Council Votes to work out 'Squatter' problem with UCI camp- evelyn g. schipske Fishbach,at Tuesday nights's it could be made an exception Counfcilwoman GabbyPryor's the possibility 6f UCI using proposed features editor council meeting. to the ordinance. motion callingFor the City of ers the Even though Fishbach was The ordinance prohibiting Irvine and UCI to work to- Regional Park during the ;i a minimal "While I can appreciate later to vote in Favor Of the sleeping in vehicles within getherin locating solution to school season at limiting campers within the ordinance prohibiting sleep- Irvine city limits, will not be UCI's "squatter""populace."I amount per month. Burton council, "'would look City of Orvine. Iremember ing in vehicles, he did so only effective until30 daysafter the tend to feel that this ordin- said the my financial situation as a alter asking Irvine City At- second reading. The Irvine ance is aimed directly at UCI into it". The third student. Pryornoted. Clay added, student and ifUCIwill support torney. James S. Eficksorj il City Clerk revealed that the students." "and" I Richard "we are campers on UCI property. I UCI could be made an excep- council has decided to delay have to vote against it. a cosely knit group living in go along," announced tion to the ordinance. Brick- the second readinguntil June, The ordinance was-passed3- the fields and we don't want will disagreement Irvine Councilman, William son noted that if UCI desired. in order to lollow-up on 2. but not before tiiree UCI any with the "Squatters" expressed their City of Irvine". concerns. Two factors will decide John Woodbury, who has whether or not UCI will allow been a UCIstudent tor 2 years campers on the University's and has "lived in the dirtarea property: 1) it UCI has no for the past year" told the legal authority to designatea council of his past efforts to campsite, then students will newUniversity get UCI administrators to not be allowed to sleep on work outa solution and which campus and 2) state health gone may prohibit campers , VOL. 5/NO. 42/TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1973 have for the most part codes UNIVERSITY OF IRVINE ignored. Scott Baird. who has on UCI. If and when the camped around UCI for 2 ordinance goes into effect. yearsnoted a largeamount of violatiors will be subject to "hasselingof people livingin punishment by $500.00 fine days for Peace Corps vans" and asked Irvine and/or up to 6 months jail. Action drive Mayor, John H. Burton about Campus Planning And Vista volunteers April18-20 approves trailer A 1973 Peace Corps/VISTA degreedmath/science Volun- TheSouthern California area Southern California campus teers in at least fourteenof the ACTION office is located at park program drive for physics, chemistry, sixty developing countries 1333 Westwood Boulevard in by lee majors hosting Corps Angeles. solow physical science and Peace workers. Los Campus Planning Com- "Assignments direct The other Junegraduates willseek include a meeting last Fri- teachinginsecond- mittee in Volunteer workers at the Uni- classroom Protest of need day, approved a pilot pro- versity of California. Irvine ary schools and colleges, gram establishing a twelve during "ACTION Days" April teacher training in universi- park the working work- psychologist space trailer on 18-20. ties and in for Irvine Campus. Observing their second ap- shops where responsibilities The program, implemented pearanceon campussince the include designing cur- by Student planning in Verano,Place and designed merging of Peace Corps and riculum, program by lee solow Affairs, the long adapting Place residents are has been VISTA in 1971,ACTION Volun- and local ma- Verano fought battle of the squatters teers plan three days of terials." Tishman explained. circulating a petition pro- testing proposed hiring whoare the studentswho have application and information Over 540 categories of Peace the of sleeping out their job oppor- Counseling Dan been in activities at the Career Plan- Corps and VISTA a Staff Chancellor trailers and campers on ningand Placement office and tunities including social sci- Psychologist. $14,000 of the Activity Budget.Sup- campus drive. Work with City on the Commons from 9:00 ence, public administration Verano to become of Irvine officials, and stu- A.M. to3: 00P.M.eachday.An and coaching projects were porters report that more than the by a VISTA at- of the Verano Place dent affairs hasresulted in earlier Volunteer drive in listed Tishman. 77% KUCI radio star long awaited park. March, 1972 produced 16 ap- torney. He pointed to a Cali- residents have signed the located by provision which petition. The park will be lications. fornia State Last Friday it was an- the west fence,near theFarm. ACTION spokesman Dave recognizesthe two-yearPeace According to Jim Phillips, that Chancellor Dan- spaces avail- assignment students, in nounced Twelve will be Tishman, 27, said that there Corps as a practi- Associate dean of iel Aldrich has agreed to able, on a first come first are currently requests for cal job experience and pro- a major survey of residents in weekly on year, do a IS-minute show servebasis only.Students will vides educators with a teach- Verano last more than KUCI. The show will begin on required to obtain a following in ofestablish- be are ing credential the 66% were favor Tuesday. While the show will campus parking permit as Scientists two-years overseas. ing a coordinator of student be for the most part live, sev- well as a $10 leepermonth for "Employers arerealizingthat activities. There was also a willbe taped facilty. lack of counseling at eral of the shows tl.O use of the discovering TM's the Peace Corps or VISTA serious due to the Chancellor's busy service represents middle- Verano. and that this position The park will be for self schedule. The show will air propelled vehicles only, and level or better experience in might be combined with the from 6:00 PM to 6:15. real benefits specialized fields." Tishman activity coordinator. will have washroom and along by Students feel that this will The format lor the show will shower facilities with a billchrist said. dryer. The technique of Transcenden- Tishman said that Peace directly increase their rent be a round table discussion washer and a The tal Meditation (T M) the applied Corps Volunteers serve two and emphasized that the with the Chancellor. The project will begun as soon as valuepf theScienceof CreativeIn- years in overseas host coun- services offered would be a possibility for a radio talk technicalities and red tape telligence (SCI), might offer a tries which request their duplication of those already show seems a good one. can be taken care of. practical solution to many of These 60 nations are offered by theStudent Health a Chancellor Hoy stated man's problems.TM isdefinedas skills. If you have question that Vice located in Asia, Africa, Latin and CounselingCenters. would like to have answered that this program is a fine ex- "a naturalprocess of turning the Hoy attentioninwards to subtlerlevels America and the Pacific. Vice Chancellor has on Chancellor Aldrich's show, ample of how students can of thought until the mind trans- VISTA workersusetheir skills mentioned that UCI has the simply writeit down andleave work together with the Uni- cends the experienceof the sub- to mobilize resources in low- smallest FTE allocation for it either at KUCI in the Pro- versity to meet the student's tlest state of thought and arrives income areas of the United counseling per student than gram Director's box,or in the needs. The Planning Com- at the source of thought." States and receive one-year anyother UCin thesystem. He City Desk. Editor's slot at the mittee is to be commended for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder assignments, said Tishman. feels that the service will not New University. this decision. of TM and SCI. describes this Henoted thatPeaceCorps and be a total duplication, but a source of thought within every VISTA Volunteers receive compromise can we worked man as a "reservoir of energy, intelligence and happiness" a allowances which coverhous- out with students. or. ing, personal This topic and the entire "pure field of creative intel- food and Mexicano immigration ligence." expenses. Each Peace Corps Verano Budget will be Jeff Irvine. '72- '73 president ol worker receives $2,000 follow- discussed next Thursday at the Student's International Medi- ing the assignment. VISTA 3:00 in the Verano Place tationSociety (SIMS) at UC1 and Volunteers are provided with Recreation Center. All problems Symposium qualified teacher of T.M. states a $50 monthly stipend in ad- interestedstudentsareinvited Continued on Page 6 dition tothe other allowances. to attend. Mecha together with the out documents. Comparative Cultures Legal questions concerning Department will be sponsor- the practical aspects of im- ing a symposium dealingwith migration will also beexplain- Student Affairs Budget Hearings immigration problems affect- ed by SteveHollopeterand an ing Mexicanos in the I'.S. on associate. They have de- The followingschedule indicates the revised times of the RegistrationFee Thursday. April 19 at 7:00. HH tended several C.A.S.A.mem- Committee's hearingsessions foreachdepartment.Allsessions will beheld in 178. bers without documents. the Social Science Tower 220. Topics to be discussed are: Crucial information will be Current "Mexican Alien Monday. April 16 4:004:60 Student Aetlvltief-CPO-Child 2:00-2:30 Acudemic RelutloM-Engineer- provided concerningthe daily immigration i'00-2:oo Intercollegiute Athletic* CureCenter '"8 Scare.' 