Holy Trinity Times

Newsletter of The Church of the Holy Trinity

April 2021

Reaching up to God;

Reaching out with Christ’s love to the world.

April 2021 Together AGAIN! Thursday April 1, 7:00 PM Wow! It has been great to actually be with you all here in the Holy & Stripping of the church for Sunday worship. For ten months everything was

Good Friday, April 2 online, but in March all that changed. We got to worship in our Noon & 7:00 PM building – together AGAIN! Solemn & And I have to say it was AWESOME. It was as good as I’d Sunday, April 4 imagined it would be. God was in this place in the people and in 8:00 & 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist our prayers. It felt like HOME! Thanks.

April 14, 2:30pm St Elizabeth Guild The timing is perfect. We are in the middle . Easter April 7. 9am is coming up this Sunday and the church will be decked out Bible Study, Zoom with beauty. It’s been two years since we’ve been able to April 11, 10am celebrate Easter in this place. I can’t wait. Sunday Worship ONE SERVICE In Person and Online After that here’s two things you need to know: Wednesdays, 9am Starting April 14 In Person Bible Study in the Foyer • On 4/11, we will have one service at 10:00 am.

April 17, 9am Spring Cleanup • On 4/18, we will start having TWO In-Person Services

April 17, 9am on Sundays – one at 8:00 am and the other at 10:30 am. DOK, Parish Hall And as always, we will be online from now on. So, catch April 18 and April 25 us there when you are away and stay connected with your Sunday Worship TWO SERVICES church family. 8:00 am & 10:30 am Online Worship at 10:00 am Blessings,

6001 A. St. Holytrinitylincoln.com 402-488-7139


Holy Week & Easter Services In Person & Online

Maundy Thursday, April 1, 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday, April 2 Noon & 7:00 PM Solemn Collects & Stations of the Cross

Easter Sunday, April 4 Holy Eucharist 8:00 & 10:30 AM


Join us for the Celebration of a New Ministry: Save the date! Wednesday, MAY 5th @ 7:00 pm, In-Person at Church

The calling of a new rector marks the beginning of a new season of life and ministry for a church community. It’s a time of transition where we can honor the past and celebrate a new beginning.

After a long search and a full year of pandemic, we finally get to install the Rev. Dr. Clay Lein as the new rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Scott Barker will be with us for a service of worship and celebration on Wednesday, May 5th at 7:00 pm.

Please do join us here in the sanctuary as we gather together to mark this new season of life and ministry at Holy Trinity. We will be observing all appropriate protocols to insure your safety.

“Getting a Jump on the Preacher” Bible Study Wednesdays @ 9:00 AM in the FOYER Starting 4/14

Each week we meet to look at the scripture passages that the preacher will be using on the following Sunday. It helps us get a jump on the preacher. Often we provide great raw material for the . Sometimes we just help connect the bible to real life. Always we enjoy fellowship and prayer.

We will have our last ZOOM meeting on April 7th. From then on we will be In-Person at the church foyer.

To join us email [email protected] and he will send you the link.

St. Elizabeth Guild Wednesday April 14, 2:30 In Person Memorial Room


It is time for us to gather again! We are planning an organizational meeting on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 2:30 P.M. in the Memorial room. Come with your ideas and your own beverage. We will be following the guidelines for masks and social distance.

QUESTIONS? Call Marlene Perkins (402-489-2015) or Kathy Jacobson (402-430-7182) 3

Daughters of the King In Person Meeting Saturday, April 17, 9am To all Daughters of the King and any interested ladies: We will return to meetings in person with our first gathering Saturday April 17 at 9:00 - 10:00 in the foyer. We will be able to sit 6 feet apart and safely meet with masks on. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you- Peace- MaryLu Long 402-429-1021

Spring Clean-up Day Saturday, April 17th 9 am to 11:30 am

Time to come out and help us beautify our church grounds We need to rake, trim, mulch and do general clean up.

