Early summer 2016 5776

A , A Blessing, and You In This Issue: By Allan Berkowitz

Allow me to share with you a bit of my personal philosophy and theology From the Rabbi of life. In this chaotic world, and amidst our daily grinds, we should be Page 3 open to moments that can transcend the burdens and challenges we face. And so….

….if someone offers you a blessing, take it! President’s ….if life gives you the chance to do a mitzvah, just say yes! Perspective Let’s face it, we can never have too many blessings in our lives, and the Page 5 world needs us to do as many mitzvot as we can.

Here is a mitzvah opportunity that each of us can embrace with very little effort. Calendars There is a time-honored tradition that links the giving of with May, June & July prayer. Our tradition teaches that the gates of heaven, as well as our Pages 24 - 29 hearts, are particularly open during prayer-time. And so we open our wallets, too. facilitate this easy mitzvah by having a tzedakah box available during daily .

At CBD we instituted this daily mitzvah opportunity two years ago. Our Anniversaries humble tzedakah box makes an appearance at every weekday minyan. May, June & July Some people drop in paper currency. Some people empty their pockets of Pages 39 & 40 whatever coins are hanging around. No one checks to see who donated or how much. We just know that the box is there for those who need or want a mitzvah. Birthdays What impact does it have on the world? Our simple tzedakah box is like May, June & July the little train engine that could….and does. In the two years since we Pages 41 & 42 instituted it, we have collected and allocated nearly $2,800. The recipients of our donations, voted on by anyone who attends the minyan on the night we do our semi-annual allocation exercise, have included: Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley, Hadassah Medical Organization, Second 100% club Harvest, Magen Adom, Hatikvah House, Joint Distribution Committee, and two donations to benefit CBD (a menorah for the new Pages 43 & 44 Beit and scholarship funds to send USYers to a convention).

Five times each week our minyan is open for business. Five times each week our tzedakah box is open for business. contributions It is true that the minyan and tzedakah box need you. Pages 44 - 46 But perhaps it is more the case that you need them? Remember….

….if someone offers you a blessing, take it! ….if life gives you the chance to do a mitzvah, just say yes! 1

Main Office 408-257-3333 [email protected]

Rabbis Philip R. Ohriner Senior Rabbi 408-366-9104 [email protected]

Leslie Alexander Rabbi of Community Engagement and Outreach 408-366-9105 [email protected]

Daniel J. Pressman Rabbi Emeritus [email protected]

Staff Tanya Lorien Director of Operations 408-366-9107 [email protected]

Barbara Biran Director of Ritual 408-366-9106 [email protected]

Monica Hernandez Member Account Associate 408-366-9108 [email protected]

Jillian Cosgrave Front Office Associate 408-366-9110 [email protected]

Lynn Crocker Mkt & Comm Associate 408-366-9102 [email protected]

Iris Bendahan Director of Program 408-366-9116 [email protected]

Andrea Ammerman School Admin. Assistant 408-366-9101 [email protected]

Jewish Experience for Teens (JET) [email protected]

2 From the Rabbi By Philip Ohriner

Counting the : From Matzah to Hametz, from Spiritual Impoverishment to Richness

In the afterglow of , we now find ourselves in the period of the counting of the omer. The teaches that for 49 days we count the omer each night, as our ancestors did when they left Egypt. Midrash tells us that when our ancestors left Egypt, told them it would take 49 days to reach Mt. Sinai. In their excitement to receive the Torah and become truly free from the shackles of enslavement, the Israelites counted the days until the 6th of , , the day God gave us Torah. The counting of days to Mt. Sinai became a counting of daily offerings from the second day of Passover to Shavuot.

This counting represents an extended religious journey we still embark upon today, reciting a blessing and counting for 49 nights. The counting of the omer is a from enslavement to freedom, symbolized by the difference between Hametz and Matzah.

Let me explain: Our tradition teaches that no offering made to God in the or Temple contained hametz. Apparently, God is fan of flatbreads! Furthermore, during Passover we remove all hametz from our environment. Yet, oddly enough, there is an exception to the hametz-free sacrifice rule— the two loaves of bread brought by our ancestors and offered on the in the tabernacle and Temple on Shavuot. During Passover we embody a hametz-free home and mindset, but by the time we reach Shavuot, we actually embrace hametz!

Some academic scholars believe the transition to matzah on Passover to Hametz on Shavuot was derived from the common custom of throwing out the sourdough starter each spring and making a new starter, feeding it everyday to keep it growing. This is essentially what we do in the process from Passover to Shavuot. We start again, building ourselves back up religiously and spiritually, shedding the mentality that has enslaved us and kept us from serving God. Each day we move step by step back towards a holy existence. The kabbalists took this notion and made it into an art, relating each of the 49 days of the omer to 49 different aspects of character. Each day of the omer is an opportunity to focus on one facet of our life, personality, and character. If we seize that opportunity, we can receive Torah again this coming Shavuot truly renewed.

Matzah symbolizes the beginning of the redemption process. As bread at the beginning of the process of production, Matzah serves as a reminder that Passover and from narrow straits is just the beginning of a long hard journey through the wilderness. That journey is marked day-by-day, with the counting of the omer. Each day of the omer, we move closer to a higher level of existence, we move away from matzah and towards hametz until we reach Shavuot and mark the completion of the transformative process.

The period of counting the omer is the journey from Egypt to Sinai, from Passover to Shavuot, from matzah to hametz. Whatever the paradigm, the message is the same: living a Jewish life requires constant tending. Raising our commitment to live a life imbued with a sense of holiness requires more than desire and well-intentioned words uttered just a few weeks ago at seder. It takes work every day. The omer is an opportunity to elevate our level of spiritual sophistication, symbolized by the two loaves of bread brought on Shavuot.

There are many apps available to assist you in counting the omer. Two that I particularly like are Sefiros Grow (available for ios) and MyOmer (for ios and android). Both contain insights and reflections to assist you on your spiritual journey from Passover to Shavuot, from Matzah to hametz, from feelings of impoverishment to the richness of living a Jewishly committed life.

Start the journey today!


Rabbi Philip Ohriner 3 4 President’s Perspective

Ask What You Can Do For Beth David

It is a great time to be a member of Beth David! We function or program at Beth David. They might not have experienced new growth in our membership and come if someone from the membership committee have one of the most progressive Sustaining called them, but they will come if you call. Everyone Contribution Models of any in the Bay wants to feel wanted and welcome. Lets show them Area. Our programming is award winning, and we the great new things our kehillah has to offer them. have great alternatives to traditional prayer that run concurrently with our services. We have a new If you see someone you don’t know that is sitting at building coming that is renovated from top to bottom an event or services, please go up and introduce and designed by our members and optimized for our yourself and welcome them. Don’t be afraid that you programming needs. We have one of the best might offend someone that might be a long time, religious schools in the Bay Area, and a very active active member. Your warm welcome and introduction Tot program that brings young families will make them feel great about being at Beth David too. together in play. One of the things we want to add to Beth David to make it a better place, is your Help us grow and thrive with your friends as friends. members. Make it a personal goal to call at least 5

We need every member to think of themselves as friends to come join you at various Beth David recruiting ambassadors. We would like to grow our events this year, or maybe even join you at High kehillah, and your friends are the perfect members to Holy Day services. This is the best year to help us add to the community. They are great people and you expand our membership. It is easy when we have so many great new things to offer. enjoy spending time with them. It makes sense that we will all benefit from their friendship too. Thank you for everything you do for Congregation

Perhaps you have friends that used to be members of Beth David and for being our friends and extended Beth David. They may have quit in the past because family, our dues were too high for them, or they weren’t finding meaning for them just sitting in services. With our new building coming, our new sustaining contribution model, and our new programming, why Dan Skilken not ask them to join you at an event to check out “the President, CBD Board of Directors new Beth David?”

Or perhaps you have Jewish friends that have not yet affiliated with a synagogue. They don’t know what they are missing at Beth David, except the opportunity to spend time with you in a great atmosphere and at great programming. There are lots Do you know who headlined of fun things like movie night, or a Tot Shabbat program, or great guest speakers. Please remember for Joe Biden at the AIPAC that you can always invite your friends to join you at Policy Conference? any programs at Beth David. We would love to welcome them. See page 19 to find out! And think about your friends that are already members at Beth David, but they only come to the synagogue for the High Holy Day services and for yahrzeits. These are the people that we need the most! Give them a call and ask them to join you at a


Please share our joy as our daughter, , is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

We invite you to join us for lunch following the service.

Michael and Robin Wigon

Please share our joy as our daughter, Abigail, is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on:

Saturday, May 21, 2016

We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch following the service.

Gregory and Emma Prokter

Please share our joy as our son, Ben, is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:

Saturday, June 11, 2016

We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch following the service.

Amir and Sharon Segev

6 We are actively putting together new Havurot for congregants ages 50 – 70.

Are you interested in socializing and enjoying life with others like yourself? Want to share Shabbat and holiday celebrations?

Fill out an interest form to be matched up with other CBD members like you.

Go to www.beth-david.org/havurah and download an interest form or call the office at 408-257-3333 for assistance.

Are you, a family member, or a CBD friend in the hospital or rehab?

Do you know of someone in our kehillah who might like a call or visit?

Please contact our ritual director, Barbara Biran, [email protected], so our Pastoral Care Team can follow up.

