Wht -Imjal attir (EnUmtai latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) aid THE BERMUDA CXtoNIST (Established 1866)


CABLE NEWS BERMUDA CHAMBER OF MAKING LIVIBS OF POLITICIANS NEW YORK STOCK THEYSAY COMMERCE a ,, THE CRISIS IN INDIA i ' INCaCa•N\^MENT' ' That the special meeting called MARKET by the Woman Suffrage Society Sholapur in Hands of Rioters Twenty-Third Annual was most enjoyable. LONDON, May 12—The DaUy That it is a long time since such MaU tonight received a despatch Mr. Dudley Malone Counsels Women Yesterday's Closing oratory was heard. ' from its correspondent from Bom­ General Meeting * * * bay saying that the city of Shola- That some very plain truths were pttr had fallen into the hands of Tonight l#f to "Go and Get the Vote" Prices uttered. rioters and that traders refused to * * » open their shops fearing wholesale That nevertheless aU offence was looting. Tonight at eight o'clock, the 23rd Alleghany Corp..... ,-,.. .,,,..,..,, 26} avoided by humour and tact. » * * Annual General Meeting of the AUied ChemicaL 318 * * * VICEROY CRITICISES LEADER Chamber of Commerce will be PROGRESS BY MINORITIES That the only weak spot was that OF DISOBEDIENCE held in the Assembly Boom of the Am. Oan „ 142 Am. Se Foreign Power. 80 f the "antis" were not present. CAMPAIGN Chamber when the usual routine * * * of business will be transacted. "The job of all the women who velopment, for its members being Am. Locomotive. ™ „,.. 68i Am, Power Sc Light ' N.Q. That the House had a busy time on SIMLA, May IS—The Viceroy, There will be a ballot for seven want the vote is to go and get it. willing, this class stands strongly Monday. Am. Smelting Se Refining. 72 Lord Irwin, announced today that seats on the CouncU and the fol­ Make the Uves of your politlcahs for humanitarian interests, which » » * Am. Water Works 110* the round table conference to which lowing received nominations at inconvenient," advised Mr. Dud­ from lack of time are at present That many of the proposals before Am. Tel. & Tel *.„_„ tm Indian leaders have been invited by the meeting on the 7th inst.:—E. ley Field Malone in an address at a being overlooked in pubUc Ufe. it will be contended very strongly. . the Government wUl open October M. Astwood, J. J. Arnold, H.G. special meeting in the Mechanics The continued sale of land to aliens Anaconda Copper. L 63} Atchison R.B. _....„ 225} * » » SO. He added that the date was Butterfieid, T. O. Covel, John W. HaU on Monday evening, organised and Corporations presents a further That the Educational Report is to somewhat later than he had wished Cox, Herbert S. Orisson, P. A. Dod- by the Bermuda Woman Suffrage difficulty because tite amount of Atlantic Refining . , 43 j American Tobacco "B**™ 263 hand at last. for but that it offered an advantage weU, S. P. Eve, E. G. Gibbons, Society. Mr. A. M. PurceU pre­ land open to possession by Ber­ » * * for Indian delegates to estabUsh Ambrose T. Gosling, L. B. Harnett, sided and introduced the speakers, mudian voters in the future is being Am Steel Foundry . 43 J personal relations with Dominion ahd with him on the platform was Baltimore & Ohio...™™. 115 That in good time we may learn Wm. Murphie, Ira S. Outerbridge, correspondingly reduced. Ther ex­ how the money is to be provided. representatives who wiU be in Lon­ A. M. Purcell, K. F. Trimingham, Mrs. J. S. MorreU, Chairmaa of tension of the franchise to women is Bethlehem SteeL 96 don at that time for the Imperial the Society. Canadian Pacific ™™™™™ N.Q. * * * W. D. Wadson, C. E. White, Ber­ an insurance for the future." That mathematics is an exact conference. He criticised the lead­ nard WUkinson. Miss Edith Heyl, who had been Mr. Dudley Field Malone began Ches. Se Ohio B. B 213 Chrysler Motors ™™.. 35} science. ers of the civU disobedience move­ At half-past eight o'clock the asked to state the position with re­ by saying that he had come to * • * ment holding that they have gard to women suffrage in Bermuda, Bermuda for a hoUday, and ap­ "Col. Gas—.. —j 881 That nevertheless figures can be meeting (subsequent to the elect­ Cons. Gas™, !.„™™~ 128} "spurned an opportunity unpre­ ions) will be open to everyone in­ as opposed to the general survey parently everything had happened used to any purpose one wishes. cedented in India's history" by not by Mr. Malone, declared that the to him since he came, except that Corn Products ™™ 105} terested in the work of the Cham­ Com. & Southern ™_ 17} * * * waiting to work out India's prob­ ber and in the Pool Fund. The An­ franchise laws were made for a he had not had his That the proposed tariff changes are lems in a peaceful manner at the very different Bermuda from the taken. Since the appropriation for Delaware & Hudson , :___ 170} not meeting with enthusiastic re­ nual Beport covering the year ended Dupont....* 132 conference table. 30th AprU, 1930, and the audited oae we know today. the police was so much bigger than ception. I Eastman Kodak™™ . 2471 * ie * * * * Financial Statement will be pre­ In 1831 the first steamship had that for education—which carried HOW GANDHI IS TREATED stUl to run to Bermuda, the first its own implication—he supposed Electric AutoUte ., 93} That Empire goodwill is a fine-idea. sented, and then will foUow the Electrie P. & L,„ 90 f hotel had to be built, there was no there would be no difficulty about * • * Interim Beport of the Pool Com­ Erie R.B. Common.... „_ 1 „ 47 LONDON, May 13—Describing mittee, after which consideration table te the outside world, and the finger prints. That one must be very careful to in a written reply to a parUamen- chere was no telephone between "I have almost forgotten how to Fox FUm. i ™„. . i 531 see that it is created. will be given to the need for control General Electric New ...... 83 tary question conditions in which of Transient Traders. the different parts of the island. pronounce the words 'woman suf­ mm* Gandhi is undergoing detention, The franchise was by wealth and frage,' it is so long since I have had General Motors. ™™™ 49} That asking the poor man to buy Secretary for India Wedgewood wealth was by land, because there anything to do with it. When I Goodrich Bubber. Y. „ 48 it is another matter. -00- Benn states Gandhi is occupying was no other basis on which wealth was asked to come here I naturaUy Cat. Northern Ore. 21} * * * the same quarters as those he had could be computed. thought that this was to be a meet­ Hudson Motors ™-„ 44} That perhaps the meeting tonight during his imprisonment in 1922. That we had now reached a ing in celebration of the tenth or Hupp Motors.... -,-.,, ,;. 20} will give an opportunity for dis­ He has all necessary furniture in CIVIL SERVICE CHANGES turning point ln the hisory of the fifteenth anniversary of obtaining Drtt. Combustion,...™, let cussion. the rooms, provided with electric Colony was indicated by the de­ the franchise. I had heard that Int. Nickel of Canada 33} * * * lights and with wide verandahs velopment of the last ten yea^s and Bermuda was not dry, but I did Int, Tel. & TeL.- 63} That it is stul held that legislation and a smaU garden in fronttf Gan­ Some time ago we referred in the bearing of this on the future. not know that they had no woman Kennecott Copper „.,... 48! on transient traders is beyond dhi has complete Uberty to take these columns to several contem­ The House of Assembly voted in suffrage. First i was amazed, then Kreuger & Toll. 33} the resources of our legal frat­ what exercise he desires/ He sleeps plated changes in the various de­ 1919 £6,000 for the Trade Develop­ surprised and finaUy shocked.' After Loews, Inc.. w.~....•-• ----*-. -*-lx ernity. in the open and is 'not .closely partments of the Civil Serviee in. ment Board; in 1929 £48,000; public the very happy hoUday I have had Mack Truck.. 68f * * * confined. He is being supplied with Bermuda. Many of these have health vote had risen from £300 here it would be graceless and in- Montg. Ward..™™™, , 44 That this is paying a very poor com­ his usual diet and receives an al­ now been made, and others are to £10,000; for police from £4,000 gracious for me, an aUen, to come Nash Motors ™. •_ 44} pliment. lowance. pending the legislative authority to £20,000 and for education from here and discuss ln any way your NatL Biscuit New..... „™. 86} » * • * ~m * , for carrying into effect the recom- £4,000 to £15,000. form of government, either general Natl. Power & Light 47| That there are many Inconvenient HOPES FOR IMPROVING } mendations of the Committee ap­ These,showed that whereas the or local. That is for your citizens New York Central 174} things, but very few impossible FRANCO-ITALIAN RELATIONS pointed to consider the matter. social Ufe of the Colony was marked to discuss. North American it H9J things. Among the changes already effect­ by moderate expansion and the Northern Pacific. ; 83} * * * "But whether one half af the Otis Steel —. 30} LONDON, May 13—Hopes are en­ ed are the foUowing: commerical Ufe by an extraordin­ human race shall be free or remain That the Mayor of New York re­ tertained here that private conver­ C. H. Clay, Assistant Treasurer, ary expansion, the poUtical Ufe Paramount Pictures. N.Q. turns today. enslaved is a question that any man Packard Motors. 18} sations proceeding at Geneva at transferred to Assistant Colonial showed no expansion at all. De­ or woman may and should discuss * * * present will contribute to a solution Secretary. velopment must be all-round, hu­ Penn. B.l-C , : 1 77} That he and his party have become in any country under any Had at postum (Gen. Foods) .... 59} of the outstanding difficulties in 'G. L. Young, Treasury Clerk, manitarian as well as material and any time." Bermuda boosters. PubUc Service, HJ 115} the Franco-Italian relations. A transferred to Assistant Treasurer. commercial. "Bermuda's future "I do not know whether those * * * Ught programme at the CouncU W. Norman Parker, Clerk to is being made today. Whether the Pullman Company 78} That as 100% Americans they find who are fighting for woman sug- Pure Oil , , 24 meeting gives) favourable oppor­ Registrar General, Grade. Ill, poUtical organisation of the future frage here have had to meet the it difficult to restrain their en­ tunity for informal talks between transferred to Treasury Clerk,Grade should be exclusive, concentrating Badio. u 50| thusiasm for a resort not in Cali­ same arguments as we had in Radio Keith Orph #2} the Ministers and naturaUy ques­ n. mainly on commerical develop­ prehistoric time from the men in fornia or Florida. tions arising out of the discussions Beading B.B N.Q. * • * T. H. Parker, Treasury Clerk, ment, or whether it should bo co­ power. But they had three con­ at the London Naval Conference are operative, concentrating alike on Remington Rand—"™™ 36} That the iloral pageant pictures Grade HI, transferred to Trea­ tentions. Women were not fit to SheU Union OH— ~ „ .... 23} among those under reference. the commercial and personal de­ vote, or they did not want to vote— have turned out splendidly. sury Clerk, Grade IT. Sinclair Ofl 28} Foreign Secretary Henderson, velopment of the people, depends on only some of them did—and the m- ' *r m MissE. L. Smith, Treasury, clerk Southern Facifie. 131} who had conversations with M. those people who are making our third was that woman's place was That all are to be used in one form Grade IV, transferred to Treasury Southern B.B. 111 I Briand in Paris on his way to Gene­ destinies today. in the home. Then when aU these or another. Clerk, Grade HI. j Standard Brands. ..*_ ™ 23} va, yesterday lunched with Sr. "This amendment in the laws highly intellectual arguments had * * m Grandi who is today lunching with Miss M. F. PoweU appointed ^Standard Gas & Elec : 116^ That thus good pubUcity is assured. Treasury Clerk, Grade IV. of the country assumes that the been completely answered, the op­ the French Foreign Minister. Ln I St, Oil of California g 72 * * * Miss E. Bartrum, Clerk to At­ people of the country are develop­ ponents just kept on voting against conversation with Press corres­ St. Oil of New Jersey 80| That mUUons of Americans wfll torney General, transferred to Olerk ing along Unes of wisdom and the franchise and said nothing. I pondents last night Mr. Henderson justice. The law as it stands re­ St. OU of New fork. 37} see more of ths pageant than to General Board of Director of have no doubt that those are the said he would be deUghted if he presents the development of wis­ conditions here. Studebaker. . i™ 37} many 'Mudians did. Health. Sears Roebuck .—™ 82} could contribute to a mutual un­ dom and justice of which the "To take the last argument first. * * * derstanding between France , and G. H. Wingate, Clerk to General people of a country are so far cap­ Texas Oorpi 58} That the musical shows are com­ Board and Director of Health, That was all right until it dawned Texas Gulf Sulphur.—, 60} Italy and expressed himself in pro­ able. To criticise a law Is not to on us in the .United States that we ing on fine. transferred to Clerk to Registrar Timken R. B....J ™™J 76} found agreement with Grandi's show a lack of respect for the law had 22,000,000 women, married, mm* recent statement that disarmament General. in general. The changes of the last Union Carbide—, 88} That they are gcing to surprise a single and chUdren, who had to go Union Pacific...,-. ,. 225 which was a matter of years not Mrs. Grace MitcheU appointed ten years have improved Bermuda's out to work aU day long in order to lot of people. months, could only be settled Clerk to Attorney General. citizens, for they have increased U. S. Did. Alcohol 93 help support and keep a home. I U.S. Rubber. :—i 29 } * * * through the League of Nations. He prosperity, which brings increased have been in shops in Hamilton 00 U.S. Realty-™— — 65} That talent long lain hidden will praised the results • of the Naval earning power and increased edu­ here, and it is the Hamilton girls U.S. SteeL- i—173 t be revealed. Conference and spoke of connec­ cation. The women of the family and women who are carrying on the United Corporation 47 tion between its work and the work have developed along new lines and business of the city. If you took the -oo- Warner Bros. 67} of the preparatory commission for FAMOUS TENOR TO SING IN gained practical knowledge. Hav­ women out of the business streets Westinghouse Air Brake 44} disarmament. He thought it ing made good their claim for of Hamilton you would not have DERBY SWEEPSTAKES Westinghouse Electric __™ 176J would have been unwise to hold a equaUty of service the would-be any business at all. Their place "FAUST" Western Union Telegraph 182} meeting of the preparatory com­ citizeness asks for equaUty of op­ may be in the home, but this or­ The popularity of the New Wind­ Wool worth.,,.'. , 63} mission during the summer and portunity. As a property owner ganised, civiUsed society "tas not sor Hotel Derby Sweepstake is so YeUow Truck ™™™™< 29 said it was weU that it had been she has a substantial stake in the made it possible for them to have a marked that more tickets have had We are pleased to be able to an­ postponed till November. Such development of the Colony. Since home of their own in which they Total Sales. ™™ 2,680,600 to be Issued to meet the demand. nounce that M.Vladimir Rosing, delay would give time for fresh she pays taxes she should have some are supported by outside influences Money Opened...,, 3% These can be obtained from the the well known Tenor WiU shortly efforts to solve the difficulty of voice in the levying of the taxes. or by males. hotel, the clubs and most ef the pay a visit to this Island and will Money Closed. 3% naval requirements and so help to "There are signs of a growing stores and early appUcation should take the part of "Faust" ln the "Then they say women are not Sterling 4.85 U6/S3 simplify the work of the commis­ desire for a better understanding be made. opera which is being produced fit to vote. There is a conservative sion. of affairs. The newspaper sales are early next month. idea on the part of my sex that there * m * on the increase; more women are -OOr- To hear two such famous artists is something inferior about wo­ reading the debates in the House; INFORMATION WANTED CANADA AND THE WORLD as M. Vladimir Bosing and Mr. men after all. Why, the men who the recent action of woaaen in COURT Leyland White in conjunction with oppose women suffrage are afraid QUARRY GARDEN AT ST. testing out the legal interpretation Dorothy CUssold and Adah Spurling of women. Enquiries are being made for GENEVA, May 12—Senator Dan- of the word "person' was a case should prove an irresistible attrac­ Fear Is at the basis of the opposition GEORGE'S information concerning John durand, Canadian delegate to the which aroused great interest. By tion to every music lover in the to women's participation in govern­ O'Connor who, it is believed, may CouncU of the League of Nations, the Parliamentary Register of 1988, Island. ment. The argument is made that be in Bermuda. Any news of him today announced to the CouncU there are l.TOl votes divided among Miss Hunter's beautiful quarry Bookings can now be made at the women are biologically inferior. wul be gladly received by Com­ that Canada would shortly deposit 1,377 voters., Tne members of the garden at St. George's is very much office of this paper. Mon love to say that. There need mandant Lewis, Salvation Army. with the League the instruments House are representatives of a few admired and was recently opened It wiU be of interest to state that. be only one witness against that, the ratifying the Protocol by which and not of Bermuda. Out of the to the public for the benefit of the -oo Mr. Bosing is the Artistic Director most civilised scientist on the the status of the World Court of 28,000 people of the Colony who are S.P.C.A. - This was on Friday, of the American opera company question of love, Ufe and sex; who International Justice are revised debarred from representation, there March 21, when the proceeds WEATHER FORECAST which comprises the greatest group has ever written in English, and ia connection with Canada's entry is an entire class, debarred from amounted to £15. 16. 3. of singing actors in America. that is Havelock EUis. From aU into the World Court. The Can­ voting by reasons of sea. The rSr The S.P.C.A. also benefited by BERMUDA AND VICINTrY Mr. Rosing has also given over time the primitive women was the adian Parliament recently approved peated refusal of a majority at the a lecture on April 19 kindly given 100 vocal Recitals in England and moving forge in all savage tribes. the ratification. House to extend the franchise is a by W. Livingstone, Esq., Director of MAY 13—Gentle variable winds IB weU known by his recording for PubUc Works, when £4. 12. 5. was loss to Bermuda's aU-round de­ (CMtiuni Page Ml and fair weather tonight and Wed.- (fimin ill •»• r*t* s) the Gramophone Company. ra taken. nesday.