2AW-2.:m S!:00-2;30 Aeudemie Relutloni-Ingtrue- plight of the Mexicano with- procedures ...,„.,.,., Recreutlon Thrhursda>.H . April»-.-ii iuis and recourses Kin in ill Aids "* "" ' " tionul MedJuServicei out documents. The 1 1 11 1*Sl rV rS ":30-S:Sfl AcudemicRelutloM-Compuni- (forms, documents re- S Solid SSublteMureh ['^Z2:00-2:30 ii"Housing symposium will list steps Publicutloiw Uve Culture! " quired), tactics of the Hodino riimmitiia mi 2:30-3:00 Atudemlc Relutloni-Bioloalcul to take care im- lommitui on uuurtsi^Hiiiinui S:OOJ:S0 Service) 3:30-4:00 necessary of Hill, the role assigned to 4; 00-4: 30 (ommlttm In Arts CCM-Studbnt Scienmi longrange needs Aeudemic Relutloiw-Gruduute \ ond-.v AorilApril U4j mediate and by 4 30-5: no Aeudemic Relutioni-F Ine Art* ..:„:,,_ ivionaa.v. Mexican workers the U.S. Dlvwwnni 1:00-2:00 lU'.m ol Sludenu-Ombudnnun in this area. economy. Tuatday. April 17 4:00-4:30 Academic Relutioni-imar 2:00-2:30 Aeudemic Relutloiu-Humunitici 100-21)0 StudentHeulth mution ft ComputerScleni* _>;iu:ioo EOP-RecrultingBen-icen Burt Corona from C.A.S.A. You are urged to come and 2:00-2:30 PeerAdvliIng Friday. April tt :ioo:i :to BOP-BpeciulServicei will speak onrelated subjects ask any questions that you 2:30-3:00 Student Services 1:00-1:30 Aeudemic Relulioiu-Phyiiiciil 3:30^:00 Auiitunt Vice Chuncellor immigration. .) oo:i .10 Plucement-Cureer Plunning Sclvncet Aeudemic & Student Affuira and immigration. Delfino may have on 3:30-4:00 Aeudemic Relutiona-Sociul 1:30-2:00 Aeudemic Helutionn-Saciul 4:00-4:30 (JSA Varela will offer several pro- For further information call Science Ecology 4:30-8:00 Plucement-Educutionul posals to protect and defend C.A.S.A. at 836-1551. UCI at the rights of Mexicanos with- 833-4189 197; pxr.F "> NEW UNIVERSITY TUESDAY, APRIL 17, noon, Canyon ipomorea Cooperative ill biological physics UCI Dcpurtmenl ol lourol the Gateway Commons at oih-ii willbe i>v Me Roche, »i SpomoredbytheCampus UnionPlun Outdoor Program Participants leave Medicine. and Lorin teacher dall. campus the meditation K.idin KUCI M ling \dvltory Committee (CUPAC). [ram Shure-u-rlde Station near transcendental on Hall at IfcSO p.m.. ;mcl rciurn KM ironi 11;i m toooon. Sponsoredby KUCI Meeting:TheChe««Club willmeetlnSSL248 Crawford m IScrv il 7 .m.each Tuesday. 5:S0p.m. Signup in the Student Activities Of- CAMPUS CALENDAR Kducat iona Icei. SO n Gateway 7901, WEDNESDAY Workshop: A umk.shc>p sponsored by Hceat the Comraoni.Ext. TUESDAY CommunilvLecture: "Relevanceol theArts APRIL IK MedicalAid toIndochinawillbeheldat 1*30 Kilm: "Night VWton willbeshownInthe ■ Lecture n.iii Tand 9:30 p.m. UCI APRIL17 Today Music" will be discussed by William Lecture: StanCrowe,regionallecturer from >m on the third floor ottheGuteway Com- Science at admission is.ill cents,others. $1. Also Meeting: There will be a meeting of (he Holmes, professor oimusic. UC1 in the Fide ihc students' International Meditation linns to discuss education projects con student Social Ecologj Students Association Tucs Arts Village Concert Hall at 8 p.m. Thelec- Society will give an Introductory talk on ■erned with continuing U.S. InvolvementIn April 21 Dane- Concrrl: "MaiteMDunce day. April I"at 12:00 in Humanities H;ill 254 ture is part el the series on the Relevanceol transcendental meditation <>n the third floor ndochuui Anvoncwlinwouldlikctohelpwith Concert." Today." ;it program choreographed by «'""8 sst All Interested Students and Facility Second-class postageis paidat Newport Beach. Calif 92660 Seminar: "Interesting Minor Salivary and ano Place resident! will be held April 17 are welcome to attend New Officers will he in OdontogemeTumors' willhediscussed by AI through Ma) 15 from 8 to IU 30 p.m the elected anddiscussion will involve thesocial letters, manuscripts changes ofaddress toTheNew University.3rd DDS, MS, Please address all and bert M Abrams. professor and Verano Place Recreatfon Center The pro science journal, a lilm series,and alecture Floor Commons. University of California, Irvine, Ca 92664 Chairman ol the Qepartmenl ol Pathology at gram consists of five films on problem series. Gel oil your couch and drop by. the ISCSchool ol Dentistry andProfessor ol marriage and successful partnerships- THIIRSDAY vol. 5/no. 42/tuesday, april 17, 1973 pathology at the ISC School ol Medicine at Discussions will be featured. Presented by APRIL19 Counseling Open all. the Airpoiter Inn at H IS p m Dinner the Center to Discussion: "My Love Affair with Sir Wil- publishedtwice-weeklyonTuesdayand Friday theentiremonths of PmuryReading: RaymondCarter will read TheNew University i!> precedes the lecture liam Osier" wdl be discussed by MarthaLou November.February.April and May. the first week ofDecember. MarchandJune, in Writing Center 126 ot theHumanities Office October. Seminar: "Novel Use <>l Radioactive Metal Thomas medical sciencelibrarianat the Uni- and the last three weeks of January by the Communications Board of the Associated ion in BiologicalSystems" he Buildingat noon University as Probes will versity ciuh at noon. Opento Club Students of the University of California, Irvine discussed by Claude F Meares assistant Discussion on Radio: "Scientific Itcscurch members and their quests on Transcendental Meditation" will be professor of chemistry. UC Davis in Mil Meeting: An open lorum meeting on the Non-students may subscribe to the New University at a cost of $2 00 per quarter. PhysicalSciences al p m discussed by HonJevnlhg,clinical instructor campusunion concept will beheld onthe third THE STAFF DaveWilson. Lee Solow.editors; PamLeistner. managingeditor:Rick Teplitz, business manager: Roger Chamness, advertising manager, Jim Norris. production manager. Evelyn Schipske. feature editor: John Timpane. city desk; Bob Geskin. editorialdirector:Marc Weber andJim Mallek. arts andentertainment editors; Mary Fisher, campus calendar. Peter Shergalis. sports editor; Mark Sachar. photo editor; Jerry IS, Woodward. ,Nancy Asahina. Scott Freeman and Larry Gaines. photographers; ROOMMATE wanted April Ito .lime WANTED: Studenta for linht housekeeping APPRENTICE 121 $2.65 Gruveyurd-fulltime Hill, flower house thebeach. Call IVg. gardening. your hours, days, mechanical or electronic uplitude. 18-25 Jeri Ramirez. Mike Beenan, Pat Hughs. Pat Gross. Terry Wilson and Charles artists: on S75/mo. and Choose own Mor Peter, assistants; Charlie Butts, circulation man- 497-21W] Also 350 !l(ind;ilor sale. and locations. Housekeeping $2.;t2 plus F mini be dependable. Vurudyme, i%;t Eusl Mark Resig. Pat Gross and production hr. ager; Gross, KathyFoxen. copyreader; Jan DeHart,secretary bonus ami transportation. Gardening: $2.~>i Edinger.S.A..">4si-7-»B7. Pat proofreader; FOR SAl.K-Bnitttf new chrome header for Mon., hr. Call 638-1800 Wed.. Fri.. 91 & 2-6 Boone, SaraBroadbent. ReggieBrown. BobGes- Ytt Chrome wneelsandPorschehubcaps [or University Housekeeping. WANNA yobut short t>n dough? Churge your WRITERS BillBelts. Linda Mikki Borton. or VW, squareback, adjustable »n a kin. Mark Hutter. Ehse Kim, Mary Lyon. Edith Maxwell. Ellen Metz. Fred Obrikat, Tom Porsche vacation T.W.A. Getuway card it's Schneider, Sharon, Smith, shocks for 3.w Porsche. All cheap,Cull 525- SPEAK GERMAN. FrenchorSpanish riuent- frcf.Call Bruce B4S-7467. Olhinger.Mark Sanders. Bob Randall Scott. T Michael Lou oniiT 5:00-8:00pm. ly and last Private instruction at your own Anthony Williams and Jill Zavidowski schedule. Low prices and discounts to lr('I EXPEDITIONSto Afrlcu. Greenlund. Scun- FOR SALE-'66 Triumph 6S0, 8" forks,extra Students. Freetrial lessons.Call833-9500.Sul- dinavia. Bruce W5-74<>7. chrome, runs strong superclean 71 Yama- livan Language School. Irvine ha :i5o.lo miles, stock, clean. Makeoffer on either. Call Gary 97»-omh. PROFESSOR needsa Furnishedapartmentor home from June to Mid-September Call FOH SALE-1960 Falcon. Good running con collect Dr. Ranklln (2i:ii 746-2121 SPONSORED BY ASUCI/CAMPUS UNION BOARD dition. Makeoffer. M5-2530. TEXTBO0KS for Muth Iand Physics IS & 17 .in-available ;ii;idiscount, ('.illPeterat 548- Informal Crafts Classes Will Be Held In Student Center II During Tne Montn Of 1304 for information. COLLEGIATE NOTES May As Follows: EUROPE-Orienl Flights/Charters: Understand all subjects, reg. youth/SOFA: Intri'l ID curds: Rail- plays and novels Session May 1, 3, 8, p.m. passes: Exlts/AIS, I. faster! I 10 3-5 ixiSB Santa Monica. A * topics 90069: (2131 274-874:; Thousands of Session II May 15, 17, 22, 24 3-5 p.m. available within 48 ADVERTISINGmanager needed for upcom- *hours of mailing ing student Handbook. Promising income. Complete with biblio- Contact Murk Zafiarin or I'ui Aulicino graphy throughthe ASUC1offices, 833-5547. and footnotes A variety of crafts including copper enameling, stained glass painting, macrame, and Lowest pricesareGUARANTEED others will SEND $1.90 for our latest be offered by a qualified instructor. Examples of each craft will be on ■ " EUROPE ISRAEL AFRICA descriptiveMail-Order Cata- display in the T.U.B. beginning Monday, April 16. Please stop by the T.U.B. for Student flifnts. Camping tours Intw-European logue with Postage-Paid more information regarding the classes and registration procedures. student curler II.pits, includingMiddle East, Order Forms too; and Faf East. (There will be a fee of $1.00 per session.) CONTACT. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH ISCA St. Bldg. 1UII Sin Viclnlt Bl it. Hi.I 1 N. 13th Rm 706 LA. Calll. 1004) Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Til: 12131 121-5119 126 09J! HOT-LINE (215) 563-3758