Or, go one step further! Our tradition teaches that visiting the sick (bikkur cholim) removes 1/160th of a patient's suffering.

Consider picking up the phone or arranging a visit for yourself with someone in need of physical or spiritual well-being. They will feel better and so will you!


Recently our wonderful volunteers made 40 bag lunches for LifeMoves (previously the InnVision Shelter Network). Seema Cicerone delivered the

lunches and The West Valley Community Center donated produce to go with the lunches.

Join us for these upcoming events! May 22 - River Clean-Up Day near the Children’s Museum - 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Kid-friendly!

June 5 - House painting for Habitat for Humanity w/Abrahamic Alliance - 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

July 7 - Blood Drive @ CBD - Details coming soon.

Ongoing ways you can help. Landlords - Santa Clara county has a brand new program to help the 700 homeless vets in the county. The benefits are a $1500 gratitude payment, security deposit, payment of a re-renting vacancy gap, etc.. To learn more visit www.allthewayhomecampaign.org

Food Runners - Be an occasional or regular driver who takes extra prepared food from one place with too much food, to another where it is needed. The trips will be no longer than 10 miles each way. Please sign up at www.peninsulafoodrunners.org. See below for more details

about the program. [email protected]

Peninsula Food Runners Feeding the Hungry

Congregation Beth David’s newly re-convened Social Action committee invites you to join with us for an incredible new opportunity! It involves no food prep and no food buying on your part.

Peninsula Food Runners provides a free service to pick up excess perishable and prepared food from restaurants, caterers, bakeries, wholesalers, event planners, corporate cafeterias, farmer market vendors, and hotels. Our dedicated volunteers pick up food from these businesses and deliver directly to shelters, neighborhood feeding programs and 100% affordable housing. Presently Peninsula Food Runners is delivering 30,000 meals a week to families and individuals in need.

CBD Social Action has opted in to this effort. Any CBD member can help!!

If you have children, you can bring them with you when you pick up and deliver to teach them a Mitzvah! Simply register at: www.peninsulafoodrunners.org.

If you have questions please contact Carol Cassell, CBD Social Action chair at [email protected]. 8 Members Represent CBD at Recent AIPAC Policy Conference

More than 20 CBD members attended the AIPAC policy conference in Washington DC this March. We had the opportunity to attend myriad sessions from among the hundreds offered. Sessions included Changing Alliances in the Middle East, Fighting BDS on Campus, Pro Progressive Activism and Israel/US Tech Cooperation. In addition, we joined together for a Synagogue Initiative luncheon where we heard Natan Shransky speak!

We had intended to have a special CBD early dinner on Sunday evening, but had to forego that because of the time needed to clear Secret Service security to hear the Vice President speak.

Beth David folks looked out for one another sharing cell numbers and letting each other know where we were in the massive convention center which held nearly 19,000 people!

Attendees of the policy conference were: Alex Drukarev (editor of our bi weekly Israel News email); Debra Fils and her son BU student Raphael Fils; Michelle Nathanson and her daughter Los Gatos High student Hanna Nathanson; Howard Fine, Elliot Fine, and U of A student Gavriela Fine; Sylvia and Len Metz and their daughter, Holly; Vivian Golub and her sister Terry; Gloria and Ken Levy; Susan and Lee Gavens; Sue and Ron Maltiel; Elise and Dennis Wolf; and Rabbi Leslie Alexander, Ken Aitchison and their daughter, USC student Aliza Aitchison.

We hope to purchase reduced-priced block registrations for the 2017 policy conference. If you have never attended and would like to be a part of the largest pro Israel bi- partisan gathering in the United States, please look out for the block registration offer in the fall.


10 CBD is Pleased to Once Again Host The Faith in Action Rotating Shelter May 27th—June 24th Volunteers Needed!

Recently we celebrated and then we sat to celebrate the . The two holidays share very little, outside of the basic theme of God’s miraculous redemption in time of great distress. Accordingly, both holidays command us to share our good fortunes with those that have not been as fortunate thus far. If by delivery of food (Mishloah Manot) to the poor at Purim, or inviting the hungry to share at our table in the Seder. If providing the hungry a meal is a great mitzvah, it is more so when it is part of a program to help those down on their luck regain their financial footing, retain a good paying job, save money and move into housing. These are the goals of the Faith In Action Rotating Shelter program (www.faithinactionsv.org) that we return to host this year for four weeks starting May 27.

During the month, we will host 11 carefully screened, drug and alcohol free single men in one of our portables. The program provides the men with all the items needed to make themselves at home in their temporary shelter: cots, beddings, personal trunk, hygiene kit, and laundry soap with quarters. One of the small classrooms will be transformed into a TV lounge with a refrigerator where the men can store their own food. The guests arrive at the shelter every evening around 8pm and leave every morning at 7am. They eat their dinners, which we provide, at the Worner Hall kitchen of the Church of the Ascension across the parking lot (aka Kehillah Ketanah), and they prepare their own breakfasts and lunches using supplies provided to them by members of our congregation.

To help with the program you can: * Sign up to provide a hot, nourishing dinner in June or August when the men will be staying at the Ascension church. Visit www.beth-david.org/ rotatingshelter5776 * Be on hand to greet the men in the spirit of Beth David hospitality * Help shop for groceries. * Help make welcome kits (socks & toiletries) * Donate quarters for laundry (drop off at the office) * Make a financial donation to Beth David Social Action Committee to cover groceries and the trailer rental.

Email [email protected] or call Rivka Shenhav at 408-489-7711.


12 Hot Topics in Halakhah Saturday, May 7 at 1:30 p.m. What topics of Jewish law is Rabbi Ohriner study- ing? Join Rabbi Ohriner to learn about the hottest halakhic issues facing our kehillah, the Conservative movement, and the Jewish world.

Conversations in Jewish Learning cancelled Current Issues Affecting Israel and the Middle East Tuesday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Jewish Book Group Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams by Charles King Saturday, May 14 at 1:30 p.m. Dreams of freedom in Odessa inspired geniuses and innovators. Yet here too was death on a staggering scale, including the mass murder of during World War II. Odessa tells the inspiring and tragic history of a city with many ethnic groups and religions that was more than the sum of its parts. The discussion will be led by Shmuel Shultz.

Conversations in Jewish Learning Scattered Among the Nations Tuesday, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. Bryan Schwartz will review his book Scattered Among the Nations, which documents some of the most isolated Jewish communities in the world. The photographs and inter- views in this book will make you feel like friends with Jews who live in places you never dreamed existed.

About the speaker: Brian Schwartz is a writer, photographer, and a civil rights attorney. Bryan led the effort to create Scattered Among the Nations, Inc., a non-profit corporation that helps isolated Jewish communities gain recognition and resources to meet their needs.

Jewish Book Group The Betrayers by David Bezmozgis Saturday, June 11 at 1:30 p.m. Political opponents of Baruch Kotler, an Israeli politician, expose his affair with a young mis- tress. He and Leora flee to Yalta where he encounters the man who denounced him to the KGB forty years ago. Kotler must face those who have betrayed him and those whom he has betrayed: a teenage daughter, a son in the Israeli army, and his wife who stood by his side through so much. The discussion will be led by Lee Gavens.

Jewish Book Group The Family: Three Journeys into the Heart of the Twentieth Century by David Laskin Saturday, July 9 at 1:30 p.m. The Family depicts the Jewish 20th century via the experience of one family which split into three branches: one immigrated to America and founded two businesses, another went to Palestine as pioneer farmers, and the third remained in Europe and suffered the Nazi occu- pation. One family, three paths, and the epic history of the Jewish 20th century. The discussion will be led by Miriam Marr.

13 14

The Ladies Who Lunch is an informal Beth David women’s social and dining group that meets monthly at the home of a member.

Each month’s gathering has a theme, and several volunteers bring lunch items to fit that theme. There is always a mixer activity and then just time to relax and talk together.

Upcoming Dates May 12th hosted by Margie Pomerantz June 9th hosted by Jane Jacobson July 14th hosted by Rabbi Leslie Alexander

If you are interested in attending, RSVP online at www.Beth-David.org/RSVP or call the office at 408-257-3333 for assistance.

Presentations & Discussions on Judaica Everyone is welcome, whether member of CBD or visitor, including non-artists, too!

The group meets the third Saturday of the month (holidays excluded) after lunch approximately 1:30pm.

Upcoming dates and topics: Saturday, May 21st Jessica Leash will do a presentation on the history of Chasidic Niggunim. Some singing may happen at this presentation.

Saturday, June 18th Jeff Warwick will present Beth David's Torah Adornments.

Saturday, July 16th Deborah Estreicher will present the work of Israeli artist Itzchak Tarkay (shown right)

15 16

We are coming into the home stretch with the first phase of the remodel as we finish up the walls and painting. Most of the lighting is installed. The bathrooms back by the social hall are complete and open for use. The main bathrooms are starting to shape up. The kitchen is complete and has been approved by the Santa Clara County Health Department. It will be available for use after Passover.

The next big sprint will be finishing the stucco for the Mercaz cone. This should be completed over the next three weeks. The scaffolding around the cone is supported by scaffolding under the roof and around the inside of the Mercaz. This scaffolding must be removed in order to finish the walkway around the Mercaz and to complete the Mercaz floor.

