Patrick O'Brian | 400 pages | 23 Mar 2012 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780006499220 | English | London, United Kingdom The Ionian Mission — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

After a break from Aubrey and Maturin for a few months--mostly to take care of some nonfiction reading and reviewing--I finally have time to dive back into the continuing story. I went into Book 8, The Ionian Missionwith a bit of fear, however. Because the last time I tried to read through O'Brian 's series, this is the point at which I fizzled out and stopped the series. This was partly because at that time I couldn't find a copy of Book 7, and it was difficult to get back into the serie. This was partly because at that time I couldn't find a copy of Book 7, and it was difficult to get back into the series without having read that volume. Added to that, a friend recently borrowed The Ionian Mission and returned it months later, saying, "This is really O'Brian at his most soporific; I could hardly pick up this book without falling asleep. Was this the book that was going to stop The Ionian Mission progress yet again? I needn't have worried. I finished the book in a week and thoroughly loved it. Not only did it include the "double-bottomed defecator," but it featured subtle character development that kept me intrigued the whole way through. Many ongoing plot points were settled, to some extent, by the end of the previous book, so this book is now a The Ionian Mission build into the next phase of the story. Jack's and Stephen's internal struggles start off very muted, but they will grow and develop through this book into what I assume will be the main conflicts in the next phase of their journeys. Stephen is assigned a complicated negotiation mission in enemy territory--typical for The Ionian Mission in these stories. The Ionian Mission this time, now that he The Ionian Mission "settled" such as he and Diana ever willthe conflict he faces has a different depth than before:. Jack begins to wonder about his destiny. He is as pained by his unluckiness on shore as the reader has been on his behalf for the past few volumes. The adventure that started The Ionian Mission such verve and enthusiasm and promise seems to perhaps be fading into a grey existence. In this case, the reader waits almost the full length of the book, and has to work through some dizzingly complex political negotiations, but the battle finally begins. The end of the book sees The Ionian Mission satisfying conclusion to a number of ongoing minor issues, while leaving open the larger matters of character development. I will be moving on soon, with much eagerness, to Book 9. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling The Ionian Mission about the problem. The Ionian Mission to Book Page. and Stephen Maturin, veterans now The Ionian Mission many battles, return in this novel to the seas where they first sailed as shipmates. But Jack is now a senior captain commanding a line-of-battle ship in the Royal Navy's blockade of Toulon, and this is a longer, harder, colder war than the dashing frigate actions of his early days. A sudden turn of events takes him and Step Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, veterans now of many battles, return in this novel to the seas where they first sailed as shipmates. A sudden turn of events takes him and Stephen off on a hazardous mission to the Greek Islands, where all his old skills of seamanship and his proverbial luck when fighting against The Ionian Mission come The Ionian Mission into their own. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published January 17th by W. Norton Company first published January 15th More Details Original Title. Jack AubreyStephen Maturin. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Ionian Missionplease sign up. Was this the weakest of the series? If so, how great is O'Brian considering this would be a 5 star review vs. A great book that gets a 3 star because if the greatness of the other 17 novels. Daniel Bratell Looking at the review grading this seems to The Ionian Mission one of the weakest, if not the weakest. Many fewer have reviewed it than the books before or after ind …more Looking at the review grading this seems to be one of the weakest, if not the weakest. Many fewer have reviewed it than the books before or after indicating people skipped it after reading part of it and it has a lower grade than the other books. The grade is still high though so people that like this series enough to read this book didn't dislike it. Just didn't like it as much as other books. See 1 question about The Ionian Mission…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Political intrigue in the The Ionian Mission during the Napoleonic Wars as seen through the eyes of a Royal Navy captain. Our hero British naval officer Captain Jack Aubrey needs to get out of Dodge and takes a boring blockade assignment that turns into something a bit more touchy in the diplomatic line. Very volatile politics indeed! Intrigue simmers in the background. A double-cross heats things up Political intrigue in the Mediterranean during the Napoleonic Wars as seen through the eyes