UMT A-DC-06-0492-85-3 UMTRIS 8551



Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service Transportation Research Board National Research Council


OFFICERS Chairman: John A. Clements, President, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobil ity, Washington, D.C. V ice Chairman: Lester A . Hoel, Hamilton Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Ex ecut ive Director: Thomas B. D een, Transportation Research Board

MEMBERS Ray A. Barnhart, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio) Joseph M. Clapp, Vice Chairman-Corporate Services, Roadway Services, Inc., Akron, Ohio (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1984) Lawrence D. Dahms, Executive Director, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Oakland. California (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1983) Donald D. En{Jlln, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy {retired), Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of T ransportation (ex official Francis 8. Francois, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transponation Officials, Washington, D .C. (ex officio) Ralph L. Stanley, Administrator, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transponation (ex officio) Diane Steed, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio) George H. Way, Jr., Vice President, Research and Test Department. Association of American Railroads, Washington, D.C. lex officio)

Alan A . A ltshuler, Dean, Graduate School of Public Administration. New York University, New York Duane Berentson, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation. Olympia John R. Borchert, Regents Professor, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Robert D. Bugher, Executive Director, American Public Works Association, Chicago, Illinois The Transportation Research Board is a unit of the National Re­ Ernest E. Dean. Executive Director, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, search Council, which serves the National Academy of Sciences and Texas the National Academy of Engineering. The Board's purpose is to Mortimer L. Downey, Deputy Executive Director for Capital stimulate research concerning the nature and performance of Programs, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York transportation systems, to disseminate the information produced by Jack R. Gilstrap, Executive Vice President, American Public Transit the research. and to encourage the application of appropriate Association, Washington. D.C. research findings. The Board's program is carried out by more than 270 committees, task forces, and panels composed of m ore than Mark G. Goode, Engineer-Director, Texas State Department of 3,300 adm inistrators, engineers, social scientists, attorneys, educa• H ighways and Public T ransportation, Austin Wilt;am K . Hellmann, Secretary, Maryland Department of tors, and others concerned with transportation; they serve without Transportation, Baltimore compensation. The program is supported by state transportation Lowell 8 . Jackson, Secretary, Wisconsin Department of and highway depar1ments, the modal administrations of t he U .S. Transportation, Madison Department of Transportation, the Association of American Rail­ roads, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and John B. Kemp, Secretary, Kansas Depanment of Transport ation, Topeka other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation. Alan F. Kiepper, General Manager, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Houston, Texas The National Research Counci l was established by the National C. Commiss ioner, V irginia Department of Highways Harold King, Academy of Sciences ln 1916 to associate the broad community of and Transportation, Richmond science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering Darrell V Mann;ng, Director, Adjutant General, Idaho National knowledge and of advising the federal government. The Council Guard operates in accordance w ith general policies determined by the James E. President and Chief Operating Officer, Martin, Academy under the authority of its congressional charter of 1863, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, Chicago which established the Academy as a private, nonprofit, self­ Fujio Executive Director, Research Corporation of the Matsuda, governing membership corporation. The Council is the principal University of Hawaii, Honolulu operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the James K . M;tche/1, Professor, Department of Civi I Engineering, National Academy of Engineering in the conduct of their services to University of California, Berkeley the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering H. Carl Munson, Vice President for Strategic Planning, The Jr. , communities. It is adm inistered jointly by both Academies and the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash ington Institute of Medicine. The National Academy of Sciences was Milton Pikarskv, Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, established in 1863 by Act of Congress as a private, nonprofit, City College of New York, New York self-governing membership corporation for the furtherance of Walter W. Simpson, Vice President-Engineering, Norfolk Southern science and technology, required to advise the federal government Corporation, Norfolk, Virginia upon request with in its fields of competence. Under its corporate Leo J. Trombatore, D irector, California Department of charter, the Academy established the National Academy of Engi­ Transportation, Sacramento neering in 1964 and the Institute of Medicine in 1970. 1. Report No. 2. Governmen·t Accession No. 3. Recipte-nt' s Catalog No.


4 . Title and Sub,i tle 5. Report Dole October 1985 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR~ UPDATE '8S (SPEC IAL BIBLIOGRAPHY) 6. Perform ing O rgan, 20t10n Code

8 . Performi ng Organ, zori on Report N o . 7. Author1 sl UMTRIS 85Sl

9. Performing Orgoni 1.otion Nome ond Address 10. Work lJn,t No. (TRA IS) Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service Transportation Research Board 210 1 Constitution Avenue, N_W . 11 . Contract or Grant No. Washington, o_c. 20418 C.A. DC-06-0492 13. Type of Report ond Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Addren Information Services Bibliography Technical Assistance Program 1985 U.S. Department o f Transportation Urban Mass T ransportation Administratio n 14 . Sponsoring Agenc y Code 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 URT-7 15. Supplementary N otes This report supplements the previous edition, Public Transportation and the Private Sector, UMTRJS 84Sl , published in October 1984 and covering the period between 1974 and 1984. This publication is also ava ilable from the TRB Publications Office. 16. Abstract

The 111 citations in this Special Bibliography concern the involvement of the private sector in fixed-route transit and paratransit at a time when government support for public transportation is often declining while capital and operating costs are climbing. Until 25 years ago, the private sector was responsible for much of public transit in the United States. In the ensuing years, this situation has turned around completely. Now transit and government agencies are again look- ing to the private sector for possible solutions to some of their problems. The abstracts of technical reports and journal articles in this Special Bibliography are generated from the UMTRIS subfile of the Transportation Research Information Services data base and cover generally the period 1982 to 1985.


17 . K ■ y Words 18. Di 1tr1 but1on Stat ement Order from : Bib liographies, Urban Transportation Planning, Public Urban Mass Transportation Research Informatio n Service Transit, Private Sector, Para transit, , Contracting, Transportation Research Board Management Practices, Operating Costs, Subsidies Publicatio ns Office 2 101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 19. Securi ty Clouif. ( of th i a report) 20 , Security Claaai I. (of thi s page) 21. No. of Poges 22. Pr1ce- NA NA 3 I $5.00 08 90 1

z 71 6 4 .TB PF.1 2 CONTENTS 1

Author Index ...... 24

Retrieval Term Index ...... 26 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUM ENTS

To obtain a full-text report, paper, o r article that is referenced PREFACE by an abstract in the Special Bibliography. contact the docu­ ment distribution center identified by t he availability state­ This Special Bibliography of technical reports and journal ment ("ORDER FROM:") that follows the abstract. If there articles has been produced from the data base of the Urban is no such statement, the address of the publisher or other Mass Transportation Research Informat ion Service (UMTR IS), source may be obtained from the Source Index. Several of which publishes Urban Transportation Abstracts. All cita­ the sources of availability are used frequently and have there­ t ions are related to the use of private-sector resources to fore been abbreviated to conserve space. The abbreviations perform functions of fixed-route transit and paratransit. of these sources and their full addresses are as follows: UMTR IS was developed within the National Research Council (NRC) under a contract with the Urban Mass Trans­ DOT portation Administration (UMTA). The UMTR IS com­ U .S. Department of Transportation puterized data base incorporates information on planning, Library Services and Distribution designing, maintaining, operating, managing, and financing 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D .C. 20590 all modes of public transit, including , trolley bus, light Telephone 202-426-4000 and heavy transit, commuter rail , advanced guideway systems, taxi and vanpool services, and local air services. ESL The UMTRIS concepts and procedures are similar to those Engineering Societies Library United Engineering Center of other Transpor tation Resea rch Information Services 345 East 4 7th Street (TR IS) subfiles within N RC's T ransportation Research New York, N .Y . 10017 Board. These include the Highway Research Information Ser­ Telephone 2 12-705-7611 vice (HR IS) and Highway Safety Literature (HSL). UMTR IS publishes Urban Transportation Abstracts semi­ NTIS Nat ional Technical Information Service annually; each issue incorporates the citations that have been 5285 Port Royal Road added to the data base in the previous 6 months. Summaries Springfield. Va. 221 61 of ongoing and recently completed transportation research in T elephone 703-487-4650 the United States and Canada are also provided. OST Each year, one aspect of urban transportation is se lected O ffice of t he Secret ary to be highlighted in the UMTRIS Special Bibliography, and U.S. Department of T ransportat ion relevant abstracts stored in the UMTR IS subfile are generated 400 Seventh Street, S.W. for publication therein. Last year, because of interest in the Washington, D.C. 20590 privat e secto r and its relationship to public transportation, Telephone 202-426-4000 this was chosen as the subject of the Special Bibli­ 1984 TRB ography. Because of continuing interest in this subject, it w ill Transportation Research Board be highlighted in the UMTR IS Special Bibliography again this Publica t io ns O ffice year in Public Transportation and the Private Sector- Update 2101 Co nst itut ion A ve nue, N.W. '85. Washingto n, D.C. 20418 Telephone 202-334-3218 In this publication, the abstracts of reports and jo urnal articles are arranged in order of their ascending TR IS acces­ TRRL sion numbers. Following the abstracts, there are three in­ Transpo rt and Road Research L aboratory dex se ct ions- Source Index, Author Index, and Retrieval Crowthorne, Berkshi re RG11 6 AU England Term Index. The numbers listed with an index entry appear T elephone Crowthorn 3 13 1 at the top of the individual abstracts. The UMTR IS d ata base is available for computer­ UMTA generated literature searches in response to specif ic inquiries. Urban Mass T ransportation Adm inistration U .S. Dep artment of Transport ation Output of such searches may include abstracts of articles and 400 Seventh Street, S.W. reports, descriptions of computer programs, and summaries Washington, D.C. 20590 of ongoing research. The output is a computer-printed list T elephone 202-426-4000 ii ABSTRACTS OF REPORTS AND JOURNAL ARTICLES

386356 ORDER FROM: Bobit Publishing Company, 2500 Artesia Boulevard, ALTERNATIVE FINANCING FOR URBAN TRANSPORTATION. Redondo Beach, California, 90278 STATE-OF-ART CASE A.i"IALYSES This is a summary of the use, by 43 agencies, of non-traditional techniques 386387 for funding transit and urban highway services. This report is designed to OSAKA'S PRIVATE RAILWAYS AN EXAMPLE THAT OTHERS introduce public officials and transportation planners at the state and local MIGHT FOLLOW levels to a range of available funding sources and to facilitate their efforts in Japan has a series of privately owned commuter railways that have always determining whether these sources will be useful in meeting their area's been private-sector enterprises operated profitably, unlike other nations transportation needs. The 49 brief case studies included in the report reflect where deficit-ridden suburban operations are now proposed to be separated the variety of efforts being made by large and small transit agencies and from the basic national railway system. The' 5 big private highway departments to cope with shortfalls in funding. These efforts were railways of the Kansai region are examples of managerial enterprise which selected for inclusion, because they entailed one or more of the following have been gaining ridership even as automobile ownership in the region is characteristics: Use of non-traditional source of revenue (sources other increasing. Fare policies for the lines are described, noting that their pricing than fare box or property tax revenues); strong involvement of the private levels are appreciably lower than competitive services operation by sector; use for the first time in the transportation field (although there may Japanese National Railways. Government policies include tax-free benefits have previous non-transportation applications); and creative examples of for employer-provided commuter fares, discouraging of private automobile public-private cooperation. commuting, and providing of grade crossing protection and separations. All the private lines are owners of diversified enterprises including feeder Rice Center, Federal Highway Adminis tration, Urban Mass , real estate, engineering and construction firms, and travel agencies. Transportation Administration, Office of the Secretary of Labor relations, management development and productivity are empha­ Transportation Final Rpt. DOT-I-83-54, Oct. 1983, 114p sized. ORDER FROM: OST Jones, M (Oxford Polytechnic, England) Railway Gazette International Vol. 140 No. 4, Apr. 1984, pp 295-298, 2 Fig., 1 Tab., 386359 6 Phot. JOINT DEVELOPMENT. A HANDBOOK FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ORDER FROM: ESL The purpose of this handbook is to promote joint development by providing local officials and transit managers with guidance on how the process works, including what steps need to be taken by the public sector and what 386392 types of issues and problems may emerge during the process. Because there PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION FOR BETTER is great variety in the types and scale of possible joint development projects, TRANSPORTATION the handbook cannot identify any one best system but can point to the As they search for ways to cope with increasingly tight budgets, many techniques that are available and note those procedures and approaches public transit agencies are finding new partners within the private sector. that many local officials involved in joint development agree are important More and more frequently, merchants and businesses are sharing responsi­ to a successful project. The handbook is based on information drawn from bility for financing or marketing transit services. Individual arrangements five sources. vary, but many businesses, acknowledging the importance of public transit, are working with transit agencies to increase ridership and improve the Public Technology, Incorporated, Urban Mass Transportation quality of service and operating efficiency. Private sector cooperation Administration, Office of the Secretary of Transportation Final Rpt. currently takes many forms. Ridesharing programs are a popular means of DOT-1-83-48, Sept. 1983, I I Ip, Figs., Tabs., 5 App. involving the private sector in transit. Transit officials have long argued that employers who offer free parking as an employee fringe benefit should ORDER FROM: OST offer a comparable benefit (such as transit passes) to trans it riders. Merchants have found that joint promotions with transit agencies are an 386377 effective method of advertising that also brings customers to their doors. In A MARK, A YEN, A BUCK, OR A POUND some instances, the business community has subsidized a desired route to An array of financial services offer transit authorities new opportunities for insure its continued operation. Some businesses have even organized and generating funds. California dedicates a portion of its state sales tax for operated transportation services. Firms have contributed funds, staff time, transit; in other cases subsidy comes from designated general fund and other corporate resources to build or rebuild local transit facilities. revenues. Employer-subsidized transit is encouraged when such contribu­ Often public transit agencies and facilities that are well served by transit tions are tax deductible. Some local government entities can levy their own benefit from joint advertising campaigns. Greater cooperation between the mass transit taxes. A new mechanism is safe harbor leasing which now public and private sectors in providing transportation services is the wave finds financial consultants as a liaison between public transit and private of the future. Examples are given in the following areas: cooperative corporations looking for tax benefits. This tax benefit transfer (TBT) can be agreements, employer passes, fare subsidy, marketing, special services, and an expeditious means for a transit authority to get the most cash for its management techniques. benefits. Investment bankers are also leading transit systems into the bond market. Urban Mass Transportation Administration No Date, 36p, Phots.

Gentile, J Metro Vol. 80 No. 2, Mar. 1984, 4p ORDER FROM: UMTA 386397 account has been taken in financing of the people who derive indirect MIAMI'S DOWNTOWN COMPONENT OF METRORAIL: benefits from the existence of urban transport. [French] PUBLIC-PRIVATE COVENTURE FINANCING USING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Carvounis, P Amsler, Y Revue Generale des Chemins de Fer Vol. This case study documents the chronological events, key issues, technical 103 No. 2, Feb. 1984, pp 77-90 analyses and basis of resolution that led to the concensus decision to ACKNOWLEDGMENT: British Railways provide private-sector financial support for the Miami Downtown Compo­ ORDER FROM: ESL nent of Metrorail (DCM) Project. This process was initiated when UMTA indicated that DCM could receive federal capital support only if local 386992 officials could develop a "full funding" program that included evidence of CAN YOU GET THERE FROM HERE? major financial support from the downtown business community. Key As urbanization ceased in the decade of the 1970s, the spread of population elements of the funding program agreed upon are: (1) Creation of a non-ad to rural areas presents new challenges and opportunities for mass valorem special assessment district in the Miami central business district to transportation. Rural transportation can often offer--due to government service a $20 million municipal bond issue; (2) Support for the County to and community support-convenience previously possible only in metro­ utilize leverage leasing, connector fees and shared station costs to procure politan areas. The article discussed development of the mix of fixed-route further private-sector support; (3) Decision that remaining capital funding and paratransit services which can be tailored to serve areas of low be met through dedication of Miami CBD's share of tax increment population density. UMTA Section 18 funding (transferred from FHWA) financing revenues. The support proved pivotal in securing $64 million in allows states to fund transit in rural and small urban areas. Section 18 capital funding from UMTA . The Miami DCM will encourage downtown money comes from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund, development and link the entire CBD. supplemented from UMTA Section 9A. Both capital and operating assistance are possible. APTA has made rural transportation a specific area Harmon (Robert J) and Associates, Incorporated, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Office of the Secretary of for its activities. Other organizations with this same goal are National Transportation Final Rpt. DOT-1-84-16, Feb. 1984, v.p., 14 Fig., 4 Association of Transportation Alternatives, and Rural America. Commu­ App. nity Transit Services operates small systems for counties or cities on a service contract basis. Changing government emphasis on efficiency could ORDER FROM: OST l_)resent new opportunities for private operators. The experience of the Cambria County, Pennsylvania, Transit Authority is described.

386951 Gentile, J Metro Vol. 80 No. 3, May 1983, 5p, 4 Phot. SUFFOLK COUNTY BUS ASSESSMENT STUDY. PHASE 2 This report summarizes the comprehensive plan of the Suffolk County Bus ORDER FROM: Bobit Publishing Company, 2500 Artesia Boulevard, Service Improvement Program, begun in 1980, to develop a countywide Redondo Beach, California, 90278 transit system that would facilitate inter-community travel along major corridors. It was designed to establish new routes to upgrade service and to 387577 extend service to the unserved/under-served communities. Phase 1 imple INTERDEPENDENCIES OF COMMUTING, MIGRATION, AND mentation involved contracting with private operators, integrating conven JOB SITE RELOCATION tional fixed-route bus operations with local feeder services, and stagini Although one of the main aims of many national-spatial studies for implementation on a route-by-route basis over a 12-month period decentralization is to keep the population from concentrating in certain Successful implementation resulted in increased ridership, contract with I areas, modem economic industrial growth is said to require the spa ti al carriers now carrying 8,400 daily passengers, recovery of 28 percent of ill concentration of the means of production. The article discusses what operating costs through! the farebox, and contracting with A TE Manage­ degree of d·ecentralization is acceptable without sacrificing productivity to ment and Service Company to evaluate Phase I and establish a directioc an unreasonable degree. The question is then examined of how far the for Phase 2. This report discusses the findings and recommendations tha1 means of production can be centralized in order to maximise GNP and set-up the framework for Phase 2 and includes Phase 2 goals and objectives, prevent a level of population concentration considered socially undesirable. service plan, performance audits, management information and monitor­ The importance of commuting then becomes an important aspect of ing, capital plan, conclusions and recommendations. The report suggest5 transport policy as the availability of a high-speed, efficient, low cost public ways in which the County can transition from Phase I implementation into and private transportation network means that the residential population long range management of a growing system. It states that after 4 years of can remain in a more dispersed pattern than that of their workplaces. operation, both County and carriers agree that contracting for service with (TRRL) private carriers was the prudent way to go. Yapa, L Polese, M Wolpert, J (Pennsylvania University, Shinnick, R W Philadelphia) Economic Geography 1971, pp 59-72, I Fig., 8 Tab. ATE Management and Service Company, Incorporated, Urban Mass ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 275950) Transportation Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-NY-09-0075, Apr. ORDER FROM: Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, 1984, !lip Contract D000610 TS E-691 Massachusetts, 01610 ORDER F ROM: UMTA 387611 386963 DEVELOPMENT IN THE MOBILITY OF PERSONS, A LOOK INSTITUTIONAL ORGANISATION OF URBAN PUBLIC INTO THE FUTURE [ONTWIKKELINGEN IN DE TRANSPORT IN CONURBATIONS PERSONENMOBILITEIT: EEN TOEKOMSTVERKENNING] In this article are considered the main characteristics of developments Important influences on transport use which can be expected in the future achieved from the institutional standpoint these past fifteen years, taking are presented. Besides a certain decrease in the transport supply and the examples from the organisation of urban transport in France and abroad. correlated influence on the freedom of selection of transport possibilities, a The analysis is made on the basis of three divisions corresponding to the limit on the spending budget of the users of transport in relationship with principal constituent parts making up the institutional framework of urban the increasing costs of transport can be predicted. Demographic factors and transport: (I) The public authorities responsible for its organization: other changes in the traditional sociological patterns lead to another separate decision bodies with jurisdiction over an urban region; they are activity pattern and therefore into a different mobility pattern. A return to becoming increasingly subservient to territorial organisations; (2) The use of the moped and more selective use of the is expected. New operators: they depend in most cases today on the public sector, except in transport modes will not be introduced before the year 2000. Rather, an France, apart from the Paris region, where the private sector is still individualisation of , supported by micro-electronics is preponderant; (3) Relations and financing: the deep-rooted changes that expected. Attention must be given to the improvement of an optimal have taken place in the economy of urban transport systems in recent years integration between public and private transport. (TRRL) [Dutch] have altered considerably the relations between the responsible public Op weg naar 2000. De Toekomst voor het Personenvervoer le Land. authorities and the operators. To cope with the rising costs of the systems, steps have been taken to diversify their resources and for this reason Barkhof, J (R oyal Dutch Touring Club ANWB)

