Vol. 54 #3,4 161 ANTIGUA 2005. a $2 Callicore Maimuna Hewitson

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Vol. 54 #3,4 161 ANTIGUA 2005. a $2 Callicore Maimuna Hewitson Vol. 54 #3,4 161 ANTIGUA 2005. a $2 Callicore maimuna Hewitson, FIGURE OF EIGHT NYM Eurytelinae b $2 Apis mellifera L., WESTERN HONEYBEE API Apinae c $2 Melanoplus mexicanus Saussure, MEXICAN GRASSHOPPER ACR Melanoplinae d $2 Dynastes tityus L., EASTERN HERCULES BEETLE SCA Dynastinae Margin: UL: Actinote pellenea Hubner, SMALL LACEWING Acraeidae top: Bombus sp., API Bombinae LL: Bombus sp., different API Bombinae $5 Mesene phareus Cramer, CRAMER’S MESENE Riodinidae Margin: LL: Apis mellifera L., WESTERN HONEYBEE API Apinae mid-R: Bombus sp., API Bombinae AUSTRIA 2005, July 15. 55c Nymphalis io L., PEACOCK NYM Nymphalinae AZERBAIJAN 2005 (470-73, 473a surcharged) 783-786 786a These are all overprinted with 1000m, not 100m as listed last issue BARBADOS 2005, April 21. 50c Anartia jatrophae Johansson, WHITE PEACOCK, NYM Nymphalinae $1 Ascia monuste L., GREAT SOUTHERN WHITE PIE Pierinae $1.40 Historis odius Fabr., ORION, STINKY LEAF WING NYM Nymphalinae $2.50 Hypolimnas misippus L., MIMIC NYM Nymphalinae $8 Danaus plexippus L., male. MONARCH DAN Danainae Margin: 5 adults, larva, chrysalis BENIN 2000 (801 Surcharged) 1228 35fr on 40fr Graphium policenes Cramer, STRIPED SWORDTAIL PAP Papilioninae BOTSWANA 1983, November 7 (Correction) 340 45t Chlorolestes elegans Pinhey, ELEGANT MALACHITE Synlestidae Synlestinae BULGARIA 2005, October (Perf 14x13!) 4291a 40st Noctua tertia Mentzer, Moberg & Fibiger, NOC Noctuinae 4292a 45st Rethera komarovi Christoph, SPH Macroglossinae 4293a 55st Syntomis kruegeri marjana Stauder, ARC Ctenuchinae 4294a 80st Arctia caja L., GARDEN TIGER MOTH ARC Arctiinae 4291-94 Issued originally with perf 12" syncopated CHAD 2004 (Correction) f 500fr Saturnia pavonia L., EMPEROR MOTH, Label: Aglia tau SATU Saturniinae COLOMBIA 2005. a 4600p Eurytides thyastes panamensis, ORANGE KITE S’TAIL PAP Papilioninae Vol. 54 #3,4 162 COLOMBIA (contd.) b 4600p Dismorphia zaela laura, ZAELA MIMIC-WHITE PIE Dismorphiinae c 4600p Actinote ozomene Godart, LAMPLIGHT ACTINOTE Acraeidae CROATIA 2005, April 22. 580 1.80k Coccinella septempunctata L., SEVEN-SPOTTED LADYBUG COC Coccinellinae 581 2.30k Rosalia alpina L., ALPINE LONGHORN BEETLE CER Cerambycinae 582 3.50k Lucanus cervus L., EUROPEAN STAG BEETLE LUC Lucaninae CZECH REPUBLIC 2005, June 22. a 12k Lopinga achine Scopoli, WOODLAND BROWN SATY Elymniinae d 22k LR: Aeshna caerulea L., AZURE HAWKER AES Aeshninae Bottom: BUSH CRICKET, female Tettigoniidae Labels: UL: Lycaena dispar Haworth, LARGE COPPER LYC Lycaeninae UR: Vanessa atalanta L., RED ADMIRAL NYM Nymphalinae mid-R: Psodos quadrifaria Sulzer, BLACK MOUNTAIN MOTH GEO Ennominae In margin: mid-L: BEETLE (Coleoptera) & LL: GROUND BEETLE Carabidae ESTONIA 2005, June 1. 514b 4.40kr 7 Lysandra bellargus Rottemburg, ADONIS BLUE LYC Polyommatinae FIJI 2005, August 30. 83c Rhyothemis phyllis Sulzer, YELLOW-STRIPED FLUTTERER LIB Trameinae $1.07 Agrionoptera insignis Rambur, RED SWAMP DRAGON Libellulidae $1.15 Orthetrum serapia Watson, GREEN SKIMMER LIB Libellulinae $2 COMMON PERCHER, Libellulidae FRANCE 2005 (Orchids – 3102-5) 3105a 53,53,55,82c Margin: Middle: Danaus plexippus L., MONARCH DAN Danainae; UR: Atta sp., LEAF-CUTTING ANT FOR Myrmicinae; MR: Callicore patelina Hewitson, NYM Eurytelinae; bottom: Parnassius apollo L., APOLLO PAP Parnassiinae THE GAMBIA 2005, April 4. 