
'Vi four Page Colored Paper cents everywhere—Pa no more Comic Section Four Sections VOL. VIII, No. 12 CARTERET PRESS Extensive Street Program May PRICE THREE CENT? Be CarriedOut_ Here Next Year Great Throng Pays Tribute Flood of Petitions For Street Improvement* Cause* Council To Consider Plan — Protest On Bus Rate*. Siici-ul petitions for street improve To Middlesex County Leader nil-ma r<*ad at the meeting of the I nil the people not a political group lfa.n.ugh Council Monday night re - j the mayor contended. nOnOr At lin ni I Mr^J'Zurilla, apparently arrived at I7l t °* ™ "> *» Dinner By Di.tin vivwi a plan to improve a large ii^he bearing lat«r than the Mayor and thews snid, to snionlli out differences, ald Ku,shed Speaker, and Fifteen Hundred Guest. _ Leader- to conciliate and to bring «ll tle- number of borough street* by means I J J}«^id ^h there. When of a bond indue There were four ship L,kene To That of Woqdrow Wn*on-Wood- nienU of the pai^y into a friendly isHut. There were four the Mayor replied that he had been d wholt' that made bis leadership no Petitions for street improvements. before the board and had testified brutge Mayor and Mayor of Perth Amboy successful. Evidently they all had been prepared early in the hearing, D'Zurilla replied On Dinner Committee. liy the same person as the wording that he should not have left. The speaker pointed out that dur- in each case was identical. Each peti- Attorney Stremlau reported that a (iluwing tribute was paid to David ing the last campaign every force, the tion bore several signatures of resi- further delay in awarding the con- T. Wilentz at a testimonial dinner ment of Matthews was rather an open Republicans could command wa* dents in the street named, and in tract for the Chrome sewer Wednesday night In Highland Park recognition of the ability of Wllenti brought to bear upon the tight in Mid- 1 : es a leader, in that hs had accom- dlesex but that under the leadership each instance the Mayor and mem- had arisen by reason of the attitude whicidh drew together a gathering of 'P bers of the council were asked to in- lift plished a thing whiah it was general- of Wilentf, the Democrats held firm of an official of the Reading rail- hundred persons, the largest ly believed could not be accomplish- and put over the jrreatejl victory in spect the street in question and see road who regarded the conditions pro- cmhcririjf ever assembled in the coun- what could be done to make it pass- ed—the welding together of the scat- '* ' '.ory of the party in the county. posed by the borough for an outlet ty at such an event. The keynote tered Democratic forces of Middlesex To succeed, the speaker *aid, a able. Each petition wound up with as too binding. The outlet from the •-lnwh was delivered by former Unit- the statement that the petitioners into a victorious unit. party must be progremivv and l>o in sewer system is planned to pass til States Comm. John A. Matthews. harmony with business anrais<> of the leader but it was Mat- he-continued, reroffnited these prin- the street being impassable. ed displeasure at the continued delay thews who covered the whole field. control aa long as the party had a leader of the type of Wilenti. He said ciples and his leadership was exorcis- The streets named are Heald, Lib- of this project which, he said, should !1< described Wilentz «s a leader of ed in accordance with them. have been under way long ago. There H'i - type of Woodrow Wil»on and the that the secret of the great success erty, Thurnal and Edgar. Following of Wilenti was the fact that he la a the rending of the petitions there was in a belief upon the part of old resi- refefen-ncr e to the great war president Matthews criticised the condition dents that a sewe* outlet in that sec- leader with reason. He is not the into which the party had sunk before con.- derahie discussion of tho street brought a long round of applause. kind, the speaker said, that attsmpts Wilentz took the leadership. He urged nituution. The Mayor said that there tion of the borough was guaranteed The tribute of the former senator in an old agreement ana that this to throttle individuality. He is in the Democracy of the county to stick IM n large number of streets that tn Wilentz was straight from the touch with the trend of the times. to the plans end advice of Wilentz In xhmild be improved and that the work still holds. The attorney was instruct- shoulder and unqualified. But it was order to bolster up the party so that ed to make an immediate investiga- The day Is past, declared the speak- HIIOUU he taken up in earnest next oddly interpreted by some. One er, when leadership can successfully it would remain in control of the year Ho proposed that provision be tion and ascertain if / Carte-ret has writer in an out-of-town newspaper county Indefinitely. such a right. operate on a plan that contemplates made in tbe 11130 budget for this siw in it a challenge of the leader- the party men patting themselves In Prosecutor John E. Toolan was tha plan. There was a time, he said, when ship of Frank Hague of Hudson, per- the position of listening solely to the toastmaster and in Introducing tbe Carteret could get along with a few haps because the writer in question master's voice. Differences of opinion speakers he made many reference* main streets improved. That time is works for a paper that has been unj-l must be respected to the ability of the leader end tha passed now, he declared, because formly hostile to Hague. _The com-~ti It was the ability of WiUnt*, Mat- power which the party bad gained i« every one has a car and wants to have Roomers Driven From We county since Wilenti took th* k street that can be used in safety helm, Each speaker In turn paid the and comfort. By making reasonable- leader the same unqualified compli- provision in the budget, the Mayor House By Flames CO. Banquets Members Legion Honors ment. said, the interest on the bond issue Commissioner William L. Dill said and some of the principal could be Thirty-Five Spaniards Rush that during his campaign for govern- met each year and the people could Out In Cold Early Sunday Of Board and Team or laat year Middlesex county give have the advantage of passable Football Team him great support and encourage- streets. Morning When House Catch- ment. He lost in this county by only Speaker* Praiae Football Play- Banquet Laat Night At Sokal This idea was generally endorsed «aFire. DAVID T. WILENTZ • few hundred totes, he said, and he by Councilman Ellis, Andre* f*nd D.mocr.tic Counly Ch«irm«n who wa. given . groat testimoni Hall Attended By 200. was unstinted in his praise of the great testimonial dinner er* At Spread In High ability of WllentK as a leader. others, and In the meantime, the WtdnMd.jr night m recognition of hii foniut in Lading party t o victory. street and road eomnstttee 'waa In- Fire that started from an over Fifteen hundred perioni •tt»nd*d School. More than 200 guests' tut at the thanked both WUents and Matthew* structed to make such temporary re- heated furnace pipe ba^ly damaged board last nght when Carteret Post for the aid th«y gave him in that pairs to the itreeUqNsted in the peti- the house at the corner of Essex The victorious football team of No. 263, American Legion gave a campaign. He added that if every tions as to make them pasjabl* for street and PersHRir avenue, early Carteret high school and the mem- banquet in: honor of the victorious Democratic organisation in the state the winter. * Sunday morning and drove thirty-five Letter Writers Praise ber? of the Board of Education were football team of Carteret high school. wa* headed by such men aa WiUnta Spanish roomers out in the cold. The Two Are Injured guests of honor Monday night at a The .banque t was held„ in th„e Soko« ,l the party would be in control. He Reporting for the police committee blase waa discovered at 3:65 A. M. uu u sees the best in others and give* the Councilman Ellis said that eertaln banquet given by the General Or-, hall in Wheeler avenue. The hall was by the police; and an alarm was sent ganiaation of the student body of the j crowded. Flash light photos of the best in himself, said the commission' changes should be made in the nolle* in by Sergeant John Andres. The Christmas Seal Drive When Car Turns Over! er, referring to Witenti. ordinance at once In order that ths high school. It was held on the stage euest* and the team were taken. The engines arrived but only a few' men ' C of the auditorium of the high school, speakers included leading men of the Commissioner Frank Connolly of police raise may go into effect a* besides the drivers came. The high of the first of the rear. It waa re- Many Prominent Persona En- Francis McCarthy, coach of the foot-1 borough, th...e. Legio. n an_..d„ thv.r=e schools. New Brunswick paid an eloquent wind prevented many from hearing Jordan Hit By Erskine Turn* ball team, was toastmaster. While the lights were out and all tribute to Wilenti. He offered the ported that several nre hydrant* are the alarm. Andres telephoned head- dorse Campaign — Mrs. in need of repaift and the clerk was Upaide Down; Man and The speakers were: President Ed- were standing "In Flanders Field" leader the congratulation* of the quarters to sound a second alarm Stremlau Report* Sales In ward J. He'll of the Board of Educa- was recited as a tribute to the hero people of New Brunswick and said directed to writ* to- the water com- which brought more men to the scene. Woman Hurt In Crash At that that city is 100 per cent for him. pany to have the repair* made. It tion, School Commissioners William dead. The "Star Spangled Banner Borough. Washington and Pershing 8un State Senator Arthur A. Qulnn de- will be the second time that this mat- The building is a three-story V. Coughling, , Charles A. Conrad, Al- K by all present, followed. Durr- ter has been taken up with the water frame structure and is known a* the Avenue*. b Wlbld Thd A Bih 'n« the cu f th b clared that when Wilenti took over bert Welblund, Theodore A. Bishop. ' « course of the banquet the the leadership of the county Demo- company. old Glynn house on account of a for- Many letters of encouragement Supervisingg Principall Miss B. V. HerHer-11 h'KKh schooll orchestraa played ana d have been received by Mrs. Emil Two persons were painfully in- thertheree cratic party it was in disorder and Considerable commotion waa stir- mer owner. At present it is ownevfc? jured and others were shaken up at mann, PiiPrincipal l MMisi s AnnA a D. ScottStt , weree frequenfrt t schoohl l cheersh . Mandel Jacabowitc and was leased to Stremlau, chairman of the Christmas of the high school; Joseph Medwick.l Edward' Walsh was introduced as split into numerous faction*. All of red up when a copy of a resolution Seal sale in Carteret. The letters are 12:30 A. If. Sunday when two cars these were brought together, their adopted by th* Carteret Democratic John Oeana, a Spaniard, who operat- crashed *t Penhing and Washing- star of the team, and Benny Zusman, toastmaster by John Kennedy. In his ed it aa a rooming and boarding house from prominent persons of the bor- manager of the team. opening remarks, Mr. Walsh pointed united strength bringing a glories* Club respecting the rocketing of bu* ough and the writers heartily endorse ton avenues. The injured are Mr. ou that victory that was directly due to the rates, was read. The club had adopt- for his countrymen. and Mrs. Frank Nleman, of 149. "President Edward J. Heil congrat- ] * the Legion has always been genius of Wilentz. Th* fire started where the furnace the seal movement. ulated them for gaining recognition » defender of American Ideals. The ed the resolution and presented a Mr. Nleman's left shoulder and his first smoke pipe entered tha chimney at The sal* to date, according to Mrs. for the school through the county "Pesker was Edwin Casey, a past One of the most eloouent address- mpy to th* Public Utilities Coa»- Stremlau %aa been satisfactory. In head were badly bluised; Mrs. Nie- es was that of Mayor Frank Do: mission. The club, aocoTOTtg to ta» the rear. It worked upward inside th* man'e head waa bruised and cut. and a large part of the state. He e»-, commander of the post. The Legion, wall to tbe roof where it broke out the #4)tke,*_ou»ty $4,ooo has been pecially praised the and ability J>e said, wa* proud of the record made of Perth Amboy. He told of bia resolution is opposed to the proposed They were taken **tth* off lee of Dr. th acquaintance with WUents and and burned a large hole. The flamei received aMofjtnt9 amount $160 ts of Medwick. Commissioner William ty » Cartaret team. He nealled a raise in rates and any change in the H. L. Strandberg and their injuries tlme that as man anil Boy WUents hai,_. broke through the rear wall in twi from Carteret. ^ V. Coughlin made a lengthy address when football and other school present method of transportation. were dressed after which they were s rts were not ways been of high character, stead- or three place* also. There was i Mrs, Stremlau said she hoped the in which he compared the facilities P? recognized as valu- The resolution was signed by John taken to their home. abI arts fast and dependable. Mayor Dorsey E. Donahue, secretary of the club. strong wind blowing at the time ami citizens of Carteret would plan to er sports in the schools now and in « P °f education. The speaker was general chairman of the commit- contribute generously this year be- Mr. and Mrs. Nfeman were in a the early days of the borough. He Poised Coach McCarthy and the Councilman D'Zurilta this made the work of the firemer (Jordan sedan belonging to Charles tee that arranged the testimonial din- ceuncil should force said that the difficult and also increased the dan cause the tuberculosis league plans to congratulated Coach McCarthy for members of the Board of Education ner and he thanked all.those present some kind of ger of the blaze spreading to other increase its staff <>f nurses to meet Cooper, of 12 Longfellow street and his discipline and the high morale he jor thelr Part in the success of the driven by Joseph Kaweski, of 104 Ed- team for having made the affair such a transportation for the section known buildings. the needs of the county and to wage developed in the team and the school., - , huge success. Such a gathering coald as the Boulevard. The plant of Pub- a gaining battle against the dread di- gar street. The Jordan was going The firemen kept the fire confined East on Pershing avenue. Besides Commissioner Welblund said such' Supervising Principal Miss B. V. not have been broi ' lic Service Coordinated Treneport The returns this year are affairs as the banquet seryeS to bring Hermann thanked the Legion for the it together for to the house where it started and the NIemans and the driver, other eat honor any other man but excludes the Boulevard which at pre- •lightly in advance (if last year at the schools and the Boal-d of Educa- ff Paid to the high school, ( — .,-» ..Henti. he said. soon had it' under control. It was occupants of the car were Mr. and he sent has trollty service but la located tion closer tog«ther. Commissioner f, expressed deep appreciation for Dorsey concluded his address by hard to get at because it had worked this time, Mrs. Stremlau said- Mrs. Frank Sotys, of 45 Fitch street, t hc at a considerable distance from the Bishop said that life is full of strug- . encouragement given the students presenting Mr. Wilenti with a Lin- under floors and inside partitions. It Some of the letters received re- and Miss Catherine Nieman, of 75 b tne route of the proposed bus line which gles and the high aims which one y manner of the Legion's reeog- coln car as a token of esteem of the was after 4 o'clock when the out tap* garding the campaign follow; Sharot street. Democrats of Middl*"*x. The car waa Is to supplant the trolley system. were sounded. LETTERS SET must seek as a football player strives nition. D'Zurill* said that he had heard an An Erskine car driven by Dalbert gotl. He commended the mayoMayor Thomainomas J. Mulvihill con- presented with a clear Din or sale and The damage to the house by fire ii Sabo, of 315 Seymour avenue Newark to cross a r u Bted the u Mr. Dorsey remarked humorously engineer of the Public Service recor1C d of th..lelealeleae m and declared that ?.^? .^ ' . . «\™«\ for takingg the November ICth, 1929. and owned by Sabo's grandfather, i1 jn'tuat've m presentin a bnqut t that Mr. Wilentz could drive it alone John Sabo, of East Rahway, was tra- the team had given Carteret recogni-1 jn'tuat've- m presenting a banquet to the highways with the knowledge that tion all over New Jersey and part of ithe winning football team. The May- Mrs. Emil Stremlau, veling northward in Washington ave- or so ralsed e it was one of tbe few. cars running only municipality in the state having Chairman-Middlesex County Tubercu- nue and struck the Jordan so hard New York I P t" «bihty of Coach free of a chattel mortgage. two ten-cent far* sones within it* losis League, that the latter car was turned com- Supervising Principal Miss B. V. McCarthy. The coach took green tim- ' Wb«- Mr. Wilentz waa presented limits. Hermann eloquently welcomed the h« *">? made a highly finished prod- 41 Atlantic Street, pletely over although it was a much ct f the the crowd stood and applauded until The Mayor replied to D'Zurilla Carteret Bugle Corps Carteret, N. J. bigger car than the Erskine. Board of Education and the members " ° ]'. Mayor declared. He said h« made a sign for them to desist. with the declaration that be had of the team and «ll other guests. She McCarthy compared in ability with Sabo and Frank Reynolds, of When the cheers stopped he told a ' faith enough In the Public Utility explained the workings of the Gen-, K"»te Rockne the famous coach o few humorous Btories about hia Dear Madam: Roosevelt avenue, East Rahway who otre Commission to believe that nd unjust eral Organisation. She thanked the ^ Dju»e. The people of Carteret friends present and then spoke ser- Elects Officers Christmas Seals are a protection, a was riding with him, escaped injury are ro d of th 0I raise of rstes would be sanctioned. Re- members of the P. T. A. for catering, P. " h * *?*>** ^ ** iously. He declared that no man could modern form of health insurance, for further than slight bruises and a gen- Th rarding the Boulevard situation, the the .meal, the board of education for f.^- « ?"'? ^efeat th be so callous as not to be profound- Haa Obtained Instrument* and health depends so largely in keeping eral shakeup and bruised but did not a r Mayor said that a verbal promise podproviding g a suitable athletic field,, the «"• y*when. - ^the ^ Mayor pointed out ly stirred by such a gathering and the other fellow well or helping him require the services of a physician. whenwhen, thethe y 1 nnaa JewisJewish had been made by Public Service re- Will Rehearae Twice Each when he is Stricken. coach fof r developindli g thth e teamtm . I P"™ ,d y P "i?* ° . f such a demonstration. He expressed presentatives that in the event the The two cars were badly damaged. Week — Other Legion New*. The steady, quiet work of the Mid- The corner where the accident oc- In the coume of her .talk Mies Her- ' hdliday and severalI of the best play- deep appreciation of the esteem trolley system was ever abandoned dlesex County Tuberculosis League explained the aims of modern '•" cou" no take thcr places inth* shown by the great gathering and the company would provide adequate curred is regulated in the day time t nurses, clinics and clinic doctors in and early evening by automatic stop pledged himself to remember it nfi bus service for the Boulevard. •> The drum and bugle corps of Car- this Borough as well as other parts and go signals but has no protection his life. He said that he hoped to Councilman Ellis said this pledge teret Post No. 263 American Lefcion of this County is commendable. after midnight. always devote himself to the inter- was given some > months ago when completed organization Tuesday night Buying Christmas Seals helps this Patrolman. Michael Bradley was on Miss Scott said she ests of Middlesex county to make it a; the question of substituting buses for electing officers at a meeting of Buying (JMistmas seats neips mis > ratroiman. Michael Bradley was on better place to live in. \.[ work. Every citizen of Carteret I du'tjr near the scene when the cars the trolley wa* first proposed. the post. The officers selected are should aid by buying Christmas crashed and took charge of the case, Mr. Wiientz was accompanied fcffttS The criticism of the proposed in- as follows: President, Alex Skurat, Seals. later making a detailed report of it to his wife and his mother. Several crease in rates continued. The bu* vice-president, William B. Hagan, The League hag done much for headquarters. M*^5 the speakers, particularly John 1916 delivered a speech in which he rates as announced by Public Service treasurer, John Katuski, secretary, Carteret. I want to endorse the sale school, she said, have come to be a reviewed his own football days. He Matthews, complimented them Coordinated Transport will be much Frank Haury, business manager, Ed- as strongly as possible, and hope that paying proposition and that now expressed the hope that the boys on their distinguished relative. higher so far aa Carteret is concern- ward J. Walsh. your effort to reach the quota for Christmas Cheer Fund there is money in the treasury. Jos- the Carteret team would continue The dinner was held in FreetL, ed than (he present trolley rates to The corps announced its official his Borough will not be in vaini Committee To Meet Tonight eph Medwick briefly thanked the G. their studies in higher institutions of auditorium, probably the biggest: name as "The Drum and Bugle Corps, Q. for the banquet. In five words in the county but the crowd Elisabeth and Newark. There is a Yours truly, The Christmas Cheer Fund Com- learning. He congratulated the team ten-cent rate within Woodbridge, a American Legion, Carteret Post No. Manager Benny Zusman of the foot- jt to the doors. Tables were I EDWARDJJ. HEIL mittee made up of members of the on its record andalso congratulated into every corner and the Cl™, ten-cent rate within Perth Amboy, a 263. The corps will meet for rehear- ball team covered the whole ground. Coach McCarthy. sals on Monday and Thursday' nights local Masonic lodge, Harmony Club, He said "My boys have done good". to be placed «s close together I ten-cent rate within Linden and a 'ten- Mrs. Emil Stremlau: Legion and Lions, will meet tonight James Riley, head swimming di- sible to accommodate the | cent rate within Elizabeth. But there in Falcon Hall where competent in- Coach McCarthy said thathat thbese tpresen in thet rector at Rutgers College gave a.stir- gue in the office of Assemblyman-Elect statathletie anc dnel hde ieongratus one of ltha best in the An orchestra *>layed at ... sre two ten-cent rstes within Carteret structors will give the members the Dear Mrs. Stremlau: BlnTrtlknrTiii-l ring address in which he predicted i necessary training- All the instru- My I Elmer Brown in Roosevelt avenue at board for having provided it during the evening. Popular • because the dividing line between two I_t. is with pleasure that I heartily en- John street to prepare for this year's for Joseph Medwick a place oa the fare tones is the Central Railroad ments have been purchased and turn- Cheer leaders of the school enliven- All-American team some time in the and dance compositions of th< dorse the 1929 Christmas Seal Cam- campaign. The committee will seek ed the banquet with frequent cheer*. were interspersed with crossing. ed over to the respective member* of paign, in that I realize thoroughly future. the corps. A drill master will be as- donations for its Christmas work. orites as "Sidewalks of .. The Mayor said that he was satis- he benificient work accomplished, by Each year fon the past several years Former Mayor Joseph A. Hermann when the guests joined in fied the Public Utilities Commission signed to the corps also to keep the ,he Anti-Tuberculosis League. said he was inspired by the spirit members in training in military drills. this group haa brought cheer and re- Woman's Club Meeting; The speakers' table waa would insist on this situation being Very truly yours, lief to scores of needy homes in the shown at the banquet. The borough cony and thin was front corrected. Regardng the Boulevard Besides the affairs of the bugle H. L. STRANDBERG, M. D. •borough. The meeting tonight in Mr. Food Sale Tomorrow is proud of the boyn and the school streamer bearing the aa section the Mayor suggested that 'orps the Post disposed of other bus- Brown's office will open at 8 o'clock. he said. He congratulated the team leader with some compliaw,., perhaps Sam George might provide ness at the meeting Tuesday night My Dear Mrs. Stremlnu; The Woman's Club will hold a most warmly. ' jective leading off from eaeh' bun service for that section. Arrangements were made for the You may send us our regular pur- Joseph Medwick in behalf of the Fanwood Minister regular meeting Friday afternoon in While the majority of • If The discussion of transportation State Department Grand Voiture hase of Christmas Seals for Middle- the Legion rooms. A representative football squad preshented Coach Mc- were Democrats there were , problems led to a tilt between Mayor Forty-And-Eight to meet in Carteret lex County Tuberculosis League. To Preach Here of the DuPont Company will give Carthy with a Weltham wrist watch. Republicans. Among the. Mulvihill and Councilman D'Zurilla. on January 11 in the headquarters of Brief addresses of congratulation Tuberculosis is contagious. Each Rev. Mr. Marcy, a Presbyterian demonstrations of enamels and varn- Democrats at the speakers' ( The latter is the only Democrat on he post. This will be an event of ne of us, poor or rich, strong or ishes. Members of the club may were made by Asnemblyrnan-elect several from this section of jtHte-wido interest to Legionnaires. minister of Fanwood, N. J., will have Elmer E. Brown, Recorder N. A. Ja- 1 the council. The Mayor taok him to weak, is constantly in danger of con- charge of the services Sunday at the bring small articles and have them ty. Mayor William A. P-- - tnsk for his alleged action in ftoinfj Tho local post members will also bs tracting this dread disease. Our great- enameled free of charge. coby, Charles Rapp, Assistant Prose- teeman Jacob Gnaui hosts on December 18 to the members Carteret Presbyterian church. The cutor Frank A. Monaghan. with a Democratic club to the hearing eat protection Is the splendid work pulpit has been supplied with candi- The club will conduct a - sale of Trainer of the treaii before the Public Utilities Commiss- f the county orirnnization and the done by the Tuberculosis League. home made foods tomorrow in the One of the most eloquent eddresees Health Officer Peter dates since tho resignation of Rev. of the evening waa given by Ted several othere were ion last week Instead of going with uxiliary. Nine new uniforms were They provide proper care for the vic- C. B. Mitchell several months ago. New York Meat Market in Welling- tho Mayor and council. It was tho rdered at the mwtinjr Tuesday tims who cannot afford to care for ton avenue from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Creyton, state athletic officer of the Woodbridgre. Former duty or a councilman to represent night. ' themselves. Through legislation and Mrs. Henry J. Harrington will be In American Leg-ion. He covered the A. Hermann, Presides publicity they are jrettinir tubercul- of the Buffering and unfortunate. It charge. Members are asked to con- whole field of football and the Le- Heil, of the Board of I osis under positive, control. They are is in the "mercies of life" which tribute home made foods for the sale. gion. The latter body, he said, strives giatant Prosecutor Fra demonstrating that tuberculosis can women by nature are so keenly inter- to give boys and young men incentive ajfhan and . _„, BESIDES QUALITY, SERVICE ba cured. We should ull nf us buy ested in and in which they are so to carry on. In behalf of the tocat E. Brown were among Tuberculosis. League Christmas Seels especially capable, that they excel. St. Joseph'* Church post of the Legion he presented the prominent Oemoerata to take our part in Btamping out this The cause represented by the Tu- team with a beautiful trophy. Carteret. and LOW PRICES plague. We buy them for our own berculosis League i» on a par with Organizations Are Buejr self-preservation. the work of the Red Cross. Some- The Parent Teacher Association of Women Democrat* We arc Giving With Each $1 Sale a Cash Very truly yours, times I think it is even greater. I St. Joseph's school will meet Tuesday It is Just As Imt Benjamin lloore & Co., believe that every person should place In Meeting Tonight Select Your Coupon* Value 2i cents. H. I. HASKINS, in their family budget provision for night In the school hrfill. The principal The Women's Democratic Club will Resident manager. an annual donation to thn Tuberculo- business of the evening will be the meet tonight in Firehou.se No. 2 in You Would sis League. To "cast one's bread upon A Full Line of Curtain* and Curtain Gooda election of officers. the Chrome section. It is announced Phy, the waters" in things of this sort is that important business is to be con- Bad Spread* . . . Blanket* . . . Quilt* . . . Sweaters My Dear Mrs. Stremlau: an investment in meery and invest- Tho P. T. A. and the members of I was pleased to learn that you Bidered and all members are request- ITTUC ments of this kind pay tho lnrK<'Rt the Itoxary Society unitod today in a ed to be present. Knitting Wool . . . Hosiery and Underwear had consented to accept the chair- dividends. Not always material di trip to Newnrk where they attended And the Highest Grade of Shoes manship of the annual sale of Christ- vldendB but always as [ prefer to call a dVmonRtrntion in a service shop af- M mas Seals for the Middlesex County tor which there was a luncheon and HER CHRISTMAS GIFT thfim, "noul dividends." THEY FILL PRI For the Whole Family Tuberculosis League. I am not sur- card party. Tho Rosary Society will $5 dawn and 95 • month prised that you did for in so doing Indeed I trust you will be most successful in appealing to tho public meet on Friday night of next week An El"-trie Sewing Machine 61 Roosevelt^ you are running "true to form." in St. Joseph's school hall for a regu- There is no doubt but that the that the work of thin League for the URIAH HARRIS CARTI John's General Store ensuing year may be enlarged. lar business meeting which will be greatest and moat effective work that brief and will be followed by a card Cor. Washington und Cooke Avenues Tel:. " ' can wnjfarUltf is that Cordially yoir N. Street* CAjntRET, N. Jv CARTi ^^MJPJCTiirillOffilMBMri^iMLiatkBilirMiMiiftiMiiMimMMhMMiimmphifliiaC^ ,\t • if if I.\JM» "I ' ORDERED f\ 75c LARGE SIZE Water Set HOUSE BROOMS Pitcher and 6 Glasses 5c lie With Purchaae $2.00 With PurchtM $2.00 2 Qt Coffee Perculator Genuine Sweetheart Soap 29c With Purchjue $2.00 3 cakes 5c •1-29 Men'a Novelty Witk 11.0a PurshaM" - Broadcloth Shirts 77c BlUMENfELD'S Sweet-Orr Overalls Reg. 50c Novelty Silk Ties BARGAIN STORE $1.57 4 for $1.00 , Blue Serge Pants $12.00 Genuine Leather 178 SMITH ST. Reversible Wind^reakers $1.97 Reg. $3.50 Perth Amboy, New Jersey $5 00 AU Wool Crew Neck Sweaters Boys Ribbed Union Suits Closes Its Doors $a£«DD Black or Navy 59c Puwy Willow Silk Shirto All 100 Pure Silk Neckwear JAN. 1st, 1930 $4.65 An Ideal Xtnat Gift Regular $150 NEVER ajamas or Night Shirts Rubber Visor Caps TO OPEN AGA 88c Heavy Ribbed Union Suits Reg. $1.19 Flannel Shirts 93 ORDERS FROM I 65C Grey or Khaki Rayon Silk and Imperial A Real Saving Broadcloth Shirts Sell Entire Stock $225 Zipper Flannel Shirts $1.00 Leave Nothing But Empty Shelves $1.39 Heavy Overalls Heavy Random Union Suits 87c $1.17 Reg. $125 Boys Corduroy Knickers $1.75 Fleece Lined ON FRIDAY, DEC. 6 Windbreakers 87c Value $1.50 $1.50 Laundered Collar Attached 9 A.I SHIRTS 87c. The Sales Adjusters in charge of this store -Regular $5.00 Bath Robes ^U place on SALE the entire stock disre- Slippers to Match $2.95 garding original cost of merchandise. 95c "Mayos" Heave Now folks! We have cut the prices on this stock as Ribbed Underwear no one ever dared before in this city. This is your 57c chance don't miss it! 88c Value up to 2.00 Boys Novelty Sport Slipover] $1.00 Grey Work Shirt. OOC Regular $1.25 Come Early! Avoid the Rush! 39c Men's Fancy Cashmere or REMEMBER Heavy Wool Socks 40% Off 5Pair» for 1."00 Sale Starts Friday, Dec. 6 9 AM Li«le t ...... Cotton Work Soch Regular

