Chicago Telephone Company's Game
THE VOLUME NINE NUMBER NINE In This Issue- ''Machine Switching for the Bell System'' Subscrib~ r1 11 Dial By Bancroft Gherardi, Vice-President and Chief Engineer, and Harry P. Charlesworth, Equipment and Transmission Engineer, of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. APRIL. 1920 SAVE COAL The X-Ray Reflector SAVE LABOR SAVE MATERIAL i.n the with Luminous Bowl POWERS The X-Ray silver-mirrored reflec tor used inside the X-Ray luminous bowl fixture gives true indirect HEAT REGULATION lighting. The diagram below illustrates the Your' employees, in office or shop, work better, with way this principle is worked out fewer mistake; and accident.>, when the room temperature the mirror reflector inside the· bowl and the porcelain cup at the bottom is automatically kept right. of the reflector which allows suffi A~:tomatic control in processes involving heat saves cient light through it to illuminate labor a.nd rr:aterial. the bowl itself. The result is a flood of mellow, Controlling heat at the point of use saves <:oal and evenly diffused light to the furthest labor, !besides improving output in quality -and quan corner of the room. tity. Write lor our new booklet on oHice Ask us to prove it to you at ur risk. lighting-Serial No. 134 THE POWERS REGULATOR CO. Specialists in Automatic Heat Control 973 Arehitecta Bldg., Ne w York 2162 M all.ers Bldg., Chicago 384 The Fo>deral St. Bldg., Booton The Canadian Powers Regulator National X-Ray Reflector Co. Co., Ltd. New York CHICAGO San Franciaco Toronto, Ont. (1211) W~~BASB 640 l'vill put you in toucn with per sonal and experienced insur "less cost per day of service" amce service for getting most reasonable rates and broadest ELEPHONE MEN the T world over know how the protection for your property, Columbia Gray Label proves household goods, automobile, the old adage that "talk is baggage and jewelry against cheap." Columbias are built to make the line talk up with a fire and theft.
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