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Popular Electronics° WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE DECEMBER 1981 /$1 THE ELECTRONIC WORLD A User's Guide to Computer Languages Detect Car-Battery Drain Before It's Too Late Comparing New High-Tech Audio Cassettes s'F10dH3HhJI, 3g nH OhaF,2 853n_. .r r 3h1. ,. l' H13h113>I ésts I BM's 0 1.0 ft+0 F Gn22880T 3h11 48905b 61 Personal Computer 14024 14278 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Baked Apple. Last Thanksgiving, a designer from Lynn /Ohio Corporation took one of the company's Apple Personal Computers home for the holidays. While he was out eating turkey, it got baked. His cat, perhaps miffed at being left alone, knocked over a lamp which started www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com a fire which, among other unpleasantries, melted his TV set all over his computer. He thought his goose was cooked. But when he took the Apple to Cincinnati Computer Store, mirabile dictu, it still worked. Anew case and keyboard made it as good as new. Nearly 1,000 Apple dealers have complete service centers that can quickly fix just about anything that might go wrong, no matter how bizarre. So if you're looking for a personal computer that solves problems instead of creating them, look to your authorized Apple dealer. You'll find everything well-done. The personal computer. appIC For the authorized dealer nearest you, call (800) 538 -9696. In California, call (800) 662-9238. Or write: Apple Computer Inc., 10260 Bandley Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. CIRCLE NO 4 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com In a world where sound reaches new levels every day, ADC delivers the ultimate high. l he ultimate high is total control. plottingof the equalization curve. And an ADC Sound Shaper Fre- And all ADC Sound Shapers quency Equalizer lets you control embodythe outstanding ADC tech- your sound and custom- tailor your nology that has made us the leaders music with the mastery of a pro. in the industry. And no better way demonstrates To really complete your custom - t he benefits of .an ADC Sound tailored control- ability, our ADC Shaper than taping. Even without Real Time Spectrum Analyzer is a a studio environment, you can must. Equipped with its own pink recreate your personal recordings noise generator and calibrated by changing the frequency response microphone, the SA -1 provides a curve of the source material -mak- visual presentation of the changing ing the sound more like the original spectrum through 132 LED dis- and more agreeable to your ears. plays. SD you can actually see Our complete ADC Sound Shaper proof of the equalized sound you've IC line' has an equalizer that is right achieved. for you and your system. The SS -110 With an ADC Sound Shaper and ten -band full octave equalizer, a the ease and control of a graphic an ADC Real Time Spectrum step up from our SS -1, features equalizer with the precision and Analyzer, you can attain a new level LED -lit slide controls and one -way versatility of a parametric. All at a of control. And ultimately, isn't tape dubbing. If you desire even price you can afford. that the musical high you've always more control, our twelve -band SS -II All of our equalizers feature LED - wanted and top -of- the -line SS -III include lit slide controls allowing for visual two -way tape dubbing and sub -sonic filters. Our SS -III Paragraphic' with 24 ancillary switches that enable you to control 36 bands Frequency Equalizers per channel combines and Spectrum Analyzer A D A BSR COMPANY Sound thinking has moved us even further ahead. Write for a free 24 -page booklet. "Shaping Sound at Home:A Guide to Equalization" (A $2.50 value.) BSR (USA) Ltd., Blauvelt, N.Y. 10913, BSR (Canada) Ltd., Rexdale Ontario Sound Shaper is a registered trademark of Audio Dynamics Corporation. IC indicates new Sound Shaper® series. CIRCLE NO. 64 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com DECEMBER 1981 VOLUME 19, NUMBER 12 Popular Electronics Give WORLDS LARGEST -SELLING ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE Record Abrasion Feature Articles the HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR ELECTRONICS ENTHUSIASTS 59 Brush COMPARING HIGH -TECH AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES/ Craig Stark 63 Performance tests on latest top -quality cassette tapes. POPULAR ELECTRONICS 1981 ANNUAL EDITORIAL INDEX 103 Off The Electronic World COMPUTER LANGUAGE CONFUSION ... SORTING IT OUT /Stanley Veit 39 Discussion of high -order computer languages and their availability. Construction Articles AN EARLY- WARNING CAR BATTERY-DRAIN INDICATOR / Thomas R. Fox 69 Provides advance warning of rapidly discharging battery. DESIGNING WITH THE 8080 MICROPROCESSOR /Randy Carlstrom 74 Part 4: A Typical Program. A LED PENDULUM METRONOME /Fred Blechman 79 A modern version of the old mechanical music timer. Equipment Reviews