BLUMENFELD'S Reduced sroi HJWOFl 178 Smith St. Si Perth Amboy, N. J. FIXTURES FOR Store Open Ev« MJ® P. SALE Ifcri p*++**«**~~« Mule and Donkey Still Will Raze Ancient ' NOTICE ance vacating, releasing and exting- ing of the Council of the Borough of SEALED BIDS will be received .by uishing the public rights arising from Capital Church Hold Their Own in Spain Carteret held on Dei-ember 2, 1929, rough on December'sfi For Meditation the Hoard of Education of the Bor-the dedication of streets ghown on HARVEY VO. PLA1.. ^ ^•nslilii^tori. —A oew Western Aluilrlil.-- The hurst' drawn currliige said map, as to the land lying in theand was approved by the- Mavor of •oooooo ough of Carteret, for the Stage Borough Clerk. '''< ••!>> tt.lnii church sunn will lit sllll iiiiil.cs in Sjui I n a HI II in] ni;iiln.«i bed of said streets shown on isaid l'"'" lleen «»rslil|ieil WILL kic|i their grunt] «-nrrlui;e iux1 line forms supplied for that purpose, opened and will not be of benefit to The new cl.urcli, which Bhould hln'>ded steeds, their liveried coach which include the covenants and spec- the public and that the public inter- men nnd footmen, and drive nf nfter- ests will be better Berved by vacat- "'" l)i' ••i.nfuBeo with Ahralimu FAMOUS lawyer la quoted aa ifications of said bid and may be nixint" In tlie piirks. obtained from William V. CougMin ing and releasing the lands in tbe •'"'"Ills N.-w Vork Avenue A liuvlnu innilf I lie remark tliul District Clerk, No. 41 Central Ave^ beds of said streets from any public li'tiDhyturliin church, will he ' litre never lind ii^n H will drawn up I lilt I lie hursts fur which Mpuln WHS use; nu«, Carteret, N. J. '•'"'•led in Tw4*oilfili and H ilist lie conlii -nit tirenk. Thla might r.'iiiiniiN, whose Hocedtura went in Mi'\ NOW, THEKSF0R, BE IT ORDAIN- xtruvngun! state- Im with L'ortei and wlmse III'ICUKC 'Paid bids will be received by the ED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE tnent of an over contirivnl Inuyer, but liupuljited tlm western |iluln«. are Hei>n Board of Education, on December 1 B0R0U6H OF CARTERET: of conaiructlon will iimrk the It Joe! Bucgeat th« |..isaihliltj of aICHS «nd leas, ns taxis honk tlm-un ' 10th, 1929, at 8 o'elock P. M. at the Board of Education room, in the 1. That any public rights which iluy devout ti aniilver«iry of the legal atatua arl«lnn In whivh teohal the streeta of Spanish cltlea. may have ariaen or may arise from High School building, Washington nritflnnl rhurrh. callttea muld thwart justice A law any dedication of Prospect Street, However, the humble mule nml avenue, Cartertt, New Jersey, or Elm Avenue, and Warden Avenue, to lie effective muat ilonkey atlll hold " their, own. Tliev may be sent before hand tn the Clerk shown on a certain map entitled not only be "storm- iilud alone Just ua patiently nuil nu above named at the ad dr.-Hi therein proof" legally, but merously over every roa<1 nnd iilnti "Hap of 229 Daairable Building Lots •et forth. The Property of Robert B. Warden Hhimld w«y. atlll parking or pulling Incredible have tbe Bids must ba accompanied by aAll Beautifully Located at Union load*, (till being cuaaed oniiKitimly In FAILS FOR CONFIDENTIAL support of public certified check on any bank or trust Landing, Naw Jersey", surveyed by . company in lan amount of ten per Some of t he ancient, approved fuahion of multi- Thomas Archer, C. £., Kahway, N. J., cent, of the bid submitted, drawn to STRANGER WITH GLIB TALK the ipera tbe world over. December 1869, and filed in the on our the order of th* Board of Education Even the oldest inhabitant stnmte iHinka are of the Borough of Carteret. Clerk's office of-Middlesex County on May 12, itTO a* Map No. 2H. OUR SCORE yean and mote from now, the with • Kllh lunuue MINI even an h»n siders them unjust. extinguished, as of the full width 1'uhilc sentiment In Unilon aeaalon over which Clilef Ju« of the said streets shown upon said Foldest inhabitant will probably rack his brain, «•«! mar Ilimiichl I«KI good to lie trii^ fnvor or a law la• lev Wafter Perley Hall presides. When \N ORDINAMCK TO VACATE, RE- map, and to the fnll length thereof. (iliicked tb. «le*v« ,,t • atrnqpr anrt LEASE AKD EXTINGUISH THE trying to remember when this roof of Johns- iin Important m Ita Kvungeloa J. Qhenes ap|it>Ared Ip quam 2. This ordinance shall take effect <1rew him Into a tdlewalk doorway. PUBLIC RIGHTS IN THAT POR- immediately. Manvillc Asbestos Shingles was applied—and he legal phraseology. >f dtlzenshlp papers I he luiltfe imtetl Il« had. m (he atranxcr ndspevtert TIOI* OF MtOSPECT STREET. Introduced November 18, 1020. When hoth eilft no ilmt tie had no craviit. TtTe cllniliil.itc won't be able to remember. • Jewel lo it'll (or a KJIIR, apeoincull) 1 A- **"«*• »us obliged to go out and procure a ELM AVENUE. AND WARDEN Passed on flirt and second read- dilllculty la found AVENUE AS LAID OUT ON A a watrh nf what he ilem-rlhvd as plMl He before being passed. Ings, November 18, 1929. This roof is permanent. Time and the elements num Ttiriiwn Into the bRrKnlo wna * in law enforcement. MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF 22B Advertised with notice, of nearing DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS Kohl ring with « inrge atnne of thf This tame fact hulds true regnrdlog November 22, 1929. cannot destroy it. Fire will not burn it. Water Drawbridge Holds no THE PROPERTY OF ROBERT B. •hup* and mlnr of illaninnil*. Interinillonal agreements mch aa peace Pasaed on third and final readings, will not rot it. Rain, wind and sun cannot injure it compacts, covenant! and treatlaea. WARDEN ALL BEAUTIFULLY adopted and approved December 2, The itrnneer IIHK-IIPF) hill Thrills for Lumberjack LOCATED AT UNION UAND1NG, I'eni-e can never he buuxhr nor It It 1929. Let us tell you how little a permanent roof coir, He wa a New Ynrl.fr lie wm> RH lirpen Hay. W'ls.—Itclnit Cfin»;lil nn a NEW JERSEY," SURVEYED BY linullile to n-iillr.e |> by the mere Advertised as adopted December 6, ting a tin wiitch. rntin>r rmnil-uinie. and • Iniwlprldge when the SI'HIIH weie Mflcil THOMAS ARCHER, C £., RAH-1929. signing of a protocol. When public • braaa rttiB for apveral dnllara, aort tn allow a boat to pr«8 through the WAY, N. J., DECEMBER 1B69, HARVEY VO. PLATT, opinion frankly and la DO mlnluken the «d veil lure «H» worth the caah. ilnuv did not bother un unldentlHe<) AND FILED IN THE CLERK'S Approved: Borough Clerk Inniruage demands the elimination of iiiinlierjiick here at nil. He perchi'd OFFICE OF MIDDLESEX COUN- THOMAS J. MULVIH'ILL, C. E. B0IN COMPANY Hut when the ft runner opened in* war. the relcn nf [wuie shall have al TY ON MAY 12, 1870 AS MAP Mayor. *>nrk of the watrti h* found a,«nir\IWl iiiiugelf upoq a girder, culmlv ceatly begun One step la chat dlrec- NO. 97, FILE NO. 97. M»-rinwnt nf Minn n 'art ma to ihe eiiat tiua, wuited until iiw Ttort M ih« removal nf uiiQBdajwarwi WHEHBAfl, the RHIUIIKII Council Nolle* 567 Roosevelt Ave. Carteret, N. J. Jennie umiihrt nti'l rw<1 "UK" In wug lowered, tipped Die brldgt on November 18, 192'J, rticeived and Ingi between nation*. When (teuple Notice is hereby (riven that the the ring Kluniy there eauie over him .I* centa for no reiigou whalever\ud filed a petition from Elmer K. Brown, thoroughly uuderatnud each other foregoing ordinance was passed on Tel. Carteret 1359 the feeling wlilch rnmea to an hftlMtt on h'- wiiy. requesting the passing of an ordin- •nucfi of the dllflcultj which causes the third and final reading at a meet- tnnn when touched hj dlahnnmty. separation and enmity la removed. An I'lnull; he wrnp[H>d op lh« watch Important contribution to that end has and ring nml with a corwienee crying recent); been made by Prime Minister nut for conmiiiitlon sent wltb tb« pack Batnsay MacDonald of Great Britain age the Mowing note to a oewapapar: In bla remarkable addreas before the. "Tt.j »iii.h and ring Incloacd were aenat« be aald: "Then can be DO Onughi friiin n atmnyer In th« atreet war; nay. more: It I* absolutely Im fur • mnnii inm with the /Apajrht I poulble, tf you and we do our duty wait tM-liiit "lung nnylnvw nnvxaml- In making the peace pact effective oalloi.Mliej n[i|*ur to be gimd. and that any section of our arms, whether i*rh«p" mniim property. Will you land or aca or air, can ever again i.r. wv If you run trait the right- In our lienrts Is the conviction thnt fill oiluier? Thnnk VU can never be rt'nmvej thnt there will A IIRADKK." be a full Ulult'iidnii'llng heliveen our A NttMan itrret Jeweler examined people.. With unile-.-fliaiullnx. mlntin- re«f<]ln« the word thrm apeak the mind of their govern •'JJ-WCIII." had heen acnil<"hed oot anil nienla os did the prime minister of the tlsnre 17 »uh«llinted. Tb« work* (ireat Hrltuln. Let our unvernment *lih a tiranpj diarvnawi for the loca aeml to other nations repreaeouiUvei tl.m of pUcita, hn»t be** dacorated of tbe "Will of America" for tDterna will; welt «iuwl on tionea. tlunul pence and I La certainty will not Ttie aiot.e a tilch grade MuntariH f:>r ii' tniit. dirnwDd, niijln make th« ring wdriti HANDSOME SMOKER SPOT CHAIR "W ffnti'thf chnln could b* wortb 10 RANDOM THOUGHTS rrntu tlic Jeweler aald: aa fnr thf $4.95 $9.85 wm.'h. » mliilit he houfihl for M.»' Bometlmea • youngster can be V*• will It H »tntl t I.HIr )>0C«UH A (..ml of ».">-«7 tnnki-rt muh a i-utnforlHtils apot •wilt-Lied on to the right track. \V« r. nun- at Uili low prlc»—» t uny riiiiiii Anil n Hpot uf color The reader will hnra on publicity It •muL.«-i uith cabinet for tobacco, .with Jin ««y upholntcry. ^ lie wantl U «ll ">"*• On crowded golf cooraea one la Jaat clfHrt-TT"* -iknd complete with OPEN AJY ACCOUNT an Ilkolj to encounter cadi n» cnddlea. UIM -^ ^making &rct»iitorli»*,

Early Indian Tribe* When you have a cold In the head OPEN AN ACCOUNT Learned to Pull Teeth It's unanimous, both the eyea and tbe smiii r>, N 11 -Indiana who nose have it. in Sen M.-\irn in iir«hli(.irl<- rlmea TVhot tn Id's tht JOT OIII of n vaca- in II.I- fiiinrivi in-li>rt Mirln. pra< tion Is WIIIMI our Biilnrv tnki-a n vaoa- ll..Ml I.•.illi |.\lnntti.n Till* If III • I'm lii'-li'P i<( ni.'il.il ilfnliil m-leli tlun ui Hit' mime Mine. ||.'H rtl.i. lime l-MIIII'llflJ tl ivllci'lillli - t ,ii !,,»» uf |in< I'ui'lilo fndliina. It tr II mnM tinUe l>oen dlacournglng to cirfiMilvrcd Jlki-ly ilnii the Indiana HIIO he tnovlp n.'iri'Hi In a divorce case «,.,I,i- litHtrultirnt niinli> i>f IIMMI WINUI Mil to be Htile *o screen her past. CE!BAR CHESTS fi.r tlitu dental i>p4>riilliiiL fur mine nt • lie ii-cih wlilrh were remi'veij fnun Judgei In hntlilng benuty contesta are nnw liiklnn emirsca In timthemat- • I,,, in«i ii ill tx>en I the tilict-t-. uliicie iu,,v :-i ; I'Hlgned cheat of fine I in- ry la "f iin|MirtaOfe Thf» girl who Roes without stockings ftrniti.tti- TriniMiee cedar.. .for $24.95 n,i |i.n,:iikf |H-U,I> have hoen h.'r TIN.- iiii'ii>< ami alt her trea- H your beat allrrr and takf your most clirlinked UnriiH from their Uvrit the vVar <1e|inniiifni a tiny laland tr...Ciiitp iww curtains appear at your winiftnva and holly wrftttfia unlle (hniuvli joirr dournu/M t by a alngl* in* In PU»M The pen Is mightier than the (word, tier* rfconrly Mint tnun IW and waiildirt 1hln nulle be thr ptrteet thlaf for your IK Ing- room? Imagine II a~r«ii|>?d around i or would l'<3 If we could get tbe crimi- MAGAZINE RACK t of hind and lalumla In Huxei KvirytlMnlM R about It SEWING CABINET> ~ nal I Instde It.—Atlanta Constitution. Ihrlfttna* m with th«t family roillj iwttlea on 1U romfwrtablr s.iiinil. held for detmlca for mlllturv l,ur|..««i. were illagioard of al aorfhw $2.29 l» beauliral i Juat n»i# thr \trirvl Hrlfrt your* Urn or row. $14.95 In the Riwd old days whent yon ItHlilInc on all. fr»«« ihe amnllMf rfoi A placf for hir Ihrrnil and bought a liurse you could be sure the le« i^n'« $1 DELIVERS IT ^ h tlitj fil til* ilfutti •hatno. Special Sleigh-full of mix einlilo.ve the righteous tn fnmlah Distinctive Group in Wi «lil<-ti the run wttrv drlvan frnm Imlld M«ch.nir.l Trains 69c AccorJian 69c •I'hli. l» il luga lutci tht at reel tn d'e. mid b< 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ||4.v.. .Mil" •I' , • - t • • It'll I'Mll 1 tiever told I ha nerrel of hla art. Bi.que Doll. 98c & 79c ,1 ,,u lunliiK Tl WO ODB RI D G E , ,,, i. n in i.II l.in nml 1'HUKII Biique Twin. $1.19 „,,, ,•• . huh ,,. -l,,,,||, ClilllH INl" M '"-''I I Toy Chri.lma. Treo— com- .nn.. »"Hi, linn i , n,,,,.,,'. >.,„ ,,,.ll,.-.l !•"»• "'" I $1 .Ull! IIIT T'IJIII • V .luir ill I nn »iill' plete with fixlurei 7Be I Bobby $198 $1 We*kly—18 Months to Pay NEW YORK Dutch R*r Doll 69c Llttl* Bobby (studying hymn book) CANDY KITCHEN $l' Weekly—18 Month* to P«y —Atrotta, why doee the Uttle aalnt alt on Batan'a kneeT Tbe by me say*, Manufacture™ and Dealers in STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS "And Satan trembles when he aeei Strictly tun „.. UM weakest mint upon hla kneea," CANDIES AND ICE CREAM 66 Main St. WomlbrulKC Tel. <3 y n It If expert opinion that the Ideal f #ehoolroom la 82 feet long and 28 LUDWIGf wide, to provide comfortable room GUSTAV BLAUM /linbo tbont 80 children. A width of YtlMm 28 fe«t l» out rte«irable, be- Groceries and Provisions mith mt9 cor. Madlton i row

CARTERET PRESS Orders Are Now Being Taken Subscription, $1.60 Per Year a Published Every Friday By C. II. BYRNE, 43 Chrome Ave., CAKTERET, N. J. Telephone Carteret 1600 C. H. BYRNE Editor and Owner Entered as second class matter June 5, 1924, at Carteret, N. J., Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Foreign Advertising 'Representatives New Jersey Neighborhood Newspapers, Inc. SPECIAL


The dinner to David T. Wilentz, Democratic County chair- man Wednesday night has stirred up wide interest in the county and beyond its confines not only in political circles but in general wherever men meet and discuss other men. Primar- ily it was a political event. A group recognition of worth upon the part of a mighty leader. But it should and no doubt will go deeper than that. It might well be the theme of college pro- fessors enlightening young men on the important things in life. For it is not the recognition of what Wilentz did but the the things accomplished and the method of accomplishment kivr that count. In his comparatively short term as leader of the Democracy of the county Wilentz has demonstrated some of the great universal truths that were recognized by philosophers before this land was discovered and that will still be fundamen- tal when "Democrat" and1 "Republican" as party designations will be forgotten, Wilentz has set a standard of accomplish- ment and attainment that should demand the close attention and study of every young man and every young woman with v ambition enough to seek a career in any line of human effort. AN EXAMPLE OF CRIME PREVENTION David T. Wilentz did not lead the Democratic Party to SCRAPS victory through any means other than the powers that dwell Jlowertag plant* am practl«*Mj an- within himself—Powers that he has developed by sticking dog- The railroads of the United Stat«l,)ji»ve set an example of kMwa to U» Aa'artia. gedly to certain principles that are as adamantine aa the laws crime prevention that might well be emulated by municipal and state governments. In all China there are only of the universe. When he took the leadership of the county mltct of motor highway* Democracy, he assumed a tremendous task. During the eight years from 1920 to 1928 crime, in gen- We say task because he considered accepting the leader- eral, increased all oVer the nation. Yet, in tli.it period, losses After 68 yeara* service at a malt due to robbery on railroad property were reduced 93 per cent, carrier Sidney Bajrward, aeventjr-one. ship the equivalent of pledging himself to bringing the party Chicago, waa rt&rtd * to success. It was not in his nature to take the title with the from over 12 million to less than a million annually. It is ex- intention of being a mere figurehead. He was athrobbing, vital pected that a further improvement will be effected durigc. the Prance will hare a national nchool 1 current year. ,; .. ^ for avliillnn w1|b numerous inbon force, faced with a gigantic task of accomplishment. " He sur- 1 torlM for research and reaia veyed the situation and recognized the heart-breaking work , The efficiency of the railroad" police is jrivi'ii additional that would have to be done to accomplish that task. proof by the fact that, during the last few years, they have The white and plnlj flower* of the averaged 97 convictions to each 100 arrests. In comparison to great Victoria Rejla water III; grow And here is the lesson that David Wilentz has taught for to be more than • r»ot la diameter the benefit of those young men who believe they have metal this, the ratio in many of our large citie^is about one to ten. and wish to test it: Wilentz went straight to fundamentals of The success of the railroad police is due to the fact that, The work of another aculptor will following the example of the United States Secret Service, they perpetuate ihe memory of Aucustu" human nature. He recognized the helpless condition of the Salnt-Onmlirig ID the French town oi Democracy in the county. And, at the same time, he recognized consider no case closed until it is cleaned up. Criminals are thai name. that with sufficient work, that scattered hodgepodge of factions pursued relentlessly until captured. As a result, such gentry as card sharpers, confidence men and baggage thieves have The Field museum *t Chicago has could be united into a great unit of force. He had the faith in recelted aeverai grent "coral treM* himself to believe that he could do it.He had the enthusiasm been practically driven from the railroad*.' weighing three or lour toita eu^h of youth to keep on in the face of repeated disappointments. Here is the simplest of all methods of crime prevention— brought from the Buhamaa by a re- He had the wisdom and judgment to be flexible—to adapt him- to make crime unprofitable by swift apprehension of criminals. cent expedition. self to conditions as he met them; t« gain a little here and a The underworld has little stomach for it* pursuits when a Dr. Oranrllle E. Terrell, seventy little there, always toward the great end he had in view. His prison cell beckons. If all police department* adopted this sys- yearold professor Mcerltna of phll oaopby at tha University of Kentucky, objective was to weave all the straggling strands into one tem life and property in our great cities might become relative- li maklflc a 700-mllj boraeback p1l mighty cable, strong enough to pull the party to the place of ly safe. Crime, nurtured by our superabundance of laws and grimage through the Booth. power. And he kept at the job, working feverishly until the political graft. »-»U continue to grow until a new loaf is turned. cable was strong enough to stand the test. wisdom of facing facts; of determining that it is pos- sible to do a certain thing and,then the force of character to overcome all obstacles, to refuse defeat and carry on until the task is accomplished—that is the lesson'Wilentz's career as leader has taught. It is a lesson bigger and more important than any political party.

