Issue 2 July 2018

World Council of Enterostomal Therapists

In this issue: In this issue: VP Message in English, French and Chinese 1-3 WCET™ next congress and more 4

Vice-President’s Message

Feed-back from the last WCET™ Incredible Journey! Congress 6 Laurent O. Chabal, Time to celebrate! 29 RNm, ET, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts A tribute to Terry 30 Western Switzerland Lecturer Acknowledgment and gratitude of WCET™ Vice President 2018-2020 the European Parliament’s Office 32 Dear WCET™ Members Congratulation to Aihua (Alice) Chen 34 Since I have been an ET, being part of WCET™ has been a career changing SOBEST achievements: experience that has far exceeded my expectations. news from Brazil 34 I would like first to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for electing me as Finding Happiness in helping your next Vice-President. It is an honor and I appreciate all the responsibilities others – A stoma visitors gathering related to this role. I know I have still so many things to learn. Be sure I will held in Guangzhou 38 do my best in this position to lead and complete my responsibilities. I know I Ninth course Closing ceremony will not be alone. I want to thank Susan Stelton and all the WCET™ Executive of Wenzhou ETNEP 41 Board (EB) for all the tremendous work done in the last term. If I get lost on the road, I will rely on you to remind me of my mission. “Innovation - development” of WOC Nursing Forum was held in Rest assured that, Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello, new WCET™ President, and the Shandong provincial hospital 43 new Executive Board Members and I, will keep working hand in hand with the same wish to improve our actions, increase our visibility as Specialised The International Stoma Day Nurses, highlight your daily work and demonstrate commitment to WCET™. Activity and the Work of ETs in You are part of this incredible journey! Shandong Provincial Medical Group 45 Pressure injury stop day activity series. As a member of the Executive Board for the last 4 years, as past WCET™ Care for the elderly, make them stay Publications & Communication Chairperson, I have had opportunities to away from pressure injuries 46 connect with all of you, to participate in our strategic planning and to be part of all the behind the scenes volunteer work in the organisation. Croatia celebrating the International Nurses Week in memory of Florence Thank you all for your support, contributions, and involvement in your daily Nightingale - “Nurses - a Voice practice as WCET™ professionals. You have made me so proud to be part to lead!” 48 of the production of the diverse and rich WCET™ BullETins. I cannot wait to read the next issues to which you will be able to contribute and learn about Other coming Education Events 51 your accomplishments!

BullETin July 2018 1 In this issue, it is time to celebrate:

- Our 40th anniversary and our outstanding Congress in Kuala Lumpur. Please read all the comments we have received: it was amazing to see all of you who were able to be there.

- Congratulations Ivanka Benčić from Croatia and Aihua (Alice) Chen from for your awards!

- Congratulations to our New WCET™ Life Member, WCET™ past President, Elizabeth English!

- Our new WCET™ President Dr. Elizabeth A Ayello, who received the Lifetime Professional Achievement Award from Hunter College in New York. This award has been given intermittently to one person since 1972. Dr. Ayello is only the second nurse to ever receive this award.

- YOU, for all your contributions sent. This BullETin is giving voice to your work!

I can not end this message without sending warm thoughts to Karen Bruton for her recovery. May she come back to us soon! And thanks to Dr Kathleen Capitulo for helping me in reviewing this issue.



Quelle aventure! Chers membres du WCET™

Dès que j’ai été Stomathérapeute, être membre du WCET™ a été une évidence, mais j’étais loin de penser que cela allait m’amener jusque-là !

Je voudrais d’abord vous remercier de tout mon cœur pour m’avoir élu comme votre nouvel Vice-Président. C’est un véritable honneur et c’est une fonction dont je mesure toute la responsabilité. Je reconnais que j’ai encore tellement de choses à apprendre, mais soyez sûr que je ferais de mon mieux pour conduire et effectuer les tâches liées à ce rôle. Je sais que je ne serais pas seul dans cette aventure et je veux d’ores et déjà remercier Susan Stelton et tout le Comité Exécutif (CE) du WCET™ pour tout le travail considérable effectué ces deux dernières années. Si jamais je venais à me perdre en chemin, je compte sur vous pour me rappeler à ma mission.

Soyer sûr qu’Elizabeth A. Ayello, les nouveaux membres du CE et moi-même, allons travailler main dans la main avec la même volonté d’améliorer nos actions, d’augmenter notre visibilité en tant qu’infirmier-e spécialisé-e, de mettre en lumière votre travail quotidien et votre implication, ainsi que poursuivre cette aventure incroyable. Vous en faites partie !

Ces 4 dernières années en tant que membre du CE et ancien responsable de la Commission Publications & Communications du WCET™ ont été pour moi une première étape. Elles m’ont permis d’être en contact avec vous, d’être impliqué dans notre plan stratégique comme dans tout le travail bénévole qui se réalise en arrière-plan. Je tiens vraiment à tous vous remercier pour votre soutien, vos contributions, votre engagement dans votre travail quotidien comme dans votre rôle auprès du WCET™. Vous n’avez rendu si fier en me permettant de vous proposer des BullETins aussi riches et variés. Je trépigne d’impatience de lire ses prochains numéros dont vous aller contribuer à construire !

Ce numéro est l’occasion de célébrer :

• Notre 40ème anniversaire et notre congrès extraordinaire à KL. Merci de prendre connaissance de l’ensemble des retours que nous avons reçu. Ça a été formidable de pouvoir vous y rencontrer, pour celles et ceux qui ont eu la chance d’y participer.

BullETin July 2018 2 • Ivanka Benčić de Croatie et Aihua (Alice) Chen de Chine pour leurs prix : toutes nos félicitations ! Félicitations aussi à notre nouvelle membre à vie du WCET™ ; ancienne présidente dz WCET™, Elizabeth English mais aussi à notre présidente actuelle du WCET™, Elizabeth A. Alleyo qui a reçu un prix du Collègue Hunter de New York pour sa réussite professionnelle. Cette récompense a été donnée presque chaque année depuis 1972 et c’est la seconde fois qu’il a été remis à une infirmière.

• VOUS, pour l’ensemble des textes que vous nous transmettez. Ce BullETin est votre voix !

Je ne peux finir ce message sans avoir une chaleureuse pensée pour Karen Bruton et sa rémission. Puisse-t-elle nous revenir vite ! Et un grand merci à Dr Kathleen Capitulo pour son aide dans la révision de ce numéro.




(Thank you Yajuan (Julie) Weng for this Chinese translation)



首先,发至内心感谢你们,选举我为新一任WCET™副主席。这是一种荣誉,更是一份责任。我深知我还有很 多需要学习,才能让我竭尽全力去领导团队并完成我这个岗位的使命。我知道我不是一个人在奋斗,我诚挚 地感谢Susan Stelton和WCET™执行委员会在上一任期所作的巨大贡献。如果我在前进路上迷路了,期待你们时 刻提醒我的使命所在。

请相信,Elizabeth A. Ayello, 新一届WCET™执行委员会和我,将和大家一起继续励志耕耘、携手共进,以期进 一步提升工作质量,提高专科知名度,铭记最初的承诺,一步一个脚印,继续这段妙不可言的旅程!你也是 其中的一部分!

过去的4年里,我担任了WCET™执行委员会的成员和WCET™公共交流委员会主席,这是非常重要的第一步历 练,给我机会和大家接触,并逐步参与所有志愿者工作背后的运营战略规划中去。

我真挚地感谢你们,感谢你们每一位在日常工作同时坚持对WCET™工作的支持,贡献和参与。你们让我有机 会很自豪能去展示形式多样、内容丰富的WCET™公告。我迫不及待想要阅读下一期,期待您的参与!


WCET™40周年纪念庆典和马来西亚吉隆坡WCET™年会盛况。请阅读我们收到的所有感想和回馈,在年会中和 大家的相遇令人惊喜而难忘。

祝贺来自克罗地亚的Ivanka Benčić和来自中国的陈爱华获得奖励。祝贺WCET™前任主席Elizabeth English成为 新的WCET™终身会员,祝贺我们新任WCET™主席Elizabeth A Alleyo获得纽约亨特学院颁发的专业成就奖。自 1972年以来,这个奖励通常每年表彰一位成绩卓越的人,她是迄今为止第二名护士获得这个奖项。


我想用对Karen Bruton 的温暖问候来结束这份致辞,期待她能尽快康复并回到我们中间来。感谢 Dr Kathleen Capitulo帮助我审查本期公告。



BullETin July 2018 3 WCET™ Next Congress and more

Earlier this year, new rules were enacted that impact international organizations and individuals that have partnerships with industry. Being aware of these new rules is necessary as they are changing our ways of working together.

We invite all our WCET™ members to take time to read the new rules and keep them in mind. Here some highlighted points which affect an organization like ours.

Ethical MedTech ( is MedTech Europe’s compliance portal. It hosts the following MedTech industry’s initiatives in ethics and compliance as well as valuable resources.

MedTech Europe is the European trade association representing the medical technology industries, from diagnosis to cure. It represents Diagnostics and Medical Devices manufacturers operating in Europe.