Date: Saturday, April 17th Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

What to Bring: Masks, gloves, rakes, shovels, buckets, pruners, loppers, leaf bags, etc. What we’ll do: We will need to clean leaves/other debris out of the landscape areas, window wells and parking lot, as well as adding mulch to various areas. In addition, roses and bushes will be pruned.

We will not have a sign up sheet this year. Please contact the office [email protected] or 402-488-7139 to let us know you can help! You may also contact Jane Janesch with any questions or to let her know you will be there [email protected].

Everyone is needed to keep our grounds beautiful!!!

Cursillo 4th Day Zoom Meeting Thursday, April 22, 2021 – 7 PM ZOOM in to share this event. Meeting ID: 871 4257 0534 Passcode: 974045

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87142570534?pwd=bmoxamVVcFlkdnJETVVRczY3a3NPUT09 One tap mobile +16699009128,,87142570534# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,87142570534# US (Tacoma)

Our sharing for this meeting is Reaching Out.

Lincoln has called three new – Fr. Robert Magoola, Fr. Clay Lein and Fr. David Stock. They will share with us at this meeting. What a great way to meet and greet them! Please share this information. If you have questions, please let Cheryl Hejl know – [email protected] 4

Registration Deadline Extended Sacred Ground Anti-Racism Training Beginning in April of this year, the people of DioNeb are invited to join us for Sacred Ground, a film and reading based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith!

Sacred Ground is a 10-part series built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. It is focused on the challenges that swirl around issues of race and racism, as well as the difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue we need to have with each other about them. You may click here to download our flyer, or click here to download the flyer in black & white.

Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. Click here to learn more about the program.

Register Now! Registration will run until April 7th. Classes will begin the week of April 18th.

Camp Canterbury 2021 Save the Date! July 19-July 23, 2021

Take our parent survey to help us plan for camp this year!

If you are a parent of a youth (3rd grade-12th grade) in the Diocese of Nebraska, please take a moment to complete the Camp Canterbury 2021 Parent Survey.

As we make plans for an in-person youth event in the summer, parent feedback is very important to us. We hope you will share your thoughts and save the date for Camp Canterbury: July 19-July 23, 2021.

Questions? Email Ellen King at [email protected].

The Giving Cart The Giving Cart is once again out in the foyer waiting for donations of canned fruits and vegetables, cereals, peanut butter, soups, boxed dinners and canned tuna. Other food items are welcome as well.

When people come to the church asking for help they are always invited to fill bags with food to take with them. The rest of the food is given to St. Marks on the Campus who then distributes it to quite a few organizations including Friendship Home, Centerpointe, Matt Talbot, and the Veterans' Center.

In the past we gave boxes to St. Marks on the Campus filled to the brim with food every month and still had enough for those in need who come to Holy Trinity. As you can see there is a great need out there, but since the pandemic we have not been able to help. So now is the time to start bringing donations for the Giving Cart. Let's see how quickly we can fill it up!

Thank you for your generosity. -The Outreach Committee



It is yellow I long for, yellow daffodils, yellow forsythia, yellow warblers and finches, yellow gone wild in the eyes of owls and of coyotes. Yellow never viewing the world with eyes gone stale with a sense of the sensible. Yellow, so bouncy, so spirited, that portent of springtime spilling its passion straight up from the cup of a buttercup.

Marilyn Dorf

From the Parish Register

Please change Sally Bates’ phone number to 402-904-7712

April Birthdays

5 Hayden Cornell 6 Annalyssa Fountain 6 Mary Lien 9 James Carney 14 William Waddell 19 Scott Bahm 28 Nancy Coffman

29 Jan Wahl

If your birthday is not on our list, please call the church office and we’ll be happy to add you. .

Graduating this Year? If you, your child, or grandchild are graduating from high school or college and would like to be included in an upcoming newsletter article, contact Nicole in the church office by April 20 at 402-488-7139 or email: [email protected]

Quarterly Giving Statements 1st quarter giving statements will be mailed out. Please review them carefully and let Nicole know if there are any corrections needed. [email protected] or 402-488-7139.