W&& sSnaafe" • ' ' *

n&3is> ^m.^M-* -



confusion with the news that ***»- B.H.S., Mt. Si. Agnes, Girls of I IQbe "Ro^al Oasette Uam and Anne Pepys had several SALTUS GRAMMAR SCHOOL Warwick Academy, Relay. 1, Em­ children baptised as Pepys, between my Lines, Cecile Browne, Elsie anb Goiontet Wsdlv 1877-1681, and later (presumably Trott, Mary Butterfieid; 2, Mary SPORTS 111 Simons, LilUan Faries, Vivian Mar­ BELLE BAKER IHCoaaonaTiNa they Bked variety) entered their shaU, Emma White. J&* TMB ROTAL GAZETTE «EST»B. ISEal off-spring under the name of Vaudeville's Greatest Star THS COLONIST AND PAILY Nt*S lt«l««. ISM) "Pypes." Successful Programme Half MUe. 1, A. D. SpurUng, An Edinburgh reader, E. L. All- 2.40; 2, Welsh, 3, Gladwin. , husen, sends this amusing verse Boot Race. 1, G. B. Doe, 2, J. H. PUBUSHED DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY. in by the late J. Ashby Sterry:— f#l Presetted Masters; 3, W. F. Conyers. BY •** THE BERMUDA PRESS. i.TD. There are people, I'm told—some Inter-Form Relay, VI, V, IV. 4w say there are heaps'— On Thursday last the annual 1, J. S. Gladwin, A. D. SpurUng, T. SONG OF LOVE REID STREET. HAMILTON Who speak'of the talkative Sam­ sports of the Saltus Grammar H. Masters, S. Gascoigne; 2, R. L. All - Talking -Singing- Dancing Hit A. M. PURCEU. uel as Peeps; School were.held and the occasion Browne, Ra P. Ferguson, S. Hool, MANAOI NO-ED ITOB And some, so precise and pedantic was thoroughly enjoyed by all J. O. Welsh. Also Universal All-Sound Serial ASSISTANT EDITOSI -. «. CANT , their step is, who attended. Miss Gosling, Head­ Sack Race. 1, E. S.•Spurling; 2, ASSISTANT SSANAOEB. ERNEST J. BELL " THE TIGER," Episodes 1 and 2 ADVERTISING MANAGER. SS. SS. NANSTORD Who call the deUghtful old Diar­ mistress of tho High School for S. R. Doe; 3, F. S. Peniston. TELEPHONES . ist Peppis; Girls presented the prizes and the Relay, Past and Present. 1, T. CDITOR AND ADVCRTISUW SUNAGCR l»l But those I think right, and I senior boy, A. D. Spurling, caUed SeUy, E. York, L. Stone, G. Belvin. At the ASaiaTAHT MANAOCR . - "" . follow their steps. for three cheers for her kindness. Consolation Bace, Seniors. 1, AaaiaTANT aoiroa ••** Who mention the garrulous as The Ust of prize-givers is too H. A. Frith; 2, T. H. Lines. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Peps. lengthy for insertion, but the Juniors. 1, S. Lines; 2, J. Card. GAIETY THEATRE, Bailey's Bay Preliminaries. 1, R. Cooper; 2, ii. ter espy, Psttnfc Inland V*-, Fsreigs tt* Yet scholars declare that the management of the school asks us to convey their best thanks to D. Shanks. £2ft- A*mm»l*]**-,£2.l*.*{.$l2)T*Tt*f* truth still escapes: Our Peps was not Peppis nor aU who so generously contributed. 220 yards, Seniors. Annual Cup Peeps—he was Papes. Their thanks are also due to the presented by J. ValUs, Esq. 1, § TONIGHT HQTE.-AM tsiiuisnlian is! TUl I n—taeac- Another reader tells me that in B.A.A. for the use of the field and SpurUngII; 2, Gladwin; 3, Welsh. Doors open 7.45 Show 8.15 eosaf aaie* ay tne miter's nana s*t ******* as a Cottenham, Pepys' old village, they to those who assisted in the pre­ enaraatee at nlsialTili na* necessarily far pnUka- tisa. IVEaHar muni ts»rit**taatce»tscs«»ct used to pronounce the name paration of the ground and in ADMISSION 3/- • letters fenraree*. an* naUkatian lees net i**tr "Pepps." carrying out the programme. So take your choice! The Victor Ludorum proved to be Welsh who scored 25 points, -oo- Spurling II being second with 17, WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. 1930 with Browne and Gladwin third R. BERMUDA MOVING PICTURE CO. with 11 each. 3693«Ww. OPEN LETTER APPRECIATED Results -*j-**TMi'**lt*S.f'Mfrf**l-*f*^ Cross Country under 12. ' mUe, I To the Editor of the Boyal Gazette Time 2.45.1, Mullin II; 2, WiUiams The Diary and Colonist DaUy. II; 3, Gibbons. GOVERNMENT Oross Country under 13. 5/8 Dear Sir, mUe, Time 3.25. 1, WatUngton, II;, ^ I of. 'M May I express my profound ap­ 2, Frith; 3, Freisenbruch. MOTICE 18 Holes proval of the . wisdom and far- Cross Country under 14. f mile, * SAMUEL PEPYS TEUGfsR sighted judgment of your extreme­ Time 4.00. 1, WatUngton 1:2, NOTICE TO MARINERS 6,200 yards ly patriotic letter to the People of Browne II; 2, Baldwin. Np. /1930 Golf n^>>/»/./»/^a/^r^.>ji>)a^fa*a^^>jS.>/

li^lS THE BERXftJPA C|Q AH STORE •fMTITf!. &.-*.*•*>*• •**-**;. .•*.- * i*»a^^4a&.> •,l^Vi. .>.§?,T<,;.-i,Y-£g>>*ei.(Y?99£ri.K LIL . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $*met imium.*v» •mm.

