APro newceedings species of of the le aHfminingawaiian CEarposinantomologi cal Society (2021) 53:11–19 11

First Confirmed Record of Leaf Mining in the Fruitworm (): A New Species Feeding on an Endemic Hawaiian Clermontia ()

Camiel Doorenweerd, Kyhl A. Austin, and Daniel Rubinoff Entomology Section, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii, 310 Gilmore Hall, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822-2231, USA. Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. We discovered an unknown mining the leaves of Clermontia fauriei (Campanulaceae) in the Alakai Swamp, Kauai. Although the leaf mines superficially resembled those of the Hawaiian endemic genusPhilodoria (Gracil- lariidae), or possibly Euperissus (Cosmopterigidae), rearing revealed an unde- scribed species of (Carposinidae). We describe it here as Carposina hahaiella sp. n., and include detailed information on the morphology, leaf mines, cytochrome c oxidase I sequences, and a parasitoid of the new species. Carposina hahaiella represents the first confirmed record of leaf mining in the fruitworm family, adding to a remarkable variety of larval habits in Carposinidae.

Key words: , plant-insect, Kauai, diversification, endangered

Introduction mon name implies, but some larvae feed on terminal buds, some are stem borers, “I regret most deeply that I have others are gall formers, and still others not been given the opportunity feed externally on foliage. Larval hosts to study this with the care include at least 15 different plant families which it deserves.” in Hawaii alone (Zimmerman 1978). —Elwood C. Zimmerman on Whether or not leaf mining, where Carposina, 1978. feed internally in a leaf, occurs in Carposinidae has been a point of conten- The family Carposinidae, commonly tion. There are two historical records known as fruitworm moths, comprises of leafmining carposinids, both from nearly 300 described species found in all Hawaii. One was misidentified asHetero - major biogeographical regions, but the crossa (=Carposina) crinifera (Walsing- family is most diverse in the Indo-Pacific ham) by Swezey (1913) and subsequently region (van Nieukerken et al. 2011, Dug- lost (Zimmerman 1978). The larvae were dale et al. 1999, Zimmerman 1978). The reported to mine the leaves of Cyanea 41 described and 11 undescribed Hawai- humboldtiana (Gaudich.) Lammers, ian species are all assigned to the genus Givnish & Sytsma (Campanulaceae) on Carposina, and most are endemic to one Mt. Olympus, Oahu. Swezey (1954) stated or a few islands (Medeiros et al. 2016, that his original identification was “based Zimmerman 1978). The group is especially on an error in determination.” Zimmer- remarkable for its diversity of larval habits; man (1978) referred to this leafmining many feed in berries or fruits as their com- species as “Carposina new species 3.” A 12 Doorenweerd et al. second undescribed species was reared Dissection, DNA extraction, and se- from leaf mines on Clermontia kakeana quencing. We used a non-destructive DNA and C. arborescens from Haelaau, Maui extraction method on one larva and both (Swezey 1954). We were unable to locate emerged adults, to maximize the retention these specimens which Zimmerman of morphological characters. The ethanol- (1978) referred to as “Carposina new preserved larva was prepared for lysis by species 6.” Several papers (e.g., Meyrick using a sharpened #2 pin to make small 1922, Davis 1969, Connor and Taverner perforations near the head and segment 1997, Ponomarenko 1999) suggest that A10, and a cut along middle segments. We Carposinidae are known to be leaf miners, removed the abdomens of the adults by presumably referring to Swezey (1913) gently tilting them upwards. We then used or Swezey (1954). However, these two a Qiagen DNeasy blood and tissue spin- records are unverified and incomplete, column kit (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA) even though it has been repeated multiple to extract DNA following manufacturer’s times in the literature. Despite the close protocols. The abdomens and larval pelt proximity of Mt. Olympus to the Univer- were removed from the lysis buffer after sity of Hawaii at Manoa campus, the leaf incubation using a minutien and mounted miner reported by Swezey (1913) has never on a microscopic glass slide, using standard again been seen, possibly a victim of the procedures for small (Robin- severe impacts of invasive species on Ha- son 1976). Phenosafranin-O was used to waii’s native insect fauna (Medeiros et al. stain the male genitalia and pelt, and Eosin 2017). The same may be true for the Maui Y and chlorazol-black to stain the female species. We here describe a new species genitalia before slide-mounting in euparal. of Carposina from the Alakai Swamp on Photographs of the slides were taken using Kauai that was incidentally discovered a Zeiss Discovery v8 microscope mounted and represents the first confirmed record with a Sony alpha a6300 camera. Mor- of the leaf mining habit in Carposinidae. phological terminology for adult genitalia follows Klots (1956) except for “ostium,” Material