The Imlay Foundation Recipient List 1

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The Imlay Foundation Recipient List 1 THE IMLAY FOUNDATION RECIPIENT LIST 24/7 Gate4way Asian AmeriCan Center The Bachelor’s Club & 3Keys, Inc. AssistanCe LeaGue of Atlanta Souter CottaGe 51st Highland Division Trust AsoCiaCion LatinoAmeriCana BaCkPaCk BlessinGs, InC. ABF THe Soldier’s CHarity AssoCiation for tHe ProteCtion of BaruCH ColleGe Fund Abbotsford Trust Rural SCotland (UK) BDSRA (Batten Disease Aberlour CHild Care Trust Atlanta AllianCe of Dev. Disabilities Support &RA) AcCess at ArdGowen Atlanta Ballet BearinGs Bike Shop, InC. ACF StakeHolders Atlanta BotaniCal Garden BetHany CHristian Trust (Scotland) AcHievement Rewards ColleGe Atlanta Celebrates PhotoGrapHy Bield HousinG Trust Scientists Atlanta Center for Self SuffiCienCy BiG BrotHers/BiG Sisters Action DisCiplesHip Ministries Atlanta CHamber Players BiGGar Museum Trust (Scotland) Action Ministries Atlanta CHildren’s Shelter BlaZe Sports AmeriCa Action on HearinG Loss Atlanta ColleGe of Art Blue Skies Ministries Action for SiCk CHildren Atlanta Community Food Bank Bobby Dodd Institute Actor’s Express InC. Atlanta Community Tool Bank Bobby Jones Golf Course and Park ADAPSO Foundation Atlanta ConCert Band Boys & Girls Clubs The Adaptive Learning Center Atlanta Contemporary Art Center Boys & Girls Foundation AdvertisinG CounCil, InC. Atlanta Day Shelter for Women Boy Scouts of AmeriCa - PaCk 509 Agape Community Center Atlanta Girls’ ScHool Brain Injury AssoCiation of GeorGia Agnes Scott ColleGe Atlanta Habitat for Humanity BreaktHru House AHMEN HousinG Atlanta History Center Brenau University Ahimsa House Atlanta History Center The Bridge AID Atlanta Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House BriGHt Futures Atlanta Airborne Initiative (SCotland) Atlanta Humane SoCiety British Heart Foundation - Albert T. Mills EnriCHment Center Atlanta International Museum ScottisH SeCtion AlCHemy Sky Foundation, InC. Atlanta International ScHool BritisH Limbless ex-ServiCe Men Alexander-Tharpe Fund Atlanta Intown THeatre PartnersHip Brittle Bone SoCiety All About Developmental Disabilities Atlanta Junior Golf AssoCiation BuCkHead CHristian Ministry (AADD) Atlanta LeGal Aid SoCiety, InC. BuildinGs of Scotland Trust AllianCe THeatre Atlanta LyriC THeatre Butterstone ScHool AlpHaretta Environmental ServiCes Atlanta Mission Byre THeatre, St. Andrews ALS AssoCiation of GeorGia (fka Atlanta Union Mission) C5 YoutH Foundation of GeorGia AlZHeimer’s AssoCiation / Greater Atlanta MusiC ProjeCt Callanwolde Foundation GA Chapter Atlanta NeiGHborHood Dev. Part Camino Latino AlZHeimer Scotland Atlanta Opera Camp All AmeriCan AnGel FliGHt Soars Atlanta Photo Group, InC. Camp Best Friends AmeriCan CanCer SoCiety Atlanta Preservation Center Camp HoriZon AmeriCan Friends of tHe Lourve Atlanta Ronald MCDonald House Camp KudZu AmeriCan Heart AssoCiation Atlanta Rotary Centennial ProjeCt Camp SunsHine AmeriCan Red Cross - Ga Flood Atlanta SaCred CHorale Camp Twin Lakes Relief Atlanta SpeeCH ScHool CampaiGner’s Ministries AmeriCan Red Cross - Atlanta Shakespeare Company The Camphill Family HurriCane Katrina Atlanta SympHony OrCHestra The Canberry Trust AmeriCan YoutH Foundation Atlanta Union Mission