trm^t^AL %A2EtTE AND COLONIST DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 Page Jj AMUSEMENTlrTateATRES—MUSIC swes, STAR FINDS FAMOUS FAM­ n%£K ILY A JAHWCAP SSL. »*.*• itStn* •if* 1*3 Rankin Would Rather Gain Own M REID HALL, Limited ft* M Sr* Reputation Than Lite on jSPf. MO DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME •***• *>"* *.* NATHAN MACHAT, Managing Director Family Laurels &** TO BE PRESENTED AT *".* fflt might seem to many that Ar­ Br** 1st 9*} Sr* thur Rankin, who is now appearing fi* Presents S* **.« in the Columbia all-talking pic­ U* ture, "The Fall of Eve," which is ft* ***** iift** ft* MECHANICS HALL **.*• tonight's feature at Mechanics Hall, The Show That Has | ft'* ft* might make use of his wonderful S» 9.9 family connections to achieve ** ft* SL Amazed the World! SP TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT Cr* success. On one side he is related ft* 85.* to the Davenports and on the other SP ft* *P to the Barrymores. But Ustening fir** *.* to Rankin's tale of woe, you get an ft* entirely different impression. 90 ft* "I can't deny that there are times SP A BRILLIANT UPROARIOUS ft* when I'm mighty thankful to be a *-.« member of the Barrymore family— ft* to be able to say that I'm the neph­ ALL-TALKING COMEDY Sf ew of John and Lionel and have in­ ft* numerable relates named Drew ft* and Davenport, all famous stage ft* folk. But no matter how confident ft*••• one is in. Ms ability, it is very de­ *••> grading to be referres". to constantly ft* •Sf as 'the nephew of John Barrymore.' ft* "I am, of course, very grateful to ft* my family for what they have done Sft*f for me. In fact, I got one of my sft** first opportunities through my 90 uncles, John and Lionel, when they ft* co-starred in the New York pro­ Si duction of 'The Jest.' But I feel ft* that I have done enough good work 59 to be just plain 'Arthur Bankin' in­ •* •*.*" stead of 'Arthur Rankin,' nephew tv* t>.« of " ft* In "The Fall of Eve," Rankin »f nr* shares honours with Patsy Ruth s*.«J Miller, Ford Sterling, Gertrude **.fir* « Astor, Jed Prouty, Betty Faring- tz-a &*. ton, Fred Kelsey and Hank Mann. ft* 9.9 Frank Strayer directed. ft* oo 90 ft* 90 SCENES FOR "UNDERTOW" Gra 9-% FILMED IN SOUND OUT AT 6* 99 ti** SEA 90 ft* The unique lighthouse setting mm 5ft** - used in "Undertow," Mary Nolan's W ft*ft*.** current starring production for £f Universal, which will be shown in &* the double feature programme at 90 ft* Mechanics Hall, tonight, was the tarn r*n source of much difficulty and anxi­ \r^v *x^w 90 ety during the filming of the pic­ "*•» am Qorgeous Scenes in ture. -••a 9.9 Since a lighthouse was vital' to ft* TECHNICOLOR the all-talking film and since the nearest lighthouse to the studio was ft* the Point Firmin Light at San Pe­ x».* ft* being several miles out to sea at the »* **.** REID HALL THEATRE end of a long breakwater of jagged ft* Sf AND *.* rock, but therein lay the difficulty. ft* a* a* TONIGHT Each morning Director Harry *.»*• ft* ».« Pollard took the company and the ft* SEE and HEAR THIS UNUSUAL DRAMA 90 Sf fr* Two shows nightly 7 and 9 p.m. Admission 3/- necessary technical equipment in ft* »9 specially chartered tugs to the *.* &* 3678«Mhi.w. ft* SP lighthouse landing, and landed on Sf ft* ft* «*."• the lighthouse to "shoot." This was Sf &* necessary because there is only a ft* 99 Sf &'* narrow plankway on top of the »* breakwater, which may be traversed t?.« s* ft* only on foot. All the highly deli­ 6* ***.% cate equipment used to reproduce Sf Gr** DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME the sound effect pf the picture, ft* SP Sf Sr* therefore, had to be especially 9.9 ft* tn, n*a at the mounted on the tug which was Sf *~9 ii &'* moored to the landing, but which -Sft*f was in constant movement by the SP GAIETY THEATRE, Baileys Bay *.* &* water. ft* 9.9 *.* mm Sr* Pollard was especially pleased ft* &JJ when his technicians were able to «.« US TOMORROW NIGHT ft* 9.9 overcome the difficulties of this, and **.** A Magnificent, Emotional Triumph by the Screen's most lovely Star— ft* 9.9 1*4 CD reproduce the sound of the break­ •&* 0*9 Mary Nolan ers crashing against the rocks and ft*« 9.9 9.9 ft* REID HALL, Limited the other necessary sound effects ft* 99 9.9 TWO (2) SHOWS NIGHTLY 7 and 9 pan. ft* NATHAN MACHAT, Managing Director with a perfection equal to anything 9.9 fir* ft* ever heard on the screen. 99 *'« sj.fl PRESENTS oo 90 Admission 3]* or 75c ft* ft* Sft*f 9.9 • NORMA SHEARER "BROADWAY" DELAYED Sf ft* ft* 9.9 In Her Latest All-Talking Picture ft* The picture "Broadway" ' which Sf BERMUDA MOVING PICTURE CO. s* ft* ft* M was to have been shown this week Sf 6* kk* at Mechanics Hall has been delayed ft* 36§3«Mw. Their Own Desire owing to inability of the company SJ« .', -.T"*: Mn/* FV* to get the Technicolour section 8ggnVaft*l'*n>'*ft'* ft*&** ft*tt>'d ft'Sft'* ft**ft* V Doors open 7.30 Admission 3/- Show 8 went over and the song became a *.* *.9 THIRD CHANCE BRINGS tremendous hit. •« SP 3697

'S"j tirnins-nssn it •fat" 4AF0LLEITE, FMBT^SPECIIOH FURNESS BERMUDA LIME CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSBIP8 SENATOR AT 35 MCKASHG (thier Cnatract villi Kerwnli Ciiunasunl) "CANADA'S COMMJCRCI CASSJOKS" Royal and United States Mail Steamers IN CONNECTION WITH Fastest Shin* na Hew Terk-Bemwda Rente Wisconia Legislator and OTTAWA, Ont.—The shipping CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Ij New Twtff Bill II point inspection service of the PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS CANADA—BERMUDA—WEST INDIES SERVICE Fruit Branch of the Dominion WASHINGTON, D.C—Tha rise Department of Agriculture last Vessel Leave Arrive Leave Arrive EASTERN GROUP—DEMERARA ot the political dynasty of Lafol- year handled 25,790 cars of fruits New York Bermuda Bennuda New York and vegetables, an increase of Specially Built and Equipped for Tropical Travel lette (prqnounoed in the United States with the accent on the se­ 23,000 cars in the past five years, Bermuda Sat. May 10 Mon. May 12 Wed. May 14 Fri. May 16 Fortnightly freight, passenger and mail serrlce between Halifax, cond syllable) is receiving attention and 9,300 cars more than were in­ Bennuda. Sat. " 17 Mon. " 19 Wed. •* 21 Fri. " 23 N.S., and St. John, N.B., and Demerara, calling each way at Ber­ ia the pzesa and appears because spected In the 1929-29 season. Hun­ Ifotimda Sat, " 24 Men. " 26 Wed. " 28 ftt " 30 muda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia,. ef the influence of the late Senator dreds of thousands of tons of per­ Fort St. George.. Sate " 31 Mon. June % Tue. June 3 Thur. June 5 Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. Robert M. Lafollette upon the ishable fruits and vegetables now Fort St. George.. Sat. June **• Mon. " 9 Tue. " 1© Thur. " 12 pass from producer to consumer Fort St. George.. Sat. ** 14 Mon. " IS Tue. " •* Thur. " 19 Leave Leave Leave Arr. Se Dep. western progressive movement. A more immediate concern is the at­ through this new system of es­ Bermuda Sat. " 21 Mon. " 23 >Tue. " 24 Thur. " 29 Steamer St. John Halifax Arrive Bda. for Bda. for St. tablished-quality marketing and Fort St. George.. Wed . " 25 Fri. " 27 Sat. " 28 Mon. | 30 N.B. N.S. Bermuda John, N.B. titude of the young Senator from W. Indies Wisconsin "Rob" Lafollette, lately the government certificate of in­ Bermuda Sat. I 28 Mon. " 30 Wed. July 2 Wn. July 4 appointed a member of the powerful spection has placed trading on a Veendam Wed • July 2 Fri. July 4 Sat. " 5 Mon. 7 L&dy Drake.. j May 17 basis of confidence. Bermuda Sat. " 5 Mod. " 7 Tue. " 8 Thur. ** 10 Lady Nelson •— Apr. 24 May 2 May 5 Finance Committee, upon the Haw­ May 6 May 31 ley-Smoot tariff measure. While ha "The maintenance of a rigid but Veendam Wed . " 9 Fri. " 11 Sat. " m Mon. " 14 Lady Hawkins May 8 May 16 May 19 May 20 June 14 uniform inspection service at the Bermuda Sat. « 12 Mon. " 14 Tue. " 15 Thur. " 17 Lady Drake.... May 22 May 30 June 2 has with fair consistency voted for June 3 June 28 Increase upon the agricultural pro­ point of shipment, and sale on that Veendam Wed . " 16 Fri. " 18 Sat. " » Man. " 21 Lady Nelson.... June 5 June 13 June IS June 17 July 12 basis, producers, shippers and the Bermuda-. Sat. " 19 Mon. " 21 Tae. " 22 Thur " 24 Lady Hawkins Junel9 June 27 June 30 ducts which Oanada exports to the July 1 July 26 United States, his lnnuenea has trade alike concede will assure Veendam, Wed . ** 23 Fri. " 25 Sat. " 2S Mon. " 29 been generally moderating, Upon Oanada a place of importance in the Bermuda Sat. " 26 Mon. " 28 Tue. " 29 Thur " 31 WESTERN GROUP SERVICE the question of raising the rate on race ef competitive supremacy in Veendam Wed . " 30 Fri. Aug. 1 Sat. Aug. 2 jMon. Aug. 4 maple sugar, for example; he was the market of these products,** Bermuda Sat. Aug. 2 Mon. ** 4 Tue. " 5 Uhur. „ Fortnightly freight, passenger and mail service between MONTREAL Veendam .7 (in Summer) HALIFAX (in Winter) calling at HAMILTON, NASSAU against a rise, and he combated an states G. E. Mcintosh, Commis­ Wed Fri. " 8 Sat. " 9 Mon. „ and KINGSTON, making C.N.S. connection at Jamaica for Belize, excessive rate on casein. sioner oi* the Dominion Fruit British Honduras. But it is as exceptions providing Branch. Snbject te change withont aotice if circunutaaces reaaire the American rule that poUtical "The shipping point Inspection tl41V.wi. WATLINGTON & CONYERS, Agents. Arr. Se Dep. power may not be inherited, that service has probably been the Steamer Leave Arrive Leave Bda. Bda. for the 35 year old Senator and his greatest single factor in establish­ Montreal Bermuda for Nassau Montreal brother, Philip, who wul very pro­ ing trade and consumer confidence bably be Governor of Wisconsin _ in the quality of Canadian fresh Lady Rodney May 14 at the age of 33, are astonishing. '(fruits and vegetables." Mr. Mc­ Lady Somers... May 9 May 14 May 15 May 28 It is accepted as axiomatic ln the intosh asserts. "It is on the basis Lady Rodney May 23 May 28 May 29 June 11 United States that anybody whose of quaUty that Canadian growers a FLOORS *) Lady Somers... . June 6 June 11 , June 12 June 25 father has achieved fame in politics must compete with other produc­ Lady Rodney June 20 June 25 June 26 July 9 - never amounts in the same field ers In the domestic and export We Specialize In *^^ Lady Somers July 4 i July 9 July 10 July 23 to a "hill of beans." It Is not true markets, and the key to the success­ in other countries where social ful merchandising of these pro­ SURFACING AMD WAX POLISHING ^ CARGO SERVICE conditions are more stable. A few ducts is represented by the uni­ formity of our grade standards." All kinds of FLOORS ' Fortnightly freight and mail service calling at Bermuda, Santo weeks ago Miss Megan Uoyd Gaorge and the son of Mr. Ramsay Mac­ The shipping point inspection Domingo, Porto Rico, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique, service now rapidly growing in THE "PREMIER FLOOR FINISHERS" St. Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Demerara. Donald made their first speeches in the Commons. But the 'i*atol- popular favour is instituted as a O -WM. E. R. JOELL, Manager o Leave Leave Arrive Bermuda and lette resurgence in the United voluntary service to producers te Phone 502 .... P.O. Box 438 Montreal Halifax Leave for West Indies States is unprecedented. provide a neutral determination of Trained from childhood to sus­ quality standard -between buyer We are equipped with the most up-to-date OanadianSquatterj May 11 May 15 St. George's pect WaU Street, the railroads, tfce and seiler, and the government o electric Machines specially adapted for the o A Steamer..'. May 17 May 22 May 26 vested interests and the Old Guard certificate is prima facie evidence purpose. Fortnightly thereafter from Montreal and Halifax Republicans, "Bob" and "Phil" of the real quaUty of the product. have mingled the tolerance of In operation it is an important Absolutely dusdess in operation. youth with their father's fighting merchandising service for which a 88 Tor sailings, passenger and freight rates apply to: spirit. Studious, adroit, magnetic, small fee is charged. It is optional WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION JOHN S. DARRELL & CO. Agents they have skilfully taken over the except for export shipments of political machine the old Senator apples or pears, and in respect to w Subject to change without notice. 42 Front St., Hamilton constructed. these it is compulsory except in With John J. Blaine, a strong Nova Scotia. SHOOU Lafollette man, occupying the other At the special request of growers 3344t]tjth Senatorial chair for Wisconsin, and shippers the Inspection service and "PM*" governor after the fall has been made compulsory with elections, the state will be Lafol­ respect to aU shipments of fruits lette. and vegetables from British Co­ The young Senator Laf ollete is a lumbia, and for all table stock small dark man. He has a pleasant potatoes from Prince Edward Is­ MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE voice as he handles in tariff debate land and New Brunswick. Im­ the very complicated chemical portant areas in Quebec and On­ "PADDY" schedule. His technical knowledge tario are rapidly extending the ap­ upon his subject is unimpeachable pUcation of the service each season NEW YORK—BERMUDA—SOUTH AMERICA but there is about him as he speaks as it benefits become apparent. none of the dry professorial air The government inspection cer­ Well-known Irish Whiskey which makes the argument of tificate has created trade confid­ Guaranteed ID Years Old Finest Ships — Fastest Time Smoot of Utah sound flat and un­ ence in product quaUty, it has eUminated the element of expedi­ 21,000 Tons Displacement interesting. Both the Laf ollettes are the sort ency and it has developed the uni­ UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS of men who can inflame a crowd formity *-i such an extent that gov­ with comparative percentages, and ernment inspected fruits and vege­ tables have become exceedingly A Real Good Whiskey at a S^ AMERICAN LEGION Ss. PAN AMERICA Philip is the more inflammatory. popular on certain markets during Moderate Price SA SOUTHERN CROSS SA WESTERN WORLD the past season and in the export TllE BBiMODA POOL market in particular premium Those deluxe South American Express Liners will make the run prices have resulted. „ between Bermuda and New York is a day and a half, offering 1930 passengers all the advantages of steady deep draft liners having superior spacious accommodations. All Staterooms Outside Subscribers List and practically al) with beds. TM TABLE GOSLING BROTHERS SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS Payment of the under ment lone subscriptions to the Bermuda Poo 2671'I'If.m.w.tp. FOX MAT NEW YORK—BERMUDA BERMUDA—NEW tORK for 1980 is hereby acknowledged witn thanks by the Pool Committee, Leave " Arr. Leave Arr. audit would be greatly appreciated High Water Sun­ Sun­ \ *w York Bermuda Bermuda N.Y. If regular subscribers would send Date A.M. P.M. rise set Fridays Sundays Mondays Wed. ln their usual subscriptions either 14 W. 9.14 9.36 5.21 7.09 American Legton May 16 May 18 Southern Cross May 19 May 21 to the Secretary of the Bermuda 15 Th. 9.58 10.21 5.91 7.10 "Southern Ciu-o May JO June 1 Pan America June 2 Jane 4 Pool ox to tiie Treasurer of the 16 F. 10.44 11.09 5.20 7.11 FURNITURE *Pan America June IS June 15 Western World June 16 June 18 Bermuda Ohamber of Commerce. 17 Sa. 11.34 12.00 5119 7.12 'Western World ' June 27 June 29 American Legion June 30 July 2 Bank of N. T. Butterfieid 18 Su. 12.26 5.19 7.12 American Legion July 3 July 5 American Legioa July • 7 July 9 Se Son, Ltd .1250 0 19 M. 12.58 1.21 5.18 7.13 CHINESE GRASS "American Legion July II July 13 Southern Cross July 14 July 16 Bank of Bermuda, Ltd 250 0 20 Tu. 1.48 2.18 5.17 7.14 Southern Cross Ji*y 18 July 20 Southern Cross July 21 July 23 Bermuda Steam Laundry 10 0 21 W. 2.45 3*13 8.17 7.14 The Ideal Thing for Bermuda Henry Freisenbruch.. ;_. 5 0 91 W. 2.46 3.13 5.17 7.14 "These vessels sail Southbound to Rio de Janeiro, Santos. W. EL Heyl Se Oo...... 18 0 22 Th. 3.40 4.06 5.16 7.15 Montevideo and Buenos .Vires. Ingham St Wilkinson 50 0 23 F. 4.30 4.55 5.16 7.16 Bermuda Cigar Store 9120.00 24 Sa. 5.17 5.40 5.15 7.16 Bda. Fire Se Marine 29 Su. 6.02 6.25 5.15 7.17 STYLES For information, rates, etc, apply to Insurance Co., Ltd...... 130 0 26 M. 6.46 7.99 5.14 7.18 X. M. Astwood...... 20 0 27 Tu. 7.87 7.48 5.14 7.18 PRICES JOHN S. DARRELL & CO., Agents, J Butterfieid Se Co. '. 10 0 29 W. 0H1 8.34 5.14 7.19 NEW J. S. Vallis. 29 0 99 Th. 9.59 9.24 5.13 7.19 42 Front Street, Hamilton. The Smoke Shop, Ltd*—. 25 0 90 F. 9.50 10.18 5.13 7.20 COLOURS Hand, Arnold, Ltd. ,„... 25 0 91 S. 10.47 11.17 5.13 7.20 General Office, Munson Steamship Line, Bermuda Electric Light, 9 67 WaU St., New York City. Power St Traction Co., Tuesday 30—Last Quarter. Sailings subject to change without notice. Ltd : 129 0 >T. J. Wadson Se Son...... 30 9, Wednesday 28—New Moon. lS7**tfm*Mav Pomander Gate...... 10 9 Mean High Water Spring Tides— CHESLEY E. WHITE Bermuda Press, Ltd...... 30 0 3 ft. 7 ins. Harnett Se Richardson...... 29 0 Mean High Water Neap Tides— 3620aJI|If.m.w.tp. Tbe Book Store...... 19 0 2 ft. 11 ins. Anonymous Donor In ap­ Mean Tide Level—I ft. 10 ins. preciation of service N.B.—AU heights are given above rendered. „. *.... 2 0 0 soundings on charts. Pearman, Watl ngton & H.W.F. St 0.7 hours, 59 minutes. THE ROYAL IAD. STEAM ttCKET COMPANY Co. _.„„...... 190 0 0 Age of Tide assumed to be 1 day. Sunset and sunrise refer to upper LIVING ROOM FURNITURE (The Comfort Route) Trimingham Bros. i 200 0 0 West India Oil Co...... 20 0 0 limb of Sun touching the horizon, New York-Bermuda Passenger and Cargo Service' | H. A. & E. Smith, Ltd.... 9960.0 height ef eye being 20 feet above Suites in Fibre, upholstered in w Vanities 5&V 4 0 9 sea level. ft R.M.&P. "ARCa^*tf>IAM The Golden Gate___^___ 5 0 9 Times are those of plus four attractive Cretonnes, etc. 19,400 tons displacement Leseur Bros. 5 9 9 of the international Time Zone Leaves New York from Leaves Bermuda, from W. S< Purvis____ „.L 15 o 0 Chart. - ALSO Pier 42, North River at 11.00 a.m. Pier 6, at 11.00 a.m. A. J. Gorham.. I__ 1 19 o 0 July 5, 12, 19, 26. July 9, lo, tS* 30. John A. P. Pitt St Oo...... 29 9 9 August 2, 9,16, 23. August 6,13, 20, 27. The Grocery Co.. 25 0 0 Chinese Grass and Reed Suites Gosling Bros. ,__*_ 200 0 0 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Bermndiana Cycles..... £25 0 o Very attractive prices HARNETT & RICHARDSON, Agents Herbert P. Motjrer__„.. 925.00 John' F. Burrows 9c Co..,. Mid-Ocean Press—Every Tuesday until further notice. 40 0 0 Bermuda Bakery litd.... 25 0 THE BERMUDA FURNISHING & SUPPLY CO. Hamilton, Bermuda, 3rd May, 1930. g|||l WatUngton 9c____ Oonyers _ \ ** Gibbons Co. *.—.. 100 0 3629..s.w.tp. ' §*#|j - gsft 0 3U3f\n*S-*tt. National Stores...... 5 0

