Wht -Imjal attir (EnUmtai latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) aid THE BERMUDA CXtoNIST (Established 1866) VOL. 1&—NO. 113 HAMILTON, BERMUDA WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM CABLE NEWS BERMUDA CHAMBER OF MAKING LIVIBS OF POLITICIANS NEW YORK STOCK THEYSAY COMMERCE a ,, THE CRISIS IN INDIA i ' INCaCa•N\^MENT' ' That the special meeting called MARKET by the Woman Suffrage Society Sholapur in Hands of Rioters Twenty-Third Annual was most enjoyable. LONDON, May 12—The DaUy That it is a long time since such MaU tonight received a despatch Mr. Dudley Malone Counsels Women Yesterday's Closing oratory was heard. ' from its correspondent from Bom­ General Meeting * * * bay saying that the city of Shola- That some very plain truths were pttr had fallen into the hands of Tonight l#f to "Go and Get the Vote" Prices uttered. rioters and that traders refused to * * » open their shops fearing wholesale That nevertheless aU offence was looting. Tonight at eight o'clock, the 23rd Alleghany Corp..... ,-,.. .,,,..,..,, 26} avoided by humour and tact. » * * Annual General Meeting of the AUied ChemicaL 318 * * * VICEROY CRITICISES LEADER Chamber of Commerce will be PROGRESS BY MINORITIES That the only weak spot was that OF DISOBEDIENCE held in the Assembly Boom of the Am. Oan „ 142 Am. Se Foreign Power. 80 f the "antis" were not present. CAMPAIGN Chamber when the usual routine * * * of business will be transacted. "The job of all the women who velopment, for its members being Am. Locomotive. ™ „,.. 68i Am, Power Sc Light ' N.Q. That the House had a busy time on SIMLA, May IS—The Viceroy, There will be a ballot for seven want the vote is to go and get it. willing, this class stands strongly Monday. Am. Smelting Se Refining. 72 Lord Irwin, announced today that seats on the CouncU and the fol­ Make the Uves of your politlcahs for humanitarian interests, which » » * Am. Water Works 110* the round table conference to which lowing received nominations at inconvenient," advised Mr. Dud­ from lack of time are at present That many of the proposals before Am. Tel. & Tel *.„_„ tm Indian leaders have been invited by the meeting on the 7th inst.:—E. ley Field Malone in an address at a being overlooked in pubUc Ufe. it will be contended very strongly. the Government wUl open October M. Astwood, J. J. Arnold, H.G. special meeting in the Mechanics The continued sale of land to aliens Anaconda Copper. L 63} Atchison R.B. _....„ 225} * » » SO. He added that the date was Butterfieid, T. O. Covel, John W. HaU on Monday evening, organised and Corporations presents a further That the Educational Report is to somewhat later than he had wished Cox, Herbert S. Orisson, P. A. Dod- by the Bermuda Woman Suffrage difficulty because tite amount of Atlantic Refining . , 43 j American Tobacco "B**™ 263 hand at last. for but that it offered an advantage weU, S. P. Eve, E. G. Gibbons, Society. Mr. A. M. PurceU pre­ land open to possession by Ber­ » * * for Indian delegates to estabUsh Ambrose T. Gosling, L. B. Harnett, sided and introduced the speakers, mudian voters in the future is being Am Steel Foundry . 43 J personal relations with Dominion ahd with him on the platform was Baltimore & Ohio...™™. 115 That in good time we may learn Wm. Murphie, Ira S. Outerbridge, correspondingly reduced. Ther ex­ how the money is to be provided. representatives who wiU be in Lon­ A. M. Purcell, K. F. Trimingham, Mrs. J. S. MorreU, Chairmaa of tension of the franchise to women is Bethlehem SteeL 96 don at that time for the Imperial the Society. Canadian Pacific ™™™™™ N.Q. * * * W. D. Wadson, C. E. White, Ber­ an insurance for the future." That mathematics is an exact conference. He criticised the lead­ nard WUkinson. Miss Edith Heyl, who had been Mr. Dudley Field Malone began Ches. Se Ohio B. B 213 Chrysler Motors ™™.. 35} science. ers of the civU disobedience move­ At half-past eight o'clock the asked to state the position with re­ by saying that he had come to * • * ment holding that they have gard to women suffrage in Bermuda, Bermuda for a hoUday, and ap­ "Col. Gas—.. —j 881 That nevertheless figures can be meeting (subsequent to the elect­ Cons. Gas™, !.„™™~ 128} "spurned an opportunity unpre­ ions) will be open to everyone in­ as opposed to the general survey parently everything had happened used to any purpose one wishes. cedented in India's history" by not by Mr. Malone, declared that the to him since he came, except that Corn Products ™™ 105} terested in the work of the Cham­ Com. & Southern ™_ 17} * * * waiting to work out India's prob­ ber and in the Pool Fund. The An­ franchise laws were made for a he had not had his finger prints That the proposed tariff changes are lems in a peaceful manner at the very different Bermuda from the taken. Since the appropriation for Delaware & Hudson , :___ 170} not meeting with enthusiastic re­ nual Beport covering the year ended Dupont....