Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach B”H Friday, December 13, 2019 15 Kislev, 5780 MAZEL TOV: To Lance and Jessica Reisch on the Birth of their Baby girl, mazal tov to Candle Lighting 4:10 PM the Brothers - Eric and Ethan and Grandparents - Richard and Marlene Yuzik, Carol Reisch Mincha at 4:20 PM KIDDUSH: is sponsored by Lance and Jessica in honor of this blessing Shabbat Services Tanya/soul maps 8:30 AM Shacharit 9:00 AM Mincha 4:10 PM GIRLS SHABBAT LOUNGE: Instead of Jr. Congregation for your daughter Grade 4+ we are Shabbat Ends 5:14PM excited to offer the “Girls Shabbat Lounge” which is a comfy welcoming space where she can Havdalah Service/Living Torah DVD daven, snack and schmooze with her friends. It will be open every week on Shabbos with older of the Rebbe 5:14 PM supervision from 10:45-12 pm. Junior Congregation BAR MITZVAH CLUB: Rabbi Shneor Wolfman will be teaching Bar Mitzvah boys and at 10:45 am - 12 pm Chabad on a weekly basis, if you are interested to have him teach your son please email Rabbi PreK-Grade 3 (upstairs) - Mrs. Dina Levi Shemtov asap
[email protected] Klapper Grades 4+ Girls (downstairs) - Girls lounge KOSHER MEDITATION WORKSHOP: The Jewish Women’s Circle presents a Holistic Aviva Laskin & Maya Rudoy Techniques for today’s Jew: A Torah workshop to Jewish Meditation Monday, December 16th Grade 4+ Boys (downstairs library) 7:45-9:30 PM. (see flyer for details) NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE Sunday Shacharit 8:45 AM WINTER TORAH SEMINAR: Infusing Jewish scholarship with spirituality and purpose.