INDEPENDENT FILM CENTRE “FILMART” 11 Radnicka Street 31210 Pozega Phone: +381 63 850 70 35 +381 64 125 94 28 E-mail: o |

7th INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FILM CAMP “INTERaction 2012” Pozega (Serbia) from 7th to 25th August 2012


Application deadline: 15 April 2012

1 www.


7th International Student Film Camp “INTERaction 2012” organized by the Independent Film Centre “Filmart” is going to be held from 7th to 25th August 2012 in Pozega (Serbia).

The Independent Film Centre “Filmart” is an independent art association, founded in 2005, whose aims are:

• scientific and professional research on culture, art, film, theatre, music, literature and design • improving cultural and art scene both in Serbia and this region • encouraging international cooperation in the field of culture and art and • education of the young in the field of culture and art

Since 2006 Independent Film Centre "Filmart" from Pozega (Serbia) is organizing International Student Film Camp "INTERaction". During their three-week stay in western part of Serbia, lm school students from all around the world, make documentary films considering given topic.

Apart from the film production, there are also accompanying activities through which participants present their culture and play their films. Various excursions, musical and sports events are also organized for the participants.

During a six-year camp realization, there were 124 participants from 37 countries and 25 documentary lms were made, of which 4 films won seven awards at film festivals in Slovakia, Russia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, France and Serbia.

Through camp realization, the Independent Film Centre ”Filmart“ supports the film creativity of the young, encourages multiculturalism and contributes to the promotion of Serbia in the world.

During 7th International Student Film Camp “INTERaction 2012” 20 students of lm production, directing, cinematography, sound design and editing from all over the world, divided into 4 crews, are going to make 4 documentaries on the theme “Arrivals / Departures”.

Along with the film production, the accompanying activities are:

• Programme “INTERscreen” • Programme “INTERface” • Excursions • Free activities • Exhibition • Film premiere • Summer reading programme 2. CAMP ACTIVITIES Film production, as the main activity of the camp is going to be carried out in 2 stages:

1 Stage 1 ( from 8th to 14th August 2012) 2 Stage 2 (from 16th to 22th August 2012) During their stay in four towns of the western Serbia Students, from all four crews, meet in Pozega and do (Cacak- the rst crew, Pozega- the second crew, the following activities: Kosjeric-the third crew and Uzice-the fourth crew) and • Capturing with the help of a local guide, students divided into • Editing four crews, do the following: • Sound design • Investigate the area and search for the topic • Colour correction • Shoot the material for their documentaries (duration • Subtitles translation - 30 minutes) • Subtitling and graphics processing • Rendering and exporting 2 www.

Along with the lm production, workshops and consultations with a lm directing supervisor are going to be organized. During the camp, the following workshops are going to be held:

• Introductory workshop – presenting the participants, stating the goals and assignments of the camp, film production conditions and the schedule of the camp activities • Workshop No.1 – the summary of previously organized activities (shooting stage) and the planning of forthcoming activities (film post-production). • Test screening – screening at the Movie Theatre • Closing workshop - through the conversation with the supervisor, the participants will evaluate the films made during the camp and ll in an evaluation questionnaire

During the stay in Pozega, the accompanying activities are going to be organized:

1 Programme “INTERface”

During the stay in Pozega, the participants will present the culture of their country through music, poetry, dance, etc. The programme “INTERface” will be organized in cooperation with the embassies and cultural centres of the countries involved.

2 Programme „INTERscreen“

Within the programme “INTERscreen”, students’ documentary and short feature films as well as the films of CILECT (International Association of Film and Television Schools) are going to be screened in the evenings.

3 Excursions

During the camp, the participants will visit natural and cultural sights of the western Serbia.

(’ s ethno-village) in Mokra Gora • Potpecka cave in • Ovcar-Kablar Gorge

4 Free activities

Musical and sports activities are going to be organized on a daily basis with the aim of socializing and making friendships.

5 Exhibition

Upon the arrival of all participants at the camp, on the occasion of the beginning of 7th ISFC ”INTERaction“, an exhibition, supported by Cultural Center of Pozega, entitled ”Arrivals / Departures“ will be opened.

6 Film premiere

Films made during the camp will be premiered on 23 August 2012 in Pozega (Movie Theatre of Cultural Centre of Pozega) and the following day in Belgrade (Cultural Centre of Belgrade). Upon completion of the camp, film screening are going to be organized in Cacak, Uzice, Kosjeric and at the lm academies which had their representatives at the camp but also in other places that are interested in presenting films made during the 7th ISFC “INTERaction 2012”.

7 Summer reading programme

The participants of the camp will also be the guests of “Summer reading programme” that will take place at the children’s department of Public Library of Pozega. Within this programme, the camp participants will present their culture to the Pozega’s youngest.

“Summer reading programme” is organized by Public Library of Pozega.

3 www. 3. BOARD, LODGING and TRANSPORT The organizer provides:

• board and lodging for the participant • equipment and materials for film production (mini DV format) • transport Belgrade – Pozega - Belgrade

Student / participant pays for:

• getting a visa (if they need one to enter Serbia) • transport (to Belgrade and back) • international travel health insurance 4. COMPETITION RULES FOR THE PARTICIPATION AT THE CAMP Competition eligibility

Your application will be taken into consideration if you:

1 study film production, directing, cinematography, sound design or editing 2 have taken part in production of at least one documentary film 3 speak English fluently 4 complete and submit the online application form 5 upload a film (participated in its production during your studies) on some of the online services (youtube, vimeo) and place the link in your online application form.

Applying for the competition

To apply for this competition you should complete and submit the online application form. Online application form you can find on www.

The film should be uploaded on some of the online services (youtube, vimeo) and its link should be visible in the online application form.

The film must be: 1 documentary or short feature film 2 translated into English 3 made during your studies

...... Application deadline: 15 April 2012 ......

Selection of the candidates

After the application deadline, the selection jury will consider the applications, select the candidates and list the names of the participants. The students chosen to take part in this year’s camp will be informed through e-mail by 15th May 2012 at the latest. 4 www.


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

INDEPENDENT FILM CENTRE “FILMART” International Student Film Camp “INTERaction” 11 Radnicka Street, 31210 Pozega, SERBIA Telephone: +381 63 850 7035, +381 64 125 94 28 E-mail: oce@ www.