THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY ANTIQUES AND THE ARTS WEEKLY ț 5 CHURCH HILL RD ț BOX 5503 ț NEWTOWN, CONNECTICUT, 06470 ț SPRING 2015 2 - THE GALLERY May 8, 2015 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY THE GALLERY R. Scudder Smith, Executive Publisher & Editor Carol Sims, Gallery Editor Pamela Ashbahian, Production Director Tel.203-426-8036 or 426-3141 or Fax. 203-426-1394 email -
[email protected] THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY ț THE GALLERY THE GALLERY Published by The Bee Publishing Company, Box 5503, Newtown Connecticut 06470 Historic WWI Illustrations At Schoonover Studios BY JOHN SCHOONOVER were selected for the American Expeditionary Force in years, American aviation quickly responded with the CURATOR, SCHOONOVER STUDIOS, LTD Europe: George Harding, Harry Townsend, William formation of the American Expeditionary Force ( AEF As we enter the centennial years of World War I, we Aylward and Harvey Dunn. Of these, Dunn produced ). Although urgent plans called for manufacture of are reminded that many of the pictorial narratives of some of the most compelling illustrations as an imme- several thousand planes, bureaucratic delays hampered the events in Europe, 1914 to 1919, including war- diate observer of combat in the trenches. Ironically, production, forcing many AEF pilots to fly British and fare, appeared in various publications as illustrations. many of his paintings didn’t even reach the War French planes in the face of well-trained and dogged Notable among these illustrators were six students of Department until after the Armistice and initially were German pilots (The Bosche).