18 FEBRUARY 2021 at 2.00 PM Via MS Teams

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18 FEBRUARY 2021 at 2.00 PM Via MS Teams COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS THURSDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2021 AT 2.00 PM via MS Teams Public Observation: Anyone who has registered to observe the meeting will be sent instructions to join the event using Microsoft Teams. You will be requested to keep your microphone on mute and any camera setting to off. No questions or statements are allowed. AGENDA 1 Welcome and Apologies Chairman Verbal 2 Chairman’s Introduction Chairman Verbal 3 To approve the minutes of Chairman Draft Minutes a. The meeting of Council of Governors held on 19 November 2020 b. The Annual General and Members meeting held on 24 November 2020 4 To receive any declarations of interest Chairman Verbal 5 To review the public action log Chairman Report 6 To receive an update from the Chairman Chairman Verbal 7 To receive an update from the Chief Executive Brent Report Kilmurray, Chief Executive 8 To respond to any questions from Governor’s to Chairman Verbal the Board (Questions will be taken directly in the meeting with responses recorded within the minutes where a verbal response is provided. A written response will only be provided where it is not practicable to respond within the meeting) 1 Issued version 2 9 To receive a report on the Trust’s financial Liz Romaniak, Report position as at 31 December 2020 Director of Finance and Information 10 To receive a report on key indicators from the Sharon Pickering, Report Trust’s performance dashboard as at 31 Director of Planning, December 2020 Performance and Communications 11 To consider the appointment of Governors Phil Bellas, Trust appointments to the following positions: Secretary a. Lead Governor Report b. Nomination and Remuneration Committee Verbal c. An observer at the Trust’s Audit and Risk Verbal Committee due to meet in May 2021 12 Date of Next Meeting Chairman Verbal 13 The Chairman to move: Chairman Verbal “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting on the grounds that the nature of the business to be transacted may involve the likely disclosure of confidential information as defined in Annex 9 to the Constitution as explained below: Information relating to a particular employee, former employee or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular office-holder, former office-holder or applicant to become an office-holder under, the Trust. Information relating to any particular applicant for, or recipient or former recipient of, any service provided by the Trust. Information which, if published would, or be likely to, inhibit - (a) the free and frank provision of advice, or (b) the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation, or (c) would otherwise prejudice, or would be likely otherwise to prejudice, the effective conduct of public affairs. Miriam Harte Chairman 10 February 2021 Contact: Phil Bellas, Trust Secretary Tel: 01325 552001/Email: [email protected] 2 Issued version 2 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS’ PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON 19 NOVEMBER 2020, 2.00PM VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS PRESENT: Miriam Harte (Chairman) Dr Sara Baxter (Redcar and Cleveland) Gemma Birchwood (Selby) Mary Booth (Middlesbrough) Mark Carter (Redcar and Cleveland) James Creer (Durham) Gary Emerson (Stockton on Tees) Ray Godwin (Forensic) Hazel Griffiths (Harrogate and Wetherby) Dominic Haney (Durham) Christine Hodgson (York) Joan Kirkbride (Darlington) Jacci McNulty (Durham) Rachel Morris (Teesside University) Dr Boleslaw Posmyk (NHS Tees Valley CCG) Jules Preston (Harrogate and Wetherby) Jean Rayment (Hartlepool) Gillian Restall (Stockton on Tees) Dr Mojgan Sani (Stockton) Zoe Sherry (Hartlepool) Stan Stevenson (Hambleton & Richmondshire) Cllr Helen Swiers (North Yorkshire County Council) Sarah Talbot-Landon (Durham) Cllr Derek Wann (Appointed - City of York Council) Jill Wardle (Durham) Judith Webster (Scarborough & Ryedale) IN ATTENDANCE: Phil Bellas (Trust Secretary) Dr Hugh Griffiths (Non Executive Director) Prof Pali Hungin (Non Executive Director) Stuart Johnson (Governor and Member Administrator) Dr Ahmad Khouja (Medical Director) Brent Kilmurray (Chief Executive) John Maddison (Non Executive Director) Elizabeth Moody (Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Nursing and Governance) Paul Murphy (Non Executive Director) Donna Oliver (Deputy Trust Secretary) Kathryn Ord (Deputy Trust Secretary) Sharon Pickering (Director of Planning, Performance, Commissioning and Communications) Beverley Reilly (Non Executive Director) Shirley Richardson (Non Executive Director) Liz Romaniak, (Director of Finance and Information) KO 1 of 11 Version 0.2 20/20 APOLOGIES Lee Alexander (Durham County Council) Louis Bell (Corporate) Sue Brent (Sunderland University) Mike Brierley (NHS County Durham CCG) Anne Carr (Durham) Emanuel Chan (Teesside) Marie Cunningham (Middlesbrough) Dr Andrew Fairbairn (Newcastle University) Chris Gibson (Harrogate and Wetherby) Janet Goddard (Scarborough and Ryedale) Ruth Hill (Chief Operating Officer) Ian Hamilton (University of York) Anthony Heslop (Durham) Carol Jones (Rest of England) Kevin Kelly (Darlington Borough Council) Kirsty Kitching (NHS North Yorkshire CCG) David Levy (Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development) Audrey Lax (Darlington) Keith Marsden (Scarborough and Ryedale) Cllr Ann McCoy (Stockton Borough Council) Prof Tom McGuffog MBE (York) Graham Robinson (Durham) Erik Scollay (Middlesbrough Council) Cllr Stephen Thomas (Appointed - Hartlepool Borough Council) John Venable (Selby) Dr Ruth Walker (NHS Vale of York CCG) Observers 2 public observers were present. 