A children's magazine published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints March 2017

Keep Your Wings Shiny! See page 19 FRIENDS by Mail

How I Read the Friend Never Too Old like to read the Friend under my trampoline with my ven though I am 12 years old, I cat and stuffed bear! EI still enjoy reading the Friend Allie M., age 10, Washington, USA along with the New Era. Sometimes I find stories I like to share with my younger brothers. Peter S., age 12, Texas, USA

Who Will Baptize Me? like the story “Who Will Baptize I Me?” ( June 2016) because it reminds me of how I’m getting baptized soon! Lindley O., age 7, North Carolina, USA

Family Talent Show hank you for the idea of having a family talent Tshow for family home evening (May 2016)! It was fun to see the many talents we Dear Friends, have in our family. Alida and Canon S., Have you ever made a bad choice that ages 7 and 3, , you wished you hadn’t made? Well, USA good news! Heavenly Father knew that all of us would make wrong choices during our time on earth. He has a plan to help us when we mess up and do the wrong things. Read about it on pages 18–19.

How do you like He loves you, and so our new paper? do we! Write and tell us! Turn to page 39 The Friend to see how. TALBOT JOSH BY ILLUSTRATION A children’s magazine published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

◆ Primary Connection Find stories and activities to go with this month’s sharing time theme and lessons. Find more at lessonhelps.lds.org. Stories and Features Music 2 From the First Presidency: What Is the Truth? / 21 We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Things to Make and Do 4 The Treasure Box 10 Funstuff: Conference Counting 6 Family Night Fun 17 Funstuff: Find It! 8 Sliding from the Truth 24 Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure 11 Bright Idea 28 Love-Your-Neighbor Game Cards 12 Answers from an Apostle: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 29 Church History Figures: The Church Is 14 Friends with Heart: Painting Love Organized 16 Reading for Wheelchairs 18 A Great Feeling Friend Junior 19 Keep Your Wings Shiny! IBC For Parents of Little Ones 20 Friend to Friend: Seeing God’s Prophet / FJ1 Hi, Friends! Elder Kim B. Clark FJ2 It’s Raining! 22 Worth the Wait FJ3 Water Helps Us 26 Show and Tell FJ4 Stories of Jesus: Jesus Was Baptized 30 Matt and Mandy FJ7 Coloring Page 39 Stop and Flip FJ8 Toys in the Tub

For Older Kids 31 For Older Kids 32 Junior Relief Society 34 What Are Your Spiritual Gifts? 35 Snacks & Crafts Hidden CTR Rings 36 I Want to Play the Flute Level 1: All wet 38 My Dad the Bishop Level 2: Rolling books Front cover by Josh Talbot Level 3: Which woodwind? Back cover by Kathryn Mitter

Volume 47 Number 3 Managing Editor: Jan Pinborough © 2017 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. stamped envelope. Children’s submissions will not be All rights reserved. The Friend (ISSN 0009-4102) is returned. Email: [email protected]. March 2017 Assistant Managing Editor: Marissa Widdison published monthly by The Church of Jesus Christ of The Friend can be found on the Internet at The First Presidency: Copyeditor: Lori Fuller Latter-day Saints, 50 E. North Temple St., Salt Lake friend.lds.org. Thomas S. Monson, Henry B. Eyring, City, Utah 84150-0024, United States of America. Administrative Assistant: Carrie Kasten Dieter F. Uchtdorf Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah. Unless otherwise indicated, individuals may copy Writing and Editing: Bethany Bartholomew, material from the Friend for their own personal, The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: To subscribe: By phone: Call 1-800-537-5971 to David Dickson, Matthew Flitton, Charlotte Larcabal, noncommercial use (including such use in connection Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, order using Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or Michael R. Morris, Eric Murdock, Richard M. Romney, with their calling in The Church of Jesus Christ of Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, American Express. Mindy Anne Selu Latter-day Saints). This right can be revoked at any Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Online: Go to store.lds.org. time and for any reason. Visual material may not be Andersen, Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, Editorial Intern: Jordan Wright By mail: Send $8 U.S. check or money order to copied if restrictions are indicated in the credit line Dale G. Renlund Distribution Services, P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, Managing Art Director: J. Scott Knudsen with the artwork. Copyright questions should be UT 84126-0368. Editor: Joseph W. Sitati addressed to Intellectual Property Office, 50 E. North Art Director: Mark W. Robison Assistant Editors: Randall K. Bennett, Carol F. To change address: Send old and new address Temple St., FL 13, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA; McConkie Design: Thomas S. Child, Brad Teare information to Distribution Services at the above email: cor-intellectualproperty@ldschurch address, or change the address by phone at the .org. Advisers: Brian K. Ashton, Jean B. Bingham, Intellectual Property Coordinator: number listed above. Please allow 60 days for LeGrand R. Curtis Jr., Christoffel Golden, Douglas D. Collette Nebeker Aune POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS (see DMM changes to take effect. Holmes, Erich W. Kopischke, Larry R. Lawrence, 507.1.5.2). NONPOSTAL AND MILITARY Production: Marlene Roscheck Carole M. Stephens Submit manuscripts or art to: FACILITIES: Send address changes to Distribution Prepress: Joshua Dennis Friend Managing Director: Richard I. Heaton Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2393, Salt Services, P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-

ILLUSTRATION BY JOSH TALBOT JOSH BY ILLUSTRATION Lake City, UT 84150-0024, United States of America. 0368, USA. Director of Church Magazines: Allan R. Loyborg Printing Director: Steven T. Lewis Unsolicited material is welcome, but no responsibility Business Manager: Garff Cannon Canada Post Information: Publication Agreement Distribution Director: Troy K. Vellinga is assumed. For return, include self-addressed, #40017431. FROM THE FIRST PRESIDENCY What Is the Truth?

By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency

n a poem written more than a hundred years ago, six But there is someone who sees all things clearly. Iblind travelers take hold of a different part of an ele- There is a source of truth that is complete and phant and describe what they discover. One finds the correct. That source is our wise and all-knowing elephant’s leg and describes it as being round and rough Heavenly Father. like a tree. Another feels the tusk and describes the What is the truth that Heavenly Father offers us? It elephant as a spear. A third grabs the tail and insists is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is “the way, that an elephant is like a rope. A fourth discovers the truth, and the life” ( John 14:6). If we will have to argue that the trunk and insists the elephant is like a large something is enough courage and faith to walk in His path, it snake. Each one tells part of the truth about what right will lead to peace of heart and mind, to happiness the elephant is. in this world, and to joy in the world to come. Sometimes we are like these travelers. We know some- Eventually all of our questions will be answered. ◆

thing, but not everything. Our world is full of confusion. Adapted from “What Is Truth?” speeches.byu.edu. TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATION RIGHT: SIMINI BLOCKER; BY ILLUSTRATION LEFT:

