under the Coal coal mine entries) in Great Britain (with limited exceptions). Any activity which intersects, disturbs

Industry Nationalisation Act 1947 as the body responsible for mining the nations coal. The industry was or enters any of the Authority’s mineral or mining estate requires our prior written authorisation. The In 1988 the Government announced its decision to re-privatise the coal mining industry – this re-privatisedtook place towards under the end the of Coal1994. IndustryMost of the Act industry 1994 was – transferredeven though to three the regional decision coal was made in 1988. Mining Coal Authority Permitting Team process approximately 1,800 permits applied for each year - 2017/18, operationscompanies with went RJB intoMining private plc (later ownership renamed UK with Coal BCC’sLtd) taking liabilities on the majority being of transferred the major to the newly established circa 85% site investigation. Permits are granted by the Permitting Team for initial site investigation, Coal Authority. This legacy is valued at over £3 billion. boreholes and any subsequent treatment of abandoned coal mine workings and mine entries for ground stability purposes where they intersect Coal Authority underground property. Public safety is top of the In 1988 the Government announced its57 decision to re-privatise the coal mining industry – this took place agenda when assessing applications, along with protecting Coal Authority assets against inappropriate towards the end of 1994. Most of the industry was transferred to three regional coal companies with development. The permit holder indemnifies the Authority for 12 years against any work completed and RJB Mining plc (later renamed UK Coal Ltd) taking on the majority of the major deep mines. These sites a letter of mining circumstance is issued which provides the holder with details of the mining legacy included opencast and deep mines who operate under a lease/licence basis. The licence allows them to known to be present on site. undertake the activity of mining coal, with the lease allowing them to work coal in our ownership. Local experts on a national scale We are a non-departmental government body and has had various sponsoring bodies over the years from the DTi, BERR, DECC and now BEIS. We were set up with five founding remits all centred around We are one of the largest estate owners in the UK albeit ours is subsurface. Our ‘property’ covers an protecting the public and the environment from the Great Britain’s mining legacy. We manage the area in excess of 26,000 km², on multiple levels. However, this would be the size of Wales if you lay them historic liabilities, provide an emergency callout service with mines rescue, repair substance damage, all out in a single plane. Seven point seven million (25%) of properties sit on the coalfield – two million of provide mining information and licence coal operations. We also managed over 40 spoil heaps including these sits on the shallow coal field i.e. less than 30 metres depth from the surface. 130,000 homes have Aberfan. a mine entry within the 20 metre Con29M coal mine report distance as stipulated by the Law Society - over 20,000 of these are within, or within one metre of, the boundary of a property address. 58 59 assessing applications, along with protecting Coal Authority assets against inappropriate development. The permit holder indemnifies the Authority for 12 years against any work completed and a letter of mining circumstance is issued which provides the holder with details of the mining legacy known to be present on site.

Local experts on a national scale

We are one of the largest estate owners in the UK albeit ours is subsurface. Our ‘property’ Figure 4 – Laser scan within a mine shaft (GeoTerra ©) covers an area in excess of 26,000 km², on multiple levels. However, this would be the size of Wales if you lay them all out in a single plane. Seven point seven million (25%) of properties sit We provide risk assurance, site optimisation & evaluation to the market. This can include CDM on the coalfield – two million of these sits on the shallow coal field i.e. less than 30 metres and SHE support, site investigation remediation advice, technical peer reviews, geological depth from the surface. 130,000 homes have a mine entry within the 20 metre Con29M coal reports and core logging. One saved a local authority partnership over 80% in their remediation mine report distance as stipulated by the Law Society - over 20,000 of these are within, or costs by peer reviews for a site investigation/remediation proposal. Understanding the mining within one metre of, the boundary of a property address. legacy ‘what lies beneath’ at the outset will save you time and money. Over 1,000 potential mining legacy incidents are still reported to us every year. The Coal Mining Mining is why we’re here…answering the so what question? Over 1,000 potential mining legacy incidents are still reported to us every year. The Coal Subsidence Act 1991 (as amended by the Coal Industry Act 1994) puts the duty on the Coal Authority to Mining Subsidence Act 1991 (as amended by the Coal Industry Act 1994) puts the duty on the Mining is why we’re here…answering the so what question? determine the cause of the alleged property/land damage. We in effect have to prove it isn’t coal related Coal Authority to determine the cause of the alleged property/land damage. We in effect have to reject a claim made under the 1991 Act. We accept around 42% of these claims as coal related and to prove it isn’t coal related to reject a claim made under the 1991 Act. We accept around 42% oftherefore these claims our liability. as coal These related can and range therefore from ourminor liability. cracks, These missing can signsrange fromfrom sitesminor up cracks, to catastrophic missingcollapses signs that from hit the sites front up pages to catastrophic of newspapers collapses – albeit that these hit the are front very pages rare. of newspapers – albeitWe proactively these are inspectvery ra re.our known mine entries and use a variety of method to track potential movement Weand proactively surface instability inspect asour can known be seen mine below entries – includingand use a LiDAR variety and of method Sonar. to track potential movement and surface instability as can be seen below – including LiDAR and Sonar.

Figure 5 - the UK Coalfield reporting areas Figure 5 - the UK Coalfield reporting areas Figure 3 - 3D Laser scan model of a mine shaft (GeoTerra ©) Figure 3 - 3D Laser scan model of a mine shaft (GeoTerra ©) We provide expert interpretation of the coal mining data, sometimes centuries old, to assess how it can affect our daily lives and future projects. So how do you risk rank 173,000 mine shafts and adits?

We initially gave each a rank A-E and reviewed the information we hold within our GIS. 60 Table 1 - Our A-E risk rating for mine entry inspection

Category Description A GIS treatment information and records suggest the mine entry may be open, dangerous, not filled etc B Filled to NCB/BC specification C Filled other D Unknown treatment details E Non-coal or not CA’s ownership/liability

We inspected the category ‘A’ mine entries with some urgency. We then turned our attention to the surface receptor i.e. what is the land use at the mine entry location. We focused on three primary areas: 59 schools, local authority land and residential properties. We have now inspected all 173,000 mine entries.

Safe development

FigureFigure 4 4– –Laser Laser scan scan within within a mine a mine shaft shaft (GeoTerra (GeoTerra ©) ©) The Coal Authority changed the way it provided mining reports into the planning system. The developer We provide risk assurance, site optimisation & evaluation to the market. This can include CDM and is now required to obtain the necessary mining report and further their recommendations of how to WeSHE provide support, risk site assurance, investigation site remediationoptimisation advice,& evaluation technical to the peer market. reviews, This geological can include reports CDM and core mitigate the mining risk to the proposed development. The Coal Authority talk a reactive approach to andlogging. SHE Onesupport, saved site a investigationlocal authority remediation partnership advice, over 80% technical in their peer remediation reviews, geological costs by peer reviews development on the coalfield. We became increasingly aware that developers were not adequately reportsfor a site and investigation/remediation core logging. One saved proposal. a local authority Understanding partnership the mining over 80% legacy in their‘what remediation lies beneath’ at the assessing the coal mining risk – we were still treating mining hazards within brand new housing costsoutset by will peer save reviews you time for anda site money. investigation/remediation proposal. Understanding the mining developments. legacy ‘what lies beneath’ at the outset will save you time and money. 60 61 Mining is why we’re here…answering the so what question?

Figure 5 - the UK Coalfield reporting areas

60 We provide expert interpretation of the coal mining data, sometimes centuries old, to assess how it can affect our daily lives and future projects. So how do you risk rank 173,000 mine shafts and adits?