2920 1d Belenois solilucis Butler, PIE Pierinae 2921 2d Colotis euippe L., RED TIP PIE Pierinae 2922 3d Acraea cepheus L., Acraeidae 2923 5d Bebearia mardania senegalensis Herrich-Schaeffer, NYM Limenitidinae 2924 6d Danaus chrysippus L., PLAIN TIGER DAN Danainae 2925 10d Graphium agamedes Westwood, GLASSY GRAPHIUM PAP Papilioninae 2926 15d Papilio hesperus Westwood, BLACK & YELLOW S’TAIL PAP Papilioninae 2927 25d Charaxes boueti Feisthamel, RED FOREST CHARAXES APA Charaxinae 2928 50d Amauris albimaculata Butler, DAN Danainae 2929 75d Charaxes lucretius Cramer, VIOLET-WASHED CHARAXES APA Charaxinae 100d Papilio zalmoxis Hewitson, GIANT BLUE SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae 200d Papilio antimachus Drury, AFRICAN GIANT S’TAIL PAP Papilioninae 2005, April 4 (Living World of Africa/From Up Above) 25d Junonia hierta cebrene Trimen, YELLOW PANSY NYM Nymphalinae GREAT BRITAIN-JERSEY 2005, February 9 (Year of the Rooster) 1151 £1 In margin: Stylized BUTTERFLY Lepidoptera GRENADA 2005, June 27 (Nature’s Wisdom/Expo 2005 Aichi) f $1.50 Apis mellifera L., WESTERN HONEYBEE API Apinae Vol. 54 #3,4 163 IRAN 2005, March 15. 4400r Danaus melanippus Cramer, BLACK-VEINED TIGER DAN Danainae IRELAND 2005, May 24. 1615 48c Lycaena phlaeas L., SMALL COPPER LYC Lycaeninae 1616 60c Callophrys rubi L., GREEN HAIRSTREAK LYC Theclinae 1617 65c Vanessa cardui L., PAINTED LADY NYM Nymphalinae 1618 1# Clossiana euphrosyne L., PEARL-BORDERED FRITILLARY NYM Argynninae 1619 m/s 5# Vanessa cardui L., PAINTED LADY NYM Nymphalinae KOREA, NORTH 2000 (Per Fran Hammond) 2w Kallima inachus paralekta Horsfield, INDIAN LEAF NYM Nymphalinae 2w Zerynthia rumina L., SPANISH FESTOON PAP Parnassiinae 2w Papilio palinurus Fabr., BANDED PEACOCK PAP Papilioninae 2w Bhutanitis lidderdalei Atkinson, BHUTAN GLORY PAP Parnassiinae MALTA 2005, April 15 (Correction) n 16c Cicada orni L., GRAY CICADA CICA Cicadinae NOTE: When I asked Malta Post for the Latin names and permission to use their answers as shown in the last issue, they agreed, provided all credit should be given to Alfred Baldacchino. MARSHALL IS 2005 (Hans Christian Andersen) b 37c 2 very stylized BUTTERFLIES. Paintings by Janos Kass Lepidoptera MEXICO 2005 (Like 2262, but perf 13x13$) 2 & 30.50p L&R: Danaus plexippus L., female & larva, MONARCH DAN Danainae UL: Morpho peleides Kollar, female, COMMON MORPHO Morphidae center: Lymnas cephise Menetries Riodinidae low-R center: Papilio lycophron Hubner, THE LYCOPHRON PAP Papilioninae MONGOLIA 2001 (Philanippon ’01) 200, 400, 3300sh, 5000sh s/s Cats & very stylized BUTTERFLIES Lepidoptera 2004. a 100t Mantis religiosa L., EUROPEAN MANTIS MAN Mantinae c 300t Angaracris barabensis Pallas, ACR Acridinae e 200t Apis mellifera L., WESTERN HONEYBEE API Apinae a 100t Lytta caraganae Pallas, MEL Meloinae c 300t Corizus hyoscyami L., Rhopalidae Rhopalinae e 200t Tabanus bovinus L., LARGE HORSEFLY TAB Chrysopsinae 2005, March 25 (Additional data) a 100t Pieris sp. on flower PIE Pierinae NETHERLANDS 2005, April 5 (Ot En Sien) b 39+19c On tab: Apis mellifera L., WESTERN HONEYBEE API Apinae a,b,c; 3x39+19c On tab: Same PAPUA NEW GUINEA 6-29-05. 