$14~95 no one can stop. the rain ®DD[illQ~0@f3 ®CT ffiCT[?OC5@'0 0Dl§J@lf@Jlf 0®DiJ 01Jlf OD®®0@ by George M. Houser


Focusing on Africa's struggle for independence from the 1950s to the 1980s, this hook takes a hard look at the nationalist m:werrents that led the struggle against colonial domination. George M. Houser, for twenty-six years the ex­ ecutive director of the Anerican Corrmittee on Africa, saw at close hand the beginnings of many of the rroverrents, knew their leaders, and followed major events in their struggle. He was present at all three of the All African Peoples' Conferences (Accra in 1958, Tunis in 1960, and Cairo in 1961). He attended the founding conference of the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa in 1963. He was in the bush with th'? rebels in Angola, with the forces for liberation in Guinea-Bissau, crossed the Sahara by land rover in the company of the desert guerrilla.S of the Polisario, was taken at gun point by Rhodesian goverrnnent troops during the final stages of the struggle for an independent Zimbabwe, att~ted to fly into Namibia .with a U.N. rather than a South African visa.

The book is not, however, essentially an adventure story. It outlines the con­ text in which the struggle for independence took place and t.1-ie major events of the era, making maximum use of the author' s observations , experiences and conversations. Thus it helps lay a groundwork for understanding sorre of today's p~oplerns - in Africa. The author had a working relationship with many African leaders, with sorre of whom he identified rrore closely than others. The narres of these leaders appear in the book, sorre extensively, including Kwarre Nkrumah, , Kermeth Kaunda, , Hastings K. Banda, Joshua NkomJ, , Sarmra Machel, Joaquim Chissano, Patrice Lurnurnba, Agostinho Neto, .Arnilcar Cabral, Holden Roberto, Jonas Sav:i.rnbi, Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu, Albert J. Lutuli, Tom Mboya, Sam Nujorna. Nyerere once said of Houser: ''Many who are now or have been political leaders in Africa during the last three decades have been helped to becorre effective on the international scene by the assistance and friendship of George Houser (and) I am one of those .... " Substantively the book covers the struggle for change in Africa begirrrring in the early 1950s with the nonviolent Defiance Campaign in South Africa, and pro­ gressing into the 1980s with the independence of Zimbabwe, and the travail in Angola and . Further, the book deals with United States foreign policy and with Anerican non-governmental action in relation to Africa .

.... ··~-: Houser has seen U.S. policy toward Africa evolve from the Eisenhower to the Reagan years . The author has played a part in the efforts and actions of

nor.governmental organizations both to support the anti-colonial efforts in I Africa and to influence the direction of U.S. policy, and these activities ( are covered in the book. Recognizing the many problems confronting independent Africa, the book con­ cludes by taking a long view with hope for the future.

Highlights . . . • the' independence of Ghana under the leadership of Nkrt..m:lh. • the rise of IIDdern Pan-Africanisrn as seen in the three All African Peoples' C.onferences. • the Algerian war for independence. • the Kenya Mau Mau emergency and Mboya' s role. • the rise and fall of the Central African Federation. • the Treason Trial, Sharpeville Massacre, and the Soweto uprising in South Africa. • Congo independence, the United Nations, and the rise and fall of Lununba. • the rise of Namibian nationalism. • the Western Sahara conglist. • the stonny road to Zimbabwe independence.

. $14.95 416 pages (tentative), paperbound Available May-June 1988 ISBN 0-8298-0783-7 ,~

___ The Pilgrim Press

132 West 31 Street New York, New York 10001

Please send copies of No One Can St~ the Rain: Gl~ses of Africa's Liberation Struggle by George M. Houser at $ . 95 ea($ plus . 50 postage and haildling to m: at the address below. My Check for $ · is enclosed.


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