JUDITH DIANE BROWN 46 Burke Rd, Vernon CT 06066 (860) 933-2084
[email protected] EDUCATION University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 Doctor of Philosophy Genetics Thesis: Evaluation of genetic instability in eutherian hybrids Principal Investigator: Rachel J. O’Neill, Molecular and Cell Biology University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 Master of Science Allied Health Thesis: Spatial ability as a predictor of karyotyping ability in undergraduate students State University of New York, College at Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 Bachelor of Science Biology EMPLOYMENT HISTORY State University of New York Health Science Center, Cytogenetics, Syracuse, NY 13210 Cytogenetics Technologist Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Genetics, Woodville South, South Australia, Australia 5011 Technical Officer, cytogenetics and molecular diagnostics work exchange University of Connecticut, Allied Health Sciences Department, Storrs, CT 06269 Associate Professor in Residence, Diagnostic Genetic Sciences current Lecturer I | Lecturer II | Assistant Professor in Residence TEACHING (bold: regularly scheduled/courses offered every year) 1. DGS 3223: Laboratory in Cytogenetics (3 cr) 1996- 2011 2. DGS 4235: Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (2 cr) 1998 3. DGS 3225: Chromosome Imaging (1 cr) F 1998 – 2012, 2014 -2018 4. DGS 3226: Genetics Journal Club (3 cr), developed 2001, (01,02,04,05,07,11,12) 5. MLS 201: Basic Laboratory Techniques, team-taught (98-2005, 2007) 6. INTD 1820: The Genetic Link, developed S 2000 (2000-2006, 2010) 7. INTD 1820: Chromosomes and Human Disease developed Sum 2009 (2009) 8. INTD 296W: Senior Thesis, 2005 9. AH 3099, DGS 3999 and GPAH 5099: Independent Studies every semester (variable credits) 10. MCB 5427(2): Cytogenetics and FISH (1 cr), developed 2002 (2002, 03, 05, 06, 09, 11) 11.