ragjjg^ , jf4!-*P> W*B Hi HP1 r IPPPF P^Wc: Ifffi ROY.4 OfflBWA-^ DA&f WEDNESDA^MA^lC 1930. Page 5


Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Price, Rock- vine Centre, L.I.; Miss D. M. Treu- Planting Barren Land er, Patchogue, L.I.; Miss Helen A. Berger, New Rochelle, N.Y.; Miss PARIS—France is planning to ex­ Mary Rice, Mr. and Mrgr H. A. tend her forest land. Five million, Holtorf, Mrs. Edward W. Forrest dollars have been voted by the and son, New Tork; Mr. and Mrs. Ohamber of Deputies to buy forests Frank Dazey, Stonybrook, N.Y.; coming on the market and to Mr. W. H. King and son, Trenton, subsidise communes and private H.J.; Mrv and Mrs. J. P. McOourt, owners to re-set trees. Arlington, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. O. The state afforestation scheme Politis, Jersey Oity, SJ.; Mr. and in operation since 1919 has redeem­ Mrs.'Wm. H. Pfarrer, Elizabeth, ed 600,000 acres of barren lands N.J.; Mr.. Frank-J. Collins, Mr. of the Landes* But the scheme Oeorge C. Dowdall, Mr. and Mrs. must be spread and amplified. The Joseph Caits, Mr. C. P. Soden, Mr. 20,000,acres which the state plants and Mrs. John B. King, New York; a year will, it Is expected, be from Mr. Waldo Reiner,'' Miss Mildred now on increased to 100,000. Allen, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr. William This is the minimum needed to isners are continuously at P. Schiffner, New York. stem the danger of the recurring Ework, striving to put you Mr. Charles Brooksbank, East floods. For it is estimated that into a bed of lingering sick- each day an acre of forest absorbs Orange, N.J.; Mr. H. W. Helstrom, ness—a bed. of pain, lever, Plainfield, N.J.; Mrs. H. M. Ryan, fifteen tons of water. Forest Hills, LI.; Mrs. Kathryn France has long had restrictions perhaps of even death itself. White, Kew Gardens, L.I.; Miss on the cutting of Jrees—but as the These common household Mary E. Gannon, West Newton, 20,000,000 privately owned acres of pests are insignificant in Mass.; Miss May E. O'Connor, forest land are distributed Sommervilie, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. among 1,600,000 owners ,ltis evident­ size—but tbe misery they Perry S. Fay, Newton Centre, ly well nigh impossible fully to cause is almost beyond Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Insure against infringement of the measure. There is no time Sharpe, New York; Mr. M. Ei law. to be lost. Kill every fly, Knight, Mr. E. L. Vrooman, De­ Means envisaged to protect the mosquito, cockroach, bed­ troit, Mich.; Dr. and Mrs. D. B. forests are: bug, ant, or flea that enters Madison, Herkimer, N.Y.; Miss Fire patrol by government agents; Agnes E. Reynolds, Miss Agnes L. Aid to private owners and com­ your home. Spray Flit. Dolan, Boston', Mass.; Miss Regina munes by grants of young trees for Flit, your sure protection, Rauchman, New York; Mrs. and planting; Miss A. Gould, Detroit, Mich-; Freedom of taxation on forest quickly kills all household Mr. John A. Lyons, Boston, Mass.; land. This now amounts to as insects. None can escape Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennington, much as ZZ per cent on transfers if you follow directions. Miss Anna M. Fox, Miss May of land. The dealer whe buys stand­ Harmless to humans. Does Brown, Mrs. Marie B. Ray, Mrs. ing trees to cut escapes the tax. not stain. H. B. Lyons, Mrs. Fred Beck, Miss And of the danger of floods Vera Beck, Miss Patricia Beck, Mr. France has had bitter lessons. FRIGIDAIRE and Mrs. John J. Maguire, Mr. and Scholars in remote village schools Mrs. Leopold Prince (Judge), Mr. from coast to coast have been add­ L. W. Larsen, New York; Mr. and ing their little to the fund for the Mrs. R. W. Brown, Glenridge, N.J.; flood victims of the south. Desolate THE MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Mrs. H. Sigler and Master Howard, homes tell their story of disaster. Caldwell, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. And from the high peaks of the Modern refrigeration de-. Burley, Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. Wil­ Cevennes one sees what the floods TRAM MAR*. REGISTERED fa* year arotaetlo* nit ia acts ***** t* eeelesf mands moist cold for vege­ liam A. O'Connoe, Jr., New York; meant at the source. In all Europe Miss Stella Grubel, Brooklyn, N.Y.; there is hardly any spot more sup­ tables—dry cold for meats Mr. Frank McMahon, Red Bank, erb. The eye sweeps down to the and other foods. That's why N.J.; Mr. John Ireland, Dr. R. F. Mediterranean, westward to the Frigidaire has the Hydrator. Schaffer, New^Tork. Pyrenees and eastward to hills Miss Emily V. Ross, Miss Rite M. that lead to the shimmering snows Modern refrigeration de­ Howard, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Mari­ of the Alps. Yet below trees lie mands fast freezing of ice and on Melervey, Miss Anna Hager, Miss like salughtered 'remnants of a Eleanor Evas, Jersey City, N.J.; defeated army. Ruined stumps of desserts. That's why Frigi­ Miss Stella M. Rozea, Flushing, vines, denuded trunks of trees, daire is equipped with "Cold N.Y.; Miss Marie L. Linden, Ozone stretch defeated army. Ruined Control" Park, L.I., Miss Winifred Tallon, stumps of vines, denuded trunks Jackson Heights, N.Y.; Mr. and of. trees, stretch their grotesque Mrs. John P. Rockwood, Scarsdale, forms to the sky over miles of de­ Call at our Show Room and. see the new All Porcelain N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Fariss, solate valley. "Here it is that the Yonkers, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ turbulent Agout rises. Here was Frigidaire Cabinets,—porcelain on steel inside and out. wood E. Silliman, Scarsdale, N.Y.; born the catastrophe that recently Handsome and easy to clean as chinaware. Modern in Miss Mary E. Burke, Miss Catherine devested Languedoe. everyway. Find out about the low prices and liberal terms. McKenna, Queens Village, N.Y.; Mr. Edward Dare, Miss Lucy Mc- CuUough, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Ella Hammond, New York; Mr. « LONELY GIRL" GETS NAIL FRIGIDAIRE and Mrs. M. Emil Baker, Baltimore, More than 1300,000 in use. Md.; Mr. Russell M. Beckley, Port BY THE TON Washington, LX ... remove it from teeth twice daily *. * m CAPE TOWN—Twelve thousand ARRIVALS AT FRASCATI HOTEL mail articles, letters, post cards, ENTAL science in studying First, Pepsodent curdles film, illustrated papers and parcels have D the commoner tooth and gum then removes it in gentle safety to Mr. Jerome P. Sussman, H.Y.O.; arrived during one fortnight from disorders finds their chief source enamel No other way will make THE BERMUDA TRADING COMPANY Mr. and Mrs.* Peter N. Macey, England in response to a short to be a coating on teeth known teeth as sparkling white. Reid Street Hamilton Birmingham, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. letter inserted by a South African as film. Pepsodent contains no pumice, 3351f*Jf.s. M. D. Mann, Jr., Roselle, NJ.; girl in the **Daily Mail." the letter Run your tongue across your harmful grit or crude abrasive. It Mrs. H. H. Kendrick, Montgomery, read:— teeth and you will feel this film. It is so safe that dentists recommend Alabama; Mrs. J. C. Wood, Hay- "Sir,—For the last 19 years my absorbs stains from food and it for cleaning the soft teeth of neville, Alabama;-Miss A. M. Hur­ sister and I have been living on a smoking and turns white teeth dull children. ley and A. McGuire, N.Y.C; Dr. lonely, God-forsaken farm in a It clings to teeth and hardens into Accept Pepsodent Test and Mrs. James A. Gettings and forgotten corner of South , tartar. Germs by the millions breed son, Mr. James A. Gettings, Sr., and we would be grateful to any­ in it And germs, with tartar, are To prove results, send coupon for It Is Perfectly Simple New Haven, Conn.; Mr. Maurice one who would.be kind enough to the chief cause of pyorrhea. Den­ 10-day free test or buy a tube—for Kraus, N.Y.C.; Mr. David Magidoff, write us a letter or a'postcard tists urge the special film-removing sale everywhere. Do this now for To Say Far Rockaway; Mr. Joseph Sachs, bnce in a while.—(Miss) Kathleen dentifrice called Pepsodent your own sake. N.Y.C; Dr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Punt, Mud River, P.O. Mature, Rogers, Yonkers, N.Y.; Mrs. Wil­ Malmesbury, SJ*.* liam A. Rogers, Wellesley Hills, I When the first batch of letters ! The Pepsodent Co., Dept Pgpsadtmt Mass.; Dr. and Mrs. G. C Bough- "ALLSOPPS"! arrived at the one man post offlce rBE, 1104 S. Wabash Ave, Th* Spttial FUm-Remttn*' Dtatifrit* ton, Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. George at Mamie the work of the post­ .Chicago, U. S. A. The Better Beer H. Coumb,iir., N.Y.C. master was disorganised. Three | Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to 00 men had to be called in to work I l-lamm „.. , An Englishman has invented a for three and a half hours sorting anc telephone receiver into which ic* the mail matter. The foUowing I AAArmm* , FREE can be inserted to keep it cool if Simply Perfect week the mail was still heavier, City ,•....,.. it is to be held to the ear for long 10-Day Tube To Drink and it was quite beyond the cap­ 0r« fall address. Write plainly. Only one tube to a family. 9-01-E periods. acity of the Mature men to handle so many bags. The lonely "South African girl" JOHN F. BURROWS & CO. turns out io be Kathleen Punt, whose parents are well known in Berr*iuda'5 Leading Wine Merchants AFTER ALL Malmesbury, where they do much entertaining. Kathleen, so far OHNSONPaste or Liqui5d FRONT STREET - QUEEN STREET ELSE FAILED from being a lonely girl, has hun­ Phone 149 Phone 664 Constipation is dreds of companions, for she is 3681«J«Jiu.eitp, sent to sehool at Ellerslie, Sea Point, WAX dreaded because of Cheaper because less tiie many serious She is a popular and vivacious girl needed and lasts longer. conditions and dis­ of 17. Beautifies linoleum. Pro­ eases it causes. Mr. She wrote the letter as a prank tects and cleans surface. PATENTED Lind was a sufferer and was deUghted with the huge Absolutely, greaseless. —but read how he number of people she. "took in" found relief: by her hoax. But when the second "For tae past 10 Srcata I have suffered from piles. At week's mail arrived she was over­ times I nave beea unable to work. I whelmed and rather frightened. WJien installing a have tried suppositories, ointments, etc., but no avail. It appalled her to "think'that so "Two months ago my grocer mUnl mya»^,aliisitoKeUoan,'aMJ.-BnT;An*. many earnest people had spent Pump, instal the best, I Began taking it regularly. Immedi­ time and money writing to a girl • Markproof and dirtproof. ately the pain and annoyanc e from the J- piles ansa relieved. I found that it re­ who was not deserving of •'their Il • Saves scrubbing; pre- quires very little ALL-BRAN to give Myers Fumpsare the iiature a fair, chance ta effect acute." n sympathy. She has received many \\ W. vents cracking and blis- «****-—Walter J. Lead. proposals of marriage. She has not j (aafaVeae oa raanoaO I ^^*-t*%r tering. Use also for fur­ been able to open aU her parcels only pumps fitted Don't neglect constipation. Eat niture, floors, woodwork and motor cars. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN regularly— of expensive drapery jmd sweets [For nair Tary lr rifling Grocery, Hardware, Paint, ***% l~*ei^srta»eng Stow two tabfapoonfnlg daily, orin chronic from her would-be benefactors I Manufactured by .»»» with Cog Qear Han* caters, with every meaL Serve with in England. The post offlce, has S. G JOHNSON & SON, RACINE, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. cold milk or cream. No cooking neces­ discontinued sending her gigantic dies and Qlass Seats. sary. Physicians recommend it. mail out to the Uttle Manure post offlce. It is-now handled in the circulation branch of the General Post Office.