At present the following three initiatives can be found:

• Transparent MedTech: A European centralised platform for MedTech companies to disclose publicly the financial support they provide to independent medical education,

• The Ethical Charter: A voluntary certification initiative that ensures commitment of third party educational events organisers to the application on the MedTech Europe Code provisions for educational events for which they seek industry’s financial support,

• The Conference Vetting System (CVS): A unique initiative that assesses the conformity of third-party educational events with the MedTech Europe Code.

The CVS review process is based on a set of six criteria that are equally weighted in the evaluation including the scientific program, geographic location, conference venue, hospitality, registration packages, benefits, and communication. This CVS evaluation is not limited to conferences held in Europe. It also applies to all international conferences in which industry partners of WCET™ are involved. How does this impact WCET™? Since all of our industry partners are part of our conferences, we must follow these rules.

BullETin July 2018 4 The Compliance Officer manages the CVS and reports to the MedTech Europe Compliance Panel. The responsibilities of the MedTech Europe Compliance Officer include:

• Serving as a primary point of contact for all enquiries on the CVS,

• Carrying out CVS outreach communication strategies to internal and external stakeholders,

• Managing the event assessment process.

More information is available on: compliance-legal.pdf

Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation In the European Union, since May 25, 2018, a new data protection system has been implemented, through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection (charges and information).

As a global and world-wide organization, we collect data from EU citizens and are subject to these GDPR rules, even if we do not have a physical presence in the EU. That is why we had to identify a quick way to comply with them.

Jen Wood had sent to all EU members an email linking to a survey that you need to complete, if you have not yet done so:

In order to continue to receive email communication from the WCET™, your positive reply is required.

Many thanks for your support!

See more information on:

BullETin July 2018 5 Feed-back from our last WCET™ Congress The Board at work before the congress We had 4 full days of work including, for the first time, a full day dedicated to transitioning to the incoming Board.

Laurent O. Chabal working on the P&C Committee with Karen Bruton

Karen being introduced by Susan Stelton and Elizabeth A Ayello in her incoming position in the Board

3 days of intense EB Pre congress meeting

BullETin July 2018 6 Here are some important moments of our Congress. Much more can be found on: and to access the abstracts book, please click on:

Publications premiered at this Congress

Elizabeth English receiving her WCET™ Life Member Susan Stelton with the new WCET™ Executive Board 2018-2020 certificate and Jenny Prentice our Journal Editor

BullETin July 2018 7 Mariam Mohd Nasir giving the WCET™ Flag to Maddie White and Wendy Osborne from ASCN-UK as our next Congress will be a joint Congress held in Glasgow

Brazilian and Latin American presence in Kuala Lumpur PhD. ETN (TiSOBEST) Vera Lucia Conceição de Gouvea Santos, MsN ET (TiSOBEST) Ednalda Maria Franck, PhD. ETN (TiSOBEST) Sandra Marina Bezerra Gonçalves, MSN, ETN (TiSOBEST) Silvana Prazeres, ETN (TiSOBEST) Soraia Rizzo, ETN (TiSOBEST) Magali Thum, MSN, ETN Heidi Marie Hevia Campos and ETN Andrés Campos Vargas

The Brazilian delegation composed of eight delegates who attended the 22nd Biennial World Congress of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET™), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (April 15th - 18th).

Besides Brazilian Enterostomal Therapists Nurses (ETNs) some other Latin American colleagues - MSN Heidi Marie Hevia Campos and Ximena Maneses, from and, Andrés Campos Vargas, from Costa Rica – International Delegates of their countries, also attended the WCET™ 2018 congress.

Brazilian delegation during the opening ceremony. Ednalda Franck represented Brazil and SOBEST on the WCET™ Delegate Parade.

BullETin July 2018 8 Participating on this congress was very enriching and exciting since Brazilian and Latin American ETNs had the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from all over the world, which will certainly contribute to improve daily practice in the specialty.

Brazil has been very well represented by the delegates. Among them was Professor Vera Santos who participated in many scientific activities in the event program, being one of the coordinators of the Workshop “Talking about skin tears”, with MsN, ETN Heidi Marie Hevia Campos (Andrés Bello University - Chile). Although originally planned for Spanish and Portuguese attendees, it was finally conducted in English to a predominantly Asian and Indonesian audience. It was a very interactive session in which clinical cases were presented and discussed. In addition to the clinical cases, a synthesis of the most up-to-date research and evidence related to the topic was presented.

Professor Vera Santos in a Workshop about Talking about skin tears

Professor Vera Santos also participated as chairperson in some activities and represented the Brazilian Stomaterapy Association: stoma wound and continence care - SOBEST on International Delegates Meeting, Education Committee, NNGF Committee and WCET™ Biennial General Meeting.

WCET™ Education Committee members. Mrs Denise Hibbert (Chairperson) in the middle; and, Mrs Mariam Mohad (WCET™ Congress Convenor 2018), at her right side

BullETin July 2018 9 The partnership between Brazil and Chile has been achieving excellent results. In addition to the joint coordination of the workshop and lectures on the Panel on Skin Tears (along with Dr. LeBlanc), both were awarded the third place in poster session with the paper “Skin Tears Classification System into Spanish version”, authored by Heidi Hevia, with Prof. Vera Santos´ supervision and authorship.

MsN ETN Heidi M. Hevia and Professor Santos presenting their awarded poster

MN ETN Heidi M. Hevia receiving the WCET™ Poster Award (third place)

BullETin July 2018 10 Throughout the event, 24 Brazilian scientific abstracts were presented, seven in oral sessions and 17 as posters, reflecting the serious and qualified work that Brazil has been doing over the last few years in the Stomatherapy specialty.

Brazilian MSN ETN Silvana Prazeres presenting her paper about Epidermolysis bullosa

Brazilian MSN ETN Silvana Prazeres presenting her paper about costs in wound care

Mr Vargas (ETN and ID - Costa Rica) has seen his name and history described by Mrs Carmen George (from Australia) during her lecture about “The future of Stomal Therapy Nursing”, as a rectal cancer´s survivor with an ostomy. Mr Vargas has been working hard in the specialty in his country mainly in the stoma care area.

Another Latin American ETN Ximena Meneses, from Chile, has also presented a poster titled “Ostomized patients enrolled in an education and support group: experience from an urban-rural area in the South of Chile.”

BullETin July 2018 11 The group of Brazilian ETNs highlighted the following topics discussed during the congress as most relevant: The Effectiveness of Using Banana Leaf Dressing in Management of Diabetic Ulcer (Proliferation Phase) on Private Practice Setting Majene, West Sulawesi; The Lectures, Advanced Assessment Tool for Pressure Ulcers-DESIGN-R, presented by Professor Hiromi Sanada, University of Tokyo; Skin Tears, presented by Dr Kimberly LeBlanc; and, Pressure Injuries: An International Collaboration for Prevention and Management , presented by Prof. Dr. Keryln Carville.

In addition to these congress activities, the PhD ETN Sandra Marina Bezerra Gonçalves and ETN Soraia Rizzo visited the Penjagaan Diabetes Unit, coordinated by Mrs. Mariam Mohad (WCET™ Congress Convenor Mr Vargas (Costa Rica) and Mrs Ximena 2018), aiming to learn about the dynamics of specialized care in Southeast Meneses (Chile) Asia, as well as the material and human resources, role, autonomy, and interdisciplinarity work of the ET specialist in that country.

Dr Sandra Bezerra and ETN Soraia Rizzo visiting the Penjagaan Diabetes Unit

The Latin American Delegation would like to congratulate the WCET™ for organizing the event, which featured excellent scientific lectures and well-designed social activities. Would like to thank the Malay people for the hospitality and warmth with which they have welcomed us.

Brazilian delegation during WCET™ Congress Gala Dinner

BullETin July 2018 12 Proud of our China ET team at the 22nd WCET Biennial - Congress in Kuala Lumpur Hui-Ying Qin, WCET™ China ID, RN, ET

This is an important year for me as it was my first year to be the new Chinese international delegate for WCETTM.

The WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress and Celebration of WCET™ 40th anniversary held April 14th to 18th 2018 in beautiful Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was a success! I was very glad that nearly 200 ETs from China participated in this event. Thank you for all your participation. Encouragingly, they came from more than 30 different provinces and cities, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; gave more than 60 oral and poster presentations. The number of oral and poster presentation has reached a new record, showing the vigorous development of Chinese nursing practice. Among the oral presentations, Ms. Yajuan Weng from the First People’s Hospital of Changzhou was invited to introduce the advancement of WOC(ET) Nursing in China. Other ETs have completed their presentations on the themes of stoma, wound, incontinence management and studies on quality of life. All did wonderful talks and were applauded and recognised by ETs from other countries.

As the International Delegate of our country, I was very proud to see the outstanding performance of a group of young, vibrant ETs. This new generation will take the lead to transform ET nursing in China. Let me express my sincere regards to WCET™ for their help and support to ETs in China. We will have a reunion in Glasgow at the next Congress in 2020! Keep moving!