2 Delft University of Technology, 1983, pp 69-88 ments of the brokerage through the period of this interim report include: development of a core fixed-route bus system and a performance monitor­ ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 275820), Institute for Road ing system to control its operation; a community-based minibus system, Safety Research SWOV with alternating peak feeder and off-peak circulation service schedules, a ORDER FROM: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Centre consolidated social service agency transportation network; a market-based for Transportation Engineering, P.O. Box 5038, 2208 Delft, fare prepayment program; and a program for eliciting funding support Netherlands form the private sector. Planning for shared-ride taxi, user-side subsidies, employment-centered bus, and the broad-based management information 387679 system were still in progress at the time of this report. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Privately owned and operated, the taxi industry in an important but Kuzmyak, JR vulnerable segment of the urban transportation industry- vulnerable to Comsis Corporation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, adverse economic conditions stemming from rising costs and governmental (DTS-64) Intnn Rpt. UMTA-CT-06-0008-83-2, DOT-TSC-UMTA-84- subsidies to its competitors. Trends such as industry decline and shift from 4, Apr. 1984, !52p, 17 Fig., 6 Tab. Contract DOT-TSC-1753 employee-driver to owner and lease drivers generated serious concern ORDER FROM: UMTA among policymakers and others interested in urban transportation. This report documents the national survey of taxicab operators conducted in the 387862 spring of 1982 to assess operational and economic conditions in the PASSENGER TRANSPORT PLANNING, MANAGEMENT AND industry. Survey questionnaires were sent to each known taAicab operator POLICY IN JAPAN. PROCEEDINGS OF CONFERENCE HELD on the mailing list of the International Taxicab Association. Over 900 AT WOLFSON COLLEGE, OXFORD 1983 operators (30 percent of the industry) responded. Every state is represented The following papers were presented at the conference: Trends in transport: in the sample, and no state produced more than 9.3 percent of the Japan and Britain compared (White, P); A review of new transportation responses. The survey shows that the taxicab industry is an important innovations (Toda, T): The role and performance of private railways in provider of transportation services. It includes, at a minimum, over 3,000 Kansai area (Jones, M); Transport planning and policy in Hiroshima area taxi organizations that operate over 100,000 vehicles and carries at least 30 (Sugie, Y); Japanese National Railways: current issues (Sugiki, T). percent as many passengers as all urban buses in the U.S., and at least 76 Questionnaires used in the private railways study and facts and figures from percent as many as all rail vehicles. Taxis generate more revenue than the the 1982 JNR handbook are given in appendices. entire public transit industry. Areas charted and discussed in this survey report are: I) industry structure/size; 2) labor/work force; 3) vehicles and Jones, M White, P (Polytechnic of Central London); Toda, T fuel; 4) productivity and economy; and 5) fare structures. (Kyoto University, Japan); Sugie, Y (Hiroshima Universiy, Japan); Sugiki, T (Japanese National Railways) Gilbert, GG Burby, RJ Feibel, CE Oxford Polytechnic, England Working Paper 75, Mar. 1984, 93p, North Carolina University, Urban Mass Transportation Administration Figs., Tabs., Phots., Refs. UMTA-TX-06-0011-82-1, Sept. 1982, 60p, Tabs., I App. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276480) ORDER FROM: NTIS PB84-206952 ORDER FROM: Oxford Polytechnic, England, Department of Town Planning, Gypsy Lane, Oxford ox3 DBP, England 387703 ADMINISTRATIVE IMPACTS OF PRIVATE FINANCING 381895 TECHNIQUES FOR URBAN TRANSPORTATION THE ROLE OF THE NS IN NATIONAL AND The basic research question examines whether changes in local administra­ INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER TRANSPORT IN THE tive practices and federal policies may be needed in order to encourage and NETHERLANDS facilitate greater use of private enterprise, investment and participation in Reviews government action aimed at creating and maintaining an the provision of urban transportation services. This research project has its integrated system of transport and the links between public and private origins in the concern that urban transit dependence on federal operating transport. and capital subsidies may have caused local transportation agencies to adopt administrative structures and procedures designed primarily to suit Groot, HA de Rail International Vol. 15 No. 4, Apr. 1984, pp 2-6 federal grant requirements. Those structures and procedures may, there­ fore, not inhibit greater use of private sector resources in meeting ACKNOWLEDGMENT: British Railways transportation needs in urban areas. Moreover, federal policies may have ORDER FROM: ESL neglected those aspects of transportation statutes which were intended to encourage private sector enterprise, investment and participation. 387904 PRIVATE SECTOR ALTERNATIVES FOR PUBLIC Windson, D TRANSPORTATION Rice University, Department of Transportation Final Rpt. Two opposite approaches have characteriied the delivery of mass transit DOTRSPA/DMA-50/84/19, Jan. 1984, v.p. Contract DTRS5682-C- services in urban areas: Exclusive private sector provision, either regulated 00024 or unregulated; and exclusive public provision. Cost and allocative ORDER FROM: DOT inefficiencies inherent in either approach are evident from this analysis. There are a variety of approaches that comprise a middle ground. These 387704 combine government intervention with private sector provision. As this TRANSPORTATION BROKERAGE DEMONSTRATION­ analysis has shown, these approaches can result in significant increases in BRJDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT both allocative and cost efficiency potential. Most combination approaches Since August 1978, the Greater Bridgeport Transit District (GBTD) has do remain untried. This is due to past federal policy which has encouraged been engaged in a test of multimodal transportation brokerage. It is an exclusive public sector provision. It is also due to rather limited experience ambitious effort aimed at revolutionizing the role of a public transit with other alternatives. It is partly due to lack of an adequate supply of operator in planning and operating a regional transportation systems. private operators in many urban areas and the labor problems that may GOTO's mission is to implement a diversified transportation network using arise if the private sector is integrated into public operations. To a large a Transportation System Management (TSM) process, with services extent, howerer, these approaches remain untired because many transit designed to meet the needs of specific markets. The components of this plan agencies lack the incentive or motivation to adopt non-transit agencies lack range from conventional fixed-route bus to both public and privately the incentive or motivation to adopt non-traditional approaches. If public operated paratransit, including shared-ride taxi and employment-cen­ transit is to improve, to operate efficiently, and provide effective service, tered/subscription bus. Other major components include: strategic pricing then public-private sector provision may offer an important means of and fare integration methods; development and application of advanced achieving these goals. management and planning tools, linked to development of a large-scale management information system (MIS) capability; and a community and Pagano, AM (Illinois University, Chicago) Transportation Quarterly economic development role assumed by the Transit District. Accomplish- Vol. 38 No. 3, July 1984, pp 433-447, 2 Tab.

3 ORDER FROM: Eno Foundation for Transportation, Incorporated, P.O. partnership opportunities that build ridership and deve lop backing for Box 55, Saugatuck Station, Westport, Connecticut, 06880 transit.

387908 Callahan, WE, Jr (Greater Roanoke Transit Company) Transitions ADVERTISING TRA1'SJT SHELTER PROGRAM 1984, pp 27-37, I Phot. A program for providing bus stop shelters, developed in France, has been ORDER FROM: ATE Management and Service Company, adopted in North America, starting i'n New York City. A private Incorporated, Editor, 617 Vine Street, Suite 800, Cincinnati, Ohio, organiza tion contracts to provide shelters at no cost to the transit agency or 45202 city because they are built and maintained by revenues from advertising that is placed on them. Since 1977 nine major North American cities and 387913 several smaller ones have contracted fo r such self-sustaining shelter REEVALUATING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROCUREMENT programs with 12 different commercial organizations. Although advertising Public bodies have increasingly become involved in providing services, shelter contracts can vary in language and detail, they typically cover five including transportation. Cost effective transportation should include a major areas: General terms; fi nancial terms; site selection; shelter spe­ responsibility for procurement with special emphasis on determining the cifi cations and maintenance; and advertising. Because of the high visibility following: The real community need; whether local community groups can of transit shelters and the need fo r coordination with several city agencies, resolve transport problems if a services manager can deal with institutional all affected organizations need to be involved in contract development. The barriers; if transport services are required, is there excess capacity that types, number and sizes of posters are constrained by the contracts. Some might be utilized; if transport must be procured, existing or potential cities have been more restrictive in the regard than others. private providers should be sought; in procurement there should be efforts to increase the number of competi tors, but assure that bidding will not Weisman, M (San Francisco Public Utilities Commission) destroy bidders; if contract service is necessary, assure that the carrier is Transportation Quarterly Vol. 38 No. 3, July 1984, pp 361-374, 3 encouraged to sell excess capacity and pass savings to contracting agency. Fig., 3 Tab. Self-help programs should be encouraged. Once procurement is deemed necessary, it is important to identify the service level, estimate the cost of ORDER FROM: Eno Foundation for Transportation, Incorporated, P.O. service, control cost factors, participate in pricing, and establish the Box 55, Saugatuck Station, Westport, Connecticut, 06880 ownership of vehicles. Management and procurement of service depends on judicious selection and utiliza tion of capacity. an authority is more 387909 insulated from politics in its WHEN PU BLIC SERVICES GO PRIVATE: THE ANSWER? OR AN ANSWER? Davis, FW, Jr (Tennessee University, Knoxville) Transitions 1984, pp The experiences of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, city governments 47-6 1 in contracting for private-sector services is described. The concept of having governments "govern" and not be producers of service led to ORDER FROM: A TE Management and Service Company, establishment of a nonprofit organization to foster purchase of services in Incorporated, Editor, 617 Vine Street, Suite 800, Cincinnati, Ohio, the Twin Cities area. St. Paul's experience with contracting services leads 45202 the author to a number of conclusions: It is possible to contract successfully; it is difficult for the private sector to produce service unless it 387924 is already engaged in that activity; skills necessary to perform certain INTERCITY PASSENGER FACILITY PROGRAM ADDS municipal functions are not necessarily available in the private sector; it can CONVENIENCE FOR MICHIGAN TRAVELERS be difficult to write specifications for contracting a service; there will Michigan Department of Transportation, starting in I 977, has funded inevitably be political, labor, business and psychological barriers to through its Intercity Facility Program nine new transportation centers in contracting for services already being produced by a municipality. Despite large and small communities and 26 shelters in rural areas. Centers for 7 their proximity, St. Paul and Minneapolis have differing policies on other cities and towns are being designed. Four goals of the Program are: provision of services. Along with private sector providers, it is possible that (I) Assist communities in development and construction of new or contracts can be made with nonprofit or neighborhood organizations. improved facilities by providing conceptual guidance and financial assis­ Another option is purch ase and/or sale of services involving other units of tance; (2) Ensure that all such centers are designed to serve intermodal government. In summary, contracting for services can be a potent tool but needs; (3) Improve safety and comfort for passengers, stimulating increased to be successful it must be done carefully. patronage of public transit services; (4) Design centers to become self­ supporting. Consideration is given in analyzing applications to population Hames, P (Department of Finance and Management Services) served, existing intercity and local services, unusual market contributors Transitions 1984, pp 1-11 such as universities and military installations,_and ability to increase public transit ridership and reduce its costs. Existing buildings, in some cases ORDER FROM: A TE Management and Service Company, railroad stations, have been renovated for the new use. The centers Incorporated, Editor, 617 Vine Street, Suite 800, Cincinnati, Ohio, variously contain facilities for local and intercity buses, Amtrak passenger 45202 trains, local paratransit, state and local government offices, and a variety of private enterprises. 387911 Bus Ride Vol. 20 No. 4, July 1984, pp 56-58, 5 Phot. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS-SYNERGY IN PUBLIC TRANSIT ORDER FROM: Friendship Publications, Incorporated, West 2627 Starting in the 1960s public transit lost its private-sector orientation as Providence, P.O. Box 1472, Spokane, Washington, 992 10 most such companies were taken over by public agencies. Takeovers had come as a result of massive losses of ridership and of support for transit 387933 services. Now local office holders do not understand transit's role and this HOW NEW TECHNOLOGY RESCUED THE CABLE is further complicated by transit users' inability to communicate their need Restoration of the San Francisco Municipal Railway cable-car system, for transit. The result is termed " isolation" which is also exacerbated by completed in June 1984 follwoing a 2-year shutdown for reconstruction, other factors. Transit managers have placed high priority on the mechanics was a joint public/private effort at historic preservation. Almost $ 10 fo transit and low priority on developing a real constituency in fa iling to million was raised by private sources to assist the City in making the first make their systems valuable to a wider range of potential users in their complete overhaul in a century. The archaic technology was fa ithfully communities. The success of Valley Metro in Roanoke, Va., in involving restored, bolstered by current materials and designs wherever possible itself in a major downtown urban renewal project with the private sector is without affecting the appearance or operation of the venerable hill -climbing a type of activity which can aid in constituency development. Other Valley public transit system. Design changes and new lubricants are expected to Metro activities have included ridcsharing and parking, community service increase the 100-day life of the 11 miles of cable which propel the 44 classic projects, and joint promotion with private businesses. Valley Metro's efforts cable cars at a constant 9.5 mph. The new drive system, installed in the are ongoing and changing, reflecting the needs of the community and of the historic Car Barn, presented complications but the exterior of the building transit system. Transit managements' responsibility is to seek private-public was unchanged. While machinery in the Car Barn and beneath the streets,

4 along with the track structure in the streets, is completely new, the old cars This paper appeared in T ransportation Research Board Special Report were completely restored using traditional materials and techniques. No. 199, Future D irections of Urban Public T ransportation. Papers presented at a Conference on the Future Directions of Urban Public Casey, S Historic Preservation Vol. 36 No. 3, June 1984, pp 54-57, Transportation September 26-29, 1982, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 5 Phot. Schofcr, JL Transportation Research Board S pecial Report No. 199, ORDER FROM: University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb 1983, pp 59-66, 24 Ref. Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48106 ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off 387951 FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF URBAN PUBLIC 387959 TRANSPORTATION. OPENlNG REMARKS TRANSPORTATION lN TRANSITION In her opening remarks, the author suggests that certain assumptions about It is proposed that the current transportation crisis is both the death rattle public transit may no longer be valid. Specifically, she question the idea of outdated institutions for delivering transportation services. and the that publicly subsidized service is the only way to assure urban transit. In painful birth of many new delivery systems. In the coming years, the public her opinion, it may be time to give private operators a larger role in urban sector must reduce its financial commitments and gain better control over public transportation. its costs. Scarce public resources will have to be focused more carefully on This paper appeared in Transportation Research Board Special Report specific attainable objectives. Greater financial contributions from users No. 100, Future Directions of Urban Public Transportation. Papers will also be required. Options available to meet nearly everyone of these presented at a Conference on the Future Directions of Urban Public challenges fall under the general umbrella of greater use of private sector Transportation, September 26-29, 1982, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. providers. Foryst, CA Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 199, This paper appeared in Transportation Research Board Special Report 1983, p 5 No. 199, Future Directions of U rban Public Transportation. Papers presented ·at a Conference on the Future Directions of Urban Public ORDER FROM: TRB Publications OfT Transportation September 26-29, 1982, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 387952 Pikarsky, M Johnson, C Transportation Rese11rch Board Special FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF URBAN PUBLIC Report No. 199, 1983, pp 72-74 TRANSPORTATION. SYNOPSIS OF PRE-CONFERENCE PAPERS ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off This section offers a synopsis of the five overview papers that were prepared fo r and provided to the· participants before the Woods Hole conference. In 387960 addition, authors of the papers had an opportunity to comment fu rther on CHANGING CONCEPTS OF URDA'.'. PUBLIC their themes and positions. Such comments are highlighted here, and the TRANSPORTATION edited texts of their papers are included for further reference. The authors Urban transportation in America is undergoing a major appraisal and, and their topics are as follows: Effects of Energy Supply and Telecommuni­ emerging from these grassroots reappraisals, is a wealth of innovative ideas cations on Urban Mass Transit's Future, Sarah J. LaBelle and Martin J. about the ways local transportation can be more effectively managed, Bernard III, Argonne National Laboratory; Land Use Trends and Transit provided, and paid for. These new approaches are divided into seven Operations, Donald E. Priest, University of Virginia and Priezac Corpora­ headings, and reviewed: ( I ) Developer involvement in transportation tion, and Joseph L. Walsh-Russo, New Jersey Department of Transporta­ improvements; (2) Private-sector· sponsorship of transportation services; (3) tion; Changes in the Economic Base of Urban Areas: Implications for Transportation management associations; (4) Downtown transportation Urban Public Transportation, Richard V. Knight, University of Akron; management; (5) Private operation of transit services; (6) Decentralizi ng Financing Public Transportation, Ronald F. Kirby, Urban Institute; and service delivery; and (7) Private financing of transit infrastructure. Does This Bus Go to the Future? Some Thoughts on the Future of Urban T his paper appeared in Transportation Research Board Special Report Public Transit, Joseph L. Schofer, Northwestern University. The list of No. I 99. Future Directions of Urban Public Transportation. Papers points made by the authors includes finance, paratransit, private-sector presented at a Conference on the Future Directions of Urban Public involvement, private-sector management practices, metropolitan develop­ Transportation, September 26-29, 1982, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. ment patterns, and energy. (Author) Orski, C K Transportation Research Board S pecial Report No. 199, This paper appeared in Transportation Research Board Special Report 1983, pp 74-78 No. 199, Future Directions of Urban Public Transportation. Papers presented at a Conference on the Future Directions of Urban Public ORDER FROM: TRB Publications OfT Transportation, September 26-29, 1982, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Stowers, JR Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 199, 387976 1983, pp 21-24 THE ADEQUACY OF TRANSPORTATIO:"ol FACILITIES IN MINORITY COMMU'.'.lTI ES FOR THE ELDERLY, A1'D LOW ORD ER FROM: TRB Publications OfT INCOME GROUPS-THE PROBLEMS OF RESIDE:--ICE AND ACCESSIBILITY 387957 The primary objective of this study was to assess and record the types of DOES THIS BUS GO TO THE FUTURE? SOME THOUGHTS transportation services available to the elderly, handicapped, and economi­ ON THE FUTURE OF URBAN PUBLIC TRANSIT cally disadvantaged groups and compare selected transportation system to The author argues that the transit industry should di versify and give up community facilities. This study samples a population of elderly, handi­ control of much of the existing public transportation service. He points our capped, and low income participants within the metropolitan area of that bigness in transit has no scale economy. He says that greater emphasis Jackson, Mississippi. Most of these respondents were on income mainte­ should be placed on cost-effectiveness management controls and cites an nance programs and experiencing hardship in private transportation cost. example of using statistics such as cost per passenger, rather than cost per The situation was compounded when these groups had to travel to and vehicle mile, as indicators of cost effectiveness in transit. He points out that from doctor's offices. grocery stores, social service agencies and shopping the private sector has done rela tively well in a number of specialized areas centers. The major conclusion of this research project are: (a) that the including taxis, the charter business, business, elderly and perferred form of travel among low income groups was the bus, the middle handicapped services, vanpools and carpool assistance. He argues that we and high income respondents usually d rove their cars; (b) the elderly attend should seek controlled competition between the public and the private to their business affairs between late morning and early afternoon; (c) the sectors. He also believe that industry needs to be tough on labor issues majority of handicapped used the b us between 6:00-8:00 a.m.; {d) the travel affecting the long-term efficiency of transit, even allowing strikes if pattern of the low income seemed to be worked related; (e) the common necessary, in order to tie benefits and wages to productivity. Finally, he mode of non-work related travel utilized by the respondents was the argues in favor or shifting federal programs towards block grants, to automobile; (f) the predominant modes of transportation are buses, taxis, encourage proper incentives for improved performance at the local level. minibuses and automobiles; (g) bus users tend to allocate more time than

