S.C.R.T.D. LIBRARY UMT A-DC-06-0492-85-3 UMTRIS 8551 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR UPDATE '85 SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY October 1985 Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service Transportation Research Board National Research Council z 7 :l64 , TB P82 1.985 URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1985 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS Chairman: John A. Clements, President, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobil ity, Washington, D.C. V ice Chairman: Lester A . Hoel, Hamilton Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Ex ecut ive Director: Thomas B. D een, Transportation Research Board MEMBERS Ray A. Barnhart, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio) Joseph M. Clapp, Vice Chairman-Corporate Services, Roadway Services, Inc., Akron, Ohio (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1984) Lawrence D. Dahms, Executive Director, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Oakland. California (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1983) Donald D. En{Jlln, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy {retired), Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of T ransportation (ex official Francis 8. Francois, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transponation Officials, Washington, D .C. (ex officio) Ralph L. Stanley, Administrator, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transponation (ex officio) Diane Steed, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio) George H. Way, Jr., Vice President, Research and Test Department. Association of American Railroads, Washington, D.C. lex officio) Alan A . A ltshuler, Dean, Graduate School of Public Administration. New York University, New York Duane Berentson, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation. Olympia John R. Borchert, Regents Professor, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Robert D. Bugher, Executive Director, American Public Works Association, Chicago, Illinois The Transportation Research Board is a unit of the National Re­ Ernest E. Dean. Executive Director, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, search Council, which serves the National Academy of Sciences and Texas the National Academy of Engineering. The Board's purpose is to Mortimer L. Downey, Deputy Executive Director for Capital stimulate research concerning the nature and performance of Programs, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York transportation systems, to disseminate the information produced by Jack R. Gilstrap, Executive Vice President, American Public Transit the research. and to encourage the application of appropriate Association, Washington. D.C. research findings. The Board's program is carried out by more than 270 committees, task forces, and panels composed of m ore than Mark G. Goode, Engineer-Director, Texas State Department of 3,300 adm inistrators, engineers, social scientists, attorneys, educa• H ighways and Public T ransportation, Austin Wilt;am K . Hellmann, Secretary, Maryland Department of tors, and others concerned with transportation; they serve without Transportation, Baltimore compensation. The program is supported by state transportation Lowell 8 . Jackson, Secretary, Wisconsin Department of and highway depar1ments, the modal administrations of t he U .S. Transportation, Madison Department of Transportation, the Association of American Rail­ roads, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and John B. Kemp, Secretary, Kansas Depanment of Transport ation, Topeka other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation. Alan F. Kiepper, General Manager, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Houston, Texas The National Research Counci l was established by the National C. Commiss ioner, V irginia Department of Highways Harold King, Academy of Sciences ln 1916 to associate the broad community of and Transportation, Richmond science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering Darrell V Mann;ng, Director, Adjutant General, Idaho National knowledge and of advising the federal government. The Council Guard operates in accordance w ith general policies determined by the James E. President and Chief Operating Officer, Martin, Academy under the authority of its congressional charter of 1863, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, Chicago which established the Academy as a private, nonprofit, self­ Fujio Executive Director, Research Corporation of the Matsuda, governing membership corporation. The Council is the principal University of Hawaii, Honolulu operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the James K . M;tche/1, Professor, Department of Civi I Engineering, National Academy of Engineering in the conduct of their services to University of California, Berkeley the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering H. Carl Munson, Vice President for Strategic Planning, The Jr. , communities. It is adm inistered jointly by both Academies and the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash ington Institute of Medicine. The National Academy of Sciences was Milton Pikarskv, Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, established in 1863 by Act of Congress as a private, nonprofit, City College of New York, New York self-governing membership corporation for the furtherance of Walter W. Simpson, Vice President-Engineering, Norfolk Southern science and technology, required to advise the federal government Corporation, Norfolk, Virginia upon request with in its fields of competence. Under its corporate Leo J. Trombatore, D irector, California Department of charter, the Academy established the National Academy of Engi­ Transportation, Sacramento neering in 1964 and the Institute of Medicine in 1970. 1. Report No. 2. Governmen·t Accession No. 3. Recipte-nt' s Catalog No. UMTA-DC-06-0492-85-3 4 . Title and Sub,i tle 5. Report Dole October 1985 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR~ UPDATE '8S (SPEC IAL BIBLIOGRAPHY) 6. Perform ing O rgan, 20t10n Code 8 . Performi ng Organ, zori on Report N o . 7. Author1 sl UMTRIS 85Sl 9. Performing Orgoni 1.otion Nome ond Address 10. Work lJn,t No. (TRA IS) Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service Transportation Research Board 210 1 Constitution Avenue, N_W . 11 . Contract or Grant No. Washington, o_c. 20418 C.A. DC-06-0492 13. Type of Report ond Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Addren Information Services Bibliography Technical Assistance Program 1985 U.S. Department o f Transportation Urban Mass T ransportation Administratio n 14 . Sponsoring Agenc y Code 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 URT-7 15. Supplementary N otes This report supplements the previous edition, Public Transportation and the Private Sector, UMTRJS 84Sl , published in October 1984 and covering the period between 1974 and 1984. This publication is also ava ilable from the TRB Publications Office. 16. Abstract The 111 citations in this Special Bibliography concern the involvement of the private sector in fixed-route transit and paratransit at a time when government support for public transportation is often declining while capital and operating costs are climbing. Until 25 years ago, the private sector was responsible for much of public transit in the United States. In the ensuing years, this situation has turned around completely. Now transit and government agencies are again look- ing to the private sector for possible solutions to some of their problems. The abstracts of technical reports and journal articles in this Special Bibliography are generated from the UMTRIS subfile of the Transportation Research Information Services data base and cover generally the period 1982 to 1985. S.C.R.T.D. LIBRARY 17 . K ■ y Words 18. Di 1tr1 but1on Stat ement Order from : Bib liographies, Urban Transportation Planning, Public Urban Mass Transportation Research Informatio n Service Transit, Private Sector, Para transit, Taxicabs, Contracting, Transportation Research Board Management Practices, Operating Costs, Subsidies Publicatio ns Office 2 101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 19. Securi ty Clouif. ( of th i a report) 20 , Security Claaai I. (of thi s page) 21. No. of Poges 22. Pr1ce- NA NA 3 I $5.00 08 90 1 z 71 6 4 .TB PF.1 2 CONTENTS 1 <?8~'.i r to the citations that appear in this publication. The 1arged for UMTRIS file sea rches and publications re­ ;he primary support from UMTA and t he nonprofit Abstracts of Reports and Journal Articles nature of all TR B information services. Additional informa­ tion may be obtained from U MTRIS. Source Index . 21 Author Index . ... ... ....... .... 24 Retrieval Term Index . 26 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUM ENTS To obtain a full-text report, paper, o r article that is referenced PREFACE by an abstract in the Special Bibliography. contact the docu­ ment distribution center identified by t he availability state­ This Special Bibliography of technical reports and journal ment ("ORDER FROM:") that follows the abstract. If there articles has been produced from the data base of the Urban is no such statement, the address of the publisher or other Mass Transportation Research Informat ion Service (UMTR IS), source may be obtained from the Source Index. Several of which publishes Urban Transportation Abstracts. All cita­ the sources of availability are used frequently and have there­ t ions are related to the use of private-sector resources to fore been abbreviated
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