Council Votes to work out 'Squatter' problem with UCI camp- evelyn g. schipske Fishbach,at Tuesday nights's it could be made an exception Counfcilwoman GabbyPryor's the possibility 6f UCI using proposed features editor council meeting. to the ordinance. motion callingFor the City of ers the Even though Fishbach was The ordinance prohibiting Irvine and UCI to work to- Regional Park during the ;i a minimal "While I can appreciate later to vote in Favor Of the sleeping in vehicles within getherin locating solution to school season at limiting campers within the ordinance prohibiting sleep- Irvine city limits, will not be UCI's "squatter""populace."I amount per month. Burton council, "'would look City of Orvine. Iremember ing in vehicles, he did so only effective until30 daysafter the tend to feel that this ordin- said the my financial situation as a alter asking Irvine City At- second reading. The Irvine ance is aimed directly at UCI into it". The third student. Pryornoted. Clay added, student and ifUCIwill support torney. James S. Eficksorj il City Clerk revealed that the students." "and" I Richard "we are campers on UCI property. I UCI could be made an excep- council has decided to delay have to vote against it. a cosely knit group living in go along," announced tion to the ordinance. Brick- the second readinguntil June, The ordinance was-passed3- the fields and we don't want will disagreement Irvine Councilman, William son noted that if UCI desired. in order to lollow-up on 2. but not before tiiree UCI any with the "Squatters" expressed their City of Irvine". concerns. Two factors will decide John Woodbury, who has whether or not UCI will allow been a UCIstudent tor 2 years campers on the University's and has "lived in the dirtarea property: 1) it UCI has no for the past year" told the legal authority to designatea council of his past efforts to campsite, then students will newUniversity get UCI administrators to not be allowed to sleep on work outa solution and which campus and 2) state health gone may prohibit campers CALIFORNIA, VOL. 5/NO. 42/TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1973 have for the most part codes UNIVERSITY OF IRVINE ignored. Scott Baird. who has on UCI. If and when the camped around UCI for 2 ordinance goes into effect. yearsnoted a largeamount of violatiors will be subject to "hasselingof people livingin punishment by $500.00 fine days for Peace Corps vans" and asked Irvine and/or up to 6 months jail. Action drive Mayor, John H. Burton about Campus Planning And Vista volunteers April18-20 approves trailer A 1973 Peace Corps/VISTA degreedmath/science Volun- TheSouthern California area Southern California campus teers in at least fourteenof the ACTION office is located at park program drive for physics, chemistry, sixty developing countries 1333 Westwood Boulevard in by lee majors hosting Corps Angeles. solow physical science and Peace workers. Los Campus Planning Com- "Assignments direct The other Junegraduates willseek include a meeting last Fri- teachinginsecond- mittee in Volunteer workers at the Uni- classroom Protest of need day, approved a pilot pro- versity of California. Irvine ary schools and colleges, gram establishing a twelve during "ACTION Days" April teacher training in universi- park the working work- psychologist space trailer on 18-20. ties and in for Irvine Campus. Observing their second ap- shops where responsibilities The program, implemented pearanceon campussince the include designing cur- by Student planning in Verano,Place and designed merging of Peace Corps and riculum, program by lee solow Affairs, the long adapting Place residents are has been VISTA in 1971,ACTION Volun- and local ma- Verano fought battle of the squatters teers plan three days of terials." Tishman explained. circulating a petition pro- testing proposed hiring whoare the studentswho have application and information Over 540 categories of Peace the of sleeping out their job oppor- Counseling Dan been in activities at the Career Plan- Corps and VISTA a Staff Chancellor trailers and campers on ningand Placement office and tunities including social sci- Psychologist. $14,000 of the Activity Budget.Sup- campus drive. Work with City on the Commons from 9:00 ence, public administration Verano to become of Irvine officials, and stu- A.M. to3: 00P.M.eachday.An and coaching projects were porters report that more than the by a VISTA at- of the Verano Place dent affairs hasresulted in earlier Volunteer drive in listed Tishman. 