I i^^RilHiKBi l^^^ol!wlll li^SElii^^S I

I H I^MBU MRIHii I TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1973 NEW UNIVERSITY PAGE 3 - %S^ 1973 1974 #^/

respondto.yourneeds.All of us have workedhard isknown to hundredsof studentsas Mr. Beverage duringour stayhere,andespeciallyhard this past and Electric- Dave. He's called Electric Dave be- Executive Tickets year. Armando,along with experiencein student cause that is what he is.a real person,when you government has been deeply involved with see him you'llknow what we mean. Position Paper for Armando Banuelos. Ray people.And peopleis what ASUCI is allabout. He LeeSolow isa long timeobserver of the ASUCI, Swartz, Dave Miller, and Lee Solow: has a long recordof interactingwith students.He through the New University of which he is currently spoken out editorials - Armando BANUELOS. ASUCI President - recently worked as the Co-Director of the KOP editor. He has in Ray SWARTZ. ASUCI Vice-President Uni-Prep Program, was a Resident Assistant against the Administration and ASUCI and is Executive (R.A.) in Mesa Court, a Comparative Culture perhaps more well informed about this campus - Dave MILLER, ASUCI Vice-President - Undergraduate Representative and worked than any other student. He too has worked with Administrative closely with the EOP program. people, reaching out to them through things like - Lee SOLOW, ASUCI Vice-President - Student RaySwartz has servedon theCouncil this year, his KUCI radio show, the Psychology Club, and Services heconcerns himself with the needs of thestudent. just knowinglots ol people. Abolish Student Government? We don't think His pet project this year is working to lay the Peoplethat work and know people.That's what so. We seestudent governmentasa spearheadfor foundation for a student owned gas station next we are. You can count on us to consult the stu- student change. We are that change. ASUCIhas year. He also served as the parliamentarianfor dents on all issues and keep them Informed. We been weak this year we all know, and they have the ASUCI Council. intend to continue popularstudent services such not responded to the needs of the students here at Dave Miller,alsoserving onthe Council,can be as the New University, the bus service.KUCI. the Irvine. countedonto listen toyou.Hehasbeen theheadof Ghetto and Patoghas wellas initiatingnew ideas No one is listening to vou. We can and will Ecology Action, worked with the city ofIrvineand like a student owned bookstore,co-opmarket and leadership ability dedication gas station. Wecan'tpromiseyouthese things, we you will find and doinganything,not trying tochangethings,would experience. DKLANO. ANTHONY and MA Kl really be absurd. can only promise you that we will work with - had previous experiencesas 1) a JCstudent everymeans try and tlu'm. have available to establish V.P. Administration body president 2) a senatorand3) a vice presi- Over 150.000 dollars of our money will be taken JC Barry BARFIKLI) year. a lot of dent on the club level. BARRY BARFIKLD would be an excelleni into the ASl'CInext That'sonehellof DELANO. ANTHONY and HAR1have certain money. We to it that it's spent Tim KELLY f Senator-At-Large.Ihave known BARRY B. BAR- know how see to 1 They right The lor Administration is tin goals they a're determined to fulfill. wan! to FIELD alloi my lifeandhehas impressed without bogging down administrative eosts. Vice-Presidenl expand college aid service include natural changes programs we propose be chiefstudentoffleer for AcademicAffairs.Onthis the legal to an me withhis dedication and honesty.As a Senator- The and can represent court, (a goal made with this money. campus the range Of opportunities open lor on campus to students in At-Large. BARRY B. BARFIELI)would see to it was a student body But weneed your help. Last year less than 20'i student participation in academic affairs is which was fulfilled while one that the interests of the entire student body are you all matched by noneof theother UC campuses.Here president) They would also like to start asummer met. A student government can not of the students voted in ASUC1 elections: in function know what happened. Look carefully at all the a student may sit on a broad spectrum of com- camp lor underpriveliged children the com- succesfully unles there exists an input from the you will see that we mittees, from those concerned with the spending munity. They are generally pushing tor an students. BARRY B. BARFIELD can bring that candidates and we are sure community are the right people tor the,job. of registration lees to those of the Academic expansion of and student oriented student input to student government at Irvine. Knough of this bullshit. It's not this statement Senate and those relating to academic services. Student government has become ;i costly that us what weare hut our personalities. administration, such as the Student Recom- 11 you wantpeopleinthe council whoaresincere business. BARRY B. BARFIELD will work to makes vote councilman We are not printed words, meet us. see us. rap mended Faculty Program. and concerned lor DELANO at reduce the cost ol student government, while with us. Call Armando at 833-5545. Hay at 979- Most students avow a fervent commitment to large ANTHONY councilman for Social Sciences improving the services that it renders. espousing participa- Humanities. 9687. Dave at 833-7852. and Lee at 833-5546. programs increased student and HARI councilman lor Students should have more say in theacademic PUT THK PEOPLE INTO STUDENT tion but often need to be prodded to take full ad- structure under which they labor. HARRY B. GOVERNMENT. VOTE ARMANDO. SWAKTZ. vantage of those opportunities. Therefore the BARFIELD will work for this. MILLER AND SOLOW ON APRIL 25th and 26th. responsibility lor the maintenance of such pro- Large BARRY B. BARFIELD will attend all meet- grams rests with their administrators and they At ings of the Student Council, and to be fully up on have succeeded because they have possessed- the what is happening BARRY B. BARFIELD necessary qualifications for their success com- Tim STEPHENS will attend meetings of the Academic Senate: President mitment and experience. In a sense Ifeel very awkward writing a PR BARRY B. BARFIELD will not be an absetee Iam the onlyproperly qualifiedcandidate lor piece on myself.I'vebeen around solongIfeel as candidate. BARRY B. BARFIELD will have a LarrySTAHLBERG this office. My commitment is reflected by the if most of the peoplehere already know me. I've perfect atendence record at Student Council I'mnot runningunderany falsepretenses.Iwill nature of my experience: twice-elected been involved in student government for almost meetings. not make campaign promises thaiIcan't fulfill. I representative to the AS legislative body, three years now. I'm going to attend graduate Iurge you to get out and vote. Only you can cannot promise to devote mysell to the improve- member and vice-chairman of the Academic school hereand wishto serve a fourth year.In the decide whatkindof student governmentyou want. ment ol every A.S.U.C.I. program. These Affairs committee for two years, co- three years Ihave tried to employ whatever BARRY B. BARFIELD for Senator-At-Large. promises areimpossible to fulfill and Irefuse to representative on the statewide UC Student expertise Ihave in order to enhance the lives of make them. Academic Affairs Council: also active with the those involved in the UCI community. Ihave Lobby campus succeeded sometimes and Ihave failed some- The programsandday-to-day life here at U.C.I. L'C Student inSacramento and the Laura WILSON are inyourhands. It'swhat youmakeol it.It takes annex,specializing in the Master Plan for Higher times. Thereason that Ikeepon trying is because happento Irvine. If there is one lesson Ihave learned from my a lot of hard work and a fair amount of time. For Education. I like experiences assistant, I running as a resident it is that I life to change,you aregoing to have to do it. have been a member of over a dozen campus Iam for this office because of what I must not committees, wish the ASUCI to be. And Ifeel that the limit myself to my own ideasand points The A.S.U.C.I. President has the responsibility