of a Royal Navy captain. A double-cross heats things The Ionian Mission between supposed friends. Failure and embarrassment leaves Aubrey with a bad taste in his mouth. I absolutely love this stuff! Here we find Jack Aubrey struggling to use his wits for once, instead of his might and skill at naval warfare, to unravel a tricky situation amongst three Turkish beys, minor rulers in the eastern Mediterranean. Will he or won't he choose wisely, side with the right one and back him, thus creating a strong ally in the region for the British? Choosing incorrectly could be disastrous. Hell, choosing correctly could end up worse for him and his crew! O'Brian has a good sense of humor and he includes some light-hearted scenes right up front. Some old friends show up for the fun, including the frigate HMS Surprise, a ship as lively as any of O'Brian's well-rounded characters. Incorporating history in his fiction is another of the author's strong suits. In this instance, he gives the reader an example of the Mediterranean pirate. Piracy was a big problem there and then, especially if you were Christian. Many a European and American was sold into slavery due The Ionian Mission North African pirates. In this story, Aubrey is asked to The Ionian Mission ally with a loose-cannon Turkish captain and his battle-thirsty crew, who are created The Ionian Mission the image of the pirate of the era. That alone makes this a good read. The Ionian Mission I love pirates! View all 4 comments. Oct 17, Algernon Darth Anyan rated it really liked it Shelves: After the tumult and strife of the previous two books sea battles, grievous injuries, prison escapes, marriage at The Ionian Mission, etcmost of the current offering feels like an interlude, a vacation for Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, who are sent out on a tedious mission of blockading the French fleet in Toulon and preventing it from escaping into the larger Mediterranean or joining forces The Ionian Mission the Atlantic squadrons. Yet looking back at the duos adventures after the last page of the novel, I realize After the tumult and strife of the previous two books sea battles, grievous injuries, prison escapes, marriage at sea, etcmost of the current offering feels like an interlude, a vacation for Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, who are sent out on a tedious mission of blockading the French fleet in Toulon and preventing it from escaping into the larger Mediterranean or joining forces with the Atlantic squadrons. Yet looking back at the duos adventures after the last page of the novel, I realize it is just as good and eventful as its predecessors, written with the same consummate skill that makes technical nautical terms and ship maneuvers in storm or in battle seem easy to grasp, that switches The Ionian Mission from the dramatic to the humorous like a well run ship turning into the wind. It's a routine and boring job in a second-rate ship of the line for Captain Aubrey, but also an offer he cannot refuse, since his creditors in England are closing in for the kill as a result of his past financial mismanagement. Maturin is also needed in the The Ionian Mission for political reasons, something that will come to dominate the later part of the novel, as the British Empire is trying to counteract the French influence in the East and win some ports and some new allies into the bargain. Highlights of the "Ionian Mission" include, but are The Ionian Mission limited to: - the domestic arrangements of Stephen Maturin, who, despite being recently married, still tries to enjoy the perks of bachelorhood. This includes poetry contests that use actual verses written by Navy officers in the early 19 century; a Bach oratorio for the crew; a show of Hamlet put on by the midshipmen; and of course Stephen and Jack playing together on the cello and the violin in their cabin, as they did during all their journeys together - a Mexican Standoff in the port of Medina, done this time with ships of The Ionian Mission line. Jack Aubrey is cast in the role of arbitrator by the cargo of guns and munitions he can give to the favorite. As you can see, I called the novel a vacation in the Mediterranean, and it turned out to be another edge-of-your-seat, thrilling adventure. Patrick O'Brian doesn't disappoint, and I look forward to the next journey in the company of his heroes. Mar 14, Darwin8u rated it really liked it Shelves: aubrey-maturin It was destined to happen. Even the best instruments will see their strings get loose after a few weeks on the water. It is still lovely and has some amazing parts, but this is not the "But he had not seen a more wicked and as it were spiteful sea, with its steep, close- packed waves -- a sea that threatened not the instant annihilation of the great antarctic monsters but a plucking apart, a worrying to death. The Ionian Mission - Wikipedia

