TheThe MassiveMassive DeploymentDeployment Tools:Tools: DRBLDRBL andand ClonezillaClonezilla

StevenSteven Shiau,Shiau, JazzJazz Wang,Wang, CeasarCeasar Sun,Sun, ThomasThomas TsaiTsai NCHC,NCHC, TaiwanTaiwan Q1,Q1, 20092009 Outline  Introduction to DRBL/Clonezilla  About DRBL/Clonezilla  Users in Taiwan and Worldwide  Related Activities  Success Stories  Testimonials  Demo  DRBL – Diskless client on a virtual machine  Q&A Free Software Lab  Free software projects developed by NCHC's Free Software Lab  Our goal is to create a Free Software Smart Classroom (FSSC) based on our HPC experience  DRBL, Clonezilla, DRBL- WinRoll, Tux2Live,  Multicast VNC  Access Grid, eLearning  Cluster Computing  Grid Computing


DRBL Clonezilla Diskless Remote Boot in Linux Provides a “diskless” A partitioning and disk and/or “systemless” cloning utility similar to environment for client Ghost and True image machines DRBL  Saves Money  No HD required in the client machine(s)  Truly “Free” Software--freedom to improve upon and free to use  Saves Time  All programs are installed on a single server  One command to Shutdown/Reboot/Power On/Off all client machines  Makes Life Easier  No client disk failure  Client machines are plug-and-play  classroom environment is extremely flexible  GNU/Linux & MS Windows co-exist


 What's the difference between DRBL and LTSP?:  DRBL: Distributed Resource vs. LTSP: Centralized Resource  DRBL: Powerful Client vs. LTSP: Thin Client  DRBL allows 3D gaming and video playback in the client; LTSP does not

Why DRBL?  DRBL Special Features:  Clonezilla Server Edition (SE)  AoE service available using diskless MS Windows XP  A single command is required to switch the client environment  DRBL, FreeDOS, OS in local HD, memtest...  Linux network installation  Not suitable for older machines and/or thin clients  //NOTE// From version 5 (released '07), fat client mechanism is supported in LTSP

“Bare Metal” Backup and Restore  “Bare metal” restore -> A technique in the field of data recovery and restoration where the backed-up data is available in a form which allows one to restore a computer system from "bare metal” (i.e. without any requirements as to previously installed software or operating systems). – Wikipedia  Image-based backup & restore is different from file-based (e.g. 'cp', 'tar', 'rsync'...) Clonezilla Features

 Free (GPL) Software  File systems supported: /3, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS, , HFS+, FAT and NTFS  Linux Logical Volume Manager 2 (LVM2) stackable block device is supported  Multicast supported in Clonezilla Server Edition (SE) Clonezilla Features  Saves and restores partitions and entire disks  If is supported, only the used blocks in the HD are saved and restored. For unsupported file systems, sector-to-sector copying is done via dd.  DRBL-Winroll: The hostname, group, and SID of the cloned MS Windows machine can be changed automatically Clonezilla

 Based on existing software:  Partimage  ntfsclone  dd  updcast  DRBL (used for massive cloning)  Partclone (Developed @ the NCHC, '07)  and more..... Partclone

  Developed by Thomas Tsai and Jazz Wang  Only the used blocks are saved and restored  Supports Ext2, , ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS, HFS+, NTFS & FAT  Will support for ZFS and in the future! Two Clonezilla Types  Clonezila Server  Clonezilla Live Edition (SE)  Single machine  Massive cloning backup  Network boot (PXE)  Based on  DRBL server is DebianLive (live- required helper and live initramfs)  CD/USB flash drive is required  Also available in  Clonezilla- SysRescCD, created by Spiros Georgaras DRBL (Includes Clonezilla SE)

server switch client nodes pxe/etherboot pxe/etherboot


TFTP kernel boot boot

NFS file system /, /usr, /home ... /, /usr, /home ...

