A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, in England, in the Year 1704. Dutchy of Lancatter. Surrey, George Duke of Northumberland. Tho. Jay ffj; Major. On the Northfide 7%-- Tt hltnr.'surahle the Lords, and others^ e/Trent. Chancellor, John Lcvefon Lord Gower. Tower and Hamlets, Montaguc-Venables Richard Mordley, Guidon.- ef Her MayJij S Mo(i Honourable ?nvy William Duke of Deyonfhire. Attorney-General, Sir Edw* Northey Kt. Earl of Abingdon. Royal Regiment ofHorfs, 9 Troops Pusngerefs of Wind for Forefi, Council. Receiver General, John Chetwind Efq; Warwick, G'orge Earl of Northampton, 4® in a Troop. Sarah Dutchedof Marlborough. Auditor of the North, Hen. Aylojfe, Efq; Northwales, Hugh Lord Cholmondley. George Duke of Northumberland* PRince George of Denmark, Ld High War dm */New Eorreft. Auditor of the South, Tho. Gower Efq; North-Riding of York, John Duke of Sir Francis Compton, Lieut. CoS. Admiral of England. Charles Duke of Bolton. CJerk of the Council, Cheek Gcrrard Efq; Buckingham. - George Kirk, Major. Dr.Temifon, Ld Archbifhop o£Canterbury. Ranger e/Hide Park. Lord Conway. Vice-Chan.of Wm.Brennane Efq; Weft Riding of York, Charles Earl of Queen’s Regiment in Holland, 63 Sit Nathan IVrighte, Lord Keeper. Ranger of St. James’s Park. Attor. -Gen of Lane af Nich. Starkey Efq; Burlington. Troops, 36 in each, 390. Dr. Sharp Lord Archbifliop^f ttrf. fohn Lord Grandvill. Deputy, tffic. Mr. John Baker. Henry Lumley, Lieut. General, Coll. Confiables and Governors of Cafiles arA Sidney Lord Godolfhin, Ld High Treaf. v/arden of the Forrefi o/ShetWOod. Attornies, Mr.
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