We initially gave each a rank A-E and reviewed the information we hold within our GIS.

Table 1 - Our A-E risk rating for mine entry inspection

Category Description A GIS treatment information and records suggest the mine entry may be open, dangerous, not filled etc B Filled to NCB/BC specification C Filled other D Unknown treatment details E Non-coal or not CA’s ownership/liability

We inspected the category ‘A’ mine entries with some urgency. We then turned our attention to the surface receptor i.e. what is the land use at the mine entry location. We focused on three primary areas: schools, local authority land and residential properties. We have now inspected all 173,000 mine entries.

Safe development

The Coal Authority changed the way it provided mining reports into the planning system. The developer is now required to obtain the necessary mining report and further their recommendations of how to mitigate the mining risk to the proposed development. The Coal Authority talk a reactive approach to development on the coalfield. We became increasingly aware that developers were not adequately assessing the coal mining risk – we were still treating mining hazards within brand new housing developments. It is important that the impacts of mining legacy are assessed as early as possible to prevent unnecessary and abortive costs. This approach also reduces the amount of time on-site reducing the impact on adjacent landowners and lineside neighbours.

In conclusion

We will continue to provide raw data, plans and information to all sectors. We now find business want us to provide an assurance role. Our interpretation lets them know what the data says, but more importantly what the data doesn’t say. Understanding the background to the initial data capture, its accuracy, and more importantly where data is missing, reduces the risk of budget/time overruns. The can be costly if not managed and assessed.


FigureFigure 6 6 - Using- Using a traffica traffic light light system system to help to informhelp inform people ofpeople the risk of tothe their risk site to their site

We became increasingly aware that coal legacy was not on people’s radar and therefore not being adequately assessed. This was in part due to a declining coal mining industry. In 2008, we responded to this by setting up a planning and Local Authority Liaison Department to run alongside a disclosure program. We used our data to develop a GIS high risk development area on the coalfield for planners to use - this covers roughly 15% of the coalfield.61 This is still in place today and means we review over 7,500 planning applications. It requires certain developments to submit a coal mining risk assessment alongside their planning application, without it, local authority can refuse to progress application. We still have issues with certain developments whereby they wish to build without adequate site investigations being carried out.

What else do we do?

Since our inception in 1994 we have taken on additional duties in relation to former mining operations, which were not originally anticipated, including the management of over 70 mine water treatment schemes. We also manage non-coal metal mine water schemes on behalf of Defra and NWR. These include Wheel Jane in Cornwall, Saltburn Gill in the North-East and Force Crag in Cumbria.

Non-coal pollution is often unseen to the naked eye. The crystal-clear water can contain arsenic, cadmium and lead. Coal mine water is orange due to the oxidised iron it contains. This by-product, often thought of as a waste product, is now being used to treat arsenic rich soils and innovatively as a pigment within the paint industry. We are also one of the largest processors of water in the UK outside the water industry and treat over 20 billion litres of water a year – 34% is deemed as ‘fresh’ water, 38% brackish and 28% is hyper-saline. The static heat within our mine water sits around 10-21oC (40o C at depth). This can be, and is being, used for green energy – even heat storage underground. We turn liabilities into assets.

Keeping the UK on track

We continue to work alongside the UK’s major infrastructure and utility sectors to provide expert mining consultancy interpretation and advice. We answer the ‘so what’ question allowing them to risk rank their assets in terms of mining legacy. This has improved the viability and business case for some projects – saving them over 80% on their site investigation and remediation costs.

62 63 The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) -Membership and what it can do for you

Sarah Boad Membership Development Manager IOM3

We are once again pleased to support the activities of the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers and to be invited to join in this year’s Safety Seminar.

Professional recognition and registration are even more important in this day and age of legislation and litigation. It is independent proof of technical “competence” with colleagues, customers, suppliers or regulatory bodies. Professional recognition belongs to you, and only you (not your employer even if they pay your fees,) and it is the international benchmark of professional competence which cannot be disputed or devalued. In these continuing difficult and uncertain times of redundancies and factory closures the benefits of membership are even more important – keeping up to date technically and with who is doing what, and networking may all assist if you have been or may be affected. It can only help…but like most things you get out what you put in.

IOM3 has a current membership of over 16,000 individuals, across the world, with licenses from the Engineering Council (EngTech, IEng and CEng), Science Council (CSci, RSci and RSciTech) and the Society for The Environment (CEnv). CEnv allows members to demonstrate their environmental credentials at a time of increased pressure on green or sustainability related matters.

The main benefits of Institute membership are:

Events & Networking

• Access to local society meetings and events, such as MIMinE • Discounted rates for conferences, workshops and seminars and proceedings • Access to members’ discussion boards and social network sites • Fellows Lounge / microsite and discussion boards


• Choice of a free monthly member’s magazine – Materials World or Clay Technology • Free online access to 94 technical journals

Information services

• Access to bespoke technical information and impartial advice from experts through the Materials Information Service • Access to the library Grantham, IMMAGE an abstracting and indexing database for the mining and minerals sector • Free email notifications of news and content updates relevant to your interests • Optional subscription to TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society of America) at additional cost. 64 65 Careers

• Industry-recognised professional qualifications including CEng, IEng, EngTech, CSci, RSci, RSciTech and CEnv • Professional development and technology updating • Job alerts from the IOM3 website • Online recording of continuous professional development (CPD) • Assistance in times of hardship from the Member’s Benevolent Trust Younger members • Events and meetings hosted by the Younger Members’ Committee • Discounted student membership • Young Persons’ Lecture Competition • Help in finding a mentor

Contact details: Sarah Boad CEng CSci FIMMM Membership Development Manager, IOM3 t: +44(0)1926 430185 e: [email protected] twitter: @SarahBoadIOM3 web:

The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) -Membership and what it can do for you .

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PaulWorking Holmes - MAUK together to manage the & Stuart Hoult - MRSL Working challenge together to of manage change the challenge of change

Paul Holmes - MAUK & StuartPaulWorking Hoult Holmes - MRSL - MAUK together to manage the & Stuart Hoult - MRSL challenge of change

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75 76 Thames Tideway Central & West

tunnels materials handling from TBM to barge

Russell Turner Komatsu Mining Corp Group

Thames Tideway Central Thames & West Tideway Central & West

Russtunnels ell Turner materials handling Russtunnels ell Turner from materials handling from Komatsu Mining Corp Group Komatsu Mining Corp Group

London'sTBM River Thames to barge in the early 19th century was an open sewer and London'sTBM as a result River of this Thames to barge in the early 19th century was an open sewer and as a result of this had horrendous consequences for the health of the had horrendous consequences for the health of the London population including epidemics of cholera. Thames Tideway Central & West London population including epidemics of cholera. London's sewers desperately needed modernisation London's sewers desperately needed modernisation

the responsibility for the works completed 150 years the responsibility for the works completed 150 years Russell Turner tunnels materials ago was given to Sir Joseph handling Bazalgette a civil from ago was given to Sir Joseph Bazalgette a civil Komatsu Mining Corp Group engineer the construction project included 160km of engineer the construction project included 160km of

main interceptor sewers fed by in excess of 700km of main interceptor sewers fed by in excess of 700km of London's River Thames in the early 19th century was an open sewer and as a result of this TBM to barge main sewers. main sewers. had horrendous consequences for the health of the