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Church of the Holy Trinity Vestry Minutes March 8, 2021

Present: Rev. Clay Lein Sue Everett, Senior Warden Karla Bahm, Clerk Robert Hillyer Mike Norris Katie Sewell Richard Spencer Nancy Stara Dana Visger Marcia White

Absent: Sherry Kent, Jane Janesch

Meeting held at Holy Trinity and opened with prayer by Fr. Clay at 7:02 p.m.

Fr. Clay led Bible Study of John 3:14-21

Treasurer’s Report: • No written report. • Nancy reported we are 17% into the calendar year and 40% of our 2021 pledges are in. Many prepaid their pledge. After the meeting, Nancy corrected her statement to “28% of our 2021 pledges are in.” • Dick will train Nicole to reconcile and run budget reports.

Senior Warden’s Report: • Sue reported teller procedures have been changed based on recommendations made by the auditor. Vestry members will no longer be involved in the tallying and deposit process.

Rector’s Report: • Regathering o Our first in-person service was February 17 for . In-person were held on February 28 and March 7. o Fr. Clay reviewed the recent Lancaster County New Covid-19 Cases per 100,000 Daily Bar Chart. The Diocesan directive requires each parish have a guideline for resuming in-person services. o The Lancaster County Bart Chart will be used to determine our open/close status. Our open/close decisions will be based on the prior two Sunday’s 7 day moving average. In practice, we will remain open until we see two Sundays in a row with the 7 day moving average below 20 per 100,000 population. If we are closed, we will not reopen until the 7 day moving average is back under 20 for two Sundays in a row. • Donna West Endowment o A final payment of $50,658 was recently received. This amount is considerably more than we were expecting. The Vestry will need to discern what to do with the windfall. • Fr. Clay will begin the discernment process to call a youth minister. The Vestry adopted a 2021 challenge budget of $15,000 for youth ministry.

Junior Warden’s Report: No report

Printable and updated calendar on our website Meeting adjourned with prayer by Karla at 8:30 p.m. https://www.holytrinitylincoln.com/full-calendar- Respectfully submitted, Karla Bahm events-please-notify-office-booking-meeting/event


Holy Trinity Times is a monthly publication of The Church of the Holy Trinity, 6001 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 Phone: 402-488-7139 • Visit us at www.holytrinitylincoln.com; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, & Instagram!


Serving In April 2021 Easter April 4

Sunday, April 4 Sunday, April 11 Sunday, April 18 Sunday, April 25 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM One service Jill Lein Nancy Coffman Mary and Wade Graft Gina Fountain Greeters Wade & Mary Graft John Andrews Nancy Coffman Liz & Jim Carney & Jim & Liz Carney Sue Everett Jane Janesch Nancy Coffman Ushers Jane Janesch Jack Campbell Nancy Coffman Sue Everett Jane Janesch Acts 4:32-35 Acts 3:12-19 Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 133 Psalm 4 Psalm 23 Bob Hillyer Julie Silvertrust Marcia White Bob Hillyer 1 John 1:1-2:2 1 John 3:1-7 1 John 3:16-24 Prayers of the People Prayers of the People Prayers of the People 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM One service Cheryl Hejl Davis Family Vivian & Terry Edwards Greeters Sue Everett Angee Dostal & Angee Dostal One service Cheryl Hejl Ushers Mike Cover Jane Janesch David Bloomquist Peter Sewell John Andrews Lectors One service Acts 3:12-19 Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 4 Psalm 23 Brynlee Cornell Cheryl Hejl Mary Lu Long One service 1 John 3:1-7 1 John 3:16-24 Prayers of the People Prayers of the People

Lector notes: The first listed reads the 1st reading & the Psalm. The second lector listed reads the 2nd reading & Prayers of the People Lectors appear in person AND virtually unless noted. Readings can be found at: https://www.lectionarypage.net/