and methods which we use instead of “ostium bursae.” Sampling. We collected Clermontia To establish a genetic reference we fauriei leaves with mines during fieldwork amplified a section of the cytochrome c along the Alakai Swamp Trail, Kauai, in July oxidase I gene with forward primer LCO 2020. We placed tenanted leaf mines in a 5’ GCTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATT- 32-oz rearing container and monitored them GG 3’ and reverse primer Pat2 5’ TC- daily. Larvae that exited the mine were re- CATTACATATAATCTGCCATATTAG luctant to pupate, often wandering for days. 3’ (Simon 1994). We used Q5 hot-start Some were moved to a smaller container high fidelity 2x DNA polymerase (New with several potential pupation substrates, England BioLabs, Ipswich, MA) with including tissue, moss, and soil. Three larvae the manufacturer’s recommended PCR were preserved in 95% ethanol in a –20° program and reagent mix. PCR products freezer; emerged adults were pinned and were visualized on a 1% agarose gel, spread. Vacated leaf mines were pressed and followed by purification with QIAquick dried. We used an Epson V600 Photo flatbed spin columns (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, scanner to create transmitted light scans of CA) according to the manufacturer’s the dried leaf mines. All voucher material is protocol. For each sample, sense and deposited in the University of Hawaii Insect anti-sense strands of the PCR products Museum (UHIM). were sequenced via the Sanger method A new species of leafmining Carposina 13 in two parts, outsourced to Eurofins larvae we collected, only two produced (KY, USA). The first part (COI-5P) was adult moths. sequenced with LCO and HCO 5’ TA- AACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA Carposina hahaiella sp. nov. 3’ (Simon 1994). The second part (COI-3P) Holotype. Figs. 1–3. Female. Pinned, was sequenced with Jerry 5’ CAACATT- labelled: “United States: Hawaii: Kau- TATTTTGATTTTTTGG 3’ (Simon ai: Alakaʻi x Pihea trail. N 22.1494 E 1994) combined with Pat2. Sample data –159.6153. 21.vii.2020. Leaf mines on Cl- and COI sequences are available on the ermontia fauriei. e.l. 14.viii.2020. Leg. D., Barcoding of Life Datasystems (BOLD; R. Rubinoff and C. Doorenweerd. DNA Dataset DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.5883/ sample UHIM.DNA00096, genitalia slide DS-CAROHA) and in NCBI GenBank KAA #0390.” Deposited in the University under accessions MW698684–6. of Hawaii Insect Museum (UHIM). To better understand the identity and Paratype. One female, pinned, same potential novelty of the species we had data as holotype, except em: 13.viii.2020. reared, we aligned the COI-3P section of DNA sample UHIM.DNA00022. Depos- our specimens to published sequences of ited in UHIM. Hawaiian Carposina from Medeiros et Differential diagnosis. Carposina al. (2016), creating a 724 base pair align- hahaiella is among the smallest described ment. We used IQ-Tree v2.0.3 (Minh et species of Carposina in Hawaii. Only C. al. 2020) to infer a maximum likelihood pusilla (Walsingham), described from tree, with model selection through the Oahu, and C. pygmaeella (Walsingham), integrated ModelFinder, which used the described from Hawaii island, have a Bayesian information criterion to deter- shorter forewing length. Both of these mine TPM2+F+I+G4 as the best fit. We species are known only from males but performed 50 independent runs to find can be distinguished from C. hahaiella the optimal tree and support values for externally by the following: the forewing the branches were estimated with 5,000 of C. pusilla is yellowish white and the ultra-fast bootstrap replicates. While this forewing of C. pygmaeella is dark brown, approach is not appropriate for establish- whereas the forewing of C. hahaiella is ing phylogenetic relationships among chalky gray-blue. The small size of C. species (Rubinoff and Holland 2005), in hahaiella (female FWL 4.1–4.3 mm) combination with the morphology and and its chalky gray-blue forewing ground ecology it can provide insight into species color separate it from all other known identity (e.g., Rubinoff and Powell 2004). Carposina in Hawaii. Carposina hahai- ella may be superficially confused with Results C. gemmata (Walsingham) based on the Larvae typically exited the mine to wing patterning, color, and iridescence, pupate and wandered in the rearing con- but the latter has a horizontally oriented tainers. Although most larvae dug into the medial spot, which is vertically oriented provided soil, and disregarded the offered in C. hahaiella, and the former is signifi- paper tissue, moss, and detritus, we did not cantly larger with a wingspan of 22 mm. find any pupae after several weeks, so we The leaf-mining life history on Cler- assume the larvae died. We suspect they montia also separates C. hahaiella from may have sought specific environmental all other described Carposina in Hawaii conditions that we did not provide in the with known larval habits. Like most, but lab for pupation. Of the approximately 15 not all, Hawaiian Carposina, C. hahai- 14 Doorenweerd et al.