2 Friend TOOLS FOR TRUTH Here are some tools Heavenly Father has given us to help us find truth. Can H P E K F U B Q B W F B E Q Y you find them in the word search? L O R A J C P H E K Y Q V E M Apostles learning I W L A C X G N I N R A E L Y good books listeningH P E K F US B P Q T B YW YF SB KE QT YU F H E P U U Holy Ghost parentsL O R A J CT P T H J E NK GY EQ GV EO MO D B O O K S I W L A C X G N I N R A E L Y leaders prayer E A E L N H R O J G B N D S S S P T Y Y S K T U F H E P U U N M A H B S O A I W L Z E R T prophetsT T J N G E G O O D B O O K S scripturesE A E L N HI R MO T J DG PB BN DP SS SX R Y R E E U studyN M A H B SN O F A D I DW DL OZ BE RQ TT Z U D C H D teachersI M T D P BG P A S HX JR SY AR RE ED UN T A G Y C Y N F D D D OV BWQ AT TZ GU JD NC HP DP E Z R L A V G A H J S A R D N T A G Y C Y A E L K U R Q I L X R D A E O V W A T G J N P P E Z R L A V P E W P P A R E N T S S S T F A E L K U R Q I L X R D A E O P E W P P AS R X E EN MT MS CS MS TN FJ G G K N U W S X E M M CD M Y N Y J KG SG SK NU UA WL V Y F D J X D Y Y K S S U A L V Y F D J X

A TRUE/FALSE FINISH Circle the ending of the sentence that makes the sentence true, then cross out the false ending. Make sure to show a parent what you’ve learned!

Heavenly Father loves me ...... only if I am perfect and don’t make any mistakes. I can pray ...... no matter what. . . . only by kneeling and closing my eyes. . . . anytime, anywhere.

If I have questions about the Church ...... I can ask a parent or leader for help. Heavenly Father wants me to . . . I shouldn’t tell anyone. learn new things ...... using my brain and my faith in Jesus Christ. . . . using prayer but nothing else. Reading the scriptures is important . . .

LEFT: ILLUSTRATION BY SIMINI BLOCKER; RIGHT: ILLUSTRATION BY BRAD TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATION RIGHT: SIMINI BLOCKER; BY ILLUSTRATION LEFT: . . . because it’s one way God talks to me. . . . because it makes me seem smart. March 2017 3 By Patricia Warnock (Based on a true story)

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Zach jumped up. “Can we open it now?” he asked. (Matthew 6:21). “Hmm. Let’s save it for family home evening,” Dad asha, Patrick, and Zach sat on the couch, staring at the said. “We’ll have a special treasure box night.” Tbig wooden box. They had found it when they were They tried not to look at the box while they were cleaning out the closet. Mom said it was Dad’s special playing, but they couldn’t stop thinking about it. treasure box. But they weren’t allowed to open it until “Couldn’t we just peek a little?” Patrick whispered after Dad got home. dinner was over. He slid over to the box but jumped “I wonder what kind of treasures are in there,” Patrick back when Mom and Dad came into the room. Finally said. “Maybe gold.” it was time. “Or jewels,” said Tasha. “Maybe Dad will share his Mom said the prayer, and then Dad started family treasures with us!” home evening. “It’s old,” said Zach, rubbing a finger on the wood. “It was made a long time ago.” He stared at the box and mumbled something about X-ray vision. Just then Dad came in the door. “My box!” he said with a big grin.

The TREA URE SBox ILLUSTRATION BY GARTH BRUNER GARTH BY ILLUSTRATION 4 Friend “My father made this box for me one Christmas,” he “Why is this in your treasure box?” he asked. told them. “I started keeping all my treasures in it.” Dad took the ticket. “During my first year of college, “Are the treasures worth a lot?” Zach asked. my family sent me this ticket so I could fly home for “They are to me,” said Dad. Thanksgiving. I got a ride from some friends, but they “Let’s see them!” said Tasha. couldn’t take me all the way to the airport.” Dad opened the box wide so everyone could see. “Where did they take you?” Zach asked. The treasures weren’t what they were expecting, but “They dropped me off at a street corner,” said Dad. “I they still had fun exploring. Instead of pirate gold and didn’t know how to get to the airport from there. I was rubies, they found old school papers, a yo-yo, a micro- worried I would miss the plane.” scope, letters, certificates, and lots of photos from when “Did you call someone on your cell phone?” Tasha Dad was a kid. His baby pictures made them laugh. As asked. they looked through the box, Zach held up an old air- “Cell phones weren’t invented yet!” Mom said with plane ticket. a laugh. “So what did you do?” Patrick asked. “I started praying,” said Dad. “I prayed hard that Heavenly Father would help me. Then I saw a car com- ing. It was my old bishop! He gave me a ride to the airport. I saved the ticket and put it in my treasure box.” “Now I get it!” Tasha said. “It’s a treasure because it helps you remember that Heavenly Father heard your prayers.” “Yep!” said Dad. “It’s the best kind of treasure. And I’m glad I could share it with you.” “We should write that story down and keep it with the ticket,” Zach said. “It could be a treasure for our whole family!” “And this could be our family treasure box!” Patrick said, pointing to the box in excitement. “We could all put treasures like that in here.” “Best idea ever!” said Dad. Tasha grinned. “I can’t wait to put a treasure in the box!” ◆ The author lives in Utah, USA.

Turn the page for an activity to go with this story!

“Let us always remember the words of the Savior: ‘For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ ” Elder Michael John U. Teh of the Seventy, “Where Your Treasure Is,” Ensign, May 2014, 108. ILLUSTRATION BY GARTH BRUNER GARTH BY ILLUSTRATION March 2017 5 6 2. On apieceof paper, writedown why that treasure is abox1. Get andhave everyone findatreasure toputinit. treasure box! Treasure Box” onpage 4. your ownThen start family remind usthatHeavenly Fatherloves us. Read “The gold—they areworth muchmorethanmoney. They The besttreasuresaren’tjewels or Matthew 13:44–46). The scripturessay thatthegospelislike atreasure(see GOLD Friend special. what itis! What meanstoyou theobject ismore than important 4. Keep thetreasures andpapers together inthe around3. Go thecircle andhave everyone read Better than Better than you want! box. Add newtreasures tothebox whenever what they wrote. media. stories, and activities, lessonhelps.lds.org your family? Goto like tolearnaboutwith Is there atopicyou’d to find tofind Here aresomefamily homeeveningideas from thismonth’s magazine. What other ideas canyoucomeupwith? cheese crumbled feta treat! Herearesomeotherthingsyou canadd: and mixittogether, andyou’ll have atreasureof person canaddtheirfavorite fruit. Chopitallup to add. Make saladwithyour afruit family. Each treasure box! Everyone hassomethingspecial ofhavingSharing isthebestpart afamily coconut shredded Fruit SaladFun leaves fresh mint seeds nuts or chips chocolate honey marshmallows juice lemon

ILLUSTRATIONS BY THOMAS S. CHILD AND HOLLIE HIBBERT ILLUSTRATIONS BY THOMAS S. CHILD AND HOLLIE HIBBERT BONUS TREAT jam. Spread ongraham crackers or Mix cream cheeseandstrawberry • • • most: you focusonwhat matters Here aresomeways tohelp Listen He totheHoly Ghost. Pray toHeavenly Father soyou Remember that peopleare important. can helpyou know what’s most can stay close toHim. things. always more valuable than another favorite cracker. Try thissweet spread for FHEthismonth! WHERE YOUR HEART IS HEART

and articles they go with! (Find thepage they numbersand articles go below.) with!(Find Look for thesepictures inthemagazine tofindthe stories More FHEIdeas spiritual giftsyou have! Are Your SpiritualGifts” and Idea 2: “Painting Love.” What spiri each otherwritelists of the tual giftsdoyou thinkLucy your family members? Help has? What aboutyou and 22 Idea 1: out andtalkaboutwhenyou’re finished. want, comeupwithmore scenestoact Neighbor Adventure” together! If you Idea 3: are worth thewait! treat andremember that blessings needs tobake. While it’s intheoven, Read Psalm 27:14. Then eat your some thingsyou have towait for? read “Worth the Wait.” What are Idea 3: Idea Read “What 34, 14;