Canine Assistants The ARCHIE Foundation (see Atlanta Mission) Canine Partners ArdGowan HospiCe Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers CannoGate ChurCH ARK HousinG AssoCiation Foundation CannonGate Kirk/Harry Younger Hall Arms Wide Open Atlanta YoutH Academy CantraybridGe ArtHritis Foundation, Ga CHapter Auditory-Verbal Center of Atlanta Capital THeatres Artlink EdinburGH and tHe LotHians AuGusta CHild AdvoCaCy Center Care and CounselinG Center of Art Papers Aurora Day Camp GeorGia ArtsbridGe Foundation, InC. Aurora THeater CARE USA Arts Center of Coastal Carolina Autism SoCiety of AmeriCa, CarinG for OtHers Arts for All GA Chapter Carter Center ArtsNOW, InC. AyrsHire CanCer Support (Scotland) Cent. OlympiC Park/Wrinkle in tHe AsHantilly Center InC. Quilt 1 THE IMLAY FOUNDATION RECIPIENT LIST Center for BlaCk Women’s Community AdvanCed PraCtiCe DrumCHapel Sports Centre Wellness, InC. Nurses, InC. Dundee University Center for Children & YounG Adults Community AssistanCe Center Dunwoody StaGe Door Players Center for ExCellenCe in EduCation Community Court/Restorative EaGle RanCH Center for Positive AGinG Justice East Atlanta Kids Club, InC. Center for Puppetry Arts Community Food Pantry E LotHian SpeCial Needs Center for tHe ReGional Community Community FriendsHip, InC. PlaysCHemes Center for Strat & Intl Studies The Coralwood Foundation Eastlake Foundation Center for ViCtims of Torture CounCil for Music in Hospitals EbeneZer Baptist CHurCH Center for Visually Impaired Covenant Community EdinburGH Sculpture WorksHop Center for WorkinG Families Covenant House GeorGia EdinburGH YoutH OrCHestra Center HelpinG Obesity in Children CraiGHalbert Centre Egleston CHildren’s Hospital End SuCCessfully (CHOICES) Create Your Dreams Elaine Clark Center Central OutreaCH & AdvoCaCy Center CreatinG ConneCted Communities, ElGin Museum (UK) Central Presbyterian InC. ElGin YoutH Café (Scotland) CFY Atlanta CreatinG Pride El RefuGio Ministry ChanCe for a HiGHer Level OutreaCH CriCHton ColleGiate ChurCH EliZabetH MontGomerie Fund Chastain Horse Park Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit HiGH Elm Street Cultural Arts VillaGe ChattaHooCHee Nature Center ScHool Emmaus House Study Hall ChattaCHooCHee Riverkeeper CroHn’s & Colitis Foundation of Emory University-Bob Jones ScHool Chest, Heart & Stroke SCotland AmeriCa, GeorGia Chapter Emory University - Robert T Jones Child Autism DiaGnostic/Education Crossroads Community Ministries EtHiCs ProGram Fund Cruse Bereavement Care SCotland Emory University/FM Bird Child Dev Ctr at Central Culture ConneCt EnGlisH for SuCCessful LivinG ChildHood Development AssoCiation Cure ChildHood CanCer Entrepreneurs Foundation of North Fulton The Cure Parkinson’s Trust Environmental and HeritaGe Center Childkind Cyrenians Foundation Children First Dad’s GaraGe THeater Epilepsy AssoCiation Children’s ClassiC ConCerts DanCe Canvas, InC. EpisCopal CatH Bookstore Children’s HealtHCare of Atlanta The Davison SChool, Inc. EpisCopal HiGH ScHool Foundation DeafBlind EpisCopal Media Center Childrens’ HospiCe AssoC / SCotland DeCatur Cooperative Ministries Equibuddy (Scotland) Children’s Museum of Atlanta DeCatur EduCation Foundation The EriC Liddell Centre (SCotland) Children’s Restoration Network DeCatur