The Media Year in Review Pastoral Team carries a message of life to the nation and the world Father Frank Pavone and the entire Priests for Life Pastoral Team were regularly quoted or called on to comment on the hottest topics in the news. New York States passes law expanding access until birth

“The fact that this is no longer the case in New York shows how out of step this new law is both with the rest of America and with common sense,” said Rev. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. Hypocrisy, 'Homicide', and 'Horrors': New York's Brand New 'License to Kill' Viable Babies Sparks Intense Outrage

Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and executive director of @PriestsforLife tweeted: "As a native New Yorker my heart is broken knowing precious babies can now be killed until birth for any reason. #abortion is nothing less than homicide and to expand its bloody reach on the anniversary of #RoeVWade is a disgrace. #prolife #WakeUpAmerica" U.S. Senate fails to bring Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to floor for a vote

The Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, vowed to make this vote a 2020 issue. “For the Democrats, a newborn slated for extermination before birth is fair game even after birth. This is infanticide. The only thing Americans can do to protect these most vulnerable babies is to vote out of office those who fail to protect them,” Father Pavone said. Senate Democrats Fail to Protect Infants Born Alive After from Infanticide


Senate Democrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide and Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions Thousands join the 46th March for Life in Washington

Droves of pro-lifers will attest to uniqueness of pre- born life at 46th annual March for Life

Women Defy #ShoutYourAbortion with Their Stories of Regret

Marching Amidst a Divided Congress Kentucky Catholic diocese condemns teens who taunted vet at March for Life

When Christian leaders like Fr. Frank Pavone enthusiastically endorse Trump/#MAGA they jeopardize the credibility of #ProLife movement (all lives, no exceptions). Why be surprised at the disrespectful behavior of Covington Catholic students?! They’re behaving just like Trump. More states look to expand abortion

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, told CNSNews.com by email that “these [new] extreme laws, as I explain in my video, not only make it easier to get late-term abortions, but they also repeal very reasonable regulations which the courts permit even under Roe v Wade.” Trump administration protects conscience rights

“President Trump has once again demonstrated today that he keeps his promises to the pro-life community and to America," Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said in a statement. The men who feel left out of US abortion debate

"Because of the rhetoric out there, people can't address what is there, which is a sense of loss, and affects men and women and whether you went into it pro-choice or not," says Kevin Burke, a social worker and co- founder of Rachel's Vineyard, which runs weekend retreats for post- abortive men and women. "But you are not given permission to speak about any of that, so you can't process it." US pro-lifers tour children's homes to highlight 'sanctity of life'

During the tour on Wednesday, Alveda King was joined by Michael Manhardt and another pro-life campaigner Janet Morana. Manhardt is the producer of the hit movie 'Unplanned' and Morana is the executive director of Priests For Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, which is the world's largest mobilisation of people who have lost children to abortion. Indiana AG pledges to 'bring our babies home' after fetal remains discovery

"You cannot dehumanize the children in the womb without dehumanizing yourself," Priests for Life National Director Rev. Frank Pavone said during a Friday press conference for the Life Center in South Bend. Pavone and other anti-abortion advocates expressed their outrage that Dr. Ulrich "George" Klopfer, who performed abortions in South Bend and elsewhere, wasn't stopped sooner. House GOP Wants Democrats to Take a Stance on This Anti-Choice Bill

Tuesday’s event coincided with a day of lobbying for HR 962 from anti-choice group Priests for Life. The organization planned to “gather up to 100 people” to visit Democratic members of Congress about the bill, according to the organization’s website. FILL THE SEATS for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act hearing!

House Republicans to Hold Hearing on Born-Alive Act

Republicans Will Hold Hearing on Bill to Stop Infanticide After Democrats Block Vote 80 Times Episcopal priest: Abortion is a blessing

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life tells OneNewsNow appointing her to the new position is an insult to people of faith, as Ragsdale has maintained throughout her career that abortion is a blessing and that its providers are "modern-day saints" and "heroes." "When it is dressed up with the language and the vestments literally of religious belief, of scripture, of liturgy … this is a particular affront to the gospel of Jesus Christ and all those who believe in it," Pavone contends. Lesbian Episcopal ‘priest’ named new head of National Abortion Federation

Lesbian Minister Appointed New Head of National Abortion Federation

National Abortion Federation Appoints Episcopal Priest as President and CEO In other news …

'Pro-Life’ Abortion Activist Tells Kids: Abortion Is ‘God’s Plan’

Pro-choice activist tells kids: abortion is 'part of God’s plan,' ‘like dentist appointment

Abortionist: ‘God performs way more abortions than I do’ GOP Women’s Senate Judiciary Assignments Are About Abortion, Not Optics

Twitter Locks Two Pro-Life Accounts, Citing ‘Abusive Behavior’

Mississippi: The Battleground for Roe v. Wade’s Future?