The story is set during the Napoleonic Wars. The plot begins with the marriage of Dr Maturin and Diana Villiers. In reviews The Ionian Mission the time of the reissue of this novel, one reviewer described Maturin's "hair-raising infiltration of the enemy coast" and then the mission of the title by Aubrey and Maturin, "to the Greek islands to tinker with the balance of power at the fringes of the Turkish empire", summing The Ionian Mission up as "splendid adventures at a stately pace". Maturin and Villiers are happily married. After a time together in their The Ionian Mission house on Half Moon StreetThe Ionian Mission settles The Ionian Mission his rooms at The Grapes, where The Ionian Mission comes often, and from which he walks to breakfast with her daily. He has The Ionian Mission to do, and Aubrey needs to get away from his financial problems. While she is doing gunnery practice with gunpowder bought from a fireworks firm, Worcester encounters the French ship Jemmapes. Worcester engages immediately, not having changed to ordinary gunpowder. Jemmapes sees the bright colors as the sign of some new weapon, and sails away. Maturin is injured and returns to taking laudanum for the pain. Some of the crew practice an oratorio while the midshipmen practice Hamlet. Passengers are dropped off at Gibraltar and Port Mahon Graham, professor of moral philosophythough the parson Nathaniel Martin The Ionian Mission aboard long enough for Maturin to discover their shared interest in birds, before Martin joins HMS Berwick. Worcester joins the squadron off Toulon. Babbington, , joins the squadron in the Mediterranean as captain of the Dryad. Babbington figures that Wray and Harte combined got him assigned to blockade duty. The second-in-command, Harte, has lesser goals. Harte sends Aubrey and Babbington on a mission to the north coast of Africa, with the notion that Babbington will be taken by the French ships in the neutral port Medina. Babbington sees the ships before he enters port and rejoins Worcester. Having been told not to fire first at the French, Aubrey enters the neutral port in an The Ionian Mission attempt to draw The Ionian Mission fire. Aubrey leaves port, feeling his image is tarnished. Worcester brings Maturin to the coast of France, and waits to pick him up. Maturin's mission fails due to other British spies afoot. Waiting for the launch, Maturin meets the other British agent, Professor Graham, who has shot himself in the foot. Maturin hands him over to the Captain of the Fleet to act as a Turkish advisor. Later, the French fleet slips the blockade. Thornton is pleased, but the winds change, preventing a successful engagement. The French do not want battle and return to port. A few shots are exchanged, killing the captain and first lieutenant of HMS Surpriseand the Worcestera poorly built ship, is strained The Ionian Mission usefulness. Thornton tells Aubrey to take her to Malta to refit, then shift part of his crew to the Surprise for a mission to the Seven Islands on the Ionian coast. As they sail, a poetry contest is set up, with Mowett and Rowan splitting the prize. The Surprise takes the blockade runner Bonhomme Richardfilled with spices, dyes, and heaps of silver. The silver is shared out at once, and Rowan takes the prize to Malta. Aubrey visits the three beys, Ismail, Mustapha and Sciahon, choosing the last as the best ally for Britain to take Corfuif not more of the Seven Islands, from the French. Sciahon Bey holds Kutali, the preferred base for naval operations. Surprise is long in port at Kutali being windbound. The Dryad and the gun- laden transports she fetched seem long in coming. Graham engages in a harsh argument with Aubrey. Rumour spreads that Ismail has permission to take charge of Kutali, causing the locals to beg Aubrey to protect them. Graham travels by land to Ali Pasha of Ioannina learning that Mustapha lured Dryad and the transports into his port, and is sailing on his ship Torgud to take Kutali. The rumour was started by Ali The Ionian Mission in his own double dealing, to fire up Mustapha against his enemy Ismail; in the end, Ali Pasha wants rid The Ionian Mission Mustapha. Mustapha is on his own, with no approval from the Sultan of Turkey. Surprise is ready to sail on the instant, especially as the winds have changed. Aubrey will attack both ships, Kitabi sailing with Torgud. They meet at sea, with Surprise firing broadsides instantly and repeatedly. Torgud is cruelly damaged, with many dead. Young Williamson loses half his arm. Kitabi goes between Surprise and Torgudcrashing into Torgud' s side. Aubrey boards Kitabiand takes her. Boarding crew proceeds The Ionian Mission Torgudjumping across like Nelson. Pullings falls, so Aubrey stands above him and fights fiercely in the close hand-to-hand combat. Aubrey reaches Mustapha, wounded early in the action and sitting. His aide Ulusan surrenders. Bonden carries the swords and ensigns. Aubrey asks Mowett what happened to Pullings, to learn he survived. They return to the Surprise before the Torgud can sink. See also The Ionian Mission characters in the Aubrey—Maturin series. After a long and bloody action the Turkish frigate surrendered when her obstinate captain was overpowered by The Ionian Mission remaining officers. The damaged Alis Fezzan escaped during the night. Of particular relevance to the plot of the Ionian Mission is that the Turkish frigate was armed with brass pounder long guns and two immense pounders the nearest British gun equivalent for