Figures 1–7. 1. Dorsal view of holotype adult of Carposina hahaiella in resting position. 2. Angled view of holotype in resting position; red arrows indicate patches of black raised scales. 3. Pinned holotype. 4. Pediobius sp. parasitoid wasp (UHIM.DNA00075); identification by David Honsberger. 5. Host plant in its native habitat, note invasive kahili ginger plants dominating the undergrowth. 6. Leaf mines on Clermontia in the field. 7. Transmitted light view of live larva feeding in leaf mine. ella possesses a pair of deeply furcate hahaiella from other species of Hawaiian two-pronged signa in the corpus bursae Carposina. (signa are absent in C. gemmata). Except Molecular diagnostics. Fig. 11. The for their comparatively smaller size, little COI (3-P fragment) sequences are most else separates the female genitalia of C. similar to Carposina olivaceonitens A new species of leafmining Carposina 15

Figures 8–10. 8. Composition of transmitted-light scans of dried leaf mines of Car- posina hahaiella on Clermontia fauriei. Each leaf has one to three mines, some with a dead larva inside. 9. Holotype female genitalia, specimen UHIM.DNA00096, genitalia slide KAA #0390. 10. Slide mounted larva after DNA-extraction, UHIM.DNA00072, dorsal view of section with head capsule and prolegs. 16 Doorenweerd et al. (Walsingham) samples from Maui, at tion of sternite VIII incomplete medially, 6.1% pairwise distance. However, C. instead with a pair of posteriorly directed olivaceonitens is polyphyletic in the phy- arm-like lobes which approach near each logenetic tree in Medeiros et al. (2016). other distally but are not joined or fused; The sequence falls within a cluster of ostium broad, globose; ductus bursae with Campanulaceae feeders (Fig. 11). cestum-like structure present throughout Description of adult. Male. Unknown. entire length; wall of ductus bursae finely Female (n=2). Head. Frons, vertex clothed scobinate, appearing minutely reticulate; in gray-blue, smoothly appressed scales; corpus bursae membranous with a pair of vertex partially to completely obscured deeply furcate, two-pronged signa. by large, concolorous supraocular scale Larva. Figs. 7, 11. Body pale green, tufts; ocellus, chaetosemata not observed; head capsule light brown. Chaetotaxy proboscis well-developed, naked; la- closely matching the family diagnosis bial palpus approximately 1.5× width of (Swatschek 1958): prothoracic shield with compound eye, lateral surface with dark the L-group bisetose (as opposed to trise- gray to gray-blue scales, second segment tose in ); abdominal segments apically expanded, apex of third segment with SV-group quadrisetose (as opposed with white scales. Antenna approximately to unisetose or bisetose in ); A8 0.7× length of forewing, filiform, dark with SD1 anterodorsal from the spiracle; gray; scape concolorous or slightly paler. and A9 with D1 closer to D2 than SD1; Thorax. Scales on pronotum dark gray A9 without L2, L3. Prolegs sclerotized. to black, gray-blue on posterior third; te- Host plant. Figs. 6, 7. Clermontia fau- gula similarly colored. Legs dark gray to riei H. Lev. (Campanulaceae). Hawaiian black; spurs and joints of tarsomeres pale. name: Hāhā ‘aiakamanu. Dorsal surface of forewing (FWL: 4.1–4.3 Leaf mine. Figs. 6, 7, 9. The larva cre- mm) with ground color chalky gray-blue ates an irregularly shaped mine that cross- with scattered black scaling; patches of es itself in early stages and often has tight uniformly black scales present at base, as coils with merging margin corridors, the a raised patch at end of discal cell (flat- final section is mostly linear. Dried leaves tened in pinned specimens), and at regular stored in UHIM. We found one to three intervals along distal half of costa; fringe larvae per leaf, the larva appears to enter dark gray. Ventral surface of forewing the leaf from the underside, with some uniformly gray. Dorsal surface of hind- tearing in the lower epidermis adjacent wing gray, fringe gray; frenulum with two to the point of oviposition. Frass pellets bristles. Ventral surface of hindwing gray. are irregularly deposited in the mine. The Venation similar to species figured in Zim- leaf mines resemble those created by the merman (1978) except for a more strongly endemic moth genus Philodoria (Gracil- developed M-vein in the discal cell of the lariidae), but there are no species of that forewing. Abdomen (n=1). Vestiture of ab- genus known to feed on Campanulaceae domen entirely silvery gray. Genitalia (Fig. (Johns et al. 2018). 9) with ovipositor telescopic; papillae ana- Parasitoid. Fig. 4. We reared a single les slender, short, ventral surface slightly parasitoid wasp, tentatively identified as roughened, covered in short- to moderate- Pediobius sp. (Eulophidae). The speci- length setae; posterior apophyses slender, men is preserved in 95% ethanol, UHIM. long, approximately 2× length of sternum DNA00075. VII; anterior apophyses approximately Etymology. The species epithet is length of sternum VII; sclerotized por- a noun in apposition, composed of the A new species of leafmining Carposina 17