from the Campus UnionBoard to the dealing Undergraduate experience have uniquelyqualifies me to of view while with the lives of other of challengingevery student on this campus to Academic Senate Committee on which I people. expand Advising. hold office andrepresent the entire student body. Rather.Imust myscope so thatit improve his or her own life-style. Iaccept that In addition to supporting and where takes inother people's ideas and points view. challenge you necessary and possible expanding present pro- of responsibility. I to criticize the While in a positionof making decisions that will existingstructure,get into theprograms youcare grams in academic affairs (Student Recom- affect us all, I about, Faculty, grading policy proposals, Howard BIDNA realize that itis critical that one and plan for the future of our student mended Student Government serves two functions: acknowledges,with genuineconcern,thefeelings government. faculty evaluation) Ipledgeto use everyeffort to advocacy. improve campus faculty student services and student ASUCI and beliefs of others. James T. GOODRICH relations with and the has $150,000 ot our money to work in these areas. Iam Laura Wilson. Iam running under the you lewd, statewide Academic Senate: As a member of the Are interested in obscene and down-- The Council oversees use ot the money and name of Laura because, it elected. Ifeel that it right lascivious idisgusting)material-excellent AS Council Iwill continue my support lorprojects bookstore, generallydirects the student government. willhelpremind me that Iwill not only be repre- youare the personIamlookingfor.Itis withinyou such as the student-run the Student sentingmyself individual, rather, hope lies, emerging Lobby expanded speakerspro- Student services includes such items as as an but Iwill that you are the new order and concerts and speakers, concerts, bus, the be responsible for expressing the upon grams. VOTE the communications view of the founded a whollydifferent angleof vision.In FOR THE INDIVIDUAL.QUALI- media,and other publications andprograms. The people Irepresent. Ifeel that it is especially unfoldings of the past FIED NOT THE TICKET the multitudinous swift speaker program must be expanded.With the important that Iactas a voice for thosegroups on decade we have seen America and our educa- abundance of personalities and experts in Cali- campus that are smaller, and therefore seldom tional system as a casuallymalevolent machine fornia, by - it is absurd that most students can recall heard over the more dominant groups of this luled w ithgreedy vapors and driven devices of only speaker exploitative Y.P. Student Services the name of one ASUCI this year. campus. Theirinputis important inhelping those duplicity, tricknology. competition cultural who are in the processof making decisions that rote to seedy Student sponsored and film programs and- obedience some code of expanded. will affect the entire Although unspokenrules, gauzed A. HALL shouldiilso be Thebushas proventobe student body. I all over with thefacade of Jim most beneficial, and should to realize that Icannot encompass "all"' points of respectability. by apprehensions of Once upon a time, there was a small group of efforts be made Stirred operate Sundays evenings view, Iaspire to at least keep the com- betrayal. upon you. generation to people a BIG university. They were charged have thebus on and and lines of Icall a declared at to add more routes. The ASUCI must munication as open as humanly possible. a decency and commitment to change, let us with making the school a really smooth and lun Council ensure that our student services money is ef- As a black woman. Ihave been involved in promptly set forth in a collective quest lor self- place to be. They tried and tried. And each year political, academic, identity, Alter years, fectivelybeingused tomeettheneeds ofstudents. various and cultural both as students and as future scholars the group changed a little. several it Student advocacy since Ifirst' set loot on this university (you like that?). This is a portentous time and seemed like they hadgotten it inshape. Theypro- involves theneedlor students - here, to be involved in universitydecision making. The :two years ago. Ifeel that it is important for time itsell is definitelya-changin.Or so itseems vided a bus to bring us from there to con- women, - dances, many good things. Council must work to bring student needs and especially women of minority groups, to possibly we have come a full circle are we certs and and other politicalprocesses soporilic again'.' alas, concerns to the attention of those in positions of become involved in the of this headedback to the fifties Arebur But the WIZARD OF FINANCE said. campus in order to have some control over our campuses away a spent too money. you authority. Our increasing influence and political lolling in narcotizedcalm while "You've much How did blow future. For this reason. Istress involvement. the dopesuckers turning to 1 power (since the 18 year old vote) should be are Jesus' It is a it?" We'vebeen too long too reaction to this thought that promptme to runfor The current ASUCI Council has provided exercised on thiscampus, in Berkeley,and in the leaders and havecome far Legislature tuition, in this process to stand back and follow now. office. Iam a frustratedperson wearyofrageand excellent services and activities to UCI students State on such issues as political at beyond students, given financial aid. growthof the library, and grading tired of empty rhetoric.Iam acampus at cost what we. the have Maya draggingbottom, trying to remedy the "financial crisis" policies. Nora KACHATUROFF wherestudent morale is profes- them. In Iam currentlya sophomore double majoringin sors profess antagonism, legislators are raping the Council has overlooked several money It is foolish to rruike specific promises.But not our budget, the list goes on. Iam not a political!, making opportunities, including a rock concert I've never run for an office before,but thesimple featuringWar & Malo at the Anaheim Convention fact is I can not hack the ways things are run Center. Graduate students and other segments of ? hence my reason tor this attempt. Let us make a the UCI population have also felt "overlooked" Wayzgoose ? It's kinda like ... this change, a pursuit towards mass recycling of and are trying to form their own student govern- sort's whose products will bloom in a coherency ment. Ifeel that these problems aredue toa com- WAYZGOOSE, 1973 and decency that a University needs. Re- munications gap. The inability of the ASUCI member, there is no Blimp in the sky administration to communicate with the Council, and the inadequate communication between DobbieNORRIS members of the Counciland the students that they In at least the past three years, various represent.Ipropose a Council dedicated to over- administrations have promised to gLve aid. coming the problems that have marred a near support and comfort to the ever unchanging1(1 perfect year. As your ASUCI Vice-President of populace.Around this timeeach year we begin to Student Services. Iwant to explore alternate see campaign posters askingus to vote for Clyde means of fund raising and communication, to Schmuck, Tom Token, or whatever. More likely unify the student body, and helpus tackle other than not we either have never heard of them and student-life concerns. will never hear from them again win or lose, or they belongto some aloof son-ol-Moses click who hang out aroundGateway Commons and arenon- representativeof the people. With the coming of Council Tickets election time each year the brilliance of the candidates for executive officers nevers fails to DELANO Morgan,at-large amaze me. Since there are many biology and ANTHONY Williams. Social Sciences science students at UCI. they quickly conclude IIAKI Naylor,humanities that a large gaily colored sign along Steinhaus Budgetary cutbacks,andincrease in dormitory Hall or Science Lecture Hall would be apropos. rates (with a concurrent decrease in cleaning Then the next big voter jack pot isMesa Court, so services), a probably increase in Verano Place a sign with giant letters, brightly displaying the apartment rates, a reorganizationand decrease undeniable artistic talents and wisdom oi the in student financial aid. a new administration candidates is placed on the walls ol Mesa Court building (completewith Mesa Court telephones). Commons, which only adds to theother dilemmas are just a lew of the major changes Irvine that people in Mesa Court feel when walking students will have to lace this (all.Inorder tohave toward the commons 1 to :i times a day. The anyeffect on these type ofdecisions which greatly candidates usually disappear into ASUCI, never concern students, a strong dedicated, active. to be seen again by the students they represent. ASUCI council is needed. Instead, now and then we get an official decree of But inorder to achieve this typeof council, indi- "Let them hear Beach Boys'. As an nuing relic. vidual council members are needed whoposess student, special interest,hall advocate, counter certain desirable