Part of East and Borders Missional Partnership (United Reformed Church )


“The East Cheshire and Derbyshire Borders is a Christian Church, living out the love of God by reaching into the heart of each community and responding to its needs”

1 Dear Friends, November starts with All Saints day which this year is on a Sunday followed by All Souls day on the Monday. This year, more than any other, I think we need to pause and remember all those for whom this year has brought grief and loss when the full celebration of the life of a loved one has been limited and constrained by our journey with ‘the virus’. Remember all the family and friends of the neighbour whose cortege you watched pass, all the individuals who stood at arm’s length from those they would have embraced, all the young people whose first experience of loss has been robbed of the communal and supportive togetherness of grief. Remember the fellowship of the church and our losses, and remember those whose grief remains raw because the opportunities to fellowship have been so few. As we move into winter and the hope of spring seems so far away let our prayer life become deeper and richer as we remember all saints, all souls, held by the Love of God AND all us ‘saints below’ who need the love of friend and stranger to help us through. Every Blessing Alison

2 Prayer and Sunday Service Phoneline: 0161 509 4264 The prayerline will be refreshed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a short service being offered over Saturday and Sunday. I would like to thank all our regular contributors, and hope they will continue to send us reflections as the months go on. Alison

From Chris Lomax (MB) I have really appreciated the phone in services on 509 4264 during these difficult days. As we have a phone at my side of the bed I confess to lying in bed with a cup of tea whilst listening in the morning, or listening before I go to sleep

I have found them thought-provoking at time, inspiring and often comforting. Thank you so much to all involved, and especially Rev Alison who organised them. They keep me going!

Be kind to everyone you meet. One small daily dose of kindness can soothe the mind, heal the heart and strengthen the soul.

3 Finding God in Scripture


We were filled with laughter, and sang for joy. Psalm 126 v2 NLT

God created every human emotion you feel. He designed you to cry when you are sad and laugh when you are happy: For everything there is a season…A time to cry and a time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3 v1, 4 NLT). Jesus said: These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy might be full. (John 15 v11 KJV).

Question: how often do you laugh? Doctors say laughter has incredible healing effects on your body. It also has incredible healing effects on your mind and soul. Stop and think about the days you laughed, even when you really didn’t have anything to laugh about. You were far from God and bound by sinful habits, but He set you free didn’t he?

4 In the Old Testament we read: When the Lord brought back his exiles from Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter…sang for joy… And other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy! (Psalm 126 v1-3 NLT) .

If God has set you free, then you truly have something to laugh about. Stop being so heavy about everything! Expecting perfection from yourself; your slow growth in God; your deficient prayer life; your failure to remember more Scripture verses; your fear of sharing your faith with others, etc. We carry around such heavy burdens. If you’re “laughter impaired” you may have to work at it. It’s easy to find plenty to worry about, but to be happy you sometimes need to work at it a little.

So the word for you today is – laugh more!

Taken from the UCB Word For Today, written by Bob and Debby Gass. Free copies are available in the UK from United Christian Broadcasters, UCB Operations Centre, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4JF or at Used with permission.



Everyone is invited to an hour of reflection, prayer, study and resourcing for the Advent journey, on Thursday evenings 7:30- 8:30 pm.

Bring and share...... a thought, a question, an idea, a poem or prayer or the words of a favourite carol. OR, bring and share your presence and a listening ear. You can join us using a laptop or smart phone as a video link or you can phone in on a landline and listen in.

Topic: Zoom into Advent Time: 07:30 pm Every week starting on Thursday 19 th November ….

November 26 th 07:30 pm December 3rd 07:30 pm December 10 th 07:30 pm December 17 th 07:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting RFNtZjl2bjlyOU9OQT09 Meeting ID: 818 8449 2931 Passcode: 674780 or Landline 0203901 7895 (key in this information when asked) Meeting ID: 818 8449 2931 Passcode: 674780

6 Reflections from the Missional Partnership …

Message from Rev Alison ….. CHRISTMAS WITNESS I have come across these knitted Angels which I think a few of you have already been knitting. I WONDERED, as we are still likely to be very much locked down through the advent season whether we would like to knit a choir, a flight, a host or a pinhead of Angels and attach a Seasonal message or Blessing and distribute to friends, neighbours, strangers, etc with our Love as a symbol of God's love for his world.

