REGULAR MEETING the COMMON COUNCII. of the CITY of BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA, Met Ip the of Seven-Thh0 Ty O'clock P. M. (7: '30 P. M
125 REGULAR MEETING THE COMMON COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA, met ip the Cot1ncil Chambers in Ci.ty Ha.11 on: Tt1es_da~1~ Oc·tober _15,, 1:963, at t}-1(::: hour of seven-thh0 ty o'clock P. M. (7: '30 P. M.) i.n regulm1l3pssion with Mayor Mary Alice Dunlap presiding. ' I\1embers: prt;!serrt: Si1<.es~ CThit'Vl.1ood., Peace~ Pearso11, E'au-ce-tt, liickn1an a11d S11er·tze1:-, Meniliers absent: None Co.uncilmar, Peace moved, seconded by Count:ilman Faueett, that the mj.n utes o:f the last meeting held October 1, 1963, be approved as sub mitted to each individual councilman; motion unanirnouslp carried. Councilman Sikes peesented Ordinanee Number 35, 1963 for first read ing by ; the Clerk-Treasurel'. The Clel'k-Treasurer read Ordinance Num ber 35, 1963. Mr. Marvard Clark, Assistant Engineer, explained that property in- valved v1as on ivest 7t11 Street east of Ad.an1s 0 Mr. Ed Applegate, representing Mr. Noel, property owner, asked that Ordinance NtIB11Jer 35, 1963~ be advanced. to second reading ::in. order thH.t Mx· .. Noel cou.ld move his }Ja.1--JJer shop to ·th.e land c1uring good iveather .. Councilman Chitwood moved, secoml.ed by Councilillil£n Faucett, that Ordinance Number 35, 1963 be advanced to second reading and read by title only by the Clerk-Treasurer. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was carried as follows: For: Si1zes '.> C}1itv>Jood, Peace, on, I-'auce_tt, Shertzer Against: Hickman , The J;le1'k-Traasurer i 0 ead, by tj.tle only, Ordinance Number 35, 1963.
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