traits and abilities. culturally and integral part ol UCI, Ihave come DELANO MORGAN, ANTHONY WILLIAMS to realize that Ican representthestudent populice and HAR1 NAYLOR are thivi- students who because 1am reqresentativeof the students. possess thesenecessaryqualities. Within thistean doinganything,not tryingtochangethings,would Biology and Chemistry. One ol my major con- to those whohave ideas. That is why Iam running reallybe absurd. cerns hasbeen the direct student voicein the way lor this office. Ihave seen students who have not their money is collected and spent. I feel that a been able to relate to ASUCI. I have seen Barry BARFIKLI) voluntary ASUCI fee should be instituted to make frustration because of this inabilitywhich results BARRY BARFIKLI) would be an excellent ASUCI more responsive to student wishes. in the apathy that is so prevalent on campus. II Senator-At-Large.IhaveknownBARRY B.BAR- Students should be made aware of how their elected. I will open up ASl'CI so that it will be FIELD allofmynaturallifeandhehasimpressed money is going tobe spent in advance so they can easier for those with ideas to have them voiced. me withhisdedication and honesty.As a Senator- voice their opinions on the subject at that time. And I will try to make its programs more out At-Large.BARRY B. BARFIKLI)would see to it And, to voice their opinions, the students need a reaching so that ASUCI will have something to that the interests of the entire student body are direct line to the council: that is why Ipropose to oiler everybody. These are the needs of any met. A student government can not function make a phonenumber available so that students organizationif it is to beeffective. To helprealize succesfully miles there exists an input from the can have direct contact with the council to bring these needs, vote forme on election day lorSocial students. BARRY B. BARFIKLI)can bring that up significant problemsand voice their opinions Science Senator. student input to student government at Irvine. on current issues in student government. Student government has become a costly business BARRY B. BARFIKLI) will work to reduce the cost of student government, while Interschool Curricula improving the services that it renders. Humanities Students shouldhave more say in the academic Pete GETOFF structure under which they labor. BARRY B Debbie WILLIAMS How do Icommunicatemydesire foryour votes BARFIKLD will work for this. Change is fundamental- without using the same old political cliches'.' It BARRY B. BARFIKLD will attend all meet- Change is constant- maybe a littledifficult but Iamnot goingtomake ings of the Student Council, and to be fully upon Idon'tclaim to bea miracleworker,nordo Itry any wild campaign promises.However. Ido feel what is happening BARRY B. BARFIKLD to createproblems to solve: Ido. however,intend the following information is relevant: will attend meetings of the Academic Senate: to modify or correct that which calls lor change- 1. My views have changed since the lime two BARRY B. BARFIKLD will not be an absetee whether it is involved with Humanities cur- years ago when Ifelt student government was candidate. BARRY B. BARFIKLD will have a riculum, special programs, or affecting the unimportant and ineffectual. Even though its perfect atendence record at Student Council student body at-large. powers are dwarfed by those of the school ad- meetings. Change is inevitable... ministration and societyonthe whole,the control Iurge you to get out and vote. Only you can Vote that student government can potentially wield decidewhatkind ofstudent governmentyou want. Debbie Williams over programs and policies is enormous. BARRY B.BARFIKLD for Senator-At-Large. for I a 0 April 25. 26th 2. Irealize that the position which am Humanities Senator candidate (CIC) representsseveral verydifferent departments, withdifferent needs and priorities. Laura WILSON JosephHASSON It is impossible for me to name all the specific If there is one lesson Ihave learned from my Humanities students, nota bene. Empty issues which willarise in the coming yearbut you experiences as a resident assistant, it is that I Wednesday afternoons are boring. Keep me off can be sure that Iwill stand up and light any must not limit myself to my own ideasand points the streets and make the Wednesdays of my decision, program,or policy which willexploitor of view while dealing with the lives of other senior year stimulating. Give me some action: screw over any particular group of students. people.Rather. Imust expandmy scopeso that it send me to the Humanities seat on the ASUCI 3. Ihope that my abilityto be objective,honest, takes in other people's ideas and points of view. Council. and flexible inmakingdecisions will enableme to While in a positionof making decisions that will Do youappreciate frankness? Fine. The added be responsiveto the needs of the students. affect us all, Irealize that it is critical that one responsibility and experience of this council- Iam not runningloroflice just for thehellof it. I acknowledges,withgenuineconcern, thefeelings manship will help towards my career in law. I usually don't attempt to do something unless I and beliefs of others. haven't held an office since high school, but I'm think Icando aquality job.Ask your friendsabout Iam Laura Wilson. Iam running under the willingtooil upany rusty spots to work smoothly. PETE GETOFF. VOTE FOR FETE GETOFF. name of Laura because, if elected. Ifeel that it Ihave traveled extensivelyand seen the work- INTERSCHOOL CURRICULA SENATOR. will help remind me that Iwill not onlybe repre- ings of many different economic systems and sentingmyselfas an individual,but rather,Iwill forms of government: military dictatorships in Ralph HAWKINS be responsible for expressing the view of the Greece and Brazil: Franco's Spain: Titoist My name may not be known to many across people Irepresent. Ifeel that it is especially Yugoslavia: free-market capitalism in Hong campus, but as manager of KUCI for the pasl that Iact asa voice for thosegroupson Kong: police state in capitalistic Union of South year.Iama ware olthe manyinjustices within the »mpus that are smaller, and therefore seldom Africa: Chinese Communist Tanzania: University. You. the student body, have been ?ard over the more dominant groups of this indescribably poor India: then others such as accused of apathy,but Ifeel that it is the attitude impus. Theirinput is importantinhelping those Morocco. Japan.England,andtheU.S.A. But I've of your student government that has promoted ho are in the process of making decisions that never seen the workings of a mellow university's this idea. Too many council members squabble ill affect the entire student body. Although I student government. over what they think is best for you. without ■alize that Icannot encompass "all" points of Iam22 and notover the hill.Iwant to represent stopping to consider what the people they ew, Iaspire to at least keep the lines of com- you. Don't send Valentines on FJleetion Day: just represent might want. This is a commuter unication as open as humanly possible. be my constituent. campus, and while I would like to promote a As a black woman. Ihave been involved in tighter student community. Iwould not do so at Inportant Curtis GRAHAM the expense of the majority's interests. irious political, academic, and cultural since Ifirst' set foot .on this university Iam running for the Office of Councilman for Iam against the funding of any projects which two years ago. Ifeel that it is important for the Humanities Department.A realissue my produce no visible service. Iam speaking of the especially women of minority groups, to mind, that the council's association with the model U.N., or extraneous travel expenses for ome involved in the political processesof this ASUCI officers this year has been a strained executive officers. On a positive note. Iplan to relationship. lpus in order to have some control over our For an effective government, this light for: tnen, repaired. of FTP] program ire. For this reason. Istress involvement. must be A result this ineffectiveness "The student We'vebeen leaderstoolongand have toofar between ASUCI and the council has been that *The student Health Advisory committee come Project this process to stand back and follow now. groups of graduate students are now attempting "The Farm ' to form an alternative government. Also ASUCI *The restoration of the "Z grade option ra Maya KACHATUROFF has been guilty of overspending this year to give *A more productive Concert and Dance com- am currentlya sophomoredouble majoringin us the services theyfeel wedesire. But whileover- mittee I spending, various programs havebeen eliminat- ""Expansion of the student newspaperand radio ed that could have helped to improve the to better serve the student needs. . . atmosphere of U.C.I. What is neccessary is a Ihope Ihaven't thrown out anycliche campaign a like this ? reevaluation of the council and ASUCI. a change promises. I don't intend to plaster the campus ... in priorities of spending our our monies, and a with bigger-than-life posters of my name. II change to make ASUCI