Play the“Love-Your- - Make atreat that Idea 2: Idea 24; March 2017 Idea 1: Idea 7 CTR STORY


8 Friend By Sarah Cutler Chow (Based on a true story)

“Choose the right way and be happy” Michael took a deep breath and raised his hand. “I (Children’s Songbook, 160). need to tell you something, Mr. Koch.” Tori gave Michael ori felt like a brilliant scientist in a laboratory. an encouraging smile as their teacher walked over. TToday her class was looking at cells with a micro- “I accidentally knocked the slide onto the floor, and it scope! She watched Mr. Koch place thin slices of onion cracked,” Michael said. onto slides. Tori really wanted to see a nucleus, the cell’s “May I see the slide?” Mr. Koch asked calmly. He control center. looked at it closely and then said, “Michael, thank you “Each lab group, send one person to get a slide for for telling the truth. You don’t need to pay for it. Just try your microscope,” Mr. Koch said. “Please be careful. These to be more careful next time.” slides are glass, so they’re fragile. If you break one, you’ll “Whew, thanks!” said Michael. have to pay for it.” With a new slide, Tori and Michael looked at the Tori went up to Mr. Koch’s desk and picked up a thin onion cells. Tori found a perfect nucleus and drew it in slide in both hands. She walked back to her table, trying her notebook. She was glad she’d made the right deci- not to get smudges on it. In the center she could just sion. And she’d helped Michael make a good decision barely see the sliver of onion, almost as clear as the glass. too. What a relief. Tori pushed the slide into the microscope’s clips and As they packed up their equipment, Michael said, flipped the light switch. But the microscope stayed dark. “Thanks for helping me tell the truth.” “Oops,” said her lab partner, Michael. “We forgot to Tori smiled. “Anytime.” ◆ plug it in.” He pulled the microscope over The author lives in California, USA. to an outlet. Print cards at CTR2017.lds.org! But Michael bumped the slide, and it slipped right out of the clips and onto the floor.Crack! The slide cracked straight down the middle. CHALLENGE Truth Michael grabbed the slide and set it back “I will be honest with on the microscope like nothing had happened. He turned Heavenly Father, others, and the light on and started adjusting the focus. Tori wasn’t myself” (My Gospel Standards). sure what to do, so she just sat and looked at their assign- ment. Her excitement about seeing a nucleus was gone. Think about an honest choice you made. After a few minutes Michael whispered, “Tori, will What did you learn? you back me up and tell Mr. Koch our slide was cracked when we got it?” Read Proverbs 12:22. How does God feel Tori felt her chest get tight. Of course she knew that when we are honest? was the wrong thing to do, but she didn’t want Michael to get in trouble. She thought about what Jesus would Ask a parent how they have been do. Then she said, “I don’t think we should lie about that. blessed by being honest. But I’ll help you talk to Mr. Koch. It’ll be OK.” Michael cleared his throat. “OK.” He looked back at the slide. “I don’t have enough money to pay for it, I challenge myself to . . . though. What should I do?” “Just tell the truth,” said Tori. She didn’t feel nervous

ILLUSTRATION BY MARK ROBISON BY ILLUSTRATION anymore. She knew they could do the right thing.

March 2017 9 Conference Counting For general conference, here’s a fun way to keep track of different words Thanks to Amy C., you might hear. Put a penny or bean on a square each time you hear that age 11, Nevada, word in a talk. Whenever you reach five times on a word, you could switch USA, for sending out the pile with a five-cent coin or different-colored bean. Write in other in this idea. She words you might hear in conference. counted 948 words when she did this activity during conference!







March 2017 11 ANSWERS FROM AN APOSTLE What if I feel like I don’t measure up? By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Don’t give up. With the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can repent and improve.

Jesus Christ blesses those who want to improve and who try to keep the commandments. We always get credit for trying.

Everyone stumbles, but the Savior will help you get back up. He will help you repent, fix whatever you have to fix, and keep going.

So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, From “Tomorrow the and forever. Lord Will Do Wonders among You,” Ensign,


12 Friend A story from Elder Holland’s life.

Patricia’s Courage

hen Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was in college, Jeffrey and Patricia chose to keep going. They worked Whe and his wife, Patricia, were very busy. One hard and had faith. day when they were walking to class, Jeffrey felt over- Years later Jeffrey became the president of Brigham whelmed, like he had too many things to do. He felt Young University, the same college where he and Patricia worried about the future. He stopped walking and asked had spent so much time and worked so hard. Sometimes Patricia, “Should we give up?” He thought maybe they he thought about the day he had wanted to give up on should just give up on college and go home. college. When he remembered that day, he was always But Patricia wasn’t ready to give up. She looked at grateful for Patricia’s courage. He was glad that he and Jeffrey and said, “We are not going back. The future Patricia chose to have faith. They kept thinking about the

ILLUSTRATIONS BY JARED MATHEWS JARED BY ILLUSTRATIONS holds everything for us.” future with faith and courage and never gave up. ◆ Adapted from “‘Remember Lot’s Wife’: Faith Is for the Future,” speeches.byu.edu.

March 2017 13 FRIENDS WITH HEART Painting Hi! I’m Lucy! I like to paint and to share love LOVEFrom an interview with Jill Hacking with others.

LucyLucy was wasborn withborn a withsyndrome a syndrome thatthat makes makes her muscles her muscles not work not work togethertogether well. well. It makes It makes it hard forit hard for her toher swallow to swallow and talk. and talk.

1. Learning to Paint Lucy’s mom is an artist. When Lucy was a baby, she loved to watch her mom paint. Now her mom is teaching Lucy to paint too. Someday she wants to share an art


14 Friend 2. Lucy’s Heart Lucy and her older sisters entered an art contest at their school about making the world a better place. Lucy wanted to paint a heart. She said, “The world be a better place if we have love in our hearts.”

When Lucy found out that her painting won the contest, she told her sister Ruby, “Yours is so good. I wish you would have won instead of me.” Then Lucy couldn’t believe it when she found out her painting won the contest for the whole United States too!

3. A Special Way to Communicate Lucy can’t always tell others what she is feeling, but she wants 4. Exercise people to feel Lucy rides a special bike and loved and goes on hikes with her family happy. And her to get stronger. paintings do that!

SEND US A HEART! LUCY’S IDEAS FOR SHOWING LOVE How do you follow Jesus Have love in your heart. by showing love? Send us a heart with your story Love helps you feel happy. and photo. See page 39.