5 necessary to traveling in order not to be late, and (h) the survey indicate a 389316 low capacity utilization as well as a low revenue cost ratio. BUSES This command paper outlines the government's proposals for majo r King, J, JR changes to arrangements for the bus industry with a view to giving better Jackson State University, Department of Transportation Final Rpt. service to the passengers at less cost to the ratepayer and lhe tax payer. The 82-045, Dec. 1983, 160p, 63 Tab., Refs., 3 App. Contract DTRS- changes concern:- abolition of road service licensing throughout the United 5683-C-0036 Kingdom (except for the framework of controls in London which wiJI be ORDER FROM: DOT retained for the time being);-increased supervision of the quality and safety standards of public service vehicles and operators;-continued subsidies by local authorities for bus routes which are not viable, but local authorities 389253 will be required to seek competitive tenders;-continuation of concessionary URBAN TRANSPORT PLANNING; PARADOXES FOR THE fare schemes with all operators being enabled to participate in them;­ 1980'8 additional support by the government for transport in rural areas, and Urban transport planning in advanced industrial countries faces a set of study of the wider use of services run by education, health and social paradoxes. Since the late 1960s the emphasis has shifted from urban service authorities, the post office and others;-changes in the structure of highway building to car restraint and public transport priority. But car the bus industry with a strong tendency towards privatisation and ownership has continued to rise, fortified by the fact that real costs of competition;-licensed taxis and hired cars will be allowed to carry driving have continued to decline after the momentary rise following the passengers at separate fares in certain circumstances;-problems affecting the energy crises of 1973-4. At the same time, population and employment bus industry in Scotland are treated in a separate chapter. tends to leave central and inner cities which can support good levels of Prepared in cooperation with the Scottish Office. public transport, and to relocate in small towns and rural locations where this is almost impossible and where dependence on the car in consequence Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Department of Transport, England tends to be almost complete. The recent approach to transport planning CMND 9300, 1984, 78p, Figs., Tabs., Refs. stresses policies to meet the demands of individual household members constrained by time and space. This approach might in turn suggest fairly ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276779) radical solutions to the problem of personal mobility, no longer based on ORDER FROM: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 49 High Holborn, the conventional public transport wisdom. (Author/TRRL) London WCIV 6HB, England Transportation Planning Research Colloquium 1983 held in Zandvoort on December 14-16, 1983. Volume I. 389317 GOING PLACES: TWO EXPERIMENTS IN VO LUNT ARY Hall, P (California University, Berkeley); Bovy, PHL TRANSPORT Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1984, pp 87-95 This report describes two experiments set up by the Centre for Policy on Ageing. One, a voluntary car service: Plymouth community transport, was ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276527), Institute for Road to test the effect of providing a large social car scheme in an urban area, the Safety Research SWOY other: the Birmingham share transport experiment, was to encourage the ORDER FROM: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, P.O . Box shared use of minibuses. It describes their objectives, their operation during 45, Delft, Netherlands the period of CPA funding, their successes and their difficulties, and their subsequent history. For the first experiment, details are given of the scheme 389276 and its management, costs and subsidies, drivers (identity, motivation and DEFENDING PUBLIC TRA SPORT OR WHY AND HOW TO turnover), passengers (eligibility, age and mobility), user groups. For the PROTECT Birmingham shared transport experiment, data are presented of the scheme Rural public transport is declining in sparsely populated parts of the and its management, user organisations, attitudes to sharing. Issues arising Netherlands. This is due, in part, to a steady depopulation of small villages from the experiments, door-to-door transport for individuals and vehicle but decline is selfsustaining and confirmed by the national standards for sharing, are discussed. A guide to sources of information on community level of service (nvs) based on mean ridership levels. In 1981 an application transport is appended. of somewhat stricter standards (for reasons of economy) caused consider­ able decrease of the level of service in some areas. A before and after study Hedley, R Norman, A was undertaken by the first author on about 40 bus lines. It was sponsored Centre for Policy on Ageing Monograph 1984, 62p, 9 Tab., Refs. by two provinces-worried about the quality of life in the countryside-and carried out in cooperation with the regional bus operators-worried about ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276781) their prospects. Though two-thirds of the passengers experienced problems, ORD ER FROM: Centre for Policy on Ageing, Nuffield Lodge Studio, in particular those on weak lines with sharply decreased level of service Regent's Park, London, England were severely affected. Regarding the apparent value of rural transport for its users we set out to develop a transport system integrating conventional 389333 public transport with specialist and community transport. Its purpose was JOINT DEVELOPMENT AND VALUE CAPTURE IN LOS threefold: to increase the general level of service without increasing deficits, ANGELES: LOCAL POLICY FORMULATION to serve the needs of different user-categories as indicated by the study This report describes the process used by the Southern California Rapid mentioned and to protect conventional public transport. This might be T ransit District (SCRTD) to promote developer interest in joint develop­ attained by dropping traditional geographic (and legal) boundaries between ment and value capture along the routes of the planned Los Angeles rail different systems and by utilizing different components dependent on line. The document includes the policies which were formulated, how they changes in volume and character of demand during the day and the week. were identified, and who the various participants involved in setting forth For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 276520. (TRRL) the policies were. The report explores the "centers" concept, which is the Transportation Planning Research Colloquium 1983 held in Zandvoort basis of the city's general plan, and shows how station-area development is on December 14-16, 1983. Volume II. being planned to support these broader development objectives. Specific alternatives for implementation of joint development or value capture are Boer, E de Klinkenberg, J (Delft University of Technology, described in some detail in two chapters at the conclusion of the document. Netherlands); Bovy, PHL The report should be especially valuable for staffs of elected officials in Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1984, pp 53-58, I Fig., 3 larger cities, o r for people with city planning or transportation financing Tab., 11 Ref. responsibilities.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276550), Institute for Road Office of the Secretary of Transportation DOT-I-83-23, Jan. 1983, Safety Research SWOY 11 6p ORDER FROM: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, P.O. Box 45, Delft, Netherlands ORDER FROM: OST

6 389339 389384 TAXI REGULATION IN A FREE ENTRY MARKET: A CASE COMBUS: REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER BUS SERVICE STUDY OF WASHINGTON, D.C.-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To avoid building-up a peak-oriented system by taking on additional This study examines taxi regulation in a free entry market, regulatory commuter runs, and because financial constraints prevented the Greater trends and regulators willingness to encourage increased private sector Bridgeport Transit District (GBTD) from subsidizing new commuter participation in public transportation. The specific objectives of this service, GBTD set out in this COMBUS project to ex plore the potential research project were to: (I) Analyze in detail the current state of taxi role of private bus operators in commuter transportation. Basicall y, the regulations in a free entry market; (2) Identify and analyze any regulatory purpose of this study is to examine whether a privately operated commuter trends in the free entry market; (3) Ascertain and delineate the local public bus service could be self-supporting. The objectives of the study were: 1) to body's point of view on taxi regulation in the area; (4) Determine the examine private operator interest in providing commuter service; 2) to willingness of local government to encourage greater private sector examine the feasibility of a self-supporting commuter service; 3) to develop participation in public transportation. components of start-up support; and 4) to evaluate effectiveness and See also PB84-l 89208. efficiency ofGBTD brokerage by actually implementing a service. Planning consisted of a survey of local private operators and the selection of an Lyons, DL Ahn, MC employment center. The project demonstrated that low demand and low District of Columbia University, Urban Mass Transportation revenues were too risky a market for the private sector. COMBUS never Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-DC-1 1-0015-84-1, Oct. 1983, became self-supporting during the 3-months of test service. The recovery Sp Contract DOT-UMTA-DC-11 -001 5 rate was between 50-60 percent (better than the G BTD regular service of ORDER FROM: NTIS PB84-189 190 40 percent). The project also demonstrated the problems associated with private bus operators in commuter service in the Bridgeport area. Overall , 389361 the study concluded that self-supporting privately operated commuter PRIVATE SECTOR OPTIONS FOR COMMUTER service had little potential in the area. The GBTD (320,000 population) is a TRANSPORTATION middle-sized operation with a peak fleet of 50 buses operating on 20 routes. This study examines the institutional and economic feasibility of increasing Public transit operations began in 1979 when G BTD took over the service the utilization of the private sector to provide and organize commuter provided by 4 private companies-two of which remain as large schoolbus transportation services. These include both private services not subsidized and charter operators. with public funds-private commuter bus service, buspools, and employer vanpool programs, and privately provided services sponsored by public Greater Bridgeport Transit District, Urban Mass Transportation agencies-privately contracted commuter bus service and transit agency Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-CT-09-0026-84, H-65 1, June 1984, vanpooling programs. Based on case studies of urban areas where these 94p, 1 App. services exist, the report determines that they demonstrate significant economic advantages compared to transit agency commuter bus services, ORD ER FROM: UMTA but face major institutional and market obstacles to widespread adoption. 389403 Teal, RF Giuliano, G Brenner, ME Rooney, SB Jacobs, JK SERRAMONTE TRANSIT CENTER STUDY. FINAL REPORT California University, Irvine, Urban Mass Transportation Serramonte Center is a very active regional shopping center just south of Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-CA-11-0022-2, Apr. 1984, 182p, San Francisco. Several bus routes of San Mateo County Transit stop at a Tabs., Refs., 1 App. Contract UMTA-CA-1 1-0022 bus shelter in the Center's parking lot and a significant number of shoppers ORDER FROM: UMTA and Center employees use the bus service. Center owners began planning a major expansion with added stores, new parking structures and a new bus 389380 station closer to the center of retail activity. The Center and SamTrans THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DOWNTOWN AUTO­ cooperated in studying design requirements of a terminal and the feasibi lity RESTRICTED PROJECTS. FINAL REPORT of joint improvements fo r public-owned buses on a privately owned site. In 1975 UMTA's Office of Service and Methods Demonstration launched a Bus service brings added shoppers who would not normally come by auto demonstration program of Auto Restricted Zones (ARZs) which went and reduces parking requirements allowing for added shoppping center beyond the traditional scope of linear pedestrian malls. ARZs involve auto developmen t. While the transit center location should be at the center of restriction in a large geographic area with integration of a transit shopping activity, this would be impractical without a busway to reach the component. This study's goal is to evaluate the implementation process of center. This report has 6 parts: (1) Summary of principal conclusions; (2) the ARZ demonstration program. Other Central Business District (CBD) Data on existing site and transit services with likely options fo r future revitalization alternatives to ARZs were examined. A mail survey was expansion; (3) Discussion of results of initial survey of problems, issues and conducted to solicit information from city planning department directors in ideas; (4) Results of transit user surveys and projections; (5) Alternative the 112 central cities of the U.S. Survey items were directed to the period station locations; (6) Results of the study and lessons learned for possible since 1975 and addressed several issues: CBD problems, CBD revitalization use in designing centers and services fo r other shopping centers. projects, and implementation problems and lessons associated with these projects. From the responses, CBD projects were grouped into three Liskamm, WH Conradt, R categories: Public, private, and joint public/private projects. ARZs Gruen Gruen and Associates, San Mateo County Transit District, accounted for 10 percent of all 166 reported projects. O ne-fifth of all Urban Mass Transportation Administration Final Rpt. DOT-1-83-45, projects were private developments, the remainder represented public and June 1983, v.p., Figs., Tabs., Apps. private collaboration. F urther study was made of specific projects. The ORDER FROM: OST study confirmed two views about planning and the planner's role: Policy is not just drawn up and implemented but must be continually adapted 389752 during negotiations, and planners are quite successful in combatting TAXI REGULATION IN A FREE ENTRY MARKET. A CASE planning problems but have problems confronting support problems. STUDY OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Support problems consist primarily of instigating support and coordinating This study examines taxi regulation in a free entry market, regulatory participants. The skills of negotiation and coordination are essential in trends and regulators wi llingness to encourage increased private sector dealing with the private sector, indicating that a redefinition of the role of participation in public transportation. The specific objectives of this public planning is in order. The planner can play an important role as a research project were to: I) Analyze in detail the current state of taxi mediator in maintaining consensus and in resolving disagreements that -regulations in a free entry market; 2) Identify and analyze any regu latory threaten implementation. trends in the free entry market; 3) Ascertain and delineate the local public Loukissas, PJ Mann, SH body's point of view on taxi regulation in the area; 4) Determine the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Urban Mass willingness of local government to encourage greater private sector Transportation Administration DOT-1-84-33, June 1984, 223p, Figs., participation in public transportation; and 5) Formulate recommendations Tabs., 10 App. and strategies for increasing private sector participation in public transpor­ tation. The research team focused on four areas of taxi regulation: entry ORDER FROM: OST controls; fare policy; operating standards and financial responsibili ty. A

7 case study approach was used to examine and analyze the current state of well as explaining the observed pattern of impacts. The primary objectives taxi regulation in a free entry market, the local regulatory process and of the research were to: I) provide information from the Arizona regulators' willingness to encourage increased private sector participation experiment on the public question of whether economic deregulation of in public transportation. Both primary and secondary data sources urban passenger transportation results in benefits to transportation provid­ provided the base of information used to identify, delineate and assess ers and urban travellers; 2) determine and evaluate the probable character­ regulatory issues and formulate recommendations. Data collection and istics of unregulated markets in common carriage urban passenger interviews were conducted in Washington, D.C. The authors of this report transportation in Arizona and generalize the results to other urban areas; recommend that the Urban Mass Transportation Administration should and 3) document short-run market adjustment processes following deregu­ consider monitoring the taxi regulatory atmosphere and changes in the lation. Entry, exit, prices, productivity, and profitability were included in District of Columbia. The implications of the proposed changes and their the analysis as were the topics of service innovation, changes in market size, effect on the District's efforts to integrate taxi services with public mass effects upon compting modes, and implication for public transportation. transportation should be of particular interest, both locall y and nationally. Major tasks of the study consisted of: I) an extensive review of the transportation literature pertaining to deregulation; 2) the development of a Lyons, DL methodology to form hypotheses concerning impacts of deregulation; and District of Columbia University, Urban Mass Transportation 3) collection and analysis of empirical data from Arizona cities for the first Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-DC-11-0015-84-2, Oct. 1983, year following deregulation. 207p Contract DC-11-0015 ORDER FROM: NTIS PB84-189208 Teal, RF Berglund, M 389754 California University, Irvine, Urban Mass Transportation PRIVATE SECTOR OPTIONS FOR COMMUTER Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-CA-11-0027-84-1, Apr. 1984, TRANSPORTATION. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16p Contract CA-1 1-0027 The study examines the institutional and economic feasibility of increasing ORDER FROM: NTIS PB84-218551 the utilization of the private sector to provide and organize commuter transportation services. It is an evalua tion of the private sector's potential 389856 to assume a major role in the delivery of collective forms of commuter SPEND NOW, GET YOUR GRANT LATER transportation. The private sector options analyzed in this study are Advanced construction notes have been utilized by the Port Authority of commuter transportation strategies for which the private sector is, at a Allegheny County, a first for the transit industry. While this method of minimum, responsible for organizing and financing the service. These financing has been used fo r highways and sewers, the Pittsburgh project is options include: commuter bus service provided by private bus compa­ nies-either unsubsidized or operated under contract to a public agency; the first when this approach has been used in the transit industry. employer organized commuter ridesharing programs; and vanpooling Rebuilding of the PAT light rail system was faced with delays because services organized by transit agencies, private employers, and ridesharing federal government grant funding was not expected until months after it agencies. By examining the use of these strategies in several metropolitan could be used most effectively. The $37.6 million in notes, pledging that the areas, this study seeks to determine the conditions under which they are debt would be paid with grant money, represented a strategy developed by utilized, to identify the obstacles to more widespread adoption, and to PaineWebber Capital Markets. The money was received in June 1984 and assess their appropriateness and cost-effectiveness. Because a variety of PAT began to spend it even though the federal grant was not expected to economic, legal, political, and organizational factors affect the feasi bility of arrive until sometime in FY1985, beginning October I, 1984. UMTA those strategies, this study addresses both their institition and economic entered into a contract for the Pittsburgh project in 1979 pledging to dimensions. Si x major types of private sector strategies are examined in this provide 80% of the funding. UMTA has never failed to make payments on study. They are: I) privately provided unsubsidized commuter bus service;· any such commitment but the exact date when money would arrive has 2) contracts with private bus operators for commuter services; 3) service been uncertain. The notes arc seen best suited for projects lasting several turnovers from public transit agencies to private operators; 4) facilitating years and where work has already started. Transit agencies should also be private commuter bus services through marketing and equipment assis­ able to sell such notes fo r new projects. tance; 5) transi t agency ridesharing programs; and 6) employer sponsored ridesharing programs. Private sector strategies were examined in eight Deutsch, SM (Paine Webber Capital Markets) Railway Age Vol. 185 metorpolitan areas where they have been an important aspect of commuter No. 9, Sept. 1984, p 121 , I Phot. transportation. These areas are: Boston, Massachusetts; Hartford, Connect­ icut; Norfolk, Virginia; Newport News, Virginia; San Francisco Bay Area­ ORDER FROM: ESL North Bay, California; San Jose, California; Los Angeles, California; and Houston, Texas. Based on these case studies of urban areas where private sector transportation exists, the authors have determined that the service 389865 demonstrates significant economic advantages compared to transit agency BUILD HERE: TRANSIT'S RALLYING CRY commuter bus services, but face major institutional and market obstacles to Public-private joint development projects on land owned by transit agencies widespread adoption. are influencing development patterns in an increasing number of cities. This article looks at what is happening in six of them. Transit agencies often Teal. RF Giuliano, G Brenner, ME Rooney, SB Jacobs, JK acquire more property than is necessary for their new rail lines or stations. California University, Irvine, Urban Mass Transportation Public agencies are subject to political pressures and often ill equipped to Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-CA-11-0022-84- I, Apr. I 984, negotiate real estate deals so that it may be in an agency's best interest to 15p Contract CA-11-0022 enter into an agreement with a developer experienced in generating ORDER FROM : NTIS PB84-218189 profitable use of property. Station area development is frequently confused with the term joint development. Joint development is often used 389755 interchangeably with value capture, a concept by which a community share URBAN TRANSPORTATION DEREGULATION IN ARIZONA. in economic benefits of publicly fu nded improvements. Examples of the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY various practices are given fo r Toronto; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta; This research reports on the first year impacts of urban transportation Miami; Baltimore and Los Angeles. Supplemental articles discuss the dergulation in Arizona. It examines the impacts of deregulation on the taxi, uneven impacts of Washington Metro and of joint development in Cedar airport limousine, private buses, and demand-responsive transportation Rapids, Ia., where a transportation center is shown to work for a smaller industries in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona and certain small cities, and as city with bus transit. many new modes that might be initiated after deregulation, such as jitneys. The Phoeniz Airport, Sky Harbor International, was also a major focus of the analysis. The first year results of the Arizona experience a re also Padron, M Planning Vol. 50 No. 6, June 1984, pp 6-10, 7 Phot. compared to the impacts of taxi regulatory change in other cities. The report considers the advantages, disadvantages, and policy implications of ORDER FROM: American Planning Association, 1313 East 60th Street, complete deregulation of private urban common carriage transportation, as Chicago, Illinois, 6063 7

8 389877 389887 LITTLE CABLE CARS BACK CLIMBING HILLS OF SAN BUS MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT STUDY FRANCISCO Public transit agencies have begun to examine their maintenance operations San Francisco's cable cars returned to service in the summer of 1984 with with an eye toward increased productivity. Supplementing their bus the rejuvenated 40-car fleet operati ng over the same 3-line, 69-block long maintenance stalf with newer and more efficient equipment is one way to system which had also been completely rebuilt. This restoration represents ~ontain future cost growth. But which equipment and how much will it $60 million in public and private funding. The entire operation was save? The Urban Mass Transportation Administration (MTA) structured completely shut down for 2 years as streets were completely reconstructed this bus maintenance equipment project to answer these questions, assisting with new rails, cable channels and even new public utilities. San Francisco transit agencies in their productivity assessments. This final report draws Municipal Railway began a marketing program early this year and had to together essential ingredients from the public and private transportation retain the cable-car gripmen and conductors for the resumption of the sectors and constructs cost-benefit analyses of selected bus maintenance opera tion. San Francisco tourism relies heavily on cable cars; they are also items. The result is a glimpse of the overall bus maintenance picture, a list an accepted commuting mode. of specific maintenance equipment improvements applicable to most transi t agencies, and a detailed examination of the costs and benefits associated Mass Transit Vol. 11 No. 8, Aug. 1984, Sp, 2 Phot. with a selected number of high priority maintenance items.