Presbyterian Erskine Hospital for Disabled CHRIS 180 DeKalb Juvenile Foundation, InC ex-ServiCe Vets ChurCHes of Christ Disaster Relief (CASA) Essential2Life CirCle of Friends DeKalb SympHony OrCHestra Essential THeatre, InC. City of RefuGe Dementia ServiCes Development Everybody Wins! Atlanta Clark Atlanta University Trust Exodus Clarkston Community Center Dentistry for tHe Developmentally Fairbridge in SCotland Clarkston Community Foundation Disabled Foundation Fame Foundation (I Got Shoes) Clarkston Community HealtH, InC. Developmental Disabilities Ministries Families First The ClarsaCH SoCiety Devereux Center Families of Children Under Stress CliC SarGent CanCer Care for Diabetes UK, SCotland Family Promise of Gwinnett Children Direlton Kirk Family ServiCe Unit Clifton SanCtuary Ministries Disability AllianCe in tHe SCottisH FCS Urban Ministries Cool Girls, InC. HiGHlands Feed My Lambs ColleGe AIM, InC. Disability Law and PoliCy Center Feed the Hungry Foundation The College of Piping of GA Fellowship of Christian Athletes Columba 1400 Community & Donaldson Development ProjeCt Fergus Maclay Leukemia Trust International LeadersHip Centre Downtown Atlanta Senior ServiCes Fernbank Museum of Natural History Columbia THeoloGiCal Seminary The Drake House Ferst Foundation for Childhood Combat Stress (UK) Draper’s Fund, THe Literacy Communities in SCHools Atlanta Dress for SuCCess Fet-Lor Youth Club Communities in SCHools in GeorGia Drum RidinG for tHe Disabled Trust First Presbyterian ChurCh / (SCotland) SavannaH 2 THE IMLAY FOUNDATION RECIPIENT LIST First Step Staffing Ga. Court Appointed SpeC. Good Samaritan HealtH Ctr - First Tee, The AdvoCates Gwinnett Fledglings, The GeorGia Dental AssoCiation Good SHepHerd CliniC Forever Family, InC. Foundation Goodwill of NortH GeorGia Forward Atlanta The Georgia Ensemble Theatre Co. Grady HealtH Foundation Foster Care Support Foundation Ga. FellowsHip of Christian AtHletes Grassmarket Community ProjeCt Foster Siblings Reunited Ga Foundation of Independent (SCotland) Foundation Fighting Blindness ColleGes GreenLiGHt Fund (contaCt Rose SHane) GeorGia Golf Hall of Fame Gullane Community AssoCiation Foundation for PubliC Broadcasting GeorGia HealtH DeCisions Gwinnett County Boys & Girls Club in GA (GPB) Ga Humanities CounCil/EnCyClopedia Gwinnett TeCH Foundation Foundation for Skin ResearCH GeorGia JustiCe ProjeCt Hands on Atlanta Foundation of Wesley Woods, Inc. GA Law Center on Homelessness & Hands on SCHools Fragile Kids Foundation Poverty Harmeny House (UK) Fraser Centre Community Trust GeorGia Lions Lighthouse Harvard Business SCHool Frazer Center GeorGia MetH ProjeCt ScHolarsHip Free Bytes NP, Inc. GeorGia OrGaniCs, InC. Headway East LotHian Fresh Start Georgia PartnersHip for ExCellenCe HealinG Community Center Friends of Disabled Adults & in EduCation HealtH Care EtHiCs Consortium Children GeorGia PubliC TeleCommuniCations of GA, Emory Friends of John White Park GeorGia Radio ReadinG ServiCes HealtHCare Inst. For Neuro Friends of Refugees, Inc. GeorGia ResearCH AllianCe ReCovery (HINRI) Friends of RymontH GeorGia Rotary Student ProGram HealtHy MotHers HealtHy Babies Friendship Center at Holy Comforter GeorGia SHakespeare Coaliton of
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