TEAA (Teachers for East Africa Alumni) Newsletter No. 26, January 2012. Published and edited by: Ed Schmidt, 7307 Lindbergh Dr., St. Louis, MO 63117, USA, 314-647-1608, <
[email protected]>. Send items for the newsletter to the above address. PLEASE KEEP THE EDITOR INFORMED OF ANY CHANGES IN YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. It is easier for you to tell me than for me to re-find you! The account that is used to fund printing and mailing of the newsletter is running low. Donations to the newsletter fund should be sent to the above address. Checks should be made out to Ed Schmidt. The TEAA website, <http://www.tea-a.org>, is an easy way to keep up with TEAA happenings, news and photos from East Africa . Suggestions and specific contributions of content are strongly encouraged. Send to Henry Hamburger, <
[email protected]>. Henry is also our treasurer. Donations for TEAA support of schools in East Africa can be made by sending a check made out to TEAA to: Henry Hamburger, 6400 Wynkoop Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817- 5934, USA. In this issue: PRESIDENTʼS MESSAGE, Brooks Goddard AN EAST AFRICA REUNION ACCOUNT: BOOKING IT IN KENYA, by Bill Jones ON ASSESSING NEEDS AND MAKING GRANTS, by David Newbury RECENT TEAA GRANTS, compiled by Henry Hamburger LETTERS FROM OUR CONTACTS IN EAST AFRICAN SCHOOLS TEAA PARTICIPATES IN FOT EVENT IN DENVER, by Leal Dickson and Lee Smith TEAAers IN THE NEWS -- Betty Castor and Henry Hamburger TEAAers CREATE -- Edward Hower and Emilee Cantieri NOTES FROM MYANMAR, by Dale Otto WEʼVE HEARD FROM YOU LETTER FROM THE PAST, by Julie Sulman IKE, 1-10s, MEMORIES AND ME by Jay Anderson WELL-PRESSED SHIRT, by Jay Anderson PAPA, MARTHA, AND ME, by Jay Anderson YOUR STORIES, by Jim Shields RECOMMENDED READING OBITUARIES: Wangari Maathai, Margaret Macpherson PRESIDENTʼS MESSAGE, Brooks Goddard Greetings of the New Year, 2012.