JANUARY 10, 1980 Arabs Angered by Israeli Utility Move JERUSALEM (JTA) - a N~W Political and Arab Villages
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R.I. JEWIS H HISTORICAL ASS OC 13 0 SESSI ON S ST . PROVIDEN C E , R I 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Thon Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership_ TH E ONLY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN R I ANO SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXIII . NUMBER 11 TH ARY 10. 19 0 25' PER COPY El Al Manager Killed In Istanbul Miriam Researchers A warded Grant TEL AV1V (JTA) - Abraham Elazar, Cardiology at The Miriam, explained that manager of El Al in Istanbul, was shot to "we initially became invol"ed in the study death by unknown assassins who ambushed as one o f 33 collaborating centers his car as he drove home from his office at throughout the countr) . We hope that by the ai rpo rt. foll) describing the abnormalities peculiar T wo terrorist group, have claimed to people "ho get heart attacks we may responsibi lity ror the killing. Is rael, e,entuall) be able to accurately identify Transport Minister Haim Landau cabled his those people in our communit) who arc at Turkish counterpart to make every effort to pJrt,cular rt ~ for the development of heart apprehend the murderers and bring them to attack, but "'ho a re still free o f any tria l. )mptoms. " A p1:Cviously unknown terrorist group in The parent stud). known as the Beta Bei rut claimed that its gunmen killed Elazar Blocker Heart Attack Trial ( BHAT). in nee.ruse he was a "Zionist agent" and vohes studies of patients between the ages warned that it would continue to act against of 30-69 "ho ha,e sustarned recent heart at "agents of Zionism and imperialism" all tacks These studies "ill eventually involve over the worl'!I . The group 1dent1fied itself appro\lmatcl) 4300 patients throughout as " The l:.ncounter hont Again t the the countr) and "'II test the effectiveness o f Camp David Agreements." the of the drug proprnnolol in reducing the In Istanbul ea rli er. an anonymous recurrence or heart attuc~s. telephone caller to ld a newspaper that the " Our study," points out Dr. Shulman, as,ailanb were member~ or the '" Leninist· ""111 pro\ldc the largest and best documen Marxist nderground," a group never ted SUC'C) of blood rat abnormalities in heard or before and believed. in fact , to be a patients who ha,•e had recent heart attacks. fake name intended to ml\lead the pol,cc \\ e "'II be searchin g for special clues The call er also claimed that the l\racll airline besides simple measurement o f the blood executive was an agent of Israeli intcll,gencc cholesterol... , '\C(VICC"i . The rc,earch techniques were develo ped Alert Declared At hraeli Orne..., b) Drs hulman, Peter Herbert , and Omar llcndermn. dur111g ten years of collabo ra As a result or the murder, an alert was Or. Peter Herber1 and Or. Richard Shulman declared at the Israeli l:mbassy ,n Ankara t,on It ""' ,pec,fically for the purpose o r and at al l other Israeli d1plomat1c and co m \ Mmam II O\ plt al re,ea rch tea m headed I lea Ith to st ud) ccrtam hlood fat, and the performing such studies in a community mercial office:,. in rurkcy l urkhh lcrro ra ,1 h, D r R 1< h,ml <; ~hulm ,n 10<I I r r ctcr rrote•n "h ,h CJT" thcs< r., t, 111 the hlood ho< p11al that the e investigators lert the gro ups arc known to have close contacts I ierbcrt ha rcccntl) rcu:l\cd grJnt vt ol pJll n~ ,. hv nJ"C hJd h.;.J r! .ul.,hJ,, 1\, J tmn.11 ln.,t 1lutc, of I lcalth and camt.:. ln with the Palestine L1bera t1 on OrganiLOt1on S440.000 from the at,onal ln,titut or Dr • hulman. Oircctor or the D1 v1<1on or The Mmam Hospital. and o ther Arab terro ri st band . A Turkish terrorist was captured during an Israel, ra id on Arab terrorist bases in Lebanon and was U.S. Aid Disappoints Israel Settlement handed over to the Turkis h a utho rities. On the other hand, some Is raelis claim that Turkish officialdom is sympathetic to J 1:.R Sf\ U : r-1 (JT A) - Israel, o fficial, tot.ii o f 3 4 billio n ,n m ilitary a nd Expands t he Pa lestinians and that they enjoy fr eedom exprc,scd dtsappomtmcnt "1th the S200 econo mic assistance for the fi cal }car 198 I JERUSALEM (JTA) - Work began re o f movement on Turkish soil. Sources here m,11,on m military ales credit that Preli1 - ,.. h,ch beg,ns nnt Oct I centl y under the protection or Israeli army suggested that the murder or