London population including epidemics of cholera. Further improvements to the system were made in the Further improvements to the system were made in the London's sewers desperately needed modernisation 1980's and 1990's. This system due to its durability of 1980's and 1990's. This system due to its durability of the responsibility for the works completed 150 years constructionLondon’s River has Thames stood the in the test early of time 19th but century it was was designed an open when sewer the and population asconstruction a result of of London this has had stoodwas horrendous the test of time but it was designed when the population of London was ago was given to Sir Joseph Bazalgette a civil 2consequences million people for with the design health capacity of the London of 4 million population people, including today 9 epidemicsmillion people2 ofmillion cholera. are people living London’s inwith design sewers capacity of 4 million people, today 9 million people are living in engineer the construction project included 160km of Londondesperately and theneeded system modernisation has reached the its responsibilitylimit. The system for the is aworks combined completed rainLondon water 150 and yearsand the sewage ago system was hasgiven reached its limit. The system is a combined rain water and sewage main interceptor sewers fed by in excess of 700km of collection,to Sir Joseph that Bazalgetteis waste and a raincivil waterengineer are thecollected construction in the same project pipes included andcollection, when 160km there thatof mainis is waste interceptor and rain water are collected in the same pipes and when there is main sewers. heavysewers rain fed or by storms in excess the systemof 700km ove ofrflows main viasewers. several flap valves along theheavy tidal rainThames. or storms the system overflows via several flap valves along the tidal Thames.

Further improvements to the system wereFurt hermade improvements in the 1980’s to theand system 1990’s. were This made system in the due to its durability of construction has stood the test1980's of time and but 19 90' was This designed system when due tothe its population durability ofof London construction has stood the test of time but it was designed when the population of London was was 2 million people with design capacity of 4 million people, today 9 million people are living in London 2 million people with design capacity of 4 million people, today 9 million people are living in and the system has reached its limit. The system is a combined rain water and sewage collection, that is London and the system has reached its limit. The system is a combined rain water and sewage waste and rain water are collected in the same pipes and when there is heavy rain or storms the system collection, that is waste and rain water are collected in the same pipes and when there is heavyoverflows rain orvia storms several the flap system valves ove alongrflows the via tidal several Thames. flap valves along the tidal Thames.

About 40 million cubic meters of sewage is discharged in to the Thames very year (near About 40 million cubic meters of sewage is discharged in to the Thames veryAbout year 40 (nearmillion Wembley) cubic meters with of sewage is discharged in to the Thames very year (near Wembley) with all the ecology, public safety, health and natural environmentWembley) issues thatwith goall the ecology, public safety, health and natural environment issues that go withall the it. Theecology, solution public is thesafety, Tideway health project and natural which canenvironment be split simply issues into that three go with parts. it. The firstsolution is the Tideway project which can be split simply into three parts. The first being aswith the it. sewage The solution is to beis thecaptured Tideway project which can be split simply into three parts. The first being as the sewage is to be captured the main sewage treatment plants beingin London as the are sewage is to be captured the main sewage treatment plants in London are the main sewage treatment plants in London are upgraded, secondly the construction of the 6.9km long upgraded, secondly the construction of the 6.9km long 7.2m diameter Leeupgraded, tunnel at Abbeysecondly the construction of the 6.9km long 7.2m diameter Lee tunnel at Abbey 7.2m diameter Lee tunnel at Abbey Mills Pumping Station in East London, the location of Bazalgette Mills Pumping Station in East London, the location of Bazalgette famed 'cathedralMills Pumping of sewage' Station is in East London, the location of Bazalgette famed 'cathedral of sewage' is famed ‘cathedral of sewage’ is located here. There is a very large overflow in to the river. located here. There is a very large overflow in to the river. located here. There is a very large overflow in to the river. Both stages are complete. The third and Both stages are complete. The third and About 40 million cubic meters of sewage is discharged in to the Thames very year (near Both stages are complete. The third and final stage isfinal the stageThames is theTideway Thames tunnel Tideway almost tunnel 25km of tunnel final stage is the Thames Tideway tunnel Wembley) with all the ecology, public safety, health and natural environment issues that go running from Acton at a depth of 30m in the West to Abbeyalmost Mills 25k atm a of depth tunnel of running66m in the from East Acton intercepting almost 25km of tunnel running from Acton with it. The solution is the Tideway project which can be split simply into three parts. The first and diverting the sewage flow away from the flap valvesat a depththat currofently 30m discharge in the West into to the Abbey Thames. at a depth of 30m in the West to Abbey being as the sewage is to be captured the main sewage treatment plants in London are Mills at a depth of 66m in the East Mills at a depth of 66m in the East 84 upgraded, secondly the construction of the 6.9km85 long 7.2m diameter Lee tunnel at Abbey intercepting and diverting the sewage flow intercepting and diverting the sewage flow Mills Pumping Station in East London, the location of Bazalgette famed 'cathedral of sewage' is located here. There is a very large overflow in to the river. Both stages are complete. The third and final stage is the Thames Tideway tunnel almost 25km of tunnel running from Acton 77 at a depth of 30m in the West to Abbey 77 Mills at a depth of 66m in the East intercepting and diverting the sewage flow


Thames Tideway Central & West

Russtunnels ell Turner materials handling from Komatsu Mining Corp Group

London'sTBM River Thames to barge in the early 19th century was an open sewer and as a result of this had horrendous consequences for the health of the London population including epidemics of cholera. London's sewers desperately needed modernisation the responsibility for the works completed 150 years ago was given to Sir Joseph Bazalgette a civil engineer the construction project included 160km of main interceptor sewers fed by in excess of 700km of main sewers.

Further improvements to the system were made in the 1980's and 1990's. This system due to its durability of construction has stood the test of time but it was designed when the population of London was 2 million people with design capacity of 4 million people, today 9 million people are living in London and the system has reached its limit. The system is a combined rain water and sewage collection, that is waste and rain water are collected in the same pipes and when there is heavy rain or storms the system overflows via several flap valves along the tidal Thames.

About 40 million cubic meters of sewage is discharged in to the Thames very year (near Wembley) with all the ecology, public safety, health and natural environment issues that go with it. The solution is the Tideway project which can be split simply into three parts. The first being as the sewage is to be captured the main sewage treatment plants in London are upgraded, secondly the construction of the 6.9km long 7.2m diameter Lee tunnel at Abbey Mills Pumping Station in East London, the location of Bazalgette famed 'cathedral of sewage' is located here. There is a very large overflow in to the river. Both stages are complete. The third and Allsewer the abovetunnel) can to as range much from as 1.5very times sticky the to average very slick capacity, and fluid an dependent important factorwater incontent the design and particularly final stage is the Thames Tideway tunnel additivesbelt width used and totransfer aid the points. excava tion process. almost 25km of tunnel running from Acton All the above can range from very sticky to very slick and fluid dependent water content and at a depth of 30m in the West to Abbey As for the material types the list ranges from; Mills at a depth of 66m in the East All the above can range from very sticky to very slick and fluid dependent wateradditives content used and to aid the excavation process. additives used to aid the excavation process. intercepting and diverting the sewage flow • London Clay the ‘Thames Group’ very high clogging potential • London Clay the ‘Lambeth Group’ medium to high clogging potential • Thanet Sands high density sand and abrasive flint from gravel to boulders • Seaford Chalk (white chalk) All the above can range from very sticky to very slick and fluid dependent water content and

77 AllAll additivesAllthe the the above above above usedcan can can range to rangerange aid from the fromfrom veryexcava veryvery sticky stickystickytion to process. verytoto veryvery slick slick and and fluid fluid dependent dependent dependent water water water content content content and and and additives additivesused additives to usedaid used the to excavationaidto aidthe the excava excava process.tiontion process. process. away from the flap valves that currently discharge into the Thames. away from the flap valves that currently discharge into the Thames.