THE WORM TURNS Recently, in Decatur, Georgia, the widow of a locomotive engineer who was killed when an oil truck collided with the train, has been awarded $13,500 damages assessed against the owner of the truck. Commenting on this unique case, the Jmeit/c RADIO Tampa, Florida, Morning Tribune said: "This is the case of the worm turning—if a railroad may be referred to as a worm. Investigation of grade crossing acci- wimPawer Detection dents will disclose that, in most cases, they are the fault of the vehicle driver who does not exercise due caution in approach- and the New- 45 Tubes ing a railroad track. In this case, the law requires that' all vehicles come to full stop at all railroad crossings; but this, plus the exclusive All Electric like many other laws, is ignored in most instances. "The Georgia jury has established what may prove to be Majestic Automatic a precedent in holding that the car owner and driver must be Sensitivity Control held to as full accountability for such accidents aB the railroad company or thd locomotive engineer." gives you QUIET, WHO LACKS FAITH? Smooth Reception, "Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the Complete With Tubes basic strength of business in "the United States is foolish," says with no oscillation President Hoover. The stock m,arket collapse, temporary business depres- on the low wave sions, or financial crisis are momentary phenomena. American business is the aoundest in the world, the most progressive, the lengths as well as wealthiest. Our tremendous reserves in capital and credit are steadily building up new enterprises, improving the employ- the high ones ment problem, and increasing the national payroll. This is no Model 91 FOUR TUNED Model 92 mythical prosperity of ours, but an actual prosperity whose (lesstubes) benefits accrue mainly to the great mass of American citizens STAGES $146 (l^ss tubes) and wage-earneto. a^Mk r.»-«r-IVk. -Uk peilfin hravy, Mttrdy Majeatlr Powv* Vul, »lit. pt> We live in an age where not only the necessities of life , liuwrcl [ W.l,«,i. |n but many of the luxuries are.part and parcel of the daily life *d ban nlfiuE »lth o».rlir. on Jn^, of the average'penkm. American business has but entered the J F-'M-mrhron |>!*ir. Lr>ot>. nnd do«« new era of social »ttd commercial progresi. 4al«h«J in B lllr NoA-C Hum Only the foolfeh,«aB the President says, can lack faith in the future of America. The wise will take the collapses and de- FREE Home Demonstration pressions for what they are—puny obstacles in the great march of progre*. Delivers a Majestic in your home SEES CORPORATE FARM CONTROL Easy Payments Arranged fp VSLCtR. kOnMriMian» « Agriculture (N H.) CONCANNON'S

The fedafll fat Jut Mother stop toward corporate «vn Use part of your Christmas trol of tha and in three •trort generation* it can ruin the MUSIC STORE rural home ftjjfct ttf a atatf of aerfdom'. Club Check for a Majestic Fartnwt be inroad «f this modern tendency to di«- integMle.tb*? battle vhicfr 1B tht cradle of American cit- b ftaifofc Corp<**t« fanning ruch at it MUSIC Woodbridge like); ander' Wan adTOoated by farm Iwdfrs, not confine* of New Eng- STORE land.' 761 76 Main St. TeL 299 tnto.c •;m.

CARTERET PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, ,1929 Fighting In Bitter Cold High School Downs Alumni 13-0 Harmony Bowling Loop Great Record of Medwick Remains Hero To The End As McCarthy'* Men Finish "THAT LITTLE GAME" Hubby Won Season In a Blaze Of Glory — Periods Cut In Makes Fresh Start Football Team Half On Account of Cold. Club Drops Four Teams and On a frozen field over which a strong biting wind whip- Won Nine Of The Ton Games Goei To Bat With Remain- ped unceasingly, the Carteret high school football team regch- Played — Review Of Cam- ing Four — White Sox and id the end of ita trail with a 13-0 victory over the Alumni. The paign. Tigers Is Tie. /ame wu played Saturday afternoon on the local gridiron be- fore 200 frozen spectators who braved the near-zero weather The Harmony Howling League In marching victoriously through o witness the great Carteret high school team close its 1929 went through a complete reorganiza- nine good football teams and meet- tion on Monday night, The leaders ing only one defeat in ten games, grid seaaon. decided that the league will include Carteret High School recently closed four teams instead of eight, and one of the greatest football seasons The extreme bitter cold caused the athletes more annoy- games will be rolled every Monday in history. Early in the season Car- ance than anything- else. The turf was frozen and the wind wu night at the Slovak lanes. The new teret won the Class B title of Mid- dlesex County and later emerged with strong. The high school, ordinarily a great passing team, failed edition of the Harmony Bowling lUrted on Monday night. the all-h gh school championship of to complete a single forward pass. Passes were tried but the* this county. At the time of this writ- The White Sox' and Tigers started ing, Curteret ii being considered by were useleaa. winning anew on Monday night by the New Jersey Interacholastic As- taking the Indians and the Red Sox Strange as it may s««m, bath the fourth quarter on his own S0-ymr4 sociation ai a logical contender for touchdowns made by Cartoret wtre line, Currie ran 60 yards on a br0> into camp In order named. The White the grUT title of Central Jersey. Sox and Tigers now share the top the result of what football fans call liant broken field run to Carteret's In reviewing the record of the Car- •h«»b. » Ea ]y ( the first quarter berth in the loop. The Indian* and break*. r n 20-yard line. It seemed as though teret High School team, we find that Alumni fighting valiantly Currie ran directly through the mass Red Sox follow in respective order. the McCarthy boys are still unde- with the Andy Galvanek's sensational pin- jgaintt its own goal, the high school of players. Another feature of tha feated in Central Jersey. According recovered an Alumni fumble on tha •ame was Lou Lehrcr's defensive ~ played an important role In the to G. A. Palter, field secretary of the e Sox victory. Hitting tUe map- ta Alumni 11-yard strip. On the first work. Time and again Lehrer stop- S&J New JJersaJerse yy StStatt t AthltAthletii c BoardBd, play, Joe Medwick. the human cy- d the high sehoof thmtderbold, Jo* les for 1*8,224 end 216, Andy turn- HasbrouHb k Height* ranks in North ed in an excellent 202 average. After ranks in North clone, smashed his way around right Esdwick, when the latter was on th* Jersey. Furthermore, the Hasbrouk end for a touchdown. In the third verge of nuking one of his famous dropping the first game, the White Heights defeat haa no bearing what- Sox, inspired by the fine work of i|uarter, Medwick, standing on his touchdown runs. soever on Carteret's claim to the own 20-yard mark, grabbed a for- CartereLAIumni G<»« Statistic* ^ Galvanek, woke up and won the finul Class B title of Central Jersey. Mow- two games. The Tigers dropped the ward pass that had left the hands of Carlanl High over, Carttret'i victory over Perth an Alumni back, and raced 80 yards first irame. Later they made a spurt Amboy High, a claas A entrant, more Qaarten m*i total* 1 I 3 4 Tl. and won the second and third garnet aided by perfect interference over Pint Downs 4 0 than overshadows Carteret's setback the frozen turf to another touch- by big margins. Eddie Helley, Car- at the handt of Hasbrouk Heights. Passes Attempted .... 2 1 teret's premier bowler, copped the down. Medwick, single-handed, de- Pluses Completed ... 0 Carteret High opened ita campaign feated the Alumni. Passes Incompleted % o honors for the winners with scores of by trouncing South Amboy lUfh, &S- 1 110 and 204, Passes Intercepted .. 0 0. Taking a trip to Hafbrouk Heights, No football game has ever be*n Fumbles 0 0 Hsmtsi Bewllna LMIM Slashing Carteret ran into a snag and dropped played under harder conditions fjr Penalties (yards) .... 0 0 W. l_ P.r. H.S. AT.. the game to that school by a 20-14 the men in action. The ground under- Kickoffs 1 5 White Sox 2 1 ^06 957 917 score. Playing their second and final neath was as hard as ruck. The fin- Punts 0 0 Tiger* 2 1 866 885 838 road game of the year at Rahway, gers of the players were turned numb 1 the Carteret boys gave fohivay High Alumai By th« iry wind that frequently blew, Charters ind total* 1 4 a 13-0 lacing. In the fourth game the bail out of position between :.:::::! I :iil it Carteret defeated Woodbridge High, First Downs 0 1 I TW» Lwadart a traditional rival, by a 13-0 count. plays. These conditions resulted in Passos Attempted ... 0 2 G. AM.H.S. Avenging a defeat of last year, Car- many Alumni fumbles. Passes Completed .... 0 2 A. Galvanek, W. S 3 202 224 teret smaahed the Sooth River High On two occasions the Alumni w&* Passes Incompleted 0 0 Helley, Ed 3 1«» *19 School 250 t>n the verge of scoring, but both Passes Intercepted .. 0 2 199 198 School, 25-0. Limes the Carteret team managed to Fumbles 1 1 Stroller, W. S. 188 224 A victory over Metuchen, 21-6, turn the old (trails back. Once in the Penalties (yards) >.... 0 W. Galvanek, I. Seen From The Sidelines 0 187 213 earned for Carteret the Class B title first quarter the Alumni had the ball Kickoffs 1 Donnelly, T. D 188 20204 I °f Middlesex County. Carteret con- on thu Carteret 11-yard line only Punts 0 0 Furian, I 1K1 203 tinued winning, taking Cranford High to have Carteret recover an Alumni The lineups: Migleci, 1. 3 180 2011 'nto camp Ry»i 21-iJ score, and at the By a man tumble te convert it into a touch- Hart Wexhr Chsmra, W. 8. 3 l77*1901Mlne tin"". rtinitnafM Crunford from down on the next play. Agiain in the left end w. wm. w.». no Mankulin, R. S. 3 173 1U7 ' ' CI""" I) race. Intone of the big- third quarter when the Alumni ad- Chomicki Cika T. IVZuhlla. R. S I gest upsets of the year Carteret de- THE GRAND FINALE ing to list those gridders who- we think de- vanced tlie. ball to Ciirteret's fi-yanl left tackle ' The scores: feated Perth Amboy High, 13-0, and The curtain serve more than passing .notice. Look em' line. All hopes of smrinu faded when Green ...... ? Rock consequently eliminated Perth Amboy the Alumni ugain fumbled at the op- left guard WhiU So* (2) rDm tne A. Galvanek ifiH 224 21fi ' championship race. The is down. The over! All of them will draw plenty of votes portune moment. Daniels I. DanielaT- 142 153 179 P^rth Amboy jfame was played on the Tb* game dropped into a stubborn center Method UCB show is over. this fall. The first in line are the probable Carlisle ... B. O'Uonnell 160 1H1 190 ' ' gridiron in the presence of 2500 fight with (he lines of both teams .'. Hants P^fP'41. t*1* largest crowd to witness a Moleskins, hel- choices of most of the experts. .ioiniif reinarkublc work. Credit must right guard * Stroller . 190 1UH 190 r tha| Chamra 187 201 1*4 °" l fcrame in the history ot Car- Kn.is—Donchess, Pittsburu; Norton, Cali- be given to the,powerful lilue and Chodosh Nadal teret, mets, cleated White line for stopping the Alumni right tackle fornia; Ftesler, Ohio State; Van Sickle, Flori- Poll Comba Hfi7 i)29 Meeting North Plainficld High in shoes, should- very time they launched an attack. the annual grid contest, Carteret Co-ordinated power on the high right end la*••• (1) er pads, and da; Itosenzweig, Carnegie Tech; Booma and Medwick (0) Lehrar i) 168 137 High submerged it* opponents under school team against the unorganizedg, , an avalanche of touchdowns, 40-0. Yudieky, Dartmouth; Barres, Yale; Byng, individual power of the Alumni. In quarterback 16H 203 172 ragged shirts liigleci Carteret High lowered the curtain on the lonjf run, Co-ordinated power Huber Curria Donovan 147 150 15

aMKaef CLASSIFIED ADS Cannel! "oin^ \,V11 DOROTHY EDMONDS Classified advertisement* only one lll.ussii.MS: Mt-rry, Merry I An THE R]DDLE BOX tent u word; minimum charge 26c. RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY" IMIIIIIII K...V- • he Is iifler us! There be I Who liked Ihe rlnrtera lind tried to NOTICK HoHrciiTN wanted at 75 At- Is! Keep wsrm lantu- street, Carteret. IA i.k. v «'J (They imllil u> III»'H Cloud >v(io en- But forgot to rememher thnt clolhaa Art 1 lake harm? diivvn .stairs. . A rustic ,.r», f>i:i ruling i.ll«riil!y. hl» blanl«»t Ni-eiiii a uriissy ineudow «rr»|i|»(l HIIIINI him i I Who had a wlf» that continued to (.'. t'. 1 1-2!*; 11J.I5, 13, 20. i inline (iii» linen eerecte d and Merry rnarn een trimmini g It doldon SIKIIIIV: I will sic what ll>la IS all Til) ht found her- a place wb«r* LOST Kmi-efully In «nil no- dbotit T 1 t'luuO BlR t'lile' ' "' *> '" tie mOueeT "Having lout by death, the aenricea MKItKY: (ucjvariL-Ing to greet her) cleur raeaiimv f»i bin Imllnu uU'bti' t Who wera the ullora wboie boat Of Mr. Charles T. Wilde, who repre- My (ieur. Imw lovely you look I Ton All InillMiis r> you Hke It. you iro «wsy. I Who ui»d a planar and Kept It clean plications from other men, *l»o really? I'm wearing II for the flrit MKItKY: We go away «> thai In Became aacb waa hungry foY (at and leant womg,n. to continue the work where dlBiia can hitve « pUnlc? Well I Hie he kfi. off. Complete co-operation. that! Look here, Mr. Black Cloud and spoil a party such aa thlat that Steady mark. Pay weekly. Investigate. Spring Is, to be our yn»en and »hl» Addrenv Perry Nursery Company, Merry Qunahlot bu planned? meiiilow Is where we lire to hold our Rochester, N. Y." (Juil theu enter Black Cloud— Uooey W. I. 12-6* I Iont] Coai'li Cimnell of Dnrtiixiui hlg Spring Festival Vou tell rour Heei 8-ream.) tliK Chief he can go elsewhere for la Ifuvlhi: iiiiii-ii:il!y good lurk with hi "HUDS and Tiiiitu," a pair of zebras broken to liuroess wtiel HONEY BEEB: Ob. Oh I ' PULLER BRUSH CO. 1 his picnic. We came net* Brat and fmthnll H<]uiid. One of his WKX' " young, are used li.r a St. Louis dairy company to haul one of their wagon* BL088OM8: OU, OH I Bert Walworth, Salesmen clothes wnB Hint with Harvard, whlel here we are going to sinj I Represents Woodbridffe, Avenel and during the early inn nil ng hours. MERRY: Wdnt I tall yon to go tie won. HI.AJt'K (1.OUD; Alrlghi • go. I ewayi Iselin. A post card to m« at Iielin, tell Big Chief whai »«n »ay. N. J. will bring prompt service. BLACK CLOUD: I cvtue hark Hare ( MKI1RY: Well, ne \t> dim*. I only W. I. 11-29; lZ-6*. 267. Dieaaaga from Dig Chief. Ht aay hs hope he atsys sway Come everybody coming right away to drive you off PIANO INSTRUdTiOrT W. I. 8-6 tf. Nebraska's Healthiest Farm Girl -let ua hsalenand wi ready.'for far* tbla ground. Ua bring his warrlora PIANO Instruction, 810 Grove Bve- soon Spring will he here and we want- FOR RENT—2 or 4 furnished room QUEEN BPTMNd: (rising) WhaV> nue, Woodbridge. ....apartment*;.also furnished rooms; this to be tbe loveliest party isw W. I. 11-29, 12-8. What- apply MM. Little, 144 Main street, time today. Bui ted DM. Marry, what Act I telephone 8-M. rAlRIBS: (eidtedly) We must go I RENT Is tbai Mil tblm roost* working 8cena—Th* time Qufrn Bprlnf l» W. I, 7-6 tf. on? It l«n't a rhmna U ItT on Ih* thrnna, (llouomi grnuptd abont We raosi g« I A furnished room for two, gentle- (Enter Chief Haln-trom-tha-aky) FOR SALE MERRT: The very thin*. And • men. Inquire. IS Jean street, Wood- queen's tbrdpe. tJol I'm getting QUEEN 81'KINU (to Ul« Chivfi bridge, N. J. Phone 148J. Attractive 5 room bungalow; nice thing* ta readlnew (or th« womler- What dnea this meent ' W. I. 12-6. lawn, plot 50x100; improved street ful celebrstlon. slngiDg, daDi'lng BIO cliltcr: We U«rt aid w* take possess!** If yob no go pasttfolly House, 0 rocffns and bath. Located one block from school, two block; guinea, everyfhlnii you know. Blos- *t 83 Central avenue, Carteret. Ap- from station and stores; gas, electri soms In their best dretw«* will tw we diiv« yuu away. ply Charles Varga, 83 Central ave- city, sewer, nice neighbors; only hers any minute. Also the fairies are QUBEN 81'niNQ: Ob, Ob, wO4t- nue, Carteret, $5250; small down payment, balance ever shall we. dot Where ara tba less than rent. De Young, Wood Invited. And for Queen, who do you W. I. & C. P. U-Wf 12-6*. tJiIok we have chosen t fairies who said tbay would protect aif bridge 929-J. UBItltY BUNBHINE: (to (Maf) W. I. 9-20tf. GOLDEN WINGS: Not tho rnlry FIVE rooms, steam heat, all improve- Oh, tMenas go away I flmse go away I * ments. Located at 885 School queenT street, Woodbridge, N- J. Apply mwi- FOR SALE—Five room house with BttaVi Olv We-*** e«nM«4 CHIEFi I 4><* go away. CUM .ager of American Stores, 84 Main bath and all improvements in Row- coma, you know. trUisatswi -patl torn* Ua Ufewa. «a- street, Woodbridge, N. J. land place. Telephone Woodbridge GOLDEN WINGS: Well. I cvuldni stroy everjftblngl W. I. ll-22tf. *<\ 633-J or fl76. guess, too wltl have to tell me. QUBEN SPUING: Ob, let os ml BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and hath, UERRK: 81'tllNO HKItSRLFI (Enter fairtea with Ralabow). ROOMS with or without board close FAIHIES: No, oo, QMBD SprtBf. t» station and bus line, 457 Rah- electric light, gas, water, sewer, OOI.DKN »HNG8: Oh. how nimdw n*r, Hum) lint ii htr ft»c Ouldm way avenue. Telephone 49, Wood- concrete street; price $3,500. easy full Oh, Uerrj Sunshine, do let m* l>o not run. Mere la Rainbow start Wlrif» i> .inn.ihB. lh« fMtlvtt It «ty frtiro tba (airy queen berattl bridge. terms; 5 Wedgewood avenue, Wood, help, too, and ,01; little muilnt th* tnTS uncitr «uy. W. I. 11-lfi, 22, 29; 12-6. bridge; inquire J. E. Harned, Post honey beea who are Just oulslile I IIAINHOW; (To CbJtf) Ctiltf-Rato. QUKI'.N sritlNd: I'hnnk you. Gold- rromtlie-Hky, STOI't Office Building, Woodbridjre. MKltltY: They will An for die en Wlii).'*. Everyone hoa been eo kind For Rent CHIEF (surnristd) Balnbowl BOOM AND BOARD. Gil Barron W. I. 2-16tf. queen's pages. These two stonei at ro me tndiiy. he foot of tba throne •hall be I heir IIAINBOW: Yea. yots'v* tm MB •*> Avenue, Woodbridge, N. J. Phonf UUNGALOW—Five rooms; all im GOI.HKN WINUH: Tla a pfeasur* seats. Too shall rlsnre. Onldeo Wlnni fora, haveot you. Vm, aurprlstd at .802. provements; telephone Woodbridge In ililn femlval gnd protect you from Queen 8print and all the rtat roa coualn Golden Wings! Pntteti us I all tl:irtl). ran go on wltb yoar party. klERKV : What Is the matter? (Th» Bloaaoma enm* running In from gt KKN SI'llINO: That la kind of ALL IUNCE AS TUX OCBTiJM mi ottatr •!

WOMENS SHOES Avoid Flrat 4b Ever Aataweiag la a Ba Dot familiar with the Idaa oi Slow are tht steps of freedom, hot 4a the an Ughtam ta» wtrtd. ae tot wrong, for ato In fancy mothers hw feet never tarn backward.-James oar loving Uadttaas saaJkt Mgbt tkla as Bfly tact—Theodore Pnrker. Buasell LowelL boosa of our, tMbltattoa.


All shoes made on extra wide tuti with or without buitt in arche* sod with finely tempered steel shanks. Patterns thai make the foot look smaller.

Come in. Look over the splendid array of used car bargains. Ride in WOMEN them. Convince yourself that walk- ATTRACTIVE •ATTRACTIVE ing is no longer economical. STYLES PRICES HERE ARE SOME OF THEMTHE: NO. 414. 1926 STUDEBAKER STANDARD SEDAN1 In excellent mechanical condition. New tires. OriiinaJ It Wt very often thtft we h*ve . car like thia for the priceWl Come in and ask for a demonstration.

NO. 294. 1926 CHRYSLER 80 SEDAN In A.I condition throughout. Good Urea. For CHILDREN still

NO. 433. 1926 DODGE BUSINESS SEDAN Leather upholatery. B good balloon tire.. Motor jut 98 A real buy can be had on this fine car.

Boys' Storm Skoe* Special Featur* Mad* by oeTVnBUc—wlih iripU eole. «""• Endicoti - Johnaon pUltly weicr- MANY OTHERS All BARGAINS 0«nu(n> Unhar proof Sinl M«'1- 69 Knoakibqw Dr*nd *4 KOUC knJfo In- 98 Mlfh ihoti lnJ clufed. S5 V.J... oirardi.Muchv oi M IOK I « ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION

»»»BV OTY 137 Newark Atentw NEWAKK VI Market ScrcM J. ARTHUR APPLEGATE PAtSAIC W4 Main Avenua PATERSON 120 Main Street 363 Division Street I GREATEST VALUES IN THE CITY •U.IZABBTH 101 BnwdSlrMt Perth Amboy, New Jersey t.— t**U— 132 SMITH 51., Perth Amboy mm AMBOT Nj t $5 Phon« £516.17 furnUhlnr 4ep«rtn»BBt, tike Mf Windsor Halt for young men, the of- tpert, Working »>««M fire and th« tailoring department alt i'nrn-xpoiid to thia scheme and make ' of Christina* articles fea- I I hi' .TLs-TiiMr as attractive as an ar- WiitiTt, a cuntractor and sn equip- with well r*», Ib. most widel furniturfi p*p«r in CarlM**t VOGUE DRESS SHOP 281 MADISON AVENUE ((qtjy hiM lure Newnpaptir .•->

—•<) Laura La Plante«?jn3qnolia Uii!v«ri*l Provider PERTH AMBOY, N. J. BOAT* The announcement Unit vitamins ^e^Theatre Tuesday an/wJnesd.; tmve lieeti found In hash mvit rnuse no HiirprlHe. Neorly everything c|8e hss heert riiiind ID that delooialjle viand.

Penny Matching It Not Always Harmless Sport Nlagura Falls, tint—W. w Knsnp Yuletide Showing of Urldgeport, Conn., en me to w|t 7YMPHON1C/ERIE/ The odd fact about El Br«nd«l, • ness Hie night IllumUmilon or Nln^ars n«w recruit to Movleton* picture!, li falls and becadss be en mo |()O eariy that h« hat Imitate*; Swedu on the and struck up a cssunl iicqunintanrs OF These newest ELECTRICAL RADIO MODELS k •tag* to long that audiences believe with a stranger he is minus IKK). he le Bwedleh, which Is not true. El b«rt a gloriouily rich ind mellow tons du« to * Knapp was. waiting f,,r i lie spec- It a comic, born In Philadelphia, and a built-in Dynamic Power Speaker. No bittcrics tacle to begin when a BinuiKer ap- or other outiide devlc*«t Jiut pluf In to wsU- It to be lien In the comedy role In pealed to hla sporting Insilnci u> order "Sunny Side Up." Before becoming a BEAUTIFUL EVENING socktt »nd UBTIN I Lttutglvtyouadtmonmation. to while away tht time. 'I hP stranger star In comedy In 1921, he had expe< suggested the old and inexpensive rlence In ill manner of theatricals. pastime of matching [.ennUs. Knapp (WO ' He It 6 feet 0 Inches tall, weighs 168 Th* SONATA readllv assented but UH,M his ac- AND Htadfomt w*l* poundi, has brown hair and blue *yet. quaintance could win more m match-' Buicablnd.lllu' ... «) niniltd ilnflt Ing pennies thsn some people do |D at*I contrail high Btakp pnhrr KPSSI* In shirt a h«rd No wild milmnla tlml will be of dan Pioneer Clothtw Of Perth Am- !,'IT tu the musk oxen oxlsl in Spitz- hci-gcn and ttie C(iinllMun>i for breeding boy Opened Remodeled nre favorable. Store This Week — In Am- boy Since 1880. 20 Drownings a Day in ORIGINAL MODELS Louis Brieffs, pioneer clothier of Hear the Amrad before you French Bathing Season Perth Amboy, announces the opening l'arlg.-(ii)veriiii»'tit statistics, com- of his new, modern clothing store piled at ,he en4 (ir the 3athlng sea- this week. The old Briefs building which wag opened in lKhl), ba.i been -ALL COLORS AND SIZES buy your Radio nun, slmw thai «ur|iilHlliK J)f»l of 20 f the tinnse cif n-|m>u<>nta- thing- in the store has been arranged tlves fur a Sydney cltcinniiiv Is a with extreme care to fit in with the mcmliT of -12 clubs |j

How splendid to place unSer the Christmas tree jutt what every one had been wishing and waiting fort . . . With so many demands on your dollar we help solve your shopping problem by offering you gifts of the Xiwth - East - Souili - West quality you deiire . . . and die prices involved in their purchase are MtrenMly modeet Orer one htindred A&P Meat Markets in Northern New Jersey For Feminine Tastes To the Masculine FORGOOH VERYWHERE, almost every wtei. new A&P Mar- LITTLE E kets are bring opened to lake rarr of the con- FOLKS stantly Increasing demand for t)iI il.ire- liMMie stores. II tbere Isn't • market in your immediate n< i,;hborhood yosi will find it to your advantage to locate the nearest —h ttWt be (ar away. And when you've tried an A&P Market yon will wonder bow you gotalonp without it.

