May 2018 5778 6 7 11

...pages 8 & 9 12


Main Office 408-257-3333 [email protected]

Rabbis Philip R. Ohriner Senior Rabbi 408-366-9104 [email protected]

Daniel J. Pressman Rabbi Emeritus [email protected]

Staff Sarah Hanuka Director of Lifelong Learning 408-366-9116 [email protected]

Tanya Lorien Director of Operations 408-366-9107 [email protected]

Barbara Biran Director of Lifecycle Events and Synagogue Ritual 408-366-9106 [email protected]

Monica Hernandez Member Account Associate 408-366-9108 [email protected]

Jillian Cosgrave Front Office Associate Or get a new email address? 408-366-9110 [email protected] Be sure to let the administration office know so that your records can be updated. Lynn Crocker Mkt & Comm Associate Email your new address to [email protected] 408-366-9102 or call 408-257-3333. [email protected]

Jamie Lynn Valdez Admin. Sarah Hanuka 408-366-9101 [email protected]

Jewish Experience for Teens (JET) [email protected] Did you know the D’var is available online? Help us save resources and money. Stop receiving a hard copy of D’var. Email [email protected].


FROM THE RABBI Rabbi Ohriner

The Counting of the Omer: Spiritual Richness and Two loaves of Bread

In the afterglow of , we now find ourselves in the period of the counting of the omer. The Torah teaches that for 49 days we count the omer each night, as our ancestors did when they left Egypt. Midrash tells us that when our ancestors left Egypt, Moses told them it would take 49 days to reach Mt. Sinai. In their excitement to receive the Torah and become truly free from the shackles of enslavement, the Israelites counted the days until the 6th of Sivan, , the day God gave us Torah. The counting of days to Mt. Sinai became a counting of daily barley offerings from the second day of Passover to Shavuot.

This counting represents an extended religious journey we still embark upon today, reciting a blessing and counting for 49 nights. The counting of the omer is from enslavement to freedom, symbolized by the difference between Hametz and Matzah.

Let me explain: Our tradition teaches that no offering made to God in the tabernacle or Temple contained hametz. Apparently, God is a fan of flatbreads! Furthermore, during Passover we remove all hametz from our environment. Yet, oddly enough, there is an exception to the hametz-free sacrifice rule— the two loaves of bread brought by our ancestors and offered on the altar in the tabernacle and Temple on Shavuot. During Passover we embody a hametz-free home and mindset, but by the time we reach Shavuot, we actually embrace hametz!

Some academic scholars believe the transition to matzah on Passover to Hametz on Shavuot was derived from the common custom of throwing out the sourdough starter each spring and making a new starter, feeding it everyday to keep it growing. This is essentially what we do in the process from Passover to Shavuot. We start again, building ourselves back up religiously and spiritually, shedding the mentality that has enslaved us and kept us from serving God. Each day we move step by step back towards a holy existence. The kabbalists took this notion and made it into an art, relating each of the 49 days of the omer to 49 different aspects of character. Each day of the omer is an opportunity to focus on one facet of our life, personality, and character. If we seize that opportunity, we can receive Torah again this coming shavuot truly renewed.

Matzah symbolizes the beginning of the redemption process. As bread at the beginning of the process of production, Matzah serves as a reminder that Passover and the exodus from narrow straits is just the beginning of a long hard journey through the wilderness. That journey is marked day-by-day, with the counting of the omer. Each day of the omer, we move closer to a higher level of existence, we move away from matzah and towards hametz until we reach Shavuot and mark the completion of the transformative process.

The period of counting the omer is the journey from Egypt to Sinai, from Passover to Shavuot, from matzah to hametz. Whatever the paradigm, the message is the same: living a Jewish life requires constant tending. Raising our commitment to live a life imbued with a sense of holiness requires more than desire and well-intentioned words uttered just a few weeks ago at seder. It takes work every day. The omer is an opportunity to elevate our level of spiritual sophistication, symbolized by the two loaves of bread brought on Shavuot.

