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Ñ¤Ç ÑÀÍÚÀÒÈ ÆÓÐÍÀËÈ JOURNAL OF WORD ART ÆÓÐÍÀË ÈÑÊÓÑÑÒÂÎ ÑËÎÂÀ THE AUTHOR OF THE "KROMOY TEYMUR" TRAGEDY IS HUSEYN JAVID HISTORICAL Asgerzade Lutviyya Baku. Az-1143. Huseyn Javid Avenue, 115 Academy city Main building, V floor Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literature The lead researcher, philology [email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.26739/prefix For citation: Asgerzade Lutviyya. The author of the "kromoy teymur" Tragedy is Huseyn Javid Historical. International Journal of Word Art. 2018, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 33-38 http://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9297-2018-1-4 Êåëèá òóøãàí ñàíà 20 ÿíâàð, 2018 Ýúëîí ³èëèíãàí ñàíà 20 ôåâðàë, 2018. ANNOTATION The article is about, Javid's appealing to historical and human themes and his expedient approach to history, in "Topal Teymur" bringing to the stage turk history "nationality" feeling, modern for idea "Peygamber", "İblis", Sayavuş" tragedies deals his propogate freedom, panturkism, truth and justice idea and shows the considerable reason of history and historical rules in his activity. While writing Javid's works, he cited more historical truths, gave wide coverage to historical issues in his work, and along with his pride, beauty and majesty, the Orient also enriched with glorious history and cunning, warlike, fearless, irreplaceable, proud rulers. In the art of Hawaii, the Eastern theme was not only a fable, but also a literary-artistic trend. The essence of the practice of co-ordination is that it is not the subject of the East. In this sense, great stories, such as stories written by great artists, cunnings, stories in their works, and especially the heroes, are able to embody the moral and spiritual principles of the East. The subject of Islam serves to the artistic expression of the East theme for the monkeys. He emphasized that Islam is the subject of Islam as well as one of the key pillars of Turanism in the art of Ja'viddin, who emphasized the subject of Islam as an expression of the Orientalism, the unity and integrity of the Turkic world. In general, talking about the art of Ja'vid, you can do it, in fact, from history. Because of the fact that he has a look at his paintings, there are historical figures such as East Fate, Eastern Thinker, Eastern Prophet, Oriental Lover, Eastern Singer. Keywords: The author of the tragedy of "Kromoy Teymur", Huseyn Javid, "Kromoy Teymur", "Prophet" and "Khayyam" in "Siyavush", historian. 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Óíèíã ñóðàòëàðèãà íàçàð òàøëàéäèãàí á´ëñàê, "Øàð³ ìóòàôàêêèðè", "Øàð³ µîôèçè", "Øàð³ ïàé²àìáàðè", "Øàð³îíà îøè³" êàáè òàðèõèé øàõñëàð áîð. Êàëèò ñ´çëàð: "Êðîìîé Òåéìóð" òðàãåäèÿñèíèíã ìóàëëèôè, ¥óñàéí Æàâèä, "Êðîìî Òåéìóð", "Ïàé²àìáàð", "¥àé¸ì" âà "Ñè¸âóø" òàðèõèé. ENTRY In Azerbaijan in the 1930s, which was The great artist Hü seyn Javid wrote his works considered as the peak of ungodliness, God and in history and wrote valuable historical works. As the prophet had been replaced by Stalin in his the subject of his imprisonment was denied by artistic literature. That was the case in real life. In the East-Islam, the writer was exposed to such controversial and difficult times, the persecution, pressure and criticism, and repressed mujahideen, the "messenger of Javid", who did against him. not betray his conscience, had the Prophet, the 34 Asgerzade Lutviyya Ñ´ç ñàíúàòè æóðíàëè / Journal of Word Art / Æóðíàë Èñêóññòâî Ñëîâà Amir Teymur in "Kromoy Teymur" and appears to be a misfortune, the power of the "Khayyam" in Khayyam. Undoubtedly, it did not masses of people, revolutionary labor and satisfy the teachers of the time. Javid Efendi, disobedience, hopelessness, the rule of the who created real literature with his valuable nation"3 - he deserved the critic. However, in works, turned his back on history to express the "Kromoy Teymur" there was neither truth of his era. The curiosity of Javid Efendi on "misfortune", nor "force of the masses of the history and historical issues was, in essence, the people." The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam words "the author's long history to tell the truth was bound to the past of his people and did not of the day"1. Political leader Mammad Amin believe in the future of the people who had no Rasulzadeh in his "Contemporary Azerbaijani past. For this reason, one of the issues that tackled Literature", he considers the author's historical him was the issue of history and history. The Emir and universal appeal as purposeful, in contrast of the East, Amir Teymur, who captured Javid to Soviet critics who criticize Javid Efendi's failure Efendi as a key hero in the Kromoy Teymur, is to hold the pulse of life, in Turkish "Kromoy also one of such historical figures. True, even Teymur" as well as promoting the sense of before the Javid, Amir Teymur is an English "nationality by bringing the history back to the playwright, Christopher Marlo, "Great scene, the so-called "Prophets", "Khayyam" and Tamerlan" in the World Literature, and Mammad "Sayavush" tragedies have been promoted as Said Ordubadi, two-dimensional "Timurlang and "freedom", "Turkism" and "patriotism"2. Yildirim Beyazit" play in Azerbaijani literature. HUSEYN JAVID'S HISTORICAL However, Amir Teymur, from Cavid's "Kromoy The appeal of Javid Efendi to the history, on Teymur", is one of the most prominent of the the one hand, was needed to express his thoughts East Fethiye Amir Teymur Turkish Sultan on the other hand, if he came from the love and Yildirim Beyazid. While characterizing both fateh the history of the East. For this reason, his work with all its features, the new human-minded creates a lot of historical and social issues, because practices, as well as the lessons learned from the Javid was primarily in pursuit of truth, justice teachings of the poets, also involved the idea of and sovereignty. And it is possible to watch these the poet. Two Eastern rulers met each other in features in all its creativity. One of the works he the pyezid. The other heroine of the work, Amir has ever touched on national and human Teymur, is wise and versatile. Its main focus is problems in his creative work is that he never on the political and economic goal. Teymur is lost his sense of social responsibility to the people, able to estimate the enemy as well as to unite his belief in the future, and was one of the works different countries in his own impetus. The he wrote in the East in 1926, which he wrote in triumphs that Teymur has done are not staggering. his book "Kromoy Teymur", which his Orient The line is sometimes fair. On the one hand, was proud of, his beauty and majesty. "the most spectacular scenes to see horrors of The works of the Soviet era, which had been the horrors are Teymur. On the one hand, all his unearthed by the revolutionaries of the Solar era work in Samarkand does not mean conquest and revolution, were not satisfied by the Soviet, and victory, as a work of art, but on the one hand, were criticized by critics. Because the period was the essence of the Teymur, which is from all a time when the country itself was in a state of these works.