Universal Dependencies and Morphology for Hungarian – and on the Price of Universality Veronika Vincze1,2, Katalin Ilona Simkó1, Zsolt Szántó1, Richárd Farkas1 1University of Szeged Institute of Informatics 2MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence
[email protected] {vinczev,szantozs,rfarkas}@inf.u-szeged.hu Abstract plementation of multilingual morphological and syntactic parsers from a computational linguistic In this paper, we present how the princi- point of view. Furthermore, it can enhance studies ples of universal dependencies and mor- on linguistic typology and contrastive linguistics. phology have been adapted to Hungarian. From the viewpoint of syntactic parsing, the We report the most challenging grammati- languages of the world are usually categorized ac- cal phenomena and our solutions to those. cording to their level of morphological richness On the basis of the adapted guidelines, (which is negatively correlated with configura- we have converted and manually corrected tionality). At one end, there is English, a strongly 1,800 sentences from the Szeged Tree- configurational language while there is Hungarian bank to universal dependency format. We at the other end of the spectrum with rich mor- also introduce experiments on this manu- phology and free word order (Fraser et al., 2013). ally annotated corpus for evaluating auto- In this paper, we present how UD principles were matic conversion and the added value of adapted to Hungarian, with special emphasis on language-specific, i.e. non-universal, an- Hungarian-specific phenomena. notations. Our results reveal that convert- Hungarian is one of the prototypical morpho- ing to universal dependencies is not nec- logically rich languages thus our UD principles essarily trivial, moreover, using language- can provide important best practices for the uni- specific morphological features may have versalization of other morphologically rich lan- an impact on overall performance.