MITSUBISHI MODEL LT -5V RECORD PLAYER 12 RCA CTC -111A 19" COLOR TV RECEIVER 23 IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER 31 GLOBAL MODEL 4401 FREQUENCY STANDARD 92 Brush away stylus contami- nation with the SC- 2TMStylus Columns Care System. Two drops of COMPUTER BITS/ Carl Warren 85 SC -2 fluid on the special Beef Up Your H -89. nylon fiber brush effectively COMPUTER SOURCES /Leslie Solomon 88 loosens and wipes away harmful coatings. FUNDAMENTAL FACTS/ Walter Buchsbaum 91 The Basic Network Laws. Protect your stereo system SOLID -STATE DEVELOPMENTS /Forrest M. Mims 94 and maintain Its sound Liquid Crystals. with the SC -2 Stylus Care EXPERIMENTER'S CORNER/ Forrest M. Mims 97 Experimenting With a Joystick System. Part 2: Some Typical Applications. PROJECT OF THE MONTH/ Forrest M. Mims 106 For a free copy of our "Guide to A Light- Sensitive Tone Generator. Record Care" write to Discwasher. Departments l EDITORIAL/ Art Salsberg 6 The IRS Cometh. NEW PRODUCTS 8 ADVERTISER'S INDEX 119 PERSONAL ELECTRONIC NEWS 120 COVER PHOTO BY JAY BRENNER Copyright m 1981 e COPYRIGHT 1981 BY ZIFF -DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY. All rights reserved. Popular Electronics (ISSN 0032 -4485) Decem- ber 1981, Volume 19, Number 12. Published monthly by Ziff-Davie Publishing Co., at One Park Ave., New York, NY 10018. Richard P. Friese, President; Selwyn Taubman, Treasurer; Bertram A. Abrams, Secretary. One year subscription rete for U.S. and Posses- sions, $15.00; Canada, $20.00; all other countries, $23.00 (cash orders only, payable in U.S. currency). Second Class Postage R, Paid at New York, N.Y. 10018 and at additional mailing offices. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, Canada, and for payment of postage in cash. POPULAR ELECTRONICS including ELECTRONICS WORLD, Trade Mark Registered. discwasher Indexed in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Ziff-Davie aleo publishes Boating, Car and Driver, Cycle, Flying, Popular PRODUCTS TO CARE FOR YOUR MUSIC: Photography, Skiing, Stereo Review, Electronic Experimenter's Handbook, and Tape Recording 8 Buying Guide. Forma 3579 and 1407 North Providence Road, all Subacffptlon Corraapondancr POPULAR ELECTRONICS. Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 2774, Boulder, CO 80302. Please allow Columbia. MO 65201 USA at least eight weeks for change of address, enclosing, it possible, an address label from a recent issue. Permissions. Material in this publication may not reproduced be in any form without permission. Requests for permission should be directed to John Bab- A DIVISION OF JENSEN an EJMARK Company cock, Rights and Permissions, Ziff -Davis Publishing Co., One Park Ave., New York, NY 10018. CIRCLE NO. 11 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD DECEMBER 1981 3 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Introducing the Sinclair ZX81 If you're ever going to buy If you already own a ZX80 a personal computer, now is the The 8K Extended BASIC time to do it. chip used in the ZX81 is available The new Sinclair ZX81 is the as a plug-in replacement for your most powerful, yet easy -to -use ZX80 for only $39.95, plus shipping computer ever offered for anywhere and handling -complete with new key- near the price: only $149.95* completely board overlay and the ZX81 manual. assembled. So in just a few minutes, with no Don't let the price fool) you. The special skills or tools required, you can ZX81 has just about everything you upgrade your ZX80 to have all the Mathematical and scientific functions could ask for in a personal computer. powerful features of the ZX81. (You'll accurate to 8 decimal places A breakthrough have everything except continuous dis- Unique one -touch entry of key words in personal computers play, but you can still use the PAUSE like PRINT, RUN and LOST The ZX81 is a major advance over and SCROLL commands to get moving Automatic syntax error detection and the original Sinclair ZX80 -the world's graphics.) easy editing largest selling personal computer and With the 8K BASIC chip, your Randomize function useful for both the first for under $200. ZX80 wil also be equipped to use the games and serious applications In fact, the ZX81's new 8K Extended ZX Printer and Sinclair software. BASIC offers features found only on com- Built -in interface for ZX Printer puters costing two or three times as much. 'K of memory expandable to 16K Warranty and Service Program** Just look at what you get: The ZX81 is also very convenient The Sinclair ZX81 is covered by a 10 -day money guarantee a Continuous display, including moving to use. It hooks up to any television set -back and graphics to produce a clear 32 -column by 24 -line limited £0 -day warranty that includes free Multi- dimensional string and numerical display. And you can use a regular parts and labor through our national arrays cassette recorder to store and recall service -by -mail facilities. 'Plus shipping and handling.