WCET™ China ID and China ET participants in KL

BullETin July 2018 13 来自中国ID的欢迎信 欢迎加入世界造口治疗师协会(WCETTM)。作为中国的国际代表(ID),我很荣幸能代表我们的国家。我很 高兴您能与我一起加入WCET™,成为会员,使我们的国家参与到这个致力于为全世界造口、伤口、失禁的病 人提供专科护理实践的重要组织。

作为中国的ID,我将向不定期向您发送有关WCETM的信息确保您能了解WCET™组织的情况,并希望您能回复 您的意见。请完善您的会员资料,包括您接收WCETTM杂志(WCET™ Journal)的联络地址和您的电子邮件地 址。你输入的资料非常有价值,所以请您与我保持联系。同时,如您有任何的诉求希望传达至WCET™执行委 员会,也请您随时与我联系。我的联系方式如下:

Email address: [email protected] Telephone number: +86 13609756622




1 Because Of ETs, Every Effort Is Worth. 2 Share Achievements, And Look Forward To The Next Reunion Xia Song, The First People’s Hospital Of Changzhou, China

“You still need to have a dream. What if it came true?” I am deeply affected by the motto of Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba. Thanks to WCET™ for giving me this opportunity to participate in the WCET™ 2018 Biennal Congress in Malaysia and share a poster presentation. As a young Chinese ET with 5 years of experience, attending this international academic Congress for the first time made my dream come true.

Some of my Chinese friends on stage

BullETin July 2018 14 The Congress was a professional, academic, and cultural exchange event. The exchange of academic achievements from all over the world was very beneficial. TIME to M.O.I.S.T by Dr. Thomas Eberlei; India’s ETs sharing wound treatment with banana leaves and Malaysia’s ETs presenting new progress in the debridement of maggots, all broaden my horizons.

At the same time, I have the great honor to present my research poster, “Effect of Leaf-shaped Nasal Catheter Fixator on the Incidence of Nasal Mucosa Pressure Injury”.

Professor Keryln Carville and myself

My poster was praised by Professor Keryln Carville, President of the Australian Wounds Association: “ Well done, you can send it to the WCET™ Journal!”. Suddenly, a warm current stirred up in my heart. As a young ET, and first time attendee at the WCET™ Congress, I was very proud of it.

In addition to the academic exchange, we had close contact with more friends from all over the world at dinner. We exchanged expertise with other ETs, discussed complexities of daily work, and shared our professional success stories.

Having fun and meeting Dr Elizabeth A Ayello at the gala dinner

A person walks fast, a group of people go further! We look forward to the reunion in Glasgow, Scotland in 2020!

BullETin July 2018 15 Learn, Communication, and Promotion Xiaohong Meng, RN, BSN, ET, CNS Department of Urology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China

The 22nd World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET™) Biennial Congress was held from April 15th to April 18th in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia. Year 2018 was also the 40th year since its foundation in 1978. More than 1100 delegates from more than 56 countries attended this gorgeous Congress. It was my great honor to be one of them.

ET Delegates from China in KL

This was my second time to attend the WCET™ Congress. I participated in the conference held in 2012 in Adelaide, Australia. It was that conference that drove me to showcase our excellent contributions in wound, ostomy, and continence care one day. The barrier was the language. I had little experience of English, but I never thought it was too late to learn. Finally, I realized my dream in 2018.

I was not only a listener as I was in 2012, but also a speaker on the stage to share my work and experience. My topic was “Wound Healing and Management in Urology. ” This was the essence of my thirty-year service, including working as the nursing manager in urology for 13 years and nurse specialist for 10 years. I have been dedicated to the specialty care in wound, ostomy, and continence since my transition from nursing management. With limited resources, I accelerated the wound healing based on the T.I.M.E. principle, managed complications of ostomies, and improved the quality of life for people suffering from incontinence. I am proud of patient outcomes I achieved, and of the urologic team I worked with.

I was so nervous when I stood on the stage. Thinking of the support and encouragement from my colleagues and other ETs, I was determined to share my work, despite the great pressure. I introduced my urologic work and shared my knowledge in urologic wound management in urology fluently and vividly. The presentation included clinical cases and earned applause from the Congress convener and ETs all over the world.

BullETin July 2018 16 Delivering my speech at the Congress

The Congress was magnificent! I learned a lot from other excellent speakers who all were experienced experts and introduced cutting edge care in wounds, ostomy, and continence. The classification of skin tears, prevention of pressure injuries, risk management and numerous new concepts attracted me and inspired my further specialty care back in Shanghai, China. For example, new research emphasized the importance of oxygen as well as exudate management, which I agree are essential in wound care.

Shanghai ET delegates before the exhibition

BullETin July 2018 17 The most exciting thing was meeting my mentor in specialty care, Ms. Elizabeth English who has contributed to advances in ostomy management over decades. She inspired the mission and vision of stoma care in many countries. I was so moved by her passion and enthusiasm for nursing. Her memorial lecture “Her work, Passion and Vision” traced Norma Nottingham Gill, the stoma care founder, to encourage ETs enrollment in stoma care. As an ET nurse specialist, I will fulfill my responsibilities and commit to my profession.

I was impressed by the academic environment when visiting the wound care unit in the Government Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Displayed on the wall were many successful wound care cases of and information. Patients and visitors can learn a lot about wound care from these displays. This visit also gave me the opportunity to learn more about maggot treatment beyond what I heard in the Congress.

There is much to recall for this amazing Biennial Congress. I hope I would get another opportunity to attend this conference again in the near future.

Keep Learning, Keep Going: My fascinating experience of the 2018 WCET 22nd Biennial Congress Yao Hu, BSN, Enterostomal Therapist, Master’s Degree Candidate School of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

From April 14th to 18th, with postgraduate education funding provided by Sun Yat-sen University, I went to Kuala Lumpur with my supervisors, Ms. Qin Huiying and Ms. Zheng Meichun from Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, to participate in the WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress and celebration of WCET™ 40th anniversary. There were more than 1000 delegates coming from 56 different countries or regions, including over 100 delegates from China. The conference covered the latest international research and cutting edge information about treatment, as well as nursing care in the field of stoma, wound and incontinence, which pointed us in the direction for further development.

The weather was warm in Malaysia, so was the atmosphere in the conference hall. Presenters shared their successful experiences in case management, advocated the importance of multi-disciplinary communication and cooperation, also emphasized nursing humanities in clinical practice. Many of the ideas are refreshing, and the speaker’s humor often brought a lot of laughter to the venue. We were astonished by lots of wound pictures, amazed by recovery of patients after carefully treatment and relieved by the smile of families and carers. We saw lots of interesting products at the exhibition, the most attractive one being the silicon stoma which was made for preoperative stoma site marking. The red, soft, reusable model could become a convenient tool for patients to gain an actual feeling about the stoma.

I made two oral presentations, the first topic was “Fluid Management of Renal Impairment Caused by High-Output Stoma: Case Report.” Another I presented on behalf of my clinical instructor as she could hardly speak because of a sore throat at that time) was “More than curing the wound: a case of facial fungating wound.” That was the first time I had spoken at an international conference, and it was a big challenge for me. Fortunately, the reports went well, I received some recognition and encouragement from the audience, when communicating with them. I also discovered some similarities and differences between China and other countries, which inspired me to keep making progress and try to bridge the gap in further study.

I was fortunate to listen to the excellent, knowledge-driven and horizon-broadening reports. I found their rigorous and realistic approaches towards scientific research very admirable. I am very grateful to my teachers from school and hospital for offering me this opportunity to educate myself, which will surely help my studies and made my postgraduate career even more interesting and successful.

BullETin July 2018 18 Teachers from Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center and Fellows

Yao Hu giving his oral presentations in KL

BullETin July 2018 19 European Council of Enterostomal Therapy (ECET) at WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress in Kuala Lumpur, 2018 Renata Batas, RN, ET, PR & Publications of ECET

The board of European Council of Enterostomal Therapy (ECET) attended at WCET™ Biennial Congress in Kuala Lumpur from 15th till 18th April 2018.

ECET Board at WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress in Kuala Lumpur, 2018. From left to right: Gabriele Kroboth, President ECET, Werner Droste, Vice – President ECET and Renata Batas, PR & Publications ECET.

We were present at the opening ceremony and listened a wonderful speech of Ms. Mariam Mohd Nasir, A.M.N. WCET™ 2018 Congress Convenor. The opening ceremony started with beautiful program with a traditional Malaysian dance performance and National parade.

BullETin July 2018 20 From left to right: Renata Batas, PR & Publications ECET, Gabriele Kroboth, President ECET and Werner Droste, Vice – President ECET at Opening ceremony and after National parade WCET™

At the WCET™ 2018 Congress ECET board had six presentations (five oral presentations and one poster):

• Mrs. Gabriele Kroboth had oral presentations entitled “Study of the Importance of Stoma Care Nurses for Ostomates” and “Mission statement of Austrian stoma and continence nurses”;

• Mr. Werner Droste had oral presentations with titles “Role and Function of Specialized Nurses in the Treatment of Patients with Fecal Incontinence,” “Assessment for Ostomy Patients Using the LSD-Score,” and a poster “Photo documentation in Stomatherapy - implementation of a recommendation.”

• Mrs. Renata Batas gave an oral presentation “Stoma Complications and Their Impact on Quality of Life”.

