Assessment of factors influencing groundwater-level change using groundwater flow simulation, considering vertical Title infiltration from rice-planted and crop-rotated paddy fields in Japan Iwasaki, Yumi; Nakamura, Kimihito; Horino, Haruhiko; Author(s) Kawashima, Shigeto Citation Hydrogeology Journal (2014), 22(8): 1841-1855 Issue Date 2014-12 URL The final publication is available at Springer via Right; 許諾条件によ り本文ファイルは2016-01-01に公開. Type Journal Article Textversion author Kyoto University Assessment of factors influencing groundwater-level change using groundwater flow simulation, considering vertical infiltration from rice-planted and crop-rotated paddy fields in Japan Yumi Iwasaki*, Kimihito Nakamura, Haruhiko Horino, Shigeto Kawashima Y. Iwasaki, K. Nakamura, S. Kawashima Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan e-mail:
[email protected] H. Horino Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan *Corresponding author:
[email protected] Tel: +81-75-753-6175 Fax: +81-75-753-6476 1 Abstract Assessing factors, such as land use and pumping strategy, that influence groundwater levels is essential to adequately manage groundwater resources. A transient numerical model for groundwater flow with infiltration was developed for the Tedori River alluvial fan (140 km2), Japan. The main water input into the groundwater body in this area is irrigation water, which is significantly influenced by land use, namely paddy and upland fields. The proposed model consists of two models, a one-dimensional (1-D) unsaturated-zone water flow model (HYDRUS-1D) for estimating groundwater recharge and a 3-D groundwater flow model (MODFLOW).