DRESSY RUBBERS with '»>• 37c ROYAL PURPLE HOSB, Roasting Chfcken§ AH bright finish. Rainy day pro- full fashioned, service and tection. Sixes S to 12. Loins of Pork H** «r whoi« ">• 25c mid-weight. New oolors. lb Skes 8^ to 10^. ruR SHIRTS in neokband style - 35c with collar to match. Fancy L. I. Docks COSTUMB SLIPS of sUk patterns. Sizes 14 to 17. Soft red or bin* oreoe do shine with bodice C4| 98 leather. Warn Cottage »uM8 top. Peach and other tints. 4—— PAJAMAS of tinkled oot- oollars. 12 to S&es 34 to 44. ton crepe. White trousers, SWEATER COATS all wool colored '•oat. Sizes 34 to 44. Stowing Umb ribbed. Collar oan be but- toned at neck or open. 34 to 44. B E A C O N BLANKET Bacon Squares ROBE AND SLIPPER Breast of Lamb u> 15c ASSORTED CHOCO- ^ SETS in oolors. All sizes. ib 35c LATE8. S pounds of deli. $110 Boys' all Fancy Fowl 3 u*. oions oandy in a box. •!• — PULLOVBR SWEATERS. pull-overs, V-neok style. All wool, dan stitch. 26 to Fresh Novel Beef FELT JULIETS with real shaker stitch. Sizes 34 to 46. comfort. Leather soles and Corned lleef Plate a. 17c ALLSTATE TIRES, size felt trim. Sizes 3 td 9. Spare ltibs of Pork 29x4.40. Other sizes propor- ARCTICS that are storm- tionately low. Philadelphia Scrapple proof and oolorful. Snap*on RANGER Double Barrel models. Sizes 2ft to 8. Hajnmerless Shotguns. Shoei *tt SUPREME HEATING Positive action. 12, 16, 20 • leal UIH i to 11. pads are wetproof. Thermo- and 410 jau^e. 8. static oontroL CIGAR LIGHTERS for WOODBRIDGE 85 Main St SILVERTONE TORT- .-nB auto*. Plenty of cord. 2S8 MadUon Ave. PERTH AMBOY ABLE PHONOGRAPHS. $QZ5 Clamp-on stylo. Fine quality reproduction. *^ 24fl Raritan Are. HIGHLAND PARK And oh M toys for all 121 French St. NEW BRUNSWICK SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. dren. TUB GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RETAIL STORE TEA CO. 275-277 Hobart Street, PERTH AMBOY DIVISION WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OK YOU* MONEY BACK '' nf tili-h will hti'* IvmlW wrt>nth In will qndMiMltnd all thsw Is tn lere; bmly. The attempt WHS untune--fiii ILL din'i licMIni! will he supplied frun: however intelligent a man mat be, he It ivjin followed by nine Union SM|,|M'I- IIMI'.M nf the tfi'i'iirnled cornice Onld will never know hut hnlf t& ft— fnrmliiR whiit WIIH known «.« n I.IIH nli> Imf will ilccnrntr lite cclllnc mid Uadatne Fee. guard of honor iind .mr nljjn nl nnl t.:' • 11.-1 • millets IfiHcillii'il ullh !|iintli LINGOLN TOMB nl^lil the (riliinl wiTt'lly reiimied tin | TO JN GLORY tli>nM fnim H|iiM'i'bi's of I Ini'oln will tiiigiix unil hlil li he |IIM< <'i! In |IM1 puiM'ls 'I he Hum will hnilv from (hi' HHrrn -t>llur In mioiliei be set III octug mil slmpi'd pii>ce» of In mi iiinlrivroniiil State of Illinois to Spend liiniui iriiwrllne innililc. r(it- snuill purl of the monument, li remnhieil "Discovering" Them Leads $175,000 on Project at CIIIIlicetfiiti si|ll!ir('H licllIK "f rril Ar llnie for ten yenrfl when It w.m luki'ti to Arrest of Gotham kiiiiHiis fossil. The border will lie In from the cellnr nnd placed In the ciitti Springfield, s conventional scroll dcsltri., executed comb where a stronger tomb Imil fli«t"i> Hotel Sleuth. In red fossil nnd pink Kiis,,iii stone pre|mred. Springfield, 111.— (Irnndenr and lie In l!M»l Robert Lincoln. Son nl tin New Tort—Joaciill A. Rerlew » Antsroom to Be Built. corn in will lit' brought to the tomb of ninit.vreit I'resldeot, tlminced HUotliei house detective ut the Hotel Si QuiCML, The currldor lo the snrniphsgus Al>ruliurn Lincoln, whose body He* rohullilNig nf the monument, nnd till' George on Brooklyn Heights, hnd twi room will he seven find n twlf fret In Benin! In a huge houlder burled ten time It wan arranged to niiike It Im quarts of 1929 liquor and a yen to Snyi height mid the B-JIIIK. oellhig nnd floor to move Lincoln's body HICIIIII be a hero, recently. CLEANING feet underground, heneiith a lull nion will carry oul (he deeonillve Idea of The ensket was placed In n steel raw As the Uqnor drnlned from his but PRESSING unipiii atop a lilll In beHtiliriil Ouk the reception room. , Ftldge. cemetery here, according tn wnlled In with cement nnd hurled lei ties bis ambition* to be a hero, and ALTERING At eni-h of the ronr corners of the plans which call for expenditure of feet underground, beneath the moiitj perhaps win promotion, BOH red monument the hulls w"l he enhirged *17f.,(XX) In remodeling the tomb. niunL • The result was thnt Ilerlew, a well Into iintcrnnms, at the outside of GARMENTS Both exterior nnd Interior are to he groomed, well set up man, set eleven which Hill he s recess In which will pUtriet'a Income clothes closets nml the corridor In thoroughly remodeled and Incnnrenl atnnd a ninrhle urn and on el flier WinhlrigKm.-Tbe I Harriet of Col tbe hotel afire In mi effort to become enccs which have iinno.ved and dmwn side of (he wall framing the urn "111 DmWa's M2.(KN( residents have a total a hero and kept police and firemen criticisms from hundreds of rhotiiiinila be Insets with gold plated stnrs. The annual Income of $.VIS,377.O71. without on the Jump all dii.v of vlnltnrs fn the monument since Us urns will rest on a marble biixe on going Into detail nhout woo gets rhV dedlcntlon of Lincoln re Hen Is tn he which mourners' processions will be One ftf the Ores Ilerlew dlswivered REASONABLE PRICES odd dollar. el I in I nn t I'd The remodeling will he carved. and ettlagnlsbed iil'"*e>f, and It wns LAWRENCE GRAY. MARION DAVIES and GEORGC BAXTER completed In November.. notable that In nil "f (hem be »ns The scarcophagus >elll he mnde of ••»»•••••»»•••••»»•»•••• «i MARIANNE The present rotunda where Herbert the drat of the KCMTHI house detec- WE REPAIR KUR COATS red Artinnnns fossil and ne:ir the In- -At the State Theatre Sunday and Monday. Fny, cuatndlitn, him a •collection of tives to appear on e n-ene with an scription, "Ahriihiitii Lincoln, 18 t Four Perfect Handi PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN extinguisher and Ume prepared to l-lncoln relics. Is to be tnncle Into s HSOV' The block supporting the «ar Fall in Bridge Game battle the biases. 0<>0<>0000<><>0<>0<>0<>0000<) Valuable Ga. reception room snd a corridor built so enphngus will he curved In s design Saflnaw, Mloh.—That ten nit Blau gas was Invented by s Germsn that the vltliors nwy view the Lin showing gracefully draped festoons teak P/romanlae. lion to one chance (n o bridge chemist by that name. Qv>te s nun) coin sarcophagus from the Inside with hnnglug above s flnrnl decoration. After three small tires bad been dis- New York Custom game—four perfect suit hunds— ber of oils may be nsed for the man- ont the neoesidty of lea ring the build Flog stnnds will be nlneed around the covered In odd corners and put out How It Started. appeared here at a women's ufHctorlng of this kind of gas. Tbe Ing and walking around to the stnnll sarcophngus. A Bin lit nf corn will be within four bours, the nmnaicemeiit bridge puny at a tea house, gas Is obtained by spraying gai oils door on the north side/ the Inspiration for the grlllwnrk de- suspected a pymimmlne might be en Tailor vlth eighteen witnesses beside* By JEAN NEWTON Into highly heated retorts. The otsJn Wtll te Be Moved. sign,. the prenbas snd sent culls to the lire the four plnyer* touching for advantage of this gas In carrying It Is The present south wall- of the room marshal and the police. Deputy Ore 00000000000000000000000< 68 Main St. Phone 167 Though the monument wns dedicat- the correctness and validity of the fact that It simplifies the matter bearing the cofflo win he moved b»rk reud „In, lo>187,4 „It „,wnsn'„ l until IHflf, t thnt thve Marshal William A Coles and police the deal. of compensating for the loss of weight. Wood bridge) ten feet and In this Inner new hall | .tflte tnolt over „. (.,,re Up ,0 tha( plain clothes men nrrhed Just as the CALLING II "CLAREr* wilt be the crypts for the Lincoln fam- time public subscription and contri- The cards were regularly fourth Irs was dimmcrcd. They found ily. The corridor will ran post the butions by leglsliilures nf oilier states shullied, cut and dealt Mrs Berlew In bis piijn MIUH turning a fire T IS true Hint clnret Is ihe name crypt wall nnd marking the sar- hnd nil Id for nnd mnliitnlned the mon- Hugo K. Werner, the deuler extinguisher on Hie ibmea. which had I of n ml llordHini wine, thnt It Is cophagus room from the hall will he ument. gave herself itII the dlitiuonds; broken "out amoiiR neivsimners In * rTiHiudirly npjilled to other red wines a plush cord. Natural light will Row Casket Is Moved. dealt all the lienris to Mrs barrel on the el^-Min floor service and tIml no u-lne that Is not red Into the room through • grilled win- Kverett Sweet, who tut »o her lohhy. could lie ciillmi cliiret Yet Ihe popu FLOWERS In July. I8H5, the nssoclntlon In left; gnve het partner, Mrs Inr iinauni|itlon thnt there Is some daw nl Hie north, this window to be clinrge nf the mnnument encountered Then, as .the mnrshnis nnd detectives Clara Kveretc. all the S|>ades ronnectlon heivpen Ihe mime "Claret" Installed where the present door- (llllicnltles and the etnte took II over proceeds* ao the theory thnt the way Is. and dealt ull the rlubs to Mrs unil Ihe mlnr of the nine la Incor- FOR CHRISTMAS and appropriated $1(KMKH) fn rebuild hisses bad been incwniinry and hewn Joseph 0. Front. rect. The lower of the monument will be It. When the rebuilding was coinplet' to question the hundred <>dr-rt receiving vinitt nml rvHiired hand, luul uliultkd the reserve Ares Mttt #rtfl p. m M'lnrus" meaning (Imply "dear." The Curio neekers In the past hare Often to the mill. •leek and cut It after Mrs. W'er Poor small Ore* between this time CAN YOU GRACE THE nlrli'iince of Ihe term Is compre* taken glmta from 'lie peer holes, so Th iresent plans tn remodel thn tier hnd reshuffled the curds. and 8:00 p. m. kept the police, flre Tenslble fo those who hnve nttenipted FESTIVE BOARD QUITE that the Interior has often been wa tnnili Vis aervi'd In recnll Incident) offlcliilj, hotel sJeiitliH nnd Ilerlew— he fem of hometimde wine wlilch Is tersoaked. coni'e Ins Llniiiln's cnskel, which who was ohservel tn l>c c n hand pre- erv dllllcull lo nnike clejir nnd which SO BECOMINGLY A3 The new reception room will be con- hnve L'rlpped the Interest of Hie rmm New* of All Cwterat Boroujh pared to pot ont en'h iiluze—on the after stmlning and resirtilnlng. Hill structed of mnrtilp panels net heiw on try nl viirloim IIIIIPH, Tb* PrMi, tk« most widaly Jump. WITH FLOWERS. read paper in Cartarat itvpR mime cloudiness. OQldal re1nforronn'iiis were sent IteseHrch hns not made entlrelj for afsratet Bropliv returned to the cur «b> the word should so def scene with Ote aids »n- ans thick with red nine. And ihls li Ima mimed derbies. Thsy Were nsslfrned struieiirT1 ever since FOR THE HOLIDAY posts tlirooxhoat the hotel. I Then, shortly after sh o'clock two SEASON — ORDER Ores were reported on the fifth floor B | Point Overlooked I NOW. Useful u wdl M unusual, and at prices very reasonable for the season. This is the tbe fiamea Baoanllnn from lahleclniha The (•'•iri'|iill num IMIIPI he mm 11 tied II Berlew discovered the blazes Hnd the l««ly Is to survive hut lung Iteea 1 detifhtful surprise* to offer you. quenched them with a pot of tea un reci>|Pii»Hl. I'm iin' iHi 'Inn the mini] der one of the tables. Is liiii'iiinarnlili p ili'Mmie Iliiui I TIMELY DRESSGOODS Tbe management's suspicions were the bml> him ^IIINTIJ tiecn noticed at BEDDING AND HOUSEHOLD GIFTS! aroused by Berlew s prominence In ull.—KM Imnge. John R. Baumann I IDEAS! the blazes, 'and Leo S.lier. ,anoftar GREENHOUSES Bedspreads house detective, was put »n his trail Narcotic Gran SlxlM; hMTT rilk PktCnsM Seder, it was said, found Berlew lln ST. GEORGE AND HAZLEWOOD AVES. Jncquird luf< tnoufh Sleepy grass Is a tnm which pro- t« coTtr btriiur; la row, 40 inches; pars iflk; Wring near the scene" of entntni Are» duces a aarwtie effect, purilctilnrly RAHWAY, N. J. Wue, told, |rRL Bed Sets cehm, yerd This rMd a,ii mention Scher. H«dt of rln« •Ilk Suspicion was Irst directed at Rer raron; ipreid, Inrje lew, ask! Brophy. when he mnde a pillow, two scarfi and dartdiis l*tin number at CnaMctlng stulernente as thrt* dolllu. The ml, 40 lnchM, of lnsttow flnimli'snd heary qotlltj: all eetSH 7ft. to his whereehouls when the various $7.98 locluduv bliok, ysrd IjfC Ores broke oul and when he was un able to produce one report he had Fancy written. The report was later found CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Pillow Cases BATH AM) TOWEL OFtt! torn np and In the wastebasket of BPBCIAL hfs Mien. Lull virlity of -ON- •tylti. qnalUtw and Gnesl Temls The fir* narshal pronounced the plU.rni. Br Uw P>lr, prisoner to be at) "alcoholic pyro boied «p*oltHr tor Imported Potto Siean band *m- •810/ Chrlitmn broldered pur* llntn. Bd maniac." "Somebody em him the bottles of $1.19 to $1.98 4 for $1 liquor Sunday," said Brophy, as the Bed Sheet Seb Fancy Towd Sets prisoner, slumped In a seat beside GkaaTomb fckh. aflMed. "Ha hud ao reason for 1 iheet, will) two Elaborate eolorinf; Uney uacy Pure linen crash; colored bor- setting the Ores and Do Intention of t«i match; attrac- boxed; in txcellaat n tlrp colored bor- Ohristmta special; ders; boxed. Ifljiiiluf anyone. drn; «et boitd.... $4.49 pir box $1 •He drank tha nsjasr-what wiw for $1 left In the bottle fc»fesi like tbe UR COATS •erst polaoB—after each Ire he set CURTAINS FOR GIFTS! sad went out and set aMher. uslny a elcaretta lighter. Ha said that he OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY S-Pioea Marqun«IU mam to make bis Job safe, as he Panels! CortanM had assented himself a somber of ~AT- tltoes without permission, and that he Of ten m«rerii*|i« as far back as1 75WO.OW years age, la being Hi!k duninsk of supsrior qual- gleaned by scientists today through ity, In blur, rote, Tiullierrj and It woaW require » full page to describe the hun- ireeti; tinted with LINEN SUGGESTIONS! study of frond or leafy Imprints found dreds of wonderful fur coat values including (old; set $1.98 ID rock wfttch once formed mud beds' or some lake or streowV. scarfs and choker* offered in this sale. Never Lace Ciiitaiiu 5-Piece Set before have we taken such drastic mark-downs Pure linen; band embroidered; cloth 86x84, 4 napkins 6 j as those announced for this event. This is a to match. Per set ^ 1 value-opportunity you should not overlook. • Enjoin Wife From 7-Pi«ce Luncheon Set MoJctting Snake • WHAT IS Mi iKK PRACTICAL AS WELL AS Inverted pan linen (in urns I: SKRVICKAKI.K, THAN A HKAUTIFUL FUR 1 Port Worth, 'lemis.-A tern ' Colored bonfera. Cloth fi2in .!. porary writ, real mining Kunlce COAT. N K <: K I' [ K C E OR SCARF, AS A 8ii napkin* to matdi. Set iii'Rt fnini iniiiemln^ .lumho a CHRISTMAS <;|KT. big Htiiike. wns rentirry bsueil Lunch Set .' here hy .Indue l.nttlmore In Nliii-t) si\th liisirlci court Jutn Silk and linen. .Attractive ••„ All Furs Guaranteed oring vi rose green, pnlil n txi la nwiud bj the wimwn's blue. 64iC4 cloth anil «ii un htmliand. t'linrten Best, who Is kine to match. & SUIIIK his wife fm njivorce. Boxed, per net 5-Piece Buffet Set Ih-Hl "[HTiiieg u slilvfiliow at Imported l'iir»> linm; two eb* tnictlnn with i carnhul which AH Repairing, Remodeling, Relining Luncheon Set flr«rf»; tbri'f d<»lll«i to mateh. upiii'iiieii nl the pioneer settlers NcHlly Ue* trimmed. Imported pure Un«n rrnah. reunlmi mid pj.-iilr at Alvnnid.. Curtains Attractln color<4 borders. Hrt, ranplrt* and Glazing Done Within a $1.98 recently. The new kites**) curtain, aiade Boxed, per Short Length of Time of floe marquisette; fancy orer- set $1.29 Platd alscU; green er f I AD Table Set blue; SSt ,...... ,••"•"* Table Covers •Mi71) pure whit* llriM, neat- 1 Mi70 pure linen dnmnak. ly iHwislllclird. 0 napkins to "It Pay. To Buy Where You Buy In Safety Um Panels Ni'atljr hFmtrtilt'lml, In mntcli. Ik>i«d Stained Teeth Made W»e ist am; Asatir fringed pure white. K-m-li .. . — per net A SMALL s-y Flashing White A SMALL l">ttoin>; straight ft *tn {ft •£ DEPOSIT ^*^V yyy/ sO ^..ismiiiai 2 <>r acsDoped .T..?' ™ f J.W —Or No Cost! DEPOSIT WILL RE- No natter fctnr dull, dtaiy, >potl«{ or WILL RE- Mkload four tacth nay tt. Illnrbmlfnt SEKVK ANY CDQUMHOII ll narafH««d to rrmovr iiaina SERVE ANY SM auke tacth iaahllf white or ii <«>!• ARTICLE Xou nothing. Conilcla of mild isff ligniil ARTICLE •hict aftrnioflrn«t ttalnaanitalna—anidl ip*ria•prritl |tinlimir whirwfijrbh UNTIL Sanllf rcmoTCf thrm. Jtivt uir limiiil (inrr a UNTIL AB-C SILK STORES,** wttlt—and pa*t* evry diy tn Vrrp ttfih claar and wkitf. Blcachixlcni ('ninliinjliod ciruiSTMAS ^fe& RELIABLE FURRIERS CHRISTMAS Regent Th«atra Bldg. irai ptritctti br two drntim of liigh utiml 45 BROAD 3TREET lot *ho (Ml four jtttt iiro»lnu iti a!a

Swords and Jewelry AY, BBGBMBER 6, 1929 DUf!IHS STILL PASTIME OF »ti.i .in) iiiiuMt'U co taKu their course. Found in Viking Grave* i hi' si-* imli'd parks around ['nrls would PARIS SOCIETY GENTLEMEN |ii'iiliiihl> he Ilitcred w'th corpses lmlrlr uni, ci,<> fushi,,,, |i(HM) (.,.».» Ihr SwdOlaf U •It. hart Pnwria. nt « grMi Viking H.ducr.1— What • burial p|.,.P. „,,„„, from '*•"« IIIKNIJR on the dueling ground are to Georgia and Back Swap Tales of Old Days Tenth . Kiev-nth ceoturles. Z nut yet over for thf gentlemen of nd I'urls. far ,!,„„ grnve. have been ^p, III.—Two aimers whb at Seattle. Here's a suprrnicly good and latrly bul H1PsH ,re hut „ umU During a recent month seven af- "bumini'il" their way from Olney. III., inijiri .v<-ij rrtinly that is sold to you to Allunin. Gii.. and thenv>hark here total l.» nods Bn, onusuali, fnlrg of honor were settled on the 8eattle.—The strangest, mnst ro hy druggists everywhere with tbr un- T for their vncntlon vow It's the "great- Kaoh innt.' rav , , t | sward under the gray light or dawn mantle convention lo Amerloin tilsi>u> dcrsUuiding that one bottle romt five s K e ( n H ni thrM wt nnort ever" and plan to repent four ron ,vor |s. «, „,,,„, „ nt vnrtous secluded spots within the ha* jusj heen concluded tn Si-miU". rrsultj or yoa can hare your money 8 ( d flie stunt next year. They walked. • ncehwHia. knlvei, bron* helMmck- neighborhood of the capital, according woere Itie calendar was turned Imrk back. Hew and rode. IM, Mlrnips nnd muffle,. The worn in Jcnn Joseph Renaud, well known SO years. •ni Knives contain bronae bracelet!, French fencer. The tfrls are Rrnestlne and Mary It was • conV«Otloa of men nnd Ask for AJttnro—It comes in big; rings necklace*, cleverlj worked The favorite dueling ((round for the Abel, employed nt a local oll-reflnlng women whos« cill«ctlr« nemories hold buttles and ii not expensive. Take it »* directed—it'i a quick, active ranedy browhes and headbimds. It | [uiltshed Hades of French society Is plant They were gone exactly eight more of color. eicitemMl and a (Wen WM D and ooe that you can depend upon even one of rheM grates that the roan, Hie historic Pars des Princes. There een dnjs on the trip. Three and a ture than the menmriw of in? slnillnr half «l hair was f,,und «• the cold daylight creeps up from fever it. * ilso "i!l,.ri«.- which were ««ed to Hit vim! sh.idnwy flxures mny he seen lime tn Atlanta. The return trip was Tlwy ucrt- the men and wimien- secum garments. The find* will be movinn nninnt the tree* townrda the innde tn a day and H half nf iruvellng H.INKI ill thi>m—wb« WjHIl t<> thr Kli.n time. ' It's anti-vrrctJc— an aaakjeak and £awl In the Prussia museum In cluWn apnt—duetlHta. seconds, doc- dlk« In the nrvat sn|d «Mini|>iMlt< ni diuretic—and leading dratgifs all over shepg tors and anxious friends. A few IRIIN. galliiTnl tn|[«lMi hen- r>mu Hl) America are (lad to rtccanincad k. mln met later the fiair fn<-e one an- Mexico Is Working to over thv unity fur • nuirentlon whirh other. coi,ts off, shirts open. »l on frncnifnts ttl the atlfftt; Army Hint Four or five duel* an fought every Gold-Making * Fake lunil ediii'iiiliin in .Hiexlcu, the mln •tonneil the Alaska! (aaliitMBfa a gvo month on the avenue, many nf them Munich. Oarmanj.—All the rigid Imry of wlii »,>.l»Wi.