ALL-BRAN An automatic electric primer that rc efltxk SolttbymBOroem-m—inthm Kmd-*a*-Ormmn Pmekmt operates whenja starter is depressed Ihe leading mineral water Ah»s-mk*-**fULWtinCt*-**-U-ai has been invented to facilitate; FRITHS starting automobUes in cold Ik ALL$IOTELS A*fo CLUBS Hardware Store m w.s.RJimi>i*fafcr I weather. ' HfLS GOSLING BROTHERS, AgA.ts a"-"—•aa«JB£»»_—j_^^_nansannianaannnanaaanas*****


• ____i •• •-•••'•-••.v*^ :''?;^ii«^ «! ^fPipPPP •'-.'.r-^f* •

Page. 6 -IHE ROYAL GAZETTE AND jdr>tS****BT BXILY -WEDfiSfJCAY,, MAY ii 1930

CABLE NEWS / aaaanaai (Caatiaaed tram Page 1) Before Wor. H. V. Smith, May 13.

AUSTRAUAN MINISTER PLEADS Milton BasU Wright, Pulipe Oar- FOR BETTER RELATIONS riage driver, ^Church Street, was WITH CANADA - charged with "Reckless dririag'f on April 28, to which he pleaded MONTREAL, May 12—Better "Not guUty." trade relations than those now in The evidence of Mr. Herman existence between Canada aud Aus­ Walter Walker was that on AprU tralia could easily be established 24 at about 7.40 p.m., on coming to the mutual advantage of the near the HainUton Hotel, on his two countries. Hen. J. E. Fenton, bicycle in Ohurch St., accused Minister of Trade and Customs of was coming round the turning HUNDK Australia, said in an interview here leading to Victoria Park and came today. Mr. Fenton was one of the at such a rate as to cause him to Taste it! Australian delegation to the recent ride into the gutter damaging his Naval Conference at London and is mudguard. Cross-examined by ac­ You will like Postum. It is returning via Canada to his home. cused, witness said he considered rich, smooth, mellow. And the « * • that accused was driving reckless­ more you drink, the more its UTTLE CRITICISM ON *#f ly. A conviction was recorded, the THOU delightful flavor will appeal to CANADIAN BUDGET accused- was ordered to pay 7/- t you. • the price of the mudguard, and was OTTAWA, May 12—With the pos­ fined 10/-, which was paid. You can drink Postum any­ sibUity of a. division on the budget * * » time . . . with or between Wednesday the House of Commons - Henry Lapsley, 18, labourer, Pem­ OWNEM meals . . .'before bedtime . . . voted another day to discussion of broke, was committed for trial on as often ahd as much as- you the Government's fiscal proposals. a charge of steaUng a bicycle, the want. It is entirely free from For the greater part of the time the property of Messrs. T. J. Wadson discussion followed along the lines caffein or tannin, the harmful and Son, on March 24. already laid down and little new in Elmore Hewson Adams, manager stimulants in ordinary meal­ the way of criticism or suggestion of T. J. Wadson's bicycle store, time beverages, which cause developed. stated he hired a bicycle to a Mr. has paid sleeplessness, impair digestion, * * * »*§* R. W. Tilney, a guest at the Prin­ and attack the nerves. DEATH OF PROMINENT LABOUR cess Hotel, on March 24. the make Postum is really good for you. I MEMBER of the bicycle being a Raleigh, Registered No. 246, Head No. 1757. It is made from pure, .whole­ LONDON, May 13—The death , This was hired for 1 week, and was centflr SEIW1CE some grain, skillfully blended occurred last night of John Wheat- not returned to the Uvery' at the and roasted. Easily prepared: ley, aged Labour member for Shet- end of the week. pour boiling, water (or hot tleston Division of Glasgow, and The value of the bicycle was £11, Minister of Health in the first milk) on a teaspoonf ul in a pip and was identified by witness. Labour Government. When Mr. Manuel Pieva, of Tucker's Town, —more or less Postum as you MacDonald formed the present gave evidence of buying the bicycle prefer—and sweeten to taste... Ministry Mr. Wheatley was not in question, from accused, for £4, Try it!* included in it and since the election and also identified him as the FREE—A sample tin, good for 21 cups he has, as leader ef the Labour left same man from whom he bought of Fostuin, will be sent, upon receipt of wing, been a severe critic of the the bicycle. 1 d. to cover mailing, by addressing: Government. His death necessi­ - Frank Limas and Manuel Viera J.S. VALUS tates a bye election. At the general also of Tucker's Town gave evid­ In the smaU round casing Burnaby Street Hamilton election Wheatly had a majority ence of seeing the transaction. you see on top of every Gen­ of nearly seven thousand over his Constable John Galloway, sta­ eral Electric Refrigerator, Unionist opponent. ^JL-*.L*.S& tioned at Tucker's Town, recovered the entire mechanism is her- 1 BB* iS? "^il 1B*. the bicycle, aUeged to Joe stolen, }.:ntically sealed with a per­ {WW , GIRL FLIER REACHES -^ and brought it to Hamilton. manent oil supply. Dirt, CALCUTTA IN RECORD TIME Detective Officer Simons stated moisture and rust, that cause Hi* ~*> that on May 1, accused was under trouble, breakdowns and re­ sftLONDON, May llS—The splendid arrest at HamUton PoUce Station, pair bills, are forever shut performance of the 22 years old and was told about two bicycles, GENER.AL ® ELECTE outside! Come in and sceour girl aviator Amy Johnson who by having been sold at Tucker's Town, raany attractive styles of Gen­ reaching Calcutta yesterday had and from information received he eral Electric Refrigerators*— completed five thousand five hun­ was mentioned in the matter and AaMU-STLEEl* REPRICE 12 A*T©SS and let ns tell yon about our dred miles of her attempted night when cautioned said, "I know surprisingly easy terms. to Australia is being followed with nothing about them." great interest. Tlie journey to On May 7, accused was put in an Everything Electrical for the Home Join us in the General Elec­ Calcutta occupied eight days which identification parade and* was, tric Hour, broadcast every is two days less than the time oc­ (without any hesitation) identified Saturday at 9 P.M., Eastern cupied by Bert Hinckler, who holds by Manuel Pieva, to whom he had ROBERT D, AITKEN Standard Time, over a nation­ INSTANT the record for a solo Sight to Aus­ sold the bicycle. Accused was wide. N.B.C. network. ^^nav RE6.0.S.MT.OFF. tralian. The Air Minister Lord given the opportunity to make a Queen Street, Hamilton Thomson, has telegraphed his con-N statement, but this he declined to POSTUM gratulations to the air woman wish­ do. -n* ing her success in the remaining Further charges of a similar na­ stages of her flight. Her route from ture will be preferred against the Calcutta lies through Rangoon, accused. Bangkok and Nurabaya to Port Darwin. It is Miss Johnson's -oc- -*W intention to make a return journey from Australia in the same Gypsy DEALER IS PLEASED WITH ************** Moth" machine which she is now * mtmrmmZmm mm *****-*-*>-**-^- using. Before she acquired the FRUIT TARIFF machine it had done considerable GNlfifl service including long Sights when WiU be Good Thing for Farmers m Captain Hope used it last year to follow the Prince of Wales on his and Growers Is Claim * African tour. WW Hoi * • « 272 ENTRIES FOR BRITISH George H. Everist, President and AMATEUR GOLF CHAMPION­ I General Manager of McWilUam for an Eversnarp SHIP & Everist, wholesale fruit and vege­ v.* table dealers, termed the tariff ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, May 12 changes in regard to fruits and LADLY, if he could, would this Son of the % —The United States will be repre­ vegetables as "a good thing for the See have exchanged his chest of plunder 1 sented by 22 entrants in the Brit­ G farmers and the growers of the for a pair of smooth-writing Eversharps. ish Amateur Golf 1 Championship Dominion." CLNowadays, even without chests of gold and play which starts here May 26. The ad valorem rate which will be jewels, anyone can have this modern pen This strong United States challenge applied to aU fresh fruits of a and pencil. For'^ou yourself, and for you revealed today with announcement domestic character will, in Mr. to give to your friends, Eversharp Pens and t^Wmd-'l^P^***-*!" '•.'"•»,J*ft*1 "™ of .the draw for the championship Everist's opinion, not only protect Pencils are made in a wide range of styles, is supplemented by three entries, the farmer from undue competition sizes and designs.' All bear evidence of the JSESiaT&JJS1**. each from Canada, France and but will regulate suppUes and pre­ careful work of master-craftsmen in precious Wj3^^^' V India and one each from Cuba vent overloading of the markets. metal and in rubber. CGifts of these in­ «SK FOS and the Philippines. All told 272 Mr. Everest believes that trade struments are welcome gifts, to be used and Wax have entered, a record for the event. with the British West Indies will c herished through years of useful service. JliAMii^ Bobby Jones and Oyril ToUey *both come "in time." The packing of Each passing year will bring added regard for have drawn byes iato the second fruits 1 and vegetables, he said, is the giver of this practical, beautiful writing round and being in the top half constantly improving. - If ship­ equipment. Give Eversharps!' CANADIAN will meet if successful in their two ments could be brought to Canada first matches. Wethered, Great from the West. Indies direct, with­ HEALING Britain's team captain, has a bye out reloading, they would stand a in the first round and meets Robert much greater chance of "getting D. Matieson in the second. the market" here. # * * m*. DAVIS CUP PLAY A GREAT LINIMENT HINT TO WEST INDIES A curative and soothing Unfa TORQUAY, England, May 12— ment whieh has for sixty Overwhelming their opponents in Frederick G. Lister, wholesale years been in popular ^de­ fruit dealer, felt there would be a mand for ihe rehef of all the doubles today Great Britain's external and internal pains. Davis Cup tennis players made it demand here for West Indies fruits, Manufactured bit provided they were adequately JJOETHBOP * LYMAN CO, three straight victories over Poland Toronto, Canada and clinched the' series. J. C. packaged and attractively dis­ Gregory and I. G. Collins, doubles played. pair, completely outclassed IJ Tic- "California fruits shine," ex­ czynski and R. Warminski, win­ plained Mr. Lister, "in the way they ning at 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. Previously are put up. If Bermuda and the Great Britain had taken the open­ other British possessions in the DAILY COMMUNICATIONS ing' singles matches H. G. N. Less West Indies, with whom Canada Is UST defeating M. Tioczynski on Satur­ apparently trying hard to work up day and Nigel Sharpe beating Max a greater volume of. trade', can Stolarow of Poland today. '"^^^ manage to pack their products as The wireless station at- St. nicely as California, bt hen, I think George's is in communication with » # » - they would create a demandj for the following ships at sea :—M.s. ENGUSH RUGGER their fruits here. EspeciaUy under Bermuda for New York;*S.s. Orbita, HAUFAX, Eng&nd, May 12— the British preference." Havana; S.s. Berengaria, South­ "Would free entry, as now pro­ •Huddersfield won the champion­ ampton; S.s. Lady Drake, West vided fax, make for lower fruit prices Indies; S.s. Lady Rodney, Bermuda; ship of the rugby leafue today when here?" Mr. Lister was asked. S.s. Lady Nelson, West Indies; S.s. they defeated#Leeds'in a replayed "I think so," he repUed "Of Christiansholm, Baton Rouge; S.s. final match with Leeds by ten course, it would all depend'on the Serenonias, Mobile; S.s. Vancolite, .p lints to nothing. The two teams prices of the fruits- in the West Cartagena; S.s. Alfonso 13, Havana; played to a two all draw at Wake­ Indies/' '.1 . Sp S.s. Raimond, Havana; S.s. City of field on Saturday. .- Mr. Lister said that, whUe Janu­ A camera attachment' for shot The worid production of silver Bombay, Newport; S.s. Sansilvestre, - -00 r- ary and February are usuaUy the An Ohio Wesleyan University Puerto Mexico; S.s. Tiradentes, guns has been invented to enable has increased steadUy since 1921, scientist has forecast a decrease , £n artificial vanilla for flavouring slack trade months here for fruits, a map to test the accuracy of a Montevideo; S.s. BenholmT Balti­ there really has been no, "off sea­ Mexico leading among nations, in sun spots this year and a cor­ more; S-s. Pacific Trader, San Jose; is being produced in quantity in weapon and to correct errors ln his foUowed by the United States and responding improvement in radio son," to which the Budget refers, v ts. Maidengalro, lit. Kitts; S.s. Germany from the waste sulphite aiming. Canada. - reception. Uquor ef tbe paper malting industry* la the last tew years. - , -r,pp|ttS»1H &*&£& ''^^^^j^ypp^lj. 14/^30 ftWr