LEADING CATHOLIC WOMEN TO BISHOPS: REFORM REQUIRES COURAGE, CHASTITY Priests for Life commends Utah lawmakers for abortion bill

Priest urges ‘Unplanned’ audiences to participate in pro-life prayer vigils this weekend

Priest-activist reiterates support for Trump

Post-abortion retreats offer healing in multiple languages Conservative take: Biden’s No Better Than Other Dems

Arguments over and incest divide abortion opponents

Louisiana Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban into Law

‘Lucifer’ star asks for donations to Planned Parenthood instead of wedding gifts Irony Much: ‘Lucifer’ Star Asks For Planned Parenthood Donations Instead Of Wedding Gifts

Debate moderators asked about abortion. Right-wing media reacted with predictable spin.

Missouri’s Only Abortion Clinic Stays Open As Health Department Doesn’t Renew License

Court Allows Trump Administration Rule Ending Funds to Abortion Providers to Proceed Liberal 9th Circuit Rules for Trump’s Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood

Leana Wen wouldn’t use ‘trans-inclusive’ language as Planned Parenthood president

Planned Parenthood Fires CEO Leana Wen After 10 Months, Wants More Aggressive Pro-Abortion Leader

Mourning Aborted Siblings: Ministries Help Individuals Cope With Great Loss POLL: AMERICANS NOT READY TO DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD

Federal Judge Blocks Missouri Abortion Law

First-ever diocesan Respect Life Conference draws 600 of all ages

How Terri Schiavo’s final days divided her family, Florida and the world National Leaders: Pro-Life Policies Have Led to Lowest Abortion Rate Since Roe v. Wade

Abortion opponents hold memorials at fetal burial sites amid battle over how these remains should be treated: ‘They are not trash, they are people’

Priest Tells Joe Biden: You Can’t Be Catholic and Support Abortion

RNA conference marks 70 years amidst the shifting sands (Knives out!) of journalism Rally in Auburn argues against New York abortion law

Fr. Pavone: There is a ‘war’ between the abortion industry and pro-lifers

Federal Judge Blocks ‘Heartbeat’ Law

Court urged to hear Louisiana, Indiana abortion cases and overturn Roe Court blocks the abortion ban

Let the church remain the church Michael Coren: Joe Biden was refused communion because of his stance on abortion. When it comes to the Catholic church, where do we draw the line?

Pro-life leaders say amendment would ‘enrich’ abortion providers overseas

Pro-lifers cheer as Trump flips third appeals court with Republican judge Seventy-six op-eds written by the Priests for Life team were published in 2018 • Why Planned Parenthood Isn’t Capable of Respecting Pregnant Staff – Father Frank • Marching for Life, and Against Extremism – Father Frank • Once Again, We Marched for Life – Father Frank • Late-term Abortion Laws: Crazy or Logical – Father Frank • Two Distinct Types of Radical State Abortion Laws – Father Frank • The Day of the Unborn Child – Father Frank • ‘Unplanned’ and ‘Roe v. Wade’ Bring the Pro-Life Movement to the Movies – Father Frank • May We Have a Vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act? – Father Frank • Perinatal Hospice is a Constructive Solution to Complicated Pregnancies – Father Frank • The President, The Unborn and Exceptions – Father Frank • Those Promoting Abortion Don’t Listen to the Women They Claim to Help – Father Frank • What’s Really Behind the St. Louis Abortion Controversy – Father Frank • Packing the Supreme Court is a Democrat Plan Likely to Misfire – Father Frank • Planting the Seeds for Reversing Roe v. Wade – Father Frank • The U.S. is Getting Dangerously Close to Circumventing the Electoral College – Father Frank • What South Bend and Its Mayor Say About Abortion Clinic Safety – Father Frank • The Voices of Pro-Life Americans Are Coming to the Supreme Court – Father Frank • A Day of Silent Solidarity with Children in the Womb – Father Frank • 2019 Elections: A Pro-Life Perspective on State and Municipal Races – Father Frank • The Bishop’s Debate: Is the Abortion Issue a ‘Pre-eminent Priority’ – Father Frank • Extremism on Display as Democrats Debate Abortion – Father Frank • The March for Life is About Inclusion; Roe v. Wade is About Exclusion – Father Frank