There are many apps available to assist you in counting the omer. Two that I particularly like are Sefiros Grow (available for ios) and MyOmer (for ios and android). Both contain insights and reflections to assist you on your spiritual journey from Passover to Shavuot, from Matzah to hametz, from feelings of impoverishment to the richness of living a Jewishly committed life.

Start the journey today! L’shalom,

Rabbi Philip Ohriner 3

Please share our joy as our son, Michael is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on

Saturday, May 19 We invite you to join us for lunch following the service.

Liza and Ilya Slain

Please share our joy as our son Avin is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on

Saturday, May 26 We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch following the service.

Aurianne and Adam Dorsay

Monthly Get-Togethers

CBD Women Movie & Discussion Group Wednesday, May 2, 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Ladies Who Lunch Thursday, May 10, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Dames who Dine Thursday, May 24, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

SAVE THE DATE: Cards for a Cause Sunday, June 24, 1:00 - 3:30pm Make beautiful, handmade greeting cards to donate to the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford.

These are all great opportunities to get to know new Beth David women or to catch up with old friends.

Email [email protected] for this month’s locations and details.


President’s perspective By Bill Beyda

Fellow congregants,

It’s been a busy month at Congregation Beth David. The Pulpit Committee worked diligently to prepare a rabbinic contract with Rabbi Jaymee Alpert. I am pleased to report the Board of Directors approved the contract at the April 25th meeting and it has been signed. That’s exactly one month from when you as a congregation voted to select Rabbi Alpert as our new Senior Rabbi. Rabbi Alpert will be officially “on the st job” here on August 1 . She and her husband Danny will be relocating here some time in July.

Rabbi Ohriner’s last day on the bima at Congregation Beth David will be on June 16th. We routinely handle rabbinic vacations, sabbaticals, and other absences, and while this gap in time may raise concerns for some of you, I can assure you that our ritual committee has arranged coverage for all services, pastoral care, and any rabbinic needs we may have during this gap. In a typical year we handle a one month rabbinic vacation in the summer, and this gap is just a couple of weeks more. But last year we handled a 3-month sabbatical and we managed. So don’t worry, August 1st will be here soon!

We’re not letting Rabbi Ohriner transition to the next phase of his life without a proper celebration! For 8 years he has been such an important part of our congregational life. We have grown to know and love him and his family and we are so thrilled they will stay a part of Congregation Beth David as members. Since there is another simcha scheduled on his last day on the bima, June 16th, we have chosen June 9th for a special celebration for him. Please join us in a special Service, starting at 9:30am, followed by a wonderful luncheon at noon. There is no cost to attend, but so we can have the proper amount of food and seating, please RSVP for the luncheon online or by calling the office. Details are located in an advertisement in this month’s dvar.

As we prepare for the High Holidays, a cantor search committee is busily screening audio clips and resumes and conducting interviews with candidates. We are also planning a broad spectrum of events surrounding our traditional services to provide you with lots of spiritual options for your Days of Awe. If you are interested in providing suggestions for our High Holiday preparations, please contact our Ritual VP Michael Leitner at [email protected]

Finally, many of you have returned your Sustaining Contribution letter informing us of your planned support level for the coming year. If you haven’t already done so, please send it in as soon as possible, so we can finalize our budget. If you’ve misplaced it, contact Monica Hernandez in the office at [email protected] for a duplicate. Our fiscal year starts July 1st, and we need to prepare staffing and event plans that are aligned with our income. Your input on these forms is critical. Without input on what you will contribute, we will be guessing, and that’s not a good way to operate. Please help us plan accurately.

Finally, in this issue you will see one of several upcoming articles from our security committee. Please spend some time reading these as we need to come to some decisions as a community later this year, and the background information provided will be essential to your understanding of the choices in front of us.


Bill Beyda, President


Abrahamic Alliance International

Cook & Serve Social Justice project Sunday, May 6th

Jews, Christians and Muslims unite to serve the poor!