TheThe tunnelling tunnelling excavation excavation discussed discussed here here is divided is divided into into two two operations operations central central and andwest; west; the the East TheEast tunnelling section being excavation the completed discussed Le ehere tunnel. is divided into two operations central and west; the Eastsection section being being the completedthe completed Lee Letunnel.e tunnel.

Lambeth Group Clay Clay Standing to attention Sand, clay, and flints Seaford Chalk (White clay) sliding along Limo Cross NLE Lea Valley cable tunnel Docklands Light Railway Rail

Lambeth Group Clay Clay Standing to attention Sand, clay, and flints Seaford Chalk (White clay) Based on the expected materials, the Komatsu design team could select belt width, belt Lambeth Group Group Clay Clay Clay ClayStanding Standing to attention to Sand,Sand, clay, clay, and flintsand flints Seaford s liding Seaford Chalk along (White LimoChalk Crossclay (White) NLE clay) Lea Valley cable tunnel Docklands Light Railway speeds and study the transfer points to begin the detailed design process. Rail slidingsliding along along Limo Cross NLE attention NLE LeaLea Valley Valley cable cable tunnel tunnel Docklands Docklands Light RLightailway Rail Limo Cross Rail Railway Introducing the TBMs Based on the expected materials, the Komatsu design team could select belt width, belt Based on the expected materials, the Komatsu design team could select beltspeeds width, and belt study the transfer points to begin the detailed design process.

Basedspeeds on and the study expected the transfer materials, points the to Komatsubegin the design detailed team design could process select. belt width, belt speeds and study the transfer points to begin the detailed design process. Introducing the TBMs

Introducing the TBMs LambethLambethLambeth Group GroupGroup Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Standing Clay Standing Standing to attention to attention to attention Sand, Sand, clay, Sand, clay, and andflintsclay, flints and flints Seaford Seaford Chalk SeafordChalk (White (White Chalkclay clay) (White ) clay) slidingIntroducing sliding along along Limo Limo the Cross CrossTBMs NLE NLE Lea LeaValley Valley cable cable tunnel tunnel Docklands Docklands Light Light Railway Railway RailsRailliding along Limo Cross NLE Lea Valley cable tunnel Docklands Light Railway Rail

BasedBased on onthe the expected expected materials materials, the, the Komatsu Komatsu design design team team could could select select belt belt width, width, belt belt speedsBasedspeeds and onand study the study expectedthe the transfer transfer materials points points to, begintheto begin Komatsu the the detailed detailed design design design team process processcould. select . belt width, belt speeds and study the transfer points to begin the detailed design process.

IntroducingMillicent Introducing and Ursulathe the TBMs Thames TBMs Tideway Central Rachel Thames Tideway West Introducing the TBMs TBM Launch Millicent and Ursula Thames Tideway Central Rachel Thames Tideway West Millicent and Ursula Thames Tideway Central Rachel Thames Tideway West ForMillicent the material and Ursula to begin Thames its journey Tideway to theCentral barge the TBM's Millicent Rachel and Thames Ursula Tideway(Central) West and Rachel (Western) needTBM toLaunch be TBM Launch launched beginning with the lowering of the TBM cutting Forhead the some material 650 to begin its journey to the barge the TBM's Millicent and Ursula (Central) and For the material to begin its journey to the barge the TBM'stonne Millicents in weight. and Ursula The total (Central) weight and of a Rachel (Western) need to be TBMRachel over (Western) 100m long need can to weigh be in at launched beginning with the lowering Ariel of location of sites note the acoustic sheds built over the drop shafts ArielAriel of oflocation location of sites of notesites the note acoustic the shedsacoustic built shedsover the builtdrop shaftsover the drop shafts overlaunched 1,300 beginning tonnes. At with Central the lowering the of the TBM cutting head some 650