and the council more you'reinterested enoughinUCI to bereadingthis, WAYZGOOSE, 1973 responsive to our needs. than you're the person Iwish to appeal to. Lori DICKKRMAN I'm Lori Dickerman. better known as the Biological Sciences person who fell off the Mesa' Court Commons root last Septemberduring "O Week.Because ol that Don FRAMBACH experience.Igot to know a lot of people in the positions currently held: administration and saw first-hand how the Co-President of Cumore Residence Hall' bureaucracy works. Iexperienced the hassles member of the Campus Union Board involved whenever something has to be done, past experience: especially within the Humanities Core system. High School President Since I've felt it. Iespecially would like to help KeyClub Lieutenant Governor simplify thechannels of thebureaucracy to make Students shouldplay inincreasingroleinthe ad- action easier and simpler for the student body, ministration of this University. This can be ac- and to make the administrative heads more ac- complished by more student representation on University in- cessible to the students. A vote for me is a vote Committees 4and more student against red tape. Iknow it's too big a job to do volvement in the selection and evaluation ol single-handedly,but Ican'teven try withoutbeing faculty and courses,to name acouple.Inthe past, elected— andIreally wantto try. as much for my- mechanisms for student input have been set up. self (being a Humanities major) as for all of the These projects should be nurtured and strength- other peoplein the school. ened. Ipledge to work for these goals. Iwill have ample time to discharge the re- sponsibilitiesof this office. Social Sciences Jiruee SOLOW Hello .I'm Bruce Solovv. and I'm running lor MargaretSCHWARTZ YOUR BiologicalSciencescouncilman. Isay your The ASUCI Council is ;m effective body of because it's about time someone beganrepresent- changeonUCI.butitis notanautomaticmachine. ing YOU in this council. Did you know that over It needs people to run it. people who care about One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars will be ASUCI and how it can help the average UCI available to ASUCI this year'.' What about the Z student. ASUCI has done a lair amount lor the grade option? Did you know that only 1595 of the .student this year, but there remain several academic senate were present when it was voted students who have not been touched by it or by its out'.1 Something must be done, but Ineed your activities. ASUCI should bea force that will reach help, Let me know what you want.Call me at 83:*- out to those students who want to participate in the 6561. Vote i(n Bruce Solow. councilman for affairs of this school, and it should be responsive biologicalsciences. I'll listen. PAGE 6 NEW UNIVERSITY TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1973 while to investigate the pos- TM appears to be unique in the stale of rest andrelaxationthatIs sibility for clinical applicationof worldtoday in thatessentiallyit ...TM's real benefits about twice as deep as that ex- this state of wakeful rest and doesn't involve any "do's and periencedduring deepsleep: and from Page 1 relaxation." don'ts." TM is not a religionor Continued clear)y. naturally, yet unlike sleep, the mind re- Other research studies philosophy.Itdoesn'trequireone think more One fully alert capable at Har- t not a spontaneouslybegins to deal with mains and of vardMedicalSchool,StanfordRe- to change his beliefs, life style, hiilTM is withdrawal from responding to stimuli.The life. th;it it'sactuallyasimplepro- problemsmoreeffectively." article searchInstitute. UC Berkeleyand diet, or anything. It doesn't in- concludes by saying TM. "may University of Texas sug- volveassuming any weirdpretzel- cedure for preparing oneself for well be a guidepost have more successful activity. to better gested TM may be an effective like postures or going into any health. It should be well Patricia Pickett,grad student in Scientific Research onTM WOrth- solution for lowering high blood kind of trance. It also doesn'tin- mathematics at VC Irvine Theories and claims of personal pressure and hypertension: de- volve any concentration or thing; they contemplation. remarked about the benefits. benefits are one may LflvalsolRmt creasing drug abuse: decreasing There's no effort good "Since Istarted T.M. my aware- sound all too and true. The Change in MetabolicHate the need for tranquilizers. or control of the mind. It's a ness of my own feelings and real test of something lies in stimulants, depressantsandother completely naturalprocess. whether it can ■ be objectively, The technique is practiced 15- desires has greatly expanded. I ==c^=^ Hypnoiii drugs: improvinglearningability for have greater clarity of mindand scientifically verified. Recently and increasing reactiontimes. 20 minutes twice daily, morning am much stronger in making de- scientists from various uni- Researchis presently underway and evening, sitting comfortably cisions. This has resulted in my versities in the U.S. and world "\ V here at UCI. Ron Jevning.M.S. withtheeyesclosed.Thepractice improved-ability to chart out a have become particularly PhD in Biophysics, clinical in- itself is claimed to be very easy. course of action, because Ican interestedin TM and its effects. structor in Department of One just follows some simple in- now see many alternatives Medicine is currently the structions and the rest is auto- instead of being limited to a sole In Scientific American, Feb. principle investigator on TM. As matic. Thebenefits aresaid to be path of action. After meditating 1972. an article. "The Physiology an associateofDr. Archie Wilson, immediateand accumulative. k TrafiicenrtenUI MtdiUIion Lecture at UCI for six months, Ihave more of Meditation"by Dr's.R.K.Wai- 6 L he is studying the and TM biochemical energy, sleep more soundly and lace and H. Benson cites distinct -20% physiological correlates of the TM can be easily learned in can cope more effectively with physiological changes that ac- hypometabolic state producedby sevensteps, the first of whichin- emotionalstress." company the meditative state. fimr hi m 012 34BB7 TM and, in particular,is tryingto volves hearing a free intro- These changes werecharacteriz- locatetheunderlyingcausesof the ductory lecture. SIMS on campus PaulHaskin. 1972 alumniof UCI, edas producingwhatthey calleda During transcendental medi- sharpdecreaseinthemetabolism has scheduled two free open hypometabolic" (i.e. discussions, introductory Psychology, teacherof TM "wakeful, - a tation oxygen consumption and that occurs as a result of TM. and SCI. described how TM re- state of restful alertness ' see UCI undergraduate student Ron lectures, Wednesday,April 18, at lates toproblem solving. "A prob- figure state and showed little metabolic rate markedly de- Honsberger is just concluding a noonand 7:30 p.m.inthe3rdfloor lem is only a problem becauseof resemblence to the physiological crease, indicating a deep stateof six month study on the effects of Commonslounge for all those in- terested. one's own inability toeffectively characteristics of other relaxed rest. Reference: Scientific TM on asthmatics. One para- deal with some particular situa- states of consciousness such as meterstudied indicated that Additional information can be American, February,1972. 94% tion.This inability on the part of sleep, dreaming and hypnosis. of the asthma patients who obtained from the SIMS-IMS Na- an individual results in making These findings leadWallaceinhis Adapted from Scientific Re- practiced TM had improved air- tional Center. 1015 Gayley Avenue, Los Angeles, California one feel incompetent, frustrated, PhD thesisatUCLA topostulatea searchonTranscendentalMedita- way resistance, while thecontrol worried, unhappy,depressed,etc. 4th major state of consciousness, group showed no change. The 90024 (213-477-4537) or locally in Hence, the word "problem." In just as necessary as waking, tion, a publication of the study concludedthat TMmaybea Orange County at 528N.Glassell. Orange, California 92667 (714-538- TM. by turning our awareness in- dreaming and sleeping. These Maharishi International Uni- beneficial adjunct in the treat- to powerful, physiological changes suggested 5258). wards subtler, more versity Administration Center, ment of asthma. levels of awareness, the mind that TM (1) reduces tension and is Gayley strengthenedso that upon coming anxiety. (2) reduces theworkload 1015 Ave., Los Angeles, out of meditation one begins to of the heart and (3) produces a Calif. 90024. - f^H\ THERE!I4vT\ PA* 11CJIN t / AHAPTEPtfX, A I / WIM6LESSBIRD *^— ,_ =tt, Apply skills in Physics, Faculty, and Staff) /"^V S Science, vTTVi \ A -3^7 Social Chemistry, Phys- Ty: kj ical Science, Public Administra- f "On ' you Aj^V Or coach n8 overseas in cie- Plus everything want in student travel It yr fl ■ veloping countries or in U.S. I lMH^ Applications and info: April Attt— J| 18-20 9:00-3:00 the Ca- Available at the Student Activities Office ■ \ Jj, reer Planning and Placement ~^'y . '" '' " " *^- " . Office and on the Commons. 1st Floor Commons x7901 Get into Action.

