4343 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, April 4, 2019 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 44, No. 10 CBC hangs door hangers Residents living in affected parts of the Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District City grapples with implementing Prop B should have received a door hanger notify- ing them of sanitary sewer work to be done by As the City of Houston grapples with imple- “Spreading the costs will be in the best inter- posal fails to provide parity. differences, please let us know.” Nerie Construction. The notices should have menting Prop B to pair fi refi ghter pay to that of est of all Houstonians.” “Firefi ghter layoffs are unnecessary. They The city issued a subsequent response stating told residents the date their property is to be police offi cers, Mayor Sylvester Turner is being Patrick “Marty” Lancton, president of the were unnecessary during the HPD raises. They that pay increases will be immediately met but at visited, to leave their gates unlocked and to se- met with opposition from the fi refi ghters union Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association are unnecessary now. When you gut HFD from the cost of hundreds of jobs. cure outdoor pets. Nerie crews began televis- and even a council member from his own party. fi red back sharply. within with yet more budget and personnel cuts, Once systems are in place, fi refi ghters will be ing pipes on April 2, and manhole evaluations Late last month, Turner sent a letter to the “We received your ‘proposal,’ which appar- you alone will be responsible for the conse- issued lump sum checks for Jan.1 through the will begin April 8.