March 2017 15 R STO Y


U ! R U T





N E Reading for W RITT Wheelchairs

By Sam C., age 5, Texas, USA

n February I decided to read to I people in my ward and my relatives for 10 cents a minute and donate all the money for a wheelchair through the LDS Humanitarian Services. I got the idea from a story in the February 2015 Friend about Zach’s lemonade stand. I wanted to combine service and my reading talent to earn enough money for a wheelchair. I have read 414 minutes and earned $208! Some people donated extra money, and some people let me read to them over video chat! Sometimes it was tiring to read for a long time, but I kept on reading because I knew that is what Jesus wanted me to do. ◆ ILLUSTRATION BY AMY WUMMER BY ILLUSTRATION

16 Friend Find It! Books took a lot longer to make back when the Book of Mormon was first printed. For one thing, each letter of each word had to be set in place by hand. It was kind of like doing a huge jigsaw puzzle! Can you find the hidden letters of the alphabet?

HOW MANY BOOKS? Here’s a stack of copies like the original Book of Mormon. How many books do you think are in this stack? (The first printing of the Book of Mormon was 5,000 copies!) Answer on page 39. A. 200 B. 1,200 C. 2,200 D. 3,200 ILLUSTRATION BY ADAM KOFORD ADAM BY ILLUSTRATION

March 2017 17 A Great Feeling

By Jane McBride Paulo had (Based on a true story) messed up. fter Paulo came up out of the baptismal font, he What could he do? A and Dad got dressed in dry clothes. Then Dad and Grandpa and the bishop laid their hands on his head and confirmed him. Now he was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “I feel so great,” Paulo said. He touched his heart. “In here.” Mom hugged him tight. “That’s because you received the gift of the Holy Ghost when you were confirmed.” Paulo nodded. He didn’t want to do anything to make that great feeling go away. He wanted to always follow Jesus. But the very next day, his little brother Carlo broke Paulo’s toy plane. Paulo had saved up for months to buy it! “Look what you did!” Paulo yelled. “Why can’t you mean repentance, right? I have to ask for forgiveness.” leave my stuff alone?” Mom nodded. “And when you take the sacrament, “I’m sorry,” Carlo said. Tears rolled down his cheeks. you’ll renew the promise you made to follow Jesus. “Maybe we can fix it.” Then you’ll be just as clean as you were right after you “It won’t be the same!” were baptized and confirmed.” Carlo ran out of the room crying. Paulo went to find Carlo. “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Paulo sighed. He wished he hadn’t gotten so mad. he said. “Let’s fix the plane together.” Hadn’t he promised when he was baptized that he Carlo smiled, and Paulo felt like he had done what would always follow Jesus? He knew Jesus would have Jesus would do. When he said his prayer that night, he been kind. asked Heavenly Father to forgive him and to help him “I promised I would try to be like Jesus,” he told be nicer to Carlo. A warm feeling filled his heart. Mom, his voice shaking. “But I’ve already messed up! That Sunday at church, Paulo paid extra attention to How do I get back that good feeling from my baptism?” the sacrament prayers. He listened carefully to the words Mom hugged him tight. “We all mess up. But Jesus and remembered how he’d repented that week. As he gave us a way to have the Holy Ghost with us again after took the bread and water, he felt Heavenly Father’s love we do something wrong.” for him. And it was such a great feeling! ◆ Paulo could guess what she was going to say. “You The author lives in Colorado, USA. LEFT: ILLUSTRATION BY DILLEEN MARSH; RIGHT: ILLUSTRATION BY THOMAS S. CHILD THOMAS BY ILLUSTRATION DILLEEN MARSH; RIGHT: BY ILLUSTRATION LEFT:

18 Friend • When airplanes are new, their wings are shiny and bright. Air flowing over the wings keeps the plane in the air.

• When ice and snow build up on the wings, air can’t flow smoothly over them. Then the airplane can’t fly safely.

• Before the airplane flies, people use big hoses to spray off the wings and make them shiny and bright again.

• Then the airplane can fly as well as when it was new!

Keep Your Wings Shiny!

• When we are baptized, we have no sins and we’re given the gift of the Holy Ghost to help us learn and grow.

• When we make wrong choices, it’s harder to feel the Holy Ghost.

• When we repent and pray for help, Heavenly Father forgives us. Our sins are taken away. The Holy Ghost can be with us.

• Because of the Savior’s Atonement, we can repent every day! On Sun- LEFT: ILLUSTRATION BY DILLEEN MARSH; RIGHT: ILLUSTRATION BY THOMAS S. CHILD THOMAS BY ILLUSTRATION DILLEEN MARSH; RIGHT: BY ILLUSTRATION LEFT: day, the sacrament helps us be clean, remember Jesus, and have a happy new start.

March 2017 19 FRIEND TO FRIEND Seeing God’s Prophet

By Elder Kim B. Clark Of the Seventy hen I was 11, I helped my ward build Wa new Church building. The members helped build them in those days—pounding nails, painting walls, and doing all sorts of things. When I heard that President David O. McKay (1873–1970) would dedicate the building, I really wanted to be there. My parents said that I could go. I went early and sat on the front row. I remember seeing President McKay up close. I saw the way he stood, how he talked to people, how he treated people. He had bright blue eyes and white hair. He looked like a prophet. When I heard him speak and say the dedicatory prayer, I knew in my heart that this was God’s prophet. I had a powerful spiritual President David O. McKay impression from Heavenly was the ninth President of the Church and served Father: “This is My prophet.” from 1951 until 1970. Heavenly Father was telling me through the Holy Ghost that President McKay was His prophet. Once I knew that President McKay was God’s prophet, I knew that the Church was true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I knew that the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel were true. I also knew that all the prophets, from Joseph Smith to David O. McKay, were God’s prophets too. Now every time a new prophet is called, I’ve had that same confirmation come from Heavenly Father: “This is My prophet.” It all started when I


From an interview with Breanne Richards

20 Friend We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet (Simplified) Words by William Fowler Brightly = 76–92 Music by Caroline Sheridan Norton q C G7 4 & 4 3 . . œ ˙ . œ. œ1 . œ2 œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ. œ We thank Thee, O God, for a proph - et To guide us in these lat-ter days. We

? 4 Œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ 4 ˙5 3 ˙ ˙5 1 ˙ C C F C G C U

5 œ5 œ 3 . œ . 2 & œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ thank Thee for send - ing the gos - pel To light - en our minds with its rays. We

? ˙ ˙ œ ˙ œ ˙5 2 Œ œ ˙. Œ u C F C G7

œ œ. œ œ 2 & œ. œ ˙ 1 . œ. œ2 œ 1œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. thank Thee for ev - e - ry bless - ing Be - stowed by Thy boun - te - ous hand. We

? ˙ ˙ ˙ Œ ˙ ˙ 3 œ ˙5 1 ˙

C F C G7 C œ œ. œ œ & œ. œ ˙2 1 œ. œ 1œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ ˙. feel it a plea - sure to serve Thee, And love to o - bey Thy com-mand.

? ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙. ˙5 2 œ Œ 1 ˙.