We expect the completion of Phase One in June, and Phase 2 in early August. Plan to join us for the building dedication and gala event on August 28th. (See page 4)

Backpack Drive Benefits kids from low-income families served by Jewish Family Services and Anderson School

Do you remember how great it felt to start school each fall with sharp new pencils, crisp paper and new binders? Make that happen this summer for Silicon Valley children without the resources to purchase new backpacks and supplies for themselves.

Purchase any new backpack you like and fill it with supplies students need to begin the school year with anticipation and delight.

A list of supplies is available online: www.Beth-David.org/backpack-5776 and in the Sanctuary Contact Carol Cassell at [email protected] with questions

Please turn in backpacks or checks to CBD or Jewish Family Services (14855 Oka Road Suite 202) by July 24th.


18 Yiddish Conversation Group Do you know Yiddish?

Would you like to chat with others Alef/Bet Shma Ceremony in Yiddish? Friday, May 6th Services begin at 6:30 pm This informal group meets two times a month for casual conversation, jokes and socializing. Multi-generational potluck at 7:30pm Yiddish speakers of all levels welcome! Everyone joining The group meets the first and third our potluck should Tuesday of the month bring a dairy or from 3:00 - 4:30pm pareve (vegan) dish to share. If you Upcoming Dates: choose, you may May 3 & 17 participate in this June 7 & 21 month’s cuisine July 5 & 19 theme which is

Italian cuisine. For more information, Sign up online at email Group Coordinator, Ruth Bareket, at [email protected], www.Beth-David.org/RSVP or call Vivian Herman at 408-257-7760 or call 408-257-3333

Do you know who headlined for Joe Biden at the AIPAC Policy Conference?

Our very own Rabbi Leslie Alexander addressing the entire AIPAC Policy Conference! Mazel tov, Rabbi, on this much deserved honor. You are a true leader and catalyst for a strong relationship between the United States and Israel through civil discourse, mutual respect, and menschlichkeit!

19 20 Congregation Beth David Camp and Group Youth Merit Scholarship

Children of CBD members who are entering 6th -12th grade are eligible for this merit scholarship. It will be given for Jewish overnight summer camp or group experiences.

This merit scholarship uses a point system and is based on the applicant's participation in our Synagogue’s youth and teen programs and services. Applicants who are active, working members in good standing in Kadima or USY will be award higher points than participation in other Jewish youth groups.

The monetary award will not cover the full cost of the camp programs. Please register your camper before applying for this award. If the camper does not attend the program, the award must be returned.

Application is to be completed by the applicant and can be download at www.beth-david.org/YMScholarship. Return completed application by May 20, 2016 for consideration.


July Pages, Pillows, PJ’s and Pancakes An evening in our new Mercaz of comfy camaraderie, stories and breakfast at dinner time. For families with young kids.

August Gourmet Coffee Tasting Help select the brews we will offer after the building is complete. Voting will include prizes for the best Java descriptions to go on our coffee menu. For teens and adults.

Upcoming Music in the Mercaz Once a month, CBD and community members will have an opportunity jam together or play individually. The acoustics will be great, the talent hot, and your beer ice cold. We will provide food and other beverages as well.*

Tequila, Tacos and This is a chance for young adults to get together once a month for a light dinner and study of unusual Jewish texts.

Stay tuned for more!

* If you are a musician and/or vocalist and would like to hear more about the how to join Music in the Mercaz, please contact Rabbi Alexander at [email protected]

Hiking Group Biking Group Meet Up and Stroll Meet Up and Ride Sunday, June 26 Sundays: May 22 & June 26 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Join others in the CBD community who love to Join others in the CBD community who love to walk. Walks are about 5 miles and generally start bike. Rides are about 20 miles long and leave at the synagogue parking lot. from the synagogue parking lot.

Potluck Lunch Sunday, June 26th 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. CBD Bike and Hike participants will join together at Beth David for a summer time potluck lunch following their respective rides and walks. Bring a dairy or parve luncheon item to share. Events are cancelled if it rains. Please RSVP. www.Beth-David.org/RSVP or call 408-257-3333


Threads of Tradition is a group of Jewish women who sew tachrichim – Jewish burial garments – for members of the Beth David community.

Tachrichim consist of pants, a long shirt, and a head and face covering, all made of pure cotton. The deceased are ritually washed and then clothed in these garments prior to burial. We take on this work to provide dignity to the deceased and comfort for those who mourn. It helps us fulfill the mitzvah of shel emet—the greatest kindness, the type that cannot be repaid.

Sewing burial garments enables us to provide care for those in our community at this important time in the lifecycle. Taking on this work ourselves instead of outsourcing it demonstrates the value CBD members place on maintaining Jewish traditions and mitzvoth, and supporting one another during important life cycle events.

Threads of Tradition meets twice per year for a 2-3 hour sewing session, in order to ensure that we have a ready supply of garments to be donated as needed. We welcome new members at any time. Sewing skill is appreciated, but not required. We work for a solemn purpose, but sewing together as a group enables us to appreciate our community, and our own lives.

Our next sewing session will be Sunday, June 5 at 9:00 a.m. in portable 3. For more information, contact Beverly Jacobson at [email protected]. If you are not able to participate in the sewing groups, but wish to support this effort, donations to Threads of Tradition can be made to Rabbi Ohriner’s Discretionary Fund.

A CBD Spanish speakers group Is forming now.

If you are interested in participating email Susan Englander at:

[email protected] Music in the Mercaz Once a or call 408-257-7538 month CBD and community members will have an opportunity jam together or play Meeting dates and times to be determined individually. by group consensus. If you are a musician and/or vocalist and would like to hear more about the how to join Music in the Mercaz, contact Rabbi Alexander at [email protected]

23 May

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 23 2 24 Nisan 3 25 Nisan 4 26 Nisan 8th day of the Omer 9th day of the Omer 10th day of the Omer 11th day of the Omer 9:30am JCore Sunday School 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation 9:30am Minyan 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Group 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 4:00pm County of Santa 4:00pm Jewel Program for FSU Émigrés (offsite) Clara Holocaust 6:15pm JET Dinner & Learn 7:00pm Minyan Remembrance Ceremony 7:00pm No Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Silicon Valley Yom HaShoah Memorial Service

8 30 Nisan 9 1 Iyyar 10 2 Iyyar 11 3 Iyyar 15th day of the Omer 16th day of the Omer 17th day of the Omer 18th day of the Omer Iyyar Rosh Chodesh Iyyar Yom HaZikaron Mother's Day 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 9:30am Minyan includes 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Torah Service 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 4:00pm Jewel Program for FSU Émigrés (offsite) 7:00pm Minyan 5:30pm Yom HaZikaron & 7:30pm Current Issues Yom HaAtzmaut 7:00pm Minyan Facing Israel and the Observance 7:30pm Lean In Circle Middle East Cancelled 7:00pm Minyan

15 7 Iyyar 16 8 Iyyar 17 9 Iyyar 18 10 Iyyar 22nd day of the Omer 23rd day of the Omer 24th day of the Omer 25th day of the Omer 9:30am Minyan 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation 10:30am Sunday Seminar: 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Group The Decline of Ashkenaz 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 4:00pm Jewel Program 1:00pm Yom Ha’Atzmaut for FSU Émigrés (offsite) 7:00pm Minyan 6:15pm JET Dinner & Learn with Artists 4 Israel 7:00pm Minyan

7:00pm Minyan

22 14 Iyyar 23 15 Iyyar 24 16 Iyyar 25 17 Iyyar 29th day of the Omer 30th day of the Omer 31st day of the Omer 32nd day of the Omer 10:00am Intermed Hebrew 9:30am JCore Sunday School 11:45am Beginning Hebrew 9:30am Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 10:00am Biking Group Meet 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 7:30pm Board Meeting Up and Ride for FSU Émigrés (offsite) 11:00am Lag’BOmer Picnic 7:00pm Minyan and Rewards Ceremony 1:30pm Guadalupe Creek Clean up 29 21 Iyyar 30 2 Iyyar 31 23 Iyyar 36th day of the Omer 37th day of the Omer 38th day of the Omer 9:30am Minyan Memorial Day