BullETin July 2018 21 ECET Board members had six presentations at WCET™ 2018 in Kuala Lumpur.

After the presentations the ECET board was present at many other presentations and also at breakfast symposiums with many interesting scientific themes about ostomy and wound care.

WCET™ celebrated its 40th Anniversary in Kuala Lumpur in 2018. ECET congratulates WCET™ Executive Board and their members on such an important event. We would like to thank for invitation on 40th Anniversary celebration at dinner. The results of new elections for WCET™ Executive Board. Mrs. Susan Stelton were also announced in Kuala Lumpur. We would like to thank all for great collegiality and cooperation with ECET. Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello on being elected to the position of new WCET™ President!

At WCET™ Biennial Congress in Kuala Lumpur, ECET represented the next conference which will be held in Rome in 2019.

BullETin July 2018 22 ECET booth - at WCET™ 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where we proudly represented ECET conference in Rome 2019! From left to right: Gabriele Kroboth, President ECET, Renata Batas, PR & Publications ECET and Werner Droste, Vice – president ECET

Thanks for making the congress so worthwhile ! Mr. Gijo M George, Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse, India

Gijo M George in KL

BullETin July 2018 23 It was a great experience to attend the WCET™ April, 2018, 22nd Biennial Congress as one of the Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse from India where I met many intelligent and innovative international colleagues, experienced veterans of Wound and Ostomy Care, and Nurse practitioners from different cultures.

I have heard nothing but praise from all who attended the conference. The presenters were well prepared and the sessions were well attended. Everyone felt that WCET™ did a superb job organizing the Congress, selecting thought-provoking topics, and even getting us travel rates. Congratulations on both a successful and a memorable conference. You have set a new standard for conference planners. This Congress was very well organized and was very successful.

I fully enjoyed the four-day event with so many interesting workshops, seminars and discussions on various nursing topics. Sessions were very informative and insightful. I would like to take this chance to reflect upon my experiences in India and summarize in what ways this WCET™ 2018 Congress helped me to make a comparative study of Ostomy and Wound care practices and adopt an international perspective on how to benefit from exchange of ideas, sharing of nursing expertise, socializing with international counterparts etc. In the meantime I have examined its relevance to my collaboration in Kenya with the respective Delegates like Jane Ndungu from Kenya National Hospital, whom I met in Kuala Lumpur.

On the first day of the Congress, 15th April, I enjoyed every moment of the flag hosting, Ethnic fashion show and the Dragon dance.

Mariam Mohd Naisr WCET™ 2018 Convenor, Susan Stelton WCET™ President 2014-2018, Professor Dr Hajah Bibi Florina Abdullah WCET™ 2018 Pro Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr. Hajah Rohani Arshad, and Dee Waugh WCET™ Congress and Meeting Coordinator

The second day plenary session by Dr Yik Yee Ian from Malaysia was very touching, through which I learned many practices and experiences from international presentations designed to assist and guide young patients in the early stages of disease. Inspired by what I learned from this session, I have been invited to give a presentation during a clinical forum here in my hospital, on 20th April on the experience of other countries on what we can do to facilitate to improve the quality of life of patients. There is no doubt that the challenges confronted by ostomates and their concerns have increasingly attracted the attention of hospitals as well as supporting health care givers. In contrast with other developed countries, ostomates in India face very challenging practice environments where there is no insurance coverage for ostomy supplies intended to improve their quality of life (QoL). Instead, the patients are usually left to explore home made solutions or sometimes the least expensive bags, at their own risk. Trial and error is more often than not the norm rather than exception, which is very problematic, giving rise to various

BullETin July 2018 24 professional risks and liability issues. Just as in other countries, ostomates, among other things, have to face up to the enormous financial pressure, given the fact that they are survivors of the disease and do have limited income sources. Participation in the Congress was a great chance to for me to get involved in WCET™’s work. In conclusion, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to people who have made this WCET™ Congress possible and those who have shared their experiences during that four exciting days in Kuala Lumpur. I have benefited very much from this fantastic event.

I just returned to India from the Congress and want to take a moment to thank you for making it such a worthwhile experience. I know you spent many months planning the event--and it showed. The workshops were relevant and very helpful. I especially liked your selection of plenary speakers. Next year’s organizers will have their hands full trying to equal the quality of this year’s event. Thanks for making the Congress so worthwhile!

Ranjana Pandit, India

We are thankful to WCET™ for giving us the opportunity to attend this Congress.

It was my first time at the Congress which was very educational and informative. We have learned a lot about stoma management and the variety of appliances and products for different cases which inspired us to improve stoma and wound care in our day to day practice to give quality of life to our ostomate patients.


Some of my colleagues with Susan Stelton in KL

Personal Experience of WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress, 15-18 April, 2018 Kuala Lumpur Saraswati Bhandari, Lecturer (Bir Hospital Nursing Campus) and ETN, Nepal.

I am feeling overwhelmed and speechless when writing about my experience attending and giving an oral presentation at WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia from 15th April to 18th April, 2018.

First of all, it was the greatest moment of my professional career as an ET nurse. and I was very proud of my dream of being an ET nurse and presenting my work in an international platform. My dream came true when I presented at the Congress about how I completed an ET nursing education program, established a stoma clinic at the oldest government hospital of Nepal (Bir Hospital) in December 2013, and founded a non-profit organization, Stoma Care Nepal in 2014, and served as a volunteer to distribute free ostomy supplies to poor patients with stomas. Additionally, after ten years of internet search about the organization related to the ETNEP education, I finally reached the right

BullETin July 2018 25 destinations (WCET™ and CAET Academy in 2012). These organizations helped me to provide such education. I would like to salute the great effort of Louise Forest-Lalande (WCET™ President 2012-2014), Prof. Dr. Vera Santos (WCET™ Education Committee Chair 2012-2014), Ms. Virginia McNaughton (Director of CAET Academy), Carmen George (Norma N. Gill Foundation past Chair) and all who helped me in pursuit of this education. ETNEP has boosted my confidence in taking care of patients with complicated stomas and wounds.

With Prof. Vera Santos With Ms. Elizabeth English Myself presenting my work A Presentation which in KL attracted me

Secondly, I got a change to be updated in latest advancement on the area of wound, ostomy and continence in the Congress. Specifically, it was amazing to know the use and efficacy of vibration and maggot therapy in the management of chronic wounds. I was surprised to know how fast ET nursing is growing in South East Asia. including Indonesia. Besides that, I met with many ET nurses from around the world and discussed how they developed ET practice and private ET clinics in their country. Meeting with the legendary ET nurses around the world inspired me to expand ET nursing services; develop the ET education program for nurses in Nepal; collaborate with international organizations for advanced education on wound, ostomy, and continence nursing; and share their relevant experiences in this field in the future.

To conclude, I am honored to attend the WCET™ 22nd Biennial Congress at Kuala Lumpur in 15-18 April 2018. It was really an enriching experience. Thanks to the NNGF for the Congress travel scholarship and organizing committee of the Congress!

Upul Pathmasena, WOC nurse National Hospital of Sri Lanka.

This Congress was very educational and entertaining. I learned lot of useful things about stoma and wound care. I hope to implement these programs and share knowledge in my future Wound, Ostomy and Continence nursing career. We had such a beautiful opening ceremony and marvelous Congress dinner. Last and not least, I was able to meet the WCET™ Presidents 2014-2018 Ms. Susan Stelton and Dr. Elizabeth A Ayello, as well as leaders Ms, Carmen George, Mr. Laurent Chabal, and so many other ETs from all over the world.

This Congress will begin a new chapter of my stoma career, Thank you to everyone! The famous parade of Nation at the opening ceremony

BullETin July 2018 26 Upal Pathmasena meeting Susan Stelton, Dee Waugh, Carmen George and Laurent Chabal

Upal Pathmasena with Japanese Supun Prageeth, Upal Pathmasena, Monica Frank - ETs delegates WCET™ South Africa ID and ET friends

BullETin July 2018 27 Elsje Burger Stomatherapist / Wound care, South Africa

On the 13th of April I departed from King Shaka Airport to Dubai and onto Kuala Lumpur. After an 18 hours flight from South Africa to Kuala Lumpur, I stepped on foreign ground, on the 14th at 23h00. My transport was waiting with a big billboard with my name on it. An hour later I reached my destination - the Impiana Hotel, just near the Conference Center.

Exhausted but excited about what the new day would bring, I fell asleep.

I booked myself for a Pre-Congress workshop on the 15th on “Peristoma Skin Complications and Management,” given by a very competent Carmen George from Australia.

Then we were off to prepare for the opening ceremony representing South Africa in which we would be wearing Nelson Mandela outfits. This official opening was very colorful and well organized. Each country was like a puzzle piece, which was completed when all countries came together. The exhibition hall was enriched with beautiful color and intricate arrangements on the tables, not to mention the delicately created finger snacks that were works of art.

On the 16th, the Congress was officially opened by Ms. Dee Waugh, the WCET™ Congress and meeting Coordinator and President of the South Africa Stoma Association.

This was followed by a very inspirational talk on the ethnocentric challenges for nurses, done by Associate Professor Dr. Hjh Rohani Hj Arshad.