Arr. © 2017 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Watch a sing-along video for this song at March 2017 21 children.lds.org. Click on “Videos and Music.” Worth the Wait

By Jessica Larsen (Based on a true story) “To be baptized as Jesus was . . . is Why couldn’t she just the thing I want to do” (Chil- dren’s Songbook, 104). be baptized now? oday we are going to learn “Ta new song,” Sister Reid announced. “It’s called ‘Baptism.’ Everyone close your eyes and listen to the music.” Sadie closed her eyes and re- laxed in her chair. The pianist started playing a melody that sounded soft and beautiful, like flowing water. Then Sister Reid started singing: “Jesus came to John the Baptist, in Judea long ago, and was baptized by immersion in the River Jordan’s flow.” Sadie felt a tear slide down her cheek. She tried to wipe it away before Mom could see, but it was too late. Mom was the Primary president, and she always saw everything. She smiled sadly at Sadie. She knew why Sadie was crying. After church Sadie’s little sister, Julie, hummed the baptism song the whole ride home. But Sadie stayed quiet. “Do you want to color with me?” Julie asked when they got home. Sadie shook my head. “Maybe

later. I’ve got to do something first.” TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATIONS

22 Friend Sadie found Dad in the living room, reading a book in his favorite chair. He liked to read while Julie, Mom, and Sadie went to church. Sadie took a deep breath. “Dad?” she said. “Can I get baptized?” Dad closed the book and gently pulled Sadie close. “Oh, Sadie. You know we’ve talked about this. My answer is still no.” “But I really want to!” said Sadie. “I’m already eight, and I’ve thought about it a lot. I know the Church is true. I really want to get baptized.” Dad shook his head. “I love you, and I want what’s best for you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “But I still think you’re too young to make such a big decision.” IF YOU HAVE TO WAIT Sadie’s shoulders slumped. “OK.” ● Learn as much as you can about the gospel. She turned and slowly walked to her room. She knelt ● Go to baptisms and look forward to when you by her bed and prayed harder than she ever had before. can be baptized. “Heavenly Father, I really, really want to be baptized. ● Ask for priesthood blessings when you need Please help Dad understand.” them. At first nothing happened, but she stayed on her ● Remember, Heavenly Father and Jesus love knees. The baptism song from Primary ran through her you and listen to your prayers. mind. After a while, she didn’t feel so sad. Instead she felt peaceful inside. She started thinking about all the WHEN WERE THEY BAPTIZED? things she could still do, even though she couldn’t be President Russell M. Nelson: 16 baptized yet. Sister Neill F. Marriott: 22 She could keep praying and keep going to Primary. President Howard W. Hunter: 12 She could be a good example to Julie, and maybe she could even ask Mom to fast for her next week. The peaceful feeling stayed with her as she headed down to dinner. She didn’t know when, but one day she would be baptized. And it would be worth the wait. ◆ The author lives in Texas, USA. ILLUSTRATIONS BY BRAD TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATIONS

Wanna hear some good That is good news! news? Later Sadie got to be baptized!

March 2017 23 start Love-Your-NeighborAdventure

Rules: Each player chooses a small object to use as a game marker. Roll a dice to move. When you land on a question mark, choose a card from the pile. Read the question. What would you do? Then flip the card over to read what the prophet and apostles teach. With the person sitting next to you, act out what you would do or say. Then it’s the next player’s turn.

24 Friend Love-Your-Neighbor Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure By Elizabeth Pinborough Place themonthisarea cards onpage 28, fold words facing and out, them in half with the them inhalfwiththe tape them closed. tape themclosed. Cut out the game Cut outthegame with thequestion


March 2017 finish 25 y mom nce I Mdoes a Oforgot lot for me, so my swimsuit I decided to for swim look for ways team. My to serve her coach found and the rest of a bikini for my family without being asked. It me, but I remembered our family makes me feel good inside. home evening on modesty. I kept Elora O., age 7, Missouri, USA looking and found a one-piece swimsuit. I had a great feeling y friend because I was able to follow the Mand I prophet by staying modest. started playing Eden W., age 9, Massachusetts, USA football with Katelyn C., age 8, Utah, USA some kids we just met at the park. They started saying bad words, which made us feel uncomfortable. We decided to go home and felt much better. I know if you listen to the Holy Ghost, you will be blessed. Lucas H., age 10, Arizona, USA

Olive W., age 11, Otago, New Zealand Jeffrey H., age 11, play the Wyoming, USA I piano for our sacra- ment meet- ings. I was even asked to be the pianist for the Primary stake choir! I’m happy that I can serve. Malthine V., age 11, Pampanga, Philippines LACOSTE GARY BY MAP ILLUSTRATION

26 Friend Find more art online at childart.lds.org!

y friend nce I Mcaught Ofound a her neck in $20 bill at her coat zip- school. Even per at school. though I would She was have liked to crying, so I spend it, I walked her to the office, where the decided that it would be best to take nurse helped her unzip her coat it to the office. No one had reported and gave her an ice pack. I felt that they had lost it, but I knew that happy that I had helped my friend. I had made the right choice. Ethan B., age 7, Minnesota, USA Janelle M., age 7, Illinois, USA

When the Grossmont Ward, Santee California Stake, USA, had a activity, the Primary children listened to family Benjamin E., age 8, Quebec, Canada history stories and ate temple-shaped cookies. Then they took name cards to the youth waiting at the temple to do baptisms. Over 720 ordinances were completed! his year I am trying Tto be nice to a girl who has not been kind to me. It has made me feel like I am doing the right thing and helps me feel the Holy Ghost. Lucy P., age 8, Wisconsin, USA

Filling the World with Love This year we’re filling our map of the world with your loving hearts. Find out how to send us your heart on page 15! MAP ILLUSTRATION BY GARY LACOSTE GARY BY MAP ILLUSTRATION

March 2017 27 - -

cigarette. What could you say could you What cigarette. asking you? if he keeps some from you will free today serious dangers the most of in this life.” can face you Quentin L. —Elder Cook another country, came from lan speak your don’t and they can you How well. very guage home? at help them feel children, God’s all of love who might including those look, dress, speak,do or just things differently.” Uchtdorf Dieter F. —President when even her phone, ing at try to talk with her. others have help Ella can you How fun without her phone? technologies using various or restrict and media enlarge to love, capacity to live, your and to serve?” David A. Bednar —Elder Nathan asks you to try a asks you Nathan just the street down family The look is always friend Ella Your “Does the time you spend the time you “Does “Living the Word of Wisdom Wisdom of “Living the Word and welcome we “I hope that

doesn’t live the way we are we the way live doesn’t on in the Proclamation taught should you How the Family. Jack? treat soccer team, but the games can you How on Sunday. are thing withoutdo the right feelings? Emily’s hurting her dad is because Chantal set a can you in prison. How example? good ridicule is no place for there bullying.” [or] Neil L. Andersen —Elder Though we may disagree, we we disagree, may we Though should not be disagreeable.” Oaks Dallin H. —Elder It is the Sabbath. of as Lord day!” His Nelson Russell M. —President Your friend Jack’s family family friend Jack’s Your on her to play you wants Emily fun of Other kids make “In the gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus of “In the gospel “We should love all people. . . . all people. should love “We “The Savior identified Himself Savior identified “The -