MillicentMillicent and and Ursula Ursula Thames Thames Tideway Tideway Central Central TBM of theRachel C RachelTBMutting Thames cutting ThamesHeads Tideway head areTideway lowered Westsome West 650 and tonnes in weight. The total weight of a InIn 2014 2014,, KomatsuKomatsu beganbegan workingworking withwith prospectiveprospective clients on their conceptual material handling systems In 2014, Komatsu began working with prospective clients on their conceptual material handling parkedtonnes inin theirweight. pre -Theprepared total weight tunnel of a TBM over 100m long can weigh in at systemsfor the Centralfor the Centraland West and tunnel West tunnelprojects projects bringing bringing to the to table the tableour experiencesour experiences and andexpertise in the TBMMillicentTBM Launch Launch and Ursula Thames Tideway Central chambers TBM over and100m Rachel the long twinThames can HAC's weighTideway and in Westat over 1,300 tonnes. At Central the systemsexpertise for in the Centralcompletion and ofWest several tunnel tunnelling projects projects bringing in to and the aroundtable our London. experiences Komatsu and w as expertisecompletion in theof severalcompletion tunnelling of several projects tunnelling in and projects around in London. and around Komatsu London. was Komatsu awarded w asthe material Verticalover 1, 300Belt tonnes Storage. At Unit Central are then the TBM Cutting Heads are lowered and awardedhandling thesystems material in 2017handling for the systems Central in and2017 West for the operation Central of and the West Thames operation Tideway of theTunnel system. ForTBMFor the the material Launch material to beginto begin its journeyits journey to theto the barge barge the the TBM's TBM'sinstalled.TBM Millicent Millicent Cutting For and andthisH Ursulaeads launchUrsula are (Central) lowered(Central)phase ,and and and parked in their pre-prepared tunnel awardedThames Tidewaythe material Tunnel handling system. systems in 2017 for the Central and West operation of the RachelKomatsuparkedRachel (Western) in (Western)provided their pre need compact- pneedrepared to beto modularbe tunnel chambers and the twin HAC's and Thames Tideway Tunnel system. Material and Capacity TBMFor theLaunch material to begin its journey to the barge thelaunchedconveyorschambers launchedTBM's beginning Millicent toandbeginning allow the withandthetwin with TBM theUrsulaHAC's the lowering to loweringbeand (Central) and Vertical Belt Storage Unit are then Material and Capacity launched one gantry at a time for example, the Central ofTBM's Verticaltheof the TBM have TBM Belt cutting the cuttingStorage cut headting head Unithead some someare and 650 then back650 installed. For this launch phase, Material and Capacity Rachel (Western) need to be The first and foremost consideration is the material to be handled and at what rated capacity our designs upFor plus the six material further to gantries begin its making journey a totalto the length barge of theover TBM’stonne 110m.installed.tonne sMillicent inFors weight. in Forthe weight. andthisfirst The UrsulalaunchTBM The total totallaunch weight(Central)phase weight , of and aof a Rachel Komatsu provided compact modular The first and foremost consideration is the material to be handled and at what rated capacity launched beginning with the lowering should be based on. On the Central contract the average capacity for both the Easterly and Westerly 'Millicent'(Western) heading need to in be the launched westerly beginning direction, withthe temporary the loweringTBM KomatsulaunchTBM overof theover conveyors100m providedTBM 100m long cutting long allowcompact can canhead weigh the weigh modularTBMsome in at into 650 at tonnes conveyors to allow the TBM to be Theour designsfirst and should foremost be considerationbased on. On isthe the Central material contract to be handledthe average and capacityat what rated for both capacity the of the TBM cutting head some 650 tunnels is 750 tonnes per hour on the West contract it is 900 tonnes per hour both contracts using tunnel advancein weight. allowing The total each weight of the of backupa TBM overgantries 100m in turnlong to canover beconveyors over weighlowered 1,300 1 ,in300 tonnes atand to tonnesover allow attached. Atlaunched1,300 .the CentralAt TBMCentral totonnes. the one theto TBM bethe gantryAt Central at a thetime for example, the Central TBM's have the cutting head and back ourEasterly designs and should Weste berly basedtunnels on. is 750On thetonnes Central per contracthour on thethe Waverageest contract capacity it is for900 both tonnes the per tonnes in weight. The total weight of a headlaunchedTBM toCutting a pointone Heads gantry when aretheat a loweredmain time transferfor and example parked conveyor, the in theirCentral system pre-preparedTBM TBM's andTBM C tunnelutting have Cutting tunnel conveyorHtheeads H cut eadschambers uptingare head plusare loweredhead lowered six canand and further be andthe back and twin gantries HAC’s making a total length of over 110m. For the first TBM launch Ehourboringasterly both machines and contracts Weste (TBM), rlyusing tunnels each tunnel isan 750b earthoring tonnes pressuremachines per hour balance (TBM) on ,the eachmachine W estan contracte(EPBM)arth pressure itwith is 900 an b alanceexcavationtonnes per diameter TBM over 100m long can weigh in at hourof 8.84m both forcontracts Central using and 8mtunnel diameter boring for machines the West (TBM) and a, consideredeach an earth maximum pressure advance balance rate of 100mm/ upand plus Vertical six further Belt Storage gantries Unitmaking are athen total installed. length of Forover parkedthis 110m.parked launch in For their in phase,thetheir pre first pre-p 'Millicent' KomatsureparedTBM-prepared launch tunnel headingprovided tunnel in compact the westerly direction, the temporary launch conveyors allow the TBM to machine (EPBM) with an excavation diameter of 8.84m for Central and 8m diameter for the 'Millicent' heading in the westerly direction, the temporarychambers chamberslaunchover andconveyors 1and ,the300 the twin advancetonnes allowtwin HAC's HAC's the. Atallowing and TBM Central and to each the of the backup gantries in turn to be lowered and attached to the TBM mWestmin.achine However,and ( EPBM)a considered the with actual an max excavation capacityimum advance can diameter peak rate due of of 8.84m to100mm/min. flushing for Central (interesting However, and 8m theterm diameter actual as we capacityfor are the constructing a modular conveyors to allow the TBM to be launched one gantry at a time for example, the Central TBM’s West and a considered maximum advance rate of 100mm/min. However, the actual capacity advance allowing each of the backup gantries in turn toVertical beVertical lowered TBMBelt Belt Storage andC uttingStorage attachedhead Unit H eadsUnit toare to a are thethenpointare thenTBM lowered when the and main transfer conveyor system and tunnel conveyor head can be can peak due to flushing (interesting term as we are86 constructing a sewer tunnel) to as much head to a point when the main transfer conveyor system87 installed. andinstalled. tunnelparked For For conveyorthis inthis launch their launch head pre phase -phase pcanrepared, be, tunnel canas 1.5 peak times due the to flushingaverage (interestingcapacity, an term important as we factorare constructing in the design a sewer particularly tunnel) belt to widthas much and as 1.5 times the average capacity, an important factor in the design particularly belt width and 79 KomatsuKomatsuchambers provided provided compactand compact the modulartwin modular HAC's and transfer points. conveyorsconveyorsVertical to allowto allowBelt the Storage the TBM TBM to beUnitto be are then transfer points. launchedlaunched one one gantry gantry at aat time a time for forexample example, the, the Central Central TBM's TBM's haveinstalled. have the the cut tingcutForting headthis head launch and and back phaseback , As for the material types the list ranges from; up upplus plus six sixfurther further gantries gantries making making a total a total length length of overof over 110m. 110m. For For the the first first TBM TBM launch launch 79 As for the material types the list ranges from; Komatsu provided compact modular 'Millicent''Millicent' heading heading in the in the westerly westerly direction, direction, the the temporary79 temporary launch launch conveyors conveyors allow allow the the TBM TBM to to • London Clay the 'Thames Group' very high clogging potential conveyors to allow the TBM to be • London Clay the 'Thames Group' very high clogging potential advancelaunchedadvance allowing allowing one eachgantry each of at theof athe backup time backup for gantries example gantries in ,turn inthe turn to Central beto belowered lowered TBM's and haveand attached attached the cutto thetingto the TBM head TBM and back • London Clay the 'Lambeth Group' medium to high clogging potential headhead to ato point a point when when the the main main transfer transfer conveyor conveyor system system and and tunnel tunnel conveyor conveyor head head can can be be • London Clay the 'Lambeth Group' medium to high clogging potential up plus six further gantries making a total length of over 110m. For the first TBM launch • Thanet Sands high density sand and abrasive flint from gravel to boulders 'Millicent' heading in the westerly direction, the temporary launch conveyors allow the TBM to • Thanet Sands high density sand and abrasive flint from gravel to boulders • Seaford Chalk (white chalk) advance allowing each of the backup gantries in turn to be lowered and attached to the TBM • Seaford Chalk (white chalk) head to a point when the main transfer conveyor system and tunnel conveyor head can be 79 79

78 78 79

Sizer units mounted on HAC's Receiving Section of the HAC

have the cutting head and back up plus six further gantries making a total length of over 110m. For the Twin HAC's installed in shaft Westerly vertical 500m belt Sizer on HAC receiving section first TBM launch ‘Millicent’ heading in the westerly direction, the temporary launch conveyors allow the Storage unit installed installed and connected to the permanent tunnel conveyor structure installation, tail end and TBM to advance allowing each of the backup gantries in turn to be lowered and attached to the TBM receiving unit on the TBM. The tunnel belt can then be threaded into the vertical storage unit. head to a point when the main transfer conveyor system and tunnel conveyor head can be installed and connected to the permanent tunnel conveyor structure installation, tail end and receiving unit on the TBM. The tunnel belt can then be threaded into the vertical storage unit.

TBM TBM Elevation Elevation and and PlanPlan ofof Cutting Cutting Head Head and and six gantrysix gantry back up.back up.

installed and connected to the permanent tunnel conveyor structure installation, tail end and receivingDropinstalled unit Shaft on andthe Material TBMconnected. The tunne to theHandlingl beltpermanent can then tunnel system be threaded conveyor including into structure the vertical installation, HACstorage tail® unit. end and receiving unit on the TBM. The tunnel belt can then be threaded into the vertical storage unit. Drop Shaft Material Handling system including HAC®

In the case of both Central and West contracts the material is delivered by the tunnel conveyor

In thefrom case the of TBM both to Central the bottom and Westof a drop contracts shaft. theIn the material case ofis deliveredCentral 2 byoff the56m tunnel vertical conveyor lift High from the

TBMAngle to the Conveyors bottom of (HAC) a drop are shaft. installed In the and case at Westof Central a 1 off 2 46moff 56m vert verticalical lift HAClift High will Anglebe installed Conveyors, Tunnel Conveyor (HAC)each are to installed bring the and material at West to thea 1 surfaceoff 46m forvertical onward lift HACconveying will be to installed, the barge each loading to bring system. the material to theFrom surface here forwe onwardwill discuss conveying the central to the drop barge shaft loading configuration system. asFrom this here is now we partwill discussoperational the ,central Tunnel Conveyor Material is conveyed via the TBM screw and transfer conveyor, these being an integral part of drop TBMand shaftElevation later andconfiguration briefly Plan of Cutting look Head at and asthe six this gantry West is back dropnowup. partshaft operational, arrangement and, currently later briefly under lookconstruction. at the West drop shaft TBM Elevation and Plan of Cutting Head and six gantry back up. the TBM supply. The material is then transferred on to the tail end receiving assembly of the arrangement,Drop Shaft Material currently Handling systemunder including construction. HAC® Material is conveyed via the TBM screw and transfer conveyor, these being an integral part of the TBM Drop Shaft Material Handling system including HAC® tunnel conveyor. The tail end assembly is assembled on the TBM and the whole unit including