Elatar may dent artcr has Jgrecd to add to the 3 ccord,ng to officials here, the hort-fall guards, to expand the Jewish settlement of have been in retali ation for the recent slaymg billion ,11d package for Israel o,er the ne,t means that m1lltar) e.pend,ture "1ll have Kiryat Arba nea r Hebron . The work, that of two El Fatah officers in Nicosia, Cyprus. three year<. The h1te House announced to be reduced sub tantiall) and the go,crn o f building additional ho usi ng, continued A PLO spokesman claimed lsrneli agents that the President will seek ongress1onal mcnt ,.,II be forced to implement even undis turbed despite a p, o test demo nstra were respo nsible. appro,al of that sum Israel had requested a tougher economic austerity measures than tion by a group of A rahs claiming owner those already announced. ship or the land known as Ha rsi na Hill. Defense 1,n,ster ELe r Weizman returned Although the hill was declared State ABC to Air Documentary On from Washington last week where he had land, the Arab vi ll agers claimed they had spent a " eek conferring with Pre ident Car proor that nearly 150 acres of that a rea were ter. Sccretar) of State yrus Vance, their own. The demonstration was led by Nazis in America Derensc Secretary Ha rold Brown a nd other Hebron Mayo r Fahed Kawasme, who later top officials on the new aid package. Ac appealed to Defense Minister Ezer Weiz NEW YORK (JTA) - A television lmestigated 'Project Paperclip' cording to repo rts today. top U.S. officials man to stop the project. Connor investigated one top-level in documentary to be ai red this month will ex complai ned to Weizman about Israel's At the same time, it was learned that telligence program. " Project Paperclip," amine the fact that there are mo re than 200 West Bank settlement policy and about the work has been completed on the recon a ll eged Nazi war criminals now living in the which not only allowed some war criminals lack of progress in the autonomy talks. struction o r the Hadassah building in into this country, but did so with the official United States who may be responsible ro r The SJ.4 billion Israel sought, double its Hebron - which still houses a group of the deaths of as many as two million peo sanction or the government. From the end present a llocation, was expected to cover Gush Emunim women despite a govern or Wo rld Wa r II to the mid- 1950s. it ple. the loss or purchasing power or the U .S. ment order for their evacuation. The recon bro ught mo re than 900 German scientists "ABC News Closeup - Escape From dollar owing to innation. Congress has struction work was described as a " humani to the U .S. Paperclip's goal. Connor says, Justice: Nazi War Criminals in America" already approved $2.2 billion in military ai d tarian" gesture intended to improve the liv was to recruit and "exploit" the best of will be aired Sunday, Jan. 13 (7-8 p.m. EST) credit, over the next three years to help ing conditions of the women and children German brainpower. Officially, Paperclip on the ABC Television Network. An ABC Israel carry o ut the terms of its peace treaty li ving in the old building. spokesman termed it the most comprehen barred active Nazis, but sc reening with Egypt, including the redeployment of sive ex~mination of Nazis in America ever procedures were lax and, in some cases, its fo rces from Sinai to the Negev. Congress Meanwhile, unrest continued on the televised - exploring how they got here, negligent. also approved $800 million in economic West Bank over the decision by the govern why they have been able to stay. and why Conno r investigates two such Project aid. ment to purchase the Arab-owned East effective legal actio n against them is Paperclip recruits: Otto Ambros, convicted Jerusalem Electric Corporation. A repre starting only now. at Nuremberg of slavery and mass murder Basis For Decision sentative of the firm left for Amman for This investi'gation or Nazi war criminals and sentenced to eight years in prison. Am The amount Israel will receive for fiscal consultations on the Israeli decision. The in America presents evidence indicating bros, according to the investigation, now I 981 will not be known until the Ad company is owned by Arab municipalities that some of them have been recruited, works as a consultant for W .R. Grace & ministration announces its budget later this on the West Bank and receives a stipend protected and even employed by the United Company. The other is Maj.