ORDER FROM: Mass Transit, 337 National Press Building, Weiss, JF Travis, CT Ligon, CM Washington, D .C., 20045 AMAF Industries, Incorporated, Urban Mass Transportation Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-MD-06-0101-84-1, 8408-T2300-201, Aug. 1984, 66p, I Fig., 11 Tab., 6 App. Contract DTUM60-83-C- 389884 71218 UMTA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ADVISORY SEMINAR, ANN ORDER FROM: UMTA ARBOR, MICHIGAN The UMTA Technical Assistance Advisory Seminar was held in Ann Arbor, Ml, September 13-14, 1983, bringing together over 50 transporta­ 389892 tion professionals to discuss composition and direction of UMTA Techni­ A STUDY TO IDENTIFY EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT AND cal Assistance Programs. There was some consensus on UMTA program TRANSFERABLE MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) direction. (I) Emphasize technology transfer with recommendation that STRATEGIES WITHIN A MULTI-MODAL TRANSIT SYSTEM. UMTA aim at enhancing the process. (2) Concentrate on near-term FINAL REPORT. RESULTS, FINDINGS AND solutions to needs defined by the transit industry with more guidance to the RECOMMENDATIONS ultimate users of technical assistance. (3) Give more attention to training This study provides guidance on the most elfective methods for promoting and techniques which· can improve the management of transit, stressing full participation by minority business enterprises (MBEs) in transit-related soft-side technologies. (4) Undertake fewer, but bigger programs with opportunities. While historically the development, construc tion and opera­ research elforts more sharply focused on carefull y selected priority areas. tion of a rapid transit system olfers business opportunities, MBEs have ben (5) Encourage public/private cooperation among service providers with unable to secure any signifi cant amount of such business. The study UMTA finding ways to involve private providers in the federally mandated identifies elfective and transferable MBE strategies; identifies operation, planning process, encourage cooperation between public and private sectors maintenance and land-development phases of a new rapid transit system; and resolve labor issues. (6) Continue support for researc h and develop­ identifies key decisions in transit system development which have substan­ ment. performed by the private sector since the limited market provided by tial impact on MBEs to compete for business; and identifies the entry transit provides limited opportunity for amortizing private R&D costs. mechanisms (policies, procedures and programs) which should be put in place and issues which must be raised at each critical entry point to Urban Mass Transportation Administration July 1984, 15p facilitate participation by MBEs.

ORDER FROM: UMTA Resources, Incorporated, Urban Mass Transportation Administration Aug. 1982, v.p., I Tab., I App. Contract DTUM60-82-C-7 1117 389886 ORDER FROM: UMTA MODEL PARKING CODE PROVISIONS TO ENCOURAGE RIDESHARI G A D TRANSIT USE 389893 Most local zoning ordinances contain a set of olf-strcet parking require­ USING MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE CONTRACTS. TECHNICAL ments which are intended to control that part of the parking supply created ASSJSTA CE BRIEFS in the process of private land development. The parking requirements, or Management incentive clauses may be incorporated in contracts which parking code, are potentially a valuable tool in enabling the public sector to transit operating agencies make with private managements to improve influence private sector decisions in the area of Transportation System productivity and establish clear priorities. Transit managemen t services Management (TSM), with benefits potentially occuring to both public and may thus become more attractive for private sector participants. Financial private interests. This document describes and presents model local parking incentives may be used to encourage improved performance in target areas code provisions designed to reduce parking requirements and promote the or when overall contractor performance is only acceptable and a competi­ use of public transit and ridesharing. This model code is suitable for tive market for the contrac t exists. Several examples of these types of inclusion into the zoning ordinances of most urban jurisdic tions in the contracts are given. For successful use of incentive cla uses, the agency must United States. The provisions are designed to allow reduc tions in parking define clearly the performance it hopes the contractor to achieve. requirements for new or expanding office and industrial developments (and Performance indicators can be used to evaluate management performance. certain employment-oriented institutional uses as determined by the but the degree of authority, control and accountability a management firm jurisdiction) when landowners or developers agree to provide incentives for has does vary from system to system. Payments to management firms commute r travel in modes other than single occupant vehicles. A brief should be tied to the indicators and methods of payment include unit rate, background on this approach is given, foll owed by the model pa rking code increm ental amount, proportional amount, one-time bonus and fee pool. itself. A companion report containing nine case studies is available under The two contract types utilized are cost-plus-incentive (or award) fee, or the title of "Model Parking Code Provisions to Encourage Ridcsharing and the fixed price incentive contracts. It is important 10 design an incentive Transit Use (Including a Review of Experience)." system the agency can alford and one that will motivate the management firm. Ten Hoor, SJ Smith, SA JHK and Associates, Federal Highway Administration Final Rpt. Sept. 1983, 30p, 1 Fig., 3 App. Contract DTFH61-82-C-00102 Urban Mass Transportation Administration No Date, 7p ORDER FROM: Federal Highway Administration, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, D .C., 20590 ORDER FROM : MTA

9 389952 ment of deregulation. This report is a summary of the proceedings of the BUS, TAXI, AND WALK FREQUENCY MODELS THAT conference. ACCOUNT FOR SAMPLE SELECTIVITY A 'D Conference conducted by the Transportation Research Board and SIMULTA:-.IEOUS EQUATION BIAS sponsored by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, held April A 2-year user-side subsidy experiment that provided the handicapped and 6-9, 1983, Houston, Texas. the elderly with discounted coupons to be used on buses and taxis was conducted in a small northeastern metropolitan city. The effect of the user­ Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 203, 1983, I03p, side subsidy experiment on bus and taxi travel by the elderly population is Figs., Tabs., Refs., 2 App. described. As expected, the subsidy experiment increased the number of trips taken by bus and by taxi. Furthermore, able-bodied elderly persons ORDER FROM: TRB Publications OIT who do not own automobiles and handicapped elderly persons who are either employed or students are more likely to purchase discounted bus 390114 coupons than the population of elderly persons as a whole. Also, the TRENDS AND OPTIONS FOR INCREASING THE ROLE OF number of walk tr:ps was not affected by the number of bus and taxi trips THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN URBAN TRANSPORTATION taken. Therefore, people who have participated in the subsidy program The proposed legislation for reforming the public transportation institu­ have enjoyed a net increase in mobility (in the form of additional bus and tions in the Chicago region could make a very significant contribution taxi trips) because bus and taxi trips have not simply replaced walk trips. toward reducing the escalating transportation operating deficits and This paper was published in Transportation Research Record 944, increasing public transportation service by mandating that transportation Transportation Forecasting: Analysis and Quantitative Methods. planning be outside the control of public transportation operating agencies, that provision be made to ensure private provider representation in the Jacobson, J Canadian Psychologist No. 944, I 983, pp 57-60, 5 Tab., planning process and that, to the greatest extent feasible, on new and on 3 Ref. heavily subsidized routes, the choice of the transportation provider be made on the basis of better serving the region's total transportation needs.

Pikarsky, M (Illinois Institute of Technology); Johnson, CM 389966 Journal of Advanced Transportation Vol. 17 No. 2, 1983, pp 89-102, OPENING REMARKS. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE 11 Ref. ON ENERGY CONTINGENCY PLANNING IN URBAN AREAS These opening remarks highlight certain aspects of Ameri can urban areas, ACKNOWLEDGMENT: El previons energy emergencies, the implications of energy contingency ORDER FROM: ESL planning, and point out that the conference will examine the progress of energy contingency planning si nce the 1979 emergency. It is noted that the 390135 success of energy contingency planning will depend upon American urban URBAN TRANSPORTATION DEREGULATION IN ARIZONA areas being viewed as they are today and not as they were in the past. This research reports on the first year impacts of urban transportation Meeting the needs of complex urban areas will require multiple strategies. deregulation in Arizona. It examines the impacts of deregulation on the Public transi t is limited in its reliability during an energy emergency. It is taxi, ai rport limousine, private buses, and demand-responsive transporta­ pointed out that existing resources must be used to the fullest in energy tion industries in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona and certain small cities, contingency planning, eliminating the need for additional public expendi­ and as many new modes that might be initiated after deregulation, such as tures. The conference will examine the implications of the free market jitneys. The Phoenix Airport, Sky Harbor International, was also a major approach in addressing energy contingency planning. focus of the analysis. The report considers the advantages, disadvatages, This paper appeared in TR B Special report 203, Proceedings of the and policy implications of complete deregulation of private urban common Conference on Energy Contingency Planning in Urban Areas. Conference carriage transportation, as well as explaining the observed pattern of was conducted by TRB and sponsored by UMTA, April 6-9, 1983, impacts. Houston, Texas. See also PB84-2 I 855 l.

Cox, W Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 203, Teal, RF Berglund, M Nemer, T 1983, pp 17-18 California University, Irvine UMT A-CA-11-0027-84-2, Apr. 1984, I08p ORDER FROM: TRB Publications OIT ORDER FROM: NTIS P884-2 I 8569 389982 THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN ENERGY CONTI 'GENCY 390136 PLAN1"11"G THE SIXTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RURAL PUBLIC We are entering an era of increased public-private cooperation in TRANSPORTATION. FINAL REPORT addressing public issues. This paper addresses the role that can be played The conference theme, Facing the Challenge of Productivity, resulted in by the private sector to maintain urban mobility in an energy emergency. extensive discussion of performance indicators. Different uses of indicators This paper appeared in TRB Special Report 203, Proceedings of the by states and local systems, applying performance indicators to personnel Conference on Energy Contingency Planning in Urban Areas. Conference issues, and typical ranges fo r specific indicators were discussed. Whether was conducted by TRB and sponsored by UTMA, April 6-9, 1983. performances of different rural systems could be compared and whether Houston, Texas. distribution of funds should be based on such statistics were debated. State officials need information generated by performance indicators to make the Cox, W Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 203, case for maintaining or increasing rural transit subsidies; Michigan, Iowa 1983, pp 99-100, I Ref. and Pennsylvania all have such programs which were described. Personnel performance can be affected by motivation and goal-oriented evaluations. ORD!oR FROM: TRB Publications OIT Because the conference preceded the transfer of Section I 8 funding from FHWA to UMTA, there was extensive description of the new procedures. 389983 Two alternatives for delivery of service which· generate interest were use of PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERE:-.ICE 0:-.1 ENERGY private operators under contract to transit or social-service agencies, and CONTI:'.'IGENCY PLANNING 11' URBAN AREAS the use of school buses to provide other services in rural areas. Computers The specific objective of this conference was to assess the state of energy are being used by rural systems for a wide range of operating and contingency planning, with particular emphasis on the following fou r accounting procedures. Good accounting and financial management should issues: (1) Progress in energy contingency planning since the 1979-1980 allow managers to make decisions which can improve productivity. Transit energy crisis; (2) The new environment of deregulation with determination operators should realize that their operations represent relatively insig­ of the impact on contingency planning; (3) The role of private industry and nificant issues fo r many local offici als and it is important to gain support of state and local government offi cials in contingency planning; and (4) Need the community so that political leaders will also respond by giving their to change responses to energy contingency planning in the new environ- support. Discussion of paratransit vehicles centered on rehabilitation over

10 new purchases and on the unreliability of features incorporated in vehicles Rallis, T Meulengracht, K (Royal Technical University of for transportation of the handicapped. Denmark); Vilhof, P (Cowiconsult, Virum, Denmark) Transportation Research. Part A: General Vol. ISA No. 2, Mar. Ecosometrics, Incorporated, Federal Highway Administration, Office 1984, pp 163-175 of the Secretary of Transportation Final Rpt. DOT-1-83-52, Nov. 1983, n.p., Refs., 7 App. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 277268) ORDER FROM: ESL ORDER FROM: OST

390141 390164 MULTIMODAL CENTERS OFFER KEY TO EFFICIENT REDEFINITION OF ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN U.S. TRANSIT TRANSPORTATION Multimodal transit centers are being built with increasing frequency in the Major shifts in U.S. Federal transportation policy are occurring which are U.S. Coordination of transportation modes- private automobiles, local and realigning the roles and responsibilities of the Federal, state and local intercity buses, Amtrak, rail commuter services, rapid transit and/ or light governments, and the private sector. These shifts include a decentralization rail transit-becomes much more feasible when these various carriers share of control to state and local governments, a larger role for the private terminal facilities. Passengers are found to respond positively to the sector, and reduced emphasis on construction of new facilities and more on opportunity to use connecting modes. Planners see four benefits: Offering o rehabilitation and utilization of existing facilities. Although some reaction better service, attraction of new ridership, increasing efficiency anc to these changes is already apparent, it is unclea~ at this time what the effectiveness of existing systems, and bolstering of community developmen effect will be on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of transportation plans. Another version of this center concept, the park-and-ride facility systems. (Author/TRRL) can also serve as a focal point for timed-transfer coordination of local bu, transit services. Not only do these facilities involve careful design but the! Weiner, E (Department of Transportation) Transportation should also represent a coordination of involved modes and integration o (Netherlands) Vol. 12 No. 3, Apr. 1984, pp 211 -224, 6 Tab., 21 Ref. public and private sector developments. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 277286) Mass Transit Vol. 11 No. 9, Sept. 1984, 3p, 4 Phot. ORDER FROM: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, P.O. Box 211, Journal Division, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands ORDER FROM: Mass Transit, 337 National Press Building, Washington, D.C., 20045 390168 WHEELS WITHI CITIES: NEW ALTERNATIVES FOR 390148 PASSENGER TRANSPORT INDEPENDENT SUCCESS WITH UP-MARKET SERVICES This publication challenges the conventional wisdom that public transport This article, based on research recently carried out at the Polytechnic of in cities cannot be provided at a profit; that it has to be supplied by publicly Central London (PCL), examines the role of up-market services by owned or franchised monopolies; and that services have to be slow and independent operators and analyses the users of such services and discusses costly. A number of transport systems abroad are described (largely but not their purpose for using the services and how else they might have travelled. exclusively in developing countries) that operate at profit. Indications are A number of independent operators specialising on a single corridor, with given as to what could be done to enable the United Kingdom to develop high quality (i.e. Video, refreshments, etc.) services, have been quite networks of fast, reliable urban public transport services that are responsive successful since the deregulation brought about in the UK since the 1980 to user's needs, and provided at prices that most can afford. (TRRL) Transport Act. The authors report the results of on-vehicle passenger surveys carried out by PCL students on the following routes: London­ Roth, G Shephard, A Exeter (Glennline): Blackbum-Manchester-London (LEN Wright Travel); Adam Smith Institute Monograph 1984, 89p, 2 Fig., 5 Tab., 10 South Shields-Newcastle-London (Blueline). Estimates have been made of Phot., Refs. the total share of the coach market held by the independents on the routes in question by comparison with comparable services (eg National Express ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 278208) Rapide). The results of the survey are tabulated. One of the major ORDER FROM: Adam Smith Institute, London, England limitations of the independent services is the lack of marketing at the London end of the operations. (TRRL) 390198 Kent, A White, P (Polytechnic of Central London) Coaching WORKSHOP ON PROJECT PLANNING. TRAVEL DEMA D Journal and Bus Review Vol. 52 No. 4, Feb. 1984, 3p, I Tab., 2 ANALYSIS NEEDS FOR PROJECT PLA NING. TRAVEL Phot. ANALYSIS METHODS FOR THE 1980'S This paper reviews travel analysis needs for project planning and provides a ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 276804) starting point for subsequent conference discussions. The concern is project ORDER FROM: Travel and Transport Limited, 122 Newgatc Street, planning for both highway and transit facilities in urban and rural contexts. London ECIA ?AD, England There are 3 interrelated objectives of project planning: feasibility determi­ nation, impact estimation, and design inputs. Requirements are changing in 390163 the 1980s with a shift toward maintaining and making better use of existing THE ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN infrastructure, with greater dependence of private and nonfederal financing; DENMARK with greater concern over freight movements; and with less rigidity in The sharp contrast between the public transportation needs of greater federal planning guidelines. There are two general approaches to project­ Copenhagen and provincial Denmark has led to significant. differences in planning travel demand: (I) Surveys and counts of existing conditions; and policy and organizational structure for public transport in the two regions. (2) Chains of travel demand models frequently maintained as part of the Outside Copenhagen the period I 965-75 saw a rapid decline in rural public urban transportation planning process (UTPP). Both forecast approaches transport supply and a rise in special services (school buses, etc). A 1978 use special procedures and techniques to produce final demand estimates. law requiring county councils to prepare comprehensive regional transport Desirable attributes of demand analysis methods are derived from different plans reversed this trend. Most counties now have economically responsible ,perspectives: ( I) Sound modeling practices; (2) Output requirements; (3) transport corporations which contract with public and private operators for Emerging requirements; (4) Practical concerns. service. School routes have been opened, train and bus schedules have been Proceedings of a conference held October 3-7, 1982, Easton, Maryland. coordinated and zonal fare systems have been introduced. In greater Copenhagen urban sprawl has promoted a gradual public take-over of most Skinner, RE, Jr Transportation Research Board Special Report No. transport services in the region, culminating in an almost all-pervasive 201, 1983, pp 27-34 "public works" type of transport corporation under regional authority in the late 1970s. (Author/TRRL) ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off