7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 24

Thursday Friday Saturday 5 27 Nisan 6 28 Nisan 7 29 Nisan 12th day of the Omer 13th day of the Omer 14th day of the Omer Upcoming Yom HaShoah 10:00am Talmud Study: 9:30am Services/Kita Vav Torah Tractate Megillah Service & Haftarah 11:15am 10:30am Netivot Haneshamah - 7:00pm Minyan Discussion Mindfulness and Meditation 12:00pm Ruah Rally 6:30pm TGI Shabbat 12:30pm Kiddush Services Multigenerational 1:30pm Hot Topics in Halakhah CBD Holocaust and Potluck Today Remembrance 7:44pm Candle lighting Museum open through May 10th 12 4 Iyyar 13 5 Iyyar 14 6 Iyyar 19th day of the Omer 20th day of the Omer 21st day of the Omer Yom HaAtzma'ut 10:00am Talmud Study: 9:30am JCore Shabbat School Tractate Megillah 9:30am Services/Rachel Wigon 11:00am Ladies Who Lunch 11:15am Jewish Ethics Bat Mitzvah Discussion 10:30am Netivot Haneshamah - Praying with Your Body a Current Issues 7:00pm Minyan Jewish Yoga Experience Facing Israel and 6:30pm Services 10:45am Youth Congregation the Middle East 7:50pm Candle lighting 11:15am Tot Shabbat scheduled for May 10th 12:00pm Ruah Rally has been canceled 12:30pm Kiddush 1:30pm Book Discussion Group - Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams 19 11 Iyyar 20 12 Iyyar 21 13 Iyyar 26th day of the Omer 27th day of the Omer 28th day of the Omer The Decline of 10:30am Hazak Miniature 10:00am Talmud Study: 9:30am Services/Abigail Prokter Ashkenaz Golf Tractate Megillah Bat Mitzvah Sunday, May 15, 11:15am Jewish Ethics 9:30am Zayin Shabbat School Discussion 10:30am Netivot Haneshamah - 10:30am 7:00pm Minyan A Learning Minyan 6:00pm PJ Shabbat 12:00pm Ruah Rally 6:30pm Services 12:30pm Kiddush 7:56pm Candle lighting 1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists Group 26 18 Iyyar 27 19 Iyyar 28 20 Iyyar 33rd day of the Omer 34th day of the Omer 35th day of the Omer Lag B'Omer 10:00am Talmud Study: 9:30am Services Guadalupe Creek Tractate Megillah 10:30am Netivot Haneshamah - Clean-up 11:15am Jewish Ethics Approachable Torah Sunday, May 22nd Discussion 11:15am Tot Shabbat 1:30pm 7:00pm Minyan 12:00pm Ruah Rally 6:30pm Services 12:30pm Kiddush 8:02pm Candle lighting

25 June

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 24 Iyyar 39th day of the Omer

7:00pm Minyan

5 28 Iyyar 6 29 Iyyar 7 1 Sivan 8 2 Sivan 43rd day of the Omer 44th day of the Omer 45th day of the Omer 46th day of the Omer Yom Yerushalayim 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew Rosh Chodesh Sivan 9:00am Threads of 11:45am Beginning Hebrew 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation Tradition 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew Group 9:30am Minyan for FSU Émigrés (offsite)

7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm CJL: Scattered Among the Nations

12 6 Sivan 13 7 Sivan 14 Sivan 15 9 Sivan Shavuot I Shavuot II 9:30am Shavuot Day 1 Office closed Services 9:30am Shavuot Day 2 7:00pm Minyan Services/Yizkor

7:00pm No Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Lean In Circle

19 13 Sivan 20 14 Sivan 21 15 Sivan 22 16 Sivan Father's Day 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation 9:30am Minyan 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Group 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for FSU Émigrés 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm General Board 7:00pm Minyan Meeting

7:00pm Minyan 26 20 Sivan 27 21 Sivan 28 22 Sivan 29 23 Sivan 9:30am Minyan 10:00am Intermed Hebrew 10:00am Biking & Hiking 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Meet Up 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 12:00pm Bike & Hike for FSU Émigrés Potluck Lunch 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan


Thursday Friday Saturday

2 25 Iyyar 3 26 Iyyar 4 27 Iyyar 40th day of the Omer 41st day of the Omer 42nd day of the Omer 10:00am Talmud Study 9:30am Services/Teen Upcoming 11:15am Jewish Ethics Shabbat & Recognition Discussion Ceremony 10:30am Mindfulness and Meditation 7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally 8:06pm Candle lighting 12:30pm Kiddush Threads of Tradition Sunday, June 5th 9 3 Sivan 10 4 Sivan 11 5 Sivan 9:30am 47th day of the Omer 48th day of the Omer 49th day of the Omer 10:00am Talmud Study Erev Shavuot 11:15am Jewish Ethics 9:30am Services/Ben Segev Discussion Bar Mitzvah 10:30am Praying with Your Body 11:15am Tot Shabbat Scattered Among 7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally Nations 8:10pm Candle lighting 12:30pm Kiddush 1:30pm Book Discussion Tuesday, June 7th Group 7:30pm 9:45pm Leil Tikkun Shavuot Swimming in the Sea of Torah Shavuot - 16 10 Sivan 17 11 Sivan 18 12 Sivan 10:00am Talmud Study 9:30am Services Swimming in the 11:15am Jewish Ethics 10:30am A Learning Sea of Torah Discussion Minyan Saturday, June 11th - 12:00pm Ruah Rally Sunday, June 12th 7:00pm Minyan 12:30pm Kiddush 9:45pm - 6:45am 6:00pm PJ Shabbat 1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists See page 14 for details 6:30pm Services Group 8:13pm Candle lighting

23 17 Sivan 24 18 Sivan 25 19 Sivan Biking and Hiking 11:15am Jewish Ethics 9:30am Services Meet Up & Potluck Discussion 10:30am Approachable Sunday, June 26th Torah 10:00am 11:15am Tot Shabbat 7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally 8:14pm Candle lighting 12:30pm Kiddush

30 24 Sivan

7:00pm Minyan

27 July

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

3 27 Sivan 4 28 Sivan 5 29 Sivan 6 30 Sivan 9:30am Minyan Independence Day 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Office Closed Group

5:30pm CBD Celebrates Americana 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan

10 4 Tamuz 11 5 Tamuz 12 6 Tamuz 13 7 Tamuz 9:30am Minyan 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 11:45am Beginning Hebrew 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for FSU Émigrés (offsite)

7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Lean In Circle

17 11 Tamuz 18 12 Tamuz 19 13 Tamuz 20 14 Tamuz 9:30am Minyan 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation 11:45am Beginning Hebrew Group 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew 2:00pm Hazak BBQ & Picnic for FSU Émigrés (offsite)

7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan

24 18 Tamuz 25 19 Tamuz 26 20 Tamuz 27 21 Tamuz Tzom 10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 9:30am Minyan 11:45am Beginning Hebrew 2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for FSU Émigrés (offsite)

31 25 Tamuz 9:30am Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:00pm Minyan 7:30pm Board Meeting


Thursday Friday Saturday

1 25 Sivan 2 26 Sivan 9:30am Services Upcoming

6:30pm Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally 8:14pm Candle lighting 12:30pm Kiddush CBD Celebrates Americana 7 1 Tamuz 8 2 Tamuz 9 3 Tamuz Sunday, July 3rd Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 9:30am Services/Aufruf 5:30pm Emily Isaacs & Guy Shani 12:00pm Ruah Rally 12:30pm Kiddush 1:30pm Book Discussion 6:30pm Services Group 7:00pm Minyan 8:13pm Candle lighting Jewish Book Discussion Group Saturday July 9th 1:30pm 14 8 Tamuz 15 9 Tamuz 16 10 Tamuz 9:30am Services/50th 11:00am Ladies Who Lunch Wedding Anniv: Jussi & Lena Rajna 12:00pm Ruah Rally 12:30pm Kiddush 6:00pm PJ Shabbat 1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists 7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services Group 8:10pm Candle lighting

21 15 Tamuz 22 16 Tamuz 23 17 Tamuz 9:30am Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally 12:30pm Kiddush

7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 8:06pm Candle lighting

28 22 Tamuz 29 23 Tamuz 30 24 Tamuz 9:30am Services 12:00pm Ruah Rally 12:30pm Kiddush

7:00pm Minyan 6:30pm Services 8:00pm Candle lighting

29 30 Recently Hazak members got together for a fun afternoon of games and comradery. Email Hazak at [email protected] to learn about upcoming events for adults 55+.

31 32 What Happened When Ahmet & Fatma Met & Shoshana? A Teen Encounter by Iris Bendahan & Irene Swedroe

Well it definitely was not the Butter Battle of Dr. Seuss fame; there were no Yooks and Zooks, but rather chatter, laughter, and an exchange of contact info! And it all started by considering that “The Torah states that G-d made man + woman B’tzelem Elohim- in the image of G-d (Gen 1:28). Which means that every human life is holy, unique and worthy of profound respect, compassion and understanding”.

Backing up a bit - lately during our JET Dinner and Learn sessions, (JET is the acronym for Congregation Beth David’s teen program - Jewish Experiences for Teens), we often focused on Hot Topics. The conversation has turned to within our community, our country, and abroad. Incidents such as the Paris bombing, San Bernardino attack, and the presidential debate on immigrants vs refugees have been woven into our class discussions on what it means to be created In G-d’s Image.

Our teens have shared that within our own schools and community, they have experienced some anti-Semitism and that there are prejudices against other groups, simply because of their faith and customs. Building on this, we felt that our teens should be learning hands on about not only the different Jewish religious groups but the different faiths in our community. They want to know what are the differences and commonalties we have with these communities, and what are their challenges.

For the past year, Beth David has been actively involved with Muslim-Christian–Jewish encounters through Abrahamic Alliance International. These connections focus on social action events as a way of working together towards a common goal, and are mostly attended by adults. Through this, we were introduced to the Pacifica Institute organization. http:// pacificainstitute.org/bay-area/. Unlike a Muslim group associated with a mosque, Pacifica Institute, which is a Turkish Muslim group, has the broader mission of creating positive connections between disparate social networks, and thus is deeply involved with social responsibility projects, dialogue, and conferences while also staying true to Muslim traditions of prayer, dietary laws, and holidays (e.g. their doors are always open for visitors to join in Iftar dinners during Ramadan, which we have had the opportunity to enjoy).

