S Pen S E R • N E R
S PEN S E R • N E R WINTER 1999 • SPONSORED BY THE D ENGLISH UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDING EDITORS: ELLEN CALDWELL, DONALD CHENEY, SHOHACHI FUKUDA, A. KENT HIEATT RITCHIE D. KENDALL, JULIAN LETHBRIDGE, RICHARD D. SCHELL EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: KRISTIN BROOKE BRIGHTON • CONTENTS TO OUR READERS BOOKS: REVIEWS AND NOTICES Edmund Spenser: Selected Poems. Trans. into Chinese by Hu Jialuan 2 Kelley, Theresa M. Inventing Allegory 3 Snyder, Susan. Pastsoral Process: Spenser, Marvell, Milton 5 Summers, David A. Spenser's Arthur: The British Arthurian Tradition and The Faerie Queene 8 ARTICLES: ABSTRACTS AND NOTICES 13 SPENSER AT MLA, 1998 17 SPENSER IN THE NORTHLAND 23 (continued inside back cover) The Spenser Newsletter is published three times a year, Winter, Spring-Summer, and Fall, by the Department of English at Kansas State University. Please address all communications to Spenser Newsletter, Department of English, 122 Denison Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-0701. Ph: 785-532-2156; fax: 785-532-2192; (jsdees@ksu.edu). The editor solicits letters containing news of any sort which would be of interest to Spenserians, and will make an effort to print any legitimate inquiry. He also solicits abstrac ts and/or offprints of articles (with full publication data, please), the receipt of which may reduce the time between publication of the article and the report on it. Subscription rates, both institutional and private: $6.50/yr in USA, $6.50/yr (US funds or equivalent) in Canada, $11.00/yr (US funds or equivalent) in Latin America and overseas. These rates are for Vol. 30, 1999, and for Vol.
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