77% KUCI radio star long awaited park. March, 1972 produced 16 ap- torney. He pointed to a Cali- residents have signed the located by provision which petition. The park will be lications. fornia State Last Friday it was an- the west fence,near theFarm. ACTION spokesman Dave recognizesthe two-yearPeace According to Jim Phillips, that Chancellor Dan- spaces avail- assignment students, in nounced Twelve will be Tishman, 27, said that there Corps as a practi- Associate dean of iel Aldrich has agreed to able, on a first come first are currently requests for cal job experience and pro- a major survey of residents in weekly on year, do a IS-minute show servebasis only.Students will vides educators with a teach- Verano last more than KUCI. The show will begin on required to obtain a following in ofestablish- be are ing credential the 66% were favor Tuesday. While the show will campus parking permit as Scientists two-years overseas. ing a coordinator of student be for the most part live, sev- well as a $10 leepermonth for "Employers arerealizingthat activities. There was also a willbe taped facilty. lack of counseling at eral of the shows tl.O use of the discovering TM's the Peace Corps or VISTA serious due to the Chancellor's busy service represents middle- Verano. and that this position The park will be for self schedule. The show will air propelled vehicles only, and level or better experience in might be combined with the from 6:00 PM to 6:15. real benefits specialized fields." Tishman activity coordinator. will have washroom and along by Students feel that this will The format lor the show will shower facilities with a billchrist said. dryer. The technique of Transcenden- Tishman said that Peace directly increase their rent be a round table discussion washer and a The tal Meditation (T M) the applied Corps Volunteers serve two and emphasized that the with the Chancellor. The project will begun as soon as valuepf theScienceof CreativeIn- years in overseas host coun- services offered would be a possibility for a radio talk technicalities and red tape telligence (SCI), might offer a tries which request their duplication of those already show seems a good one. can be taken care of. practical solution to many of These 60 nations are offered by theStudent Health a Chancellor Hoy stated man's problems.TM isdefinedas skills. If you have question that Vice located in Asia, Africa, Latin and CounselingCenters. would like to have answered that this program is a fine ex- "a naturalprocess of turning the Hoy attentioninwards to subtlerlevels America and the Pacific. Vice Chancellor has on Chancellor Aldrich's show, ample of how students can of thought until the mind trans- VISTA workersusetheir skills mentioned that UCI has the simply writeit down andleave work together with the Uni- cends the experienceof the sub- to mobilize resources in low- smallest FTE allocation for it either at KUCI in the Pro- versity to meet the student's tlest state of thought and arrives income areas of the United counseling per student than gram Director's box,or in the needs. The Planning Com- at the source of thought." States and receive one-year anyother UCin thesystem. He City Desk. Editor's slot at the mittee is to be commended for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder assignments, said Tishman. feels that the service will not New University. this decision. of TM and SCI. describes this Henoted thatPeaceCorps and be a total duplication, but a source of thought within every VISTA Volunteers receive compromise can we worked man as a "reservoir of energy, intelligence and happiness" a allowances which coverhous- out with students. or. ing, personal This topic and the entire "pure field of creative intel- food and Mexicano immigration ligence." expenses. Each Peace Corps Verano Budget will be Jeff Irvine. '72- '73 president ol worker receives $2,000 follow- discussed next Thursday at the Student's International Medi- ing the assignment. VISTA 3:00 in the Verano Place tationSociety (SIMS) at UC1 and Volunteers are provided with Recreation Center. All problems Symposium qualified teacher of T.M. states a $50 monthly stipend in ad- interestedstudentsareinvited Continued on Page 6 dition tothe other allowances. to attend. Mecha together with the out documents. Comparative Cultures Legal questions concerning Department will be sponsor- the practical aspects of im- ing a symposium dealingwith migration will also beexplain- Student Affairs Budget Hearings immigration problems affect- ed by SteveHollopeterand an ing Mexicanos in the I'.S. on associate. They have de- The followingschedule indicates the revised times of the RegistrationFee Thursday. April 19 at 7:00. HH tended several C.A.S.A.mem- Committee's hearingsessions foreachdepartment.Allsessions will beheld in 178. bers without documents. the Social Science Tower 220. Topics to be discussed are: Crucial information will be Current "Mexican Alien Monday. April 16 4:004:60 Student Aetlvltief-CPO-Child 2:00-2:30 Acudemic RelutloM-Engineer- provided concerningthe daily immigration i'00-2:oo Intercollegiute Athletic* CureCenter '"8 Scare.' 2AW-2.:m S!:00-2;30 Aeudemie Relutloni-Ingtrue- plight of the Mexicano with- procedures ...,„.,.,., Recreutlon Thrhursda>.H . April»-.-ii iuis and recourses Kin in ill Aids "* "" ' " tionul MedJuServicei out documents.
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