„ ""^ rk. [ The .abu.ous breads be] IWHH &» li^iitil appearing at the Anaheim ,Jflk J>I ■k " J, a I■CJl A Ys JH 21 A bread records and iUiiiyi^tt^^ri^SHB \ tapes are available at the mfSfw^wSSv^^^SK^^^' store. 350 N. Harbor in La B^HtHHHHllll I Habra, 1815 Orangethorpe in |_^B1B11E^ M Fullerton, and 614 Chapman ||m| fln^B in piacentia- \ - w^hI .ss^^^^^^^^^^^^^K^t^S^^sKBK^^S'

mflW IT UUITH VOU fr'ffH flflfiv rm-fl uufifiT vou ""sosT<° FBREAD vVsnTTninO IOLUfl The Best of Bread! A tabu- E J , lous collection of twelve of W^M-j^k II I^V/IIIIlimiCIl Ivy IIIV of America's favorite hit- making ». .^. . combos. Hand- ""1Uny" « IC picked from each of their 5 13 ll ■■ award winning albums, The k^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^B^L^L^L^L^L^L^Ba^L^H Beet of Bread is a must for HHHHHHBHalHIHHMH all Bread fans, including golden hits like "Make it F R "1 With You,""Baby I'm-A Want 'k/v~\/-\^ b^b^b^b^L^H You," "If, "UDon't Matterto a^L^L^L^LH rWn^Y/^Yri1 Me," and "Diary." James JKl Griffin, , Larry IHbb^bb^bb^H »«kfflMc'*< bb^bb^bb^bb^bBbb^Lb^Lb^LbB Knechtel, and Mike Botts at JIBBb^B "mSM/BK^M> bb^bb^bb^LbH their best— "The Best of Jaa^i^B^B^i^Bl * j*1 Ibbbbbb^bbbb^bbI

Bread make it better than ever on Gu/'ia/- _^ Man, their fifth-and-finest yet. (JJI(//'Arrv-vJdllKJf I *^"T^dektra EKS-75056 Elektra album ' ' ' ncorasiiapez p-1-» Titled alter their smash-hit single, the Guitar I an Matures David Gates, James Griffin, I 1/^JPjt Mike Botts, and performing I I*\ twelve all-new Breadsongs as only they can— soltly, brilliantly, and with love. Guitar Man records/tapes .. .another Bread winner on Elektra. 1 1 EKS-75047 L J TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1973 NEW UNIVERSITY PAGE 7 TO CHANCELLOR DAN NEW UNIVERSITY ;'fggf

Dear Editor: category of, "BEST PRO- WHAT KIND OF PLANT IS This is a noteof appreciation DUCTION BY AN UN- REAPED FROM THE andexplanationof JungleJim KNOWN", like a Vietnamese SEEDS OF OUR EXECU- LEE SOLOW. DAVID WILSON politics. ASUCI. Polities, or gift out of the sky this TIVE COUNCIL? To me. editors-in-chief Dumb Monkey Priorities. $10,000.00 bomb droppedonus friends, this insult is a pitiful BOB GESKIIM Reminiscent of a Bunch of in true American fashion. exampleof your harvest. editorialdirector Yahoos defecatingon passers This anarchistic tirade make the obvious even directed at the fine under- relationship be- PAM LEISTNER TEPLITZ by.To There is a businessRI9K manager more so, these monkeys are standing Representatives tween the amount of money managing editor us. The Student Body. aforementioned is meant to spent in a program and the opposed Unsignededitorials represent a majorityopinionof the New University Editorial Board Especially in reference to the voice anopinion tothe student interest it is respon- Responsibleindividuals or groups may submit letters and articles contrary to the New audacity "socially ac- Universityeditorialposition.However, the editors reservethe rightto usetheirdiscretion A.S.U.C.l". Operating Budget and sible to.Student interestin the writer(s| ceptable larceny" by inpublishingletters. Allother articlesrepresent theopinionsof theindividual and for fiscal year 1972-73 printed carried Farm Project is a matter of not necessarily those ofthe New University Editorial Board,the ASUCI or the University in the Tuesday. April 10. 1973 the students for the benefit of public record. Its most of California. edition of this paper. their "Executive Cabinet". meaningful tie with our com- Fly-by-night escapades by Nothingpersonalboys,butit's munity is the consumption of student officers cost the mon- about time toexamine whythe Organic Food (free), which keys $1,115.00 going nowhere Farm Project received a total has been available to anyone money we've heard of for business of $19.87. Why was the water for the last three years. More It's your why we've not yet been told about. cut off. the farm was the than 300 families from the Ir- front page, Budget program (the As noted on the the Student Affairs In the same vein is the Execu- lowest funded vine, Costa^Mesa.and Laguna Hearings are currently under way.The RegistrationFee Com- tive Officers Stipends which average was roughly $4,000.00 Beach areas have taken ad- mittee has scheduled hearing sessions for each department. per program). Why your re- was playedto the same tuneof vantageof this service. There are about 6800 students on this campus, and the $6,675.00. They could have cord infuriates at least one to $300peryear.Thismeans that there faithful "subjects". registrationfee amounts added the two figures paid to of your The Executive Council has is approximately $2,000,000 which may be allocated this time. ourfineExecutivecouncil but The farm project guarantees oppo- meetings just . $19.87 claimed that there is no We urge youtoattend these not asobserversbut perhaps $7,790.00 looks too the students that their sition to their slander against as active participants. Inquire about what mechanisms are much like a juicy coconut. was spent wisely. It was the Farm Project.Theyclaim available in each department for student imput. Encourage squandered The Academy Award of the onafew seeds.We a lack of student participation support for those services and programs which you feel are Year goes to the Experi- do offer a question we feel is exists to justify more than particularly to students. Make sure that you collect important way, beneficial mental College, under the initsamazing $19.87. At the same time, they your thoughts and ideas ahead of time, so that you'll have a impose -$7,000.00 for their strongcase to put forth. It is your money. services to the Student Com- GeneTJbter munity. <&r*mlin VHUaf This is justifiable? It is Candidates ... fortunate for the student SENATVS'PRIORTOE-MOMENTVS body that this year is almost The following candidates did not release a profile sheet to over. Perhaps next year will the NEW .^AJsJD THE \WA-V t FW3UWE \T/ IF WE. UKilT^N not be quite as lucrative for UNIVERSITY: THE A.t^P THE \ our "Executives" as this year Stupekit ) has proved to be. sVeVeiHSmilton tf&T&gui't Gkand Gdahtiom,vJel-L. Be k&J£ 9 P BSS"c°."fflfl?.rt sva/injg \jcrre. +4ovxievej^\)je to THe must mso/ fe^li^'v.nns rvraiicic ho% fee SocialScience In Anger and Rage Norman Green Doug Thornburg POumCA.U RE.FEKCUSSlOhsSS "'^^i Y.P. S|udent Services Norm Green Your humble servant, Scott Freeman Engineeringc F.J. Tylman rirWit- _ Peddy dc- Ron bonier E.E. Jr. fi!<>, Science . Mike Kreutzer Michael Herron rnJfs,Lc

GI home loans in January from 5660 in December. about a 25 percent increase rose sixpercent higher than a Similarly, determinations of over 1971.Included in the total year earlier, sustaininga six- eligibility for loans climbed were 5.500 mobilehome loans, year generally upward trend. six percent to 5165 in January, a 162 percent hike over 1971. GordonR. Elliott,Director of from 4893 theprevious month. Home appraisals— rose 36 per-— the Los Angeles Veterans VA guarantees 60 percent of cent in January to44.100 Bike for life Administration Regional hom« loans (maximum up from 32,400 in December. Office reported 3890 loans $12,500) private lenders make Eligibility forloans climbed34 51,400 January, Sunday, May 6, at 9:00 placed were approved in January to servicemen, veterans and percent to in On initiatives to be on the 38,300 the previous A.M. to 5:00 P.M., People's June,1974 ballot. compared to 4104 in January eligible widows of World War from 1972. TheDecember total was II, Korean and post-Korean month. Lobby, a statewide environ- People's Lobby also has a also mental organization, willgive fimstrip, "Changing the Sys- 4943. Conflicts and Vietnam Era, Elliott said his office a On a yearly basis, loans last Elliott said. guaranteesloans to wives or every OrangeCountycitizen tem" and speakers available service per- chance todo his share infight- to interested schools, groups yearclimbed tonearly55,350, Nationally,the Veterans Ad- husbands of ing pollution. People's Lobby about a 36 percent increase ministration reported 30,600 sonnel missing in action or and organizations. 90 will sponsor Bike for Life, a over1971. Includedinthe total loans were approved in Jan- prisoners of war more than forty mile bike ride to raise For more information call were 319mobile home loans,a uary compared to 29,600 in days, and to those discharged Lobby Life, 70 percent hike over 1971. January 1972. The December for serviceconnected disabili- money for People's and 821-6782 or writeBike for length its work in cleaning up the P.O. Box 6471, Buena Park, Home appraisals— rose 18—per- total was 32,000. Loans last ties, regardless of of environment, including two California 90622. cent inJanuary to6658 up yearclimbed tonearly300,000, service.