Beer at its Best

PII^tNER BEER be **.* Absolutely Pure SS Er* Cr*.** • *.* IV* *.Cr* 3£ The Cr* Cr*•* '

CrM* Perfect •J* ••Cr*• Beer Cnft 3. ASTWOOD & S Gr* b*.*" ____ is i£g£aj?l*i*afg.*»f.f».M*ilP'«*^**."^ This World of Ours ESTABLISHED 1745 ANGRY MANAGER SUES -^-at Sea DRAMATIST Brewed in Scotland by Some say the Pacific, HATS! SALE! HATS J* & R. TENNENT, LTD. Has moods most terrific Author Fined One Franc— The Largest Brewers and Bottlers for Export But when Its pacific. Its way's beatific. Spring Delay Blamed in the World * * • BARGAINS IN HATS Add "Soporific" to the above PARIS, May 10.—Precocious jingle and the picture is fairly spring in France is having its re­ complete at this "beatific" time percussions in court. Large selection from Regular Stock'Specially Priced PROCURABLE FROM of writing. In the old sailing days The other day, it was the case of we should be lying becalmed under the reluctant Muse. An author listless sails. How the "Orita's" had undertaken to deUver a play IO/*, 15/*, 20/* engines thud steadily on regardless in three acts, "The Veiled Lady" J. E. LIGHTBOURN & CO. of wind or of no wind. by a certain date. The manager of 3S44tm5.sl0.wl4.ml9.s24.w28.ai2.s7. * » * the theatre for which it was de­ Our decks, however, are spread stined, exasperated by repeated de­ SALE BEGINS MONDAY over with passengers and crew ih lays, took proceedings against the all the listless attitudes we read dramatist. The unfortunate auth­ of in the- best authenticated novels or, in his defence, said he had of pirates and their victims, of sought inspiration both on moun­ which the Pacific is prolific. To tain and sea. But the Muse had ALLIANCE give reality to the picture we are eluded him. He had been waiting ELEANOR BROWN passing the little island of La Plata, for spring. SOMERS BUILDING ASSURANCE wherein are supposed to Ue hidden The judge fined the author one 3624ts.m.w.f.s. countless millions of stolen trea­ franc and warned him that the f^ata^rssJSs^ sures, taken from poor Peru in Muse must be more prompt in COMPANY Ltd. these bad old days. future. . * • * Today it is the turn of spring in Keeping one eye on the may court. Spring, tt seems, is demoral­ ASSETS EXCEED and the other on the day's run of ising both scholars and parents Picnic Suggestions •* our ship, South American distances alike. £30,000,000 begin to grow impressive! It really Windows of French schools, kept Sandwich Spread and Relish calls for some little enlargement jealously shut in winter, are thrown Boiled Ham and Tongue * PLUS—SECURITY STRENGTH, AND of that particular section of the open in spring with one accord. brain concerned with geographic The sun, the calls of the birds, the (Machine Sliced) INTEGRITY space! fragrance of blooming hawthorn * * » hedges, the sight of green fields, Sweet and Mustard Pickles Coming out of cloudy specula­ the echo of tempting brooks, assail Stuffed and Queen Olives tions into the region of statistical at once the eyes and ears of the facts one discovers that South scholars. The result has been an English and American Biscuits BUTTERFIELD & CO., Agents America can take in all Europe and Unusual outburst of truancy. AU f Fancy Fresh Fruit the United States and still reserve along the deUcious moun­ Telephone 581 plenty of home land for its own use. tain streams of the Cevenness, in * * • the byways of Normandy, in Brit­ HENRY DUNKLEY & CO. 3600t4M.wl4.asl9.s24.w28.s31. Its rivers, run to lengths of three tany and-especiaUy in the wooded thousand miles and one of Its hills of Gascony, once dear to the Telephone 12? Republic's (Chile) alone has a hearts of D'Artagnan, boys are 3672fm.w.*.tp. shore line of the same length. found wandering carefree, dirty a • * and dishevelled, happily indiffer­ On the human "counting of ent'to aU the vaunted culture of BLACK FLAG LIQUID heads" side let overcrowded Europe France. Three Sizes note the reverse position, however! Some communes look on wirtJn There are 11 people to the square indulgent eye. Hot so Senlis. This PYJAMAS % pint 1/* Pints 2/- Quarts 4/- mile compared to the 104 of Europe. romantic retreat outside Paris', This means, granted like conditions rich in its mediaeval lore, has temp­ For Large Men 44, 46, 48 inches of support, another billion people ted so many students to play Also could be taken on by South America l'ecole buissonniere that the 15/6, 18/6 before talk of birth control need schools are practicaUy deserted. begin! But Senlis has a conscientious POWDER * * * commissioner of police. He sum­ YOUNG "BROTHERS I notice a commission of Inquiry moned his men and deUvered this 3679*Mtn.w. Mid. 2/- and 3/6 under Lord D'Abernon has just ultimatum: been round S. A. to hold the usual "Enforce strictly the law of tru­ Kills Flies, Mosquitoes. Ants, Bed Bugs, melancholy inquest on the decline ancy. Every child found loitering and fall in British trade, in field or road during school hours Roaches and Moths. * » * ' shall be apprehended and con­ The new Beport, laid before ducted back to school and the par­ GORTON'S SEA FOODS Parliament, dwells heavily on our ents shaU be summoned." inefficient Con: ular Service as one Almost every day you ssee a gen­ Make Delicious Dishes cause, plus, as usual, the readiness darme conducting a youthful THE BERMUDA PRESS, LIMITED of German and U.S.A. traders to merrymaker to school by the ear. Now Obtainable at adapt their manufactures* to local Thereupon the officer of order re­ Reid Street ' wants, as compared with the "take pairs te the domicile of itheguttty it or leave It" ways of the trading to service notice on the parents. WILLIAM MURPHIE'S GROCERY Britisher. But there the commissioner meets Front Street Prompt Deliveries * * » • his supreme disillusionm« nt. He — 493 To a smart Anglo-Chilian mer­ had thought he was reinforcing Phonts 718 Lends lustre io every occasion chant aboard I showed the report. the authority of the pareri ts. Too 3318«J«]w. "We just laugh at EngUsh Consuls" often, he finds they too are ^absent— was the reply. "They come out to foUowing the primrose p aths of play golf and tennis." spring. * * * To this he added remarks on the To encourage greater diver­ DRESSES! difference of the reception accorded sification of crops the Egyptian to visitors by the British and the government has restricted th e area Linens, Lawns, Pique United States Consuls. In the sown in cotton to one third of without latter case you are received as a the total arable land. Various Shades, Styles, with and long lost brother, while in the sleeves former its in the "well what's for you, Stf?" style. ' 30/- * • * Irregularity Yields to Individual opinion is, always A. R. MERCER, Queen Street dangerous to use as a text. But as Hospital Treatment the above agrees with that of my 3699«Jw.».lp. Lord D'Abernon lt is perhaps worth IMFKOVED COMPOUND recording. ) ' '. I§-fei USED IN CLINICAL CASE » a • But when all Is said and done That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo ASK FOR only the EngUsh manufacturer Compound (improved formula) is ot GOSLING BROTHERS. Agents great value in cases of Amenorrhea ha* and not the Consular Serlce can been again demonstrated in a clinical turn the scale once again In favour test made ia a hospital in Mexico of British goods, and, when on the City recently. spot, that is easy to be seen. Any In this case, No. M.A.23, the records stroU through a landing wharf show that a girl sixteen yean of age MORRIS A. GIBBONS eame to the hospital for treatment of examining goods labels tells the Amenorrhea, from which she had been tale. suffering for three months. Exami­ * m" m nation showed that she was apparently STRIPED FLANNEL PANTS All of which suggests that the otherwise in a normal condition and truly "unemployed may be the * the doctors recommended treatment Nicely Tailored ; i with the unproved form of Lydia E. brains and npt the "hands" >'of Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She Britain, and that the latter wotrdjl itook it ngularly every three or four 45/- pair \ |j| soon be at work If only brain Wnos, and greatly improved by the The name guarantees satisfcction a_l—_B_^—aaa> limn altn hairflail)mil ihe lint bottle. ST. GEORGE'S section of our mercantile wo|ip (iShe had then begun to function regu- would'get amoveon! *^j kary and by nn'Mmiiiifinf the uae of the POWELL &. COMPANY — Bermuda Dirtxibutors inir. -fishin good betJUu jh ti-

