Takoma Park Newsletter
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. .” Margaret Mead (1901-1978) Published by the City of Takoma Park www.cityoftakomapark.org February 2006 Skateboard Park Location Remains Up in the Air You see them rolling down sidewalks, In our own back yard hopping up and down curbs, haunting The Takoma Park option, first dis- loading docks and searching out stairs cussed in 2001, seemed a sure thing and rails, the gritty grind of their wheels four years ago. Skaters and their par- on pavement announcing their pres- ents, along with community members ence in the streets and neighborhoods and the City Council, crowded Coun- of Takoma Park. They are the local skate- cil chambers to embrace the idea of a boarders, always in search of new tricks neighborhood skate park built on the - and a place to try them. two dilapidated tennis courts behind Now they have two possibilities, Piney Branch Elementary School, at though each is proving to be as slippery the Takoma-Piney Branch Neighbor- as the waxed concrete ledges they ride hood Park. Those concerned with los- all over town. One, right in Takoma ing the tennis courts got newly sur- Park, presents questions regarding op- faced courts at the Takoma Park Middle erational costs; the other, in Silver Spring, School. Then the grant meant to fund is still casting about for a suitable loca- the project was discontinued and the PHOTO BY SAM RICCI Ele Rubenstein kick flips off the loading dock at CVS, a popular spot for local tion.
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