20/21 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the meeting Apologies were noted from Governors as recorded on the register of attendance. 20/22 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The Council of Governors considered the minutes from the public meeting held on 12 February 2020. Agreed - That the public minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 20/23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. KO 2 of 11 Version 0.2 20/24 PUBLIC ACTION LOG Consideration was given to the public action log. Arising from the report: 1) Minute 18/83 – North Yorkshire and York Staff Governor It was noted the elected staff Governor had since resigned from their position in the Trust. Governors agreed that this action was no longer a priority. Action – Closed 2) Minute 19/70 – Autism Training It was agreed that a future date would be agreed for this report to be submitted to the Council. 3) Minute 20/04 – IAPT service It was agreed that a future date would be agreed for this report to be submitted to the Council. 4) Minute 20/08 – Gender Pay Gap It was agreed that a future date would be agreed for this report to be submitted to the Council. 20/25 CHAIRMAN UPDATE The Chairman provided a briefing on the following matters: 1) Governance related meetings were starting to return to pre-Covid schedules. Planning was underway to develop the meeting schedules for the Board, its Committees and the Council of Governors for the first six months of 2021. 2) Governors had been invited to meetings focussed on their localities with the relevant Directors of Operations. These had been successful. Further meetings would be convened in 2021. 3) Covid still dominated discussions and remained a priority. Staff and services had coped exceptionally well, but there was a sense that ‘tiredness’ was starting to show. It was therefore extremely important that there was no loss of focus in the provision of support for staff through the wellbeing initiatives that had been put in place. 4) The establishment of the ICS’s and ICP’s was progressing. It was recognised that there had been limited information available to Governors on these key developments. Briefing sessions would be developed for early in 2021. Action Item – Kathryn Ord 5) A significant amount of work had taken place regarding the strategic framework and business planning for the Trust. This was still ongoing and further work was planned for December and early in 2021. KO 3 of 11 Version 0.2 6) In relation to complaints, the Trust had embarked on a major review which had commenced with the delivery of a pilot training event focussed around empathy. This had involved staff and service users and carers. Excellent feedback had been received and the next stages of taking the review forward were being planned. Agreed – That the Council of Governors received and noted the update of the Chairman. 20/26 CHIEF EXECUTIVE UPDATE Brent Kilmurray presented his update reported highlighting the following matters: 1. Big Conversation • A significant number of staff, service users, carers and public had contributed to this engagement exercise. • Over 36,000 elements of data had been received and the analysis of this was underway. • The focus now was to interpret the findings to influence the strategic framework of the Trust including re-visiting the purpose, vision, goals and values of the organisation. • The Board of Directors would, at its next meeting consider a draft proposal which had been developed following the conclusion of the workshops held in October and November. • By the end of January the Trust was expected to be in a position to have an agreement of the overall strategic framework and the three to four key strategic transformation priorities. • Governors were thanked for their contributions so far during this process. 2. Care Quality Commission (CQC) Action Plan • Good progress had been made delivering the key actions identified by the CQC. • Eight actions had been completed, seven actions were still being progressed and four had been reported as behind schedule. • Covid had impacted some delivery of the required actions. • CQC would be moving to a new transitional regulatory approach. 3. Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) • IPC guidance had been constantly updated in line with national guidance and local restrictions. • Learning from incidents regarding IPC and outbreaks was underway. • Episodes of patient leave continued to be individually risk assessed. • There had been a greater level of nosocomial infections.
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