11 390199 planning, commitment and cooperation that resulted from coordination WORKSHOP ON URBAN-MICROSCALE PLANNING. among those responsible for its management. WORKSHOP SUMMARY. TRAVEL ANALYSIS METHODS FOR Compendium of Technical Papers, ITE 54th Annual Meeting, San THE 1980'S Francisco, September 23-27, 1984. Serving demands in the urban-microscale context will be made difficult in the 1980s by constraints on funding for new facilities and services. More Hayes, JD (Chin and Hensolt Engineers, Incorporated) Compendium private involvement in transportation in the microscale environment is seen of Technical Papers, 1984 1984, p 18-5, I Fig. likely. Concern has been expressed about the gap between the state of the ORDER FROM: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 525 School art and the state of the practice. Often planning has concentrated on design Street, SW, Suite 410, Washington, D.C., 20024 of specific solutions without adequate consideration to defining the problem to be addressed. Barriers in such a process include; (I) lack of knowledge 390634 by planner and decision maker about available alternatives; (2) institutional TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ISSUES-HOTEL/ CASINO arrangements prohibit planner from broad considerations of alternative DISTRICT-ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. SESSION 19 solutions; (3) objectives for planning are often poorly or inexplicitly Travel habits of Atlantic City casino visitors are substantially different specified by the decision maker; (4) decision makers often select among from earlier predictions. Proximity to major population centers of eastern alternatives; (5) analytical techniques are often inadequate to assess all USA, together with relatively short travel distances from home to the alternatives. Work is f\ecessary in the travel demand impacts of the casinos, encourages bus and private auto use as the two primary travel following microscale strategies: Parking management, transit fare policies, modes. Constant monitoring of times of travel, modal choice, vehicle ridesharing incentives, automobile use restrictions; pedestrian demand occupancies, parking plans and charges for parking becomes necessary to accommodation; and alternative transit-service types. It was felt that respond to the demands placed upon the highway, road and parking methods were in existence to properly assess the following with the primary systems in this rapidly changing urban area. Solutions to the transportation need being to disseminate methods and results: Fixed-route transit service; problems are complex and capital-intensive. A cooperative governmental­ demand-management measures, bicycle enhancement, and goods-move­ private business relationship must exist to produce results. Financial ment data collection. options need to be explored, and government safeguards must be developed Proceedings of a conference held October 3-7, 1982, Easton, Maryland. to ensure private sector participation. Compendium of Technical Papers, ITE 54th Annual Meeting, San Steinmann, RP (Urban Mass Transportation Administration) Francisco, September 23-27, 1984. Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 201, 1983, pp 34- 36 Whitlock, EM Jurasin, RP Mandie, PB (Smith (Wilbur) and Associates, Incorporated) Compendium of Technical Papers, 1984 ORDER FROM : TRB Publications OfT 1984, p 19-8, 5 Fig., 5 Tab. 390223 ORDER FROM: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 525 School STATE OF THE PRACTICE: INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL Street, SW, Suite 410, Washington, D.C., 20024 ANALYSIS. WORKSHOP ON INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES. TRAVEL ANALYSIS METHODS 390638 FOR THE 1980'S PUBLIC/ PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN THE OPERATION OF Financing of transportation improvements emerged as a significant issue in THE PUBLICO SYSTEM OF PUERTO RICO. SESSION 20 the latter part of the 1970s and is becoming the key issue of the 1980s. The Publico System is Puerto Rico's major transportation service, Financing mechanisms at the local level are the primary focus, looking at providing an acceptable and widely used service in urban, suburban and medium and longer-range financial planning (5-15 years) and not at near­ rural areas. It contributes to the economic sector by providing a sou rce of term accounting and budgeting. Local financing mechanisms for highway self-employment and indirect benefits, while having the needed internal and transit are categorized: Local highway financing- User-pay mecha­ flexibility to adjust to changing passenger demands. It is not a perfect nisms, and nonuser mechanisms; Local transi t financing- Broad based public transit system and there are continuing problems such as inade­ taxes and revenue sources, charges on motor vehicle users, charges on quately served routes, low operator income, Jack of coordination between property benefitting from transit, borrowing strategies, joint ventures with operators and government agencies, internal route conflicts and duplication the private sector. Stafes and localities are faced with problems in existing of service in some areas. It is totally self-supporting, operates with a revenue sources: Revenue base is not sensitive to inflation, fluctuating fuel minimum of government intervention and functions without any direct consumption, flu ctuating construction costs, sensitivity to social and subsidies. Many of the characteristics of the Publico System could be used political pressures, and increasing demands fo r transportation facilities, as a basis for consideration for application by federal, state and local public services and maintenance. Specific solutions to financing are unique to each transit agencies and private individuals. local area; new state and local revenue sources must be found. Some Compendium of Technical Papers, ITE 54th Annual Meeting, San interaction will be necessary among transportation plans, financial plans Francisco, September 23-27, 1984. and land use plans. Intergovernmental responsibilities fo r budgeting, short­ range fiscal analyses and long-term financial planning must be clarified. Luyanda, F (Puerto Rico University, Mayaguez); Rodriguez, JL Responsive analytical techniques are needed. (Management & Technical Consulting Group, Inc.) Compendium of Proceedings of a conference held October 3-7, 1982, Easton, Maryland. Technical Papers, 1984 1984, p 20-6, 6 Ref.

Maring, GE (Federal Highway Administration) Transportation ORDER FROM: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 525 School Research Board Special Report No. 301, 1983, pp 189-197, 7 Ref. Street, SW, Suite 410, Washington, D.C., 20024

ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off 390656 PRIVATE SECTOR OPTIONS FOR COMMUTER 390630 TRANSPORTATION SAN FRANCISCO CABLE CAR SYSTEM REHABILITATION. T his study examines the institutional and economic feasibility of increasing SESSION 18 the utili zation of the private sector to provide and organize commuter In I 982 the historic San Francisco cable car system was shut down for 2 transportation services. These include both private services not subsidized years of complete rehabilitation. This operation of the San Francisco with public funds- private commuter bus service, buspools, and employer Municipal Railway, designated a National Historic Landmark, was vanpool programs, and privately provided services sponsored by public restored lo service on schedule and within budget. Major components were agencies-privately contracted commuter bus service and transit agency the track structure envelope, the central Barn where the drive mechanism is vanpooling programs. Based on case studies of urban areas where these located, and the vehicles with the assignment of retaining historic elements services exist, the report determines that they demonstrate significant of the system and a desire to avoid innovative and potentially expensive economic report determines that they demonstrate significant economic concepts. Radical changes were incorporated only when there had been advantages compared to transit agency commuter bus services, but face careful redesign and testing. The design, bidding, construction and major institutional and market obstacles to widespread adoption. contracting procedures are described. The project has been a tribute to the See also PB84-2 I 8 I 89.

12 Teal, RF G iuliano, GM Brenner, ME Rooney, SB Jacobs, JK These case studies, generall y two pages in length, highlight proven California University, Irvine Final Rpt. UMTA-CA-1 1-0022-84-2, Apr. ma nagement practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of loca l 1984, 202p Contract UMTA-CA- 11 -0022 transportation resources. T he case studies consist of selected exa mples of ORDER FROM : NTIS PB84-21 8486 management practices which relate to plan development; priori ty setting; financing; contracting out; work force productivity improvement; equip­ 390682 ment, facilities, and materials management; and performance measurement URBAN TRANSPORT IN ASEAN and evaluation. The locations of the case studies represent areas with a The number and size of urban areas in Southeast Asia has grown rapidly variety of geographic and economic characteristics. Although some of the and promises to continue. Along with the growth of human population, case study sites are in urban areas, the management practices described in there has been an even more rapid growth of automobile population, both these case studies are transferable to many rural jurisdictions (e.g., less than concentrated in major metropolitan areas. Manila, Jakarta and Bangkok 50,000 population). each have in excess of 5 million people. This study assumes that urbanization will continue and a rapid pace in ASEAN, analyzing the Dornan, D Saalfeld, C urban transport phenomena in this context. Existing systems are described Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, Federal Highway a long with the policy implications of modernization. Emphasis is on the Administration, Office of the Secretary of Transportation Final Rpt. range of vehicles and persons within the secondary trans port system. A DOT-I-84-41 , Aug. 1984, 74p, Refs. very large portion of the population is dependent on public transit which is ORD ER FROM: OST characterized by a large number of vehicles operating within the formal sector and a comparable number operating informally. While the formal 390694 systems usually operate at deficit, privately operated fixed-route, jitney and OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO PRIVATE SECTOR paratransit services operate profitably and are characterized by flexibility in TRA:--ISPORTATION CONTRACTING WITH PUBLIC AGENCIES operations and management. Secondary transport vehicles are local This study, prepared by associations representing private providers of versions of the bicycle, motorcycle, or jeep. Reco mmendations are public transit service, examines the role of contracting for public transit made in the following areas: Planning, investment and ownership, pricing, services. Private transportation providers can play an increasingly sig­ regulation, system management. nificant role in the provision of public transportation, but many barriers Pendakur, VS (British Columbia University, Canada); Pendakur, R exist. Private operators have limited success in dealing with local transit Institute of Southeast Asian Stuides Paper 43, 1984, 65p, 5 Tab. operators and with state and federal agencies for whom they attempt to provide service. Experiences of taxi cab and bus operators are detailed in ORDER FROM: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Heng Mui Keng case studies. The reactions and interests of public transport officials in Terrace, Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 0511, Repub of Singapore utilizing private operators through contracts are also given. The history of federal government contracting is briefly reviewed. Contracts can be very ·390686 versatile in accomplishing tasks the government wants done without OVERTOWN STATION AREA REDEVELOPMENT. FINAL government taking over the function. It appears that this general ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT contracting model was not followed when it came to providing public T his Final Environmental Impact Statement documents the environmental transportation services. Private enterprise was quickly left out. Through impacts associated wi th the development alternatives fo r a four block area government ownership, operation and monopoly, the efficiencies and immediately adjacent to the western limits of the Overtown rapid transit innovations which characterize the free market system were foreclosed. station. Responses to substantive comments received on the Draft EIS are Work rules, politically motivated services and pricing, and general also included in this Final EIS. Overtown Station will be constructed as ineffectiveness have hindered the nation's ability to deli ver low-cost, part of the 20.5 mile rapid transit system which is currently under effi cient public transportation. A fi nal recommendati on is for a Steering construction. The study area is situa ted in a strategic location of Dade Committee for UMTA contracting to evaluate the social purposes for County near several major activity centers including the Downtown which the contracting instrument sho uld be utilized. Government Center, the Miami Central Business District, the Civic Center, Little Havana and the Omni. Federal assistance funds from the Urban Airport G round Transportation Association, International Taxicab Mass Transportation Administration have been requested to acquire land Association, American Bus Assoication May 1983, 94p, I Tab., 2 in the fo ur blocks, relocate residents and businesses and clear the area in App. preparation fo r private development. Redevelopment, which would be ORDER FROM: Airport Ground T ransportation Association, K noxville, undertaken primarily with private sector funds, would include a mixture of Tennessee high density residential, commercial and offi ce space and would stimulate employment opportunities in this currently declining community. The 390705 following provisions have been incorporated into the redevelopment REPORT TO CONGRESS. STUDY OF HIGH SPEED proposal. The Overtown Advisory Board would review and monitor the WATERBORNE TRAJ'\SPORTATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE local government's execution of the redevelopment process. Displaced In respose to Congressional mandate, UMT A engaged in an extensive residents and businesses would be relocated within or near the Overtown evaluation of high speed waterborne (HSW) passenger transportation in the community. If redevelopment occurs, they would be provided the opportu­ U.S. and throughout the free world. The study reviewed the history of nity to locate back into the four block area. Additionall y, goals have been HSW, determined its current status and examined factors that might identified to maximize minority parti cipa.tion in investment opportunities impact its future development. Unsubsidized HSW operated by the private and resultant job openings. sector was emphasized in analyzing potential U.S. si tes. The U.S. site Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Metro Dade County analyses included domestic, as well as foreign craft. High interest rates and Office of Transpo rtation Adm in UMTA-FL-09-82, Mar. 1982, v.p., the investment required to establish HSW service make the fi nancial Figs., Tabs. feasibility of operations sensitive to the cost of capital. A vessel capable of satisfactory service must also have low initial costs and be economical to O RDER FROM: UMT A operate and maintain. As a group, craft of foreign origin meet these criteria best. Were foreign technology employed, the study indicated that HSW 390689 service could be operated profitably by the private sector in some markets. CASE STUDIES [N RURAL TRANSPORTATION RESOURCE A study of 10 such site , indicated that nine might, under certain MANAGEMENT. A GUIDE FOR LOCAL ELECTED OFF[CJALS. conditions, be feasible. Conditions are: (I) Competitive in time with other FINAL REPORT transport services, (2) Competitive in cost; (3) Need to capture only a small Transportation resources are the fu nds, personnel, facilities, and equipment share of an existing travel market for economic viability. Primary market that local jurisdictions use to provide transportation services to local for HSW abroad is travel times under 45 minutc.'S. Despite relatively high residents. This report presents 21 case studies of practices to effectively scat-mile costs, travelers abroad oft en pay a premimum fare for travel time manage these transportation resources in rural and small urban areas and savings, convenience and/ or novelty of HSW. HSW craft operate safely in were written as a guide to help rural elected officials increase productivity great variety of adverse locations. Foreign HSW development has been and control costs of their road, bridge, and public transporta tion programs. orderly with private sector and unsubsidized service often viable. In

13 contrast, in the U.S. HSW has been beset by inadequate capitalization and ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 272234), Australian Road has operated with unproven vessels. Research Board ORDER FROM: Australian Road Research Board, P.O. Box 156, Bag Advanced Marine Systems Associates, Incorporated, Peat, Marwick, 4, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, Australia Mitchell and Company, Office of the Secretary of Transportation Aug. 1984, v.p. 391615 ORDER FROM : OST ORGANIZATIONAL FORM AND TRANSIT PERFORMANCE: A RESEARCH REVIEW AND EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS 391491 This research reports the results of a study of the relationships between TAKING STOCK OF JAPA 'S PRIVATE RAILROAD ownership-management structure and transit agency performance. The COMPANIES study is divided into two areas: a review of past research into the The 14 private railroads in Japan perform a substantial amount of the relationship between organizational form and performance and an empiri­ commuter transportation in 4 major areas. With over 1700 route miles and cal analysis using Section 15 data for 1979-80. The performance of five 12,000 cars, these lines move nearly 20 million passengers daily. Seven lines different organizational forms was compared: publicly-managed special serve the Tokyo area, 5 the Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto region, and one each in districts; contract-managed general governments; contract-managed special Nagoya and northern Kyushu. All the companies are involved in activities districts; and privately owned and managed systems. Eight performance other than their railroad operations with diversification including bus dimensions were used for the comparisons: revenue generation. output per subsidiaries, department stores, supermarkets, taxi and trucking operations, dollar, service consumption, public assistance, labor efficiency, vehicle travel agencies, golf clubs, advertising agencies, hotels, real estate, efficiency, safety, and maintenance efficiency. Privately-owned and man­ construction, air cargo and even professional baseball teams. The nature aged systems were found to be significantly more efficient than the other and extent of their rail commuter services and their financial results are four types. The relative efficiency of contract-managed systems was no discussed. better than publicly-managed systems. In contrast to the efficiency results, private systems were significatly less safe than most types of publicly-owned Sevestre, C Tan, TT Mass Transit Vol. 11 No. 10, Oct. 1984, 3p, systems. The report addresses the policy implications of the findings. Fig. Perry, JL ORDER FROM : Mass Transit, 337 National Press Building, California University, Irvine, Urban Mass Transportation Washington, D.C., 20045 Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-CA-11 -0027-2, Sept. 1984, 61p, I Fig., JO Tab., Refs., 1 App. Contract UMTA-CA-1 1-0027 391495 ORDER FROM: UMTA WISCONSIN'S 16(8)(2) CONTRACTING PROGRAM GIVES OPERATORS A FAIR CHANCE 391616 The Section I 6(b)(2) federal funds for the State of Wisconsin are made JOI T DEVELOPMENT PROFITABILITY EXPERIENCES OF available so that private for-profit taxicab/paratransit operators can obtain THE SYSTEMS elderly/handicapped transportation equipment through a formalized pro­ This project report provides selected information about the benefits and cedure. The state produces a booklet giving details of the funding process. costs accruing to public transit authorities engaged in joint development The agency seeking such an equipment grant must advertise to transporta­ and system interface projects in connection with the construction, tion providers its intention to make an application and specify the service reconstruction, or general improvement of rapid transit stations or bus area, number and type of vehicles necessary, and number of wheelchair and/or intermodal terminals. Such information-because it clearly demon­ spaces to be allocated. A proposed schedule and lease conditions then be strates the inherent profitability of such projects-provides incentives for submitted to providers, both profit and non-profit. A case study of this those transit authorities that have yet to undertake them. Special attention process is given. A cab operator in Green Bay, WI , has a lease with the is given to individual steps in the joint development planning process, local American Red Cross chapter. The original plan had been for Red namely: 1) the policy context, 2) the regional planning context, 3) the Cross to institute an in-house operation. The taxi operator will now provide public sector-private sector partnership, and 4) the staff resources necessary specialized transport of elderly and handicapped utilizing the vehicle to do the job. Emphasis is on I) the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit purchased by Red Cross with state funds. The local taxi operator has Authority (WMATA) program because to date, it is the most ambitious expressed satisfaction with the process. and successful in the country, and 2) on the Market Center Development Corporation of Baltimore (MCDC) program because, also ambitious and Taxicab Management Vol. 1 No. 2, Oct. 1984, 2p successful, it represents a strikingly different approach and philosophy. In ORDER FROM: Taxicab Management, !TA, 3849 Farragut Avenue, addition to discussing benefit/cost information, this report compares 3 Kensington, Maryland, 20895 basic approaches to planning and executing joint development projects: 1) the Washington approach, 2) the Los Angeles approach, and 3) the 391524 Baltimore approach. As part of this comparison, the report provides some THE CO-ORDINATIO AND FUNDING OF URBAN dixcussion of the steps typically involved in joint development planning, PASSENGER SERVICES IN NEW ZEALAND and describes some of the attributes of "good planning", particularly in On I April 1981 the Urban Transport Act 1980 took effect. The stated terms of the problems likely to be encountered and how to avoid them. objective of this legislation is "to promote the establishment and mainte­ nance within New Zealand of appropriate and efficient transport systems". Keefer, LE This paper outlines developments in implementing this objective up to the Keefer (Louis E) Associates, Urban Mass Transportation present day and, in particular, the subsidy policies introduced by the Urban Administration UMTA-MD-09-9004-84-1, Dec. 1984, 60p, 35 Transport Council (the national body responsible for administering the Ref. Contract UMTA-MD-09-9004 legislation). The effect on urban transport of other related legislative ORDER FROM: UMTA changes (ie, creation of a railways corporation and deregulation) are also considered. Finally, some of the more immediate policy issues facing the 391935 Urban T ransport Council are identified, namely: subsidy apportionment THE STATUS OF THE NATlON'S LOCAL PUBLIC amongst ratepayers; co-ordination between roading and other forms of TRANSPORTATION: CONDITIONS AND PERFORMANCE urban transport expenditure; competition between public and private The report responds to Section 310 of the Surface Transportation transport operators; and the enlarged basis for subsidising urban transport Assistance Act of 1982, the first in a biennial series to Congre!oo on the expenditure provided by the legislation. {Author/TRRL) performance and needs of the Nation's public mass transportation systems. Forum Papers, 9th Australian Transport Research Forum, Adelaide, The current role and performance of local transportation systems in May 15-16, 1984. assessed on the basis of available measures and data. Future reports are expected to identify how capital and operating needs can be associated with Gollin, AEA (New Zealand. Urban Transport Council) various levels of transit service or performance. The chapters: Introduction; Department of Transport, South Australia 1984, pp 133-151, 2 Fig., Profile of Local Public Transportation; External Influences on Local Public 2 Tab., 9 Ref. Transportation; Cost and Performance in Producing Transit Services;