The Central Drop Shaft is some 50m deep and 40m diameter and has a basement/sump and a In the case of both Central and West contracts the material is delivered by the tunnel conveyor supply. The material is then transferred on to the tail end receiving assembly of the tunnel conveyor. The In the case of both Central and West contracts the material is delivered by the tunnel conveyor tail drum, material receiving section and conveyor structure insertion table which travels with fromfirst the- floorTBM to levelthe bottom at ofthe a drop transport shaft. In the rail case support of Central 2 level off 56m of vertical the lift running High tunnels. On the first floor level The Centralfrom the Drop TBM to Shaft the bottom is ofsome a drop shaft.50m In deep the case and of Central 40m 2 offdiameter 56m vertical andlift High has a basement/sump and a first-floor tail end assembly is assembled on the TBM and the whole unit including tail drum, material receiving Angle Conveyors (HAC) are installed and at West a 1 off 46m vertical lift HAC will be installed, the TBM as it advances. In the case of Central it also includes a bottom belt drive unit. The two the tunnelAngle Conveyors conveyors (HAC) are enter installed the and atshaft West aand 1 off 46mdeliver vertical material lift HAC will beon installed to an, array of transfer conveyors leveleach at to bringthe thetransport material to railthe surface support for onward level conveying of the to running the barge loading tunnels. system. On the first floor level the tunnel conveyors section and conveyor structure insertion table which travels with the TBM as it advances. In the case of each to bring the material to the surface for onward conveying to the barge loading system. tunnel conveyors of total lengths 7.7km (W) and 5km (E) respectively comprise of a 250kW From here we will discuss the central drop shaft configuration as this is now part operational, enterconfigured theFrom shaft here wetoand willall discuss delivermaterial the cmaterialentral to be drop conveyed shaft on configurationto an arrayto aseither this of is transfernowof thepart operationalHAC's conveyors,, the receiving configured section to all of materialwhich to be Central it also includes a bottom belt drive unit. The two tunnel conveyors of total lengths 7.7km (W) and and later briefly look at the West drop shaft arrangement, currently under construction. head drive mounted in the shaft, two off 250kW boosters on the westerly drive and one off is onand the later lower briefly look basement/sump at the West drop shaft floorarrangement of the, currently shaft under along construction. with each units dedicated transfer conveyed to either of the HAC’s, the receiving section of which is on the lower basement/sump floor 250kW5km booster (E) respectively on the easterly comprise drive of topa 250kW belts mountedhead drive in mountedthe tunnel in and the ashaft, bottom two belt off drive250kW of boosters on Theconveyor Central Drop, thusShaft is allowing some 50m deep access and 40m to diameter a stood and hasdown a basement/ HACs umpunit and in a times of maintenance or repair of the shaftThe Central along Drop withShaft iseach some 50m units deep dedicatedand 40m diameter transfer and has a conveyor,basement/sump thusand a allowing access to a stood down 75kWthe mounted westerly ondrive the and TBM. one The off 250kWconveyors booster were on designed the easterly to incorporate drive top belts boos mountedters to in the tunnel and a firstand-floor firstthe level-floor possibilityat thelevel transport at the transport torail supportmaintain rail supportlevel ofthe levelthe runningproduction of the running tunnels. tunnels. Onof the both Onfirst the floorTBM's first level floor alllevel be it at a lower advance rate via HACthe tunnel unitthe conveyors intunnel times conveyors enter of the maintenance enter shaft the and shaft deliver and material deliveror repair material on to aand non array to athe nof array transfer possibility of transfer conveyors conveyors to maintain the production of both TBM’s efficientlybottom negotiate belt drive the of 75kWcurves mounted associated on thewith TBM. the tunnel The conveyors profile which were follow designed the contours to incorporate and boosters allconfigured beone it configured to aall materiallower The to all material HACtoadvance be conveyed® to beSystem conveyed rate to either via fromto of either theone KomatsuHAC's of theHAC., HAC'sthe receiving ,The continuesthe receiving HAC®section section of to whichSystem be of which the fromindustry Komatsu leader continuesfor high to be the curvesto efficiently of the River negotiate Thames the, generally curves associated the curves withare the600m tunnel radii. profile which follow the contours and curves is tonnage,on theis lower on the basement/sump continuous lower basement/sump floor conveying of thefloor shaft of the along shaftof tunnelwith along each with muckunits each ded units icatedin dedvertical transfericated transfer shaft applications and correctly industryconveyorconveyor ,leader thus allowing, thus for allowing access high toaccess tonnage, a stood to adown stood continuous HAC down unit HAC in times unit conveyingin of times maintenance of maintenance of or repairtunnel or repair muck in vertical shaft applications and of the River Thames, generally the curves are 600m radii. andspecified the andpossibility the possibilityfor to maintaincapacity to maintain the production and the productionlump of both size ofTBM's both, the allTBM's be flat it allat beabelt lower it at sandwicha advance lower advance rate viadesign rate via allowing for variable density correctlyone HAC. Thespecified HAC® System for from capacity Komatsu continuesand lump to be thesize, industry the leaderflat for belt high sandwich design allowing for variable density makesone HAC.for efficientThe HAC® System cleaning from Komatsu of the continues belts towith be the conventional industry leader for highscrapers and washing systems makestonnage, fortonnage, continuous efficient continuous conveying cleaningconveying of tunnel of muck tunnelof the in muck vertical belts in verticalshaft with applications shaft conventional applications and correctly and correctly scrapers and washing systems particularly specifiedparticularlyspecified for capacity for with capacity and lumpvery and size lumpsticky, the size flat , materials.beltthe flatsandwich belt sandwich design A sizer designallowing is allowing forstation variable for variableed density above density the HAC delivery section withmakes very formakes efficientsticky for efficientcleaning materials. cleaning of the belts ofA t he sizerwith belts conventional withis stationed conventional scrapers scrapersabove and washing and the washing systems HAC systems delivery section providing conditioning and particularlyprovidingparticularly with veryconditioning with sticky very materials. sticky materials. and A sizer protection Ais sizerstation ised station above fromed theabove anyHAC the deliveryoversized HAC delivery section section material entering the HAC unit. protectionprovidingproviding conditioning from conditioning any and protectionoversized and protection from anymaterial from oversized any oversized entering material material entering the entering the HAC HAC the unit.unit. HAC unit.

