Island View] Will Continue to Provide an Area for Low- Income Housing, and a Place for Less Expensive and Convenient Locations for Smaller Businesses
A S U M M A R Y A P R I L 2 0 1 2 ISLAN D VIE W “If no concerted action, other than the enforcement of the City’s zoning and land use regulations and planned public infrastructure improvements occur, [Island View] will continue to provide an area for low- income housing, and a place for less expensive and convenient locations for smaller businesses. Market forces will eventually fill in the land that is currently available. This process will probably be slow, given the nature of the overall real estate development patterns in the region. However, there are enough large to medium sized parcels in the [Island View] area that it would not take very long to have a major transformation occur.” Thomas/Lane & Associates Update of Market Analysis Study for the Richland Wye Area - 2004 PLANNING & REDE VELOPMENT | DEVELOPMENT SERVICE S 2 ISLAND VIEW SNAPSHOT TOTAL POPULATION, 2010: 582 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, 2008 - 2012 TOTAL FINISHED LAND USE, 2012 LAND U SE SQUARE FOOTAGE VALUATION Single Family Units 82 Office 104,304 $9,888,541 Multi-Family Units* 360 Multi-Family 191,224 $15,969,203 Businesses 106 Mixed Use 15,378 $2,320,000 Employees 547 Commercial 5,394 $263,994 Hotel/Motel Rooms 93 BF Transit 48,595 $4,655,318 Demoliti on 12,765 $174,834 Boat Launches 3 Relocation 735 $50,000 *includes Island View Apts. Total 378,395 $33,321,890 3 S T A T U S o f 1998 WYE MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES SHORT TERM STRATEGIES(1 - 3 Y E A R S ) STRATEGY STATUS 1.
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