Banknock, & Longcroft Community Council Minutes of Meeting Thursday 31 May 2018 – Banknock Community Centre

Present: D Henderson; M Henderson; L T Murphy; A Tierney; Cllr J Blackwood; Cllr F Collie; Cllr N Harris; C Wilson;

1.0 Apologies 1.1 S McArthur; G Cowan; Cllr P Garner; 2.0 Police Report 2.1 An e-mailed Report from Police was tabled. Between April 27 and May 31, 2018 - 7 crimes have been reported in the Banknock area. Crimes include 2 x 38 Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 – detected. 2 x Communications Offences – 1 x detected 1 x undetected. 1 x Vandalism – undetected (enquiry ongoing). 1 x breach of bail – detected. Crimes of note – theft of ornamental stone from West Auchincloch Farm – Enquiry ongoing. 2.2 Parking at Mango restaurant in Longcroft and also at Scotmid Store, Haggs continuing to be monitored. 2.3 Community Police Officers worked in partnership with Bankier Primary School and took part in “Stranger Danger” inputs as well as providing Road Safety advice. 2.4 Your view counts – is a survey live on website which allows local communities to ensure that policing is not one size fits all. Police encouraging the public to report drug dealing and anti-social behaviour in the local area. 3.0 Minutes of Previous Meeting 26/04/2018 3.1 Noted and agreed. 4.0 Matters Arising 4.1 Cllr Collie provided updated information on progress re Hall bins and also provided the Trade Waste Charges for 2018 – 2019. 5.0 Secretary’s Report 5.1 Planning Application P/18/0252/FUL extension to house at Wellpark Terrace tabled and noted. 5.2 Consultation on Biodiversity Action Plan noted. 5.3 Notes of CC Convenors meeting tabled for information. 6.0 Treasurers Report 6.1 Treasurer advised balance is £3,093.32 6.2 2017/2018 accounts tabled and approved. 7.0 Banknock Community Hall - Update 7.1 DH advised he had met with Mark Meechan to progress a Business Plan and Constitution. 7.2 Committee also discussed fund raising matters if and when Hall is managed by local community. 7.3 Noted that revenue funding payments from Council would be required for the first two – three years. The A Russell Centre at has received funding since opening. The support from local councillors on this matter will be welcomed. 8.0 Planning Bill 8.1 Matter discussed and noted that - (a) existing procedures allow comment/objections to applications; (b) existing procedures provide for “call-in” (by elected Councillors) of applications where there is any issue concerning the delegated process – in which case the matter is determined by Councillors;(d) there is already right of appeal to the Court of Session to Appeal a Planning Decision; (e) in Ireland about 10% of applications now go to a further appeal stage; (f) Planning Aid and RTPI do not support the proposal. Agreed there may be a case for Community Councils being able to appeal however there should be clarity on the definition of the “Community Groups” who would be allowed right of appeal. Further, a calculation and explanation of who would fund the cost (council taxpayers? Income tax payers?) of the additional staff to deal with about 70 extra planning appeals each year in the FC area is also needed. It appears that the present proposal would allow almost any third party appellant/objector(via a “community group”) to obstruct or promote a development at no cost to themselves – with all costs being met by the public purse irrespective of the outcome. 9.0 Allandale Development 9.1 Provisional revised site layout was tabled showing access to the proposed new football facilities without passing through the residential area. No additional information otherwise.

10.0 AOCB 10.1 MH had contacted Julie Cunningham (Practice Manager for Banknock & Medical Centre) who replied advising Walk -In Clinic will cease to operate from 30th June and practice will revert to appointments system. Appointments will be shared between Banknock and Bonnybridge in the morning, but afternoon appointments will be at Bonnybridge only. The practice now only has 4 doctors instead of 7 but the vacancies are still being advertised. Dr Edmund retired in August 2017, Dr Lamont left in April 2018 and Dr Sharma is due to leave in September 2018. 10.2 Road disrepairs – road defects/potholes at Coneypark, Hollandbush and Garngrew Road highlighted as examples; long term deterioration of “scheme” roads and “C” class countryside roads also mentioned. Council are doing repairs but general agreement is that more resource/action needed re roads maintenance. 10.3 Wyndford Road Closure and works on A803 Road ; Information from Michael Mathieson MSP considered re Wyndford and noted a Falkirk Council Area Roads Engineer has informed MM that long term or permanent closure of Wyndford Road “does not have serious consequences as there are reasonable alternative routes”. Agreed that it is difficult for BHLCC to make any progress on re-opening of Wyndford Road when FC official is advising our MSP that Permanent Closure does not have any serious consequences. 11.0 Next Meeting 11.1 Next meeting will be held in Banknock Community Hall at 7.00pm on Thursday 30th August 2018.

MH/DH 20/06/2018