•«MBttffifclwtl#flMTaBM fflaafflsffiHfflaSl^r^^^^^^^i^^Sa^^^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^affiS^^^S^i^^^^ •*a*s**p. ?t£--^ «sjpi«^*»-.3.j*»^3-LaBB EfPf; ! Pp-PI^ T*age~? TlffiNlW^^ 1I%DNESDAY^ MAY 14, • 1930 ms HP 6.30-fTalk—John B. Kennedy. ittOCaG* OVER THE RADIO 6.35—New Yorker Orchestra. . X Save with Safety 6.45—Literary Digest Prohibition & 1 PoU; news—Floyd Gibbons. g REXALL DRUG STORE The humorist's impression of ' 7.00-4-Amos *n' Andy, comedians. the great American turf classic, 7.15—Alias Edward Taylor, drama­ H.A.^E..SMIOffl X the Kentucky Derby, -wilt be told tic sketch. Clear Dp by Irvin S. Oobb in an interview 7.30—BasebaU scores. __ F.OUNDEIl .1889 with Grantland Sice during the 7.35—St. Begis Orchestra. Coca Cola programme to be broad­ 7.45—Bise of the Goldbergs. 8 Stuffed Nostrils S cast over the WEAF network to­ 1 I 8.00 -Yeast Foamers' Orchestra.' night at 10.30 o'clock. 8.30—Sylvania Foresters Orchestra S Cobb, who is a native of Kentucky Quickly and an authority on the Derby, —male quartet. x 9.00—Wadsworth Programme. x will describe how the event is con­ 9.15—O'Cedar Beflections. ANNUAL f ducted as a "sporting classic." 9.30—Frontier Days—sketch. With I Not only will he tell of the race's 10.00—Golden Gems; Elsie Baker, history and plans for this year, but contralto; Theodore Webb, 1 he will tell some humorous anec­ baritone. Rexall X dotes linked with the track and 10.30—Cuckoo—skit. X those associated with it. 1X00—Spitalny's Music. SHOE SALE Catarrh X This interview comes as a radio 11.30—Laurier Ensemble. X preliminary to the race itself, 12.00—Boyal York Orchestra. X which will be run on Saturday, Jelly! May 17. The Derby will be broad­ WGY, Schenectady 380 m.-790 kc. X cast through.facilities of the Na­ 6.15—Dinner music. ______X tional Broadcasting Oompany with 7.00—BasebaU scores. NOW ON Graham McNamee, sports an­ 7.30—OUie Yettru, piano. X nouncer, and Clem McCarthy, 7.40—Health talk. •jgff This penetrating, aromatic *S*f sports writer and turf, authority, 7.45—Same as WEAF. £5 Jelly, injected through the *S describing the scene from the 8.00—General Electric prog. Bargains in high grade shoes taken *J> patent nozzle, has a & track at Churchill Downs, Louis­ 8.30-11.00—Same as WEAF. ville, Kentucky. ef-***,M. wonderfuticl healing and g 11.00—General Electric prog. from our regular stocks. f-< lieving coldactios in nth e inhead, re-, JXf * » * 11.30—Musical programme. Sgi* nose and throat. Sold v Nathaniel Shilkret's musical Men's and Women's Sports, Dress and *w only at Rexall Stores. w toast "To the Nations," in the form WABC, Hew York 349 m.-360 kc. Business Shoes. of eight representative selections 6.00—BUI Schudt's Going to Press. S THE PHOENIX & of as many different lands, Is the 6.15—Heyward Broun's Badio Mobiloil offering over the WEAF School and Dress Shoes for Boys 5 The Rexall Drug Store g Column. chain of the National Broadcasting 6.30—Hotel Paramount Orchestra. and Girls. g Phone 99 g Company at 8.30 tonight. 7.00—Talk—OoL E. A. PoweU. Boyal Dadmun, American con­ 7.15—Commodore Ensemble. Children's Play and Dress Shoes. )g( Hamilton J£ cert and recording baritone, makes W 126Dts.w.tp. JJ" 7.30—Evangeline Evans, astrol­ his appearance on the programme oger. &)§0^^)^rO£&3*&OO8,& ly singing three of the selections, 7.45—Men's Shoe Special. I which gives him an opportunity to 8.00—In a Bussian ViUage. j interpret the folk music of Bussia, 8.30—Forty Fathom Trawlers. America and Scotland. 9.00—Van Heusen Orchestra; male TODAY Shilkret opens his concert with quartet; Vee Lawnhurst. the overture to Ambrolse Thomas' 9.30—La Palina Smoker. We will throw on bargain counters a line of opera "Mignon,'*' based on episodes 10.00—Philco Symphony Orchestra. from Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister." 11.00—Tribune Observer. The overture is built on melodies 11.15—Merrymakers Orchestra. M WOMEN'S § 1 from the opera. 12.00—Specht Orchestra. The piece representing the United BLONDE and NOVELTY States is "Up from My Tears," by WTAM, Cleveland 280 m.-io70 kc. Weavar. Scotland earns a place in 7.15—Dorotha Beckloff and Doc t ie programme by virtue of Spill- Whipple. SHOES man's familiar setting of Bobert 7.25—BasebaU scores. Burns' poem "Flow Gently, Sweet 7.30—Hotel Statler Orchestra. At Very Attractive Prices Afton." 8.00—Smiling Ed McOonnell. • * m 8.30—Same as WEAF. I "La Danza" by Gioacchino Bos- 9.00—Gene and Glenn. sini, an Italian dance supposed to "Adds 70*J& to the 9.30-12.00—Same as WEAF. 3647*JaJs.m.tu. be a cure for the bite of the taran­ 12.00—WTAM Players. tula spider, and a song by the Eng­ Food Value of Milk' lish composer, Sir Henry Bishop, WPG, Atlantic City 273 m. -1100 kc. dispioving the theory that love is 8.00—Same as WABO. blind, will feature the Boad to 8.30—Jane and Jimiaie Oullert, Romany broadcast from WJZ at popular song harmonies. *@\* 9.15 tonight. &.***&• £45—Esther Boxer, impersonator. ** F. J. G* FOOTE The orchestra is under the direc­ 9.00—Johnny Austin and his Or­ Sole Agent tion of Harry Horlick, while Devora chestra. Nadworney, contralto, is also heard 9.03—Shiloh Female Quartet. in the programme. 9.50—Frank Fertlg, tenor. * * * 10.00—J*. O. U. A. M. Programme. Vee Lawnhurst, crooning pianist, 10.30—Oape May Women's Com­ | Assorted CJiocolates will be heard in two numbers to munity Club Chorus. be selected during the Van Heusen 11.00—The Merrymakers. GOING FAST programme to be broadcast at 12.00—Same as WABO. Special 9.00 o'clock tonight over WABO and the Columbia Broadcasting ^_____J1_^Syr^»is^2^rif System. ? /6 per lb "Maids on Parade," and "March -*-**i of the Blues" are included in the MOVEMENTS OF SHIPS numbers to be played by tha Van Sd per quarter lb Hausen Orohestra under the direc­ tion of William Wirges. M.S. Bermuda (Furness-Bermuda Line)' sails for New York today BICYCLES | Exceptional Quality and • • • at 10.00 a.m. Agents, Watlington & Value TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES Oonyers. AT BARGAIN PRICES (Bermuda Time) » m m THE GOODY SHOPPE S.s. Orbita (P.S.N.) is due tc ar­ THE BERMUDIANA CYCLES TJW, Bermudas rive : from Liverpool today, sailing the same day for Havana. Corner of Reid and Burnaby Streets 2636f*«Jw.'.a.tp. 7.00—Blair Manufacturing Oo. 7.30—Bermuda Cleaners and Agents, Harnett and Richardson. 3623»Ws.ni.w.tp. Dyers. • •*• • 8.00—Arcturas Badio Tube Oo. S.B. Lady Somers (C.N.S.) is due FOR RENT 8.30—Pearman, Watlington & Oo. to arrive from Montreal today, 9.00—A. J. Gorham, sailing »t 7.00 a.m. tomorrow For Summer Months 9.30—WUliam Murphie. for Nassau and Jamaica. Agents, 10.00—Atwater Kent Manufactur­ 3* S. Darreli Se Oo. ing Oompany. • • * S.s. Lady Bodney (C.N.S.) is due Bayswater Cottage WEAF, Mew York 454 m.-660 kc. to arrive today from Nassau, sailing this afternoon at 2.00 p.m. for Furnished 6.09—Black and Gold Orchestra. • 6.30—Whyte's Orohestra. Montreal. Agent ,s J. S. Darreil & 6.55—Baseball scores. Oo. Waterfront on Pitt's Bay 7.00—Lucia Avella, piano. • m * 7.15—Hindermyer and Tucker- S.s, Lady Drake (O.N.S.) is due g\l*&®? For particulars apply to man, comedy team. to arrive from St. Kittson Satur­ tftCWW/CTEI) MEALS 7.30—Back of tho News in Wash­ day, sailing at 2.00 p.m. the GILBERT A. COOPER, ington—William Hard. same day for St. John. Agents, J. b than afabestbyear 7.45—WUbur Coon Players. S. DarreU Se Co. it***f, lay skirt to tinea 7 Tni» isa't C/o Bermuda Furnishing 8.00—East of Cairo, sketch. * * * •atari) b healthy Mb **i ealy ocean &. Supply Co. 8.30—Mobiloil Orohestra;' Boyal S.s. Dunclutha (B.M.S.P.) is due wbatfelimbterpiL Yea neel a •**•«•• to arrive from London on Satur­ 3578

63§§§j : 1 ___ ^m£^m^^*m*m ifSSS•wMKKKm -a-*pMawad^>*^*M!_^__*

THEROYAL GAZETTE .Al^ H 1930 Page 9 •>

nn\ Bargain and Discount I • sSaleM . . I • 1

COMMENCES Friday, May 16th

No Store Opens 930 Telephone Orders



H.M.S. SHAH ANNUAL An Interesting Discovery

Centinuen* from Taetony't Issae

Wednesday, 7th Feb: Still a very light wind, 2 ships In sight. At CASH SALE noon. Lat. 13:12 N., Long. 2538.5 W. Distance made 106 miles. To St. Paul's Rocks 768 miles. . Thursday, 8th Feb: Light fair winds since noon yesterday 12.00 Burrows, R.N.A.; Song, "Speed a.m. Lat. 11:15 N., Long. 25:51.5 :.Qn my bark," Capt. Philips, R.M.- W. Distance made 118 miles, to

r.<-v'.,-.- .,:-: ..•-,.. •'••;.• ...... -:.,,•-• . - . Tags 10 THE ROYAL OAZETTE AND COLONIST DAtt.V WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930

B.V.R.C. Classified ANNUAL cXMP 1930 Advertisements BARGAIN SALE • The above Camp wiU be held at Warwick ol EMPLOYMENT First Period 1st to llth June Second period llth ,to 21st June RALEIGH BICYCLES BOT wanted (white) to. work in AU employers of labour who have Hardware Store. Write Box 3677, Hundreds of cycles at greatly reduced prices. members of the above mentioned Bermuda Press. Corps in their employ are asked to 3677tm.w.s. aUow them to attend camp for •—naw—_—_—*__—_—_•_—_sn_—_—_«aaaaat their particular period. ALL-STEEL WANTED BICYCLE R. C. EARL, Major. Commanding B.V.R.C. WANTED—A position as Nurse or

*m***a*a*m*a*sm**a*a^^ 3663ta.12.w21. Housemaid (white). References can :;::- •* -- - | | be shown. Address A. M. H., Sub- Wad&ciCA^ R.O., Somerset Bridge. 37Il*w.th.