Don’t miss this double mitzvah opportunity to do social action and social justice together. The mission of AAi is to unite , Christians and Muslims for active peacemaking and poverty relief. Using compassionate collaboration between our 3 communities, AAI helps build lasting bridges of understanding and respect between us. In addition to the time spent together collaborating on cooking and serving a meal to the local shelter (CityTeam in San Jose), buddy groups of Jews, Christians and Muslims get some schmooze time to get to know each other. This time we are collaborating with Saratoga Federated Church and Pacifica Institute.

Go to and follow link to sign up

Shavuot Mini Courses: A Lay Led Learning Experience Saturday, May 19th 9:00 - Midnight On the night of Shavuot the whole Israelite people Thank you to everyone who and those who journeyed with them stood at the foot contributed to the CBD Women's of Mt. Sinai to experience the giving of the Flea Market. It was a huge success Torah. The teaching came to everyone. The evening and could not have been done features Makom Yoga and traditional text study. without your help!

Open through May 6th Visit whenever the Synagogue is open. “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness” - Elie Wiesel The museum serves as both as a meditative place and a place to learn about the holocaust and its ramifications so that we can “never forget” and continue the fight for tolerance in our world.

A wide array of books, posters, videos, and art are woven into the exhibit, including a reading corner with books for young children. No charge. Visit holocaust-museum or call 408-257-3333 for more information.


Security Committee Report

Lately it seems like hardly a week goes by without a shooting or anti-Semitic incident, whether it be at a school like Parkland, or a place of work like YouTube. With this in mind a Security Committee has been formed at Beth David for the purpose of reviewing our security practices, engaging with the membership to gather input and perspective, engaging with security professionals to gather best practices, and the development of a plan that can be adopted by our community. The intent is to have a presentation and full Q&A Discussion at our Annual Meeting in December 2018.

This article is the first of a series of monthly articles that will address various aspects of security improvement and will outline choices that we as a community will be asked to make by the end of this calendar year.

Subsequent articles will discuss natural disasters versus man-made events. We will overview our four operating scenarios of Shabbat, regular office hours during the week, when the Religious School is in session, and our evening minyan, each of which have unique features when the topic is emergency response.

We will cover the simple, non-controversial steps we can take quickly including, but not limited to, improved evacuation signage, natural disaster drills, and on-going CPR training for our staff and teachers many of which will happen over the summer.

The bigger questions are what do we do with the front door? Should it be unlocked and maximally welcoming, including to any passing bad actor? Or should it be locked, and how do we deal with that on Shabbat and also ensure access and as much openness as possible? Should we hire a guard to assist with the door opening questions and increase security? If so, should the guard be armed or unarmed? When would we want a guard on duty if we were to have one: On Shabbat Erev and morning? For all major holidays or just ? During Religious School? What about during minyan? Or are we thinking we should have a guard at any time we would expect at least 50 or 75 of us to be in attendance in our building?

Are we willing to pay for the cost of the incremental security we desire? Depending on the decisions we as a community make, there are new potential incremental expenses above our current and historical expenditure level which could be as much as $40-60K. How do we pay for that? There will also be a discussion about how other shul’s address these same questions.

The subject of security is a balancing act between openness and being welcoming on the one hand and being as secure as possible on the other. It is impossible to know in advance if any actions taken will be sufficient when it is “crunch time”. The topic is also a very personal one as it potentially affects each of us and those we love. Additionally, many of us have expressed an opinion that we do not feel sufficiently informed to make decisions on what could be potentially life-threatening situations. How do we get the information we need?

To assist with this discussion, in addition to these articles, there will be a series of informational question and answer sessions in the fall that may also include short presentations or videos at which you will be encouraged to ask questions of local security professionals and the members of the security committee.

We need your feedback. At our Annual Meeting on December 9, 2018 there will be a brief security related presentation and discussion for the purpose of getting as much member perspective as possible. The input you provide will help both the security committee and the board gauge the feeling of the membership as accurately as possible and with the nuance that this complex subject requires.

Please tell us what you think and address any specific questions to [email protected].

