From Krishna Pal to Lal Behari Dey: Indian Builders of the Church in India or Native Agency in Bengal 1800-1880 Eleanor Jackson Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Derby
[email protected] __________ This title has a distinctly eighteenth century ring to it, being a composite title created from my original title and that which was assigned to it in the 1997 Edinburgh North Atlantic Missiology Project consultation programme. It encapsulates the change in attitude to 'native agents' since the paternalism of the era so famously described in V.S. Azariah's address to delegates to the Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference.(l) On the other hand, the problem in using my title is that the names of Krishna Pal (l764-1822) and Lal Behari Dey (l824-1894) are relatively unknown, although this would not have been the case during the years when they were active in mission service, and missionary magazines were required reading on the Victorian Sabbath both in Britain and Europe.(2) Hence the descriptive clause, 'Indian Builders of the Indian churches.' 'Indian Builders of the Indian Churches' is also more appropriate in the jubilee year of the Church of South India, at a time of celebrations for fifty years of Indian independence, and it is within that conceptual framework that this paper is constructed. In each clause a chronological span is suggested. For in the first, Krishna Pal was the first Indian Baptist convert, baptised 28 December 1800 and received into full membership of the Church in Serampore on the first Saturday in 1801, and Lal Behari Dey, active even in retirement from his professorship, died at a venerable age in 1894 after more than forty years as missionary and minister of the Free Church of Scotland Mission.