ways in fashion. Our standards standards Our in fashion. ways not socially negotiable.” are Holland Jeffrey R. —Elder and in need suffering who are being lifted.” of Rasband Ronald A. —Elder our of children and sisters, Father.” Heavenly Ballard M. Russell —Elder because they are modest. are they because your change Should you clothes to fit in? divorced. got and dad just do to help Tim can you What loved? feel the kids in neighborhood, How teasing her. are and they help Joanna? can you TJ makes fun of your clothes your fun of makes TJ mom friend Tim’s best Your than looks different Joanna “All people are our brothers our brothers people are “All “Modesty in appearance is al in appearance “Modesty “Reach out to those among us out to those “Reach


swear words while you are are while you words swear ask can you How playing. to stop? Abby keeping respect, and ever love clean.” our language Monson Thomas S. —President heard but you’ve see a movie, it has bad scenes in it, and you comfortable. very feel don’t do? should you What the Spirit will from impressions . Your frequently. come more will the right to choose power increase.” Eyring Henry B. —President is What photo on his phone. bad avoiding plan for your and movies? pictures benefits also brings chal . . . Be courageous! lenges. Be strong!” Gary E.—Elder Stevenson Jayden shows you a bad you shows Jayden Some friends invited you to you Some friends invited Your neighbor Abby says says neighbor Abby Your “As you obey [promptings], the [promptings], obey you “As “Let us speak to others with us speak to others “Let “Technology with its substantial with its substantial “Technology

28 Friend evaluate our lives, repent, and our lives, evaluate on trying.” keep Renlund Dale G. —Elder Layla usually sits by herself on herself sits by usually Layla example of what you believe— you what of example and deed.” in word Hales Robert D. —Elder believe in God. How can you can you in God. How believe through testimony your share actions? your would What the playground. to do? you want Christ Jesus can . . . You about others. care you can share; you be friendly; in a hundred can help others small ways.” Christofferson D. Todd —Elder bad. What feel you and now do to repent? can you “My invitation to all of us is to to all of invitation “My Connor says he doesn’t he doesn’t Connor says You gossiped about a friend, gossiped You “Live your life to be a good to be a good life your “Live “You must look outward and look outward must “You CHURCH HISTORY FIGURES The Church Is Organized Use these to share Church history stories!

Emma Smith

After the Book of Mormon was translated, it was published as a book of scripture. A month later, the first official meet- ing of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held in a farmhouse. About 60 people came. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery blessed and passed the sacrament. Jesus Christ’s Church was finally organized on the earth again! A few years later, the Lord asked Emma Smith, Joseph’s wife, to collect hymns for the Saints to sing during their Church meetings. ILLUSTRATIONS BY BETH M. WHITTAKER BY ILLUSTRATIONS Find more Church history figures at lessonhelps.lds.org under the category “Scripture Figures.” March 2017 29 Matt and Mandy

Nooo, they don’t I kinda like make me. going to church.


Bark! How come you go to church so much?

Do your parents make you?

It just feels Why? right to be there. Bark!

I learn And a lot. Primary’s fun. Bark!

You want to come with me ...... sometime?

Can I come with you . . .


30 Friend What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? Society Relief Junior Answer on page 39.

Quick quiz Dear Journal Who was the third latter-day prophet? Write about when you □ John Taylor did something hard. □ Dear Journal How did you do it? How Joseph Smith Spiritual Gifts? Your Are What □ did you feel when you Lorenzo Snow □ were done? Brigham Young Think about It

Family Hunt Snacks & Crafts Snacks think About it “No matter our age, we are all called to go to the rescue.” - —Elder Mervyn B. Arnold of Family Hunt the Seventy My Haiku Put some things that represent you in a time cap sule to open in a few years. Go to FamilySearch.org and look through memories of your ancestors to see what they might have put in their time capsule if they had made one. Flute the Play to I Want

Quick Quiz My Haiku This Sunday I made Joseph Smith had faith

ILLUSTRATIONS BY BRAD TEARE ILLUSTRATIONS pancakes. When my He saw God and Jesus Christ family came down, they said thank you. We are The truth was restored usually a little late for church, but we Kinley F., age 11, Texas, weren’t because I made pancakes. USA That made me feel good inside. My Dad the Bishop the Dad My Kyler M., age 10, Zürich, Switzerland

March 2017 31 Junior Relief Society By Maryssa Dennis (Based on a true story) Manti, Utah, USA, 1869 orena Washburn watched her mother get ready “Our own Relief Society?” Lfor Relief Society. “Can’t I come just this once?” she “Yes!” Lorena jumped up. “We could make a Junior begged. Relief Society!” Mother smiled. “You can come when you’re grown.” Anna jumped to her feet too. “We could!” she said. “We “I am grown! I’m nine years old.” should talk to the other girls to see what they think.” Mother kissed Lorena’s head. “Perhaps a little more Lorena and Anna went around the neighborhood and grown, then.” invited the other girls to Lorena’s house. When they had Lorena decided to visit her friend Anna while their all arrived, Lorena told them about her idea. They were mothers were at Relief Society. Back in those days, Relief all so excited to have their own organization! Society was held on a weekday. The girls played jack- “My mother is the Relief Society president,” Lorena straws and talked about what it would be like when they said. “When she comes back, I’ll ask her for permission to could finally join Relief Society. organize our Junior Relief Society.” Anna sighed as she flicked a piece of straw off the top of the pile. “I wish we had our own Relief Society.” Lorena paused. “Why don’t we make one?” ILLUSTRATIONS BY GUY FRANCIS BY ILLUSTRATIONS

32 Friend Lorena Eugenia Washburn as a young girl.

When Mother came home, she was surprised to see And with that, the Junior Relief Society had begun. 25 girls crowded into the parlor. Lorena stood up tall and They met every Saturday at two o’clock in the Washburns’ straight. “Mother, with your permission, we want to orga- grain house. They worked hard like they had seen their nize our own Junior Relief Society.” mothers work in Relief Society. They started making their Mother’s eyebrows flew up. Lorena was worried that very own quilt. Every week they brought cloth and thread she would say no, but instead she smiled. and even eggs to trade for calico fabric from the store. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” said Mother. “I’ll pay They eventually presented two fine hand-sewn quilt tops Bishop Moffatt a visit right now and see what he thinks.” to the Manti Relief Society. It felt like years before Mother came back, but finally The girls loved to sing while they sewed. Lorena and she did. Anna wrote a special Relief Society song just for them: “What did the bishop say, Sister Washburn?” Hannah Hurrah, hurrah, our quilts we have begun! asked eagerly. Lorena held her breath. Hurrah, hurrah, we are having lots of fun! “He gives his hearty approval!” Mother said. The girls And while we are united, together we will come cheered. In the old board granary of Washburns. Lorena was so excited that she asked if the girls After a few years, Lorena moved away, and the Junior wanted to organize right then and there. They chose Relief Society came to an end. Lorena was sad to leave Lorena as president, Anna and Alice as counselors, her friends behind. But she got to visit often, and it was Hannah as secretary, and Sally as treasurer. always like coming home to family. “We should invite all the other girls our age too,” Several years later, in 1878, President John Taylor Lorena said. approved a new organization for children called Primary. Alice frowned. “Even the ones we don’t really like?” Today you can be part of a strong group of friends at “Yes!” said Lorena. “We wouldn’t want to leave anyone Primary and activity days. Together you can learn to work out, would we?” hard, be kind, and follow Jesus Christ, just like Lorena and “You’re right,” said Alice. “I’m sure we could all get along.” her friends did! ◆ “We should make it a rule,” Lorena said. “No one The author lives in Texas, USA.

should say an unkind word to or about anybody while This month is the ILLUSTRATIONS BY GUY FRANCIS BY ILLUSTRATIONS we’re in our meetings.” 175th anniversary of the Relief Society!