7 MAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 16th of Iyyar 2 17th of Iyyar 31st day of the Omer 32nd day of the Omer 11:00am Basic Convo 11:30am CBD Women Movie Hebrew for Beginners and Discussion Group

3:00pm Yiddish Convo Group 4:00pm JEWEL 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm CHAIM Tour and Curator Meet and Greet 6 21st of Iyyar 7 22nd of Iyyar 8 23rd of Iyyar 9 24th of Iyyar 36th day of the Omer 37th day of the Omer 38th day of the Omer 39th day of the Omer 9:00am Haftarah Trope 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 11:00am Basic Convo 9:30am Minyan 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Hebrew for Beginners 9:30am JET 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for 9:30am Jewish Core FSU Émigrés (offsite) 4:00pm JEWEL Education Prek-7th grade 9:45am Adult Academy 1:30pm AAi Cook & Serve 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Program Committee 7:00pm Minyan 7:00 CBD Adult Choir Meeting Rehearsal 13 28th of Iyyar 14 29th of Iyyar 15 1st of Sivan 16 2nd of Sivan 43rd day of the Omer 44th day of the Omer 45th day of the Omer 46th day of the Omer Mother's Day 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Rosh Chodesh Sivan Yom Yerushalayim 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for 11:00am Basic Convo 9:30am Minyan FSU Émigrés (offsite) Hebrew for Beginners 3:00pm Yiddish Convo Group 4:00pm JEWEL 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan

20 6th of Sivan 21 7th of Sivan 22 8th of Sivan 23 9th of Sivan Shavuot I Shavuot II 11:00am Basic Convo 9:30am Services Administration Office Closed Hebrew for Beginners 12:00pm Kiddush 9:30am Services includes Yizkor 12:00pm Kiddush 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Board Meeting

27 13th of Sivan 28 14th of Sivan 29 15th of Sivan 30 16th of Sivan 9:30am Minyan Memorial Day

7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Estate Planning and 7:00pm Minyan Legacy Giving Workshop


Thursday Friday Saturday UPCOMING 3 18th of Iyyar 4 19th of Iyyar 5 20th of Iyyar 33rd day of the Omer 34th day of the Omer 35th day of the Omer Lag BaOmer 10:00am Talmud Study 9:30am Services Tikkun Leil Shavuot 11:00am The History of 11:15am Jewish Ethics 10:30am Mindfulness and Modern Israel Meditation Through the Shavuot Mini Hasidic Lens Courses 7:00pm Minyan 12:00pm Kiddush May 19 @ 9:00pm 7:30pm A God That Could Be 7:42pm Candle lighting 1:15pm Our Mercaz: Holy Real People/Holy Lives See page 5

10 25th of Iyyar 11 26th of Iyyar 12 27th of Iyyar 40th day of the Omer 41st day of the Omer 42nd day of the Omer 11:00am Ladies Who Lunch 10:00am Talmud Study 9:30am JCORE/Family Service 9:30am Services/Kita Vav Estate Planning and Shabbat Legacy Giving 10:30am An Exploration of Shabbat Prayer & Study for Workshop Russian Speakers May 29 @ 7:30pm 11:15am Tot Shabbat See page 11 7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 12:00pm Kiddush 7:49pm Candle lighting 1:30pm Book Discuss. Group

17 3rd of Sivan 18 4th of Sivan 19 5th of Sivan 47th day of the Omer 48th day of the Omer 49th day of the Omer 10:00am Talmud Study Erev Shavuot 9:30am Services/Michael Slain Abrahamic Alliance Bar Mitzvah International Cook 7:00pm Minyan 12:00pm Kiddush 1:00pm Israel Today! Shabbat & Serve 6:30pm Services Seminars May 6 @ 1:30pm 7:55pm Candle lighting 9:00pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot – See page 6 Shavuot Mini Courses 9:03pm Candle lighting

24 10th of Sivan 25 11th of Sivan 26 12th of Sivan 10:00am Talmud Study 9:30am Services/Avin Dorsay Bar Mitzvah 10:30am Approachable Torah with Rabbi Berkowitz 11:15am Tot Shabbat 7:00pm Minyan 12:00pm Kiddush 7:00pm Dames who Dine 6:30pm Services 8:00pm Candle lighting

31 17th of Sivan

7:00pm Minyan


Email [email protected] for more information

A God That Could Be Real Thursday, May 3, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Nancy Ellen Abrams explores a concept of God that's consistent with science and unites all humanity, providing the wisdom and sense of meaning we need to face our future together.