TODAY "The major part of the British t© thank Mr. Malone particularly WOMAN SUFFRAGE Empire has gone on before Ber­ for coming here and speaking when muda. No wonder spirited people he came to Bermuda for a hoUday, LOST Bouse of Assembly MEETING in Bermuda feel downcast that and his address has been parti­ Sessions House, 2.00 p.m. any part of the Empire should not cularly valuable in view of his LOST—Cambridge Certificate on be keeping pace with the rest of experience in the 'prehistoric' Tuesday afternoon on Beid Street. * * * • (Continued from Page 1) Beward. Telephone 336, Hamilton. - \ it. Why is England the last? great fight in the umted States. As It was the women who made the country to have a monarchy? I said this afternoon in the Bermuda Rotary Glob first implements for agriculture; Luncheon, New Windsor Hotel, Why will she in all probability have House on the Hill, we can LOST—On the road from Somer­ who made the first designs for house a monarchy long after many re­ take many leaves from the book of set to Hamilton, a very large brown 12.30 noon. building; who cultivated the fields, * * * publics have crashed? Because sbe the United States with advantage dog, with short hair, two front —and it was the women of Finland was one of the first Governments to ourselves." paws white, answers to name "ef Moving Pictures who brewed the first beer and made Reid Hall Theatre, "Hit the which began to democratise its The vote of thanks was seconded Prince. Eeward. Telephone 59 the first alcohol. It was not the entire system for all her people. Somerset. Deck," Staging and Talking Pic­ women of the United States who by Mr. K. F. Trimingham and In the Islands of Bermuda as well carried amid acclamation. 3710*w.th. ture, 2 shows nightly, 7.00 and made us appear dry and feel all 9.00 p.m. as throughout the Empire the wet. The first dry States were in abolition of human slavery came -**>- * * * the South without a woman voting Mechanics' Hall,' "The Fall of about thirty years before Lincoln FOR SALE in any of them. It was the men, led did it in our country. I am amazed FATAL QUARRY ACCIDENT Eve," All-Talking, also "Under­ by an evangelical minister who tow," 2 shows, 7.00 and 9.00 that any man claiming intelli- forgot that Jesus and his apostles An unfortunate accident oc­ FOR SALE—Motor Boat, 17ft. new. p.m. . gence and love of this Island should Men and women had dignified the proper use. of curred at Mrs. Swan's quarry, £85 or near offer. Only wants see­ Lighting-up Time: 7.39 p.m. | deny any woman, coloured or who realize that wine, that made America dry—not white equal participation in voting Khyber Pass, Warwick, at 2 p.m. ing. Write Box 3691 Bermuda Press. the women. Women have always appearance counts -00- privileges under an honourable on Monday, May 12, resulting in 3691*tu.w.th. been and will always be for tem­ Government. (Hear, Hear and ap* the death of William Edward always have well- perance. They are the creators and plause). If Edith Cavell had come Smith, coloured Bermudian, of polished shoes.' the conservators of the commun­ Devonshire. Deceased was working FOB SALE—Mounted CoUection ol from Bermuda would she also have British and Colonial Postage ity. with his father and James Brang­ Did YOU "Nugget" your DEPARTMENT OF been unfit to cast her vote? If Stamps Including many rarities. "They say women down here do man, cutting stone, towards the shoes this morning? Florence Nightingale had come Write Box 2379 Bermuda Press. not want the vote, they say the buUding of his house, he being on AGRICULTURE fromBermuda would she also, in the 2379fth. eitp. - majority do not want it. Suppose opinion of these gentlemen, be­ six weeks' hoUday on account of the they do not,—that a majority do cause she was a woman, be unquali­ St. George Hotel being closed, and Arrived in Montreal by CJSLS. not want it. They ought to have fied to express her public opinion being a member of the St. FOR SALE— 18ft Motor Boat, 9-15 Lady Rodney at 3 p.m. Monday 5th. it anyway. on the affairs of government? George's orchestra. Deceased went NUGGET h.p. Niagara Engine, in perfect con­ At 8 o'clock that evening I went to "When in the history of man­ These gentlemen are filled with between Brangman's block and the dition. Write Box 3611, Bermuda the pier to find some of the celery kind, in any country, did the maj­ needless fears. They are living in bulkhead, a space of about 8 ft. to BOOT POUSH Press, Ltd. already discharged. The "Bermuda ority of men first want any progessr the early period of Queen Victoria. get a Uttle saW. At the time Brang­ ***wm****w*Wm-wmm***\B^mmmam 3611*th.ei. to wl4. brokers had sold part of the ship­ in liberty or achievement? It was I want to see women in .poUtics man was'cutting a block of stone ment before arrival, and the job­ always the intelligent, the gallant, everywhere in the -world because Z ft. x 4 ft. x 6 ft., and weighing bers were on the dock to see the the sensitive, the courageous, the women are the conservators of the about a ton. Smith, went behind W.S- PURVIS FOR SALE—2 Lady's Bicycles, 2 goods, which are bought by them on useful minority that compelled the race, and are the greatest barrier to take up the saw, when the block Distributor Cycle Balloon Tyres, perfect condi­ the dock and trucked away by them lethargic majority to adopt pro­ we have to another war, which if it of stone spattered and broke away. 3700t]w. tion. Phone 477 mornings. at their expense. gress and bring liberty. If men comes will destroy civilisation. (Pro­ Brangman shouted to Smith, who 3708 *w. The cabbage sold well, and the have never achieved progress or longed applause.) turned his head and seeing his - *• ****** liberty except through the pressure danger, stooped down to clear the VnWHN'D'IN THE ALLENBURYS' FOODS trade was very pleased with it. "What are you going to do about and impulse of minorities, why block, but it came on him too •% ' — j Carrots moved much better than it? The job of all the women who should they demand more of wo­ quickly, wedging his head against FOR RENT was anticipated. They were very want the vote is to go and get it. men? If there were only one woman the bulkhead. Deceased's father uneven in size. A medium-sized Make the lives of your politicans who wished to participate in the and Brangman extricated him, but carrot, about 5 to 6 inches, and not inconvenient. Be opposed to any FOE RENT—Cottage, furnished, Government, she by justice and by within about 15 minutes Ufe was too big around, is preferred. The man running for office if he is op­ Paget East. Living-room and Din­ law should have it. extinct. jobbers were rather afraid of the posed to woman suffrage. Men say ing room combined, 2 Bedrooms, "Men are afraid that if women 1 ojLy-3 future onions, although they said they that women do not know what they Deceased was laid to rest in Bath and Kitchen, Talephone 174. come in they will upset things. were much better than they had want. In my experience most of Devonshire Churchyard yesterday 3712*w. ei to tu. 20. What is there to upset? You can­ yet seen from Bermuda. Some of my inconveniences have been caus­ afternoon. An inquest will be held these onions were sprouted and not upset anything that cannot ed by women who knew too well on Monday next, May 19, at 9 a.m. FOR RENT at Sunnyside, Shelly damp. The impression was that be upset. What has been going on 259**)-* what they wanted. Bay, Apartment, furnished or un­ here that the women might upset? oo they would soon rot. Fava beans furnished, electric refrigerator. Ap­ What would women find out? They "I hope that some day, not too sold at $1.00. I would not advise ply J. A. Stubbs, Jr. far off, I may come back and look BOW-V-*XT I*-* that many of these be shipped. are curious, they are inquisitive. More than half of the gold pro­ 3658*s ei to f 16. back on this ocoasion at a meeting If they found out nothing it might duced in the world passes through oi fooo wi-* w a REPORT ON NEW TORK MARKET mean that nothing was being done. held to commemorate the splendid the weighing room of a refinery FOR RENT—Desirable House in If they found nothing doing they achievement of putting Bermuda 8 strong ««• near Johannesburg, South Africa. ? Paget, near Elbow Beach. 3 bed­ Arrived in New York Thursday, would soon see that something was and its citizenship as cultural forces -£ *beaM* rooms, 2 Uving rooms, bathroom, , 8th inst., and immediately went going on. If they found something, in contact with the modern world, , ne stite kitchen and maid's room. Vacant to Washington market, where I that would be something that ought and making the men of the Island BOV now. Phone 1215, Mr. Waddell. saw Mr. Nix, Mr. Haynes and sever- to be found. feel that the relationship they then NOTICE ^eC«^*-! 3690*tu. ei to ml9. alfothers of the New York jobbers. "What is the use of having a have with women is a happier one is I*"**. t and act" v* They all thought that there is a deadly dull Legislature? I have and that they work through the The Raffle of Thorough' J problems of the day and think la^' < good outlook for Bermuda celery. not read anything in the debates 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED—Seven through the problems of an even­ bred Horse ^ format"* / Room Cottage situate South Shore, Florida is reported to be losing half that thrilled me. Of course it is a a her crop, and every day's shipment relaxing climate down here. I ing in the comradeship of their VIF" Paget, until June 30, 1930. Im­ is below the quality of the previous would expect the governors of your women. If we can only have a mediate possession. Apply Thomas. day. State to be leisurely men, but I vision of the right relationship we will take place at the New 1* sW\ titv as "&* N. Dili, Barrister-at-Law. The trade here is of opinion that suspect them all to be between shall see that neither sex is super­ Windsor Hotel on Tuesday, 3702*tu ei to w21. potatoes may take another sudden sixty and eighty years years of age ior and neither inferior. They are May 20th, 1930, at 8 o'clock rise between the ending of the from the character of their speeches complementary and necessary to .equlrenxcats. Florida crop and the beginning of and the psychology of their think­ each other. Tickets available at above Hotel a.. a~*Wcarefi*flf MRS. GROSVENOR TUCKER the movement from Carolina, ing. The debates sounded just like "Let no group of small-minded, REAL ESTATE which section is suffering from our Congress. Politicans all reach 36*5*w. power-loving gentlemen on any Houses for rent, furnished aod un­ drought and the crop expected to be the same dull level of mediocrity. hill deprive you of your freedom." tf**Tz£- *•*- They are in power and and want to [ %tb»*f *?*, food, are furnished. Land fer sale. largely No. 2's. The Hon. S. S. SpurUng, O.M.G:, W.B. SMITH WESTBURY, Richmond Road stay there, so they pray to God that O.B.E., M.C.P., said "As one of the M. Inst. N.A. London Cables "Teucro" Phone 287 nothing will happen to get them out T. ARTHUR HOLLIS, ancient gentlemen on tbe hill who Engineer —and they are afraid of women. Our is perhaps rather anxious that , ^-m**-**-** Assistant Inspector of Produce. anti-franchise gentlemen ih Amer­ women should have the vote (per­ General Contracting, Submarine ty **•*-*• HOMES ica went through all these chill haps because he wishes them to Foundations, Divers and Diving- and fever periods. keep him in power), I wish to For Rent or Sale gear, Wharf Building, Dredging, "My view is that if a human take this opportunity of thanking GRAY REAL ESTATE. GENCY and Excavating being is fit to be our counsellor and the speakers for the excellent ad­ Telephone Building, Reid Street Three-wire aerials for radio re­ Hamilton companion in every walk of life she Complete Plant Available for these ception that can be permanently dresses we have heard. A more Telephone 573 Cable ""*• if fit to express her opinion on affairs Jobs. installed on passenger airplanes clear exposition of Bermuda's pos­ of government and the choice of have been developed in England. ition with regard to woman suf­ EAST BROADWAY legislators. frage than that given by Miss Heyl * * * Telephone HamUton 424. A device to warn aviators that ice "They say women are not fit it has never been my privilege to hear. Mr. Malone has, I think, 3S20t«.«.w. U 3-5-31. Write for a free copy of * Infant Feeding is forming on the wings ot their to vote. Yet not one man in 500 by the 'AUenburys' Foods." airplanes has been designed by a in England or the United States attacked the very things in Ber­ New York instrument maker. (I will make it higher in the United muda that have been urged against FOR HIRE Allen & Hanbury s Ltd., London * * * States as a matter of courtesy and Woman Suffrage. I think this . With the development of certain say not one in a thousand) could meeting is Ukely to be a < turning AIR COMPRESSORS Special Reprtsen ta tive for B.W.1,: % H. S. HALSALL.- mercury deposits Nevada expects tell you the full name of all your point in the movement in Ber­ Two Hammer,Type P.O. Box 57'Bridgetown BARB ADO? to become the leading state for legislators or the cabinet in Eng­ muda, for there was in both the expositions of woman suffrage that the production of that metal. land or the cabinet in the United Complete with Jack Hammer

" * • * * we have heard tonight a reason­ States. There are male voters in the Paving Breakers, THERAPION I Resembling a residence heater United States who think that ableness of thought which I think will do a great deal to bring the j THERAPIOW fto 2 In miniature, a device has been Theodore Roosevelt is still president. movement in much greater pro­ Blow Pipes, etc. THERAPION No. 3 invented that draws pure outside "The difficulty of making a Re* 1 Coze* Diseharfea.v Ke. 9 Cure* Blot 4 minence with, the pubUc than has Poison. Mo. 8 Cur** tfhrtv-ilcWeakness** . air into an automobile and warms speech on this subject is that the Sold by leadiOat Chemists oreitherNo-returnmsiifrom been the case in years past. I wish DR.LzO.EHcMed.Co Havsrstock Rd.K.W 5, London opposition is taflpfng nonsense. . If ID doubt No. required do not hesi ate to nrtte it*\ it. HATHWAY, LTD. ••r FRKR brriest op'ofari #•» *t* -™**asbil*r» _ ' One drop of "GETS-IT-tm Order from your grocer his best tea aad go on with and he'U usually send "Red Rose*" dance Why Smoke Just An Ordinary Cigarette Juat apply "GETS-IT" t« that pain­ ful, annoying corn aad tke pain ia When You Can Get reHered immediately. A lew ap- plicationa and yam can peel it off easily and painlessly with your fingers. That's the end of 1 STATE EXPRESS §i corn troubles. Millions are i« it in all parts of tho world. REP BOSE >____ |_ 5 5 5 THB BERMUDA CIGAR STQRE ntfin • ••fllnWilP 820aJ*j« "On The Comer*' at teduced plitm*^

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