March 2017 33 What Are YOUR Spiritual Gifts? Heavenly Father gives everyone spiritual gifts. What are some of yours?

o you know someone who’s really good at showing Dlove? Or someone who has a lot of faith in Jesus Christ? These are two examples of spiritual gifts, and there are many more. In the scriptures, we learn that everyone has at least one! You might not know what your spiritual gifts are yet. But you can start looking for clues.

Color in the checkbox by the gifts you think you might have. (You can also talk to a parent about what gifts they notice in you.) If one of your gifts isn’t here, add it to the list!

Having faith in Jesus Christ Recognizing what is right and what is wrong Keeping a journal Having faith to be healed Gaining knowledge Being a loyal friend Listening to the Holy Ghost Believing others’ testimonies Being kind Learning languages Noticing if someone needs a friend ______Teaching the gospel Showing love ______Being wise Understanding the scriptures ______

“There are many gifts, and to every [person] is given a gift by the Spirit of God.” —D&C 46:11

Remember that every BONUS CHALLENGE! good Write about a time when you used one of your gifts to help someone. gift cometh of Christ.” Read more about spiritual gifts and why we have them: Moroni 10:9–18; D&C 46:11; —Moroni 10:18 1 Corinthians 12:14–27 ILLUSTRATIONS BY BRAD TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATIONS

34 Friend SNACKS & CRAFTS Have an adult help with this craft. 1 2 Potato PRINTING Press The first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon were published 187 years ago this month! The printer at Mr. Grandin’s press spelled out each word with small metal letters called “type.” 3 4 Then he covered the type with ink to print onto sheets of paper. You can print designs on cards, T-shirts, or tennis shoes with just paint and a potato!

From GOLDEN PLATES 5 6 TO A PRICELESS BOOK Learn more on page 24 of last month’s Friend. Check your answers on page 39. Down 2. ______Cowdery was the main scribe for the Book of Mormon translation. 3. Joseph Smith used these stones to help in translating the plates. 5. The Urim and ______were buried with the plates. 6. The name of the hill where the plates were buried.

Across 1 2 1. Joseph and Emma Smith rode in one of these to pick up the plates and take them home. 3

4. A person who writes down words as someone else says them. 4 7. Five of the people who saw the golden plates had this last name. 8. Joseph Smith’s mother, ______, believed her son when he told about seeing the angel Moroni. 5 9. This Book of Mormon prophet 6 buried the golden plates. 7 10. Mr. ______owned the 8 press where the Book of Mormon was published. 9

I like my potatoes best with nacho cheese, salsa, and guacamole! 10

March 2017 35 By Linda G. Paulsen (Based on a true story)

“There are many gifts, and to every [person] is given a gift by the Spirit of God” (D&C 46:11). acob grinned as Mom filled out the permission form. JHe could finally join the school band. So many instru- ments to choose from! But he knew which one he wanted to learn. “I want to play the flute,” he told Mom. I Want Ever since third grade, Jacob had thought about what instrument to play. But now, saying the words out loud, he felt a little thrill. He had decided! to Play the Flute ILLUSTRATION BY MARK JARMAN BY ILLUSTRATION

36 Friend A few days later Jacob said it again, this time to the men!” He spun on his toes and pretended to throw a band instructor. “I want to play the flute.” football over Jacob’s head. But Mr. Mortensen held out a shiny saxophone instead. Jacob’s shoulders slumped. Even his best friend “This one’s ready to go,” he said. “It’s rent free. You could thought playing the flute was dumb. Maybe it was. begin right away.” When Jacob got home, Mom told him Mr. Mortensen Jacob shook his head. “I’d rather play the flute, please.” had called. “There’s a saxophone available for free,” “We already have plenty of flutes in the band,” Mr. she said. Mortensen said. “Try the saxophone. You might like it.” Jacob felt like everyone was ganging up on him. He Marcie giggled. “The flute is agirl’s instrument.” nodded and went to his room without saying anything. He “But I want to play the flute.” Jacob stood up taller and said a quick prayer. Heavenly Father, please help me know glanced at Marcie. She whispered something to Haley what to do. and rolled her eyes. Haley nodded. Pretty soon Mom knocked on his open door. “What’s Mr. Mortensen shrugged and put the saxophone back up?” she asked. in its case. “Think about it.” “Do just girls play the flute?” Jacob crossed his arms. What would it be like in the Mom seemed surprised. “No. Some of the best flute flute section with Marcie and Haley there? How long be- players in the world are men. Heavenly Father gives fore Mom and Dad could rent a flute, anyway? Until then different gifts and talents to every person.” She sat on his he’d have to sit in band doing nothing. He sighed. Band bed beside him. “Jacob, what do you want to do?” was supposed to be fun. Jacob took a deep breath. “I want to play the flute.” It On the way home from school, Jacob told his friend felt good to say it. “Mom, I just want to play the flute! Can Ryan how he felt. we afford it?” To his surprise, Ryan laughed! “Duh!” he said, and “If you promise to practice, Dad and I will rent you a friendly-punched Jacob’s shoulder. “Our band is mostly flute.” Mom gave him a quick hug.

ILLUSTRATION BY MARK JARMAN BY ILLUSTRATION girls anyway! Why bother? You could be hanging with the “It’s a deal,” he said. “Thanks!” They shook hands on it. Ready or not, Marcie, Jacob thought, here I come! By December the band was preparing for their first concert. Jacob asked Ryan if he was going to come. “I’m trying out to play a solo!” “Probably.” Ryan looked sideways at Jacob. “I’m think- ing of joining band next semester,” he said. Jacob gave Ryan a friendly punch on the shoulder. “Great! What would you play?” “Well, Mr. Mortensen said he has a spare saxophone . . .” ◆

The author lives in Utah, USA.

“God knows our gifts. My challenge to you and to me is to pray to know the gifts we have been given [and] to know how to develop them.” President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency “Help Them Aim High,” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 67.

March 2017 37 R STO Y


U ! R U T





N E My Dad the Bishop W RITT

By Syrena D., age 11, North Carolina, USA

ast October my mom told my would change drastically. I had always thought bishops were Lsiblings and me to listen to ward people who were formal and serious, most unlike my dad. business that Sunday instead of That they had perfectly well-behaved kids who sat quietly on drawing. So when sacrament meeting started, I paid the bench every week. That was not my family. close attention to the opening prayer and the hymn. But I realized that bishops aren’t men with perfect fami- Once that was over, the person conducting the meeting lies. They aren’t men who are solemn and serious. They are asked the bishop to stand up. Then he said the bishop men with the priesthood. Men with strong, good testimonies. was being released. I don’t know why the Lord chose my dad to be the bishop, He asked my dad, who was first counselor at the time, but I know that He has His reasons. And I know that my dad to stand up. Then he announced that my dad was going did change . . . but not into a stiff and serious man I didn’t to be the new bishop! know. I could tell his testimony grew. I was really worried that something about my dad And so did mine. ◆ ILLUSTRATION BY BRAD TEARE BRAD BY ILLUSTRATION

38 Friend Join us each month to see how the Payson Utah Temple was built! Building a Temple

By Amie Jane Leavitt Brightly colored pipes carry water, gas, and electricity through the ceilings and walls of the temple. The different colors show workers what flows inside each pipe. With- out all of these behind-the-scenes features, the lights in the temple wouldn’t turn on, water wouldn’t flow from the faucets, and air con- ditioning wouldn’t cool the rooms.