Our Mercaz: Holy People/Holy Lives Saturday, May 5, after lunch, approx. 1:15 p.m. The Hero panels in our Mercaz feature Jewish men and women whose life and work left an indelible impact on the future of Judaism and the Jewish people. Join Rabbi Ohriner on the first Shabbat of each month, following Kiddush lunch (approx. 1:15), to learn about the lives of these heroes and why they were chosen among the many candidates to adorn our building.

Adult Academy Sunday, May 6, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. In this class we study the mitzvot, the core practices of Judaism. We focus on those deeds which, according to the Talmud, “yield immediate fruit and continue to yield fruit in the time to come”.

Jewish Book Discussion Group: Biblical Prophets Saturday, May 12, after lunch, approx. 1:15 p.m. Rabbi Ohriner will lead a discussion on one or more minor biblical prophets.

Come Whisper to Me By Carol Cassell – Adult Education Chair

Come whisper to me, or email me at [email protected] about what you would like to learn. What would you like to see be offered in the evening?

In addition to the events listed above, here are some things you can look forward to: * Possible Mah Jongg class coming soon * In the summer, Rabbi Pressman will teach after Kiddush lunch, topic and date TBD st * On June 21 , Michal Strutin, an award-winning non-fiction author and congregant, talks about her debut novel, Judging Noa: a Fight for Women’s Rights in the Turmoil of the Exodus. * A screening of a new film on Jerusalem sponsored jointly by Adult Education and the Men’s Club * Scholar-in-Residence in this fall.

Adult Ed would like to show movies in the Social Hall. In order to do this we need window coverings on three windows. There used to be coverings. I can see traces. If anyone has any information about this, please email me at [email protected].

Rabbi Berkowitz has offered to help anyone write a drash. Please talk to him for details if you are interested.


How to do Estate Planning and Legacy Giving All are invited to this educational workshop about the basics of estate planning and legacy giving presented by Alan Werba and David Hoffman. Co-hosted by CBD and the Silicon Valley Jewish Community Legacy Project.

For more info, contact: Jeff Warwick, Chair, CBD Legacy Giving Committee, [email protected]

Brett Borah, Chair, Community Legacy Giving Project, [email protected]

Jyl Jurman, CEO, Silicon Valley Jewish Federation, [email protected]


Rabbi Ohriner Celebration Service and Lunch

Saturday, June 9th

His 8 years with us have gone by quickly, but we’re not letting his term end without a proper thank you!

Join us for a special Shabbat service at 9:30 a.m. followed by a luncheon celebrating Rabbi Ohriner’s spiritual leadership of our congregation.

There is no cost for this special luncheon but please RSVP by June 4th online at or call 408-257-3333


May Birthdays

1st 10th 20th 29th 31st Igor Yevelev Ronee Nassi Ronnie Gross Gary Nankin Yael Wolf 2nd Anna Slutsky William Beyda Alan Bricker Iskra Sagi Sylvia Meltzer Eva Johnson Adrielle Krantzler David Kastelman Kitty Steinborn Marcy Rattner William Menkin Ann Gershanov 11th Barry Siegel Abigail Gavens Edward Levin 21st Maxine Halem Jay Goldberg Avin Dorsay 30th Martin Gandel Azriella Friedman Dora Bakaler Colin Bauman

Kenneth Bloomfield Alexander Lara Gabriel Yanovsky 3rd Elizabeth Yunerman 12th Aurianne Dorsay Michele Hittleman Alice Wald Charles Marr Davida Adelberg Lisa Kravitz