Supplies of wool and stuffing could be left in my porch. Completed angels could be left in the porch and picked up by delivery teams, fancy writers could offer to do a number of luggage tags each, etc etc etc. Please let me know what you think.

Pattern from Heather Spreckley (M)

CHRISTMAS ANGEL What you will need. Some wool (in any yarn or colour) Knitting needles (between size 10-8 (that’s 3.25mm and 4mm)) Darning needle (like a big sewing needle) Small amount of stuffing (if you need stuffing or can donate some please use the Manse porch)


The Pattern Angel - Body Cast on 48 sts 27. Knit row 1. Knit row At this point you can change 2. Purl row your colour to create the face 3. K2TOG, K10*, repeat until end 28. Purl row 4. Purl row 29. Knit row 5. Knit row 30. Purl Row 6. P2TOG, P9*, repeat until end 31. Knit row 7. Knit row 32. Purl row 8. Purl row 33. Knit row 9. K2TOG, K8*, repeat until end 34. Purl row 10. Purl row 35. K2TOG repeat to end 11. Knit row 36. Purl row 12 P2TOG, P7*, repeat until end 37. Knit row 13. Knit Row 38. P2TOG repeat to end 14. Purl Row 15. K2TOG, K6*, repeat until end Using a darning needle, thread 16. Purl row the yarn through the stitches 17. Knit row and tighten to create the top of 18. P2TOG, P5*, repeat until end the head. 19. Knit row 20. Purl row 21. K2TOG, K4*, repeat until end - 20 sts 22. Purl row 23. Knit row 24. Purl row 25. Knit row 26. Purl row

Turn the angel inside out and sew up the head and the body. Around the neck, take a small amount of stuffing and place at the top of the head, then thread some yarn between stitches and pull loosely together.

8 Angel - Wings Cast on 27 sts, 1. Knit row 2. Knit row 3. Decrease at each end (Knit) 4. Knit 5. Knit 12 rows, decrease at each end Cast off. Sew wings to body.

Some other ideas ….

Marple are planning an advent calendar idea which would encourage members to pray for a different church family each day.

Marple Bridge are planning a number of community carol singing events as members encourage their street to join them as they did on the Thursday 'NHS Clap' for a Carol or two. They are also considering a ZOOM Christingle to which they could link in all their far flung families even if we can’t get together this year.

Hatherlow thought of painted stones with Christmas blessings, left in parks and the village for people to find.

OR how about building a nativity scene outside your church OR>>>>>> OR>>>>>> OR ???? Ideas welcome ……

How will you witness to the Hope and Joy of Christmas this year?

9 From Jill Kenna (M)

The £1M church

“Let’s imagine your local congregation has £1m every year to tackle poverty and to build a fairer, more sustainable world.”

This is the start of a very interesting article in October’s Reform Magazine. In essence it says that the total spending power of a congregation of 40 with an average income of £25,000 a year is £1m a year. We tend to think about the money we ‘do good with’ as the money we give to church and charitable causes. However, every time we use money – whether we spend it, save it, or give it away – we play a part in shaping society. In our everyday spending, that money can go into the pockets of big corporations, small local businesses or Fairtrade cooperatives. How much do we know about what the money in our savings accounts or pensions is doing?

The article goes on to look at the biblical principles of using our resources for the good of all. “If we apply Gospel values to everything we do with money – from the coffee we buy to the pension fund we choose, we start to sow seeds for a fairer future for everyone.” It also asks some challenging questions such as “What if every Christian intentionally supported local social enterprises who are investing back into the community?” and “Are we ready to ask whether our money is really ours in the first place? What happens if we recognise that all that we have is from God, to be spent wisely, invested ethically and shared with others for the good of all?”

I found it a fascinating article and if anyone who does not receive Reform magazine would like to read the full article please let me know and I will scan or post a copy to you.