A few months ago, we had the opportunity to meet with Zaynep and Nihal, two educators from the Pacifica Institute, to discuss the idea of seeing if we could create a Muslim-Jewish teen encounter where the teens could have an open, safe dialogue in order to foster friendship and understanding between our two groups. Suffice it to say that after a few delightful hours sipping tea and Turkish/middle eastern treats, and discussing our similarities (they are substantial) and differences, a teen program developed which came to fruition on March 11.

The 18 teens (about half from each group), had the opportunity to schmooze while eating a sumptuous vegetarian dinner provided by Pacifica, find out a bit about each other’s religion & organization through slideshows presented by the Muslim educator (which included a live call to prayer by one of their lay leaders) and us, a hands on art activity (called Yad B’Yad - hand in hand in Hebrew), and a trivia contest. Our time was up before we could do all the planned activities, but the teens were happy and fulfilled.

Though it was tough work getting all these teens on board initially, now they are as excited as we are and ready for more. According to CBD senior Molly Ball, “The teen encounter event was such a fun and eye opening experience. I loved getting to know the teens, learn from them and actually become friends with them. We still talk on snapchat and text and would never have become friends otherwise”. CBD Junior Samantha Wigon exclaimed: ”The teen encounter really opened my eyes to how teenagers with different ethnicities are not that different after all. I really learned a lot."

So Ahmet and Fatma had a great time with Aaron and Shoshana, and they’ve all asked for more time together, and to meet other groups. We will be planning the next encounter soon; so if you’re interested in having your teen join in, let us know at [email protected]. And a warm thanks to Zaynep and Koc for helping us get this long - desired educational track for teens off to a beautiful start. And, if you’re an adult interested in such a dialog, there may be a parallel parent session next time, and Beth David will be joining another Abrahamic Alliance encounter on June 5 (Habitat for Humanity project for ages 16+). 33 Purim Shpiel Thank you to Scott & Shannon Guggenheim for once again entertaining us with their talent and wit. This year we enjoyed a hilarious puppet parody of Avenue Q called Avenue Jew. Also, thank you to the multi-generational CBD cast who spent many nights rehearsing for the performance. Thank you to the writers, producers and directors - Shannon and Scott Guggenheim Thank you to the cast: Marjorie Alpert. Anat Baird, Daniella Baird, David Baird, Ginny Baird, Iris Bendahan, Mindy Berkowitz, Barbara Biran, Karen Deloumi, Alana Goodman, Rona Graubart, Lily Guggenheim, David Paktor, Sheryl Rattner, Orit Riskin, Jenessa Schwartz, Shmuel Shultz, Neil Shapiro, Susie Weitzman, Rabbi Leslie Alexander, Rabbi Philip Ohriner

34 Purim Carnival A Big Beth David THANK YOU to all those who volunteered to make the Purim Carnival so wonderful for all the children and families who attended. We could never do the scope of wonderful, fun and meaningful events for our community without all of you who give of your time, enthusiasm and love. (See more carnival photos on pages 35 & 36)

Thank You Carnival Volunteers Ken Aitchison, Monique Alexander, David Ammerman, Ginny Baird, Bob Baird, Anna Bauman, Raffi Bendahan, Joseph Bendahan, Mary Jo Bernard, Alan Bernard, Michael Bierman, Carol Cassell, Chris Cassell, Christopher Clayton, Jessica Clayton, Mike Drabkin, Jessica Drabkin, Alisa Drabkin, Galina Drabkin, Ria Freidman, Wendy Glasser, Danielle Gloster, Jack Goodman, Rona Graubart, Adam Graubart, Cheryl Graubart, David Graubart, Arye Green, Noa Har-el, Lee Hirsch, Bonnie Hirsch, Hannah Hittleman, Morayah Horovitz, Danielle Horovitz, Lori Kahn, Dan Kahn, Ian Kass, Marcia Klein, Adam Kovar, Jake Labovitz, Gaby Labovitz, Jan Larky, Jason Lauterbach, Jessica Leash, Miriam Marr, Charlie Marr, Sandy Mayer, Scott Nelson, Nancy Newman, David Osofsky, Lia Pickholtz, Andrew Pickholtz, Miriam Rivkin, Robin Rosenblatt, Marilyn Sarig, Myrtle Schwartz, Neil Shapiro, Marty Sherman, Corrine Sherman, Bonnie Slavitt Moore, Walter Spector, Bob Swedroe, Gene Tenberg, Irina Tenberg, Ilana Tenberg, Jonathan Trachtenberg, Oded Tzori, Dorit Tzori, Alan Weisberger, Samantha Wigon, Sivan Yahdav, Samantha Yanovsky. Thank you to Charlie Marr and Stacy Laughlin for photos

Valerie Frankel poses in full costume

35 TOP: Snow cones and cotton candy made by JET teens were a bit hit.

Middle: Carnival highlights included three jump houses!

Bottom: Thank you to Men's Club for the yummy BBQ.

36 ZmiRkudiyah performance 4th-5th graders performed "Hora Medura", a popular Israeli folk dance, as part of the religious school's annual ZmiRkudiyah performance.

37 Mazel Tov to CBD’s 7th graders on moving up to JET!

Did you know that the million coin campaign will provide thousands of dollars towards the completion of the children’s play area offering a wonderful opportunity for all children to socialize, play and interact with other Jewish children and their families.

The next time you get change, think about how these coins can make a BIG difference for our children and grandchildren.

Small change, big impact. Million Coin Campaign Tzedakah Boxes (shown with kids above) are available in the main office. Please come in and ask for one for your family.

38 Anniversaries We wish the following members a happy anniversary.

MAY 21st 1st Yosi & Dafna Mizrahi Brett & Judy Borah 23rd 4th Marc & Paula Levitt Jonathan Trachtenberg & Jessica Leash 25th 5th Lloyd & Eleanor Dickman Michael & Laurie Bierman 28th 15th Mark Davis & Mallorie Burak Alex Mikhlin & Elena Darevsky 29th Greg Gotlib & Janie Mandrusov Joel & Anna Bauman 18th 31st Karl & Susannah Pfalzer, Dan & Nancy Skilken

JUNE 13th 1st Andy & Susie Green Alan & Pat Werba Chris & Carol Cassell

2nd 14th Israel & Judith Krongold Bob & Ginny Baird

Len & Jane Jacobson 3rd Harry & Glenda Glatstein Shelley & Nazgol Timmins Harry & Joanne Cornbleet David & Norma Goorvitch Neal & Stephanie Rothstein Stanley & Doris Katz Adam Fuks & Julia Itskevitch David & Wendy Harris William & Joyce Halper Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg

15th 4th Perry & Sharoan Jeung Leonid & Svitlana Veksler Moshe & Alisa Preil 7th 16th Hy & Phyllis Burdman Kenneth & Gloria Levy 9th Marty & Rona Spergel Thomas & Susan Klein Frank & Aurelia Fleck Richard & Minda Parrish 17th Steven & Donna Frankel Jeff & Renee Kanel 10th Elias & Lorraine Ed & Ellie Kiss 18th Mikhail & Anna Slutsky Allen & Karen Guggenheim Sharon Mutchnik & Vanina Sandel- Stephen & Lynne Kinsey Mutchnik Gary & Debra Eskinazi-Stockdale 11th Howard & Sheila Goldstein Lee & Bonnie Stone 19th Micah & Becky Rosenheim Arthur & Gayle Weissbrodt Daniel & Lori Kahn Neil & Sandra Shapiro Howard & Margie Pomerantz Brent & Susan Hailpern 12th Andrew & Judy Varadi Howard & Renee Fine Louis & Michelle Selincourt 39 JUNE (continued) 25th 20th Stuart & Jeanette Lerner Kenneth & Ellyn Bloomfield Martin & Corinne Sherman

Howard & Meryle Sussman 21st Harvey & Ellen Gold 27th

Bob & Maxine Halem 22nd Eric & Sheryl Lewis 28th Howie & Rita Blumstein Jack & Marilyn Goodman Gary Weiner & Adriana Muscatel-Weiner David & Lisa Kravitz

Melvin & Karen Fihn 29th Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Neil & Phyllis Newman Myron & Nissa Cagan Ronald & Susan Remba

24th 30th Jerry & Roberta Bloom Mike & Galina Drabkin

JULY 13th 2nd Jussi & Lena Rajna David & Sandy Mayer Ian & Stephanie Kass 4th Leeor & Tamar Mamou Jeffrey & Rudi Katz Jonathan Katz & Shoshana Wolf

Michael Sinensky & Michal Strutin 14th 5th Leonard & Carmela Greenberg

Ike & Ronee Nassi 16th David & Barbara Silverstein David & Muriel Barnett Martin & Rhoda Bress David & Debby Hoffman

6th 19th Jim & Elizabeth Batson Amir & Marina Gafni Vladimir & Natalia Pogrebinsky 20th 8th Joe & Linda Weiss Bert & Diane Clement Arieh & Rama Strod 9th Christopher & Jessica Clayton

Ilan & Sharon Spieler 21st Barry & Linda Brummer Josh Bress & Nicole Jaramillo Bress Jeffrey & Carol Weiss 26th 10th Allen & Susan Rosenzweig David & Evette Pennypacker 27th 11th Boris & Marianna Yanovsky Arye & Barbara Green Larry & Susan Schwerin 28th Scott & Shannon Guggenheim Neal & Ricki Gafter

