A Duality Theorem for Generalized Local Cohomology
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 136, Number 8, August 2008, Pages 2749–2754 S 0002-9939(08)09400-8 Article electronically published on February 28, 2008 A DUALITY THEOREM FOR GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MARC CHARDIN AND KAMRAN DIVAANI-AAZAR (Communicated by Bernd Ulrich) Abstract. We prove a duality theorem for graded algebras over a field that implies several known duality results: graded local duality, versions of Serre duality for local cohomology and of Suzuki duality for generalized local coho- mology, and Herzog-Rahimi bigraded duality. 1. Introduction Several duality results for local cohomology (notably Grothendieck and Serre du- alities) and for generalized local cohomology (Suzuki duality) are classical results commonly used in commutative algebra. A more recent duality theorem was estab- lished by Herzog and Rahimi in the context of bigraded algebras. We here present a duality result that encapsulates all these duality statements. Before stating this theorem, we need to set some notation. Let Γ be an abelian group and R be a Γ-graded polynomial ring over a commu- tative Noetherian ring R0. For a Γ-graded R-ideal I, we recall from [CCHS] that the grading of R is I-sharp i ∈ if HI (R)γ is a finitely generated R0-module for any γ Γandanyi.Ifthisisthe i case, then HI (M)γ is also a finitely generated R0-module for any finitely generated graded R-module M,anyγ ∈ Γandanyi. InthecasewhereS = S0[x1,...,xm,y1,...,yn] is a graded quotient of R = R0[X1,...,Xm,Y1,...,Yn], p := (x1,...,xm)andq := (y1,...,yn), we define the grading of S to be p-sharp (equivalently q-sharp) if the following condition is sat- isfied: for all γ ∈ Γ, |{ ∈ m × n }| ∞ (α, β) Z≥0 Z≥0 : αi deg(xi)=γ + βj deg(yj) < .
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