PS I also have some Traidcraft catalogues if anyone would like one! ̓


From Phil Taylor

Thoughtfulness...... Synonyms for thoughtfulness : kindness, helpfulness, indulgence and understanding.

The quality of being kind and thinking about other people and their needs. The quality of thinking carefully about how to do something so that it is effective.

An example of thoughtfulness is when you may have been touched by some unexpected kindness, or a supreme act of thoughtfulness, or a gift you weren’t expecting. This was something that happened to me when I attended George Lane URC in October and in conversation I let it slip that it was soon to be a big birthday for me. Not only did they get their church Organist to play 'Happy Birthday' they also gave me a bunch of flowers after the service to mark this special occasion . For a church with a small congregation and no doubt struggling like other churches during COVID-19, it really was something unexpected, and appreciated too. I am very thankful for your thoughtfulness and your token of love was greatly appreciated.

“Thoughtfulness always leaves a good impression”

“We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and do helpful things” (Hebrews 10:24)

Thanks, Phil

11 Changes …..

We have all seen changes over the years and George Lane are now a part of the East Cheshire and Derbyshire Borders Missional Partnership. Like with all changes some are for the better whilst others are for the worse but clearly we have to change and we have to make the most of all situations. That could be following the loss of someone, someone new has joined the family, your colleagues at work, or in the Church. Like with any change it will take some getting used to, as it was when COVID-19 epidemic broke out earlier in the year. You cannot please everyone all the time.

All we can do is to work together and who knows what the future holds. We have all heard people say “A Change is as Good as a Rest” and yes this too can make a big difference in our lives . Nobody knows. Phil

November …. All Saints Day (formally All Hallows Day). This is a Christian holy day, and celebrated on the 1 st of the month. This is where we remember all ‘men of good will’ - great ones and forgotten ones who have died through the ages. All Souls Day is on the 2 nd November and a tradition of All Souls Day is to make Soul Cakes, Soul Cake Recipe Ingredients: 175grams of Butter softened (6oz) 175 grams of Caster Sugar (6oz) 3 Egg Yolks 450 grams of Plain Flour (1lb) Pinch of Salt 1 Teaspoon Ground mixed spice, or ground all spice. Warm Milk OVEN: 180 0C / 350oF / GAS mark 4 Bake for 20-25mins Method Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until light and fluffy, then beat in the egg yolks. Sift the flour and spices, add and mix to a stiff dough. Knead thoroughly and roll out, ¼ inch thick; cut into 3 inch rounds and set out on a greased baking sheet. Prick the cakes with a fork and bake; sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar while still warm. Have an enjoyable month, Phil. 12 HYMN QUIZ

The following are each a line from a Hymn; can you name the first line of each Hymn? (all the Hymns are in Rejoice and Sing, and Complete Mission Praise: pub.1999 onwards).

1. Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. 2. When the clouds unfold their wings of strife, 3. And all his foes shall own his name. 4. Craftsman’s art and music measure, for thy pleasure, all combine. 5. Let earth’s wide circle round, in joyful notes resound. 6. Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure. 7. Visit us with thy salvation. 8. With the living word, that should set thy people free. 9. Dwell on his love with sweetest song. 10. We are his folk, he doth us feed, and for his sheep he doth us take. 11. Your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace. 12. Laws that never shall be broken, for their guidance he has made.

(Answers in December Link .. Please let me know how many you worked out, thanks Barbara. With thanks to the original compiler .. anon)

13 PRE-DECIMALISATION QUIZ From Barbara Preston (M)

1) How many pints were there in one gallon? 2) Which coin has disappeared as well as the Farthing? 3) Which is longer 1 yard or 1 metre? 4) What was the ‘2 shilling’ coin called? (this is a ‘Mastermind’ question) 5) Which has the greater capacity 2 pints or 1 litre? 6) What colour paper was the large £5 printed on? 7) Was the £1 a coin or paper? 8) Which is heavier 1lb or.500g? 9) What was the slang word for 10 shillings? 10) How many farthings were there in 1 shilling?

(Answers on last page)

Barbara said that regarding the paper for the £5 note, her grandfather was a paper merchant in Salford and supplied the paper to the Royal Mint. The paper came from a paper mill just outside Milnthorpe, near Kendal.