Robin D. Penn Susan Nankin Robert Rosenberg 4th Clifford Gutterman Joshua Rosenberg Rhea Levine 22nd David Silverstein Laura Fine Raviv Kaskowitz Phillip Doppelt 5th 13th Adam Kovar Elizabeth Menkin Steven Permut May Anniversaries Ava Jackson 14th 23rd Jonathan Prokter Kevin Glajchen Bonnie Stone 1st Delaney Davis David Hurwitz 15th Brett & Judy Borah Marlene Cole Ilan Varshavsky Benjamin Ram Talia Klein 4th Helen Baer Joshua Remba Joshua Rosenheim Jonathan Trachtenberg & Jessica Sivan Ben-David Boris Yanovsky Eileen Weinstein Zoya Lazer Leash Julia Cinnamon Roberta Cohen Sarah Schaevitz 5th 16th 6th 24th Michael & Laurie Bierman Jason Rauchwerk Carol Osofsky Aline Usim Tracy Robinson 15th Chet Lanctot Matthew Permut Carly Sussman Alex Mikhlin & Elena Darevsky Rose Kaskowitz Danielle Lerner 25th Greg Gotlib & Janie Mandrusov Albert Clement Susan Greenberg- Gordon Levin 17th Englander 18th Marilyn Goldsmith Susan Klein Irene Spector Karl & Susannah Pfalzer Joel Zussman Robin Wigon Daisy Jackson 21st Louis Dombro 18th Joseph Sorger Yosi & Dafna Mizrahi 7th Isaac Passett Jillian Rosenberg Isaac Passett 23rd Sam Preil 26th Gabriella Brandman Marc & Paula Levitt Sheila Goldstein Samuel Kass Brian Sussman 19th Oded Tzori 25th Benjamin Green Jason Levine Daniel Kahn Lloyd & Eleanor Dickman

Elena Rodstein 8th 27th 28th Franklin Woolfson Phillip Bernstein Riley Cohen Mark Davis & Mallorie Burak Michael Applesmith Herbert Finger Bonnie Slavitt 29th Iris Strumza Judith Lavetter Michael Wigon Daniel & Stacey Scherbakovsky Michael Tseitlin Samuel Spector Neal Rothstein Valerie Vainberg Joel & Anna Bauman Jessica Levy 28th Simon Spector 31st 9th Eli Acevedo Irina Varshavsky Dan & Nancy Skilken Erin Zadkovsky 12

Contributions Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received between March 1 - March 31 from the following individuals and families.

Adult Education Programs Congregation Beth David Fund Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from the Adult Congregation Beth David, from Benjamin Leznik B'nei Mitzvah Class of 2002 - Assia Azenkot, Jim Batson, Sandi Thelma Ramm, for refuah sheleimah, from Theodore & Gloria Diamond, Hindy Ganeles, Alma Garcia, Joyce Halper, Pamela Rosenblume Levin, and Marina Salzman Lee Gavens & Family, in loving memory of our beloved Annual Campaign 5778 sister-in-law, Susan Gavens, from Sara & Andrew Gavens Natalie Schriger, in memory of Marcha Cohen, from Laurie Lee Gavens & Family, in loving memory of Susan Gavens, from Himelstein Kaho Shibata In memory of my aunt, Sophie Ginsburg, from Sheila Weisberg Roberta Schwartz, in memory of your mother, Evelyn Bernstein,

