Being a Woman in China Today: a Demography of Gender
Special feature China perspectives Being a Woman in China Today: A Demography of Gender ISABELLE ATTANÉ ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is on the one hand, to draw up a socio-demographic inventory of the situation of Chinese women in the prevailing early twenty-first century context of demographic, economic, and social transition, and on the other hand, to draw attention to the paradoxical effects of these transitions whilst taking into account the diversity of the realities women are experiencing. In conclusion, it raises the possibility of changes in gender relationships in China, where there are, and will continue to be, fewer women than men, particularly in adulthood. KEYWORDS: China, demography, gender, status of women, education, employment, demographic masculinity, discrimination against women. I do not think that men and women are on an equal footing. I live in favourable to them, thereby testifying to an unquestionable deterioration a world dominated by men, and I sense this impalpable pressure in certain aspects of their situation. every day. It’s not that men don’t respect us. My husband cooks for The aim of this article is to draw up a socio-demographic inventory of the me and does a lot around the house, but I still feel male chauvinism situation of Chinese women in the prevailing early twenty-first century con- in the air. In truth, men do not really consider us to be their intellec- text of demographic, economic, and social transition on the one hand, and tual equals. on the other hand, to draw attention to the paradoxical effects of these Cao Chenhong, senior manager in a Beijing company.
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