KOVTAPYROERGASOIPHOBIA (noun) The fear of fireworks!


We believed that luxury was very rare, the expensive, the exclusive, everything that seemed unattainable. Now we realise that luxury were those little things that we did not know how to value when we had them and now that they are gone we miss them so much. Luxury is being healthy …luxury is not stepping into a hospital … luxury is being able to walk along the seashore… luxury is going out on the streets and breathing without a mask. Luxury is meeting with your whole family, with your friends. Luxury is the looks, smiles, hugs and kisses. Luxury is enjoying every sunrise. Luxury is the privilege of loving and being alive. All this is luxury and we did not know.

Stay blessed, stay grateful. (A friend sent me this to put in the Link, Barbara)

Thanks this month go particularly to Linda Lamon’s granddaughter Seren who goes to Strictly Come Craft at the Marple Church, and her friend Helena, both 10 years old. Seren was christened at Marple Church. During lockdown they organised and held a doorstep cake sale and raised £85 for Wellspring. Barbara Preston and Foodbank, via Ken Wood, also donated food to the Wellspring. Wendy Mowl and Margaret Kenworthy have made very kind donations and Janet Jones and Jill and Ian McKenna have, over the past couple of months, made kind donations of clothing and household linen. Thank you to them also. Wellspring were extremely grateful for all these donations to help to keep their valuable work going. Thank you. Lynne Cruickshank (MB)

15 From Linda LamonLamon----ConneelyConneely

Attached is a certificate from Wellspring, which they sent to my 10 year granddaughter Seren, after she and her friend Helena raised £85 from a cake and plant sale in August.

They have also raised money for Stepping Hill Hospital (the nurses bought a toaster for their ward) and another charity this year - totalling around £300.

Well done Seren and Helena, you are stars.


to the following people who celebrate their birthdays in November ….

Kath Leardodd (16 th ), John Spreckley (19 th ) and Gay Stevenson (29 th )

Message from Pauline HaHarrisonrrison

Grateful thanks to all for contributions for Shoe Boxes

International Aid (the Distributors) have been in touch to say they will let me know when they can start accepting boxes. When Covid started they already had boxes and other supplies in stock and the lady was pleased to tell me they have since delivered 4000 boxes/bedding etc - 2000 to the Ukraine and 2000 to Transylvania which is in the centre of Romania.

Hopefully soon we will be able to take stock of what we have and what we need and report in next Link. I have not seen any sweets but the lady did mention to look for good dates if buying. Most countries they send to do not have Christmas so boxes are sent out all year round - maybe January or February for us.

Thank you for your continued support - much love and keep safe.

Pauline on behalf of Jill anandd Caroline

17 From Lesley Walker

"MURC Hand Bells Like many groups, the Hand Bell Ringers would rather be meeting in person and are waiting impatiently for a time when they can resume their weekly meetings rather than meeting on Zoom. Despite the limitations, however, we enjoy talking to each other, catching up on the news and solving quizzes and other puzzles. You can see one of these puzzles in the photograph. The bells and their display frame come from the estate of the late Professor George Castledine and were offered to MURC Hand Bell Ringers by his wife, Leonora. Professor Castledine was an enthusiastic supporter of tower ringing and at some point these bells were presented to him.

As you can imagine there has been a lot of discussion within the group about how best we can make use of them because, although the bells look wonderful as a display, they are not in ringing condition. The idea that gained most favour was to display them in Marple URC as a focal point for donations to the Cavell Nurses’ Trust, a national charity helping nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants facing personal hardship.