Ms Gulnaz Tariq, WCET™ Pakistan ID and WUWHS President Elect, followed with a talk about the Development of an Education program to prevent community acquired pressure injuries.

During a tea break, I thought I saw a ghost! There she was, the person who was the reason that I loved wound care and my mentor - Hiske Smart! We both lived in Welkom in the Free State. I nursed and qualified as a Registered Nurse and she ran a wound care practice. After 20 years we met again at this Congress!

The Diabetic Foot Ulcer session, “Can We Stop Amputation – Maggot Therapy,” given by Profesor Harikrisna KR Nair SIS KMN, and the talk about the “Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency in the Presence of Deep Wound Infection, in a Person with Diabetes,” given by Hiske Smart from Bahrain, were the talks that really made an impact on me on the 17th April 2018.

The evening of the 17th was well organised, with “Glare and Flair” as just the Malaysians can do, with a huge 40th Birthday Cake.

The last day of the congress the 18th was started with bi-annual general meeting.

An excellent lecture given by Professor Dr. April Camilla Roslani on the Advances in colorectal surgery, was the highlight. I also viewed the various poster presentations in order to absorb as much info as I could to take home.

With the closing ceremony a panel discussion took place on “The Respect Between the Wound Care Nurse and the Doctor, their Professional Relationship, to Achieve the Ultimate Goal for the Patient”.

The New President was announced - Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello.

The visit to the Diabetic Care Unit was excellent!! I was blown away by the well organised centre and the excellent results they achieve.

My time was running out and I had to rush back to the hotel to pack to be picked up at 22h00. At 01h55 on the 19th I departed from Kuala Lumpur Airport to Dubai and South Africa. I landed safe and sound at 17h45 on South African soil.

BullETin July 2018 28 I want to end this wonderful experience by saying:



Time to celebrate! Beside the Congress, during the year, there are at least two other events that give us an opportunity to continue to celebrate our 40th Anniversary:

– June 26, 2018: the WCET™ Norma N. Gill Day™. Issue 3 of the WCET™ BullETin will be dedicated to this celebration.

We hope you have enjoyed the WCET™ free access webinar for this event as it give you a taste of our last Congress and lets you know more about Norma.

– Next October 6, 2018: the World Ostomy Day©, with “Speaking Out Changes Lives” as the motto.

In 1993 Professor Dr. Gerhard Englert proposed the idea to organize World Ostomy Day©. The aim of this

day is to draw attention to people with a stoma and pouch and their quality of life, on a regional, national and international level. The goals are to improve the rehabilitation of ostomates worldwide by bringing to the attention of the general public and the global community the needs and aspirations of ostomates. WOD© occurs every three years and in the years between there are World Ostomy Awareness Day (WOAD). Many associations in the whole world organize activities and meetings of this special day.

(Text adapted from

Coming soon more Education ressources: The WCET™ Education Committee is working on webinars aligned with WCET™ NNG Day™, World Ostomy Day, World PU day, World Continence day and Diabetic foot ulcer day. So stay tuned!

BullETin July 2018 29 A tribute to Terry Terry Haus, WOC Nurse, 1933-2017, The Original ET Janice Malett

Fall meeting of the Northeast Region of the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOC Nurse) in New York City, October, 2017

Some subjects are easy to talk about. The subject of Terry is both easy and difficult. Easy because of who she was with no need for explanation for those who knew her; difficult because I am charged with making those of you who did not know her understand her uniqueness as a person and, importantly for you, her singular contribution to the specialty we practice and the patients and families we serve- an important mission.

Here is a little history. Sometime In the last century, in 1973, my goal was to become an Enterostomal Therapist- that’s what we called it in those days. I called the American Cancer Society (ACS) in Queens where I lived at the time inquiring about financial support and information. They did give me some financial support and gave me the name of a nurse they had helped to send to ET school in Roswell Park the year before. Her name was Terry Haus.

And so I met Terry, a fiery little red head with pride in profession- her lab coat, white stockings and shoes – always clean and ironed, most probably at 3 in the morning.

Terry did not just answer questions or provide information, she adopted me. Terry became my mentor, my colleague, and my dearest friend. She was smart, she was sexy, she was funny. Her interests extended far beyond nursing to good book, movies, world affairs and especially good food.

She was self-confident. Terry was short but stood-6 feet tall, fearless. Over the years, across many countries I always felt safe in her presence. Terry would figure it out. She had done it in her personal and professional lives-overcoming many struggles. If she were driving through unfamiliar streets or walking in neighborhoods in distant cities. Terry always knew the way, A metaphor for her skills as a WOC Nurse is “She would figure it out.” Her confidence and pure sense of direction were also her nursing style. She would tackle any task, plug any “leak” and called herself a plumber. Her hands were magic (also a talented seamstress) and, the systems she designed in the hospital for high volume, large wounds were creative and effective. This was years before negative pressure systems and advanced wound dressings were available. She would then push commercial companies to redesign their systems based on reality in the field.

Terry’s self-confidence was transferred to the patients who were always relieved and happy to see her because they knew she would fix the problem and/or advocate, more likely hound whomever it was that could help. Terry could also be found at the hospital at 10 o’clock at night fixing the problem.

She was devoted to her family. We had long discussions in hotel rooms in foreign countries about her girls, her four daughters, and six granddaughters. She was so happy when Patrick, the only grandson was born.

She was devoted to her friends as well. Terry never lived alone. There was always someone living with her because either they had nowhere else to live or they were down on their luck, like the woman who came to dinner and stayed 7 years. For example the daughter of a friend and colleague was working temporarily in NY and it was a nice thing to do, or the Russian mother and her young son, Terry’s patient, who was undergoing extensive care at a New York Medical Center and had no place else to go. So Terry brought them home, to her home.

BullETin July 2018 30 WOC Nursing wasn’t just a profession to Terry; it was a passion. She was the best at what she did because she loved what she did. She taught us all that every patient has a story that is far bigger than the disease or the ostomy. Honor the story. Nursing, indeed, health care is more than immediate hands on /pills on. Too few of us understand the real complexities in the land of illness, cure and caring that go far beyond a pouch and a dressing. It is true that we all strive, indeed, need boundaries between our personal and our professional roles. Terry was unique in bridging those boundaries. She was an undercover operative from the real world able to engage with patients and families to overcome barriers.

Though not an extraterrestrial (I think) Terry was the original ET. Her touch was almost magical. She saw elective patients pre-operatively for counseling, for marking, and often advised the surgeon that a certain procedure would not be appropriate for this patient. For both the elective ostomy patients and those marked but for whom creation of a stoma was only a possible option, her message was simple and confident “I will be here after your surgery. This is the face you will see after your surgery. Do not worry.” She went into prisons and treated celebrities. She went to the theater with a famous theater critic who was her grateful patient. The mighty and the less so were all treated with dignity, respect and humor.

The WOC nursing role was never 9-5 with Terry. It was all hours, every day. It was total involvement with the United Ostomy Association (UOA), attending regional, national and international meetings. She advocated for persons with ostomies, lecturing and volunteering her time, doing special presentations for the kids in the UOA at the Leo House in Manhattan. Terry was an active member of the Enterostomal Therapy Association, which became the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society, and the WCET™, traveling each year nationally and internationally and, invited to lecture in Shanghai, among other places. She bonded with companies, sales representatives, etc. to the mutual advantage of patients and families and taught all of us that this is an important part of our role. We needed to know products, know the merchandise, have inventory, and help develop products. I always got a kick out of a new rep who would always pitch his or her product with, “Terry Haus uses it.” It probably was not always true but such was her reputation.

She could delegate, involving us all with her charisma although, I must admit, I was somewhat annoyed to wake up and find I was the program chairperson for the WOCN™ national conference in N.Y. because Terry had simply given the national committee my name. In the end, her confidence in me enriched my achievements and my professional career and I think I speak for all the veteran WOC nurses; she was a mentor who was available to us all. We did not hesitate to call her, anytime, any hour. Terry could figure it out.

I will always miss my traveling companion. Terry and I traveled together to many US cities for WOCN™ conferences; to where we saw walking in early morning while waiting to board the Gare De Lyon; spent a magical night on a Hollister bus somewhere in Beaujolais singing songs from South Pacific; ate an elegant meal in the old city of Lyon…with her napkin under her neck and extra lemons for the fish; ate waffles and visited the Ann Frank house in ; saw the old city in Jerusalem, and dined in a bedoin tent in the desert.

Let us profit from her example- communicate with your colleagues, be mentors.

My life is richer for having known her, and all those I touch in my life, professional and personally benefit from her touch. I have missed her the 11 years she was sick. I shall continue to miss her all my life, and to cherish the memories.

BullETin July 2018 31 Acknowledgment and gratitude of the European Parliament’s Office Ivanka Benčić, Bacc med techn, Enterostomal Therapeutist ; Croatia

This year marks a decade for my initiatives and active efforts to recognize and implement Enterostomal Therapy in the health system of the Republic Croatia.

In 2016, I was proud to announce to our ET colleagues in the international community that Croatia has the first three ET nurses trained in the WCET™ program in the neighboring Republic of Slovenia (WCET™ BullETin, 2016).