LIGHTS of NEW YORK *> Arthur Brisbane THE OFKICKIJS AND DIKKCTOHS OF THE Ey« Grmnitium* Machine Mad* Life. Physical culture appears to tw los- Boom Good Time., 1'ifi Its hold civer lowly odlce work- e A Man Scribbles. si1*, und ID Its ^la'-e i-innes the eye Kyiiitmniuni I us! cud ur liwJulK'liig In btoc" la » Kvod. fnat Kume o( hoiidball. after s hard iin.v's work nl lolger* »nil «r MID-STATE "Junta, tin; white-collar buy* now •pend half an hour putting their ejn muscles In shupe. r, that • can womln "llellevt* striiln—ninkta you slet'|i Kosco. ConkllnK or Tom Pl.t" Ilk* n bul>y," lh«y say. As nnr member nf H Young Hctm 'n MisuchuieUs, Mn. aiyte Title & Mortgage Guaranty Co. K.VK Hsanflat|i>D d<*airllit>a I he iirm-fx^ daughter of Woodrow Wll.on, mty b: <«• »l». It U|i|ienrs linn one's diht It. » candidii, on the democratic ticket. a ugh r Ku Urmlv held In a luniieHs which kwpi. Sr^H" ' " ' «< Owen, ot 'lie iie.id from InmlnK. mul wni a treat dune rim. la about the Builders for First Mortgages •IM, aay, of a grand piano, the keep* him In her Oreenwlcb vtllau* Illinois la expected to |!TB Un, Kent house apartment, and hire* on* •cCormlck a bis rote, partly b«- of the ball boy* to lake him out for came th» ante it dluatltntd with a nice, long walk twin a day. masculine senators, u a olaii, eon- REAL,ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE SERVICE Not long ago a ronng woman liv- tincod that they hare not dona much ing un a lower floor aieinwiJ Into the lately. Mn. Bchleelnftr, formirly of l Chlcaf o. tayi io. Hha fcutht to know. elevator, and there found the ball boy 5 /2% Mid-State First Mortgage Gold Bonds in Denominations H«r crandfather ww JOMBh MadUL •nd the treat dane. The dog, when She ahitnU be la tht MUH, bfj** | f Hitllll t*9 *f^"( of $60, flOO, $500 and $1000. Unconditionally Guaranteed «• «*r To iay that ih« Ut u nflth woman. 8be tlmoronaly edged her •N tblllty aa any one of the three ruitUnr nay in tha'farthiat e<-rner of the ele Rnthi. li putllnc It moderately, valor, and watched tbe dog warily. to both principal and interest—LEGAL FOR TRUST FUNDS! ^ "Don't mind him, a&a'am," aald the hall hoy, encouragingly, "He's Just * E. S, Free, able enrlnaar, aayi 1180 puppy." will tee electric koneei, tlrhted with • • • artificial aunllght, weather arraated Organized Under the Insurance Laws of the State of New . 11 prescribed by the doctor. Ilk* a A«taw*' Wive* baby's modified milk, no wtndowa. The pabllc ma.v have in Idea that Jersey—and Operating Under the Immediate Supervision •ound proof and electrically Teotliated. wive* of famous authors are obscure Ta* wand proof MUMtta '« waW ladle* who any llttlejfcd bacMn their come, and the reel not. husbands' fame That may have been >^>£ tbe Department of BaHkinjg and Insurance. Men are, physically ipaakUhn-«A- so rears ago, but In tbaae dity* of male. They want the sun ehlnhif film and talkie rights tht wive* plat lrre ser Bros., Inc. you read "Japan will proeaad aautkms- EMIL STREMLAU, Counselor at Law, Counsel for and ly In connection with th* Rualan to- Beet May B« Thrifty Vice-president of Carteret Trust ,Co.; Counsel, Bor- WILLIAM A. RYAN, Mayor of Wo< Abridge, Vice-Pnwi- vssloa ot Cbtoaa* territory." ough of Carteret. dent Mutton Hollow Tile and Bi ick Co. Japan t**U about AaU aa wa to but They're Dishonest about Amartoa. No lapaaaaa-Aaiatla East Lansing, Mich.-Bee*, which Monro* Doetrtn* haa baas formuUUd. have always been literature1* abpnlng btt Jnpaa do** not Ilk* w*»t*rnera example ot Industry and thrift are latrudlng to Aria. now accused by eperlallaU In apical- tare at Michigan Stata college, of rob- ^ .However, tb* Japanaaa kaow that bery. 'ths "Russia of today la not that of the MID-STATE Aa a further mark of criminal traits, dan, grand dukaa and other lnoom- the *i>rriHilet* point out that the bee* peuata. Haul* la governed by the rob the weak «nd defenaelea* mem power of tha Russian aatlon, aa la /bar* of Hiclr apei-fes. CoNmlea which Patar1! tlma, sot bjr royaJ aeddanta •A i have tuo ffw ineinlwra (o defend their ol birth. honey stores full vlctlma to Inaeri Wisely, Japan will proeaad alowly. hlKliwajnien If the splartB I* not rare Title & Mortgage Guaranty Co. Another Japasaaa-Rusalan war wonld ful Io bun'lllriK hla hee*. not b* Hk* tb* but Owner* of bee* are advieed to eon CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. You might bur of autograph daatera tract the entrances of hire* occupied a signature ot Herbert Hoover OB a by wen It coloiilea. This enable* the taa*t ot papar wltH many lltUa few defenders within the hive to bar ROOMS 408-409-415 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. * their duiir in predatory »trnnu«rs I] PHONES 5100-5101 aaeer, g*om*trlcal diurww wratchad r. oa the paper while liateglat" to a the blvr* «f weak colonies musl be visitor. I opened, the nurk should be done is Those diagrams usually mean that rapidly na powilhle. the man making ,tbem li not listening Public Service Corporation "very bard." of New Jersey SURGICAL AND ORTHOPE] II Rockefeller or Ford called to till DividOtd No. 90 on Com- Spends Night Locked Sure Relief mon Slock the president ot » »Um to put taa APPLIANCES "MAKES YOU FEEI BETTER" Dividend No. 44 on 8% million man to work ai good wag**, ha in Rumble Seat of Car Cumulative Prtfencd Stock wonld Itotea aad wouldn't do any Weetfleld, N. J.—Rowrlo (HJSttOLM fc (MAPMAN Dividtnd No. 28 on 7% Trusses Supporters Belts Brace*— scribbling ai ha llit*»*d. Armllano spent a olubji In the .. emHri Un York iiant £«•*«»!» Cumulative Pnftmd Slock Arches, in Fact a Complete Line When you talk and a man scribbles, rumlile seat of his automobile. Uimbtn tin for* Curl, JUc*o«J» Dividend No. 6 on 0I.OO make It short. Hs Un't much Inter- Leuted in tlie rumble seal of J 6 BELLANS Cumulative Prtfemd Stock of These Needs. hit car ID front of hi* Home lu Tim llourd of Directors o( I'utiUc ested. 244 Smith Street Y-WI Hot water ,'MIVICO Cnrprpratlon of New Jertpy hu YOUR DOCTOR'S ORDERS FILLED Cacclola slrt-el. he fell asleep. Telephon* Perth Amboy 988 Sure Relief ,1,', lurwl dlvlilcnils nt the rats of »% Th*r* »r* only a tew thouaand air- Whep he wokr ui> the nap had IIIT iiniium mi Hie 8% Cumulntlvn I're- .vnvrt KU.tk, beliiK 12.00 per «hnr«; nt plants In America. Recently two of fallen mid mit mlt'iilly locked. il,,. run of 7% Per nnnum on the 11 them struck and damaged boos*, with leaving lilm liulf reclining In a Taomas M« ELL-ANS (•iin ulntlve l'rcferreil Slock, heliiR 11. "J HENRY FRAHME I if r nl.uro; ut Uu> rate of 15.00 i>er nn- serious danger to many liwi, In addi- crani|>«l position Manager ITII un the nun pur value Ciimiimllve 33 BROAD ST. Near Re en» Theatre ELI2 tion to killing on* pilot, One hous« He cut u hnlt I" 'In- cai Mooi FOR INDIGESTION ri>feire

• Public Service Electric and BaM— Y Gas Company Dividend No. 22 on 7% HOLOHAN BROS. New York Wall Paper Co. CurouUtivt Preferred Stork GARAGE For all •MM* and iolwdnal TheLaxatlvo Dividend No. 20 on 6% m>ublwandlAc»bai>«*(lu* Cumuliitive Preferred Slock Paints and Varnishes of Quality Tlie Ilnnnt nf IHnx-tori 'if I'nlilli- Dunlop Tires and Tubes to teething, than !• nothing TooCli«w Service F.lwtrlo mid 11" Ci.iiipniiy li«» hfali'nd d»i-liireMdnid» lire p«y- like Gum WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nbU I)«wmb«r Jl, HI9. to «to<-khulii- Full Line of \ut<> Accessories j ern of rocord at th« cloiii of bunlnne* Cor. Ave. «nd Second SU PERTH AMBOY, N. 'CABTERET PEESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 News of the World Told in Pictures

Ecclesiastical Architecture World's Largest House of Worshin Shop and Mail Early

in all the world there Is no more elaborm^ or m. !vner Jewish house of worship than the Temule Krrmmi-Kl, which has Just been opened for 'Jewish worshippers In New York. Not even In the days when the Jews as a nation dwelt In the Holy Und and ws there em a Urnnl* */» compare with this. There are more members ol the Jewish raoe In the City of New York than there ever were In the Holy Und.

Here we have Mury Hi inn I'unuiimiiit featured player, delivering an Once Used by President Trains on Cheese Important message lo lhr amiHiirr Tiif Church of St. Boniface, which 1ms Just been consecrated at Outstanding Candidate for Peace Priz6 Essen, Uf-rmaiiy. Only on Wedding Occasions

Mlla Tonl Van Eyck, a young Dutch girl who has made a name both on the stage and on the Mrs. Andrew Jackson IV. ol Los Angeles, on a March for relics of running track. According to an The latest millinery display and what Is considered the very height her Illustrious relative, finds a novel whippet Inkstand which formerly Amsterdam newspaper, she train* Former Secretary of State Prank H Kv:;. ,:<. who is thus far tht of i.i.shlon is shown by this young lfttly, all dressed up In her skyplece (raced the President's desk in the possession of Mrs. Barbara Thayer almost entirety on camembert ouU.indlng candidate for the N! Ready for Winter Rowing Contests She Saves Lives Million, in Vault

"Queen" Mary Purnell, coasort of "King" Ben Purnell of the House of David, vho makes a statement that nearly *1,000,000 in cash Is sealed up In a vault in Diamond House, one of the chief buildings of Uie House ol David, In which lies the mummi- fied body of "King" Ben PurneU. She petitions the courts to have the House of David dissolved and the property distributed among Pretty mi'inlifin iif lhr Lcni; Itt-m li Kills' rowing team the members. their first flp[>euninriii| \< uiuini! contests to be heid at Long Rituh. Here U beautiful Thflm. Smith, who has just been appointed UJ«~ An Ugly Duckling Motorized guard of Miami Beach. Thelrra win probably have her hand* full try- Just a regular member of the finest ol Ion Angeles. True, lie Is six ing to save those who tenture too far. Thelma says: "Be ca.-eluL boy*. I»et nine Inches tall, but look what, the eaiiu-rii man. pointing his lens upward, did to elongate ShelUm .Invns. the .subject of the photo. I can only save one at a time.' Honest, It's a Boy Friendly Enemies Meet

Adam'* apple, at first glance yqu th*t t)M photograph shows a girl We Juvenfle pianist of Alice White, U»e little fllra star, U guldmg the m otattised duck that can be driven like a Coma> Dt I VET UNDERGOES rtc "Ht'd ill S4'hlt><| h 'in aiioN,' irientioned. i>, Coin.-The lusl ciutyust 01 ! nil moileni civ SLirERSTITlONS II tin ll-.i.ie ,illdl,S-.,.,ll| to 11 Amboy, N J., mid may lie in^|n-,ted ion tO /llr.iitliin The lust stage couch, op- 34 OPERATIONS lh H. IKV/Nlj KINg Id l-M I r, .-le.l.lelh iot Mi » liui'iii* 1,UM I erated Uy j»iin Mltliell, one of the few • lle.-ii-x I nulll . luiil MIUM l,,. an .II 'I'llf H0MI1I HM-ii.-s the ri)fht to rfr- IH'ss hours Hidden will In- funnelled |':illli-il hj ll old timers of rlie romantic '50a left, eililicati- of a 1 ii.In K )' '' iin> ,11 nil l,i,U if ileenieii lo the witli a copy of id,- s|>v, i[iialion> mid i-'.|il|>iiny ;iKf >MH^r In E ii t n Lsh I II I I" IIIH noise iiud retired ttie other Still Cheerful Despite 11 -M interest ot thi- ' ouruv so tu do. HUNCHBACKS blue prints of the drawings by the the llinouiit loO- , of Hie rolltl.n-l, diiy A new iiKUiir bug was SUbgtl- on proper notice and pay Hy i.i.ier of the Hoiud of chosen Years Spent in Army HIKI .•ertilied check for not less than rei.hnld.-rs ,.| Middle*,.* Cmiiity tuit'it for die uiifluni it ge coach. ment of the cost of preparation. Hid a ten HIS hunchback HU|iersilMon In PI ent ( III' i ) of the miiuunt THOMAS I MUI.VIHIM,, must he made on the Standard l'ro-! l.i.l, provi Hospitals. T et^lliiKly (irevalenl in IOur.,|ie mul • aid diei'k is not less I I ' '•,. i:( Clerk. -America, egtitK.-tn!|y o iK ii,,,ae will' Washington.— VUo Bruno, Just a IlkhiK for "taklnR ctiiuirea." Tnui-l turned tlilrtj-oue, Is celebrating at t Poor Eear Has Little a hunchbHck and you r,,,, -hill> Mll. WE Wulter Reed hospital here the eleventh imnles" or "buck the n^ir. ns.sinril IS! DOUBLE Chance in Montana anniversary of that memorable day lo <>f success. Anyone nim i,,,s BE Unite, Mont.—An HI, oar and 1618 when after a particularly fierce Motile Curio or a run- HIHK ii> DOVLE 8 w OPEN STETSON airplane Imve heen employed engagement on tbe Champagne front hornerHclnj was ID tlnwir in ,\,. recently lo cuptura and ItllJ he wu given up (or dead. York etutw, can give yuu liiiuniuiili HATS Mont mill bears. EVENINGS Desplt* the fact that all of tboM on this point. When ParU .i,.iu cnu; •4 CUNNEEN Tuxedo Slieeps, Deer Lodge eleven j«ars have been spent suffer- over UW| |flssls«1|>|)l Scheuie a TUX sheep herder, took Issue with an ing ID arm/ hospitals where be hu hunchback amasawl a romrunuhip tor Suit* ungry wuunded bear and klllefl undergone 84 major operations. Bruno tune by Ulowlng sjpwuliiinrH to use hi* 0 P.M. It with nu ax. The heat! bad la known and beloved by all his com- back as a writing desk nn whlrh » . 1, To Hire carrying off sheep. rades as tbe most cheerful patient In make out their aopllcmlnnH r Walter Reed. But the KHniMir* »t yi-sti-rdHV unil luke was overtaken lo u hunt b.\ While a member of the Thlrty-ser. tttilny did not Invent the hunHihurk Louis Wolfe, CorvaJlU. Vigor • enth Oblo division, Bruno was wound- •uperstltlon. Thpy Inhcrlied li fniin ous blows on the head with au ed critically (luring a desperate Aroer- lite days when the mytni'i-lp* ni ih> our atunued the animal. It wa> lean advance on an almost impregna* Kgypilnn god Res were ii'lehrnied h,» drugged to shore, where Wolfe BIGGER, BETTER VALUES ble position neld by tbe Germans. Left the Nile. Lurge nuwhers i>f the stat mlnilnlslered tlie "coup dv for dead, he lay In a shell hole for uettes of the bunchlmck K<>d are in grace." th,ree days—day* of maddening de- existence and Ue mode™ "Oohbo," so Do Your Christmas Shopping Early! Merchandise Go mi air tour of the state lirious pain—before a passing stretch- popular aa acfaarm in louthern Eu itay Fisher, Anaconda pilot, er bearer, racognlud In blm a tiny rope, ti hut t «opy of these ancleni Selected Now Will Be Held Until Christmas a mother bear with twi spark of life and rushed him to an itntuettes of Bea. Be* wu» a tnnlla >uhs. Be landed, killed tb« operating but for tbe first of tbe 84 naiit god and waa cenernlly repre Annual Pre- Christmas GLOVES mother, captured one of th* operations. rented with Horus when Horus typi Sale 1695 Men's Shirts Meyers. Fownei Dress and brought It home In bit- Tony an Immigrant fled death. i>iane. ilovea, buckskin, grey and Last month at Walter Reed the Weurlng an mm*:* <>i Keg us u tan; unfinished and washable 84th was performed; modern surgery ehiirm or tonchlnn h inmum liein^ $1.00 $1.39 $1.69 $1.95 innile In his' Ilknifsa Is mn nn liten kid, pair — A Classified Adv. Will Sell It • - went tbe limit to give game, cheerful Collar attached, collar- Bruno a fighting chitnoe. t»iHed on Ihr prlnHple ot rlie ulil 911 > to-nutch. Get them for Jtorn In ftaly, August 28, MM. Tony, \nn, "Alwnys Dike >'"iit hm nil in Hi. your Christmas listt. Phone Perth Amboy aTtbe boys at the hospital hare nick- devil" Ity thf rlinrin. nr rhe touch $1.95 to $3.95 you |irii BROADCLOTH with 12 99 named him, came to America in 1018. fancy colored fibre He settled in Scranton, I'a.. and went vni'iiI nld In return fnr capable and witling, lie ntude friends your devotion. The hum hlnu'k uuper PERCALE — Fine count $2.95 lo $5.95 quickly. He was among the first to •tilInn then Is • survlml of the colt with stiff collars to match. enlist when war was declared, and nf lies: s modified fnrm of devil wor MEYER'S AUTO GLOVES was awlgned lo the Thirty-seventh uhlp: an attempt tn rniiililnte. and to MADRAS—Finely woven division whlrh was rusher! to France control i> one's own use. the powers patterns and lustrous fi- and to the front lino* early In July if evil by a dlapltiy of allegiance. bre stripes. $1.65, $155. $2.95, $3.95, $5.95 Genuine Suede or Leather I.Hie Ills huddles, tie wen! through a Every Sine—13 Vi to 17. tiapllstn of tire, u «-nrld of LUMBER JACKETS—COATS WUr.Tfc.yAIIF.il High Grad* Sbirt. Care- slu'lla, gleaming hayniierg and folk* la prepared for any- fully T»llor«l—V.ry unxi-a. I tut lie wnrly "wem went one thing," saya Scattergood Bnlnea In th* Fino Quality I4TH AMBOY day. American Magailne, "tin It com- The "zoni liuur' ivna gat for meocea to rain and then they's a leak SILK RAYON SHIRTS $14.95 UPHOLSTERED mi the HKirnliii: of September 20 In tbe roof." Over the lop they went ; I he Imllle WUS Reg. $3 and $4. Separate collar or at- UIUIIM'N wilh FURNITURE tierce, -ifeRpeiiirp HMII Moody. NOTICE~TO CONTRACTORS tacned. " 95 to d?O95 tic knitti-d tmt- Bandjges Own L«g. tinn. Notice ia hereby piven that sealed Special $1' Faniims Hones- tOMPANY He dni|)|n'il siiiidrnlv. a terrific pn!n bids will be rec«iv«d by the Board of duli' F 1 a n ij,/i 1 In his rlxhl II-K A (ieriiiuii nuicliliie Chosen ,Kreeholders of Middlesex Repairing Re-Covering GENUINE PURE SILK SHIRTS Shirts, O r e y , gun bullet luid broken the rum? lust County for the construction of a Khaki. Special ... Living Room Sets lu-liiu rlie knee. The splintered bnnes storm sewer on Road Nn. »3, Wood- Reg. $6.95. A new shirt if NOH RADIO SHOP AND Jutted from a Jaj-'ueil tear In his bridge-Reforroatory Road from Aven- the color fades a new one $5.45 lireeclies. With n<> hel(> ln aruht HIII) el Street southerly to where a branch 86 Washington Av«. Slip Covers Made to Order of Woodbridgp Creek crosses Road White, Blue, Grey the men around him hiihlly eniiaued No. 83 north of Burnett Street, a Men's All-Wool Navy Blue CARTERET, N. J. 254 MADISON AVE. In klllliiR nnil iiiulinlnx ench other, NEAR MARKET 8T. distance of 860 feet, in the Township GUARANTEED GENUINE VELVET Flannel Shirts and Blouses; ., $2.95 Phone: Carteret 1668 llrumi, fillnt fmiii Hie xhnvk unil loss of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex, OPEN EVENINGS TIL NINE of bhind. gamely ui)HTii|i|>Pd liis nul- New Jersey, and opened and read in ROSE SILK SHIRTS—Colors gTey, white, Army Shirt*. Well made. Heavy Flannel tee and hariKi the ninnitlfil Iff.'- public at the County Record Building, tan, blue. Separate collars d»/» C He llii|irinisw| 11 lnurii!i|iit't ullli the New Brunawick, N. J. on Thursday, or attached. Special •PU. $2.45, $2.95, $3.95 nli! of tils shirt mi imurs Standard time. In- t.iv. without food »r wnicr unnhle f\ 'ii lo cry nut. Finally he won— umi his own private liutile He wns Try Tew Better l' nt• his hUjtiiy dispcsiilipn. alwn.vi hud B rhe*ry smile fur every nne. From BLADE liiw|illftl to iins|.ii:il hie nu was the uiirliTH of fun uml i_rnlety. "Stlfk wit li "'in" .v l.len- section of the finest tenant OimnminN'r Arthur \V .Jtiid ford, 0. S. N., wns i.i'KanUi-d tiy the Navy, Interior unti A«rlrulture twit wlihout the use «' a . Keports termed trie discovery ol "Inestimable value to the pnln anri imjipr 'ndTIStry "f A'flska " •

— A Classified Adv. Will Sell It Zenith Radio Majestic Radio By A.FQreiner Screen Grid The set without Notched and 9 Tube Set the A-C hum curved to fit type of safety razor shown

Less Tubes Leu Tubes

,Vh, not m.k, lh. f.«.ll/ S1« «•". (1.H.I-- " WADE & BUTCHER Thrr,'- .W(hl« In ri™,r_ln • manner to «mfnC f»mllr lr\-»->*»H> JIu will -nj.., lo th. l«ll..™>*" I""™"" SPEC i }„, M»J«tlf l» » powerful wd .*l»ollv, B..|l« one woimui ^i