Professor Castledine was prominent in nursing circles for his entire career and his wife supports this way of using the bells to support the NHS workers in this present crisis. We can do this when the Church is opened up again. It then occurred to us that other people might like the opportunity to display the bells and somehow use them to raise funds, so we would be more than willing to lend them out. If you are interested. please get in touch with: Lesley Walker (MURC Handbells secretary) via Sue Ardern, email: [email protected]" 18


From Barbara Northover A lovely prayer for everyone during this Pandemic ……

When I feel worried about what is happening in the world, Blow my worries away like the wind blows leaves on an autumn day. When I feel sad about how this virus is making so many people sick, Wash my tears away like a waterfall washes over rocks and makes them smooth. When I feel scared that I might get this horrible virus, calm my fears like the dawn makes a dark night fade away and I feel safe again. Thank you that you are with me and everyone I am worried about, and thank you that you love me and will always be with me. Amen

Message from Jean Filkins

I am now taking orders for next year for the Prayer Handbook.

Message from Cath and Tim Brown

Oasis Centre On writing this we are in the midst of collecting food donations for the Oasis Centre in Gorton. Currently there is a large pile of goods in the flower vestry at church, in the storage depot on Hollins Lane, otherwise known as the manse porch, and 10 bulging carrier bags in our hall at home.

All waiting for us to deliver to the Centre next Tuesday.


The Oasis Centre is a Christian-based organisation which helps the underprivileged in a manner of ways in the Gorton area, all started by an amazing woman, Victoria Armstrong. She was inspired by a dream: "God gave me a vision for a building pumping out his unconditional love, showing me how much He loved this community of people." You can read more about their story at...

Thank you to everyone who has donated to this cause and special thanks to Ken Wood who has arranged generous donations from the New Mills food bank and helping us with the delivery.

Message from Chris Lomax

Wood St Christmas This year, more than ever, Wood Street needs our support and is asking for new toys etc for those aged 0-14. They have updated the wish list on Amazon and said that baby and toddler toys last year had been in high demand. I know it is difficult for many of us to get to buy these as usual so if some folk want to give money I am sure that will be appreciated. A cheque to Wood Street or cash brought to me so that I can put a joint cheque in would be great. I intend now to go on the Aldi toys site and have a delivery.

They need all toys there by 11 th so I have arranged for a pick up from our house on Tuesday 8 th .

If church secretaries want to arrange their church’s collections that would be great but Rev Alison s porch and our porch (12 Highfield Rd Mellor SK6 5AL... on the bend where the new houses were built on Longhurst Lane) are available for you to leave donations. Don’t forget teenagers please! Love to all, Chris xx

20 All weekly regular Church events in the buildings are currently cancelled, but you can find out on the Pastorate website all the events which are happening. Please check online at: www.ecdbmp- and scroll down the page. The website is frequently updated!

Please could you send all items for the December 2020/January 2021 edition of the Link to Barbara Northover (email: [email protected]) By SUNDAY 22 nd NOVEMBER Thank you.

Answers to pre-decimalisation quiz 1) 8, 2) an hexagonal three-penny bit, 3) 1 metre (39 inches), 4) florin, 5) 2 pints, 6) white, 7) paper, 8) 500g (1lb = 450g) 9) ten bob, 10) 48.

AnD FinALLY ………. BE kinD tO EVErYOnE YOu MEEt. OnE sMALL DAiLY DOsE OF kinDnEss cAn sOOthE thE MinD, hEAL thE hEArt, AnD strEngthEn thE sOuL.

21 Part of East Cheshire and Derbyshire Borders Missional Partnership


Minister: Rev’d Alison Termie 0161 427 7624 The Manse, 14 Hollins Lane, Marple Bridge. SK6 5BB [email protected] (Alison’s day off is flexible). Hatherlow Otterspool Road, , . SK6 3DR Marple Hibbert Lane, Marple, Stockport. SK6 7NN Secretary: Mr George Kynaston 0161 285 3372 Marple Bridge Hollins Lane, Marple Bridge, Stockport. SK6 5BB Secretary: Mrs Alison Hunter 0161 427 7462 Providence, New Mills Mellor Road, New Mills, High Peak. SK22 4DP Secretary: Mrs. Val Dangerfield 01663 747462 Tintwistle and Old Road, Tintwistle, Glossop. SK13 1JY Secretary: Mr Keith Brierley 01457 862032 The Missional Partnership now includes Hazel Grove (Short Street), Whaley Bridge (Uniting Church) and Woodley (George Lane). To find out more about each church and its activities, please see the new website (address above).