Why does a college student need life insurance? ■■■■■■IOne good reason-it demonstrates finan< ial responsibility. A growingnumber of employers Special GuestSUr are looking for this characteristic in prospective KdP^'V employees.

B ( There .ire many othei importanl reasons. -^^9 ' ~*jm& T*1(>v r( all ( overed in a spe chase entries are due today. 4:15 Field Johnny's Cat vs. Frisco Speedballs "" Plttsburg* vs Friends ofthe Devij i Matthew's Crew vs.Johnny's Cat Men's Fastpitch Softball and Molecules vs. Otero-Puente* 2 Wednesday, April m 2-Man Volleyballentries are .-,:13 6:15 today. Computing Jacks* \s Zoom. Schwartz i Flatus Fatalis vs. Checkered Demons due Sierra Sissies vs. Dorm Redeemers' i Wombats vs. Below the Belts Coed Volleyball (6-Mah) and Social Science* vs. Arroyo Vets 3 Team vs.Mark "' SlowpitehSoftball entries are Wednesday, April is Bad Bisew vs.Hatchets 4 3:15-4:ISCanceled for B-Ball Bombers vs. Don Breath due today. Steeplechase Run :)-<;uys vs. Kict'inan & Co B Coed Indoor Mixed Doubles 5:15 Field ) MM Vespertilio* vs Clelo Singers i Flatus Fatalis vs. Wombats Volleyball' are due next Tues- Med IV vs. Pro-Fill Actors* ' 2 Checkered Demons vs. BTE'b day. Hill vs Are We Where We Are Yet?* 3 Team vs.Bad Brew Qualifying Thursday. April 19 B-Ball Bombers vs. Hatchets All Cal IM Coed 3: IS Field :) Guys vs. Dog Breath Tourney entries lor Slowpiteh Masterbatters* vs. Belly Humbert! Prey for Pieces vs. Ricemun & Co) Softball are due todayand In- Newland I:is Steeplechase Track Restless Knights* vs. Bud Brew Wednesday. April 18 nertube Water Polo entries Otters vs.Captain P.andhis Pirates* 2 . ■»:»« next Tuesday. S:IS Innertube HZO Polo are due U.S. Tuesday. April it Women's 2-Man Volleyball named Dorm Reedemers* vs. Electric Vibrators i — Dem Bums vs. Menol Fall* 2 6:15 — Tired Hunch* vs. Jack Jock & Jockettes entries are due* * *today.* * * Med !" vs.Just Plain Folk .1 7:15 — Downtime vs Brown Water Babies* "■[■ -a coach Houston Colt 45s vs. The Chemistry Department* 4 8:15 Frank's Tunas vs. The Vikings* polo '-Predicted Winner — Wednesday. April 18 Action Begins 3-Man Basketball 6:15 — Kllgore Trout vs. Sierra Seducers* Men's and Women's Tennis Ed New-land. UCI's highly Tuesday. April 17 7:15 — NubeS VS. Stinson Beach Chargers* polo and 6:15 8:15 Kerplunk* vs. Ruggers & Huggers Doubles begin today. successful water Thursday. April swimming coach, Foul Balls vs. Pac I Courl — II The fabulous Steeplechase has been Hepatic Triad VS. TheMercums I 6:00 — 69* VS. Banuccis Race will he held tomorrow at selected as Head Water Polo Hot Dog and 2 Bums vs Jimi's Bach 2 7: 00— Polywogs* vs.Hubels Weasels IK 2!l VS, Iluie. Duie. &Luie It «: 00 — OteroDown the Tubes* vs Peons Three Coach for the teamrepresent- vs, 6\) OteroHootbeer 4 p.m. and all softball games Heartbreak Kids 4 9:00 Brisa Bombers vs."— Floats* have been re-scheduled so ingthe United States in theup- Marantha vs. Watusis 5 Predicted winner there is no excuse not to run. coming World University may. individually Games in Moscow. The dates You enter or August 15th with a of live more of the Games are team or through August calendar runners and you don't have to 25th. worry finishing last Newland. who took his UCI Tuesday, April about be- polo 17th cause the Media Maulers have Anteater water team toa Baseball - UCI vs. Whittier. a second place finish in the entered team. Championship past 2:30 PM. UCI baseball Qualifying for the All Cal NCAA this stadium Volleyball year, will select his eleven Wednesday,April Festival Coed team players 18th Tourney will be held to- man from all Baseball - UCI vs. Redlands, and Thursday Eve- who compete in the AAU Out- baseball morrow door Water Polo Champion- 2:30 PM. UCI nings. Winners receive free stadium transportation ship. This summer's Cham- Thursday, April and room and July 19th lor a weekend at UC Santa pionships will be held - 21-22-23 at Newport Tennis UCI vs. UC Santa Barbara. Har- Barbara at UCSB bor High School. Friday, April 20th Assisting Newland will be - Diego Walton, waterpolocoach Baseball UCI vs.San Lee TENNIS MEETING FOR ALL INTERESTED IN State, 2:30 PM at UCI base- Surf's up! at San Jose state and Ken TENNIS DOUBLES AT 5 TODAY. FOR MORE ball stadium Lindgren polo coach at Cal INFO, CALL COLLIER AT 673-3192. - Diego State Fullerton. Golf UCI vs.UC San The past weekendof April 6-8 at Santa Ana CC. 1:00 PM was the Western Inter-Col- legiateSurfing Council's "All Baseball at UCI Star" Contest held at Campo today and tomorrow Lopez, Baja, Mexico. There I ' ' were close to a hundred surf- ■■ ? ■"" ■ #*&_ ers from USC, Diego /#; ?% All n*niK^rc

UCI Hillei presents: PASSOVER SEDER % --'^0 still 3f0« Friday, April 20; 6:00 p.m. University Club (Trailer 101) Students-Sl.OO; non-students-$1.50 No Extra

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