12th 30th George Steres & Cheryl Zatkin-Steres Kenneth & Shelley Luskey & Renee Ben-David

40 Happy Birthday

MAY 9th 18th 24th 1st Aviva Shen Isaac Passett Aline Usim Alicia Appleman Gabriella Brandman Daria Mamou Igor Yevelev

10th Isaac Passett 25th

2nd Anna Slutsky 19th Susan Greenberg-Englander Marcy Rattner Sylvia Meltzer Judith Lavetter Irene Spector Asher Laughlin Ronee Nassi Herbert Finger Joseph Sorger Barry Siegel Morris Kirschen Simon Spector Zev Nelson Maxine Halem 11th Samuel Spector Kitty Steinborn 26th Kenneth Bloomfield Elena Rodstein Martin Gandel Samuel Kass Daniel Katzir Franklin Woolfson David Parrish Daniel Kahn Azriella Friedman Valerie Vainberg Oded Tzori 3rd Edward Levin Jason Levine Alice Wald 27th Jay Goldberg 20th Elizabeth Yunerman Rachel Halper 12th Ronnie Gross Michael Wigon 4th Charles Marr William Beyda Neal Rothstein Joshua Rosenberg Rhea Levine Eva Johnson Bonnie Slavitt Moore Ken Silver Kai Nelson Robin D. Penn Riley Cohen 5th David Silverstein William Menkin 28th Delaney Davis Arielle Tieger 21st Jillian Rosenberg Kevin Glajchen 13th Susan Nankin Shira Aitchison Sivan Ben-David Adam Kovar Aurianne Dorsay Judith Cohn Roberta Cohen Avin Dorsay 14th 29th Helen Baer Maryana Smolyanitsky Bonnie Stone Gary Eskinazi-Stockdale Dora Bakaler 6th Cynthia Schultz Alan Bricker Carol Osofsky Alexander Lara 15th Gary Nankin Chet Lanctot Davida Adelberg Benjamin Ram Ann Gershanov Louis Dombro Joshua Remba 22nd Abigail Gavens Gordon Levin Elizabeth Menkin Julia Cinnamon 30th Albert Clement Phillip Doppelt Boris Yanovsky Robert Rosenberg Joel Zussman 16th 23rd Lisa Kravitz 7th Danielle Lerner Talia Klein Clifford Gutterman Benjamin Green Phyllis Zis Jonathan Prokter Colin Bauman Sheila Goldstein Carly Sussman Schaevitz Gabriel Yanovsky Brian Sussman Tracy Robinson Marlene Cole Michele Hittleman Sam Preil Joshua Rosenheim Jason Rauchwerk 31st 8th Zoya Lazer 17th David Kastelman Michael Applesmith David Hurwitz Susan Klein Phillip Bernstein Robin Wigon Michael Tseitlin 7th 10th Iris Strumza Max Blumenthal Ellen Gold Dalia Orr James Batson JUNE 3rd (continued) Susan Maltiel Molly Ball Jadon Gaertner 1st Naomi Harel 11th Wendy Askenas Aviel Halem Samuel Ball Barry Brummer Samantha Alter Stephanie Rothstein Mary Jo Bernard 12th Israel Krongold 4th Cyndi Sherman Talia Clement Avital Wolf Joshua Singer 8th Rachel Schwab Sylvia Smith Rachel Yanovsky 2nd Alexander Karel Judie Ram 5th Julia Itskevitch Nicole Jaramillo Bress

Hannah Hittleman Daniel Vainish 9th 13th Helen Cassell Gita Gilgur Madeleine Klein Alexandra Slain Donald Ehrlich Alan Werba Aaron Ammerman Molly Woolfson 3rd 6th Maxie Baer 14th Stephanie Cohen Samantha Yanovsky Anna Fridlib Susan Rojo Betty Becker Tatiana Schaffer Deborah Estreicher Sophia Minkov Cary Feria Alex Belogolovsky Jacob Kahn Masha Lazer 41

JUNE (continued) 20th 24th 28th 15th Lauren Lewis Beth Berezovsky Boris Dashevsky Marlene Burak Mindy Flatow-Dickens Natalie Schriger Adam Marash-Whitman Judith Krongold Steven Labovitz Natalie Lara David Graubart Thelma Ramm, Howard Goldstein Sonia Feria 21st Oleg Lipkind Jonathan Trachtenberg 25th Adam Parmett

Andrew Varadi Judy Powers Arye Green 16th Sandra Shapiro Vladimir Pogrebinsky Eve Kedar 29th Anna Miller Tamar Biran Robert Fils 22nd Aleksandr Drabovskiy Guy Blaunstein 26th Neil Laughlin Madelyn Isaacs 17th Eric Maltiel Avraam Yatskar Patty Hughes Marianne Zussman Andrew Drukarev Ilya Slain Mikhail Movshovich Jason Lauterbach Julian Sharvit Emanuel Beer

Ryan Weinstock 23rd Roland King 30th Rona Spergel Joseph Beyda 18th Noah Bareket Arthur Cohen William Hubka Joseph Kamchi 27th Jack Alter Daniel Umansky Sharon Alter 19th Ronald Ruebusch Esmail Eshaghoff Gabrielle Labovitz Gary Ball Robyn Siegel 7th 15th 23rd

Ryan Lewis Daniela Gloster Doron Aronson Miriam Ladabaum Barbara Knaster Jonathan Harris JULY Harvey Gold Kenneth Hittleman Bahram (Rami) Tabibian 1st Rita Sauvage Susie Weitzman 24th Jovana Bierman Shachar Ben-David Dina Yevelev Jacob or Mikhail Slutsky Paula Klein 8th Sandra Mayer Noa Fishman Marina Kuperman 16th Aleya Bierman Paul Overmyer Corey Goldberg Daniel Jeung Heather Fils Jeffrey Weiss Rosemary Frieden Bernard Klein Austin Bauman 2nd David Goorvitch Alan Tanenbaum Daniel Gildenberg Andrew Passett Marilyn Sefchovich 17th Karate Vick Carl Lichy Vladimir Kukuyev Liora Eskinazi-Stockdale Joshua Tseitlin 25th 9th Samantha Wigon Ezra Katz Renee Fine Iris Bendahan Robert Halem Alisa Drabkin Michael Sinensky Dorit Tzori Robert Torczyner Nessia Nelson

3rd Greg Gotlib 10th Harry Cornbleet 26th Jason Balaban, 18th Michael Meltzer Howard Fine Ilana Baird Galina Sokolov 27th 4th Zahava Preil Michael Deloumi Emma Prokter

Renee Kanel Richard Timmins Emily Abada 11th 28th 19th Alicia Pennypacker Blanka Singer Nathan Kallman Hayley Goodman Liza Slain Rose Levin Franklyn Weiss Silver Rothstein Lewis Osofsky Margie Pomerantz Vanina Sandel-Mutchnik Daniel Drabovskiy 29th Elizabeth Batson Steven Schlosser Rita Blumstein 20th Joseph Grapa Ruth Schifrin Noah Goldstein 5th 12th Michaela Kastelman Amir Horovitz Clara Imas Lisa Goldstein Melvin Fihn Melissa Taylor Arthur Weissbrodt Lisa Parrish Sharon Gloster

Jeffrey Fox 13th Tobiah Passett Tobiah Passett 30th Nancy Wiener Liana Riskin Charles Klein Evan Rattner Barry Alhadeff Brett Borah 31st 21st 6th 14th Seth Steingraph Jerome Zis Cohava Mor Janet Hurwitz Michael Bricker Marilyn Ader Rivka Shenhav Nava Gless Ilana Tenberg Joyce Halper Carmel Shenhav Jonathan Fuks Donna Chaet Evette Pennypacker Melissa Kovar Martin Goldberg Leonard Greenberg Michael Tramiel Aileen Menkin Karen Garcia Sarah Raider 22nd Stuart Lerner Ann Sorger Gregory Lerner 42 THANK YOU! To the following who have donated to the Next 50 building campaign Your participation is important, not the amount. See your name here! (List updated 4/26/16)