75t LEAF BEETLE, Chrysomelidae 75t BEETLE, CHR Hispinae 1k ANT-LIKE FLOWER BEETLE, Anthicidae 3k BARK BEETLE, ?Scolytidae 3.10k PEAR-SHAPED WEEVIL, Apionidae 5.20k BEETLE, TEN Lagriinae Vol. 54 #3,4 164 PITCAIRN ISLAND 2005, April 8 (Butterfly-shaped s/t of 2) 598a $1.50 Hypolimnas bolina nerina Fabr., male NYM Nymphalinae 598b $4 Same, female. The s/t outline also is a female NYM Nymphalinae RUSSIA 2005, June 15 (Endangered Bumblebees for the Red Book) 3r Bombus armeniacus Radoszkowski, ARMENIAN BUMBLEBEE API Bombinae 4r Bombus fragrans Pallas, API Bombinae 5r Bombus anachoreta Skorikov, API Bombinae 6r Bombus unicus Morawitz, API Bombinae 7r Bombus czerskii Skorikov, API Bombinae ST. KITTS 2005, February 7. a $2 Papilio demoleus L., LIME SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae b $2 MAYFLY Ephemeroptera c $2 Hamadryas februa Hubner, NYM Limenitidinae d $2 Aphylla caraiba Selys, Gomphidae Margin: LL: Utetheisa bella L., BEAUTIFUL UTETHEISA ARC Arctiinae mid-R: Agrius claudina Godart, CLAUDIA’S BEAUTY NYM Charaxinae center: Chrysalis Lepidoptera UL: Euchloe ausonia Hubner, EASTERN DAPPLED WHITE PIE Pierinae $5 Cupido minimus Fuessly, SMALL or LITTLE BLUE LYC Polyommatinae Margin: Hamadryas februa Hubner, NYM Limenitidinae ST. THOMAS & PRINCE IS. 2004. a 10,000d Papilio antimachus Drury, GIANT AFRICAN SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae b 10,000d Charaxes smaragdalis Butler, WESTERN BLUE CHARAXES APA Charaxinae c 10,000d Papilio phorcas Cramer, GREEN-PATCH SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae d 10,000d Cymothoe sangaris Godart, BLOOD-RED CYMOTHOE NYM Limenitidinae e 10,000d Eochroa trimeni Felder, SATU Saturniinae f 10,000d Hypolimnas antevorta Distant, BLUE-BANDED DIADEM NYM Nymphalinae Label: Papilio dardanus g 10,000d Zerynthia rumina tarrieri Binagot & Lartigue, SPANISH FESTOON PAP Parnassiinae h 10,000d Meneris tulbaghia L., (Aeropetes of some) SATY Elymniinae i 10,000d Papilio saharae Oberthur, DESERT SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae Margin: UL: DRAGONFLY Odonata LL: Bombus sp., bumblebee API Bombinae MR: INSECT 2004 (Scout Jamboree) c 7000d Parthenos sylvia Cramer, CLIPPER NYM Limenitidinae e 7000d Papilio cresphontes Cramer, GIANT SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae i 7000d Papilio glaucus L., EASTERN TIGER SWALLOWTAIL PAP Papilioninae ST. VINCENT 1994-2004? (527 surcharged) 3259 10c on $1.25 Pseudolycaena marsyas cybele Godman & Salvin, LYC Theclinae 3306 20c on $1.25 Same, Type 1 surcharge 3307 20c on $1.25 Same, Type 2 surcharge 3308 20c on $1.25 Same, Type 3 surcharge Vol. 54 #3,4 165 ST. VINCENT-GRENADINES (BEQUIA) 2005, July 26. 90c Pericallia galactina van der Hoeven, ARC Arctiinae $1 Automeris io draudiana, [dravidiana, davidiana?] SATU Hemileucinae $1.40 Antherina suraka Boisduval, MADAGASCAR BULL’S-EYE SATU Saturniinae $2 Bunaea alcinoe Stoll, COMMON EMPEROR SATU Saturniinae $5 Rothschildia erycina nigrescens Rothschild, SATU Saturniinae Publicity releases refer to these as “Caribbean Moths”, but they come from all around the world SIERRA LEONE 2005, May 24 (Expo 2005 Aichi/Nature’s Wisdom) e 1500Le LADYBUGS awaiting hibernation Coccinellidae SLOVENIA 2005, May 2 (Slovene Mythology) 180t Vesna
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