Figure 11. Maximum likelihood tree inference of 724 base pair alignment of COI-3P sequences. KR and GU sample codes are NCBI GenBank accessions, UHIM codes refer to samples added here. K = Kauai, O = Oahu, Mo = Molokai, M = Maui, H = Hawaii.

Hawaiian name for the Kauai species of unlikely that this record refers to Carpo- Clermontia, hāhā, and the suffix ‘-ella’ sina hahaiella. Two other species of Car- to denote its relatively small size and as a posina have been reared from Clermontia: reference to the common use of this suf- Carposina olivaceonitens (Walsingham) fix in leaf mining moth families such as from fruits and flower buds ofClermontia Gracillaridae and Nepticulidae. kakeana Meyen on Oʻahu and Carposina gemmata (Walsingham) from Clermontia Discussion fruits on Oahu (Swezey 1919). The type Confirmed leaf mining in Carpo- localities of C. olivaceonitens and C. gem- sinidae. Based on the distinct ecology, mata are Kauai and Hawaii island, respec- morphology, and COI sequence data, we tively; we find Swezey’s determinations determined that this represents a new spe- to be questionable, as did Zimmerman cies of carposinid in the genus Carposina. (1978). Carposina olivaceonitens also The leaf mine record of Carposina “new appears paraphyletic based on the limited species 3” (see Zimmerman 1978) reared genetic data that is available (Medeiros by Swezey (but the specimens were lost et al. 2016); Carposina clearly is in dire and never described) was described to need of a modern systematic revision. follow the midrib of the leaf outward with The COI gene-tree further suggests that lateral tunnels on both sides, on Cyanea the Campanulaceae-feeding Carposina humboldtiana plants on Oahu. Based on may form a monophyletic group, having the description of the mine, the different resulted from a single shift to this family host and different island of collection, it is with subsequent dispersal to different 18 Doorenweerd et al. islands, use of different plant parts, and Human Resources (CTAHR), University speciation. A potential synapomorphic of Hawaii at Manoa; USDA Cooperative character for this group is the presence State Research, Education and Exten- of metallic/iridescent scales (Medeiros, sion (CSREES), Grant/Award Number: pers. comm.). Such hypotheses, as well HAW00942-H. as those on biogeographic dispersal and speciation, remain to be tested with ad- Literature Cited ditional sampling and robust species trees Connor, E, and M. Taverner. 1997. The from nuclear genomic approaches. evolution and adaptive significance of the Conservation status. The new species leaf-mining habit. Oikos 79: 6–25. Allison, S.D., P.M.Vitousek. is known only from its type locality, and and 2004. Rapid nutrient cycling in leaf litter from invasive it is likely that it is endangered. The host plants in Hawaii. Oecologia 141(4): 612–619. plant, like most native forest plants, is Davis, D.R. 1968. 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