• Applause for Abortion, Applause from Hell – Father Frank

• Don’t be Fooled: Every 2020 Democrat Represents the Same Radical Philosophy – Father Frank

• Another Trump Promise Kept; Getting the Government Out of the Fetal-Harvesting Business – Father Frank

• Democrats are Still Cowards on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act – Father Frank

• It’s Time for the Supreme Court to End its Role as the National Abortion Review Board - Father Frank

• Chicago Democrats Ignore Rampant Crime to Target Pro-Life States Instead – Father Frank

• One Supreme Court Case Could Change the Way Courts Handle Abortion Cases – Father Frank • Ten Ways To Be Pro-Life Throughout 2019 – Father Frank • Convergence of Three Important Movements – Father Frank • Pro-Life Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Father Frank • Catholic Politicians, Abortion and Communion with the Unborn – Father Frank Pavone • Brand New U.S. Citizen Can’t Wait to Vote – Janet Morana • National Nurses Day – Father Frank • Protesting “Bans” Misses the Point – and the Victim – Father Frank • Disqualifying the Dems – Father Frank

• Feast Day of Mother Teresa of Calcutta – Father Frank • The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are Powerful Tools for Pro-Lifers – Father Frank • Silence from the Pulpit – Kevin Burke • Advent: Rushing to the Side of Mary – Father Frank • Personal Abortion Testimonies Make Powerful Impact at Marches – Father Frank • Mothers and Babies Will Suffer the Dire Consequences of Abortion Right Up to Birth in New York – Janet Morana • Pro-Lifers Release Pregnancy Guide App – Father Frank • A New Daily Rosary Broadcast to End Abortion – Father Frank • As Advent Begins, Let Christians Repent of the Sins of Our Nation – Father Frank

• Abortion supporters should re-read Roe v. Wade – Father Frank • New films underscore similarities in abortion conversions – Father Frank

• • Christians Should Stand Together Against Abortion, Join the March for Life – Father Frank

• How Do You Answer Your Teenage Daughter When She Tells You She’s Pregnant – Father Frank

• Prayer Protest Scheduled at DC Planned Parenthood – Father Frank

• Christians Should March For Life; God Commands Us to Love Our Neighbor – Father Frank

• Thousands of People Will Take the Pro-Life Message to San Francisco – Father Frank

• Catholic Politicians Supporting Abortion Until Birth Should Not Present Themselves for Communion – Father Frank • When Abby Johnson Saw Her Aborted Baby’s Body, Her ‘Unplanned’ Pro-Life Journey Began – Father Frank

• Ginsburg Saying Pregnant Women Are Not Mothers Insults Moms Whose Babies Died in Miscarriage – Bryan Kemper • The 2020 Democrats Are All Extreme Radicals Who Support Abortion and Infanticide – Father Frank • President Trump is “The Most Pro-life President We Have Ever Had’ – Father Frank • Woman Screams in Agony as She Regrets Ending Her Baby’s Life in Abortion – Bryan Kemper • My Kids Can’t Wait to Go To a Pro-life Youth Summer Camp; Here’s Why – Bryan Kemper

• Urgent Call for People to Consider Full-time Pro-Life Work to End Abortion – Father Frank

• Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the Kind of Pro-life Governor American Needs – Father Frank

• You Can’t be Morally Opposed to Abortion But Still Support Legal Abortions – Bryan Kemper

• Pro-life People Must Unite to Save As Many Babies as Possible – Bryan Kemper • Pro-lifers Bought a Building Where an Abortion Biz Was Supposed to Open – Leslie Palma • Calling All Catholics: We Need You Praying the Rosary to End Abortion

• Abortion is Not Only a Sin Against Life; It’s a Sin Against Hope – Father Frank • California’s Concern for ‘Innocent Humans’ Excludes the Unborn – Janet Morana The Apostle and the Revolutionary: How Grief Shaped Two Men Who Changed the World – Kevin Burke Alabama is Right: Rape Can Never Be Healed by Abortion – Janet Morana NEA Endorses ‘Fundamental Right’ to Abort Future School Children – Janet Morana Reaching Out to Moms Impacted by the Discovery of Babies’ Bodies – Janet Morana

• The March, the President and the Courts – Father Frank • The Compassionate Choice of Auschwitz: How Abortion Has Horribly Disfigured the Democratic Party – Kevin Burke • Killing Keisha – Leslie Palma

• Advent: The Season of Two Comings – Father Frank On the radio Catholic Radio

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One America News Father Frank is interviewed on Lauren Green’s Spirited Debate on FoxNews.com

Father Frank talks to Dr. Taylor Marshall for his YouTube channel with 97K subscribers