CBD Women from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Jack & Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Maxie Marilyn Goodman & Helen Baer Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from John & Congregation Beth David Bible and and Mahzor Fund Barrie Cress Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Amy & Alex Goldberger, in honor of your birthday, from John & Barrie Dan Schiff, Julia & Stu Krigel, Ruth & Al Sporer Cress In memory of my husband, Martin Levitt, from Sandra Levitt Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from David In loving memory of Stephen’s parents, Harold & Dorothy Green, & Dina Shirk from Stephen & Helaine Green Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Bill & In loving memory of Helaine’s parents, Daniel & Gloria Mueller, Cathy Beyda from Stephen & Helaine Green Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Harry Congregation Beth David Capital Campaign & Joanne Cornbleet Congregation Beth David, from Neil & Diana Gelblum Lee Gavens & Family, in loving memory of Susan Gavens, from Chuck Taubman, in appreciation of the memorial service for my Chantal Moukouri husband, Leslie Malkin, on Sunday, February 25, 2018, from Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Martin Enid Malkin & Rhoda Bress Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Lance & Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Arye & Wendy J Glasser Barbara Green Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Daniel & Lee Gavens & Abigail, Daniel & Sarah, in memory of Susan Bettina Rosenberg Gavens, from Mark & Susan Levine Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Mr. & Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Mrs. Larry Gavens Sheldon & Evy Mittleman Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Jillian Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from David Cosgrave & Nancy Kulka David Mayer, in honor of your retirement, from Bill & Cathy Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Beyda Sherylene Quinn Charlie Klein, in honor of your retirement, from Bill & Cathy Lee Gavens & Family, in blessed memory of Susan Stein Gavens, Beyda with sympathy, from Diane Bauke Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Seema Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from George Cicerone Steres & Cheryl Zatkin-Steres Lee Gavens & Family, in blessed memory of Susan Gavens, from Gary Nankin, in memory of Sheldon Nankin, from George Steres Helene Lewis & Cheryl Zatkin-Steres Lee Gavens & Family, in loving memory of Susan Gavens, from Samuel Shultz, in memory of your grandmother, Helen Shultz, Stanley & Doris Katz from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet In memory of my grandfather, Jules Epstein, from Bettina Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Arthur Rosenberg & Blanka Singer In memory of my aunt, Shirley Rubin, from Sheila Weisberg Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from In memory of my mother, Berta Gorlovetsky, from Vladimir International March of the Living Gorlovetsky Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Dr. In memory of my brother, Donald Weiss, from Mr. Franklyn Weiss Edward & Marjorie Cahn In memory of my father, Martin Greenberg, from Harriet Weiss In memory of my beloved mother, Esther Taboh, from Sandy

Congregation Beth David Endowment Fund Taboh In memory of my father, Fred S. Coolig, from Jane Jacobson In memory of my beloved mother, Elizabeth Lazarus, from Shelley Taboh In memory of my beloved father, Harry Lazarus, from Shelley Taboh 13

Contributions (Continued)

In memory of my father, Semyon Nisenzon, from Zoya Lazer March of the Living Fund In memory of my father, William Parrish, from Richard Parrish Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Noah & In memory of my brother-in-law, Sidney Helfand, from Sheila Ruth Bareket Weisberg Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Miriam In memory of my father, Harry Goldstein, from Frederica Postman Engel In memory of my mother, Ivy Goldstein, from Frederica Postman Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Stanley In memory of my father, Issachar Shottan, from Shmuel Shottan & Hillary Farkas In memory of my beloved grandmother, Lina Goldberger, from In memory of my father, George Sanders, from Christel Sanders Shelley Taboh In memory of Linda's uncle, Eugene Steinberger, from Barry & In memory of my cousin, Irina Moshiashvili, from Vladimir Linda Brummer Gorlovetsky In memory of Linda's step-father, William Weisman, from Barry In memory of my father, Gyula Klein, from Thomas Klein & Linda Brummer

Kiddush Lunch In memory of my mother, Masha Kowalski, from Ruth Bareket Co-sponsor kiddush lunch on March 17, 2018 in honor of the In memory of my mother, Chana Yungelson, from Miriam Engel Simat Bat of our daughter Loey, from Aron & Alexandra In memory of our daughter, Marlena Jan, from Leonard & Sylvia Metz Jackson. Congregation Beth David, in honor of Passover, from Robin D. Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund Penn Rabbi Philip Ohriner, from Kenneth & Marilyn Entin Congregation Beth David, in honor of Passover, from Howard & Rabbi Philip Ohriner, from William Province & Julie Tardos Emily Gannes Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Seth & In honor of Ann Tavan, from Dr. Ike Nassi Daniela Silverstein Thelma Ramm, for refuah sheleimah, from Ed & Ellie Kiss In memory of my mother, Beatrice Baer, from Maxie Baer In honor of Thomas & Susan Klein, from Jussi & Lena Rajna In memory of my grandmother-in-law, Taube Schriger, from Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Barbara Natalie Schriger Biran In memory of my grandfather, Samuel Smiley, from Natalie Natalie Schriger, in memory of your sister, Marsha Cohen, from Schriger Vivian Herman In memory of my father-in-law, Sigmund Selig, from Herbert Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from William Dreifuss