I*~*.t. JUft nt i ilrcssed ., ,.x,,(j,. costume* of sc» < , i.li.'nsiiiK. design, furnish a Marx Quartette im-liirc of purtii'iilnr f"/"'" ?TT Janet Gaynor Is Claimed By •• twirls wrre tmineil I"1 *B Thiv Cuts New Capers I.'.V 'heali "f the tmllet'.U'liiirtiii'-"1 of Many faraway l/.JS. WiiiiMT Hi us. and it dun.-e piufi'sM<>li. ea In Chieago^Also San Francisco , and Now, Of In "I* Everybody Happy.' \ Lewis popular BIHI talented musician Scintillating Picture Shows- Course, in Hollywood. ,,f viiudfville fame, niaked Ins debut World's Four Funniest Men H, u talking motion picture star. Ine Muny important urban centers of these broad United picture is filled with singing, dancing, at Comedy Best. pretty girls and the entrancing music States are claiming lovely Janet Gaynor for their own—and of Ted's own band. Assisting him in The Marx Brothers, long known as all are correct to a degree for thia important screen star who the cast besides Miss Pennington, are the world's four funniest men, hsve Alice Day, Julia Swayne Gordon, carried their inimitable fun-making ahines with the brighest of the impressively important Fox Lawrence Grant and Purnell Pratt srt to the screen. In their first mov- Film fold has lived in the north, south, east and west in her Archie L. M*yo directed and the ing picture, the all-talking, all-alng- screen story was written by Josepn Ing all-dancing, all-laughing product- first twenty years. Jackson and James A. Starr. ion of the popular stage musical com- To Philadelphia must be given Boon tiresome, ihi jumped at the op- edy "The Cocoanuts," they carry credit us her natal city. Here she liv- portunity to go with the family to their great, personalities into film ed until the age of eight. She began Hollywood. That wu about five years Immortality. her education in the "City of Broth- ago. . . . The rut it • matter of his- Thorough Actress The Msrx .Brothers register per- erly Love" at the A. C. Harmer tory. fectly on lorn camera and micro- School for Girls. After a struggle to make her way •rtone. They fit like veterans Into The family moved to the metrop- as an extra, she was selected to do Is Carol Lombard this new medium and they make of olis on the southwest shore of Lake "bits" in t ntinjber of Jesturei. Then "The CocoanuU," which will show and hore in Chicago she re came an opportunity to play leads in Director of "8if News" Pay* •t the Majestic theatre, starting to- reived her grammar schooling. Flori- comedy and in featured western morrow for seven days, a laugh show da then entice.] th« family and in the parts. Her Fine Compliment. from start to finish. town of Mi'llKiurne she pursued her Her big flnt chance came when Groucho, th* talkative member of hi|fh school studies. half a hundred likely aspirants were Scent from the Paramount Picture "The CocoanuU," slurring the Marx Brothers, with Oscar Shaw and Mary "I have never known an th* Marx quartette, introduces an When offered the choice of college discarded- for the roll of "Ann Bur- personallty Interminable line of funny chatter Eaten at the Majestic Theatre, Perth Amboy, for i. u week starting tomorrow. who csn submeri her or a business career, the youngster gher" In "The Johnstown Flood" and more completely In that of the rjsle that keep* th* picture bubbling with decided than and there to make her our little Janet was presented with she is playing/'declare* «aak Rei- laughter. Harpo, with his dumb own way in the world as soon as pos- the much coveted part Her work was cher of Carol Lombard, who plays the •how and hi* constantly changanc sible and took the latter choice. This instantly acclaimed. A big figured, leading woman's rqle in "Big News", pantomine, ii always surprising and did not iili'usc her stepfather who, long term contract resulted. Famous Broadway Armstrong Fakes Ann Pennington Assists with which the former noted *tag* Chlco pulls *om* of the funniest stuff Bending thn g\r\'» dramatic ability, Thereafter one success followed sctor and director was associated as In the whole film. His "Viaduct? preferred her to choose the stage be- another: "The Return of Fetor director of dialogue. ?,- Why a duck?" passage is particular- cause of ila far KTOUUT potentialities. Grimm", "The Shamrock Handicap", Musical Comedy Black Eye Story To Ted Lewis in New Talkie •Carol thinks each part she plays", ly convulsing. Zeppo, who always Then the family took the trail "The Midniftrt Kiss", "Two Qfrls Relchsr says of the young scrtes*. plays straight, is not only the suc- again and landed at the west coast, in Wanted", the unforgettable "Sun- Forty of the prettiest girls in "She read* th* script, familiarises cessful foil for his mad brothers but San Francisco. To further herself fo: rise", and many mere. Wife, to, Ofa My! he step* out one* or twice for Jest- the business world, Janet attended Hits In Talkies Hollywood sppear with- the ravishing herself with the menUl outlook and Next week at the Strand Theatre leU the physical gestures follow as In* of his own. the Polytechnic High School. Here she will be seen in her third role with Ann Pennington in an extravagant nhu graduated with high marks Charles Farrell, under Frank Bor- High-Priced Marx Brothers Optic Wa» Painted For Scene sequence of "Is Everybody Happy?" the natural outgrowth. I hsv* noticed Joseph Santiey snd Robert Florey the Warner Bros, and Vitaphone pro- several little mannerisms which are directed together. Irving Berlin. and BO into the business world. xago's direction, in "Lucky Star" State Sensation at Popular incTallrie "Big News" and Finding the, routine of an office Her i two previous rolss with Farrell duction, starring Ted Lewis, which characteristic of h*r in private lif*, who wrote th* music for the ertgiaal under Borcage's direction were that Prices at Majeatic SpouM Waxes Wroth. comes to the Ranway Theatre tomor- but not one of the** ever obtrude* stag* presentation, contributed a new prize winner, "7th Heaven", and the row. during the characterization of a theme long, "When Mr Dream* Cesse outstanding "Street Angel*. Guinn Praising "The Cocoanuts" is like An argument in one of the hap- Ann is seen on the stage of a thea- screen role. The talented young wom- True," and Oscar Shaw and Mary Williams and Hedwiga Reicher also giving an endorsement to June sun- piest menages of the Hollywood tre ss a member of the "Follies", an manages to lay Carol Lombard Eaton carry the romantic role*. have important rojes in "Lucky Star" shine. Beyond question, it represents film colony wss nearly precipitated singing a lilting song about the glor- aside st th* beginning of the picture, 666 an equally big production. Tristram one of the greatest accomplishments recently by the skill of a make-up ies of Samos, and then going into an snd does not, apparently resume the —Pleas* mention this paper to adrer- of the talking screen. man at tht Pathe Studio. Hawaiian dance which represents the Identity until it Is finished." i* a Pr«*ri»U«a fer Tapper wrote the story of this Fox tisen; It helpa you, It helps picture »M Sonya Laden wrote the "The Ctoosnuta,* which will open Whin Bsiin Arnmtroog; arrived proverbial last word in graceful ant- "Big N«ws" come* io thtn* e SMTBIHStrand1 I ""*•• •' "- Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, scenario. seven day run at the Majestic home late for dinner one evening lions. And the forty chorus maidens, Theatre on Saturdaj icember 14. fit help* yonf Billioua Fever and Malaria. Theatre tomorrow is the first film wearing bile of the beat—or worst— It U tk* most speedy remedy Inowa musical comedy as such. Here is the looking black eye. s his wife had ever — A Classified Adv. Will Sell It - method of musical comedy brought to | seen, i t was not to be wondereddd ththat the screen, all-talking, atl-singing, "he inquired into the way and where- all-dancing, all-laughing. If tye fore. lovers have a song in mind when they' Thinking to enjoy a little joke, the are In conversation, they sing it. If actor told ni* pretty wife a fantastic the chorus feels like interrupting the story of an encounter with a tranip, action with one of their dances, they on the way from the studio to the skip right out, And through it all, ' near-by gtrage where his car was the Marx Brothers, the world's four parked. Mrs. Armstrong was greatly &» CRESCENT funniest m«n, the. most high-powered agitated, snd it required great fin- and popular comedy team on the esse on Bob's part tc ki.-t.-p her from Broadway stage, twist a gay thread employing first-aid remedies then and Popular Prices, Matinee. 10c and 20c, Evening* 15c and 35c of laughter. | there. The CocoanuU" is the Marx I He went to wash away the stains Brothers' great stage hit which play-' of battle, and in his absence unex- ed New York at $6.60 for one year, pected callers arrived. The excited One Week, Starting Tomorrow, Dec. 7 The music wa» composed for the hostess told the wild tale of her hus- original stage show by the king #f band's desperate battle. She had just J «f • - " completed the gory details when composers, Irving Berlin. Berlli: n I added a new theme song, "When My Bob returned to the living room— Dreams Come True," for the screen minus the ranch publicised Mack (MS presentation and Oscar Shaw and eye. The indignant and em harassed ROARS Mary Eaton, in the romantic leads, Mrs. Bob nearly exploded as he ex- einc this tuneful melody. plained to the guests both the joke AND The setting is the picturesque sea- and the fact that the black eye had AND coast playground of Florida, repro- only been painted and waxed for a Let us fix it— duced with lavish beauty and bound- scene in "Big News," the picture in less Imagination. Groups of beautiful which he was engaged. It is rumored that it took a box of candy and a GAYETT! girls make up the dazzling chorus ROMANCE! and the photography introduces many huge bunch of roses before the actor once for all! unique and surprising efforts. could square hinself. Laughs come so fast they sre al- "Big News" which will be seen and HEN a roof gets old and weak, we specialize ways stepping on qne another's heels. heard at the Stajsnd theatre next week "The Cocoanuts" ii s laugh-show shows the scretB facorite as s newspa- Win the art of bringing it back to life again. from start to finish. It is all the dis-per reporter of pugilistic tendencies. tinctive Marx brand of humor, turn- Carol Lombard plays opposite Arm- "Don't yoa know "What Let us fixi t once and for all by reroofing right over ing from the absurd to the ridiculous, strong in this story of modern jour- that tho early bird "Who CsWta the old roof withJohnS-Manville Asbestos Shingle;, from semi-sanity to complete lunacy. nalism, which was adopted for the screen by Jack Jungmeyer, from a always catches the that?" No inconvenience or expense of removing old stage play by George S. Brooks. Sam worm?" shingles and you have 2 roofs to protect your house. Hardy, Tom Kennedy, Warner Rich- mond, Louis Payne and Cupid Ains- It improves the appearance and the value of your Famous Record And Worth play important parts. house, gives it colorful beauty, provides a roof that is permanent, fireproof, economical. Radio Stars Now Two Black Crows Tell A Why They Are Funny Let us tell you how little it costs. Talkies DAZZLING Chsrlee Mack of the famous team SMASH- Moran and Mack, Uw 2 Black of Moran and Mack, the Two Black C. E. BOIN COMPANY Crows analysed their humor and its HIT Crows, Make Initial Talking success a* follow*: Picture Appeirance. "Folks who get a kick out of a OF THE 567 Roosevelt Ave. Carteret, N. J. quick-fire comedy appreciate our NEW Moran and Hack, the Two Black slow brand, because .we give.... Tel. Carteret 1359 Crows, now add to their phonograph them time to think. "W* SHOW and radio fame by making .their firs* get right away from speed and hand screen appearance In Paramount'* all them slow-motion fun. They're WORLD talking mnedy, "Why Bring That mostly used to axpnss speed staff Up?" a rapid fire story of the vaude- nowadays. They laugh. But we time ville stage Introducing many of theevery word; we hai« to. If I take a numbers that they have recorded. sentence only two seconds late—no THE laugh." In addition to these 1 many new Itorsnisms snd These popular radio and record "Why Bring That Up?" ii from artists haVe made their ffant motion an original story by Octavus Roy picture, "Why Bring That Up?" in Cohen, the famous author of negro which they introduce part* of their Paulus stories. past successes and a host of Moran- Dairy scdotM and Mackisms equally as hi- THE TWO In the picture yoa so* Koran, meet- Main Office: 189-195 New St.,New Brunswick, N. J. , ing Hack, the foxing of the fam-larious as anything they have pro- duced in the past Phone 2400 Established 1890 ous team—their struggle for recog- BLACK CROWS nition and you cUmb with them to The story for "Why Bring That •access. They shvw you just how Up?" which comes to the Crescent AULUS' they make up their funny patter snd theatre for seven days starting to- MORAN i> MACK beet of all you see them In real life morrow was written by Octavus Roy OSITIVELY as well as black face, doing their rrb- Cohen, the famous author of negr ERFECTLY crecking dialect stories. Moran and Mack the Tw. Why Bring That Up?' USE MILK Moran and Ma«k, the two Black Black Crows, however, wrote the dia- ASTEURIZED Crows, have the backing of an elabor- logue In their own inimitable man- a 9mumv Qlaun P ate musical show, in the final scenes ner. . of their opus. A dazzling array of Walker-Gordon Certified Milk stage talent! "Why Bring That Wendmere Farms Raw Golden Guernsey Milk Up?" is real, you fairly feel every BROADWAY ACTORS "Suydam's and Rutger's Special Raw Tuberculin situation and they are all of such HAVE GET-TOGETHER Tested Milk character, just like their records, that a child of eight years can fully un- It was Old Reunion Week for HEAR and SEE Them! DISTRIBUTION COVERS derstand. Broadwayiten recently when the cast "Why Bring That Up?" is the allforegathered for the first shots be- YOU'VE laughed till your side, .pltt at their hilarious New Brunswick, Highland Park, South River, Sayreville, talking picture at the Crescent thea- fore the camera arid microphones of patter on the radio. YouV. been rocked with mirth by Parlin, South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Wood bridge trt' for a week beginning tomorrow. "Sweetie," muairomsnee comedy In the cast are also Evelyn Brent Which is slated for a rui) soon at the their many phonograph records. Carteret, Fords and Metuchen, N. J. and Harry Green. Majestic theatre. Nancy Carol], cant aa the leading "But 'Why Bring That Up?' " lady in the production, and H native New Yorker, met Jack Oakio, whn Here they are, a* real as life, the I wo HEAD MEN NEW SAVINGS PLANS OFFERED BY Keep youth plays "Tup Tup" ThunipKon in the the New Show World to wild merriment ill OM film, when Ins mother first brought the grandest him to New York and put him in oa the THE PERTH AMBOY school there. longer! "He .itill hud n drawl thnt he hail picked up in Oklahoma," she said, m thi ic "nnd bin proudf*t Accomplishment fun, * P ««">— wonder production of NATIONAL BANK wns that he wan the only buy in his .ty, romance and hilarity. Somethin 102 Smith Street, Opposite King St., Perth Amboy, N. J. cleanse the system rlnss that knew how to riicw lohricco. new- lavisihh coraedy-rerue with a basic Controlled and Supervised by . "After school, b*> lined to take me you to the toe-tip*. New dances, ice-skating in Central Park, carrying The United States Government of poisons my sknteR and putting them on for galore. VACATION AND TRAVEL CLUB me. When we would return home, D*po*iUi 80 eestts or aiere, payaUe wwddy. Total amount caa b* Two of the great enemies to youth he UBMI to take gTtat delight in show- • ULJieWII at any Hn attar HI month* and vitality are delayed elimination ilijr me how he did a clog waltz." • • • <, TAX PAYMENT CLUB and intestinal poisons. To keep your- self fre« from both these common diffi- ALSO $f.M tr '••*>*** P«r«kU w**Uy. Total aiDOMt CSA b* T «fta»V*wa at asqr tlnw after ii* aKmtk* culties will help you to stay young. S% Were*! ABewW la fcoth Clubs oa $1.00 or mere. With the use of Nujol you csn do it too. For Nujol absorbs body poisons 4% 1 ECiAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS and carries them ofl,.preventing their PVSSSSM Ire* *iOO I* ttOO P. If. absorption by the body. Ntfjol also MOVIETONE SHORTS Off*! » aai directors •often* the waste natter ana briars about normal evacuation. It Is hann- »er Cut* iicWeiadi najty. - |ass; contains no drum or medicine. • Prevent fofectfyn!Trea t It won't causa gas or griping pains, or AND aaTset the jtomsch or kidneys. Every every cut, wound or Harry Consxd, us. It. Peterson, VIce-Prewdent at, W- JBeemer, Cashier corner druggist has Nujol. Make sure scratch-with this power- Ira R. Orouse, you get tn* genuine. Look for the ful ooo-potsonous anti- Nujolbottle with the label on the back 8«a«dt septic. Zonjtc actually Harry that you can read right through the kill* germs. Help' to Ira R. bottle. Don't delay, get NuJoTlodsy, FOX MOVETONE NEWS Max flleMsUBfJ '-•'*•' ' .:• «• - CARTERET


M.im.. L>.,|, .1 2,00

Kilning at 7 mnJ • (uotinuoui P«rfarm*ac« dof (THEATRE .Saturday,

*2.00 THE HOUSE or BROADWAY XELEI'HONK 1H* AMBOt Attractioru TALKIES and SOUND for One Week, Starting Tomorrow, Dec. 7 50c

One Week, Beginning Tomorrow; Dec. 7

Extra! Extra! Extra! SCORING AGAIN! JANET GfYNOR CHARltfEIMt Broadway's Biggest Stars The screen's greatest lovers in another tri-

umph! (JINN WltllAMi ALL-TALKING HEDWKAMKJilB MCOCOAHUTS Dincfd by OSCAR™MAaY Two 'lost' young lovers, HtANKBOKZAfil ALL-SINGING Alt Mki*f HmrpmHrm she was a hillside waif, mi trniUHf nmrpmrnm SHAW EATON 4 FOX MOVIETONE a Qammoura TALKING Qtdurt ALL-DANCING . he was half-a-man' no THE greatest quartet of fun- legs to stand on... so me maker* in the world! Never BO Love, the most wonderful force in screamingly funny an in "The ALL-LAUGHING this strenuous world drives two young Cocoanuta"! Two of Ziegfeld's of the wreckage of the loverB into despair. briffhtit itan with their mag- Fate brought them together nificent ninging voices and ro- World War. Hope surged —and with happiness almost mantic love-maHng! The pep- at hand, piest, prettiest chorus girls and in his breast. Love in- o ... . dreams almost dancer*! Uaxzling mutic jnd Screen's First Musical Comedy! fulfilled, came th« lyric* from kvinc BerlinrThe spired her to womanhood. rug-ing iitorm. - cream of the ihoW world—Lalk- inf, ilnfing, dancing, laughing.

ALSO Coming For One Week Beginning, Saturday, Dec. 14

The tortured cry, wrunn out of Movietone Shorts her by .her love for this man, so fas- cinating, ao irresponsible •— said he YOU MUST SEE could be the greatest reporter in the AND city if he winilcl stop drinking! -AND HEAR And now—he was accused of murder! THIS SLASHING Fox Movietone News DRAMA OF THE I HEADLINES!

ItOIIRT ARMSTRONG Coming for One Week, Beginning Dec. 14 CAKOL L0MIM» Famous Editor Slain! ALL TALKING MUSICAL HIT OF FOOTBALL St CAMPUS LIFE Star Reporter Nabbed! Rumor Huge Dope Ring "Framed" Him! Beautiful Wife Rallies Tka Molt Senutional Pic- tar* of ^•wtpaper Life EVMr Pr««i»t»d on Any to His Defense! , American Servant

i COMING ATTRACTIONS Cfet 14 to 17 "Married in Hollywood "• Broadway's Greatest Stars-Hollywood's lpM Splendor Vienna's Entrancing Mask Dec. 18 to 20 • <: • Ann Harding in "Paris Bound" 'Paris Bound" Boasta a Cast Which It Would Cost You $5.50 to, See on Broadway in the Legitimate Theatre . . . beaded by the Famous Ann Harding, Fredric March and a Brilliant arable!



diiy. Roach and Anders Randolph play im- Karthelmess proved H sensation in portant, rules. The storyy was aduptwl New Barthelmess his first audible priHliictiiiii, "Weary t thhe screen by lirudlelidl y Kiri)Kiri ' frofrm A Lull in the Fireworks Kiver," which is still l>rcakuiif records the short story by 1. A. It. WylieWli . tlirnii^liiiiit the country; then he fol- Picture Is His lowed thnt with "llrag." which proved highly popular with press and public. "V»iin(f Nowheres" is entirely in Snow Bound Sierras Third "Talkie" iliuloyuit. Frank Lloyd, who directed the first two Harthdmess talkies, Following clone upon tho heels of wielded the metaphorical megaphone Background of Fine tho tremendous success of "Weary on "Young- Nowheres." River," and "Urag" comes "Young Because of her lovely work in Nowheres," the newest First Nation- "Out of the Ruins," Marion Nixon film "High Voltage" al and Vitaphone starring produc- was awarded the role of the girl in tion for Ilk-hard Barthelmess. It "Young Nowheres," one at the most Framed in a background (if the opens at the Rahway theatre on Mon- coveted roles of the year. Bert snuw-bound Siena.1* in Californm tense drama in it^ richest form will he presented at the Kahway Theatre beginning next Thursday, when "High Voltage", William Boyd's first all dialogue production, opens a two day run. Advance reports on the picture in- tirnte that it is one of Boyd'» best, ami reviewers who have seen "High Voltage" declare that his voice adds Richard ISarthelmess and Marion Nixon in "Young; Nowhere*" at Q» immensely to the effectiveness of his Hallway Theatrt' next week. personality. "High Voltage", is the story of six iomible European resort, with the, in-j employed. Hir«ot*d human beings who face death in a n.T secret, of royal Iritrigiu- heiri* "IIIM ( tonous Night wu dl™«~ deserted meeting house, < marooned ,h..wii in a vivKl, ,jay and dashing I l>y l.i«ni-l B.rrymore fron .L Bcreen from the outside world by snow, and manner. The setting »ro spectacu. -adaptation prepared by W.llard Mack who find the real valuations of life and the beauty of romance in their 111! very fight for existence. FOLLOW THE CROWDS WEEK OF DECEMBER 8 Clara Bow's Latest

All AU Has Young Cast Talking Talking A WHALE OF A SHOW Jamea Hall, Jean Arthur and Frank ROM Among Thote In A quiet moment in the tempestuous episodes of "High Third "Talkie". Voltage," the new Pathe production starring William Boyd SUNDAY — MONDAY — Dec. 8 - 9 and featuring Carol Lombard. They are here shown with Youth ha* its fling in Clara Bow's Diane Ellin, who plays an important roll, newest all-talking picture, "The Sat-1 Y.N.J -rAt the Rahwny Theatre next Thursday and Friday. urday Night Kid", for a* usual the RVIN6 ST. I ttNTRAl AVt. HER FIRST ALL TALKING PICTURE dazzling little bon-flre from Brooklyn is supported by a cast of popular Clifornia Beach I* tion picture settings for John Gil- bert's lateit Metro-Goldwyn-Uayer young playprt. Made a Film Rivierav There an James Hall, who played aUrring vehicle, "Hi* Glorious Night" with her in "The fleet'* In"; Jean A HCtion of California beach, on a dialogue production which will open Arthur, who waa seen most recently the Pacific, was transformed into a at the Empire Theatre, Friday. LAST TIMES TODAY in "The Greene Murder Case"; Frank wat«Hng place on the Riviera, bj Much of the action of this roman- Ross, youthful young 'Long Island meana of an entire little city of mo- tic comedy drama is laid in a faah- realtor whose lingW voice won him a screen contract; Eddie Dunn, also seen with Hiss Bow in "The Fleet'* In"; Ieone Lane, Jean Harlow and mm r- o x •• others. The play was written by George EMPIRE Abbott and John V. A. Weaver, fa- KA H WAY N , «J, mous Broadway playwrights. PHOMt l» AH WAV 094 It concern* the live* of the boy* - WHERE THE SCREEN IS ALIVE" and girls who work in the tig depart- ment stores of the metropolis and it is plentifully supplied with that pic- TODAY AND TOMORROW— turesque "slanguage" known as "Am- EDDIE QUILLAN ericanese". # HIS FIRST ALL TALKING HIT! Miss Bow is the hard-working little SALLY ONIIL shop-girl, serious-minded but glowing JEANETTELOFF with "pep", who falls in love with James Hall, young clerk who is ad- vanced to an enviable position—that JOHN GILBERT of door-walker. Clara's younger lis- TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — Dec. 10 - 11 ter, Jean Arthur, observes Hairs ap- parent ability to advance to high posi- tion in the firm, and decides to win him for herself. ' HIS GLORIOUS 100% ALL TALKING COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIT! There follows a series of stirring sequences in which the love-boat The Greatest Love Story barely escapes the peril* of rocky villainies many times. But the finale NIGHT is one that satisfies the millions of TOMORROW and SUNDAY ardent Bow fans. The more mature members of the cast include Charles Sellon, the dour- faced comedian; Edna May Oliver, noted charkoter comedienne of tie stage (she most recently pjayed Par- thenia Ann Hawks in Ziegfeki's "Show Boat",) Ethel Wale* and Hy- man Meyer. Miss Wales is a screen and stage veteran. Hyman Meyer was for nine years a dialect comedian in big-time vodvil and haa been in legitimate on Broadway. "The Saturday Night Kid" come* in to the Empire Theatre for a three ANN AUCfDAV day run beginning on Sunday. PENNINCTON CATCHES RATTLERS WITH BARE HANDS -With— OM-worid Village Won't Believe It, So agaiast tk» rocka o( He Shows Them. jus, Tk* EarapMi Laura La Plante •stic Hattw ditcovari He Soto, Wls.-Barelinnded catching A GAY VIENNESE DUAL OF LOVE a in Iriad of mWod* JOSEPH OTIS ALMA of live rattlennnkra I* no trick fur Jo- la U« rbrtkm *•>« seph Wiltmu. kniAvu In tills Mlnxlxslppl >w**p of r««Him*. SCHILDKRAUT HARLAN RUBENS river vllluge UH "tlie rmtlexmike king.'' He ha* been handling the imlMinuu* A TALKIE COMEDY A VAN & SCHENCK ACT reptiles many yean, but never bat • METROTONE THURSDAY — FRIDAY — Dec 12 - 13 rattler bitten him. Wlliwn <)IM1HIIU) the forked «tk-k iith- On the stage er hunters of nilllewoike* tn Miix rm-k- SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY hlll rt'cliii, HIM* In ijikf live s(ieHiiieiin, HIS FIRST TALKING PICTURE I'lie onlliuiiy niethiKl lit tn pin ihe rut THE "IT" GIRL'S THIRD ALL-TALKING COMEDY ROMANCE Hern with M nrlcfc HIIII ihinxfer iln-in "Children of China" tn ii lii'Mvj liny. Ni. snili nlnw ulitl iiirelnl IIII-IIHHIH for I lie 'klnu ' lie Unilit M nilllfi I|WI ami renilifK in und |>lt-Kft I linn u|i 20 Children of the Orient iilmui I lie HII'IIV m> Hiioiher |icrw'ii wmilil pick up pii|i|iiei< nr klrlina Whether I hey are (tilled nr mil uuik<-* Real Chinese no dllTertmre to him. Wilson Httneru tlmr n»t .one ui llii Ihmisniiik of rMtlleMlHke* lie hni killed And Other Acts or hiken iillve tins even striM li ut him Iteeently WilMin Kate Ihe vlll.iuer^ • ileiiumstrnllitn tliul Kent clillln run MONDAY — TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Hint rtmnd a Mg den of innkpa on n rnckv iimnionlin-y Jllst bi'low the vll "D o your DATE HER la^e. lit hull tin order fnr Iliree lily "THE wreallin' at the Hinikeg Tor a Hiimeillil. wi tie led MM UP! Mine ItircHst of the den alive while SATURDAY Y. M. C. A." SATURDAY ONLY — Dec. 14 he killed Ililrpy-odi] othem nnd 'Lav* *nd FOR A HOTSY- l*<»n COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY- SHI'S. ALL TALKING MUSICAL ROMANCEI The eihlhltlon mat I