* 132 conference table. 30th AprU, 1930, and the audited oae we know today. the police was so much bigger than ception. I Eastman Kodak™™ . 2471 * ie * * * * Financial Statement will be pre­ In 1831 the first steamship had that for education—which carried HOW GANDHI IS TREATED stUl to run to Bermuda, the first its own implication—he supposed Electric AutoUte ., 93} That Empire goodwill is a fine-idea. sented, and then will foUow the Electrie P. & L,„ 90 f hotel had to be built, there was no there would be no difficulty about * • * Interim Beport of the Pool Com­ Erie R.B. Common.... „_ 1 „ 47 LONDON, May 13—Describing mittee, after which consideration table te the outside world, and the finger prints. That one must be very careful to in a written reply to a parUamen- chere was no telephone between "I have almost forgotten how to Fox FUm. i ™„. i 531 see that it is created. will be given to the need for control General Electric New ........... 83 tary question conditions in which of Transient Traders. the different parts of the island. pronounce the words 'woman suf­ mm* Gandhi is undergoing detention, The franchise was by wealth and frage,' it is so long since I have had General Motors. ™™™ 49} That asking the poor man to buy Secretary for India Wedgewood wealth was by land, because there anything to do with it. When I Goodrich Bubber. Y. „ 48 it is another matter. -00- Benn states Gandhi is occupying was no other basis on which wealth was asked to come here I naturaUy Cat. Northern Ore. 21} * * * the same quarters as those he had could be computed. thought that this was to be a meet­ Hudson Motors ™-„ 44} That perhaps the meeting tonight during his imprisonment in 1922. That we had now reached a ing in celebration of the tenth or Hupp Motors.... -,-.,, ,;. 20} will give an opportunity for dis­ He has all necessary furniture in CIVIL SERVICE CHANGES turning point ln the hisory of the fifteenth anniversary of obtaining Drtt. Combustion,...™, let cussion. the rooms, provided with electric Colony was indicated by the de­ the franchise. I had heard that Int. Nickel of Canada 33} * * * lights and with wide verandahs velopment of the last ten yea^s and Bermuda was not dry, but I did Int, Tel. & TeL.- 63} That it is stul held that legislation and a smaU garden in fronttf Gan­ Some time ago we referred in the bearing of this on the future. not know that they had no woman Kennecott Copper „.,... 48! on transient traders is beyond dhi has complete Uberty to take these columns to several contem­ The House of Assembly voted in suffrage. First i was amazed, then Kreuger & Toll. 33} the resources of our legal frat­ what exercise he desires/ He sleeps plated changes in the various de­ 1919 £6,000 for the Trade Develop­ surprised and finaUy shocked.' After Loews, Inc.. w.~....•-• ----*-. -*-lx ernity. in the open and is 'not .closely partments of the Civil Serviee in. ment Board; in 1929 £48,000; public the very happy hoUday I have had Mack Truck.. 68f * * * confined. He is being supplied with Bermuda. Many of these have health vote had risen from £300 here it would be graceless and in- Montg. Ward..™™™, , 44 That this is paying a very poor com­ his usual diet and receives an al­ now been made, and others are to £10,000; for police from £4,000 gracious for me, an aUen, to come Nash Motors ™. •_ 44} pliment. lowance. pending the legislative authority to £20,000 and for education from here and discuss ln any way your NatL Biscuit New..... „™. 86} » * • * ~m * , for carrying into effect the recom- £4,000 to £15,000. form of government, either general Natl. Power & Light 47| That there are many Inconvenient HOPES FOR IMPROVING } mendations of the Committee ap­ These,showed that whereas the or local. That is for your citizens New York Central 174} things, but very few impossible FRANCO-ITALIAN RELATIONS pointed to consider the matter. social Ufe of the Colony was marked to discuss. North American it H9J things. Among the changes already effect­ by moderate expansion and the Northern Pacific. ; 83} * * * "But whether one half af the Otis Steel —. 30} LONDON, May 13—Hopes are en­ ed are the foUowing: commerical Ufe by an extraordin­ human race shall be free or remain That the Mayor of New York re­ tertained here that private conver­ C. H.
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