TopTop floor floorplan view pl ofan Drop view Shaft of Drop Shaft Elevation of Drop Shaft Elevation of Drop Shaft Top floorTop floorplan plan viewview of Drop of Shaft Drop Shaft Elevation Elevation ofof Drop Drop Shaft Shaft HAC's HAC's HAC's


VerticalVertical 500m Belt 500m Storage Belt Storage


BasementBasement /Sump Floor /Sump of Drop Floor Shaft of Drop Shaft

Vertical 500m Belt Storage CompleteComplete Tunnel Tunnel RouteRoute

80 80 TheThe tunnel tunnel conveyor conveyor design design in relation in relation to powers, to powers, belt belttensions tensions and andwidth width is undertaken is undertaken using using Komatsu’s HAC own Statix and Dynamics programs, allowing the prediction of tensions, the optimal position of boosters, Komatsu’s own Statix and Dynamics programs, allowing the prediction of tensions, the optimal beltposition width and of boosters,speed. This belt type width of Statixand speed. analysis This is donetype ofon Sta everytix analysis conveyor is in done the systemon every with Dynamics

beingconveyor used on in morethe system complex with conveyors Dynamics like being the usedtunnel on conveyors more complex here. conveyors like the tunnel Sizer units mounted on HAC's Receiving Section of the HAC Basement /Sump Floor of Drop Shaft 88 conveyors here. 89

Twin HAC's installed in shaft Westerly vertical 500m belt Sizer on HAC receiving section Storage unit installed 80

Tunnel Conveyor

Material is conveyed via the TBM screw and transfer conveyor, these being an integral part of the TBM supply. The material is then transferred on to the tail end receiving assembly of the tunnel conveyor. The tail end assembly is assembled on the TBM and the whole unit including tail drum, material receiving section and conveyor structure insertion table which travels with the TBM as it advances. In the case of Central it also includes a bottom belt drive unit. The two tunnel conveyors of total lengths 7.7km (W) and 5km (E) respectively comprise of a 250kW head drive mounted in the shaft, two off 250kW boosters on the westerly drive and one off 250kW booster on the easterly drive top belts mounted in the tunnel and a bottom belt drive of 75kW mounted on the TBM. The conveyors were designed to incorporate boosters to efficiently negotiate the curves associated with the tunnel profile which follow the contours and curves of the River Thames, generally the curves are 600m radii.

81 82

Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure insertion area

Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure insertion area

Diagram vertical storage unit full Diagram vertical storage unit empty ready for belt replenish Diagram vertical storage unit full Diagram vertical storage unit empty ready for belt replenish Surface Scheme

The material transported to the surface by the twin HAC's is loaded on to the first elevated surface conveyor which in turn loads on to a second elevated conveyor and then on to a radial stacker that can either deliver the material to ground in an arc shaped pile or be directed Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure insertion area directly into the reclaim hopper feeder transferring material to the final elevated conveyor

Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure insertion area delivering the material to the barge loading telestack. The material can be reclaimed from the ground pile by excavator and loaded in to the reclaim hopper feeder which is fitted with a sizer to break any oversized lumps before loading on to the conveyor. Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure insertion area Surface Scheme

Representation of 2 Boosters in Tunnel Representation of typical Structure Diagram vertical storage unit full Diagram vertical storage unit empty ready for belt replenish insertion area Diagram vertical storage unit full Diagram vertical storage unit empty ready for belt replenish The material transported to the surface by the twin HAC’s is loaded on to the first elevated surface Render of tail loading and structure insertion area in TBM Typical top belt boosterconveyorSurface installat Schemeionwhich in turn loads on to a second elevated conveyor and then on to a radial stacker that can Surface either Scheme deliver the material to ground in an arc shaped pile or be directed directly into the reclaim hopperT he material feeder transported transferring to material the surface to the by finalthe twin elevated HAC's conveyoris loaded deliveringon to the firstthe elevatedmaterial to the barge The material transported to the surface by the twin HAC's is loaded on to the first elevated loadingsurface telestack. conveyor Thewhich material in turn can loads be on reclaimed to a second from elevated the ground conveyor pile by andexcavator then on and to loadeda radial in to the surface conveyor which in turn loads on to a second elevated conveyor and then on to a radial reclaimstacker hopper that can feeder either which deliver is thefitted material with ato sizer ground to break in an anyarc oversized shaped pile lumps or bebefore directed loading on to the stacker that can either deliver the material to ground in an arc shaped pile or be directed conveyor.directly into the reclaim hopper feeder transferring material to the final elevated conveyor deliveringdirectly into the the material reclaim to hopper the barge feeder loading transferring telestack. material The material to the final can elevatedbe reclaimed conveyor from the grounddelivering pile the by materialexcavator to andthe bargeloaded loading in to th teelestack. reclaim hopperThe material feeder can which be reclaimedis fitted with from a sizer the

toground break pile any by oversized excavator lumps and loadedbefore loadingin to the on reclaim to the hopperconveyor. feeder which is fitted with a sizer to break any oversized lumps before loading on to the conveyor.

Render of tail loading and structure insertion area in TBM Typical top belt booster installation

Render of tail loading and structure insertion area in TBM Typical top belt booster installation Render and actual typical structure installation Render of tail loading and structure insertion areaRender in TBM of tail loading Typical t opand belt structure booster installat insertionion area in TBM Typical top belt booster installation For the TBM to advance continually the tunnel conveyor is equipped with a 500m vertical belt storage unit mentioned earlier. This unit controls and applies the correct tensions whilst paying Render of tail loading and structure insertion area in TBM Typical top belt boutooster the installat belt asion the TBM pushes forward.



Render and actual typical structure installation Render and actual typical structure installation

Render and actual typical structure installation For the TBM to advance continually the tunnel Forconveyor the TBMis equipped to advance with a 500m continually vertical belt the tunnel conveyor is equipped with a 500m vertical belt Renderstorage andunit actualmentioned typical earlier structure. This installation unit controls and applies the correct tensions whilst paying storage unit mentioned earlier. This unit controls and applies the correct tensions whilst paying For the TBM to advance continually theout tunnel the belt conveyor as the isTBM equipped pushes with forward a 500m . vertical belt storage unit mentioned earlier. This unitForRender controls the and TBM actualand to applies tadvanceypical structure the continually correct installation tensions the tunnel whilstout conveyor paying the belt is equipped as the withTBM a 500mpushes vertical forward belt storage. out the belt as the TBM pushes forwardunit. mentioned earlier. This unit controls and applies the correct tensions whilst paying out the belt as For the TBM to advance continually the tunnel conveyor is equipped with a 500m vertical belt thestorage TBM unitpushes mentioned forward. earlier . This unit controls and applies the correct tensions whilst paying out the belt as the TBM pushes forward. 90 84 81 83 84 83 83

83 Once material is delivered to theOnce telestack material it is is capable delivered of loadingto the telestack two barges it is mooredcapable sideof loading by two barges moored side by Once material is delivered to the telestack sideit is capabledue to the of loadingtelescopic two reach barges of themoored unit’s side design. by side due to sidethe telescopicdue to the reachtelescopic of the reach unit’s of design. the unit’s design.

Once material is delivered to the telestack it is capable of loading two barges moored side by side due to the telescopic reach of the unit’s design.

Once material is delivered to the telestack it is capable of loading two barges moored side by side due to the telescopic reach of the unit’s design. Once material is delivered to the telestack it is capable of loading two barges moored side by side due The work now is progressing with the installation and launch of the Easterly TBM and should be fully to the telescopic reach of the unit’s design. operational in March.

The Western site is currently progressing with the equipment installation and the TBM is scheduled to

launch late April. The site again operates from a single drop shaft 40m deep and 25m diameter however, here we have only one TBM with tunnel conveyor with horizontal double deck 500m belt storage on the surface, HAC and surface scheme with reclaim hopper feeder and here the barge loading will be by a travelling tripper unit.

Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack

Schematic of West surface Site Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack

Reclaim Hopper Feeder Telestack Barge Loader Reclaim Hopper Feeder Telestack Barge Loader Reclaim Hopper Feeder Telestack Barge Loader Conveyor to reclaim system aside conveyor to barge telestack

Reclaim Hopper Feeder Telestack Barge Loader Electrical Control and Integration Render of West drop shaft Barge loading travelling tripper. Electrical Control and Integration Electrical Control and Integration Render of West drop shaft It Barge is interesting loading travellingto note that tripper. on both sites Komatsu was able to recycle equipment from previous Komatsu with its nominated integrator provided the complete electrical control system Komatsu with its nominated integrator provided the complete electrical control system operations, notably the vertical loop on Central originally used on the Northern Line extension KomatsuElectrical with Control its nominated and Integration integrator providedoperating the complete from local electrical command control stations system integrated in to the clients overall control and operating from local command stations integrated in to the clients overall control and It is interesting to note that on both sites Komatsuand thewas hopper able tofeeder recycle system equipment on the Westfrom previouscontract also from the Northern line extension, operatingReclaim Hopper from Feeder local command stations integrated management Telestack in to Barge the system. clientsLoader overall control and management system. operations, notably the vertical loop on Central originally used on the Northern Line extension and the managementKomatsu with system. its nominated integrator providedEach of the the complete four control electrical containers control housing system switchgear operating. VFDfrom enclosures and PLC providing the reconditioned and tested suitable for use. Each of the four control containers housing switchgear. VFD enclosures and PLC providing the hopper feeder system on the West contract also from the Northern line extension, reconditioned and Eachlocal commandof the four stationscontrol containersintegrated housingin to the switchgearclients overall. VFD control enclosures and management and PLC providing system. the services of safety device monitoring, Electrical Control and Integration services of safety device monitoring, tested suitable for use. Each of the four control containers housing switchgear. servicesVFD enclosures of safety and device PLC monitoring, providing the servicesstarting control, data logging and Conclusion starting control, data logging and of safety device monitoring, starting control, data loggingstarting and communication control, data l oggingwith both and the client’s communicationmain with both the client’s Komatsu with its nominated integrator provided the complete electricalcommunication control system with both the client’s Reclaimmanagement Hopper Feedersystem and TBM control system. Telestack Control Barge communicationcontainer Loader one being with boththe master the client’s and can controlmain management system and TBM Conclusion Tunnelling projects are of relatively short duration but never the less each one presents its own operating from local command stations integrated in to the clients overallmain management control and system and TBM all systems. The overall function design specification beingmain createdmanagement in conjunction system andwith theTBM client andcontrol our system. Control container one challenges whether it is simple, or complex all require a firm commitment to safety, innovation management system. control system. Control container one support equipment suppliers. control system. Control container one being the master and can control all Tunnelling projects are of relatively short duration butand never performance. the less each Safety one presentsand Performance its own challenges by Design . EachElectrical of the Control four control and Integrationcontainers housing switchgear. VFD enclosuresbeing andthe masterPLC providing and can the control all being the master and can control all systems. The overall function design Renderwhether of Westit is dsimple,rop shaft or complex all require Barge a loadingfirm commitmenttravelling tripper. to safety, innovation and performance. services of systems.afety device The monitoring,overall function design systems. The overall function design specification being created in Safety and Performance by Design. When the tunnel Thames Tideway system is complete and completely integrated into the Komatsu with its nominated integrator provided the completespecificationstarting electrical control,specification being controldata created logging system being in and created in It is interesting to note that on both sites Komatsu was able to recycle equipment from previous conjunction with the client and ourconjunction with the client and our sewage treatment processes, the system will serve the needs of London into the 22nd operating from local command stations integrated in to communicationconjunctionthe clients overall with with the control clientboth theand and client’s our operations,When the tunnelnotably Thames the vertical Tideway loop on system Central is originally complete used and on completely the Northern integrated Line extension into the sewage support equipment suppliers. support equipment suppliers. Century. management system. supportmain management equipment suppliers.system and TBM andtreatment the hopper processes, feeder thesystem system on thewill Westserve contractthe needs also of fromLondon the intoNorthern the 22nd line Century.extension, Each of the four control containers housing switchgear.control VFD enclosures system. Control and PLC container providing one the reconditioned and tested suitable for use. beingservices the of master safety and device can monitoring, control all Acknowledgements systems.tarting c ontrol,The overall data lfunctionogging and design ConclusionFerrovial/Laing O’ Rourke JV communicationspecification being with created both the in client’s Acknowledgements BMB JV conjunctionmain management with the system client and and our TBM Ferrovial/Laing O’ Rourke JV 85 TunnellingTelestack projects are of relatively short duration but never the less each one presents its own supportcontrol85 system. equipment Control suppliers. container one challenges whether it is simple, or complex all requireBMB a JVfirm commitment to safety, innovation 85 Burrows Brothers being the master and can control all and performance. Safety and Performance by DesignTelestack. MMD systems. The overall function design Burrows Brothers specification being created in When the tunnel Thames Tideway system is completeMMD and completely integrated intohtt thep:// . conjunction with the client and our sewage treatment processes, the system will serve the needs of London into the 22nd support equipment suppliers. Century. Central Westerly drive ‘Millicent’ block diagram.85 Current Status

Central site, the Westerly TBM is now operational and at this date has completed some 400m of tunnel. Acknowledgements Ferrovial/Laing O’ Rourke JV 85 92 BMB JV Telestack Burrows Brothers 87 MMD

87 Future Events

MIMinE AGM & Dinner 11 October 2019

The Holiday Inn, High Road, Warmsworth, DN4 9UX Tel: 0871 942 9061 Please book accommodation directly with hotel.

5.30pm Bar opens 6.30pm AGM – All MIMinE Members welcome 7.00pm Presidential Address 7.30pm Dinner Invitation 12.00pm Bar closes to all Midland Institute of Mining Engineers’ Members Cost: £40.00 per person for a three-course meal. There will be a lady’s raffle and a general raffle. ABMEC Members are pleased to invite you to join them for Social Events To register please visit: or email [email protected] on Thursday 16 May 2019

Golf MIMinE General Meetings (Bacon cob and buggies available on request) Waterton Park Golf Club, The Balk, Walton, Wakefield, WF2 6QL 9.30am for 10.00am (£25.00 payable on the day) Date Time Speaker Title 9 May 2019 4.00pm Kevin Sabin Hargreaves Mining Services – Hargreaves Industrial Services the evolution of a contractor Archery (includes a lesson and shooting) Unless otherwise stated, the speaker will be at either of the two MRS Training & Rescue addresses: Boar Shooting Ground, Paper Mill, Crowden, Glossop, SK13 1JB 9.30am for 10.00am (£15.00 payable on the day) Leeming Lane South, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG19 9AQ

Rescue House, A1 Business Park, Knottingley Road, Knottingley, West Yorkshire WF11 0BU Clay Pigeon Shooting (includes lesson, practice and shooting) Video conferencing facilities will be available at: Boar Shooting Ground, Paper Mill, Crowden, Glossop, SK13 1JB MRS Training & Rescue, Tonypandy, Rhondda Cynon Taff, CF40 1JJ 9.30am for 10.00am (£40 payable on the day)

Other venues may join the video conference. Evening Dinner (3-course menu of choice, Billy Flywheel after-dinner Entertainment) Connect over video Waterton Park Golf Club, The Balk, Walton, Wakefield, WF2 6QL The meeting is passcode protected. You’ll need to enter this passcode to join: 1111 6.00pm for 7.00pm (£55.00 invoiced by ABMEC)

Connecting from a Lifesize conference room system? Just dial 4702919 with the keypad.

Call in by phone

The meeting is passcode protected. You’ll need to enter this passcode to join: 1111 RSVP Claire Stapleton United Kingdom: +44 1223 750388 extension 4702919 Ask for Registration Form [email protected] United Kingdom: +44 20 3870 2762 extension 4702919 United Kingdom: +44 114 303 2499 extension 4702919

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