l< >vnliliilllHTS w.io liu^fiy IJ. . , iiMiiti-ii. Ullu Jt-lil i,.i t,., I,,., . , 'I'IIIIIIJ;II th« p(i|Milnll>iii of the country try |ir<>|it'i i ics ii,..i In Home i L.HCIS ile. '1'lifif me, Jiu»eier, aci-esKlhlv innnU-lpiil recrt'atlon Byntt'in luia bei'ii Cou.lnl, R«UtioiuWp CITIES EXTEND "ii^ nwlftly rii|ic«>rili':itliiK, Hit) people i Hicns oiiisldi! the city, BIK-II at ertles ill fill, 7M i.r »11i• It • hiln !.•« Hi's of ihe minim lire nu» finiriil elm iixifiiilfil us much eg !M or even 1> nncle or aunt The word "gertnao"./ In mi u^v wlii'ii work «•!!» rt'Kiiriled ae others of liiteriiii' sizes. tunes find niUFi'iiniM 'I'heie nre KCIIIK iurk. I'lioenlx, Arlt., uml coinprlBeB more here siftnlfles time the person In qu«e> PARUYSTEMS 'in' Kii|irciiiB virtue, Mule account was Kunsns t'ltv Mo., lias a rnilo ot one sliindi. Iwihhinist's nnd dnurliiK piivl oHn Is pointed to as the Tlon It from the (nine "t'crin'' or stock. or providing recrealliio grounds limn iri.UOU «re» In one property Inns. Miiuty-nllie uxihijiU-nl unrdi-n hining exiiintilo of what a city should acre of parl>e IO every urn lulinhl Many perilous erroneously K\)t»k of municipal governments had Denver own. more than IU.UOU acre* were rt'iMirted tn the nmoHiillon BUI do for the recreation of Ug people, tants; I-os An^fl'S auver the attitude ot the people ono terized not only by iprend In park ey. track and field events, volley ball inbltanta. Tlie MioneHpollt syalem la las. Fort Worth. Houston, Spokane. their municipal governments. Part areas but also by changes In park handholi and croquet. EJidow .1 BiU. lutatuiidlng not only In respect of lt» Salt Lake CItv and Springfield, Mm*,, New York.-^T"the father. 0) planning baa attracted to Itself a con runctlona. The first park planner? Tne Tom Thumb bible Is said to creage but also of types and distrlbu- hnve a nitlo nf one acre to every |(XI One great .tendency in th* growing •«r j American commanlilM applied aideratlon a* sellout al that of f>ra Ihoughl only to provide place* when be the smallest ever made. It was :too of properties, churacter of de- person* nr less. park systems, however, is noted. Thi °Ut ".elr ll.tl riding ao adequate water atipplv, and city people conM find reit and quiet printed In Aberdeen, Scotland, WTO. elopment and quality of muintenunre. prevailing tendency Is toward largi the bre th itlet that '.a their Infancy hod not Spread to Open Country. ID sylvan surrounding*, in th* tkH Thl* waa one leeb square and one- » "»< Boibe citle* with large acreage linve parks and reservations connected bj sven a public square are now heatlr One of ilie recent tendencies In tht sand court*. *nd outdoor gymnaslum> half Inch thick. It U no longer ob- ! • made the mlatake of concentrating bonlevards, wherea. ihe pressing nee Bocton. and tlarv I* for children'* playground* and tainable, A tiny Bible which la ob- most of It tn one large park 01 huve »* «i«hilrtlni the ,,1,,/a. i.. .me ?i»y arena commensurate with their to extend them Into tbe open nmntry then to provide tot active recreation neighborhood playfleld* in larger num tainable at the present time U known failed to provide In the develnuml Public .« . ,.(.<* f(ir t-e. About IIM) elite* tiaVe aoi|nli.-.| coun ban henimfi rb* main objective of mirk bera. as the Mlt* Bible and Is 1% Inches acreage facilities for vHrloue i.vpet ot •'*>. uyon oce.il,,n. H, r.i,. , ,„ by 1% Inches. itart .ml | e „„ Take an Inventory, to th. n The Krowili ot the purb movement public Din recently Deen the subject of so tmmc' P0I1H.M, |urKe, an,H, ,„ Inventory undertaken l>y tbe Play •mi In the Tlrlnitjr ,,illl (flwlw _ AlWD rom n. tthl.h tlonai 1'onrerun* on duiiloor Itecren though HittD'Ifd prt rlly fin HIP im> I :l»ii, mtivened hj President Conlldge furlng Of live „„*. tiir l.,.|,lln« oi four yeurl aga The Inventory re «„rtrmi||)| () f «»l» niHrked pruyn-M since the open iantaandY///MtWondm I'"*" **"«* " » l>l»)iMil |Mirk. *»•» >3 of the fwentleili century Up d Ui« New Vorli Time* &">2, It la MM, there waa not a sin Aftw ih« Unit of the plofteen then to municipal park. «o called, In the *«r» otter city founders who. when United States, and not a single park "*/ Pluiud .birMrW t pm ..Id, commlatlnn or commlMloner. I one !• •T«7 ,o mDy mmtret fUf ft(1(j BOD DM. Bat ifter America entered The park movement began In the •D nmwt opnn her perM of urban wo decadea after the Civil war, the playground movement following close I •Woprawit, thr iitpn of the behind, but not nntll tbe last jecadc or the last century wai the need of "Old Irontidei" to Be open apucei in orbnu centers really ROSS appreciated, In 1882 -only 100 cities Ready for Celebration were knowD to bave mad'' provision Bottoo.-The work of reconstruct for municipal parks, but ten year* lat. ing the frijite LVmaiitutlo—n at th...e. er eight times that number had done 1 THE CHRISTMAS STORE BEAUTIFUL! n»»J rird ner« it H? per cent com in. At the end ot tlie Unt quarter pl««J, according io the naral ofnrcrs of the Twentieth century tome ROLLTOP lo chart* of (he eltlea had provWeil near!* " METAL BABY- ' FURNITURE ATTRACTIVE * DOLL . acrea ot recreation spaces. In the list CARRIAGES DESKS It U Ib4 Intention of th« oomi^K WAGONS CREEPERS TEA SETS Blackboards tot In roar?* n| the n i.uil,iln» to hue twenty years ITfl ciiiet have had gen * the wooden rrljjme nnlahed bj neit erul coinprehenslve plant made, Inclnd- 10 that It can tak« no i Ing park pluna, mid In these cltie* pan In me tercentenary celebration •bout one-lifth of tlie total population 1 2.98 10.98 of the United State* lives. Three nun 1.98 of the founding of Mniaacbuietii Baj 1.69 3.98 5.98 ml wirker turrt- rumplfX with iwlr.l eolouj. dred and ninety cities bsve appointed rhalr MHIIO >>r linril oak 1* A sturdy m«»tnl wn(fon. With rubber whe^ll and Include* t*bl* and two Wrongly m»iie hl»rk- Si.ntt lmvt> RUKU Tii* larjer part «f tha dull of "Old planning hoards, ami R2S have lonlng • nnt In re gan port pinnuing ahiirily after IBTiU. i 2.23 1.00 1.59 construction work on tbe old frlgute but none hut ever quite canght up 5.00 1.00 7.48 with it* nerd*, i'hllndelpbla Is beld A finely nm(I*1 H« « J^H'luileH IlllKPH. ^ In. lii'lei ( haracur doll* Fur I'hllilrrn to < yean lo huve made the twst allowing or the Durfun train. I'omplett with ruhl.er m»ttl" Ktrert earn, bHttl IIH well an mam* do|l», 'if «K<- Other autoH Ohio Clerk, on Bicycle, with track. Lionel and bottom tn prfvcnl iruckd itn-l IMIH fHH- three. With a population of nearly Home are completely prii'ed proporllonatt'ly American flyer tfBinn ii\ng The hli-Hl Klf tht- 2,UUU.UU>, It tin* almost 8,000 acres ID (lrf>«tifb Mooney, a Hera, ttarte<1 •tsteru of open spaces, accessible by I all when he rule a bicycle around <>m SANTA CLAUS automobile and trolley, will eventual- Get a "Mysterio" atreet Intersection 8UU llroei am ly make up for tbla scarcity within claimed • world's rhamplonthlp. will be here Saturday to gr.et every little !>oy and Ihe city. The development of the grout I And J«"t what I" n my.t.rlo. All w« can tell you l» mil. He «•«!»» lo welcome all ot ran In TOYLANIX To rapture tliii title tbe cyrllttt C.rfik county forest preserve, Bl.tKKI that It In u >uf]"!iF parkafe rontalnlnf a dellKht- llt> linn uiilfiiilie.l xelccllonii for lli« rhll.lren to must go In a circle at all tlmea; muii acre*. Is pronounced by lbs report to ful aurprlwf fur every boy and girl. 8«parat« pacK- rhiiiiae from Our arrotiil flour . huckeil full of keep going In one direction; mutt am ticwd whut ba* been done In any cftj a(« for inr iioyi and clrt>. Itc and 60c .ach. A rest, ax] muit be <« a atreet Inter in ttie world In recent times. tr*.t in tIJiillF. rOR IvBRT CHILD. section. Froni 188U to IU20 the park acreage 97 to 105 Smith St., Perth Ambpy. N J. of New York Increased all times — PIMM mention tbi» pu*r to a4- while the population tripled, but New Tnri'i in KHI a<-n>ft are held lo h«- in-I vertiamr*; It help. yoO, it help* them It hetpa yoDr paper — iMi sm IJMIMI Ml IM Ml IA1 IfUH

To Serve the Men of RARITAN TRUST COMPANY CARTERET Christmas Club Now Open The easiest way to accumulate money for Christmas In a Bigger and Better Way next year, or for any other purpose, is by joining one A NEW STORE or more of the following clubs: ' De osit 25 At an Old Location 25 - P cents each week. Amounts to De osit 50cent s each week Amount810 The high character merchandise found at L. Brieg* 4 Class 50 ~ P Sons Inc. heretofore is unchanged but it is now present- $ ed in s> infinitely mpre attractive atmosphere. Floor 1 QQ-Deposit $1.00 each week. Amounts to

space has been increased and the interior completely De O8it 2 00 each week Amounts t0 redecorated. New clothing and furnishing cades, new Class 200- P * ' ' i lighting effects and the beautiful beamed ceilings cany De 08it 3 each week Amounts t0 out a decoraiive scheme found in Quaint Old England - Class 300 P * -°° ' . perfect setting for Winder Hall where we feature col- lege cloihes. You too will share our enthusiasm when 08 500 each weA AB0Unts t0 you see our new store. Class 500 ^P * * - Pennies or Dollars fill Make You a Member. IO%1HSCOUNT NO DUES! NO FINES! is extended to all purchasers on Friday JOIN NOW! the 6th and Saturday the TthoruY RARITAN TRUST CC BRIEGS 107 SMITH STREET MM SMITH ST" COR. KING PERTH AMBOY Branch Bank-167 Hall Avenue i|i TAILORS - CLOTHIBHS - HABERDASHEte ^ •• MEMBER FEDKIIAL RKSKRVK SYSTtM


• estate men imd bankers, who are Diiput* Over r"»inciu» Map I'VlT. urer, William Allt,'iiir; Ki-rritary, An ment Saturday decluri'd ho was cur- tain that the Mid-State Title and lu-iiininently nlentitied with business The ellsteiirr of Ilic urlijluiil Toa- The Mid-SUt« Titlu and Mortgage (hew Ktrkpati uk, and CUIIIIM-I, Louis iiiriiirs in Middlesex County. Mid-State Title and Mortgage Guaranty Company is a member of I,. IlcndliT. Mortjruifi' guaranty. Coni|itt!iy will of- canelll rmip Hint ('nliuiilius ugod dur- fer facilities ami service to the public "Mayor Charles II. Fetterly, of tho State Title Association and the Directors are: l>r ,IHCO1> (i. Lip- Hound Hrook, is also u member of the ing his voyage is doubted at the prev- American Title Association. In the man, Dean of the College of Agricul- Unit will l)i' in every respect ei|ual to ent time. Koine authorities claim that that of iin.v company in the ntute, Hoard of Directors and it is contem- Co. Has Well Known Directors conduct of its business, the most ture of Kutgers University; Mayor men a map was never given to Colnm- modern policy as formulated by theCharles H. Fitterly, of Bound Iirortk; i "1 feel that the establishment of plated to carry our • business Into | the Mid-State Title and Mortgage Somerset and Union counties in the buj. Harold G. Hoffman President Of N*-w Corporation Which American Title Association, will be Joseph M. IVrrine, of Jamesburg; 1 followed. William A. Hyan, of Wood bridge; Al- Guaranty Company offers an excel- near future. Started Business This W«H-k — F.mil Streinlau Of Plans are now ready to open a bert Hanauer, of New Brunswick; lent opportunity to the public to ob- "The officers and members of the C«rteret Is Member Of Board Of Director*. branch office in Perth Amboy In th« May«r George W. Harris, of Middle- , tain specialized title and mortgage board of directors of the Mid-State DUt RuU near future. sex Borough; Attorney David T. Wil-service. Title and Mortgage Guaranty Com- An ancient Greek role of diet waj entt, of Perth Amboy; Attorney Emil j| "The bourd of directors of the pany are anticipating a successful The Mid-State Title and Mortgage Besides Congressman Harold G. thla: Thin people should Uke llttl* Hoffman, who is president of the Stremlau, of Carteret; Edwin G. Fra- company is composed of men prom- career for the new firm." food and It should he fat; fat peo- Guaranty Company began business at ser, Morris Goldfarb and Harris Edel- Adolph Hanauer 1B business man- company, other officers are; inent in business. Every section of ple should tnke much food and It temporary headquarters in the Citi- stein, of Perth Amboy. the county it represent**, the direct- ager of the n«w company. He is well Vice-Prealdrat, Joseph Fertig;' shoald be lean. zen's National Bank building in New Vice-President, Abel Hansen; Treas-' Congressman Hoffman in a state- ors being business men, lawyers, real known throughout the county. Brunswick this week. This new cor- poration hat) Harold G. Hoffman, Vioe-preaJdent and treasurer of the South Amboy Trust Company ns its president. Emil Stremlau, Counsel for tin- Borough of Carteret, and vice-presi dent of the Carteret Trust Company has been named a member of the board of directors. EXCEPTIOIVAI It is planned to establish a larg« efflce in a prominent location with- in a short time, the temporary head- quarters being in the offices of Attor- ney Louis L. Ilendler. That the Mid-State Title and Mort- gage Guaranty Company will become one of the most outstanding of its kind in New Jersey, is assured with the existence of a board of directors who are leading citizens in their re- How to Reduce Made possible fry the Varicose Veins HAROLD C. HOFFMAN President of Mid-State Co. greatest cash food Sab Gently and Upward Toward the spective communities. Heart a* Blood la Veins Rows The company is organized undei business 4* the world That Way the insurance laws of New Jersej "WHIM ECONOMY RUliS and will operate under the supervi- sion of the Department of Banking AftP leads in offering to the Mhlio the lowoM GREAT Many people have become despon- and Insurance. possible prices oa food*. It lead* at th« world's dent because they have btcn led to b«- Chartered by the State to guaran- greatest cash boafauafc, AftP bays lor caeh and tim that tttm ii M r«Mdy that will ty an4 insure real estate titUt, lean reduce swollen veins and bunchei. money secured by first mortgage'and sell* for oaih, liMhflMt tfintaatM cnMttt lossw sell participation bonds to theTnveat, which are so cortly to "charm atoma," Became of DECEMBER If you will get a Ywo-ounce original ing public in denominations of $60 bottle of MOQM'S Eaurald Oil (full and up, both interest at 5 % per cent the choice qualityof a|L AftP foods, and the OO&P atrcngth) at any firtt-clau drug store and principal of the bonds guaran- •pienoosly lower priow, AftP snppUee tho daily Watah far A ftFs weekly and apply it night and morning as di- teed by the company, the Mid-State aHoaacesneBtt, they rected you will quickly notice an im- Title and Mortgage Guaranty Com- needs of over 5,000(000 coatoifMm. TUt vaat pat- FOOD provement which will continue until the pany has a wide field in which to con ronage is a reflection «l die good wfll aeoordad to veins and bunches arc reduced to duct its busineas. AftP stores everywhere. It has enabled thla great normal. It is generally agreed that the pres end time is most opportune for th< food service to bavin enormous quantities... Bake Indeed, to powerful is Emerald Oil company to begin business. The real quick turn-overs of all stocks and offer greater that old chronic sore* and ulcers are estate market fi more stable at pres- §ALE eften entirely healed and anyone who ent than at any time in the past few value for your food dollar. is disappointed with its UK can have years. Citizens seeking safe invest- their money refunded. ments are now more numerous than CAMPBELL'S SOUP "SOP 8 «« 98c ETEBT-DAT HEEDS ALWAYS LOW PBICED QTJ AKERor^IOTHEB'SOATS SP^MC Those are not special prieest These items indicate tho regular values you will find every day at all A ft P Food FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! Stores.

SIWN1 FIELD-FBfiSH 6ANKA GOFFER ft. tin 65c SALAD A, WHITE BOSK, f W 1b, pkg 28e PRINT BUTTER * liPTOmTVILErmAS IV4 Ik pk]. 45e That Make Selections As SAME PRICE AS TOT. WUTLY PACXKD IK 4 mDlTIDCAL V4»> P1CEACI8 NECTABTBAS . . . 29c Simple As ABC AftP OONDKNSBD MILK S es» 28e MINVrE TAPIOCA ..... pki lie BEL MONTE SPINACH 9 ^ KNOX GELATINE ...... pk|. 19C Now the happy whirl of Christmas shopping begins. 8IMl|OPrSABBOWBOOTDE98EBTpk|. 10c Somehow its just about the happiest shopping time VAN CAMP'S &o15 BEAHS 9'«. 31c of the year. It need not cause any anxiety .... for ROYAL BAKING POWDBB you will find gifts in goodly abundance here. GBBMAM SWUT CHOCOLATE eafce «e BAKJDT8 PREMIUM CHOCOLATE Gifts of unusual feminine charm . . . \ Gift* that COFFEE PRICES DO WI AGAIN men like .... Gifts for the h,ome .... Gifts for the Again AftP leads the way to MW lew seise prises ,, . the QUAKEB MAID CHILI SAUCE large hot 19e boys and girls of all ages. Including wee little tots second daw within a tnsatli that A4Fs tone nadoaallT kaewa enjoying1 their first Christmas. bnnds'of eoflse have bsea drssdeaUv ndoesd. Danydelivsrfes LEA * PERKINS SAUCE . . . . hot t8e are made to all diAribntinc potato In the Metmpelitaa ana... as- surine TOO of frc«b-rout«d aelidouilr flavond eoftae st fill thnes. HETNZ CHILI SAUCE. . . large hot JSe Pt/BE MAPLE SYBUP-AftPBrsnd Jmg Ue Toytown .... the most wonderful spot in the entire store. Just brim full of toys of every description. EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE BftOMOLAMES eaa 18e To make little boys and girls happy on Christmas MUFFBT8 S pkp. tie morn, Tie world's mott peralar eoflse ..p sold than any otU &mi Formor prio» M« . . . BXLLOGCS MUMBLES or RICE Now ...... ponai K^|apty« pig, u* Yes your git problems become as simple as A-B-C POST BBAK FLAKES .... pha> lie when you shop at RED CIRCLE COFFEE MKLLOWHE4T pa* lSe Wonderfully MtfaJving to those who like s rich, full* AftPAMMOldSckarorOeodxhrgshet 19e flavond coffee. Former price 87o...New...poinid OCTAGON LAUNDRY SOAP I bmlh Reynolds Brothers BOKAR COFFEE FAIRY SOAP a eakss 9e CHD78O or IVORY SOAP HAKES PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY Commander Bvrd's Antaretio Expedition radioed 11,000 mile* lor more Bokar. Former price 43e.. . Urge ptttle Now pound On SELOX pkfr lie 20-MULE TEAM BORAX .... pkg. 14e CLOROX hot SOo The Perth Ainhoy Savings Institution DEL MOWTE PINEAPPLE cnmnD «» 19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER . . » osns lSe NOXON POLISH ttptcsaSOe SUNNYFIELDBit 1ONSE» kUb-pk* 19c PACIFIC PAPER roll So

tl ICLsL»O ALL FXAVOES C e O 3 P^p- 9OC CHOICE CUTS OF QUALITY HEATS MUELLER'S Whatever your needs in choice, freah meats . .. thop today at the nesmt AftP Market. Hero you'll find the FLOUR CS . choicest cats of meat... fowl snd nab ... at amazingly low prices. A«P Markets arc modern and up-to-date Sr \ \V1 1 i;iJ> FLOUR »»n,. lag 89c and located conveni ily to every neighborhood. Shop there and save today I thf quarter September 1 to November 30, . ' intarwt at the rate of SPECIAL! WIlITEHOIJgJE 5% jper annum LOINS OF EVAPORATED MILK •BOLB ? ^ ,WM credited to depositor*. PORK wHALP Otaf JfiWataaas Club members who have paid 3 tall csns in foil •!*» receive interest. FANCY MHXPED CIGARETTES ROASTING CHICKENS He Perth Amboy CAMKLS, OLD COLTS, CHiaTMfllLIXI M PIEDMONT! a, 31c


ROYAL €© STMAS WPTO-« i FLAN *.»* *•©©. QUALITY - BEAUTY - USEFULNESS are exemplified in GIFT! The spirit of Yttletide is fully expressed in the remarkable values that Royal b featuring to help you solve your Chris!mas ntft problems. And besidti, A RMlAR NEW PAYMENT PI AN which features I.' months in which to p*y for toy Of your purch»ir • $1 flown up to fir*> mi v.,ni |nm.has«» and your regutl nentt lUrt in January. ROTNENTS SUKT IN J4NUAKV

Ring O' Romance The Gift Supreme "The Modernist" DIAMONDS BLUE WHITE VALUE $75 $150 $45 Tralr. • raiMrkabl* fid for "har." A fct Tkra* b**alttii] blua-wnlta Diamond, in 4od anrravad mounting, Buparblr TIM mn—l Map** annum et'toU t« aaJM ttflri i)iamond Rlftf at Ihli araaalnf prto*, i.maatsclr baautltul. U-kt wkiu told M with a tint, laf|« «uBtr PAY NEXT YfAR ft* DUraoad. la MONTHS TO PAY J It A WEEK MONTHS Perfect Remembrance Famous 17 Jewel The Gift for "Him" 15 JEWELS ILLINOIS BULOVA vTO PAY ,i $37.50 $50 $37.50 X T«7 dalntf wkIM fold flUxi cut 1S- A Rationally famoua IT J»wi!«l movcm«nt Anothtf unuaua! valual A radium

Bridal Chest COMMUNITY $36.25 Tha parfaat MrvlM for your "homa." Bi- qulilulr »mr»v»d la nawaat pitlirna. Com- »!•!• for ali. THE PERFECT GIFT

FITTED CASES SOLID GOLD CASE MANTEL CLOCK HOLLOW WARE $25 $25 $15.75 An Ideal fift for tht travtltnf won Vary IOTIIT, ractantular ihap* I.ailjaa' An i-dar. mfchoranr flnlihad. tatubov $2.50 up «len lovely Ivorr plto**. Compltt*. Javalad and (uaranteeil Wrlit Walch. With hapad Mantil Clock. Tha parfect (Ift tor bruaUt. PAY NEXT YEAR A oomplat* ahowlni of Hollowarc In- 12 MONTHS TO PAY eluding Snlr«o Dlihn, Caka Plata*. Caa- m BUY NOW dlaallcka. Salt and Tepprr Shakan, It a.

RINGS FOR MEN FOR "HIM"—TIE PINS BAR PINS Engraved ELGIN $12.50 up PEARLS $22.50 up A very rartail and contplet* shtrwlnj of $49.50 OUTFIT tbWfl abd I&'HAB1 Htnffl. At prlca lo aolve Tba gift auprume. A Ith

RINGS FOR LADIES INITIA 17-JEWEL ILLINOIS J, _ -^ rmp A •[vai'lnl IIIIIWIIIB ,f inni'i At •% r\ T P Kur "him" « thin mn,l«l At *\f* T* fk l'.lft lllnn V.rr Uta.l blrthitona •«(- 1 1 Ilrifa llmrlal ' $19-75 is.^^.M^ ;: -^!: $18-75 A YFAIt TO PAY 12 MONTHS TO PAT*Y " UP «old ^ _ T * v 111" A YEAH TO F'AY Perfect for "Her" Famous Wm. Rogers IVORY WARE SILVERPLATE $29.50 Cicapttonal both In quality nmi il«l((il $17 L*t*it 10 piece r*arlton« I'iff*'r Hil. In nftnr colors. A conipKt* BMVII'I for «li: mo'1«l«'l h ID modern pattern, rl»ie with trar> $1 AfcWEEK 50a A WEEK IMAHOND 12/ BKOAO OPEN EVERY EVENING


Alflai: i iL_,«i(\ 'I.''.'.) . ., J CARTERET PRESS FACE TWO SECTION TWO FRIDAY, DECEMBER fi, 1929' Vll IMAM By CEN£ CARK By RING LARDNER, O VOU KNOW ME, AL Keefe Wants To Warn Him weLI, i « SHET A P(?errv ei Q ^D THEV

A, jack wUck aial M cbug> « «* «M t^M. Mn. •b'f •»< • bi! idH .bout mrta* kir lite Cora to rail u. MKI I «m to wk KJ LHWM$ 1(A- WMoSm D^M to MH •» •»»» witfi w at th. •• In, I IMI «• yk» ii lor •• to wak oat UH> k«* tfc. ii • ""•* iliifi H In ti *•• Mr*W» «*

••T ^^T' *"" """J" *• lii *•> tw. m tbrm Ml lk> k.1 —"7 H—I Bkdl kM—

1 ara> % I lamlim LV SI 30 m { J&S* m •I ', GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES Not The Highland Fling, However! By ANTTA LOOS 1 mm® I |£WOS» 1n? 4J /VOU MUST B» \ I A SCOTCH- ] fm > v 1 V ' TbeOaicdevil Helpful Hints to Motorists HIVtK AHttUt WITH A MOTOR WM(.M HI iron YOU, RIHeMttER TH6V /IRG ONLY HIIMQ AND VOU Wilt MBt AlUCM BITTIR, IP VOU »Pt*K PLIAS4NTLY.