FUNSTUFF ANSWERS Page 17: B HIDDEN CTR RINGS Page 31: a thesaurus; John Taylor Did you find the rings? Page 35: Down: 2, Oliver; 3, seer; 5, Thummim; 6, Cumorah; Look on pages FJ8, 16, and 37. Across: 1, wagon; 4, scribe; 7, Whitmer; 8, Lucy; 9, Moroni; 10, Grandin

Big news! I got some cool birthday How to Write to the Friend The Last presents, but CHECK To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or paper heart . . . Laugh OUT THE BOXES THEY 1. Fill out the form below and send it in with your story CAME IN! or artwork. 2. Send a school picture or other high-resolution photo. 3. We might edit your submission for length or clarity, and we can’t return it to you. 4. You must be at least three years old.

Please send your submission to: May the Friend contact you Friend Magazine with a survey? 50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2393 Salt Lake City, UT 84150-0024 ■ Ye s ■ No Or email: [email protected] The following information and permission must be included: ______First and last name ______Age Boy/Girl State/Province, Country I give my permission to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to use my child’s submission and photo on the Church websites and social media platforms as

ILLUSTRATION BY VAL CHADWICK BAGLEY CHADWICK VAL BY ILLUSTRATION well as for Church reports, print products, video, publications, and training materials.

______Signature of parent or legal guardian March 2017 39 ______Email of parent or legal guardian PHOTOGRAPHS BY ROBERT CASEY; BEE AND FLOWER © GETTY IMAGES

For Parents of Little Ones

hunder, darkness, and buzzing bees. Life on Tearth is still new for young children. So it’s not surprising that they may be afraid of some of God’s creations. Instead of forcing children to confront a fear, be an example of courage. Gently guide them away from a flowering bush covered in bees instead of running the other way. Invite them to snuggle up in a blanket to listen to the thunderstorm roll in.

Four ways to help little ones deal with fears:

1. Name what your child is feeling: “That bee 3. Ask children if they’re sure is making you nervous.” Or, “You feel scared up to their ankles or all the uncomfortable when you can’t see everything way to their ears. That will help them in the dark.” This will help them trust you more realize they’re only nervous, not terrified. than if you say, “Don’t be silly. There’s nothing Then invite them to breathe deeply to help to be afraid of!” the fear drain back down to their toes.

4. Point out something positive and interesting: “Did you know Heavenly 2. Father created bees to help plants Pray with your child in grow? Let’s leave it alone to do its gratitude for Heavenly amazing job.” Or, “Did you know Father’s creations and His Heavenly Father gave us the dark to protecting care. help our bodies? When the sun goes down, our germ-fighters and owie- fixers know it’s time to get to work.” PHOTOGRAPHS BY ROBERT CASEY; BEE AND FLOWER © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES BEE AND FLOWER CASEY; ROBERT BY PHOTOGRAPHS You can read past letters at FriendFPLO.lds.org. Hi, Friends!

I have a jar that I draw activities We made snack skewers from that remind me of Jesus. It that we saw in the Friend (July 2015). Thanks so helps me keep the Sabbath day holy. much for the Addison, age 4, Ohio, USA Friend Caroline and Louisa, ages 4 ! and 2, Indiana, USA

I helped someone at school when they got hurt, even though they This is a picture I drew of me didn’t want to be my friend. and my daddy. Henry, age 5, Louisiana, USA Nathan, age 5, Maryland, USA

March 2017 FJ1 It’s Raining! By Jennifer Maddy

Rain pitter-pats on the ground. Birds drink and splash in a puddle.

Pink worms squirm in the mud. Water washes dirt off the sidewalk.

We are thankful to Heavenly Father Rain makes the earth clean and beautiful! for the earth. MARTÍ CARLES BY ILLUSTRATIONS FJ2 Friend Water Helps Us Heavenly Father gives us water to help us in many ways. Point to the things in the picture that water helps us with. What are some other ways that water helps you? ILLUSTRATIONS BY CARLES MARTÍ CARLES BY ILLUSTRATIONS

March 2017 FJ3 STORIES OF JESUS Jesus Was Baptized By Kim Webb Reid

John the Baptist was a great prophet. He taught people to repent and baptized them.

One day John was baptizing people in the Jordan River. Jesus came and asked John to baptize Him. John knew that Jesus didn’t have any sins. So why did Jesus want to be baptized? ILLUSTRATIONS BY APRYL STOTT APRYL BY ILLUSTRATIONS

FJ4 Friend Jesus said He needed to obey all of the commandments. Being baptized is a commandment.

After John baptized Jesus, a dove came to show that the Holy Ghost was there. Heavenly Father’s voice came from heaven, saying, “This

ILLUSTRATIONS BY APRYL STOTT APRYL BY ILLUSTRATIONS is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

March 2017 FJ5 We can obey the commandments and choose to be baptized, like Jesus.

Then we can be confirmed and have the gift of the Holy Ghost too. ◆ STOTT APRYL BY ILLUSTRATION


March 2017 FJ7 By Jessica Poe (Based on a true story) “ ut, Mom! Pleeeeease!” Mom “The explorers have to have a Bhad to understand. Putting home,” Eli said. the new toy in the bathtub was “If you put it in the water, the stick- important. It ers will come off,” Mom was the home said. “That’s why I base. The already told you underwater no.” explorers Eli was needed it so standing at they could the door, rescue sea holding creatures! his toy. He ILLUSTRATION BY GLENN HARMON BY ILLUSTRATION

Friend Toys in the Tub FJ8 Toys Toys in the the in

ILLUSTRATION BY GLENN HARMON bad things that happen because of bad thingsthathappen because of word. consequences,” shesaid. wanted toputthebaseinwater. moved toward thetub. He home base being underwater. At were obedient.” And you willalsoknow thatyou don’t,” Momsaid. “It willlast longer. something goodwillhappen ifyou Eli asked. I putmy homebaseinthewater?” choices we make,” sheexplained. “Consequences are good things or “Consequences are goodthingsor “Consequences?” Itwas abig “Remember, choices have He stopped. “Eli?” Mom said. Eli sighed. Hethoughtabout the “The stickers willcome off. But “So somethingbadwill happen if Tub really

stickers would get soggy. first it would befun. Then the home base. dry themoffbefore they went to exciting adventure. Elijusthad to underwater explorers stillhadan Mom. toward thetub. it here,” hesaid. Then heheaded would stillbegood. it over andover. And thestickers And you know what? The Eli smiled. Itfeltgoodtoobey “Good choice,” Mom said. Eli setthebasedown. “I’ll leave But ifhekept itdryhecoulduse The authorlives inOregon, USA.

How doeschoosing ◆ the right helpyou Question feel happy? for You

March 2017