AND Fill in the Blanks 1. Buddha attended enlightenment at Bodhgaya. 2. The Shudras became followers of Jainism in large numbers. 3. and Svetambaras are the two sects of Jainism. 4. preached in language. 5. Buddha is worshipped as god by the followers of sect. 6. Buddhism split into and Mahayana. 7. Mahavira was the 24 or last . 8. The Buddhist order of monks and nuns was called . 9. Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at 10. The early Jains taught their doctrine in Prakrit language. 11. Mahavira belonged to the Licchavi clan. 12. The monasteries where the Buddhist monks lived were called Vihara.

Answer these Questions: 1. Why were the new religions so popular among the masses? The new religions were so popular among the mases because they preached their doctrines in the language of the common people.

2. Explain why common people were dissatisfied with the Brahmanical religion. The common people were dissatisfied with the Brahmanical religion because they involved meaningless rituals and sacrifices. The caste system had become increasingly rigid.

3. What were the main teaching of Mahavira? The main teaching of Mahavira was found in the Five Rules of Conduct, they are – i) Do not commit violence. Ii) Do not speak a lie iii) Do not steal. Iv) Do not acquire property v) Observe continence (self-control)

4. Name the different sects of Buddhism. How did they differ from each other? The different sects of Buddhism are the Hinayana Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhism. The Hinayana Buddhism considered Buddha as a preacher and followed his teaching rigidly. The followers of Mahayana Buddhism worshipped Buddha as god.

5. Mention the areas beyond India where Buddhism became popular. The areas beyond India where Buddhism became popular are Sri Lanka, Burma, China and Japan.

6. How did Buddhism and Jainism differ from Brahmanism? Buddhism and Jainism differ from Brahmanism in a way they oppose rigid caste system and ritualistic nature of religion.

7. Write a short note on the teachings of Gautam Buddha. Gautam Buddha’s teachings were simple and practical. They were based on the realities of the day. His philosophy was also called the Middle Path (madhyam path), because it advised individuals to avoid the extremes of life – luxury and .

8. What code of conduct did Gautam Buddha lay for his followers. laid the following code of conduct for his followers.  Do not covet the property of others.  Do not commit violence.  Do not use intoxicants.  Do not speak a lie.  Do not indulge in corrupt practices.

9. Do you think Buddhism and Jainism were similar in many ways? Give reasons for your answer. Yes, Buddhism and Jainism were similar in many ways like both were started by the members of the Kshatriya Verna. Both opposed Brahminical supremacy and both were simple religions without any elaborate or expensive rituals and practices.

10. What were Viharas? How did they help in the spread of Buddhism? Vihara were place where Buddhist monks and nuns lived. Depict of the Buddhist influences in art and architecture in these viharas helped in the spread of Buddhism.

11. What were the different sects of Jainism? How did they differ from each other? The different sects of Jainism are Digambaras and Svetambara. They differ from each other in a way that Digambaras were sky- clad and chose not to wear clothes and Svetambaras were white-clad. They covered their mouth with a piece of white cloth.

12. Why did Buddhism decline later? Buddhism declined later due to the following reasons.  Vedic Hinduism was reformed and brought back into prominence.  Buddhism was split into Hinayana and Mahayana and the latter was very similar to Hinduism.  Buddhist monks and nuns began to lead luxurious lives.  Corrupt practices crept into the monasteries.

13. What was the impact of Buddhism on socio-cultural life of people? Buddhism had far reaching impact in the socio- cultural life of the people. It contributed to the development of literature in the language of the people. The Buddhist monasteries became centers of learning.

14. Do you think that all the principles of Buddhism and Jainism can be followed in contemporary times? Give reasons to support your answer. Yes, all the principles of Buddhism and Jainism can be followed in contemporary times because they all lay emphasis on love, devotion and non-violence.

15. What was the of Buddha’s life? The renunciations of his luxury life to become a wandering mendicant after encountering an old man, sick man and a dead man is known as the Great Renunciation of Buddha’s life.