RECLAJt FELLERS Im't Puddmhead Selfish? By GENE BYRNES



fllfST TIM€ fM - I'LI. kisa rty. •ELF

«CH£ S A Mice, ooi cr He—1 hear you threw young Smith, "Wlnit did Jock incao when he told tbe dentlit, over. you he and I were engaged tenta- She—I ahonld lay ao. Ha wanted tively?" Well—he laid, If be married'you to glv* me sm Iwforektaalng me. on hla salary you'd bave to lire ID a tent"



FINNEY OF THE FORCE No Miracle Man He—Sties so delightfully old tim« and sensible In her dreaa, •'' 8he—Yes, she was a complete faii- UTVaUflfXQ&Tfi ure 111 the modern rig. Mfc.PoCToC UtelBUMTCS/- ALWAYS DOWN

Customer-Well. Woiri tuatneab in feathers nowT HeW««K*p.W•*»#««• THE FEATHERHEADS Denler—No, my A Tough Game on the down. irieaAMC TtUOKMSM iWWAMDLOi UtMCXtt-IMI taiMUTU» •ffMWBACK CARTERET PBESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1929 «. KEMT OUR CHALLENGE OUR We claim and are ready !t CHALLENGE to prove We claim and are ready ATWATER KENT to prove Gives more for your money ATWATER KENT \ than any other Radio Gives more for your money At any Price than any other Radio At any Price

Cv ere it is •• ^^W^^^ \ ^ ••• the greatest set ever offered to the public Improved 0

In Cabinet SCREEN-GRID (Illufttrated) AQ.00

I ^^ ^ Lew Tubes


••,-••;.-. j v ,-..._ . • , , • , _ . . •;, [ERE is t&e radio that outpettorms the Atwater Kent Screen Grid? Where can you find truer, richer tone rOr more power? Or greater distance? Or sharper separation of stations? Or faster or more accurate operatio Where is the radio with better engineering-finer, workmanship—more careful testing? Of with the same rock bed reputation for dependability?

What other radio gives you all this—or anything like li—at such a price? %1 A host of owners tell us: "There isn't any other." Atwater Kent alone offers unsurpassed perforndance plus de ability, plus your choice of beautiful furniture, plus moderate price. For only Atwater Kent-with the largest and radio factory in the world—has the facilities—apd the demand—that make such value possible! Come-today! •

Almost Three Million Atwater Kent Radios have been sold already WATCH-The Others Come to SCREEN GRID BOWERS MUSIC HOUSE JAMES MCCOLLUM Tel. 1245 86 Imfe-^reet Tel. 994 Rahway, N. J. 129 Irving Street ' • ."£« CARTERIT PRESS tAGE P< FHIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 New: f the World Told in Pictur- World's Ugliest Man Revolutionists Beware U. S. Engineers Did It

Pound—the world* uglleit man. He li Frank Jarllla, who U Mvtn fee: four Inches tall, weight 260 pound) and boasts of having the largest feet and hands of an; human on tarth. Htlii product of AUentown, SNAPPED AT ATHENS, GREECE—A »lew of the (treat dam and reserve*, built at Marathon by Pi, and U shown receiving a manicure. American engineers, on the day or the Inauguration Greek and American flags arc ihown flying. ThU reservoir will furnish water to the city of Athens. All Conveniences The Elegant Eighties A r MEXICO CITY-Fortes Oil, President ot Mexico, dlsp'ays his skill with the pistol at a nearby rifle range where officers attached to the Presidential guard hold their practice.

The Nobel literature and chemistry prizes have been awarded Dy Ideel Ford's yacht Blalii as she slid off the ways at the shlpyarda. the Swedish Academy to Thomas Mann, one of the most eminent Oer- fib* ra ehrUWned by Mrs Joseph McDonald The yacht U equipped miln writers, and to Hans Euler, a German professor at the University SNAPPED AT NEW YORK -Rare old honetoM carriages, driven by lo&a In to* „ Of the Unit, wttb. every modern devtee for comfort and safety The craft cart about of Stockholm. The latter shares his prize with Dr. Arthur Harden of entering City Hall Park during the golden anniversary pageant and amfrulanoa parade, taMfurmted £00,000, la motor driven and has accommodations (or Iwtnty-elfbt par- London, the 11,000,000 campaign for the United HoiptUI fund. mi In addition ifi tbt ertw. How to Keep From Growing Old Pal Seeks Lost Flyer Refugee

Princess Schathoriky, a well known Russian refugee, now real- SNAPPED AT LOB ANGELES oigu Celeste, .Swedish wild animal trainer, and her leopards. The dent In Park, who runt a tourist animals, who are her guests lor the afternoon, HIP neither old nor toothless, and, as any animal trainer will tell you, a leopard when hungry is not an ideal playmate. Miss Celeste feeds them three time* a day i agency for the smart set and from * platter in her hand. J Vhoae tomawbat novel enterpriae Jo» OroMon, Hying companion of Carl Ben Kie son «h<> w l»,t t, •> • , *ui attracted a good deal at pub- r , tnctor oMd at thth e auporrt t in l3omel3 . Ala.ka. t.ov,,,,, „ aiding m ,»„. , ,'„,,,;,'; ; t!t!^^ lib attention. j Training for Student Pilots Mexican Children Want Prohibitiion Appointed

Ellen Wilkinson, member of Parliament, prophe«Ie» that In the very near future Great Brit- ain will have a woman Prime Minister. Britain, according to Mr*. Wilkinson, would welcome a woman Prime Minister with open 1 lit taofar anttdway fiune tries his hand at this novel student pilot trainer. As the student arms. mam IliTKSS tVftP* doM exactly what a real one would do, even to landing and taking off. ssss CARTERET PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 I'Wo PAGE FIT1 "TELEPHONE CITY SLAT'S DIARY NEW JERSEY'' BY KoSS \- Kri Teuraady—Want to a chirch sup- per at the church tonite. It seems like aa if tbeaa bare chirch auppara NEW JERSEY all ways cornea on a nite they is to Cold motor and a cold morning . . . but quic\ as be a swell pitcher show to be jrtoen BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY at the pitcher show. Pa went to sleep wile we waa at chirch and hen they «tart«d playinf th# pea no the preech- ers wife taps him on the sholder to lightning new-processed Standard" starts the engine ask for aunt munay for the mishin- arys and pa jwapad up and sed O is this are dance. throbbing, Quic\ too, on the pickup. Quici^with power. Wednesday—The teecher sat us } Painless Extraction what was .a iMfcr^Jake wd it was h 1 animal wflcb uv*s In the Zoo arid living I Dr. Mallas "Sweet- Blisters Bed it was a tagger with spots Air" method meana on his body. Well I am glad I diddent a scientific and pain- half to answer for I was not sure. leaa way in which Thirsday—1 am offry sorry that to do extracting. the Civil war elided when it did be- A real higK-tcst gasoline, new-processed, is CHRISTMAS TREES! Thousands can tes- jwrae when I put it down on Xamin- n tify to this. Charg- ashun paper hia morning I sed it wag es moderate for all in Fourteen 92. Hebby I am rong but sold at all "Standard" Service Stations and Potted in Red Painted Tubs, attractive for dental work. I feel sure slm thing happened that \ Parlor or Table use. 1 year so she oughent to call it rong all Dealers—at absolutely no advr.nce in price. Fillinga, Bridges and Crowns togather. Place your order Now for Christmas Inserted Most Painless \ — ^ MADE BY tllE REFINERS OF ESSO- THE LEADING PREMIUM CU» Grew Slowlj JJ MOTOR FUEL -STANDARD OIL COMPANY Ut> NEW JERSEY Delivery X-RAY YOUR TEETH from two to four years are required for to grow to edible «!ze. The Thea« ar* real plants and c«n be used again. Plant them i FREE EXAMINATION exact time depend* on food conditions. out after the holiday*. Orders muat be placed early. ADVICE ANYTIME temperature of the water and climate. NEW-PROCESSED H1GU-TIIT Caah with order or C. O. D. See* Me Firat! Some clams living under Id pa", condl dona become edible ID a year's time.— Norway Sprue* in Red Tuba at Following Price*: What I Have Boston Herald. 1 —11 ft. in S in. tuba at $1.50 to Offer U—2 ft. in 9 in. tuba at $2.00 Our well appointed and thorough- ly modern offices enable us to per- 2J—3 ft. in Hi in. tuba at $3.00 form any kind of dental work 3|—4 ft. in HI in. tuba at $4.00 with ease and comfort to the pa- RABIN0W1TZ HARDWARE We Sell the Complete Hint tient and at the same time do it "Ii It's Hardware, We Have It!" For your Spring Planting writ* for our 1930 Catalogue as quickly as Is consistent with Johns -Manvillc Shingles 1 good work. Full Lin* of i oAsphalt mnd c4sb«stos |» I HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES PLAINF1ELD NURSERY, INC. Dr. Mallas HOUSE FURNISHINGS Scotch Plain* New Jersey 72 BROAD ST., C. E. B0IN COMPANY I 553-655 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N J (567 Roosevelt Ave. CARTERET, N. J. Tel. Fanwood 7272 EUiftbeth, N. J. i » A. M. -• 6 P. M. Tel. Carteret 812 and 1018 \ Tel. Carteret 1859 Moafey, W*4. «nd Fri. till a P. M. OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB -- PLUS« IS NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERS The Perth Amboy Trust Company Announces the openinp g of its 1930 Christmas Club. It's the same old reliable club that has served thousands of members, plus addedddd ffeatur e thah t shoulhldd givi e every one jiinjoiningg a real thrillthrill. | Introducing the JOIN ONE OR MORE CLUBS "GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN'EGG" 1 To a more widespread interest In our Christmas Club We Are Featuring Come In and See the The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg You mW p«y J» cent. • week for fifty weeks and $1150 $100 in Cash Prizes^-you have 10 Chances to win. nc*lv« V j Golden Egg The GoldVn Egg is on display in our Bank. It contains $100 in cash. You m»y piy M cent. • week to fifty week, and $25.00 It is locked. The holders of the floret 10 keys that open it will share receive - - ~ ' "" in the prizes. If you would like to be one of the fortunate one8 wbo will participate in the distribution of these cash prizes, come into You may pay $1.00 a wwk tor fifty week, and $50.00 our office and join our Christmas Club today. • , WMk for (Mtj For Each Member You Bring to the Bank You Will Y^u may PW !»•• • I. $100.00 receive " "'"" Join Our Christmas Receive an Additional Key, Thereby Greatly § You may pay W-00 a week for fifty weeks and $250.00 1 Increasing Your Chances to Win receive """" "' On July 15th, 1930, if your Christmas Club payments are VipA date, you may come to our office with your k«y, and perhapsf You may pay $10.00 a week for fifty weeks and Club and Receive T! E T $500.00 will be one of the first 10 member^ to open the Golden "- * - taining $100 IN CASH. You may pay 50 cent« the flrrt week, decreasing » y $12.75 IT WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: 7J cent EX we ek for fifty, week* and rece.ve -. Your Key The first one to open the Gold- The third and fourth You may pay $1.00 the flrat week, decreasing 2 $25.50 en Egg will (POA AA each receive ...... cenU^ach week for fifty week, and rece.ve receive «p»)U.VU You mav pay 5 cents the flirt week, increasing 5 $63.75 The second one OA AA The next six will cente™"chPweek for fifty week* and rece.ve ^ Members of This Christmas Club will receive LvAJv each receive You may pay $2.50 the flrtt week, decreasing 6 Remember—It doesn't cost a penny to enter the contest < $63.75 You Don't have to buy anything. cent8S week for fifty week* and rece.ve ^ Have An Opportunity To Re- Everyone joining our Christmas Club will have an You may pay 10 cents the flrrt week, increasing 10 $127.50 equal opportunity of winning the prizes. No one connee cents eachPweek for fifty weeks and rece.ve cetve More Than "Interest" this bank will be allowed to participate. The names of all You may pay $5.00 the first week, decreasing 10 $127.50 winners will be posted in our lobby. cents^ach wiek for fifty weeks and receive PERTH AMBOY TRUST CO. 147 SMITH STREET Member Fedt Member Federal Reserve Syi Resem^System Amboy Avenue Branch. Compton and Amboy Avenues CARTEBET PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1920 New; »f the World Told in Pict

The World's Highest Kingdom Last Honors to Official Sinclair Free

The titular King of Ladakh, the highest kingdom In th WV '1, funeral prorcsslon of the late Secretary n.' w.ii Jnincs W

KNAPPED AT NEW YORK Don't run! This is a pet and there- SNAPPED AT NEW YORK-Left to rixht: Adolph 8. ochs, pubiuher. John D. Rockefeller Ji . .«i,nor fcirr wel! bcliavi'd skunk exhibited by Miss Ida Howard at the first A scene at the Temple of Delr el Bahrl. near Thebes, In E|/pt, P. Lores, railroad magnate, Otto H. Kahn, Cass ailbcrt. f:h«rles T (iwyraie, Vice l'retldent. lit the 161st an- where an expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art has Just un- Natliinu] Pet Show here, i nual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce cf the State of New York. f- - ea.thed the 1^00-year-old tomb of the Egyptian Queen Merjel Amun. Graduating Exercises After Visiting the Tomb Wears Her Fortune

SNAPPED AT MALDEN, MASS.—America•» gicatfst religious pllKrlmage continue* to grow as addi- SNAPPED AT NEW YORK ~Ul ht: Retir Admiral Louis It de tional thousands, seeker* of miraculous cures, seek the grave of Rev. Pntrlck J. Power, a Catholic prieat, K Thlf nmtron from Udakh, In Ivwer Thibet, wears th« dowry, Etsgu.r, United States Navy. Commandant of the Third Naval District, buried fifty year* ago. Above I* shown the church chapel where thousand* pray dally after vUltlng tn* which U her fortune, rough turqiiotsei »ewn on heavy red tllk. Ladmih pxwtmJnf a diploma to tin- (list honor graduate In the deck depart torn*. l» one of the few place* In the world where women may nave u many ment of the New York State Merchant Marine Academy, Edward Prank hiubands as they like. Jin Outer of New York. A Berlin Accident For Our Sea Police Prophesies Picturesque

Dame Herlel Tnlbot, lntplll KPiice officer of the Overman HP|- Marie Lerelybudy. daughter of rk« itMCfc, UTWlt and Itoetert Ship ever built for Uncle Sam's S»B tlcment Department of the Enn- Hungary, best known oonoert police, launched icSiUMd, 0*1. ,W» Is the first of a Meet of four sin«er, |n the unlform of ^ SNAPPED AT BERLIN—Police taking awny an injured man, while the excited and curlom crowd looks llsh Oovernment, who has ju.u been appointed a member of the ofTlcrr of the Blue Kuwaw. who »l,0O0,n00 Ooart dtti)rt OUtterl W»W Wm built. Elaborate ceremonies on after a street car accident In Potsdnnier plats here. * were such a picturesque feature marked Utt Advisory Board of the Ministry of Bnrt»~,.. „ of Agriculture. u/e hur)dfw) yeMi CARTERET PRRSS

Governor and Staff To FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 SECTION TWO PAGE SRVlfirf Attend State Charity Ball tend with his military stuff anil load ththe C Vacation Needed, New Jersey^ SWl. .^ ''•''' So? VIl "I ^Stacy-Tren^""t n Knuni march with Mrs. MfCutrhemi Many \\nnn-n jiri iiniiifht Mtruilly ,s »!„, ,,„ f,,r „ ,.,,,,,., 0(in I'.. imToMen6.*v"* [ OMCiiy'TuriHtroiicssi'h. FAMILY SEEN BY •l>»l, •, it,,, miifr, -,,111 rt,turI1 n||ire lN ! vnse. Wlini lln- i..,t.,ni. tmnli-na ih- • I..,H,I- ,.r .:„•,,,[" I i,">""wMch'"'^'^ 1 IP ""' '""II- | Onvn..,. l'olitiriiuiji arnl nil'ict* hnldt-rs wrr HH ' '"'r l»T8tiii.l.Ml of Hie net-il of VHH« will lii,III niiler il\'i'li It,.- I "I ... Ill,,m an F. Laracm will at KiKt.in,^ jn the Mii-ri'ss of tin' affair. » ^I,,III..II «wav fram Hi,, children RIDE ON SUNDAY »hidi Is KoineililiiK p.lnt'ii. Fathers -/.r<".3Bj IS ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ "•111 turn- BiitlslUd Hi,, yearning to eee mi.re of their i-liiWien. [f they are Start Soon After Dinner as the wrong sort of fathers, (hey may even ponder the adummseS to be de- I THE PERTH AMBOY I Possible to Avoid Large rived If -taking the fimiily fer a ride' This Compact Machine had something of Hit. meaning It has Crowd. among gangsters In Chicago." For those men wno conijiluin that j GAS LIGHT COMPANY j Will Do Your they gee loo little of their rmnllleH. • Sunday afieruotin motor rlile Is }Im Motorist Should Think Washing Hi* thkiu, according to Fruncls F. Before Leaving Trash • 2066 SMITH STREET • Metros, writing In the Household Mag- No motorist would think of clatter- azine. They will never complain ing up bis front IBWL with empty and IgBlD. :ans, wrapping paper and bits of gar- "The object, of tours*." write, uT bage, yet that it exactly what son* j Heating and Cooking Appliances J Belrue, "I* u> start U icon after car owners do when they visit camp- Ironing dinner a* possible In order to get ing or picnic grounds, points oat ahead of the crowd, but as eiery one Charles M. Bay**, president of the Ruud Automatic and Storage I hat toe same object In view, the :lilcaco Motor dab. crowd very logically meets on the "It would be well for motorists to I highway. That la, ail except the remember that If they woolj plies Water Heaters • slowest cars, whlcb by a strange con- refuse after a picnic In the recepta- tradlcUon get than flrtt and lead the cles that are usually to be found for New Process Gas Ranges procession. But one* in the lead, that purpose, th* grounds would ap- they seem to give up trying. pear far more Inviting to the next car I Mother on Rear Stat. owner that arrives," continued Mr. Hayes, "Leaving trash In the open "The mother should be placed en a sign of thoughtlessness and dis- Con-Den-Rit Radiant Logs • the rear aeat, so that nothing can courtesy. Picnickers who are Imbued ow«r behind net baek. There she can wltb a a«nse of the fitness of things Pdk>rleu—Efficient—Inexpensive HE Thor Washer makes the heaviest reel the fullest forca 01 the Jolt when and the rights of others will see to.lt washing easy. It ha* ample room to the father shifts from high to second, that the ground they have occupied T do big washings and It washes so gen- keep a lookqnt ft* ran approaching Is clew before they leave." I tly that the finest materials are not torn or from the rlfht/iaft, front or rear, de- pulled. The wringer has smooth rubber termine when to, poaa a car, detect the odor which Sjtttfl* like the brake* — Please mention this paper to ad- Telephone 8610 Perth Amboy rollers between which buttons and fasten- vertisers; It helps you, it helps them ers can paBs easily. burning, sep^sta'tM children before \t helps your paper. — they cow* toalmi and ID between, I times relterat* hW.WUplcIon that one The ' ironing attachment fits on the of the rear tbM ,1a, flat She would wringer shaft when the wringer is re- naturally offer tflserj and valuable Gel \our WM) moved. It makes an -efficient ironing ma- warnings and milk* constructive sug- chine just the right height for you to oper- gestions to tin father on what he Is Calendar NOW ate comfortably when Mated. It's small doing wrong,.§§ a good helpmate enough to keep in a deep drawer or a small should. Tb» new Kilmnn am! cupboard. "Fresh air 4s famous for its bene- W»itlnnthiu«e culendani ficial quality. To Insure a supply on •r« here now. Thny srfr the motor ride, all the windows of the more attractive thaa Price of Thor washer with iron- car nhould b* tightly tioeed

Reg. 9c Gold Seal SPECIAL SALE WE HAVE IT! Macaroni or New Pack Vegetables! Spaghetti Sugar Tender Cut Stringless The new 2|Ug* 11 Balanced-Unit Lowboy Corn:Peas:Beans Reg. 12c Mueller's Neutrodyne-Plus Macaroni Spaghetti or BALANCED-UNIT 5© Noodles Reg. 23c ASCO Pure 2pkg'19c Preserves** 19c Your choice of Strawberry, Pineapple, Quince, Raspberry, 129 Reg. 9c ASCO Peach, Blackberry or Cherry 1 Just pure fruit and sugar. Home-Style SAVE ON PANTRY ITEMS! RADIO! 50 Noodles RIENTAL walnut panels and setback bird's-eye Screen Grid, *1I9 ASCO Pure Vanilla Extract Z bot 2*c •ample center panel. Genuine ELECTRO-Dynamic Choice Golden Bantam Corn 2 cans 25c OSpeaker, increased In sise, bnilMn Acoustic Equalisers, Tubes extra Comet Brown Rice Elakes pkg 13c Speaker, increased In sise, bnilMn Acoustic Equalisers, Ritter Cooked Spaghetti 3 cans 25c d bld TWO f the onderful new 245 Reg. 49c •ad balanced to we TWO of the wonderful new, 245 Ritter Tomato Soup 2-cana ISc MAXWELL HOUSE Cream of Wheat big pkg 24c power tubes, path-pall. A radio of extraordinary beaoty Gold Seal Rolled Oats 3 pkgs 28c and hJ«>*tFree qualit yBoms for uiilrv ,Slyl»l Call or Phone Today BEANS 3—25= FREE DEMONSTRATION —Prove for yourself at OUT ex- Reg. 23c ASCO pense the WOIKITH of Extra Strength Salada Tea . . . :»>pkg23c thi* new Philco by TIMELY HINTS AT BIG SAVINGS! y absolutely Free Dem- is onstration in your Ammonia Red Ripe Tomatoes 3 ms>d. cans home. Telephone us qt. bot "1 Ac N. B. C. Counter A*»ortinent» -pkg or call at our store at N. B. C. Macaroon Cookies ... bag1 oneeandgH the full Bog's Cranberry Sauce til) details. Free Demon- Reg. fi'ijc Kirkman's ASCO Cranberry Sauce Jlf, stration requests will Vandyk'i Pitted Dates pkg j be taken csre of In Borax Soap Californin Seedle«» Raisins 2 pngB I J the order in which cake C ASCO Pure Preserves big ' ' they come. 5 " 28 ASCO Pure Spices • Hiivi- tli« wrappers for Vary Nourishing Food Tonic Quality Produce! FANCY EMPEROR GRAPES 3 lbs 29c HicmoT UNIT HICBBOT D* IJIXB LARGE LUSCIOUS BANANAS MOD«L 120.0.00 $149.50 Scr~M Grid, $19950 Scnm Grid.Grid, $67.0 fov.w0 Ser*mScr*w »Grid, Grid, $195.0 «195.00O «"— •»«-! — ICEBERG LETTUCE 177 YELJJOW SWEET POTATOES WILUAMrELECTRICAL COMPANY, Inc. SWEEYTANGERINES - 27c W1 CAUUFLOWEB Head 27c ELECTRICA! CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS T i766 90MAINST,.*OODBRiDGE FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1929 CARTERET PRESS Entire Stock To Be Sold Below Cost In Order To Dispose Of Our Entire Stock In Double Quick Time we have marked every item at Ridiculously low prices. An opportunity that the community of Carteret has been waiting for. Necessity knows no law. Bargains you never saw before and will never see again. Men's--Two-Piece Boys Dress Shirts MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES Men's Reg. 79c 7c Ribbed Underwear Sale Price 39c Khaki Pants Reg. 97c Men's 2-Piece Reg. $1.25 Boys1 Jumpers Ribbed Underwear Sale Price 59c Reg $175 Sale Price Sale Price 73c 59c 73c Men's Flannel Shirts Men's Dress Gloves Reg. $2 Reg. $3.50 Sale Price Sale Price $1.43

Ladies' Boys' All Wool Ribbed Vests LADIES' SILK Jumbo Sweaters GIRLS' Lumber Jackets Reg. 59c FULL-FASHIONED All Sizes and Colors SILK CREPE DE CHINE Reg. $3.50 STOCKINGS Reg. $5 DRESSES Sale Price Sale Price 23c Reg. $1.90 Siies 2 to 6. Reg. $5 Sale Price $2.33 $1.73 Sale Price 87C Sale Price $2.89 Men's Shirts CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Broadcloth and Imported Madras Reg. $1.29 Sale Price 47c Values to $2 50 CHILDREN'S COATS Sue* 2 to 6. Values up to $7 Sale Price 67c Sale Price $2.75

Men's Felt Hats 73c

Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes Pure Wool Socks Men's Silk Neckties Sizes 11 to 2 1 AH Patterns and Colors Men's 23c Boys' Overcoe Reg 75c kind Wool Socks $2.35 LADIES'SILK & WOOL STOCKINGS Reg. $18 Sale Price . . . 37c 9c Girls' 29c Sale Price «|)O. I O Ladies' Union Suits All Wool Sweaters CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS Best Grade Reg. 79c BOYS' RIBBED UNION SUITS 49c $1.98 19c Sale Price 39c 69c Wffl Last Until

FORMERLY) Everything Is Sold DRY GOODS STOR 3 Roosevelt iue. N.J,