Laura and David Abada Barbara (Babs) J. W. Davis Barbara & Stephen Goldstein & Family Cookie Addison & Family Karen & Jacob Deloumi Vivian & Sherman Golub Davida & Charles Adelberg Eleanor & Lloyd Dickman Alana & Grant Goodman Marilyn & Allan Ader Sandra & Morris Dolmatch Norma & David Goorvitch Yael & Elie Alcheck Lou Dombro Janie & Greg Gotlib Monique & Philip Alexander Dorothy & Richard Dorsay Rhonda Raider & Donald Gould Dr. Kenneth Aitchison & Galina & Mike Drabkin Joseph Grapa Rabbi Leslie Alexander Herb Dreifuss Cheryl Graubart Rochelle & Barry Alhadeff Danielle & Hank Drew Dave Graubart Appleman Family Lory & Alexander Drukarev Barbara & Arye Green Judy & Michael Applesmith Susan Greenberg-Englander & Helaine & Stephen Green Diane & Doron Aronson Jeffrey Englander Ann Greenspan Wendy Askenas Deborah Estreicher Karen & Allen Guggenheim James Attar Rhonda Farber Susan & Clifford Gutterman Helen & Max Baer Hillary & Stanley Farkas Joyce & Bill Halper Ginny & Bob Baird Dina Fayngold Maxine & Robert Halem David & Rabbi Ilana and Baird Jan & Bryan Ferguson Nathan Handelsman Mishy & Jason Balaban Cary & Adrian Feria Harel Family Amy & Gary Ball Harriet & Don Fernandez Wendy & David Harris Ruth & Noah Bareket Donald Field CBD Hazak Muriel & David Barnett Karen & Melvin Fihn Vivian Herman Elizabeth & Jim Batson Debbie & Bob Fils Monica Hernandez Betty Becker Sofia Filshtinsky Laurie Himelstein Iris & Joseph Bendahan Reneé & Howard Fine Bonnie & Lee Hirsch Renee & Jacob Ben-David Ziva & David Fishman Debby & David Hoffman Mindy & Rabbi Allan Berkowitz Aurelia & Frank Fleck Dr. Melinda Reynard & Steve Hoffman Mary Jo & Alan Bernard Kama Fletcher Sharon & Amir Horovitz Marlene & Phil Bernstein Kate & Jeffrey Fox Marcia Hunter Cathy & William Beyda Liya Freydin Janet & David Hurwitz Barbara Biran Rosemary & Stephen Frieden Madelyn & Dov Isaacs Marjorie Bischoff Julia & Adam Fuks Beverly & Fred Jacobson Roberta & Jeremy Bloom Sandi & David Gaertner Jane & Len Jacobson Ellyn & Kenneth Bloomfield Ricki Lee & Neal Gafter Lori & Daniel Kahn The Blumenthal Family Emily & Howard Gannes Renee & Jeffrey Kanel Judy & Brett Borah Susan & Lee Gavens Marcia Kaplan Rhoda & Martin Bress Daisy Gelb Ellen & Steven Karel Sandi & Kenneth Bretz Ann Graubart Gershanov Evan Kass Ruth & Victor Brill Lee & Al Ghan Stephanie & Ian Kass & Family Bayla & Abe Bromberg Judy & David Gilford Marlene Kass Linda & Barry Brummer Ruth & Edward Gipstein Rudi & Jeff Katz Marlene & Marshall Burak Rakhil Karasik & Viktor Gitis Shoshana Wolf & Jonathan Katz Nestor Cabrales Wendy J. & Lance Glasser Doris & Stanley Katz Felissa & Myron Cagan Glenda & Harry Glatstein Bonnie Kehl Carol & Chris Cassell Gaelle Glickfield Carol & Roland King The Checkman Family Myrna Gluck Lynne & Stephen Kinsey Seema Cicerone Genya & Yakov Glukhovsky Morrie Kirschen Lori Kramer Cinnamon Ellen & Harvey Gold Eleanor & Ed Kiss Diane & Bert Clement Jane & Michael Gold Jacqueline & Charles Klein Judith & Lawrence Cohn Sondra & Alex Goldberger Susan & Thomas Klein Joanne & Harry Cornbleet Hava Goldman Barbara & Scott Knaster Jillian Cosgrave Sheila & Howard Goldstein Ruth A. Kohan Lynn Crocker Isaac Goldstein Caryn & Ben Kovar Jerry Daniel 43 Anna Kraus Phyllis & Neil Newman Michal Strutin & Michael Sinensky Judith & Israel Krongold Jenifer & Evan Ohriner Blanka & Art Singer Jan Krum Shoshana & Philip Ohriner Nancy & Dan Skilken Raisa and Vladimir Kukuyev Crystal & Mendy Ouzillou Morris and Fannie Skilken Family Marina and Maels Kuperman Alice Wald & Paul Overmyer Foundation Lauren Flato & Steven Labovitz Judy & David Paktor Liza & Ilya Slain Al Lampell Minda & Richard Parrish Anna & Mikhail Slutsky Rachel Schwab & Chet Lanctot Andrew Passett Kenneth Solnit Suzanne & Dave Larky Lori Passett & Family Ann & Joseph Sorger Judith & Allan Lavetter Robin D. Penn Irene & Walter Spector Lorna Borenstein & David Lawee Evette & David Pennypacker Stephanie & Peter Spielvogel Benjamin Leitner Susannah & Karl Pfalzer Kitty Steinborn Susan & Michael Leitner Joelle Pluemer Cheryl Zatkin-Steres & George Steres Jeanette & Stuart Lerner Margie & Howard Pomerantz Penina & Herman Stern Loretta & Edward Levin Marilyn Popper Joan & Henry Stone Judy & Gordon Levin Rabbi Daniel Pressman Bonnie & Lee Stone Bernard Levine Emma & Gregory Prokter Rama & Arieh Strod Susan & Mark Levine Julie Tardos & William Province Meryle & Howard Sussman Fay Levinson Susan Murai Raider & Andrew Raider Irene & Bob Swedroe & Family Paula Barbarito-Levitt & Marc E. Lena & Jussi Rajna Susan Gould & Rami Tabibian Levitt Judie & Benjamin Ram Rochelle & Sander Taboh Gloria & Ken Levy Thelma Ramm Barbara & Chuck Taubman Mimi & Reuben Levy Sheryl & Martin Rattner Ann & Rick Tavan Sheryl & Eric Lewis Susan & Ron Remba Evelyn Tavan Andrea & Steven Linder Svetlana and Alexander Ring Irina & Gene Tenberg Tanya Lorien Orit & Paul Riskin Support provided by Tides Foundation Shelley & Ken Luskey Robinson Family Helen Tieger Enid Malkin Bettina & Daniel Rosenberg Nazgol & Shelley Timmins Sue & Ron Maltiel Jill & Josh Rosenberg Janice & Robert Torczyner Tamar & Leeor Mamou Gloria & Theodore Rosenblume Aline Usim Vered Marash Susan & Allen Rosenzweig Cara & Ronen Vainish Doysa Markova Rothstein Family Sima Vishnevsky Miriam & Charles Marr Riva Rubnitz Tal Volinsky Natalie & William Mauskopf Alison & Ron Ruebusch Reenie Wagner Howard May, DDS Robin Sabes Marjorie Alpert & Jeff Warwick Dan Maydan Marina & Michael Salzman Barbie & Martin Weinstein Sandy & David Mayer Christel Sanders Sheila & Marty Weisberg Tamar & George Mednick Felicia & Michael Schaffer Carol & Jeffrey Weiss Lydia Mednick Cyndi Sherman & Steve Schleimer Harriet & Frank Weiss Sylvia & Michael Meltzer Rita & Steve Schlosser Linda & Joseph Weiss & Family Holly & David Mendel Maureen and Andrew Schneider Gayle & Arthur Weissbrodt Aileen Menkin Natalie M. Schriger Pat & Alan Werba Myrtle & Joel Schwartz Nancy & Kenneth Wiener Elizabeth & William Menkin Drs. Carol & Terry Winograd Sylvia & Leonard Metz Myra & Pete Schwartz Marsha & John Witkin Dalia & Alvin Milgram Roberta & Martin Schwartz Elise & Dennis Wolf Bonnie Slavitt Moore & Jack Moore Marilyn Sefchovich Roni & Andy Wolfe Cohava & Jacob (Kobi) Mor Tzvia & Reuven Shelef Wendy Wu Janine & Austin Moore Susan Cohen & Leonard Shen Patty Yalowich Vanina J. Sandel Mutchnik & Inna Sigal & Alexander Shlifshteyn Yanovsky Family Sharon Mutchnik Haya & Shmuel Shottan Lourdes & Frank Yashar Susan & Gary Nankin Yulia Shvarts Rhoda & Larry Yelowitz Ronee & Ike Nassi Lil Silberstein Liliya & Igor Yunerman Ken Silver Rimma Zaraysky Josephine & Scott Nelson Zimberoff Family Trust Nancy & Marty Newman Sandra Silver Beryl Zimberoff Barbara & David Silverstein Phyllis & Jerry Zis

44 Contributions Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received between March 1 –31, 2016 from the following individuals and families.