NIS account user login user login

DRBL Schematic

public ip

NIC 1 server NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4

private ip private ip private ip

switch 1 switch 2 switch 3

node001 node013 node014 node027 node028 node040 ~ ~ ~

DRBL Clonezilla Live  On CD, USB flash drive, or PXE server  Languages:  Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese (thanks to Zhiqiang Zhang and Liang Qi), English, French (thanks to Jean-Francois Nifenecker), Japanese (thanks to Akira Yoshiyama and Annie Wei), Italian (thanks to Gianfranco Gentili), Spanish (thanks Juan Ramón Martínez).  General Purpose Use- Save or restore interactively  Special Purpose Use- Recovery CD/USB drive  Clonezilla image embedded in CD or USB drive  One command restores the entire image!  One key restores the entire image!  Completely Customizable! Make Clonezilla Live work for you! Clonezilla Live DRBL/Clonezilla Use In Taiwan

Public Sector: Primary/High schools 295 Universities 95 Local governments 35 Hospitals 3 TV stations 1 SMBs 124 Misc. 2

Known sites/users >500!!!>500!!! DRBL/Clonezilla Use Worldwide



南非 澳洲

>7>700,00000,000 DRBL/Clonezilla Downloads!!! Related Activities  Ubuntu Live Conference  Portland, Oregon, USA, July 23rd, 2007  Clonezilla: It's Better Than Ghost!  Speaker: Kristian Hermansen, Security Researcher/Developer, Cisco Systems, Inc.  ss/12510  LinuxWorld Conference & Expo  San Francisco, USA, Aug, 2007  Dell booth  Massive Deployments  Speaker: Torsten Spindler, Canonical Related Activities  Libre Software Meeting (LSM) 2008  Mont-de-Marsan, France, July 1st~5th, 2008  “Clonezilla Live, the “Bare Metal” Backup and Recovery Tool“  Speaker: Steven Shiau  metal.html?lang=en  LinuxWorld Conference & Expo  San Francisco, USA, Aug, 2008  .org Pavilion (booth #: .org 3)  BoF: Clonezilla Hands-on Lab: The Universal “Bare Metal” Backup and Recovery Tool for Linux, Mac OS and MS Windows Ubuntu Live, USA, Jul/07 LinuxWorld; “Massive Deployments;” Aug/07 International Free Software Contest  DRBL is the winner in the 'Public Sector Software' category at Les Trophees du Libre 2007 in France  Finals and awards ceremony: Nov. 29th, 2007  or Intrnl. Free Software Contest, France, Nov/07 LSM 2008, France LinuxWorld, San Fran, '08 Aug 4-7, 2008  One of the largest Linux expos.  .org Pavilion (booth #: .org 3)  BoF: “Clonezilla Hands-on Lab: The Universal “Bare Metal” Backup and Recovery Tool for Linux, Mac OS and MS Windows” (Aug. 6th, '08) National Applied Research Laboratories Award

 DRBL/Clonezilla team is the winner in the category 'Technology Development' for 2008 Success Stories

Da-Feng Elementary School, Taipei, Taiwan  DRBL/Clonezilla is used to manage computer classroom  Special Report: Linux in Education, 2006 on  DRBL/Clonezilla press conference @ Da- Feng Elementary School 07/04/07 source: Success Stories Hualien County, Taiwan

 Used Clonezilla Server Edition (SE) to clone GNU/Linux  145 schools (131 Primary/Jr.; 14 Senior High) use as of June '08  Letter of Commendation from Hualien County Government Clonezilla Used in Taiwan's “National PCs”

Source: De-Wen Huang Testimonials

 Kristian Hermansen  Cisco Systems, Boston, MA, Sept. '07  Cloned a 5GB image to 64 machines in 5 under minutes!!!  "I used Clonezilla in the design of our Cisco Computational Cloud Cluster to multicast a 5GB disk image to 64 machines simultaneously and all in under five minutes! Amazing! Thanks Clonezilla!" Testimonials  Barny Sanchez  Information Systems Security, Southbridge, Massachusetts  Cloned 1,084 systems using DRBL (Clonezilla SE)  "I've used DRBL to clone 1,084 systems so far! It was simple! All I had to do was divide each system into groups of 80-100 PCs and then use multicasting to do the cloning. It took anywhere from 16-38 minutes to clone each system. The images of various operating systems averaged 1GB in size. DRBL has reduced the recovery/cloning factor by more than 500% as compared to the commercial solution I used previously! You can imagine how happy my project managers are!" What's New Since SEAIP 2007 ?

 DRBL  Supports newer GNU/Linux versions including Ubuntu 8.04/8.10, Fedora 9, Mandriva 2008.1, and OpenSuSE 11.0  Provides AoE booting mechanism in support of diskless MS Windows XP  Clonezilla Live  Easier to create a recovery ISO/zip Clonezilla Live  Japanese, Simplified Chinese and French locales were added  Serial console is supported Demo • Diskless Linux client on a virtual machine – Server: DRBL 1.9.3-30 running on Ubuntu Linux 8.10 – Client: Virtualbox 2.0.4 as a client machine, no local hard drive – Boot client via PXE (network booting) QuestionsQuestions ??

Great! ?????