Dr habil Paul A. Yule, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg,
[email protected] 10/14/2020 Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients - Semitistik Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Schulgasse 2 D-69117 Heidelberg Email:
[email protected] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7517-5839 ANNOTATED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF DR PAUL A. YULE I books West Asia, Arabia, Ethiopia 1‒4 I articles, reviews, internet, Oman, Yemen, Ethiopia 4‒25 II books & articles South Asia 25‒31 III book & articles Aegean 31‒33 IV other thematic areas 33‒34 V lectures 35‒43 VI editing, symposia, posters, exhibitions, television, radio, translation 43‒46 I. West Asia, Arabia, East Africa A. Books 1. N. al-Jahwari – P. Yule – Kh. Douglas – B. Pracejus – M. al-Balushi – N. al-Hinai – Y. al- Rahi – A. Tigani al-Mahi, The Early Iron Age metal hoard from the Al Khawd area (Sultan Qaboos University) Sultanate of Oman, under evaluation. Report of a hoard of copper-base Early Iron Age artefacts which came to light during landscaping on the SQU campus. The classification of metallic artefacts is updated. 2. tarikh al-yaman al-qadim ḥmyr / Himyar/Late Antique Yemen, Aichwald 2019g, ISBN 978- 3-929290-36-3 Enlarged and corrected Arabic-English edition of the German-English book published in 2007. 3. Himyar Spätantike im Jemen, Beiheft/Late antique Yemen, Beiheft / Supplement, Aichwald 2019f, ISBN 978-3-929290-41-7 This bilingual pamphlet updates the book of 2007 regarding Himyar. 4. P. Yule ‒ G. Gernez (eds.), Early Iron Age metal-working workshop in the Empty Quarter, Sultanate of Oman, waršat taṣnīʿ- al maʿādin fī al-ʿaṣr al-ḥadīdī al-mubakkir, fī ar-Rubʿ al- Ḫālī, muqāṭaʿat aẓ-Ẓāhiira aalṭanat ʿmmān taḥrīr: Būl ʾA.