the French pounder - French pounds were heavier than British pounds. In the engagement with the two Turkish ships, Aubrey first boarded the Kitabiwhich surrendered, then jumped across to the nearby Torgud. One of his men said he had boarded like Nelson, referring to Horatio Nelson at the battle of St. Jack Aubrey's model in his naval career has always been Lord Nelson. This novel references actual events with accurate historical detail, like all in this series. In respect to the internal chronology of the series, it is the second of eleven novels beginning with The Surgeon's Mate that might take five or six years to happen but are all pegged to an extendedor as Patrick O'Brian says it, a The Ionian Mission b introduction to The Far Side of the Worldthe tenth novel in this series. The events of The Yellow Admiral again match up with the historical years of the Napoleonic wars in sequence, as the first six novels did. One reviewer finds good writing throughout the novel, whether depicting the tedious work of the naval blockade or the quick thinking needed to deal The Ionian Mission Turkish politics, while the other reviewer felt that the novel was not interesting until the Surprise reached the Ionian coast. Kirkus Reviews found this novel to have splendid adventures and the writing at a stately pace, reviewing it at the reissue in late The old ship The Ionian Mission up the ghost after one too many skirmishes" [1] and Aubrey shifts to HMS Surprise to "tinker with the balance of power at the fringes of the Turkish empire. Splendid adventures The Ionian Mission a stately pace. Publishers Weekly said that Aubrey is caught in The Ionian Mission net of Turkish politics and rivalries. Norton issued The Ionian Mission eleven years The Ionian Mission its initial publication, as a paperback in Ironically, it was a US publisher, J. Collins picked it up in the UK, and continued to publish each novel as O'Brian completed another story. Novels prior to were published rapidly in the US for that new market. Collins asked Geoff Hunt in to do the cover art for the twelve books published by then, with The Letter of Marque being the first book The Ionian Mission have Hunt's work on the first edition. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kirkus Reviews 15 November ed. Retrieved 24 August Publishers Weekly. The London Gazette. The Victory of Sea Power. London: The Ionian Mission Publishing. Washington Post. Retrieved 27 November Retrieved 28 November Patrick O'Brian: A Life paperback The Ionian Mission. Henry Holt, Owl Edition. US publication of the novels was not resumed until until W. Norton began a reissue of the series, at first in trade paperback format but later in hardcover. Patrick O'Brian. Namespaces The Ionian Mission Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition cover. Aubrey-Maturin series. Historical novel. The Surgeon's Mate. Treason's Harbour. The Ionian Mission : definition of The Ionian Mission and synonyms of The Ionian Mission (English) Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our The Ionian Mission. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, veterans now of many battles, return in this novel to the seas The Ionian Mission they first sailed as shipmates. But Jack is now a senior captain commanding a line-of-battle ship in the Royal Navy's blockade of Toulon, and this is a The Ionian Mission, harder, colder war than the dashing frigate actions of his early days. A sudden turn of events takes him and Stephen off on a hazardous mission to the Greek Islands, where all his old skills of seamanship and his proverbial luck when fighting against odds come triumphantly into their own. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping The Ionian Mission See details. Overview "O'Brian is one author who can put a spark of character into the sawdust of time, and The Ionian Mission is another rattling good yarn. Product Details About The Ionian Mission Author. About the Author. Date of Birth: December 12, Date of Death: January 2, Place of Birth: Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire. Place of Death: Dublin, Ireland. Education: Shebbear College, Devon. Related Searches. A Book of Voyages. View Product. The Bishop's Daughter. O'Brian was only 15 when [Caesar] was published, but he already possessed an instinct for O'Brian was only 15 when [Caesar] was published, but he already possessed an instinct for deft plotting and uncomplicated narrative. Desolation Island Aubrey-Maturin Series 5. The relationship [between Aubrey and Maturin] For Conradian power of description For Conradian power of description and sheer excitement there is The Ionian Mission in naval fiction to beat the stern chase as the outgunned The Ionian Mission staggers through mountain waves in icy latitudes The inspiration for the major motion picture starring Russell Crowe. The war of continues, and The war of continues, and Jack Aubrey sets course for Cape Horn on a mission after his own heart: intercepting a powerful American frigate outward bound to play havoc with Fine stuff Losing Nelson. Stunningly original. Pulpy and juicy, full of wisdom and horror. Norton, W. Aubrey-Maturin SeriesThe Ionian Mission.