In 2017, the Republic of Croatia participated for the first time in an international conference of Enterostomal Therapists (ECET , 2017). I was particularly honored to speak about the activities that preceded the realization and implementation of a new level of health care for patients in the Republic of Croatia in the area of wound care, stoma and incontinence. It was a big step for my country, patients, and also a professional community of nurses. Frequently, I attend various public forums and professional community conferences, actively working in ILCO Stoma Association, all for the purpose of promoting the importance of Enterostomal Therapy in the Croatian health system.

I am currently completing a Master’s degree at the University studying palliative care, ethics and nursing research. Today, in the Republic of Croatia, we have a plan to build the first program of Enterostomal Therapy that will educate the first generation of ET nurses. It is very important for our nurses to get insight into the world of Enterostomal Therapy, which is a whole new universe of better opportunities for people having problems with wound healing, incontinence and accompanying issues. It is certainly about increasing knowledge and skills, focused on a person as an individual, encompassing every segment of his life.

In this way we enable building functionality and the improve the quality of life., benefiting the community in which he lives and works. To achieve this, a nurse must possess special knowledge, skills, and certainly a special passion and love for man, according to the profession of a nurse ET. That is the difference an ET nurse brings! The fact that I am today an ET nurse fulfills me with the particular pride and pleasure of being a member of an important community. Reading the latest in a series of WCET™ Journal (October / December 2017), words of encouragement and calls with Karen Zulkowski and my colleague and acquaintance Laurent Chabal, I dared to write the following lines to recognize our ET colleagues for their ongoing professional training, dedicated work, learning and efforts.

I am currently working as a ET nurse at the Center for Malignant Diseases of the Clinical Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice”. Most of the time I work with people with malignant diseases at different stages of their treatment. There are so many different ways that can improve the quality of life of a person and their immediate family, by providing more effective and individualized healthcare created for the needs of that particular individual.

With such way of health care in the system and community, I applied to the one of the EU parliamentary projects that sought proposals to improve community care systems (EU Parliamentary Project “Let the Stars Shine”). My application title was “Greater Quality of Health Care in Chronic Conditions and Palliative Health Care”.

BullETin July 2018 32 Ivanka receiving this EU acknowledgment

I presented the roles and significance of Enterostomal Therapy nurses. The material was accepted by the jury of representatives of nine EU countries. It was rated as “a great project of great importance” and can serve as an example of good practice not only in Croatia but also throughout Europe. I also received recognition and appreciation from the EU Parliament’s Office for participation in the project and for the advancements of the quality of development of the profession of ET Nursing. I am exceptionally proud and pleased that this important institution has recognized and supported the importance and benefits that ET nursing brings to the system of the Republic of Croatia. I want this recognition to be a source of encouragement, not only for nurses in my country but also for those in the international community. It is important to make continuous efforts, be persistent, and improve our work environment. Such efforts are sensitizing every aspect of the community and society, enabling processes that can bring systematic benefits. It is important to note that, as the largest group of healthcare professionals, nurses positively influence the quality of treatment outcomes and functionality of an individual. I dedicate my work to my family, to my three beautiful sons, to the patient young people whom I have neglected for a while because of my professional passion for Enterostomal Therapy. Finally, equally as important, I would like to thank all nurses who are devoted daily to improving the level of health care they provide to the patient.

BullETin July 2018 33 Congratulation to Aihua (Alice) Chen Miss Chen (WCET™ Education Committee and ETNEP Director for Wenzhou, China) has been recognized for her contributions to ET Nursing.

For more than thirty years Ms. Chen has been caring for ordinary people with challenging ostomies and wounds, Miss Chen has relieved the suffering of patients pain with evidenced based technology, innovative products, and meticulous care. She has “changed sad stories to magic stories.” “Love is boundless.”

Alice receiving her award

SOBEST achievements: news from Brazil Magali Thum - SOBEST Administrative Manager, See Hee Park Kim - WCET™ International Delegate of Brazil, Adriana Aparecida Costa Faresin - Director of Department of SOBEST Communication and Maria Angela Boccara de Paula - President of SOBEST, RNs, ETs

XII Brazilian Stomatherapy Congress The Brazilian Association of Stomatherapy: Wounds, Stoma, and Incontinence held the 12th Brazilian Congress of Stomatherapy, in the city of Belo Horizonte / MG, from November 12 to 15, 2017. The central theme was “Commitment, Science, and Care”.

The event was attended by the entire board of Sobest, representing more than a thousand professionals, ET nurses and others, committed to the search for scientific-technical knowledge of quality. During the Congress many activities took place, highlights include:

• The members of SOBEST’s Board of Directors are committed to implement and ctivities at the event. The continuous search for quality in even the smallest details, supports the application of shared knowledge by the participants.

BullETin July 2018 34 SOBEST Board of Directors during the Congress

• Presence of qualified academic professionals to discuss Stomatherapy care to promote discussions and exchanges of evidence based based practices based on scientific-technical knowledge.

Congressmen attending the event

BullETin July 2018 35 SOBEST Celebrates 25 Years of action in Brazil

Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of SOBEST - The Silver Jubilee was celebrated during the Brazilian Congress of Estomaterapia - CBE, where we had the honor with the presence of Professor Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos, considered the “Mother of Brazilian Stomatherapy” and responsible for the creation of the first stomatherapy specialization course in Brazil, at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (USP).

SOBEST participates in Health prevention and promotion actions in Brazilian states SOBEST promotes health education for the population, through educational activities directed to the community. On this occasion the Stomatotherapist nurses from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul presented a program on health promotion and care for people with diabetes.

Members of the Sobest-RS Section ET nurses provide health education for the (ET Nurse Emilia Hennemann, ET Nurse Gustavo Gomboski, community for the prevention of diabetic foot ET Nurse Lisiane Marcolin Almeida and ET Daniela Cardozo) problems

SOBEST promote solutions forum

Solutions Forum held at Coren Educação São Paulo, organized by Session SOBEST SP

BullETin July 2018 36 Sobest sponsored the “Realization of the Solutions Forum to Public Policies Impacting Ostomy Care” bringing clarity to te practice of action of the specialized nurse in Stomatherapy and to improve the care provided to people living with ostomies. For these discussions occur, we count on participants from the Associations of patients living with ostomies, ET nurses, representatives from the distribution centers of products for people with ostomies, referral hospital nurses, government representatives, people with ostomies and the general population.

The Forums took place in several regions of Brazil, where the regional sessions of SOBEST held intense discussions, raising proposals that were presented in the CBE to prepare a document to be sent to the Ministry of Health.

World Pressure Injury Prevention Day On November 16, 2017, professors and nursing academics from the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) were together at the Magalhães Barata Nursing School defining health promotion strategies for the event that was held in the Center of Health School of Marco on November 28, 2017.

The event entitled “November MultiCores,” conceived by the Nursing Research Group in Estomaterapia da Amazônia - ENFESTA, addressed issues in Estomaterapia, among them, the prevention of pressure injury directed at professionals, users and family members. The team was composed of three undergraduate nursing professors and one undergraduate nutrition professor, fifteen nursing academics and five nutrition scholars, all linked to the two public universities.

The Nursing Research Group in Estomaterapia da Amazônia - ENFESTA

New SOBEST Board of Directors takes place The Solemnity of Possession of the new SOBEST board took place on January 19, 2018 in the amphitheater Coren Education - São Paulo.

In her speech, Maria Angela Boccara de Paula, the re-elected President, emphasized the importance of SOBEST to continue its ethical work and to increasingly strengthen relationships among members, nurses, other health colleagues, and patients.

Members of the New SOBEST Board 2018-2020

BullETin July 2018 37 Finding Happiness in helping others - A stoma visitors gathering held in Guangzhou Mei-Chun Zheng1, Bao-Jia Luo1, Yao-Hu2, Meng-Xiao Jiang3, Ling-Yan Wang4, Yong-Shan Wen1, Hui-Qin Zhang1, Hui- Ying Qin4*

1 Department of Colorectal Surgery, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine Guangzhou, 501160, RP. China 2 School of Nursing, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 3 Department of Urology Surgery, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine Guangzhou, 501160, RP. China 4 Nursing Department of Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine Guangzhou, 501160, RP. China * Correspondence to: Nursing Department of Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine Guangzhou, 501160, RP. China

On the morning of November 18th, nearly 60 ostomates and ETs from Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Hunan, and Guangzhou gathered at a “stoma visitor gathering” in Guangzhou, which were held by the Department of Colorectal Surgery, SYSUCC, with the Guangzhou Ostomate Sodality. The purpose of this gathering was to enhance the communication and collaboration between these regions.

Group Photo with people from Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Hunan, and Guangzhou

The gathering was hosted by Mrs. Wang Lingyan, an enterostomal therapist. She gave a warm welcome and expressed her sincere gratitude to the guests for attending the sodality. The gathering began with the video speech given by Dr. Wan Deseng, in which he expressed his best wishes to the ostomates and ETs who devoted themselves to stoma care. He also emphasized the importance of a stoma visit, which had a significant improvement in the quality of life, for patients during the hospitalization.