14 Conclusions and Recommendations. One goal is determining the Federal Aller, TL (Cedar Rapids, City of, Iowa) Bus Ride Vol. 20 No. 7, program's efficiency in achieving the objectives constituting the rationale Nov. 1984, pp 60-61, 2 Phot. for Federal involvement. Federal mass transit assistance will have to be considered in relationship to other categories of local infrastructure. Also ORDER FROM: Friendship Publications, Incorporated, West 2627 to be considered is the relations of private and public sector roles evolving Providence, P.O. Box 1472, Spokane, Washington, 99210 and the potential for more private participation. Congress must also look at the outlook for state and local agencies to finance the current or some 391967 alternative level of transit assistance. MONITORING DEMAND-RESPONSIVE TRANSPORT FOR DISABLED PEOPLE: TH E READIBUS EXAMPLE Office of the Secretary of Transponation, Urban Mass Transportation This report is based on a study into the operations and cost-effectiveness of Administration Sept. 1984, 168p, Figs., Tabs., Refs., 2 App. a special bus service for people in Reading with permanent or temporary disabilities. The background to the provision of special services is discussed, ORDER FROM: UMTA including the different approaches to service planning which may be used. The use of operating indices in analysing and improving service efficiency is 391941 described and discussed. Alternative ways of providing transport for the WHEN PUBLIC INTERESTS COLLIDE disabled are analysed in the contex of the Readibus operation. General When California's Pasadena Unified School District did not renew if lessons are drawn which may be applicable to similar services elsewhere. In contract with Embree Bus Service for part of its school student transporti the report, reference is made not only to Readibus but also to earlier lion, it began buying passes for the junior and senior high sch0< services in North America and more recently-established schemes in students who had previously ridden the school buses. Southern Californi Britain. (Author/TRRL) Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) expanded serviced service on lines nCll Heraty, MJ TRRL Supplementary Report No. 828, 1984, 20p, I Fig., schools and operated trippers specifically to handle school student, 6 Tab., Refs. Embree and the California School Bus Contractors Assn (CSBCA) too action to deter PUSD and SCRTD from their actions, claiming that th ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 279582) UMTA Act specifically prohibited recipients of federal aid from competing ORDER FROM: TRRL with the private sector in school student transport, a requirement that was subsequently expanded by UMTA regulations. SCRTD has now cancelled 392800 routes serving schools exclusively but has expanded service on regular WORKING CONDITIONS IN IRREGULAR ROAD PASSENGER routes serving school stops. Both sides of this argument, appealed to the TRANSPORT [ARBEID IN HITT ONGEREGELD UMTA Administrator, are given. Private operators contend that deficits PERSONENVERVOER] incurred by SCRTD school bus services will have to be made up by The irregular road passenger transport industry consists of various types of regional transit funding mechanisms, that safety regulations for school transport carried out in different vehicles. This article deals with the buses are more stringent than those for regular transit coaches, and that working conditions of professional drivers in buses and cabs. A brief survey requirements for school training are more strict than for regular of the past decade shows increased interest in the structure of the taxi bus operators. SCRTD saw the demand for school service as part of its passenger transport industry and the safety of its drivers against violent mandate to maximize service to the region's citizens. acts. In the same period unions emphasized the need of a better observation of collective agreement in the tourist coach industry. Furthermore a Metro Vol. 80 No. 7, Nov. 1984, 4p, 3 Phot. description is given of the actual working conditions in both taxis and coach industry, influenced by drivers' hours rules, collective agreement and ORDER FROM: Bobit Publishing Company, 2500 Artesia Boulevard, its own structure. Finally some conclusions are drawn for the near future: Redondo Beach, California, 90278 uncertainty as regards the outcome of a proposal fo r new legislation on road passenger transport; an expected diminishing of seasonal labour in the 391942 tourist coach transport, together with reduction of structural overtime by CLEVELAND: CONTINUING TO PUT ITS HOUSE IN ORDER introduction of working time on a yearly basis. For the taxi industry The Cleveland, Ohio, metropolitan area is served by its Greater Cleveland vocational training and better working conditions are foreseen. (TRRL) Regional Transit Authority (RTA) which operates rapid transit, light rail, [Dutch] city and suburban bus services, and paratransit, all of which is funded by I percent local sales taxes. The region is marked by its depressed economy Vallenduuk, JB (Knvto) Tijdschrift voor Vervoerswetenschap Vol. 20 and high employment which have decreased RTA ridership and revenues, No. 2, 1984, pp 104-113, 9 Ref. along with available funds. Since the 1970s the light rail system hs been completely rebuilt and 48 new cars acquired; RTA has built new car and ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 278678), Institute for Road bus maintenance facilities, and has acquired 454 new buses and 64 Safety Research SWOV minibuses. There are also 48 new rapid transit cars now on order. Further ORDER FROM: Netherlands Institute of Transport, Polakweg 13, 2288 capital projects are now underway. In the long term there is a study of GG Rijswijk, Netherlands rerouting and extending the rapid transit line east from the city center along the heaviest travel corridor. 392807 ROUTES TO THE FUTURE OF URBAN PUBLIC TRANSIT Pillar, WA Mass Transit Vol. 11 No. 11, Nov. 1984, 6p, 6 Phot. This article discusses some of the managerial and technical changes needed to assure that the transit services needed in cities of the future will be ORDER FROM: Mass Transit, 337 National Press Building, available. There include diversification of the types of services provided, Washington, D.C., 20045 reductions in the scale of both service delivery and management bureaucra• cies, enhancement of the role of private providers, improvement of service 391950 efficiency, more productive negotiation with organized labour, service PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP EFFORT MAKES pricing in recognition of costs, and systematic management of travel INTERCITY TRANSPORTATION CENTER A REALITY demand. Factors limiting the potential role of new transit technology are Cedar Rapids IA, has developed a multi-purpose office building wit, discussed. Finally, the need for transit operating and management terminals for both the local transit system and intercity Greyhound an, institutions to change, to become more responsive to markets, and 10 invite Trailways buses. Such a multimodal transit facility, integrated with other, lower-cost providers to enter those markets is suggested. (Au­ mixed-use private development, was part of the 1978 Urban Initiativ, thor/TRRL) Program and part of the UMTA Section 3 capital program. The object iv, Schofer, JL (Northwestern University. Evanston) Urban Affairs was to leverage significant private sector development while simulataneous Quarterly Vol. 19 No. 2, Dec. 1983, pp 149- 166, 23 Ref. ly upgrading public and private transit facilities. The steps involved witl bringing the intercity bus carriers into the development are described ACKNOWLEDGM ENT: TRRL (IRRD 278564) Public/private partnership had a pivotal role in the city's redevelopment ORDER FROM: Sage Publications Incorporated, 275 South Beverly efforts. Drive, Beverly Hills, California, 90212

15 392840 opportunities can be expected to reduce overall project costs by allowing PROFIT IMPUCATIONS OF JOINT DEVELOPMENT. THREE construction schedules to be optimized and interest costs to be lowered. INSTITtrrlONAL APPROACHES This paper appeared in Transportation Research Record N967, State and This report provides selected information about the benefits and costs Local Finance Issues: Roads and Transit. accruing to public transit authorities engaged in joint development and system interface projects in connection with the construction, reconstruc­ Parker, JA Transportation Research Record No. 967, 1984, pp 37-42, tion, or general improvement of rapid transit stations or bus and 11 Ref. intermodal terminals. Such information should-because it clearly demon­ ORDER FROM: TRB Publicatioru, Off strates the inherent profitability of such projects- provide clear incentive for those transit authorities that have yet to undertake them. Emphasis is 393068 placed on (1) the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority WORKSHOP ON STRATEGIES FOR CALM AND ORDER (WMATA) program because to date it is the most ambitious and successful State, federal government agencies and the private sector must be involved in the country, and (2) on the Market Center Development Corporation of in developing and implementing strategies in case of an energy shortfall. Baltimore (MCDC) program because, also ambitious and successful, it The following strategies are essential: (1) Provide accurate, credible, and represents a strikingly different approach and philosophy. A review of the timely information before, at the onset, and during an energy emergency; "profitability" of joint development programs is timely because of the (2) Pre-shortfall actions must take place; and (3) Actions should be taken at expected shortfall of public funding for the extension of existing rapid the beginning of and during shortfall. transit systems and the proposed construction of new systems. According This paper appeared in TRB Special Report 203, Proceedings of the to the American Public Transit Association, over the next five years, 35 Conference on Energy Contingency Planning in Urban Areas. Conference transit systems will have rail capital needs of more than $28 billion, about was conducted by TRB and sponsored by UMTA, April 6-9, 1983, half for new construction, and half for rehabilitation of existing systems. Houston, Texas. Since this $28 billion capital requirement cannot nearly be met by traditional 75% federal funding, there must be a sharp increase in local Humphrey, TF Transportation Research Board Special Report No. funding. The thesis developed in this report is that even the relatively 203, 1983, pp 10-11, I Ref. limited experience to-date with transit authority-administered joint devel­ opment programs suggests that the dependable cash income fl ow potential­ ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off ly generated through time from such programs should properly be considered an indispensible means of helping to finance both the construc­ 393069 tion and operation of new systems. WORKSHOP ON STATE AND LOCAL PLANNING This workshop reviewed the status of state and local energy contingency Keefer, LE plans, the mechanisms for plan implementation, and the private sector role. Keefer (Louis E) Associates, Urban Mass Transportation This paper appeared in TRB Special Report 203, Proceedings of the Administration Final Rpt. DOT-1-84-50, Nov. 1984, 49p, 2 Fig., 35 Conference on Energy Contingency Planning in Urban Areas. Conference Ref. was conducted by TRB and sponsored by UMTA, April 6-9, 1983, Houston, Texas. ORDER FROM: OST Shirley, EC Transportation Research Board Special Report No. 203, 392937 1983, pl2 TRANSPORTATION ENERGY CONTINGENCY PLANNING. INFORMATION BULLETIN ORDER FROM: TRB Publications Off This information bulletin outlines the problems relating to a sudden fuel shortage. In particular, it addresses the shorterm impacts and what can be 393520 done by local officials in advance to prepare for a sudden petroleum CONNECTICUT'S INTERESf FREE VAN POOL PROGRAM. shortage. Local officials cannot control private petroleum consumption, FIRST YEAR REPORT however, they can help their communities prepare for a fuel emergency. The Interest Free Vanpool Program is an example of a joint public/private Proposals discussed include rationing, increased automobile occupancy, effort to further develop cost-effective transportation through ridesharing. vanpools, paratransit, increased bus efficiency, and adjusting travel pat­ Implementation involved FHWA, Connecticut Department of Transporta­ terns. tion, and The Rideshare Company. The concept is an alternative to more Sponsored in part by Urban Consortium for Technology Initiatives. costly third-party vanpool leasing arrangements. The state provides interest free financing and mass purchasing of vehicles while Rideshare markets, Public Technology, Incorporated, Office of the Secretary of promotes, administers, and monitors operations of the . Mass Transportation DOT-1-80-48, Sept. 1980, 64p purchasing means lowest possible cost with savings passed on to the passengers, making vanpooling as economically attractive as possible. In 11 ORDER FROM: NTIS PB85-100766 months of 1983, 27 vanpools were established-17 operated by individuals and JO by four different Connecticut employers. Approximately 286 392960 persons are carried daily, removing 189 automobiles from the highways MAXIMIZING THE USE OF PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETS and reducing both gasoline consumption and air pollution. Participants are FOR TRANSIT INVESTMENTS to repay all of the vehicle cost during the van's programmed life, along with The opportunities created by the 1982 Surface Transportation Assistance all operating expenses. Over the next five years ConnDOT has programmed Act are examined to increase the role of private capital markets in financing over $750,000 to fund van purchases and committed for an additional 25 transit investments. These opportunities include: the potential for more vans during 1984. extensive grant anticipation financing using the Section 9 block grant as a credit source, the potential impact of contract authority flowing from Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Connecticut Department of Highway Trust Fund dollars on financing options available to grantees Transportation DOT-1-85-04, Jan. 1984, n.p., I App. under the Section 3 discretionary program, and the potential impact of federal funding under the 1982 Surface Transportation Assistance Act on ORDER FROM: OST the terms and availability of credit for the non-federal portions of transit capital budgets. The impact of these opportunities on future applications of 393521 existing financing tools Lo transit capital projects is examined. Existing THEY'RE BACK. CABLE CAR CIVIC CELEBRATION credit instruments, such as dedicated tax revenue bonds, transit revenue In conjunction with resumption of cable car service in San Francisco in bonds, service contract bonds, general obligation debt, toll revenue bonds, 1984 after a 2-year shutdown for complete rebuilding of the system, this and grant anticipation notes are described and examples are cited. The publication was issued to describe the evolution of this historic transit conclusions reached indicate that the 1982 Surface Transportation Assis­ mode and give details of the renovation. San Francisco Municipal Railway, tance Act will permit opportunities for longerterm grant anticipation operator of the cable cars (as well as the bus, trolley bus and light rail financing and should favorably influence the terms and availability of credit newtorks) initiated a campaign for public support of the rebuilding. The for the non-federal portions of transit capital budgets. Realization of these private sector participated extensively in the funding. The powerhouse and

16 drive system, track and 34-car fleet are described, along with the public's ACKNOWLEDGMENT : TRRL (IRRD 280316) reaction to the preservation and return of cable car operation. ORDER FROM: Allan (Ian) Limited, Terminal House, Shepperton TW17 SAS, Middlesex, England It's Your San Francisco No Date, 54p, Phots. ORDER FROM: It's Your San Francisco, P.O. Box 295, Sausalito, 394373 California, 94966 THE ROLE OF TAXIS AND PRIVATE HIRE CARS IN GREAT BRITAIN 393579 This paper reviews research on taxis and private hire cars in G reat Britain THE FUTURE OF OFF-STREET PARKING. REPORT OF THE to try to assess the potential role of these forms of transport in public BRITISH PARKING ASOCIATION SEMINAR HELD IN transport provision. The findings show that the size of the taxi and hire car LONDON, MARCH 28TH, 1984 AND OF THE MEETING HELD industries has grown substa ntially in recent years, refl ecting increasing ON NOVEMBER 10TH, 1983 demands for their use. This has probably been encouraged by a fall in taxi This report contains the following papers: The strategic point of view fares relative to bus fares. St udies of use indicate that taxis and hire cars (Bayliss, D); The private operator (Bewsey, P}; The local authority point of should no longer be seen merely as a rich man's form of travel but as an view (Dawes, JG); The retail scene (Dunkley, MC); Trends for the future integral part of basic public transport provision. G rounds for the quantity (Scames, AGD); The financial viewpoint (Gething, GR); Faults in cat and fares control normally applied to the taxi (but not private hire car) parks affecting their use and maintenance (Goldring, GR). (TRRL) industry have also been assessed. Experience with the use of shared taxi and hire car services to date has been reviewed, and in light of operational Benn, G Bayliss, D Bewsey, P Dawes, JG Dunkley, promise it is concluded that this is one area of operations where further MC Soames, AGO Gething, GR Goldring, EG expansion might benefi cially be sought in fu ture. Another is in the British Parking Association Monograph 1984, 72p, Figs., I Tab. provision of services for the disabled. (Author/TRRL)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 280073) Jackson, R L ORDER FROM: British Parking Association, 17 The Croft, Chiswell Department of Transport, England Monograph No Date, 32p, 2 Fig., G reen, St Albans, Hertsfordshire, England 10 Tab., 17 Ref.

393589 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (JRRD 280692) EXPRESS COACH SERVICES IN THE THREE YEARS ORD ER FROM: Department of Transport, England, 2 Marsham Street, FOLLOWING THE 1980 TRANSPORT ACT London SWIP 3EB, England The I 980 Transport Act introduced important changes in licence require­ ments for express coach services. The effects of the changes have been 394375 monitored using data drawn from notifications provided by traffic area PROPOSAL OF THE PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT offices, together with service details provided by operators; the results of a [VOORSTEL VAN DE WET PERSONENVERVOER] three year review are summarised in the report. After a period of active This Act applies to public transport, private bus and taxi transport on initiation of services and some failures, the notification pattern appears to 'lublic roads, including roads exclusive to public transport, rail public have stabilised. The decline in coaching operations in the years before the ransport, and to the obligation to draft a municipal management plan for act has been reversed and the number of all-year services is estimated to be raffle and transport. The Act contains seven chapters: I , introductory about 20 per cent greater than immediately before the act. Return fa res on ,tipulations; 2, public transport; 3, private transport; 4, international the new express se rvices run by private operators are on average about IS ransport; 5, municipal management plan for traffic and transport; 6, per cent less in money terms than the corresponding cheapest National Bus )bjecti on and appeal; 7, miscell aneous stipulations. First published in Company (NBC) fares in 1980. NBC also reduced fares, most markedly on Dutch by the Ministry of Transport and Waterways, 25 May I 984. daily long distance services where 20 per cent savings in money terms have ;TRRL) [Dutch] been recorded. Competition from British Rail has also intensified sig­ nificantly, although rail fares generally remain substantiall y more expensive fransport and Road Research Laboratory Monograph T ranslation than corresponding coach fa res. Comment is made in the report on l l 86, 1985, 32p competition, coach terminals and the mean speeds of the various se rvices. o\CKNOWLEDG MENT: TRRL (IRRD 280705) (Author/TRRL) ORDER F ROM: TRRL Ba rton, AJ Everest, JT TRRL Laboratory Report No. 1127, 1984, l 7p, 4 Fig., IO Tab., 3 Ref. 394376 GUILDFORD-CRANLEIGH BUS STUDY. FINAL REPORT ACKNOWLEDGMENT: T RRL ( IRRD 280374) The Guildford/ Cranleigh bus study was in itiated in response to the three ORDER FROM : ESL independent operators in the area submitting a proposal to the county council for service revisions, the effect of which would be to transfer routes 394362 operated by N BC (National Bus Company) subsidiaries (Alder Valley and EAST SUSSEX DEVELOPMENTS. NEW APPROACHES IN London Country), to the independents. The two NBC companies submitted BRIGHTON AND LEWES counter proposals against the independents. This study report examines the Details are given of two projects taking place in East Sussex-the Brighton issue in the light of the government white paper "Buses" published in July "Shuttle"-a new approach to urban bus services and " Escort"-East Sussex 1984. Six chapters cover: I. summary: 2, the study; 3, the ex isting situation; Coordinated Rural Transport which has spanwned "County Rider" a new 4, opti ons for the futu re; 5, analysis of the options; and 6, conclusions and and economic approach to improving transport in rural areas. Shuttle is the recommendations. (TRRL) result of an assessment of passenger requirements and concentrates on two residential areas. It gives an improved service into town for 80% of existing MVS Consultancy Monograph Aug. 1984, 97p, Figs., Tabs. travellers. Quality of service has been improved by providi ng faster journey ti mes, greater reliability and increased frequency. Off-bus sales have been ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (JRRD 280710) encouraged together with various fare cards, some giving discounts. The ORD ER FROM : MVA Consultancy. 11 2 Strand. London. England Escort service uses a brokerage system established in conjunction with TRRL using the county's mainframe computer. A record of all transport 394385 services is kept on the computer and the broker upon receiving requests for TENDERING FOR LOCAL AUTHORITY S UBSIDISED BUS transport consul ts the computerised directory of what is available. Escort SERVICES has given rise to County Rider-a purpose-built midibus featuring a The government's intention is to provide a framework fo r payment of wheelchair lift at the rear. Details of the routes operated by County Rider subsidy fo r bus services which local authorities believe necessary but which are given. (TRR L) the free market will not provide. This subsidy should be "transparen t", should not discriminate between operators, and should not inhibit Morris, S Buses Vol. 36 No. 348, Mar. 1984, pp 108-1 12, 2 Fig., I competition for the supply of services. This consultation document outlines Tab., 6 Phot. proposals concerning the tendering process, the form of tenders. numbers