Annual Campaign Kiddush Lunch In memory of my father, Robert Seymon, from Jane Jacobson Sponsor kiddush on April 9, 2016 in honor of our Aufruf, from Linda Weiss, in memory of Joan Stone, from Laurie Himelstein Daniel Wong & Natalie Korthamar In memory of Ted's mother, Augusta Rosenblume Levinson, Sponsor kiddush on July 16, 2016 in honor of our 50th wedding from Ted & Gloria Rosenblume anniversary, from Jussi & Lena Rajna Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund Sponsor kiddush on April 23, 2016 in honor of the anniversary of Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your father, Arieh's bar mitzvah, from Arieh & Rama Strod Rabbi Jacob Pressman, from Steven & Rita Schlosser In memory of my wife, Nina Schlosser, from Steven Schlosser

Congregation Beth David Bible, and Mahzor Fund In memory of my father, George Sanders, from Christel Sanders In memory of my father, Harold Green, from Stephen Green In honor of my Aliyah on Saturday March 5, 2016, from Edward Kiss Congregation Beth David Capital Campaign In memory of my father, Semyon Nisenzon, from Zoya Lazer In memory of my aunt, Lillian Kessler, from Charles Klein Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Green, in memory of Dorothy Green, from In memory of my father, Robert Cooper, from Daniel & Bettina Daniel & Nancy Skilken Rosenberg In memory of my grandmother, Rosa Kohan, from Ruth Kohan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leitner, in memory of Murray Leitner, from Daniel & Nancy Skilken In memory of my father, Alfred F. Marr, from Charles Marr Stephen Green & Family, in memory of your mother, Dorothy In memory of my husband, Arnold A. Addison, from Cookie Green, from Deborah & Wayne Greenberg Addison Sandra Dolmatch, in memory of Murray Dolmatch, from Lee In honor of Hadassah Shabbat on March 19, 2016, from Jack & Bonnie Stone & Marilyn Goodman In memory of my grandmother, Ethel Liebowitz, from Eric Lewis Linda Weiss, in memory of your mother, Joan Stone, from Eric & Sheryl Lewis In memory of my grandfather, Ralph Thunick, from David Hoffman Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from In memory of my grandmother, Ruth Thunick, from David Hoffman Eric & Sheryl Lewis In memory of my brother, Dean Hoffman, from David Hoffman Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from In memory of my grandmother, Freda Hoffman, from David Hoffman Eric & Sheryl Lewis In memory of my grandfather, Morris Hoffman, from David Tal Volinsky, in honor of your Bat Mitzvah, from Eric & Sheryl Lewis Hoffman In memory of my father, Jacob Ashkenaz, from Minda Schwartz Congregation Beth David Endowment Fund In memory of my father, David E. Weiss, from Jeffrey Weiss In memory of my father, Jacob Kulisz, from Anna Kraus In memory of Linda's uncle, Eugene Steinberger, from Barry & In memory of my mother, Milly Harris, from David Harris Linda Brummer Congregation Beth David Fund Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Congregation Beth David, from Arkady & Larisa Gorsky Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Congregation Beth David, thank you for the enjoyable Shabbat Michael Leitner, in memory of your beloved father, Murray Leitner, service on February 19, 2016, from Arlene Harris from Joseph & Iris Bendahan In memory of my husband, from Jemma Agranova Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from In memory of my father, Isaac Kowalski, from Ruth Bareket Vivian Herman In memory of my father, John Mendel, from David Mendel Sandra Dolmatch, in memory of my friend, Murray Dolmatch, from In memory of my mother, Eva Yatskar, from Avraam Yatskar Gerald Daniel In loving memory of Albert Sadek, from Daniel Patt & Ilana Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Traynif Marilyn Sefchovich In memory of my mother, Marilyn Kaufman, from Jane Michael Leitner & Family, in memory of your father, Murray Blumenthal Leitner, from Marilyn Sefchovich In memory of my mother, Anne Helen Jacobson, from Leonard Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from Jacobson Charles & Miriam Marr Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet Lance & Wendy J Glasser Stephen & Helaine Green & Family, in memory of your mother, Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Dorothy Green, from Noah & Ruth Bareket Lance & Wendy J Glasser Michael Leitner & Family, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Hindy Ganeles, in memory of your mother, Audrey Kravetz, from Green, from Noah & Ruth Bareket Joe & Linda Weiss Dr. Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from from Cookie Addison Joe & Linda Weiss Michael Leitner & Family, in memory of Murray Leitner, from Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Joe Leonard & Jane Jacobson & Linda Weiss Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from Susan Toth, in memory of Henry Kahalas, from Joe & Linda Weiss Neal & Ricki Gafter Sandra Dolmatch, in memory of Murray Dolmatch, from Marilyn Hindy Ganeles, in memory of your mother, Audrey Krawetz, Sefchovich from Neal & Ricki Gafter Rabbi Philip Ohriner, with our thanks, from Ronald & Susan Remba Sandra Dolmatch, in memory of Murray Dolmatch, from Noel 45 & Miriam Fishman Marilyn Popper, in memory of your husband, Barry Popper, In memory grandfather, Samuel Smiley, and Taube Schriger, from Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg grandmother of Richard, from Natalie Schriger

Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Religious School Principal Discretionary Fund Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg Hindy Ganeles, in memory of your beloved mother, Audrey Hindy Ganeles, in memory of your loving mother, Audrey Krawetz, from JYEP Staff Krawetz, from Marc & Paula Levitt Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund Stephen Green, in memory of your loving mother, Dorothy Michael Leitner & Family, in memory of your dad, Murray Green, from Marc & Paula Levitt Leitner, from Edward & Eleanor Kiss Michael Leitner, in memory of your loving father, Murray Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, Leitner, from Marc & Paula Levitt from Edward & Eleanor Kiss Stephen Green, in memory of your dear mother, Dorothy Green, from Stanley & Hillary Farkas Social Action Chevret Chesed, from Henry Stone Michael Leitner, in memory of a dear friend & mentor, Murray Leitner, from Stanley & Hillary Farkas Stone Scholarship Fund Yosi & Dafna Mizrahi, in honor of your becoming grandparents, Henry Stone & Linda Weiss, in loving memory of our dear Joan from Jeffrey & Carol Weiss H. Stone, from Herman & Peggy Stone

March of the Living Fund Henry Stone & Linda Weiss, in memory of Joan Stone, from In memory of my mother, Jeanette Schlosser, from Steven George Stathakis Schlosser Henry Stone & Linda Weiss, in memory of your wife & mother, In memory of my cousin, Bob Langer, from Alice Wald Joan H. Stone, from Richard Climan Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, Henry Stone & Linda Weiss, in memory of Joan Stone, from from Steven & Rita Schlosser Sandi Smith Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Henry Stone & Linda Weiss, in memory of Joan Stone, from Barry & Linda Brummer Eric & Gail Fernandez

Rabbi Alexander Discretionary Fund Rabbi Leslie Alexander, thank you for your kindness, from Stephen & Helaine Green In memory of my witty & wonderful mama, Thea Estreicher, from Deborah Estreicher In loving memory of my sparkly eyed aunt, Genevieve Estreicher, from Deborah Estreicher In memory of my father, Issachar Shottan, from Shmuel Shottan Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Barry & Rochelle Alhadeff Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Seema Cicerone Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Leonard & Sylvia Metz Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Arye & Barbara Green

Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund In memory of my witty & wonderful mama, Thea Estreicher, from Deborah Estreicher Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you for your kindness, from Stephen & Helaine Green Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you for your kind support you have given the Stone & Weiss families, from Henry Stone In memory of my mother, Fannie Pessah, from Paula Klein In memory of my mother, Sofi Rafael, from Lydia Polidi In memory of my mother, Beatrice Baer, from Maxie Baer Stephen & Helaine Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from Mark & Lynette Tannen Michael Leitner & Family, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from Roland & Carol King Ronen Vainish & Molly Vainish, in honor of your birthdays, from Bernard & Paula Klein

Religious School Myuchad Fund In memory of my uncle, George Steinberger, from Linda Brummer


Donor(s): (If donor is a Beth David member, you may leave address blank) Name______Address______Street City State Zip In honor/memory of______

Acknowledge this donation to: (If acknowledgement goes to Beth David members, you may leave address blank) Name______Address______Street City State Zip Donation Amount $______or check one of the following:______$18 ______$36 ______$72 ______$108

_____ The Next 50 _____ Annual _____ Area of Capital Campaign Campaign Greatest Need

Billing: (Choose One) ______Check/Payment attached, please process directly ______Bill my account for the above amount and process immediately. Account # ______Note: For a complete list of designated funds, please call the office at 408-257-3333

Officers President Dan Skilken [email protected] Executive VP Bill Beyda [email protected] VP, Administration Vivian Golub [email protected] VP, Education Lori Kahn [email protected] VP, Finance Andrew Passett [email protected] VP, Membership Jeff Warwick [email protected] VP, Ritual David Fishman [email protected] Recording Secretary Madelyn Isaacs [email protected] Treasurer Ian Kass [email protected] Financial Secretary Ron Reubusch [email protected]

General Social Action Chair Carol Cassell Immed. Past President David Hoffman Youth Chair Sharon Horovitz Director at Large Scott Nelson Facilities Chair Lee Hirsch Director at Large Opher Harel Finance Rep Bill Halper Director at Large Bonnie Slavitt Moore Adult Education Rep Susan Rojo Director at Large Cathy Beyda Program Chair Barbara Green Director at Large Jill Rosenberg Sisterhood Rep Barbara Knaster Director at Large Boris Yanovsky Men’s Club Rep Art Singer

47 Congregation Beth David Nonprofit Org 19700 Prospect Road U.S. Postage Saratoga, CA 95070-3352 PAID Permit No. 94 Change service requested Cupertino, CA

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RSVP by CBD Celebrates Americana early6/3 bird for rd Sunday, July 3 @ 5:30pm pricing

Celebrate Americana with fun and mirth in the style of the early 1900’s! Bring your own dairy picnic basket dinner plus a dairy dish to share. Ice cream sundae bar provided by CBD.

At 7:00pm enjoy a screening of The Music Man! See flyer on page 20

Jewish Heritage Night with the San Francisco Giants Tuesday, August 30th @ 7:15pm Join the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish community in a spirit of ruach to cheer on our own SF Giants! See flyer on page 30

Communal Shavuot Night of Learning Saturday June 11@ 9:45pm - Sunday June 12 @ 6:45am Join with community members for Shavuot Study sessions, punctuated by sumptuous desserts and options of text study, song, and yoga. We’ll finish our all-night study with a cereal bar and an early morning Minyan. Childcare available. See flyer on page 14