Mr. Yang Shuxuan has been in charge of the Guangzhou Stoma Sodality for many years. he said the stoma visit is one of the most central and important jobs for the association. The program has been carried out for 21 years, with a group of ostomates who help and bring optimism to others took part in trainings. They had formed a standard regimen to deliver appropriate information and inspiration to patients suffering from illness and hopelessness.

BullETin July 2018 38 A stoma visitor’s work includes preoperative puzzle solving, postoperative visits, encouragement, self-care, and re-employment counseling. These visitors had make a great difference for people in need, helping them regain independence and confidence.

Delegates of the Guangzhou Stoma Sodality

Meanwhile, several ETs shared some experiences in local development and program activities including: Mrs. Zhu Xiaomei, an ET and delegate from Hunan Province. She presented the current plan for stoma visits in her hospital; the stoma clinic and education for in and outpatients; and expanded coverage for community care and services for ostomates with mobility challenges.

Delegates of the Hunan Stoma Sodality

BullETin July 2018 39 Delegates of the Hong Kong Ostomate Association

Delegates from Macao, Singapore and Taiwan

BullETin July 2018 40 Besides, the President of the Hong Kong Ostomate Association, Mr. Chen Yaoguang, came up with the idea of taking different cultures to build a resource-sharing collaborative, inviting ostomates to join activities across the regions. Mrs. He Yingjie, coming from Macao, said that they would separate the visitors by gender to protect the privacy of ostomate and avoid sembarrassment. It is considerate of them to recognize gender specific needs.

As is known to us all, the screening of colorectal cancer has a positive effect on society. Singapore delegate, Mrs. Wang Zhuying, is a member of SGH NCC colorectal cancer support group. Their team, which consisted of surgeon, nurse, social worker, and geneticist, started to provides healthcare information to ostomates and to patients with colorectal cancer, as well as high-risk patients, to raise awareness of disease prevention.

Last but not least, Mrs. Yu Borui from Taiwan showed us the newest hand-made stoma belt created by the member of Taiwan Ostomate Association. Just as their name suggests, the group “Friend of Rose,” puts every effort into caring for people with stomas. stoma belt is designed for the prevention of hernias, and helps improve the quality of life for ostomates. The gathering ended up with a song named “A Grateful Heart,” performed by the visitors and ETs of Guangzhou Ostomate Sodality.

In conclusion, the gathering was a success! The theme “helping others” brought us together to celebrate the progress of stoma care across the regions, revealing the strong faith and hope of people living and struggling against illness. With the sustaining effort of ETs and stoma visitors, we believe that there is a bright future for people with stomas.

Ninth Course Closing Ceremony of Wenzhou ETNEP Miao AiMei and Aihua Chen (Alice), ETs, RNs ; China

On December 14th, 2017, the closing ceremony of Wenzhou ETNEP was successfully held in the academic lecture hall in Wenzhou Medical University. In this class, 24 students were recruited from more than 10 provinces, such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Shenyang, Hubei, Fujian, Zhejiang provinces., etc.

Mr. Ruan, the Vice President of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, gave a speak on behalf of the hospital. He affirmed that three months of training, theory and practice in wound, ostomy, and continence nursing, would directly benefit the people for whom we care. He also gave best wishes to the students for their future development, and expressed his thanks to all the preceptors for their hard work.

Ms. Chen, the Director of Wenzou ETNEP, focused on the features of the ET training course including: a global perspective, identification of expert teachers, good outcomes, detailed review of student performance, and the increasing numbers of clinical wounds. She also discussed the role of ostomy and incontinence care practitioners consultants, educators and researchers; and new breakthroughs by wound care nursing specialists. Then she wished all the students the best in their future careers and looking forward to seeing them again for next year’s tenth anniversary program.

Two students Guo Yin Hua (male), Lixia (female) expressed appreciation on behalf of all the classmates, to the educators for the professional, scholarly research and dedicated contributions. All said they would apply their new knowledge and techniques to care for patients after returning to work.

A video produced by the students reflecting their three months of ‘theoretical study, clinical practice and school life. Finally, the leaders and teachers issued the graduation certificates to all students and awarded certificates of honor to six outstanding students. The closing ceremony ended in a students’ chorus of singing “A Better Tomorrow.”

BullETin July 2018 41 温州国际造口治疗师第九期培训班顺利举行结业典礼 缪爱梅 陈爱华

2017年12月14日下午,温州国际造口治疗师第九期培训班在温州医科大学学院路校区育英学术报告厅顺利举 行了结业典礼。此次培训班共招收24位同学,他们分别来自全国各地十多个省份,如云南、贵州、重庆、郑 州、沈阳、湖北、福建、浙江等地。

温医大附二院阮积晨副院长代表医院作了发言,他肯定了三个月的理论和实践培训工作,并对学员今后的发 展致以殷切希望,希望大家在经过伤口、造口、失禁等方面的系统理论知识及操作技能训练后,能够在以后 学以致用,有效带动所在医院的专科护理工作发展;同时对培训基地所有老师的辛勤工作表示感谢。

学校负责人陈爱华在致辞中着重介绍了本期培训班的特色:全球化的视野、精英化的师资、本土化的实践、 实战化的成果,并对学员的表现进行细致的点评,最后借九九归一的美好祝福,祝愿本期学员能尽快承担 起临床伤口造口失禁护理实践者、咨询顾问、教育者和研究者等角色,在专科护理工作中取得新进展、新突 破,期待明年十周年校庆再聚。

接着,两位学员郭银华(男)、李霞(女)代表同学进行了情真意切的发言,感谢学校、老师们的专业、精 心培育,对学校严谨的治学作风,老师们兢兢业业的态度。同学们纷纷表示回到工作岗位后,学用结合,扎 实工作,运用学到的知识为更多的患者服务,为母校增光添彩,回报学校!

之后播放了学员自编自导、三个月期间理论学习、临床实践、课余生活的视频剪辑,真实反映大家学习、生 活的点点滴滴。最后由各位领导和老师向学员颁发了毕业证书,向6位优秀学员颁发优秀学员证,学员们向学 校及老师赠送了寓意师恩难忘的礼物。典礼在师生合唱明天会更好的歌声中圆满结束。

Mr. Ruan, the Vice President of No.2 Hospital of Wenzhou Ms. Chen, the Director of Wenzou ETNEP Medical University

Two students Guo Yin hua (male) and Lixia (female) Outstanding students expressing appreciation together

BullETin July 2018 42 All the students were singing a song Mr. Ruan and Ms. Zhang giving certificates to the students

Photos together of all attendees

“Innovation - Development” of WOC Nursing Forum was held in Shandong Provincial Hospital Wei Min, RN, ET; China

On January 19th 2018, the “Innovation – Development of WOC Nursing Forum” was held in Shandong Provincial Hospital. The goal of the program was to improve the knowledge of nurses on colostomy, wound, incontinence care. Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello, who is now the new WCET™ President and Co-Editor in Chief of “Advances in Skin & Wound Care”, gave the keynote lecture. Ms. Aihua Chen (Alice), the director of Wenzhou ETNEP was the expert interpreter.

More than 200 nurses participated in the Forum. Nurse Manager Min Wei was the moderator. At the beginning of the meeting, the Deputy Director of Nursing, Ms. Dongkong expressed a warm welcome to the two experts. She pointed out that with the development of the WOC nursing specialty, more and more nursing staff were providing evidence based care in the treatment of pressure injuries, diabetic foot ulcers, chronic wounds etc. Nurses play increasingly important roles. However, with the increased complexity of skin and wound problems and the growing number of critically ill patients, nurses and healthcare have more challenges.

Professor Ayello, based on her international perspective and expertise, presented a professional and wonderful academic lecture on the topic of “New Progress in the Prevention & Treatment of Pressure Injury and Diabetic Foot Ulcer.” All the attendees felt they learned a lot from the lectures. The forum played a very important role in promoting the nursing work of WOC nurses in our hospital.

All the attendees felt that they learned a lot from the two hour lecture.

BullETin July 2018 43 “创新·发展为主题的伤口造口失禁护理新进展论坛”在山东省立医院召开 山东省立医院 魏民

为持续提升护理人员造口、伤口、失禁专科护理的认知和水平,2018年1月19日下午,在山东省立医院如期 召开了以“创新·发展”为主题的“伤口造口失禁护理新进展论坛”系列学术活动。国际造口治疗师协会(WCET)主 席、美国著名伤口护理专家Elizabeth A.Ayello与温州国际造口治疗师学校校长陈爱华共同开启了论坛的“第一 课”。由外科护士长魏民主持,200余人参加了活动。会议伊始,护理部副主任孔冬对两位专家的到来表示了 热烈欢迎。她指出,随着伤口专科护理的发展,广大护理人员越来越多的参与到了包括压疮、糖尿病足、术 后迁延愈合切口在内的慢性伤口的诊疗护理工作中,并发挥了越来越为重要的作用。然而,随着疾病谱的变 化、危重患者数量的增多,我们也迎来了更多挑战。

Ayello教授以“压疮预防及慢性感染伤口治疗新进展”为主题,为大家呈现了一场专业、精彩的学术授课。她 基于国际视角,结合权威专科指南,通过近两小时的时间详细解析了压力性损伤和糖尿病足的预防和治疗, 内容前沿丰富,进一步开拓了广大护理人员在伤口护理专科领域的思维和视野,引发了许多共鸣。


Ms. Elizabeth A. Ayello giving a lecture, Ms. Aihua Chen(Alice) was the interpreter

Taking pictures with the wound care team Ms. Min Wei sending the lecture certificate to Ms. Ayello

BullETin July 2018 44 The International Day Activity and the Work of ETs in Shandong Provincial Medical Group Wei Min, Chen Shulei and Gong Xiaoju, RNs, ETs ; China

We are nurses from Shandong Provincial Medical Group, the largest medical group in Shandong Province of China. Our patients come from seventeen cities in Shandong. There are four Enterostomal Therapists (ETs) and one international wound therapist in the central hospital department. We formed an academic team to concentrate on stoma, wound and incontinence care. There are thirty nurses in the team. We offer outpatient care for wound and stoma patients. We provide the practice portion of the Shandong International Enterostomal Therapist School. Thirty ETs have completed their practice education in our hospital.