17 of services to be covered by tenders, maximum term of contracts, and out as a part of this project revealed variations among the various transit period of transition. (TRRL) planning agents as to their perception of the problem, the size and nature of the problem itself, and possible solutions to the problem. Each area is Department of Transport, England Monograph Oct. 1984, 6p physically different and each area's transit needs are different. The general ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 280895) conclusions of the report are that there are no simple answers to the ORDER FROM: Department of Transport, England, 2 Marsham Street, organizational problem in delivering public transportation services. Ex­ pressed simply, no single fixed organizational balance can be achieved London SWlP 3EB, England among transportation organizations and across various modes of seryice. 394450 However, the report provides an institutional framework on which to base THE PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT [DE WET Federal, State and local transportation policies. PERSONENVERVOER] Jackson, V Swain, D The proposal for the new act on passenger transport in the Netherlands Edward Waters College, Urban Mass Transportation Administration distinguishes three categories of professional passenger transport: public Final Rpt. UMTA-FL-11-0006-84-1, Aug. 1983, 119p Contract FL- transport, private bus transport and taxi transport. The proposal includes 11-0006 distribution of governmental authorities and financial relations between the ORDER FROM: NTIS PB84-213933 involved levels of government and transport companies. Local government is in charge of local public transport. By means of a grant for local public 394473 transport based on the volume of transport, greater freedom for local THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVE PROGRAMS government policy on local public transport is pursued. This grant from the ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL national government can be spent on public transport without further PRODUCTIVITY WITHIN THE MASS TRANSIT INDUSTRY interference by national government. The minister of transport and public This research report examines the influence that financial incentive works is in control of interurban and rural transport. The minister is programs (FIPs) have on individual employee performance and on advised by provincial government. Subsidizing transport companies will be organizational productivity. The report also focuses on the extent to which ~arried out with less interference on technical matters. For reasons of financial incentives are currently used in urban mass transit agencies and ;overnmental efficiency, ministerial control over non-local transport in the effectiveness of such programs in the transit environment. The research ~eater urban districts can be transferred to local government, with a findings are presented in three major sections: 1) a selective review of the ~orresponding grant. The area of exploitation of a taxi-licence is enlarged social science literature regarding theoretical and practical aspects of hich results in more efficient operating. Licences are issued by provincial financial incentives; 2) an overview of incentive practices in both the private government. Starting and operating a private bus transport company is and public sectors; and 3) our survey of transit agencies regarding the types made easier. Licences are issued by the Minister of Transport and Public and outcomes of FIPs being used. The report describes the major types of Works. (TRRL) [Dutch) FIPs found in the literature in terms of the program objectives, the program operations, the empirical research evaluations, and the potential Jacobs, JHG Kohsiek, HW (Ministerie Van Verkeer En Waterstaat) strengths and weaknesses. The transit survey findings are analyzed in terms Tijdschrift voor Vervoerswetenscbap Vol. 20 No. 3, 1984, pp 275-289 of what types of FIPs are most frequently used, how long those programs ACKNOWLEDGMENT: TRRL (IRRD 280737), Institute for Road have been in place, and how the programs are evaluated. Recommenda­ Safety Research SWOV tions concerning the selection and use of FIPs within the transit ORDER FROM: Netherlands Institute of Transport, Polakweg 13, 2288 environment are made. GG Rijswijk, Netherlands Executive Summary: UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-1 and Appendices: UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-3. Three volume set is PB85-138840 E99. 394466 PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP: NEW OPPORTUNITIES Scott, KO Deadrick, D FOR MEETING SOCIAL NEEDS Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Urban Mass This book is a collection of articles exploring the potential for and limits to Transportation Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-2, an expanded role for private corporations and the possibilities for new Nov, 1984, 65p Contract VA-11-0013 modes of business/government cooperation. The contributors' articles are ORDER FROM: NTIS PB85-138865 grouped by broad topic: "The Public and Private Sectors", "New 394474 Functions for the Corporation?", "Opportunities for the 1980's", and THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVE PROGRAMS "Achieving Democratic Legitimacy". Editors Brooks and Liebman are ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL affiliated with Harvard University, and Schelling is with the Academy of PRODUCTIVITY WITHIN THE MASS TRANSIT INDUSTRY. Arts and Sciences. The contributors are primarily professors at major universities. APPENDICES This research report examines the influence that financial incentive Brooks, H Liebman, L Schelling, C programs (FIPs) have on individual employee performance and on American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ballinger Publishing organizational productivity. The report also focuses on the mass transit Company 1984, n.p. agencies and the effectiveness of such programs in the transit environment. The research findings are presented in three major sections: 1) a selective ORDER FROM: Ballinger Publishing Company, 17 Dunster Street, review of the social science literature regarding theoretical and practical Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138 aspects of financial incentives; 2) an overview of incentive practices in both the private and public sectors; and 3) our survey of transit agencies 394468 regarding the types and outcomes of FIPs being used. The report describes AN ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT IN DELIVERING the major types of FIPs found in the literature in terms of the program TRANSPORTATION SERVICES objectives, the program operations, the empirical research evaluations, and This report provides an organizational assessment in the delivery of public the potential strengths and weaknesses. The transit survey findings are transportation services. The. main objectives of this study are to review one analyzed in terms of what types of FIPs are most frequently used, how long area of urban transportation-the organizational aspect-and lo identify, those programs have been in place, and how the programs are evaluated. describe, document and quantify where possible, some of the reasons why Recommendations concerning the selection and use of FIPs within the the present organizational structure has not been appropriate for the transit environment are made. adequate deliverly of public transporting services. This report also Executive Summary: UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-1 and Main Volume: examines Stale, local and private organizational structures and Federal UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-2. Three volume set is PB85-138840 E99. transit policies which might interfere in different ways and to different extents with the overall process of planning and implementing the delivery Scott, KO Deadrick, D of public transportation services. This study seeks to ascertain the problems Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Urban Mass of coordination in transportation planning, to determine whether overlap­ Transportation Administration Final Rpt. UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-3, ping or duplication of planning efforts exist and to assess the current state Nov. 1984, 75p Contract VA-11-0013 of transportation planning and coordination. The survey that was carried ORDER FROM: NTIS PB85-138873

18 394481 managed systems. Eig ht perfo rmance dimensions were used for the PARK-AND-RIDE ALTERNATIVES STUDY. TECHNICAL compari sons: revenue generation; output per dollar; service consumption; REPORT SERIES 38 public assistance; labor efficiency; vehicle effici ency; safety; and mainte­ In an effort to find more flexible ways of delivering commuter transit nance effi ciency. Privately-owned and managed systems were found to be services at a reasonable cost, the Pa rk-And-Ride Alternatives Study significantly more effi cient than the other four types. The relative effi ciency examines private sector strategies that a city or transit agency could of contract-managed systems was no better than publicly-managed systems. consider in providing park-and-ride commuter bus service. This report In contrast to the effi ciency results, private systems were significantly less documents the study findings and serves as a handbook for transit agencies safe than most types of publicly-owned systems. The report addresses the and municipalities in the region which are interested in pursuing private policy implications of the findings. sector park-and-ride service options. An overview of park-and-ride services, The Main Volume to this Executive Summary, un der the same title, is: private sector service delivery options, cost comparisons, and potential UMTA-CA-11-0027-84-5, TRIS 391615. constrints are discussed. In addition, implementation information and a survey of local private sector interest and capability are presented. The Perry, JL study concludes that private sector strategies merit consideration in the California University, Irvine, Urban Mass Transportation provision of park-and-ride commuter bus service, especially, if service must Administration UMTA-CA-1 1-0027-84-4, Sept. 1984, I0p Contract be provided within a short lead time; if service must be started from scratch CA-1 1-0027 with the lowest possible financial risk; or if a city or transit agency requires ORDER FROM: NTIS PB85- l 35705 an expansion of service without increasin g fleet size or maintenance capabilities. The author maintains that the choice of a private sector 394526 approach (and cost level) should be made in light of the specific city or FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL FORECAST FOR THE transit agency's needs. The appendices in this report are: I) Sample MONTACHUSETT REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY Request for Proposals and Companion Contract for Commuter Bus The main purpose of this study is to develop a fi ve-year ( 1984-1988) Service; 2) Private Commuter Bus Operations Qualifications Questionnaire; fin ancial plan fo r the Montachusett Regional Transit Authori ty (MART) and 3) a List of References. so as to reduce operational deficits and dependence on Federal aid through increased user fees and operational effi cien cy. Transit operations include Minkoff, MC bus service, paratransit, and commuter rail service. This study reviews and North Central Texas Council of Governments, Urban Mass charts past and present expense and revenue trends. Operating and Transportation Administration UMTA-TX-09-0212-84, June 1984, construction budge ts are emphasized and charted out to the year 1988. 87p Contract UMTA-TX-09-0212 This fi nancial plan indicates that: I) future transit improvements will ORDER FROM: North Central Texas Council of Governments, P.O. continue to demand a growing portion of state and local government Drawer COG, Arlington, Texas, 76005 budgets; and 2) MARTs move toward greater fi nancial and operational efficiency will be enhanced by the new computerized management 394504 information system where accounting and management data will be THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVE PROGRAMS brought together and used in the decisionmaking process. ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL Montachusett Regional Planning Commission, Urban Mass PRODUCTIVITY WITTHIN THE MASS TRANSIT INDUSTRY. Transportation Administration UMTA-MA-08-01 08-84, July 1984, l 5p. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 Tab. This research report examines the influence that financial in centive programs (F!Ps) have on individual employee performance and on ORDER FROM: UMTA organizational productivity. The report also focuses on the extent to which financial incentives are currently used in urban mass transit agencies and 395202 the effectiveness of such programs in the transit environment. The research INNOVATIONS IN TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT findings are presented in three major sections: I) a selective review of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportati on (PennDOT) administers social science literature regarding theoretical and practical aspects of 45,000 miles of highway, 27,000 bridges, a few hundred miles of dirt road. financial incentives; 2) an overview of incentive practices in both the private 5 airports, and 160 miles of rail branchlines. It annually fu nds nearly $500 and public sectors; and 3) our survey of transit agencies regarding the types million in transi t and issues licenses and titles to 7.5 million people and 8 and outcomes of FIPs being used. The report describes the major types of million vehicles. Improvements since I 979 included better communication F!Ps found in the literature in terms of the program objectives, the between PennDOT and the administration, the legislature, and the public; program operations, the empirical research evaluations, and the potential integration of fiscal and data processing systems; centralized program strengths and weaknesses. The transit survey findings are analyzed in terms control; strategic management objectives; and privatization. of what types of FIPs are most frequently used, how long those programs have been in place, and how the programs are evaluated. Recommenda­ Larson, TD (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation) tions concerning the selection and use of FIPs within the transit Transportation Quarterly Vol. 38 No. 3, July 1984, pp 333-343 environment are made. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: El Main Volume: UMTA-VA-11-0013-84-2, Appendices: UMTA-VA- 11- ORDER FROM : ESL 001 3-84-3. Three Volume set is PB85-138840. 395248 Scott, KD Deadrick, D INCENTIVE BASED CONTRACTS FOR PARATRA1'SIT Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Urban Mass SERVICE Transportation Administration Final Rpt. UMTA -VA-I 1-0013-84-I, As paratransit supplements and alternates are developed fo r fixed-route Nov. 1984, I Ip Contract VA-11-001 3 services, contracting to private sector organizations is growing. Four ORDER FROM: NTIS PB85-138857 general types of compensation agreements are used, within each there are a multiplicit y of variations: (I) Fixed-price contracts; (2) Cost plus fi xed-fee 394508 contracts; (3) Fixed unit-cost contracts; (4) Incentive-based unit-cost ORGANIZATIONAL FORM AND TRANSIT PERFORMANCE: A contracts. Each means of compensation has advantages and disadvantages RESEARCH REVIEW AND EMPIRICAL A.c'IAL YSIS. fo r both the provider of the service and the contracting agency. The process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of negotiation; a typical calculation for an incentive-based unit-cost This research reports the results of a study of the relationships between tontract; and some of the implications are discussed. In addition to ownership-management structure and transit agency performance. The consideration of compensation, other issues to be considered are ass urance study is divided into two areas: a review of past research into the that. the contractor will engage in acceptable business practices and comply relationship between organizational form and performance and an empiri­ with all Jaws and regulations; proviion of a detailed description of services cal analysis using Section 15 data for I 979-80. The performance of fi ve to be provided and service standards to be observed; and inclusion of different organizational forms was compared: publicly-managed general protection clauses for all such public agency contracts. governments; publicly-managed special districts; contract-managed general governments; contract-managed special districts; and privately owned and Mergner, AW, Jr Transitions 1985, pp 17-27

19 ORDER FROM: ATE Management and Service Company, Incorporated, Editor, 617 Vine Street, Suite 800, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202


The Source Index ca n be used to locate abstracts of articles or reports t hat appeared in a particular publication or that w ere the work of a specific publisher. The f irst line of each entry in t he Source Index gives t he name o f the so ur ce generally as it appears in t he abstract in t his publicatio n. Fol­ lowing the so urce entry are abstract numbers t hat consist of six digits; these refer to the abstracts of full-text documents that are listed in this publication. Numbers are listed under each source in the sa me order in w hich the abstracts appear in this iss ue, that is, ascending order o f TR IS accession number.

CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGIST Canadian Psychological Associat ion: Montreal A 109, Quebec, Canada ADAM SMITH INSTITUTE London, England 389952 390168 C E'.'ITRE FOR POLICY ON AGEING Nuffield Lodge Studio, Regent's Park; ADVANCED MARINE SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED 9421 London, England Chatteroy Place; Gaithersburg, Maryla nd, 20879 3893 17 390705 COAC H ING JOURNAL AND BUS REVIEW Travel and T ransport Limited; AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION Knoxville, 122 :slewgatc Street; London ECIA 7AD, England Tennessee 390148 390694 COLLOQU IUM VERVOERSPLANOLOGISCH SPEURWERK P 0 . Box 45: AMAF INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED 9052 Old Annapolis Road; Delft, Netherlands Columbia, Maryland, 21045 389253, 389276 389887 COMPENDIUM OF TEC HNICAL PAPERS, 1984 Institute of Transportation AM1':RICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Norton's Woods, 136 Engi neers; 525 School Street, SW, Suite 41 0; Washington, D.C .. 20024 Irving Street; Cambridge. Massachusetts, 02138 390630, 390634, 390638 394466 COMSIS CORPORATION 11501 Georgia Ave nue, Sui te 312: Wheaton. AMERICAN BUS ASSOICATION 1025 Co nnecticut Avenue, NW; Maryland, 20902 Washington, D .C , 20036 387704 390694 CO!\'NECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO:'\ 24 Wnlcoll lliil ATE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 617 Road, P.O. Drawer A: Wethersfield, Co nnecticut. 06109 Vine Street, Suite 800; Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202 393520 386951 D B D ELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, NETHERLAND S Centre for BALLINGER PUBLISHING COMPANY 17 Dunster Street, Harvard Squa re; T ransportation Engineering. P.O. Box 5038: 2208 Del ft , Netherlands Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02 138 3876 1 I 394466 DEPARTMENT OF TRA:s;SPORT, E:s;GLAND 2 Marsham Street: London BRITISH PARKING ASSOCIATION 17 The Croft, Chiswcll Green: St SWIP 3EB, England Albans, Hertsfordshire, England 389316, 394373, 394385 393579 DEPARTMENT OF TRA:-.'SPORT, SO UTH AUSTRALIA Vic toria Square: BUS RIDE Friendship Publications. Incorporated; West 2627 Providence. P.O. Adela ide. South A ustralia , A ustralia Box 1472: Spoka ne, Washington. 99210 391524 387924, 39 I 950 DEPARTMENT OF TRA:-.'SPORTATION Office of U niversity Research. 400 BUSES Allan (Ian) Limited; Terminal House: Shepperton TW 17 SAS. 7th Street, SW; Washington. O.C .. 20590 Midd lesex, England 387703. 387976 394362 UISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Department of Urhan and Regio nal Planning; Washington. D.C .. 20008 C 389752 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 4200 Connecticut A"enue. :'\'\\' CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY, IRVINE Institute of Transportation Studies & Washington. D.C .. 20008 School of Engineering; Trvine, California. 92664 389339 389361. 389754, 389755 CALIFORN IA UNIVERSITY, IRVINE Institute of Transportation Studies: Irvine, California, 92717 E 39 161 5, 394508 ECOl'OMIC GEO G RAPHY Clark University; 950 Main Street: Wo rcester. CALIFORN IA UNIVERSITY, IRVINE Irvine. California. 92664 Massachusetts. 01 6 10 390135, 390656 387577

2 1 Source Index

ECOSOMETRICS, INCORPORATED 4715 Cordell Avenue; Bethesda, Maryland, 20814 N 390136 NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Center for Urban and Regional Studies; Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514 387679 F NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS P.O. Drawer FEDERAL HlGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Office of Highway Planning, 400 COG; Arlington, Texas, 76005 7th Street, SW; Washington, D.C., 20590 394481 390136, 390689 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISIRATION 400 7th Street, SW; Washington, 0 D.C., 20590 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION Technology 386356, 389886 Sharing Program, 400 7th Street, '>W; Washington, D.C., 20590 386356, 386359, 386397, 389333, 390136, 390689, 393520 G OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION 400 7th Street, GREATER BRIDGEPORT TRANSIT DlSTRlCT 525 Water Street; SW; Washington, O.C., 20590 Bridgeport, Connecticut, 06604 390705, 391935, 392937 389384 OXFORD POLYTECHNIC, ENGLAND Department of Town Planning, GRUEN GRUEN AND ASSOCIATES 564 Howard Street; San Francisco, Gypsy Lane; Headington, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom California, 94105 387862 389403 p H PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL AND COMPANY 1990 K Street, NW; Washington, O.C., 20006 HARMON (ROBERT J) AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED 1201 390689, 390705 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C., 20004 386397 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY PARK Community Studies Program; University Park, Pennsylvania, 16802 HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 49 High Holborn; London WCIV 389380 6HB, England PLANNING American Planning Association; 1313 East 60th Street; Chicago, 389316 Illinois, 6063 7 HlSIORlC PRESERVATION National Trust for Historic Preservation; 1785 389865 Massachusetts Avenue, NW; Washingt.on, D.C., 20036 PUBLIC TECHNOLOGY, INCORPORATED 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, 387933 NW; Washington, D.C., 20004 386359, 392937 I INSTITUTE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUIDES Heng Mui Keng Terrace, R Pa

22 Source Index

TRANSPORTATION QUARTERLY Eno Foundation for Transportation, URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMlNISTRATTON Office of Incorporated; P.O. Box 55, Saugatuck Station; Westport, Connecticut, 06880 Management Research and Transit Services; Washington, D.C., 20590 387904, 387908, 395202 389380, 389893 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD SPECIAL REPORT Transportation Research Board; 2 101 Constitution Avenue, N W; Washington, URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION AOMlNISTRATION Office of Planning D.C., 20418 Assistance, 400 7th Street, SW; Washington, D.C., 20590 387951, 387952, 387957, 387959, 387960, 389966, 389982, 389983, 390198, 386359, 386397, 389403, 392840 390199, 390223, 393068, 393069 URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION Office of TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD Transportation Research Board; 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C., 20418 Technical Assistance, 400 7th Street, SW; Washington, D.C., 20590 38 7704, 38936 I 392960 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART A: GENERAL Pergamon Press URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION University Limited; Headington Hill Hall; Oxford OX3 0BW, England Research and Training Program; Washington, D.C., 20590 390163 389339, 389752, 39 I 6 I 5, 394508 TRRL LABORATORY REPORT Transport and Road Research Laboratory; Old Wokingham Road; Crowthorne RO II 6AU, Berkshire, England URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION 400 7th Street, 393589 SW; Washington, D.C., 20590 TRRL SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Transport and Road Research 386356, 386392, 386951, 387679, 389384, 389754, 389755, 389884, 389887, Laboratory; Old Wokingham Road; Crowthome RO 11 6AU, Berkshire, 389892, 390686, 391616, 391935, 394468, 394473, 394474, 394481 , 394504, England 394526 391967 u V URBAN AFFAIRS QUARTERLY Sage Publications Incorporated; 275 South VIRGIN IA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITY Beverly drive; Beverly Hills, California, 90212 Department of Management; Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061 392807 394473, 394474, 394504


The Author Index is an alphabetical list of personal authors who have abstracts of their papers published in this Special Bibliography. Following each name are the 6-digit document numbers of those abstract s; these numbers refer to the ab­ stracts of the full-text documents that are li sted in t his pub­ lication. The numbers are listed in the same order in which abstracts appear in this issue, that is, ascending order of accession number.