& Elizabeth Menkin MD Rabbi Pressman Discretionary Fund Natalie Schriger, in memory of your sister, Marsha Cohen, from Rabbi Daniel Pressman, thank you for officiating so wonderfully Minda Schwartz the wedding of Rachel and Julian Lewis, from Eric & Sheryl Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Charlie Lewis & Miriam Marr Rama Strod Education Fund Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Minda Gil Stein, in memory of your father, from Elie & Yael Alcheck Schwartz Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, from Elie & Ann Tavan, thank you for making a delightful kippah, from Yael Alcheck Miriam Marr In memory of my sister, Suzi Evron, from Herzel Ashkenazi In loving memory of my mother, Anne Daniel, from Gerald Religious School Myuchad Fund Daniel Lee Gavens & Family, in memory of Susan Gavens, a very special In loving memory of Ginny's mother, Esther Goss, from Bob & lady! from Edward & Eleanor Kiss Ginny Baird Fred & Beverly Jacobson, mazal tov on a wonderful 50 years In memory of my father, Leo Levine, from Carol Weiss together-- and stil going! from Stanley & Hillary Farkas In memory of my father, David E. Weiss, from Jeffrey Weiss In memory of my grandmother, Edith Klein, from Cara Vainish In memory of Julia Rajna, from Jussi & Lena Rajna In memory of my aunt, Lillian Kessler, from Charles Klein In memory of my grandmother, Elizabeth Syres, from Barbara In memory of my mother-in-law, Grace Goodman, from Louis Green Dombro In memory of my friend, Pauline Levin, from Myrtle Schwartz In memory of my father-in-law, Morris Goodman, from Louis In memory of my uncle, Herman Leibman, from Joel Schwartz Dombro In memory of my mother, Hannah S. Pass, from Joel Schwartz In memory of my brother, Robert (Bert) Schwartz, from Joel Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund Schwartz Roberta Schwartz, in memory of your mother, Evelyn Bernstein, In memory of my cousin, Ikey Isaac, from Myrtle Schwartz from Chuck & Barbara Taubman In memory of my brother, Jerald Roman, from Susan Ehrlich In memory of my grandmother, Sara Schweitzer, from Eleanor In memory of my father, Milton Kline, from Rhoda Bress Kiss In memory of my sister-in-law, Roberta Howard, from Ike & In memory of my father, Elias Salba, from Barbara Taubman Ronee Nassi In memory of my mother, Celia Kiss, from Edward Kiss In memory of my father, Jacob Ashkenaz, from Minda Schwartz In memory of my mother, Estella Ashkenaz, from Minda Schwartz In memory of my mother, Berta Fisch Wald, from Alice Wald In memory of my uncle, Judah F. Issac, from Myrtle Schwartz 14

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Officers President Bill Beyda [email protected] Executive VP Betty Menkin [email protected] Administration VP Ron Ruebusch [email protected] Education VP Ruth Bareket [email protected] Finance VP Andrew Passett [email protected] Membership VP Jill Rosenberg [email protected] Ritual VP Michael Leitner [email protected] Recording Secretary Madelyn Isaacs [email protected] Treasurer Bob Bankirer [email protected] Financial Secretary Alex Drukarev [email protected]

General Board Immed. Past Pres. Dan Skilken Dir. at Large Youth Chair Sharon Horovitz Director at Large Elizabeth Batson Dir. at Large Facilities Chair Lee Hirsch Director at Large Opher Harel Dir. at Large Finance Rep Bill Halper Director at Large Bonnie Slavitt Director at Large Alison Ruebusch Dir. at Large Adult Education Rep Carol Cassell Dir. at Large Program Chair Barbara Green Director at Large Thelma Ramm Dir. at Large Sisterhood Rep Cathy Beyda Director at Large Open Dir. at Large Men’s Club Rep Art Singer Director at Large Nathan Handelsman


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