We offer health education to the public through the media every year. The most famous local newspaper and TV network has reported on our team.

Since 2014, we built a ‘Wechat’ group for stoma patients. There are five hundred patients in our group. Five nurses are appointed to answer the questions from the patients in the Wechat group at a certain time every day. The patients can send the picture of their stomas in the group, so that the nurses can make a brief diagnosis based on the picture and tell the patients whether they need further medical help.

Every year we organize volunteers to promote various forms of large-scale free medical consultation on the International Nurses Day and World Ostomy (Awareness) Day (WOAD/WOD). We organize a stoma patient sodality each quarter, since 2014. We have held 28 sodalities for thousands of patients.

In celebration of 2017 WOAD, we held free medical consultation and stoma patient sodality together on October 15. Three doctors and thirty nurses including two ETs volunteered to take part in the activity. About one hundred patients came to the event. The ETs checked the stomas of the patients and gave advice about how to care the stomas. We also tested the blood pressure and blood sugar of the patients. The doctors did physical examinations for the patients and gave them health advice. We introduced some new care products and useful care skills for the patients. We invited two stoma patients to volunteer to talk about living with a stoma. They shared their experiences about how to live with stoma. Other patients were encouraged by the talks. Our activity received great assistance from the hospital and our Director of Nursing came to encourage us.

As members of WCET™, we read stories about other ETs and learn a lot from the official website of the WCET™.

The “Stoma Care Team and our Director of Bursing Physicians are also involved

BullETin July 2018 45 We made healthy education materials for cancer prevention Stoma volunteers joined us in the psychological support

Pressure Injury Prevention Day activity series Care for the elderly, preventing pressure injuries (PIs) Shenlv Ying ET, RN and Aihua (Alice) Chen, ET, RN; China

With the growing aged population and increasing complexity of disease, the incidence of PI has been increased. PIs have become a serious problem in the world, negatively impacting on patients, their families, and society. For this reason, on the third Thursday of November is World’s PI Prevention Day.

On November 20th 2017, Ms. Chen (Alice) the leader of Wenzhou WOCN Association brought ETs to Wenzhou CiNing nursing home for “World PI Stop Day” activities. The goal of this event is to enhance societal awareness to prevent PI and master the knowledge and skills of PI prevention.

Ms. Aihua Chen gave a lecture on “New Progress in PI Management” for all nursing staff. Ms. Haiyan Li went to a ward to demonstrate methods of positioning and turning for long-term, bedridden, elderly patients, as well as skin protection and pressure relief skills. She also changed dressings for PI patients, showing staff how to use moist dressing properly to promote wound healing. The leader of CiNing Hospital said that the face-to-face training was very valuable, giving actual, practical experience, benefiting staff and patients. Hospital leaders expressed their appreciation to our on-site help.

To celebrate “Pressure Injury Stop Day,” Aihua Chen (Alice), held several activities, including lectures at community hospitals and health education at public events. The programs were aimed to inspire people to focus on skin care for the elderly, spreading PI prevention knowledge and skills. Pressure injuries are preventable. Early prevention, detection, and interventions are effective in reducing the incidence of PI. Prevention is better than treatment; everyone should stop PIs in the elderly.

BullETin July 2018 46 压疮预防日系列活动 关爱老人健康,远离压力性损伤

应胜绿 陈爱华

随着人口老龄化的日益加重以及疾病谱系的变化,压力性损伤的发病率也随之增高,压力性损伤日益成为世界 各国需要面对的严重问题,带来巨大的家庭、社会负担。为此,国际上将每年11月第三个星期四定为“世界压 力性损伤预防日”。

为进一步提升社会对预防压力性损伤的关注度,让更多人重视和掌握压力性损伤预防的知识和技能,2017年11 月20日下午温州市护理学会造口伤口护理专业组在组长陈爱华主委带领下赴温州慈宁老人院进行“世界压力性 损伤预防日”的专题活动。

陈爱华护士长为所有的护理员进行了“压力性损伤管理新进展”的学术讲座。李海燕护士长下病房现场演示如 何给长期卧床的老人进行正确翻身及体位摆放、皮肤保护及減压的技巧等,讲解压力性损伤护理存在的一些 误区等。并对有压力性损伤的老人进行床边换药,指导如何运用湿性愈合的方法促进伤口愈合。慈宁医院的 护理员们纷纷表示这样面对面的培训太实用了,受益匪浅。该院领导表示非常欢迎专业团队给予的现场帮助指 导。

围绕压疮预防日,造口治疗师陈爱华开展了多种形式的系列活动,到社区医院进行讲座,到社区开展义诊等 活动。旨在关爱老人健康,传播压力性损伤预防知识和技能,引起更多人对老年人的关心,和关爱。压力性损伤 是可防可控的,只要早预防、早发现、早干预,采取有效措施,可以降低压力性损伤发生的风险。预防胜于治 疗,让老年人远离压力性损伤的痛苦。

Health education in Gaolou Community

Aihua Chen is giving lectures Haiyan Li is changing dressing

BullETin July 2018 47 ET students and ETs in Wenzhou doing PI stop day activities in community hospital

Giving lecture on PI management in Longgang Hospital Giving lecture on PI management in Pingyang Hospital

Croatia celebrating the International Nurses Week in memory of Florence Nightingale - “Nurses - a Voice to Lead!” Marija Matetić, ET, RN, WCET™ Croatia ID

A week before this important celebration, we were involved in a Symposium about Enterostomal Therapy in Croatia. There were excellent lectures. The presentations triggered a special interest in a workshop about managing a stoma while the patient is sitting procedure.

In front of the Society of Sisters of Digestive Surgery: Mrs. Vesna Konjevod, Marija Matetic, some ETs friends and Dr. Marko Zelić from the Society of Digestive Surgery

BullETin July 2018 48 From May 7 to 12, International Nursing Day & Week were celebrated in Croatia under the motto “Nurses - The Voice to lead! “- Health is a human right.

This International Day of Nursing was marked by lectures, public health actions and numerous patient education events to promote healthy lifestyle and improve quality of life. In Cvjetni Square, public health activities (aimed at promoting and improving health) were held following this year’s slogan.

The nurses and technicians also organized a protest march from the Main Station to Markov Square, where they identified professional nursing issues, such as working abroad and improving work life balance for nurses.

Actions led by Nurses and Technicians in Zagreb

BullETin July 2018 49 Actions leaded by Nurses and Technicians in Zagreb: as its said picture says more than a thousand words…

So let us keep that voice going and advocate that every individual has the right to the health. We say “When you save one life, you are a hero, when you save hundreds of lives, then you are a nurse.”

The ceremony at the Comedy Theater for Nurses

May 19 was marked as the World Day of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and in Croatia it has been celebrated on the Cvjetni Square in Zagreb.

IBD World Day celebration in Zagreb

We cannot wait until next time!

BullETin July 2018 50 Other coming Education Events 1st International Ostomy Scientific 13 – 15 July 2018. Jakarta, Indonesia.

More information on:

International Continence Society Conference 28 - 31 August 2018. Philadelphia, USA.

More information on:

BullETin July 2018 51 ASCN – UK Conference 2018 9 – 11 September 2018, Birmingham, UK

More information on:

Global Wound Conference 2018 21-23 September 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

More information on:

BullETin July 2018 52 World Union of Wound Health Societies Conference 2020 8 – 12 March 2020. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Global Healing Changing Lives

More information on:

WCET™ BullETin is a copyright publication of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET™)

WCET™ BullETin Editor: Karen Bruton, Publications and Communications Chairperson, Canada

WCET™ BullETin Interim Copy Editor: Kathleen Leask Capitulo, WCET™ Publications and Communications Committee Member, USA

WCET™ BullETin Assistant Editors: Laurent O. Chabal, Vice President, WCET™, Switzerland; Elizabeth A. Ayello, President, WCET™, USA

Greg Paull, WCET™ Publications and Communications Committee Member, Perth, Australia

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the WCET™ BullETin are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, the BullETin Editor or BullETin Assistant Editors.

BullETin July 2018 53