A KUZMYAK, JR D H 387704 AHN, MC DAVIS, FW, JR HALL,P 389339 387913 389253 L ALLER, TL DAWES, JG HAMES, P LARSON, TD 391950 393579 387909 HAYES, JD 395202 AMSLER, Y DEADRICK, D 390630 LIEBMAN, L 386963 394473, 394474, 394504 HEDLEY, R 394466 DEUTSCH, SM 389317 LIGON, CM B 389856 HERATY, MJ 389887 BARKHOF, J DORNAN, D 391967 USKAMM, WH 38761 l 390689 HUMPHREY, TF 389403 BARTON, AJ DUNKLEY, MC 393068 LOUKISSAS, PJ 393589 393579 389380 BAYLISS, D J LUYANDA, F 390638 393579 E JACKSON, RL LYONS, DL BENN, G 394373 393579 EVEREST, JT 389339, 389752 393589 JACKSON, V BERGLUND, M 394468 389755, 390135 JACOBS, JHG M BEWSEY, P F 394450 MANDLE, PB 393579 FEIBEL, CE JACOBS, JK 390634 BOER, EDE 387679 389361, 389754, 390656 MANN, SH 389276 FORYST, CA JACOBSON, J 389380 BOVY,PHL 387951 389952 MARING, GE 389253, 389276 JOHNSON, C 390223 BRENNER, ME 387959 MERGNER, AW, JR 389361, 389754, 390656 G JOHNSON, CM 395248 BROOKS, H GENTILE, J 390114 MEULENGRACHT, K 394466 386377, 386992 JONES, M 390163 386387, 387862 BURBY, RJ GETHING, GR MINKOFF, MC 387679 393579 JURASIN, RP 394481 390634 GILBERT, GG MORRIS, S 394362 C 387679 K CALLAHAN, WE, JR GIULIANO, G 389361 , 389754 KEEFER, LE N 387911 391 616, 392840 GlULIANO, GM l\EMER, T CARVOUNJS, P KENT, A 386963 390656 390135 390148 !\ORMAN, A CASEY, S GOLDRING, EG KING, J, JR 389317 387933 393579 387976 CONRADT, R GOLLIN, AEA KLINKENBERG, J 389403 391524 389276 0 cox, w GROOT, HA DE KOHSIEK, HW ORSKI, CK 389966, 389982 387895 394450 387960

24 Author Index

p ROONEY, SB SOAMES, AGO 389361, 389 754, 390656 393579 V PADRON, M ROTH, G SfEINMANN, RP V ALLENDUUK, JB 389865 390168 390199 392800 PAGANO, AM VILHOF, P STOWERS, JR 387904 390163 387952 PARKER, JA s 392960 SAALFELD, C SUGIE, Y w PENDAKUR, R 390689 387862 .190682 SCHELLJNC. C SUGIKI, T WEINER, E 390 164 PENDAKUR, VS 394466 387862 WEISMAN, M 390682 SCHOFER, JL SW AI'.'I, D 387908 PERRY, JL 38 7957, 392807 394468 WEISS, JF 39 16 15, 394508 SCOTT, KD 394473, 394474, 394504 389887 PIKARSKY, M T WHITE, P 38 7959, 39011 4 SEVESTRE, C 391491 TAN, TT 387862, 390148 PILLAR, WA 39 149 1 WHITLOCK, EM 39 1942 SHEPHARD, A TEAL, RF 390634 POLESE, M 390168 389361 , 389754, 389755, 390135, WINDSON, D 38 7577 SHIN'.\'ICK, RW 386951 390656 387703 SHIRLEY, EC TEN HOOR, SJ WOLPERT, J R 393069 389886 387577 RALLIS, T S KINNER, RE, JR TODA, T 3901 63 390198 387862 y RODRICUEZ, JL SMITH, SA TRAVIS, CT YAPA, L 390638 389886 389887 387577


The Retrieval Term Index is an alphabetical list of subject terms that are useful for manually retrieving abstracts pub­ lished in this Special Bibliography_ Some terms are followed by qualifying t erms that are set off by slashes. Listed under each term are 6-digit document numbers for those abstracts published in this iss ue that relate to the term. Document numbers are listed under each retrieva l term in the same order in which abst ra cts appear in this publication, that is, ascending order of TR IS accession numbers.

BUS DES IGN A 389887, 391941 ADMINISTRATION BUS DRIVERS 395202 391941, 392800 ADYERTTST!'.G BUS MAINTENANCE 386392, 387908 389887 AIR RIGHTS BUS SERVICES 386356 386951. 387862, 387924. 387976, 389276, 389316. 389384. 389403. 389755. AIRPORT ACCESS 390135. 3901 41, 390148, 39 1942, 392937. 394375. 394376. 394385. 394450. 389755, 390135 39448 1, 394526 ALLOCATIONS DUS STOP SHELTERS 391524 387908, 387924 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS BUS TER'.\1:INALS 390199 389865, 391950 AMTRAK BUS TRANSPORTATIO:s; 387924, 390141 389982 ARIZONA BUS TRANSPORTA no, / INTERCITY / 389755, 390135 390141 ASSESSM ENTS BUSES / VEHICLES/ 386356 389952, 393589 AUTOMATED GUIDEWAY TRANSIT BUSINESS DEYELOPME:'\T 386397 386392. 389892 AUTOMOBILE OWNERSHIP BUSWAYS 389253 389403 AUTOMOBILE RESfRICTED ZONES 389380 C CABLE CARS B 387933. 389877. 390630. 393521 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND CALIFORNIA 391616 39 1941 BENEFIT COST A:-.IALYSIS CALM AND ORDER 389887, 390694, 39 1616 393068 BENEFITS CAPITAL FUNDING 389755 386397 BIDS CAR POOLS 387913. 394385 392937 BLOCK GRANTS CASE STUDIES 387957, 392960 386356. 389752, 389754. 390689 BONDS CASH FLOW 386377 392840 BRIDGE MATNTEANCE CATAMARANS 390689 390705 BROKERAGE CENTRAL BUSI:'\ESS DISTRICT 387704, 389384, 389754, 394362 387960, 389380, 391950 BUDGETING CHARTE R RUSES 394526 390634

26 Retrieval Term Index

CIHCAGO, ILLINOIS ELDERLY 390114 387976, 389317, 3899 52, 39 1495 CLEVELAND, 01110 ELECTRONICS 391942 387611 COMMUTER BUSES EMPLOYERS 394481 386377, 386392, 389361 , 390656 COMMUTER RAI LROADS EMPLOYMENT 386387, 391491 , 394526 389253, 389384. 390686 COMMUTER SERVICES ENERGY 387862, 389754 3879S2, 389966, 389983 COMMUTING ENERGY CRISIS 387577, 389361, 389384. 390656 389966, 389982, 389983, 392937, 393068, 393069 COMPENSATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT 395248 390686 COMPETITION EQUITY 387957, 3893 16, 389966, 393589 387976, 390682 COMPLIANCE 395248 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS F 390136 FARES CONFERENCES 38 7679, 393S89 387952, 389966 FEASIBILITY CONNECTICUT 3901 98, 390705 387704, 389384, 393520 FEASIBILITY STUDIES C01'5"TRUCTION OPERATIONS 389403 389892, 390630 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECT"S 386397, 386992, 387703, 387904, 389856, 390164, 391495, 391935, 394468 392960 FEEDER BUSES CONTINGENCY PLANNING 386951 389966, 389982, 389983, 393068, 393069 FERRIES CONTRACTING 390705 386356, 38695 I, 387909, 38 79 13, 389361 , 389754. 389887, 390630. 390694, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 394481 394473, 394474, 394504 CONTRACTORS FINANCING 389892, 389893, 390163, 39 I 6 I 5, 39 I 941. 394385, 394508 386377, 386397, 386963, 387703, 387908, 387952, 387959, 387960, 390164, CONTRACTS 390223, 390634, 392960, 393520, 393S79 38 7908, 395248 FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS COOPERATION 395248 38 6392 FORECASTING COORDINATION 3869S1, 38761 I , 3879S7, 3901 98, 394373, 394526 387704, 3893 16, 390141 , 390163 FRA:\'CE COST CONTROL 386963 387913. 390689 FREE MARKET COST EFFECTIVENESS 393068 387957 FUEi. TAX CRIME PREVENTION 3863S6 392800 FUEL TAXATION 386356 D FUNDING DECENTRALIZATION 3863S6, 386359. 386992, 389856, 390198, 390199, 391495, 39 1935, 39 1942. 387577 392840, 39352 1 DENMARK 390163 G DEREGULATION GOVERNME:\'T PLA:\'NING 3893 16, 389752, 389755, 389983, 390135, 390148, 391524, 393589, 394376, 389380 3944S0 GOVERNM ENT POLICIES DESIGN CRITERIA 386387, 387904, 389316, 389752, 390114 , 390682 390630, 393S79 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS DEVELOPERS 389339, 39 I 941 387960 GREAT BRITAIN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 389316, 3893 17, 390148, 390168, 39 1967. 393579, 393S89, 394362, 394373, 390682 394376, 394385 DIAGNOSTICS GUIDELINES 389887 389380 DIAL-A-BUS 39 1967 DIVERS IFICATION H 386387. 39 1491 HANDBOOKS DRIVER FATIGUE 386359, 394481 392800 HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUALS DRIVERS /VEHICLE/ 387976, 389952. 390136, 391495, 391967, 394.162, 394373 392800 HIGH SPEED TRANSPORTATION 390705 HIGHWAY MAJ:,/TENAJ';CE E 390689 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS HIGHWA Y PLAN:\'I:\'G 389361 390198. 390223 EFFECTIVENESS HIGHWAYS 390164 3863S6, 39S202 EFFICIENCY HISTORIC PRESERVATION 387904, 38795 I, 39 I 967. 394508 387933, 38%77, 39063d, 393S2 I

27 Retrieval Term Index


28 Retrieval Term Index

p PROJECI" A:'\ALYSIS 389892, 390630 PARATRANSIT PROJECT PLANNING 386992, 387679, 387704, 387862, 3879[3, 387924, 387952, 387957, 389276, 389380. 390 198 389361 , 389384, 389752, 389755, 390135, 390136, 390199. 390682. 39 I 942, PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS 391 967, 392937, 394362, 394526, 395248 392800, 393068 PARK AND RIDE PUBLIC l:"iFORMATIO:\ 394481 393068 PARKING PUBLIC OPINION 390199, 393579 387911 PARKING CAPACITY PUBLIC OW:'\ERSHIP 389886 390694, 3916[5, 393579 PARKING COSTS PUBLIC POLICY 390634 394466 PARKING FACILITIES PUBLIC RELATIONS 393579 38791 1, 3901 36 PARTIAL PRESTRESS PUBLIC SECTOR 394508 387959, 387960 PASSENGER COMFORT PUBLIC SUPPORT 387933 393521 PASSES PUBLIC TRANSIT 386392, 38 7704 386356, 386392, 386963, 386992, 387577 , 3876 1 I. 387703, 387904, 387909, PATRONAGE 3879 11 , 38 79 13. 387951. 387952, 38 7957, 387959, .187960. 389253, 389276, 394373 389886, 389952, 389966. 390114. 390135, 3901 41. 390163. 390168, 390198, PEAK HOUR 390199, 390223. 390638. 390682, 390689, 390694, 39 I 524. 39 l 935, 39 I 941, 387704 39 1967, 392807. 394362. 394373. 394375, 3944 50. 39446R. 395202 PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC TRANS IT AOMINISTRATIO:\ 395202 387959, 38 7960 PEOPLE MOVERS PUERTO RI CO 386397 390638 PERFORMA1"CE EVALUATIO:"i 38695 I , 38795 7, 394468, 394508 Q PERFORMANCE INUICATORS QUALITY CONTROL 387957, 389893, 390 136. 3916 15 , 391935 389887 PERSONNEL QUALITY OF SERVICE 394473, 394474, 394504 3893 16, 394362 PERSONNEL MANAGEME:"iT 390[36 R PITTSBURGH TRANSIT SYSTEM RAILROADS 3898 56 394375 PLANNING RAPIO TRA:-IS IT FACILITIES 387862 389333, 389865. 390686 POLICY RAPJO TRANS IT STATIO:\S 387862 386359 POLICY MAKING RAPID TRA:-ISIT SYSTE!\1S 386359, 390 164, 39 1616, 391935, 394468 387862. 389892. 389982. 39 I 616. J'l 1942 POLITICS RATIONING 38 7909, 390223. 390694. 394466 392937 PRECONSTRUCTION REAL ESTATE 389754 386359. 391616 PREVENTIVE MAI:"iTENA:"iCE REAL ESTATE OE\"ELOP.\IE:-IT 38988 7 389865 PRICING REGI01"Al. PLA:\:","l:'\G 389755, 390168. 392807, 394373 390163, 394526 PRIORITIES REGIONAL PLA:\NI:\G /T RA:\SPORTATIO.V 389884 387577, 39 16 16 PRIORITY /fRAFFIC/ REGIONAL TRA:\SPORTATIO:\ 395248 39 I 942 PRIVATE ENTERPRISE REGULATIONS 389966 387703. 387908 PRIVATE SECTOR REHABILITA no:-. 386359, 386377, 386387, 386392, 386397, 38695 1. 386963, 386992. 387679, .1879.1.l. 390 164. 1906.10. 19 1942 . .19352 1 387703, 387704, 387895. 387904. 387908, 387909, 38791 I. 387933. 38795 I. RELIABILITY 387952, 387957, 387959, 387960. 389316, 3893 17, 389333. 389339, 389.l6 I. 387933, 38987i. 39 1615 389380, 389384. 389403. 389 752, 389754, 389755, 389856, 389865. 389877. REI.OCATIOr-i 389884, 389886. 389982, 389983, 390114. 390135. 390136. 390 14 1. .l90l63. 387577 390164, 390168, 390198, 390199, 390223, 390634, 390638, 390656, 390682, RENOVATl:\G 390686, 390689, 390694, 390705, 39 149 I. 391495. 39 1524. 39 I 6 I 5, .l9 I61 6. 389877 391935, 39194 1. 39 1950, 392807, 392840, 392960, 393068. 393069. .l93520. RENTAL CARS 393521. 393579, 393589, 394376, 394450, 394466, 394468, 394473, 3944 74, 3943 7 3 394481, 394504, 394508, 395202 RESEARCH A;\'D D EVELOP'-·IE:\T PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION 389884 387577, 387611 RESIDE:-ITIAL AREAS PROCUREMENT .187577 387913, 391495, 39 1942, 393520 RETAIL TRADE PRODUCTlVITY 389403 387679, 387904, 389755, 389887, 389893, 390689, 39 1615, 392807. 394473. REVE 'UE 3944 74, 394504, 394508 387679. 394508 PROFITABILITY REVENU E BONDS 386387, 389755, 390168, 390638. 390682. 391 491. 392840 .192960

29 Retrieval Term Index

REVITALIZATION TIMED TRANSFER 389380 390141 RIDERSHIP TOLL ROADS 389384, 390148, 39 1491, 39 1942 386356 RIDESHARING TOOLS 386392, 389754, 389886, 389982, 390 199, 393520 389887 ROUTING TOURISM 386951 389877 RURAL AREAS TRACK STRUCTURES 386992, 389253, 389276, 389316, 390136, 390163, 390638, 390689, 394362, 390630 394376 TRAFFIC 387611 s TRAINING 389884, 392800 SAFE HARBOR LEASING TRANSIT FACILITIES 386356, 386377 389333, 389865, 39014 1 SAFETY TRANSIT OPERATING AGENCIES 389316, 391615, 391941, 394508 386963, 387908, 389893, 390114, 390136, 390656, 392840, 394376, 394385, SALES TAXES 394468, 394473, 394474, 394504, 394508 386377 TRANSIT STATIONS SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL RAILWAY 387960, 389403 387933, 389877, 390630, 393521 TRANSPORTATION SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 387611 389403 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONS SCHOOL BUSES 387960 390136, 390163, 39u689, 391941 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SHARED RIDE TAXICABS 387959, 390164, 390199, 390689, 394375 3893 17 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SHOPPING 389886 387976 TRAVEL DEMAND SHOPPING CENTERS 389276, 389952, 3901 98, 390199, 390634 389403 TRAVEL TIME SMALL CITIES 390634 390135, 390689, 394526 TRENDS SOCIAL BENEFITS 387951 , 387959 386963 SOCIAL NEEDS 387913, 390223, 390694, 394466 u SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES UMT A SECTION 11 386992, 387704, 387909, 387913, 389316, 390136, 391495 390656, 391615, 394468, 394473, 394474, 394504 SOCIOECONOMIC ASPECTS UMTA SECTION 15 389253 39 1615 SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECfS UMTA SECTION 16 387611 39 1495 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT UMT A SECTION 18 389333 390136 SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION UMTA SECTION 3 387577 391950 SPECIFICATIONS UMTA SECTION 6 387909, 395248 387679 STAT E GOVERNMENT UMTA SECTION 8 386356, 387924, 389983, 390136, 390164-, 391495, 39 1935, 393068, 393069, 386951, 389384, 390686, 39 1616, 394481, 394526 393520, 394468, 394526 URBAN AREAS STATE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 389966, 390135, 390638, 394376 395202 URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLANNING 386359, 387911, 387952, 389333, 389403, 389886, 390686 389982, 389983 URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTION BUS SERVICE 389856, 389884, 390694 389361, 389384, 389754, 390656, 394481 URBAN RENEWAL SUBSIDIES 389380, 390686, 39 1950 386356, 386377, 386392, 386992, 387703, 387704, 387913, 389316, 389317, URBAN TRANSPORTATION 390114, 390164-, 391524, 391615, 39 1935, 391941 , 394385, 394450, 394526, 387952, 387957, 389339 395202 URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SUBURBS 389253, 3901 14, 390634, 390682 394362 USER FEES SURVEYS / DATA COLLECTION/ 390223 389380 USER-SIDE SUBSIDIES 387704, 387959, 389952 T TAXATION V 386356, 386377, 386397, 390223 VALUE CAPTURE TAXICABS 389333, 389865 387679, 387976, 389316, 389317, 389339, 389752, 389755, 389952, 390135, VANPOOLS 390168, 391495, 392800, 394373, 394375, 394450 389361, 389754, 389982, 390656, 392937, 393520 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER VANS 389884 393520 TERMINALS /TRANSPORTATION/ VEHICLE DESIGN 387924, 390141 , 391616 390136 TESTING VEHICLE OWNERSHIP 389887 387679

30 Retrieval Term Index

VIRGIN IA WASHIN GTON, D.C. 38791 I 389339, 3897S2 VISIBILITY WORK R ULES 387908 390694, 392800 VOLUNTEERS WORK TRIPS 38931 7 387S77, 387976 WORKING CONDITIONS w 392800 3899S2 z WASHINGTO:'\ M ETROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY ZONING 391616. 392840 389886